Tag: Walt Disney

  • The Disney Garage

    The Walt Disney Garage-7494

    Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows that I am obsessed with all things Disney – especially Disneyland.  I can hardly pass by the “Disneyland Drive” sign on the 5 Freeway without feeling a twitch.  Not surprisingly, whenever I find myself in Orange County, my only interest is visiting the park and spending every waking moment there.  I am definitely a show-up-before-opening-stay-until-closing-and-then-spend-an-extra-hour-on-Main-Street kind of girl.  As such I’ve never really ventured out to do much stalking in the area.  One local spot I’d been dying to see for ages, though, was the Disney Garage, aka Walt Disney’s very first animation studio which is on permanent display at the Stanley Ranch Museum in Garden Grove about two miles south of the Happiest Place on Earth.  I finally got my chance last March thanks to a doctor appointment in the OC that I accompanied my dad to.  While there was not enough time during our quick trip to allow for a Disney day, I made sure to schedule a stop at Stanley Ranch and we headed right on over there upon arriving in town.


    I briefly covered the story of the Disney Garage in a May 2014 Scene it Before post for Los Angeles magazine, but a more thorough recap is in order here.  Upon returning home to Missouri after serving in World War I, Walt secured a job at the Kansas City Slide Company which produced both live-action and animated film advertisements.  The work fascinated the 18-year-old and it wasn’t long before he was creating his own animations using a borrowed camera in his father’s garage.  (Garages seem to be a theme in young Walt’s life.)  In 1921, Disney partnered with cartoonist Ub Iwerks and under the label Laugh-O-Gram Films started producing shorts including one about a live-action character named Alice who lived in a cartoon world.  The company failed after less than two years and in July 1923 Walt headed west to Los Angeles, where he rented a room at $5 a week from his uncle Robert who lived at 4406 Kingswell Avenue in Los Feliz.  (That’s Uncle Robert’s house pictured below.)  Of the move, he said, “I packed all of my worldly goods – a pair of trousers, a checkered coat, a lot of drawing materials and the last of the fairy-tale reels we had made – in a kind of frayed cardboard suitcase.  And with that wonderful audacity of youth I went to Hollywood, arriving there with just 40 dollars.”

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    Walt Disney Kingswell Avenue House-1050797

    After a brief stint trying to break into the production world, Walt returned to his original passion, transforming his uncle’s small detached garage into a make-shift animation studio, which Robert charged him an additional $1 a week to use.  Fashioning a cartoon stand out of lumber and plywood boxes, Disney got to work creating cartoon gag reels with the hope that he could sell them to the Pantages Theatre chain to play before movies.  You can check out some historic photos of the garage, which was formerly located down the driveway on the home’s east side, here and here.

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    Walt Disney Kingswell Avenue House-1050796

    The Pantages plan was abandoned when producer Margaret Winkler tapped Disney to create more Alice cartoons (which later became known as the Alice Comedies) in October 1923.  In conjunction with the deal, Walt partnered with his brother, Roy, and moved his studio out of his uncle’s garage and into the back of a real estate office located down the street at 4651 Kingswell Avenue.  By February 1924, the brothers needed more space and secured a lease on the storefront next door at 4649 Kingswell.  Today, that spot, which has since been renumbered 4647, houses a print shop named Extra Copy (pictured below).  It is the Kingswell building that The Walt Disney Company officially recognizes as Walt’s first studio.  He wasn’t there long, though.

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    Walt Disney Kingswell Avenue Studio-2477

    A little over a year later, the brothers put down a deposit on some vacant land on Hyperion Avenue in Los Feliz and proceeded to build a small single-story studio which they moved into in January 1926.  As the company grew, so did the space.  In his book The Art of Disney: From Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms, Christopher Finch says, “It was constantly being expanded.”  (Sadly, that site was torn down in 1966 and a Gelson’s Market currently stands in its place.)  The brothers eventually ran out of room to expand any further at that location and switched their sights to Burbank where they purchased 51 acres and began construction on a much larger studio.  The company moved to their new digs at 500 South Buena Vista Street about a year later.  The Walt Disney Company still calls the site home today.  I was lucky enough to tour it in July 2009.  The photos below are from that visit.

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    But back to the garage.  In 1981, a foamer named Paul Maher was perusing old photographs of historic sites and came across an image of Uncle Robert’s garage.  A stalker at heart, Maher decided he had to see the place in person and headed over to Kingswell Avenue the next morning.  What he found shocked him.  Not only was the bungalow undergoing a renovation in order to be turned into a rental, but the famous garage was set to be razed.  Thankfully, Paul stepped in.  He quickly tracked down the residence’s owner who offered to sell him the standalone, single-car structure for $6,400 – if he agreed to also become her new tenant.  He moved in shortly thereafter.  Maher soon ran into financial problems, though, and had to vacate the premises.  He subsequently put the garage up for auction for $10,000, but incredibly there were no takers.  As fate would have it, Art Adler, the senior contractor for the purchasing department at Disneyland, happened to be at the auction and couldn’t bear the thought of Walt’s former studio being lost to the ages.  He started chatting up other auction-goers asking them to chip in funds to save the structure and quickly had $8,500 in hand thanks to a band of 8 people who were promptly dubbed “Friends of Walt Disney.”  The group later grew to 18 members, all of whom worked tirelessly to preserve the garage.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7426

    All the Friends of Walt Disney needed now was a place to display the structure.  The group contacted several museums, including the Smithsonian Institution and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, but none could guarantee the garage a permanent exhibition space.  Art finally approached the Stanley Ranch Museum, run by the Garden Grove Historical Society, and the organization was thrilled to accept the piece.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7432

    The historical society quickly got to work in preparing the 12-by-18-foot structure for its new home.  A concrete slab was poured, broken slats were replaced, protective weather coating was added, and Disney memorabilia was set up inside.  (You can take a peek at the interior here).  The restored garage was dedicated on October 20th, 1984.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7430 

    Even though Walt technically created the first Alice short in his father’s garage and even though The Walt Disney Company doesn’t officially recognize it, Uncle Robert’s garage is though of by most fans as Walt’s first studio.  Of the structure’s importance, Adler said, “He may not have done a lot of work here, but this is where he started – and that’s what counts.  It is important that this garage be preserved so children can look at the humble beginnings of a man who would later create an empire that brought happiness and joy to children all over the world.  It’s a way to tell kids that you can start from nothing and, in a relatively short time, achieve great things.”

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7428

    In the interest of being thorough – and to provide some armchair tourism for those who can’t make it out to Stanley Ranch Museum themselves – I snapped photos of each of the garage’s four sides.  That’s its west side below.

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    There’s the rear.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7467

    And the pics below are the best I could get of the east side.

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    The Disney Garage is hardly the only historical structure located on the grounds of the Stanley Ranch Museum.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7470

    The open air site was originally the family home/ranch of horticulturist Edward G. Ware.  In 1970, Ware’s daughter, Lillian Agnes Stanley, donated the two-acre parcel to the Garden Grove Historical Society.  The following year, Stanley’s son gifted the group Ware’s original 1892 residence, a barn, a tank house, and his own Craftsman-style pad.  And thus, a museum was born.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7465

    Since that time several of the area’s most historic homes and structures have been donated and moved to the site.  The museum now boasts 17 buildings, including one of the city’s first post offices, originally opened in 1877;

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    a former Main Street storefront that housed an electric shoe store and a barber shop at various times;

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7487

    a replica of a firehouse once located on Garden Grove Boulevard;

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7434

    . . . and many others.

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    The Walt Disney Garage-7459

    Cloaked in history, Stanley Ranch Museum is a fabulous place for both Disney and non-Disney fans alike to enjoy a sunny Southern California day.

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    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Stanley Ranch Museum, the home of the famous Disney Garage, is located at 12174 Euclid Street in Garden Grove.  Tours are offered the first and third Sunday of every month at 1:30 p.m., so plan accordingly.  Robert Disney’s house, where the garage was originally located, can be found at 4406 Kingswell Avenue in Los Feliz.  Extra Copy, aka Walt Disney’s first official studio, is located just three blocks west at 4647 Kingswell.

  • The “Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps” Tour

    Walking in Walt's Disneyland Footsteps Tour (13 of 29)

    I have long considered myself a Disneyland expert (or a “foamer” – a term I learned from Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, that refers to those who foam at the mouth over all things Disney).  I have visited The Happiest Place on Earth more times than I can count and know its layout like the back of my hand.  I even had the amazing opportunity to dine at the park’s ultra-exclusive Club 33 back in 2009.  So I was shocked when fellow stalkers Kim, Lavonna, Katie and Kaylee, while preparing for their June trip to Los Angeles, told me they were buying tickets for the Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps tour, during which guests are taken inside Walt Disney’s Main Street apartment.  I had no idea such a tour existed (though James Franco did) or that visitors were ever allowed inside the hallowed walls of the Disney apartment!  Kim and Lavonna were nice enough to gift me with a Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps ticket for my birthday and we wound up spending two glorious days at The Happiest Place on Earth, of which the tour was the definite highlight.


    The tour, which lasted about three hours, kicked off at the Disneyland Tour Gardens kiosk on Main Street, where we were introduced to our guide and each given a headset to wear.  The excursion included a free lunch and, upon arrival, we were asked to choose a meal.  Several dining options were available, including Chicken Salad, Caprese and Roasted Turkey sandwiches, as well as Roasted Vegetable and Jolly Holiday salads.  Desert was also included.  Our group was especially excited about the White Chocolate Matterhorn Macaroons.

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    The tour got started promptly at 9:30 a.m. and we headed down Main Street, U.S.A. . . .

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    . . . towards Sleeping Beauty Castle.  Along the way, we stopped at several spots and were told historical anecdotes about Walt’s creation of the park.  There were even sound clips of some of Walt’s speeches that were played at key locations throughout our journey.  I got goose bumps listening to his Fantasyland dedication while standing in the shadow of the Sleeping Beauty Castle.  Fantasyland was the land dearest to Walt’s heart and the last to be unveiled on Disneyland’s opening day, July 17th, 1955.  In his speech, he said, “Now the plaque reserved for last.  A few words of dedication for the happiest kingdom of them all, Fantasyland.  Here is the world of imagination, hopes and dreams.  In this timeless land of enchantment, the age of chivalry, magic and make-believe are reborn and fairy tales come true.  Fantasyland is dedicated to the young and the young-at-heart, to those who believe that when you wish upon a star, your dreams do come true.”  The castle’s drawbridge was then lowered and the 28,000 guests present that day allowed to venture forth into Fantasyland.  Yep, you read that right – the Sleeping Beauty Castle drawbridge is operable!  It has only been publicly lowered twice, though – on opening day and then again almost thirty years later, upon the unveiling of Fantasyland’s 1983 remodel.

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    Our guide took us through almost every square inch of the park, sharing details and stories each step of the way.  I should point out here that it is a walking tour and, boy, did we do a lot of it!  If you decide to partake of Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps yourself, be sure to wear comfortable shoes!

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    Because it was our second full day at Disneyland, the stroll really took it out of us.  I turned around during one of our stops to see Kim like this.  Smile

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    The Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps tour included a visit to two attractions – and yes, we got to skip the line both times!  At one point, we passed by someone who said, “Those people are on some sort of VIP tour.”  Yep, that’s how we roll!  The first ride we were taken to was Peter Pan’s Flight, one of my all-time favorites.  The ride was also one of Walt’s favorites and has been in operation since Disneyland’s opening day, which is incredible to me!  I was so thankful that we got to bypass that particular line as it is invariably one of the park’s longest, no matter what time of day.

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    The second “ride” we got to experience was Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln at the Main Street Opera House, which, as luck would have it, was the attraction that Lavonna most wanted to see while visiting the park due to its appearance in a Season 3 episode of Modern Family.

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    In the episode, aptly titled “Disneyland,” Jay Pritchett (Ed O’Neill) drags his family to watch Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, which holds special meaning for him thanks to a visit he had there with his children, Mitchell Pritchett (Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Claire Dunphy (Julie Bowen), when they were young.



    Sadly, our experience was not as favorable as Jay’s.  The show features a short film about the life of Abraham Lincoln and then culminates with an animatronic version of the former president delivering a mash-up of several of his famous speeches.  Our guide had really talked up the fabulous and technologically-advanced animatronics used to create Honest Abe.  Too bad we never got to see it.


    As the music flared into a loud crescendo and the curtain pulled back to reveal the Lincoln figurine, something went awry.  While we heard the former president’s voice, all that we saw during his speech was a black hole of darkness and two hazy lights.  (Yes, I took a picture of it.)  None of the Disney cast members noticed anything was wrong – not even our tour guide, who was texting at the time – and the unseen Abe was allowed to finish out his speech in obscurity.  Our group kept looking over at Lavonna who was NOT a happy camper at that point.  The rest of us were in hysterics, though.

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    At the end of Abe’s speech, the music swelled, the curtain fell and a graphic reading “America, Keep on Dreaming” appeared, while a hologram of an eagle flew in front of us.  At that point we all pretty much died laughing (well, excluding Lavonna) and “Keep on Dreaming” became our catchphrase for the rest of the trip.

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    As we walked out of the theatre into the Opera House lobby, our guide apologized for the mishap and then led us through an exit hallway, where we were shown photographs of Disney and plaques displaying some of his famous quotes.  It was at that point that she told us about Walt’s sudden passing on December 15th, 1966.  It was a somber moment and I had tears in my eyes as she spoke of Roy Disney saying goodbye to his beloved brother while standing at the foot of his hospital bed.

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    In a bit of unfortunate timing, at that same moment a Disney cast member came out to shut down Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln “due to technical difficulties.”  When she posted a sign reading, “This attraction is currently unavailable,” we could not suppress our laughter.  Our guide was NOT amused at our hysterics and probably would have kicked us out had the tour not been nearing its end point.  We, of course, had to pose for a photo in front of the sign before heading out of the theatre.  Keep on dreaming, Lavonna!

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    Then came the moment we had all been waiting for – the visit to the Walt Disney apartment.  The dwelling is situated on the second floor of the Disneyland Fire Station.  In its central window, which overlooks Main Street, is the famous Disney lamp.  For those not in the know, whenever Walt visited the park, the lamp in that window would be turned on to alert cast members to his presence.  Upon his death, the lamp was lit permanently in his memory.  Every time I enter Disneyland, I make sure to look up at the lamp, so the thought of seeing it from the other side of the window was almost too much excitement for me to bear.

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    Walt’s apartment is reached via a set of outdoor stairs located behind a locked gate to the right of the Fire Department.  The studio is tiny (500 square feet!) and consists of one room and one bathroom.  The main room features a small kitchenette, two large couches that convert into single beds (where Walt and Lillian would sleep when visiting the park) and a few sitting areas.  The bathroom, which boasts pink tiling, is comprised of a toilet, sink and shower.  The apartment also has a fairly large back patio.  The Victorian-themed space was decorated by Academy Award-winning Disney set designer Emile Kuri.  While most of the original furniture has been removed (some of it is housed at The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco), the look has been kept reminiscent of how it was in Disney’s day.  You can see a photograph of Walt in the apartment here and you can check out some great pictures of the interior here.  Venturing inside was definitely a magical experience – one that I will never forget.  (Sadly, we were only permitted to take one photograph while there.)

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    After the tour, we were served lunch at the Jolly Holiday Café.  The Roasted Vegetable & Whole Grain Salad (recipe here) I had ordered was fabulous.  And the much-anticipated Matterhorn Macaroons did not disappoint.  Sadly though, I was not able to partake of them.  Darn diabetes!

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    I cannot more highly recommend taking the Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps tour.  Even for a Disneyphile like me who knows everything there is to know about the park, it was an informative and mesmerizing experience.  Well, aside from the Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln debacle, that is.  (Pictured below is the commemorative pin that guests are given following the tour.)

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    Walking in Walt's Disneyland Footsteps Tour (2 of 2)

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Big THANK YOU to Kim and Lavonna for not only finding out about the tour, but for booking it for us!  Smile

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Walk in Walt’s Disneyland Footsteps guided tour is offered everyday at 9:30 a.m.  Tickets are $109 per person, but 20% discounts are available to Disneyland Annual Passholders and AAA members.  Tickets can be purchased 30 days in advance by calling (714)781-TOUR.  You can find out more information about the tour here.

  • The Sierra Bonita Apartments from “Mulholland Dr.”


    Another Haunted-Hollywood-type location that I found thanks to fellow stalker/David Lynch aficionado Brad, from the Brad D Studios website, was the fictionally-named “Sierra Bonita” apartment complex –  the fairy-tale-style property that was featured in one of the more intense and terrifying scenes from the surrealist director’s incredibly odd 2001 thriller Mulholland Dr. Brad had posted a brief write-up of the unique Silverlake-area site just last week and, because I had stalked and blogged about Le Borghese, the other apartment building featured in the flick, way back in February of 2009, I immediately added the place to my “To-Stalk” list and dragged the Grim Cheaper out there to see it just a few days later.

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    The complex, which consists of eight small, wood-shingled bungalows built around a central courtyard, was originally designed by Ben Sherwood in 1931.  Ironically enough, as you can see above, in real life there is nothing whatsoever spooky or macabre about the location.  On the contrary, the bungalow court is actually quite charming and idyllic in person and seems far more Disney-esque than “Lynchian”, as David Lynch’s movies have come to be described.


    Legend has it, in fact, that the bungalows were once occupied by Walt Disney Studios animators and that the storybook-like architecture served as the inspiration for the Seven Dwarf’s cottage in the very first full-length animated feature film, 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. According to the “Ask Chris” column which appeared in the December 2006 issue of Los Angeles Magazine, Walt Disney Archive founder Dave Smith confirmed that director Hamilton Luske and animators Dick Lundy, Lee Morehouse, and Fred Moore all did occupy the complex once upon a time, which makes sense being that the original Walt Disney Studios was located a stone’s throw away on Hyperion Boulevard, where Gelson’s Market now stands.  Because the apartments do bear a strong resemblance to the Seven Dwarf’s cottage, Chris suggests that the animators “might have taken their home to work with them”. Winking smile Thanks to the Snow White lore, the bungalows have come to be known as the “Snow White Cottages” or the “Disney Cottages”, although they have no official name.

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    The fact that David Lynch even thought to transform such a picturesque spot into a place so sinister and foreboding – solely using camera angles, a few set pieces, and some carefully timed bars of music, mind you – speaks volumes about the director’s massive creative genius.  He also somehow managed to make the property look huge on film, when, in reality, it is incredibly small and sits on a plot of land that measures less than two-tenths of an acre.


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    In Mulholland Dr., the Sierra Bonita Apartments are where budding actress Betty Elms (aka Naomi Watts) and her amnesiac new friend Rita (aka Laura Harring) search for a mysterious stranger named Diane Selwyn.  When Betty and Rita first arrive at Sierra Bonita, their taxi drives past the front of the complex, down a side alley located just north of the complex, and then drops them off in the rear of the property where the carports are located.

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    The carport area is pictured above and, as you can see, even it is picturesque!  I can honestly say that was the first time in history I have ever seen a cute carport!

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    Betty and Rita then walk through the Disney-esque tower located at the back of the complex.  A fake wall and apartment directory were set up in that area for the filming, which blocked the rest of the property from view.


    That tower is pictured above.


    According to the directory, Diane Selwyn lives in Apartment Number 12 in the complex’s West Courtyard.  In reality, though, the property only has one courtyard.

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    Betty and Rita then make their way along meandering pathways and through maze-like foliage to Apartment 12.  It was here that David Lynch employed tricky camera work and the magic of Hollywood to make the complex appear to be much larger than it actually is.  To borrow a phrase from the British, I was absolutely gobsmacked when I arrived at the property and saw how miniscule it was.


    Lynch also had a fake wall and gate installed at the front of the property, along Griffith Park Boulevard, which you can see in the background of the above screen capture.

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    The fake gate was built behind the complex’s real life gate, which can also be seen in the movie.

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    When Betty knocks on the door to Apartment 12, she is told that Diane Selwyn has recently moved into Apartment 17.

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    The bungalow used as Apartment 12 is actually numbered 2912 1/2 in real life and is the complex’s northwestern-most unit.  It is located right on Griffith Park Boulevard and can be easily viewed from the street.

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    When Betty and Rita arrive at Apartment 17, they discover that no one is home and wind up breaking into the unit through a side window.

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    In real life, Apartment 17 is the bungalow numbered 2910 and it is located at the northeastern-most edge of the complex.

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    The window that Betty breaks into is pictured above.

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    I am fairly certain that the interior that was shown in the movie was just a set as the spacing of the windows in the kitchen area does not match up to the spacing of the windows on the exterior of the actual bungalow.  You can check out some photographs of one of the actual apartment interiors on fave website CurbedLA here.

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    In the Season 2 episode of My Name Is Earl titled “Sticks & Stones”, the “Snow White Cottages” were used extensively as “Shady Grove”, where Maggie Lester, aka The Bearded Lady (aka Judy Greer), and her carnival friends lived.

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    Maggie lived in the bungalow numbered 2906 1/2 in the episode.


    That bungalow is pictured above.

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    I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the unit was also used in the filming.  How incredibly cute is Maggie’s place, by the way?!?!  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to live there!


    On a Mulholland Dr. side-note – Justin Theroux, my girl Jen Aniston’s current boyfriend, played the lead role of director Adam Kesher in the film.

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Brad, from the Brad D Studios website, for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Snow White Cottages - Los Feliz

    Stalk It: The “Sierra Bonita Apartments” from Mulholland Dr. are located at 2900 Griffith Park Boulevard in Silverlake.  The units which were used in Mulholland Dr. are denoted with pink arrows in the above aerial view – Apartment #12 is actually the bungalow numbered 2912 1/2 and Apartment #17 is the bungalow numbered 2910.  Maggie’s apartment from My Name Is Earl is denoted with a blue arrow in the above aerial view and is numbered 2906 1/2 in real life.

  • Jack Rabbit Slim’s Restaurant from “Pulp Fiction”


    This past Tuesday night, I received a very exciting text from fellow stalker Chas, from the It’sFilmedThere website, letting me know that one of his readers had finally, finally tracked down the exterior of the fictional Jack Rabbit Slim’s restaurant where Mia Wallace (aka Uma Thurman) took Vincent Vega (aka John Travolta) for dinner in the 1994 movie Pulp Fiction.  When I first saw Pulp Fiction just about seventeen years ago, I thought Jack Rabbit Slim’s, which Vincent describes as a “wax museum with a pulse”, was just about the coolest place ever!  With its slot car race tracks, wait staff dressed up to resemble stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Mamie Van Doren, and James Dean, and booths fashioned out of classic cars, the restaurant could not have been more up my alley!  In fact, the diner was one of the places I most wanted to stalk upon moving to Los Angeles a little over a decade ago.  So imagine my surprise – and total devastation – when I found out that it was not a real place, but a set that had been created solely for the filming of the movie.  Such an incredible bummer!  I always thought the producers should have built a real Jack Rabbit Slim’s restaurant after the movie became so successful, but, alas, they never did.  Why oh why do I always have to think of everything?  Winking smile Anyway, I could NOT have been more excited about Chas’ news, so I ran right out to stalk the place yesterday afternoon.

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    The exterior of Jack Rabbit Slim’s only showed up very briefly in Pulp Fiction, in the scene in which Vincent takes Mia out for dinner at a place of her choosing at the behest of her husband, Marsellus Wallace (aka Ving Rhames).



    It is while out in front of Jack Rabbit Slim’s that Vincent begs Mia to take him to another restaurant so that he can get a steak, to which Mia replies, “You can get a steak here, Daddio.   Don’t be a . . . “ and she then proceeds to draw a square on the screen with her fingers, which was one of my very favorite moments of the film.

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    At the time of the filming, the building which stood in for Jack Rabbit Slim’s was a recently-shuttered bowling alley named Grand Central Bowl, which you can see photographs of here.  The property is currently owned by The Walt Disney Disney Company and is a part of their Grand Central Business Center.  The 125-acre center is on the site of Los Angeles’ first major airport – the now-defunct Grand Central Air Terminal, which shut down due to a decline in business in 1959.  The space was transformed into a large office park shortly thereafter, much of which was leased by the Walt Disney Company beginning in 1961.  In 1997, Disney purchased the entire 125-acre property and it currently serves as the headquarters for Walt Disney Imagineering.  Because Pulp Fiction was produced by Miramax, which is owned by the Walt Disney Company, it makes sense that producers chose to film the Jack Rabbit Slim’s exterior where they did.

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    Sadly, as you can see in the above photographs, the Jack Rabbit Slim’s building is currently surrounded by a large cement wall and is not very visible from the street.

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    According to Wikipedia, the interior of the Jack Rabbit Slim’s set was built in a warehouse in Culver City and, at a cost of $150,000, was the largest line item in the production’s entire budget!

    Big THANK YOU to Chas, from It’sFilmedThere, for letting me know about this location!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Jack Rabbit Slim’s restaurant, from Pulp Fiction, is located at 1435 Flower Street, on the southwest corner of Sonora Avenue and Flower Street, in Glendale. The property is located inside of Disney’s Grand Central Business Center, which is private property, so please do not trespass.

  • The Griffith Park Merry Go Round from “The Mentalist”


    One location that I have wanted to stalk for almost two years now, ever since November of 2008 when it appeared in the Season One episode of The Mentalist titled “Seeing Red”, was the merry go round where Patrick Jane (aka Simon Baker) lured murder suspect Travis Tennant (aka Noel Fisher).  The only problem was that I had absolutely NO idea whatsoever where to find it, as in my ten-plus years of living in Southern California the only merry go round that I had ever encountered was the one located on the Santa Monica Pier and it didn’t look anything like the one that had appeared in The Mentalist.  So, I immediately called up Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and asked him if he knew where it was located.  Sure enough, he did!  As fate would have it, the merry go round is located right in the heart of L.A.’s Griffith Park and Mike used to ride it regularly when he was a kid!


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    The Griffith Park Merry Go Round is actually something of a Los Angeles landmark and I am extremely shocked that, up until its appearance on The Mentalist two years ago, I didn’t even know of its existence.  The Merry Go Round was first built in 1926 by the Spillman Engineering Company and is currently the only full size Spillman carousel still in operation today.  It was originally commissioned by the Spreckels family, of the Spreckels Sugar Company, to be used at their San Diego theme park, the Mission Beach Amusement Center.  Sadly, the amusement center was shuttered in 1935 in the midst of the Great Depression and the Merry Go Round was subsequently moved to Balboa Park to be featured in the California Pacific International Exposition.  When the exposition ended in 1937, a man named Ross Davis purchased the carousel and transported it over 120 miles north to its new home in Griffith Park, where it is still in operation to this day, over seven decades later. 

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    The Griffith Park Carousel is comprised of 68 different hand-made horses, all of which “jump” – ie. move up and down – and boast tails made of authentic horse hair. 

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    The carousel also features a custom-built Stinson 165 Military Band Organ, which plays a library of over 1500 different songs.

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    And, incredibly enough, the Griffith Park Merry Go Round even served as the inspiration for one of the most famous landmarks in the entire world – Disneyland!  Yes, you read that right.  According to one of my very favorite stalking tomes, Hollywood Escapes: The Moviegoer’s Guide to Exploring Southern California’s Great Outdoors, Griffith Park historian Mike Eberts states, “Walt Disney brought his young daughters to the carousel and this is one of the places where he began to dream up the idea that would lead to Disneyland.”  So incredibly cool!  The bench where Walt used to sit during those outings (which is pictured very poorly above) is still on display at the merry go round to this day.  And, according to the book Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination, Walt’s daughter Diane “thought the inception [of Disneyland] took place during the Sunday afternoons when Walt picked the girls up from religious services – he never attended himself – and took them to the Griffith Park merry-go-round, where they would spend hours.  ‘He’d see families in the park,’ Diane would later recall, ‘and say, ‘There’s nothing for the parents to do . . . You’ve got to have a place where the whole family can have fun.’”  Further adding to the carousel’s celebrity status is the fact that James Dean’s very first acting job took place there!  It was a commercial for Pepsi Cola and, in it, the newbie actor was shown handing out bottles of the soft drink to teenagers who were riding the merry go round.  Such incredible history!


    I, of course, had to take a ride on the carousel while I was there and it was so incredibly fun!  Being there brought me RIGHT BACK to my childhood when I used to ride the Edgewater Packing House Carousel on Monterey’s Cannery Row each and every weekend.  In an odd coincidence, I just found out today that my childhood merry go round was also designed by the Spillman Engineering Company, but it is sadly no longer in operation publicly as it was purchased by a Vegas millionaire who had it installed in a room in his home!  Not kidding!  But I digress.

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    In the “Seeing Red” episode of The Mentalist, Patrick Jane hypnotizes a young murder suspect named Travis in order to lead him to a supposed Sacramento-area merry go round so that he can be captured by the CBI.

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    Mike clued me into the fact that the Merry Go Round was also featured at the very end of the 1988 comedy Twins, in the scene in which Julius and Vincent Benedict (aka Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito, respectively) meet up with their wives, Marnie and Linda Mason (aka Kelly Preston and Chloe Webb, respectively), and their new twin children at a carousel in a park.

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    Once Mike told me about the Merry Go Round, I started noticing it popping up in all sorts of movies and television shows, including the Season 2 episode of CSI: New York titled “Zoo York”, in which the body of a teenage debutante is found on the supposed Central Park carousel.

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    The Griffith Park Merry Go Round also showed up in the 1992 flick Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as the spot where Amylin (aka Paul Reubens) turned Grueller (aka Sasha Jensen) into a vampire.

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    And it also appeared briefly in the Season 1 episode of MacGyver titled “Every Time She Smiles” as a supposed Bulgaria-area merry go round.


    And thank you to fellow stalker Eileen, who informed me that the carousel also appeared in the video for the Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey song “Where You Are”.

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    The Merry Go Round was also featured in the Sally Field-directed movie Beautiful, but I don’t own that movie, so I was not able to make screen captures.

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for telling me about this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Griffith Park Merry Go Round Map

    Stalk It: The Griffith Park Merry Go Round is located at 4730 Crystal Springs Drive, inside of Griffith Park, in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.  The Merry Go Round is open each Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  During the summer months, it is also open on weekdays.  The Merry Go Round can be a bit tricky to find and is not entirely visible from the road.  The easiest way to get there is to take Los Feliz Boulevard to Crystal Springs Drive and head north.  Make a left onto Fire Road and park in the first lot that you come to.  The Merry Go Round is located just north of that lot.

  • The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco


    Last Sunday morning, after checking out of the spectacular San Francisco loft where my bachelorette party was held, my friend Nat and I headed over to the historic former Presidio Army Base to stalk the recently-opened Walt Disney Family Museum.  Knowing what a Disney freak I am, Nat figured that the museum would be right up my alley, which it, of course, was!  The Walt Disney Family Museum, which was founded by Walt’s heirs through the Walt Disney Family Foundation, first opened a little under two years ago on October 1, 2009.  After the Presidio Army Base closed down in 1989 and the property was taken over by the US National Parks Service five years later, the Walt Disney Foundation set about renovating three of the former bases’ main buildings to house their new museum.  And while it might seem a bit random to open a gallery about the world’s most famous animator on a former Army Base, I must say that the place’s setting is nothing short of spectacular!


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    As you can see in the above-pictured photographs, the museum boasts absolutely gorgeous – albeit majorly fog-filled – views of the Golden Gate Bridge.  Amazingly enough, I had never actually heard of the museum before this past weekend and was shocked to discover that the legendary imagineer had a museum dedicated to him in the City by the Bay, because, as far as I knew, he had no connection to the area.  As it turns out, though, Walt’s eldest daughter Diane Marie Disney, moved to Northern California in the early 1970’s and still lives there to this day.  Because the museum focuses on the history of Walt’s life and career and boasts a massive collection of memorabilia from both, it makes sense that it would be opened in the city where his closest living heir now lives.  And once you see the museum’s breathtaking surroundings, it makes sense why Dianne chose to honor her father there.

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    The Walt Disney Family Museum consists of ten permanent galleries, each of which focuses on a different aspect of the icon’s life, including his early years, his arrival in Hollywood, his animation, the historical 1937 production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, his marriage to Lillian Disney, and, of course, the creation of Disneyland.  Sadly, though, no photographs of any kind were allowed in any of the galleries.  Pictures were allowed in the museum’s lobby area, though, and, amazingly enough, Walt’s Academy Award collection was displayed there, so I did get to snap some photographs of that.  As it turns out, Walt Disney has the distinction of holding the record for most Academy Award nominations received by a single person in the history of the Academy – he was nominated a whopping 59 times!  He won 26 of those nominations, including an honorary Oscar in 1939 for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full-length animated feature film.  The award, whose inscription reads, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, recognized as a significant screen innovation which has charmed millions and pioneered a great new entertainment field”, is the only Academy Award of its kind and befittingly features one large Oscar statuette flanked by seven miniature ones.


    I cannot tell you how absolutely floored I was to be seeing that Oscar, which was presented to Walt at the 11th Annual Academy Awards Ceremony by a then-six-year-old Shirley Temple, in person.  I had first read about the one-of-a-kind award many, many years back and had thought it was just about the coolest thing ever!  So, when I read in the museum’s brochure that some of Walt’s Oscars were on display in the main lobby, my mind immediately flashed to that Snow White award, but, because it is so valuable, never in my wildest dreams did I think it would actually be there.  So, as you can imagine, I just about died upon seeing it!  So darn cool!

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    Also on display in the museum’s main lobby is a furniture set that used to be housed inside of the Disney Family Apartment, which is located inside of the original Disneyland theme park, above the Disney Fire House on Main Street U.S.A.  I had never actually heard about the private apartment until fellow stalker Kerry pointed it out to me last summer after the two of us had eaten at Club 33.  According to Kerry, whenever Walt stayed at the apartment, the lamp in the main window was lit to alert Disney Cast Members of his presence.  Following his death on December 15, 1966, the lamp was turned on and has been left permanently lit ever since.  The Walt Disney Family Museum also boasts an absolutely GINORMOUS 3-D diorama of the “Disneyland of Walt’s imagination” in one of its galleries and if you look at it closely you can see an apartment located above the Disney Fire House – and there is, of course, a lamp flickering inside of the window.  So darn cool!  You can read more about the Disney Family Apartment and see photographs of the inside of it here.


    The Walt Disney Family Museum is an absolutely fascinating place and I honestly can’t recommend stalking it enough.  It was such a treat to learn about the life and times of the man who created one of my favorite places in the entire world.  Walt truly was a fascinating person and I was amazed to discover how little I knew about him before visiting the museum.  More than just an innovator and an animator, Walt was a family man who loved his wife and children above all else.  It was absolutely heartwarming to learn about the incredible love that he had for them.  I also highly recommend stalking the museum’s gift store as they have some FABULOUS items in there!

    Big THANK YOU to Nat for taking me stalk this location!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Walt Disney Family Museum is located at 104 Montgomery Street, on the former Presidio Army Base, in San Francisco.  You can visit the museum’s official website here.   The museum is closed on Tuesdays and all major holidays.  Tickets for adults are $20, seniors and students are $15, children ages 6-17 are $12.50, and children ages 6 and under are free.

  • The Tam O’Shanter Inn from “Glee”


    A couple of weeks ago I dragged my fiancé out to stalk the Tam O’Shanter Inn which appeared in the Season 1 episode of Glee titled “Dream On”.  I found this location thanks to an eagle-eyed stalker who recognized the restaurant immediately while watching the episode back in May.  And even though I no longer consider myself a “Gleek” (gasp!), I just could not resist stalking the place.  And yes, you read that right – I am no longer a huge fan of Glee.  In fact, I can’t even really say that I like the series at all anymore, let alone love it like I used to.  In my never-to-be-humble opinion, the show has gone WAY downhill ever since it returned from its four month hiatus this past April.  I don’t know if it’s due to the fact that it became such a humongous hit in such a short period of time or if the writers just simply got lazy, but somewhere along the way the show lost its heart.  It’s become more about the music and less about the characters that I grew to love so deeply in the first part of the season.  While the series used to be over-the-top and fun, in recent months it’s become ridiculous and largely unbelievable – Kurt and Mercedes joining the cheerios, Olivia Newton-John asking Sue Sylvester to star in a re-make of her “Physical” video, and Shelby Corcoran – the coach of Vocal Adrenaline – adopting Quinn and Puck’s baby????  Like, huh???  I could go on and on and on.  Not to mention the fact that Mr. Shue, who was in my eyes the real heart of the show, has become a complete and total jerk – i.e. cheating on Emma, pretending to be in love with Sue Sylvester (I don’t even know what to say about that one!), and hooking up with his arch-enemy and head of the rival Glee club, Shelby Corcoran.  Sigh.  The whole thing makes my head hurt.  Although I did love it when all of the kids were calling him “Man Whore” in the “Bad Reputation” episode.  Anyway, despite all of that, because I loved part one of the series’ first season SO much, I still find it fun stalking locations featured on the show.  Which is how my fiancé and I ended up at the Tam O’Shanter Inn two weekends ago.

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    Tam O’Shanter Inn actually has a long and celebrated Hollywood history.  It was first opened in June of 1922 by Lawry’s restaurant chain founders Lawrence Frank and Walter Van de Kamp and has the distinction of being Los Angeles’ oldest restaurant that is still operating in the same location and by the same family.  Art director/humorist Harry Oliver, designer of the Spadena House in Beverly Hills (aka the Witch’s House from Clueless), was commissioned to design the original building in what is called the “storybook-style” of architecture.  In fact, the restaurant’s original interior closely resembled that of a ride at Disneyland.  The property was extensively remodeled and expanded in 1968 at which time it was renamed the “Great Scot”.  In 1982, in honor of the restaurant’s 60th anniversary, the original name, which refers to a style of hat worn in Scotland, was restored and it has remained to this day. 

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    In the “Dream On” episode of Glee, Will Schuester (aka cutie Matthew Morrison) takes frenemie and former Glee-club-rival Bryan Ryan (aka guest star Neil Patrick Harris) to the Tam O’Shanter Inn for a drink to convince him to not shut down the Glee club.  Will finally gets Brian to concede and the two wind up singing a rousing rendition of Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”.

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    When we first walked into the Tam O’Shanter Inn, I asked the hostess who greeted us at the door where exactly the “Dream On” episode had been filmed.  Well, let me tell you, she could NOT HAVE BEEN NICER!  She immediately sat us in the bar area in the exact spot where Matthew Morrison and Neil Patrick Harris were sitting in the episode.  She also told us the direction the cameras were facing during filming, what areas of the restaurant could be see in the background, and asked if we wanted to reenact the “Piano Man” scene while she took photographs of us.  LOVE IT!  I was SO down with reenacting the scene, by the way, but the Grim Cheaper was having none of that!  😉  

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    Filming for the yet-to-be-released Larry Crowne movie, which stars Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks, also took place at the Tam O’Shanter Inn earlier this year.   According to the bartender we spoke with, producers had the above-pictured green rug made especially for the filming and then gifted it to the restaurant after shooting wrapped.  SO DARN COOL!


    Besides being a filming location, the restaurant is also a long time celebrity hangout.  Just a few of the luminaries who have been spotted there over the years include Mary Pickford, John Wayne, Fatty Arbuckle, and Tom Mix.  Walt Disney loved the place so much that he frequented it on an almost daily basis and on one visit gifted the owners with the above-pictured cartoon, which he personally drew of Lawrence Frank.  According to the restaurant’s website, Disney executives dined at Tam O’Shanter’s so often that the place became known as “Disney’s studio commissary”.  Apparently Walt’s favorite table was #31, while John Wayne preferred #15.



    I honestly cannot say enough good things about the Tam O’Shanter Inn.  I absolutely LOVED the place!  Especially their fried calamari appetizer! 

    On a Glee side note – For those of you who have not yet seen Heather Morris, who plays Brittany on Glee, performing “Single Ladies” live with Beyonce at the 2009 American Music Awards, you can do so now by clicking above.  Apparently, Heather was not originally being considered as a cast-member for Glee, but was first called in by series creator Ryan Murphy to teach series regulars Chris Colfer and Jenna Ushkowitz the “Single Ladies” dance for the Season 1 episode titled “Preggers”.  Fate stepped in, though, and Murphy ended up liking the actress/professional dancer so much that he immediately cast her in the role of ditzy cheerleader Brittany.  And the rest, as they say, is history! 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Tam O’Shanter Inn from Glee is located at 2980 Los Feliz Boulevard in the Atwater Village section of Los Angeles.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • Disneyland’s Club 33


    I must preface today’s blog with an apology, as this is one post that is far too long overdue!  Well over six months ago – yes, I am talking about waaaaaaaaaay back in July of 2009 – my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry invited me to share in her birthday celebration at the Happiest Place on Earth, aka Disneyland.  But this wasn’t just any ordinary birthday celebration as Kerry had magically secured us a reservation at the park’s ultra-exclusive, members-only, virtually-impossible-to-get-into Club 33 restaurant.  For those non-Disney fanatics, unlike myself, Club 33 is the “secret”, private, fine-dining establishment that Walt Disney had built inside of New Orleans Square.  To eat there one must either be a member (and there are only 487 of them at the present time) or know a member who would be willing to make them a reservation.  Like I said, it’s virtually impossible to get in.  But, thankfully, Kerry doesn’t know the meaning of the word impossible.  So when she called me up in early 2009 to tell me that she had made it a goal to spend her July 29th birthday at Club 33, I had no doubt she’d make it happen.  And, sure enough, she did!  Through a big-wig at ESPN whom she has known for years, she was able to secure a lunch reservation for 6 – Kerry and her husband, Jim, their friends Ken and Anita, who flew in from Washington for the occasion, and me and my fiancé.  And, let me tell you, I could NOT have been more excited as I had been dying to eat at Club 33 for just about as long as I can remember.


    Walt Disney originally envisioned Club 33 as an elegant, but private sort of VIP lounge where he could entertain visiting dignitaries, movie stars, and Disneyland’s corporate sponsors.   He was inspired to build the club after seeing similar such establishments at the 1964-1965 World’s Fair.  Disney enlisted artist Dorothea Redmond to paint the original conceptual drawings of the club and then commissioned interior designer and former studio art director Emile Kuri to design and decorate the space.  Walt then traveled to New Orleans, along with his wife, Lillian, and designer Kuri, to purchase authentic Bayou-inspired decor and antiques to furnish his restaurant, which he dubbed Club 33.  There are varying reports as to how Walt came up with that name, the two most persistent being that the name was derived from the club’s address – 33 Royal Street – and also that it was christened in honor of Disneyland’s 33 original corporate sponsors.  No one has ever been able to say for sure, though, and the name remains one of the club’s greatest mysteries.  Club 33 finally opened its doors in May of 1967.  Sadly, though, Walt never got to enjoy it, as he passed away five months prior to its completion.  His brainchild enjoyed immediate success, though, and fairly soon memberships were being offered.   As of 2007, the club had 487 registered members, all of whom belong either individually or through a corporation.  But, let me tell you, the cost of belonging is steep!  An individual membership has an initiation fee of $9,500 and annual dues of $3,175, while corporate memberships cost $5,925 in annual dues with a $20,000 initiation fee.  The only way a new membership opens up is when a current member drops out of the club, which rarely ever happens.  Rumor has it that people on the waiting list can expect to wait over 14 years before a spot becomes available!  Not kidding!  And sadly, the waiting list is currently at full capacity and is not accepting any new applicants.  Also not kidding!  And while not a filming location, because of its excellent food and shroud of secrecy, the club has long been a celebrity magnet.  Just a few of the stars who have dined there over the years include Barbra Streisand, Robert Wagner, Mickey Rooney, Sammy Hagar, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Phoebe Cates, Fess Parker, Bernard Fox, Geena Davis, Mira Sorvino, Christopher Backus, Elton John, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tommy Smothers, Michael Eisner, John Lasseter, Mike Ness (from the band Social Distortion), Shaquille O’Neal, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Kline, and Buddy Ebsen.  Club 33’s most famous guest, though, has to be none other than the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, who was a frequent visitor.  🙂  The entrance to Club 33 (pictured above) consists of a non-descript grey door sandwiched between the Blue Bayou Restaurant and the Le Specialty Gourmet Shop.  One could easily walk right past it without knowing anything was there.  Save for a mirrored plate featuring the Club 33 logo and two tiny gold speaker boxes, the entrance is largely unmarked. 



    And, let me tell you, we were just about dying of excitement as we walked up to it!  🙂  To gain access to the club, one must press a button on the top gold speaker box located to the left of the front door and speak the name of the person who holds the reservation.  No sound will come back to greet you, but if your name is on the hostess’ list, the grey door will magically open.  The whole thing is very hush-hush and reminded me of what a speakeasy must have been like back in the day.  🙂  Apparently at one time, members would simply slip their membership cards through a little slot located in the speaker box to gain access to the club, but that is no longer the case.   Pictured above are both me and Kerry at the front door.



    Just beyond the entrance door lies a tiny lobby area lobby whereupon one checks in and is given the option to either use the wraparound staircase to access the club’s second floor . . .


    . . . or to take a ride in the famous antique glass elevator, which Walt had built in exact replication of one he had seen in a Parisian hotel.  Kerry and I, of course, opted to take the elevator.


    I just about died when we got up to the second floor as the place is absolutely beautiful inside.  Club 33 has a very old-Hollywood feel to it, with dark wood flooring, deep red walls, antique wall sconces, wooden chandeliers, and ornate detailing throughout.




    And there are arrangements of fresh flowers literally everywhere you look!




    Once we reached the second level landing, the hostess led us to our table.  The club is made up of two eating areas, the first of which is known as the Main Dining Room and it features carved wooden chandeliers . . .




    . . . and a private balcony area which overlooks New Orleans Square and the Rivers of America.




    The second dining area is Club 33’s legendary Trophy Room, which is where we got to eat.


    The Trophy Room is famous thanks to the fact that Walt originally envisioned it to have an array of animatronic creatures on display, all of whom would be able to hold conversations with his guests, thanks to the use of hidden microphones and an actor who would be voicing the animals from inside the confines of a hidden sound booth.  And while his plan never saw fruition, an animatronic vulture from Walt’s original design is still on display in the Trophy Room to this day, although it sadly does not talk to the Club 33 patrons.  😉 



    The Trophy Room is richly decorated with cypress wood walls,






    large and ornately carved display cases,


    original Disneyland concept drawings,


    and a few pieces from Walt’s wife Lillian’s butterfly collection.


    The 33 logo is present on pretty much everything at the club, from the menus,


    to the china,


    to the post-meal mints.  And, let me tell you, Kerry, Anita, and I pretty much wanted to take home anything and everything that featured that logo.  We even stuffed a few Club 33 cocktail napkins in our purses.  😉  Not kidding! 


    A meal at Club 33 costs about $100 per person when all is said and done, but along with a reservation comes free admission to both the Disneyland and California Adventure theme parks, so the meal pretty much pays for itself.  🙂  From what I hear, Club 33’s lunch menus are changed seasonally, but usually consist of five different dining options, all of which cost the same amount.  I opted for the certified organic free range chicken with truffled mac & cheese.  And, let me tell you, it was A-MA-ZING!  Especially the mac & cheese!!!!!  



    But before our meals were served, we were instructed to graze at the club’s amazing buffet.  Pictured above is the hallway which leads to the buffet room . . .




    . . . which is where the famous harpsichord that was custom made for Lillian Disney is displayed.  The harpsichord, which is trimmed in real life gold leaf and features a Disney artisan hand-painted picture of New Orleans Harbor circa the Nineteenth Century, is in working order and may be played by guests of the club.  According to several of the staff members I spoke with, Elton John even played an impromptu performance on it once.  Love it!

    Mary Poppins Table

    Also on display in the hallway is a table that appeared in the movie Mary Poppins, but unfortunately I didn’t get a great picture of it. 



    Club 33’s extensive buffet consists of a salad bar, a fresh fruit and imported cheese bar, a shellfish and oyster bar, and a freshly baked bread and cold cuts bar.  And I swear I could have dined on just the buffet items and been happy as a clam!



    Oh, and did I mention there’s also an all-you-can-eat dessert bar, as well?  Diners are even invited to partake in the desert bar before their meal is served, if they’re so inclined.  LOVE IT! 


    Club 33’s most famous desert is its S’mores martini, which is, unfortunately, only available on certain days of the week.  And even when it is available, only a select few are made and once they run out, they run out.  So, when we arrived at the club, Kerry, Anita, and I immediately headed over to the desert bar to snatch up a martini.  Sadly, though, once there we discovered that we were dining on a non-martini day.  But being that this was Disneyland –  purveyor of the finest customer service in the world – once our waitress heard how disappointed we were over the lack of S’more martinis, she ran directly to the kitchen and had a batch made up especially for our table!  How incredibly cool is that????  And I have to say that they also were pretty A-MA-ZING!  In fact there wasn’t a single item served at the club that wasn’t A-MA-ZING!  I literally could have gorged myself there all day!  In fact, being that our meal took over two and a half hours from start to finish, by the time I had finished my desert and had carefully documented the entire place in photographs, I could have easily sat back down to do it all over again.  LOL 


    Oh, and because it was her birthday, Kerry even got a special Mickey Mouse desert.  🙂  Love it!




    Club 33 also has a full bar and is, in fact, the ONLY place in Disneyland that serves alcohol.  So, I, of course, had to partake in a glass of champagne while there.  🙂 



    Just around the corner from the bar is the club’s foyer area,


    which features the famous Club 33 display case where various items featuring the Club 33 logo are for sale.  Said items can only be purchased at the club – or on eBay, of course – and because of that are pretty hot commodities.



    Also on display in the foyer is the antique glass phone booth which was used in the 1967 Disney movie The Happiest Millionaire.  The phone is in working order and is available for use by Club 33 guests. 





    And, of course, I just had to take a few pictures of the women’s restroom, as well.  😉



    And yes, I sent my fiancé into the men’s room with camera in hand, too!  🙂


    My experience at Club 33 was nothing short of magical and was a definite once-in-a-lifetime!  As the Disneyland Encyclopedia states, “There’s never been a mention of Club 33 in any of the park’s souvenir books, naturally, and while people may have heard of it and even more have unknowingly walked right by the entrance, only a very few will ever be able to say they’ve been inside.”  Thanks to my good friend Kerry, I am now one of those very few.  🙂  Can’t THANK YOU enough, Kerry!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Club 33 is located at 33 Royal Street, in between the Blue Bayou Restaurant and Le Gourmet Specialty Shop, in the New Orleans Square area of Disneyland.  Sadly, the club is private and not open to the public.  For further Club 33 reading, be sure to check out the unofficial Club 33 website.

  • “It Never Rains In Southern California . . . “


    As the old Albert Hammond song says “It never rains in Southern California, but girl, don’t they warn ya, it pours man, it pours!”  And pour it did almost all last week all over the normally sun drenched landscape of Los Angeles.  While on my way to stalk Burbank’s Handy Grocery Store in the pouring rain this past weekend, I happened to pass right by Walt Disney Studios on Buena Vista Street and was reminded about a story I once heard that seemed quite fitting of the day’s weather.



    According to The Ultimate Hollywood Tour Book, journalist Peter J. Boyer stated in a Vanity Fair article that Disney is “a place so reviled that even its architecture inspires nasty rumors, such as the apocryphal story that architect Michael Graves arranged the drainage system in the Disney headquarters building [aka the Team Disney building]  in such a way that the huge sculpted Seven Dwarfs atop the edifice would seem to be peeing on Disney executives whenever it rained.”  LOL  So, since it just happened to be raining at the time, I pulled over to see if Boyer’s story had any merit.  🙂  After seeing the Dwarfs in person in the pouring rain, I have to admit that I think the anecdote is somewhat of an urban legend, but it still makes for a great story and hopefully a great blog post.  🙂


    Walt Disney built his Burbank studio in 1940 after the enormous financial success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs – the world’s first full length animated feature film.  At the time it was built the 41 acre lot was comprised of four full size soundstages (there are now six), a backlot that included a Western town, a town square, a residential street, and a small pueblo (the entire backlot has since been demolished), and recreation areas for employees which included ping pong tables and a volleyball court.  Over the years many productions have been filmed on the historic Disney lot, including That Darn Cat, Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Absent Minded Professor, The Swamp Fox, The Princess Diaries, Eight Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, Boy Meets World, Home Improvement, Lizzie Maguire, Less Than Perfect, and Mary Poppins.  Ironically enough, Mary Poppins was filmed solely indoors, using up all four of the Disney Studio soundstages.  Even the Cherry Tree Lane set where the Banks Family lived was built inside of a soundstage. Being a huge Mary Poppins fan myself, I was highly disappointed when I found this out as I had always hoped to one day see Cherry Tree Lane in person.  🙁  On an interesting side note, even though he passed away in 1966, Walt Disney still holds the record for most Academy Awards won by a single person.  In his lifetime, he won a incredible TWENTY-SIX Oscars!


    Unfortunately, Disney does not currently offer tours of its studio.  : (   But the good news is that the Team Disney building can be viewed from the street outside the studio gates.   If you are a big Disney fan, I highly recommend stalking the exterior of the building as it is very cool to see in person.  The Seven Dwarf statues are absolutely HUGE.  I was shocked at their size when I saw them in person as pictures simply do not do them justice!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Disney Studios is located at 500 S. Buena Vista Street in Burbank.  The Team Disney building, with its Seven Dwarfs facade, can be viewed through the main gate located just around the corner on Alameda Avenue.  Unfortunately the studio does not offer tours of its property. 🙁  But for $2,169 (per person!!!!!) you can purchase a 6 day/5 night “Hollywood and the Disneyland Resort” vacation from the Adventures by Disney Vacations company.  One of the days consists of a behind the scenes tour of Walt Disney Studios.