Tag: Vroman’s Bookstore

  • “Parks and Recreation” Filming at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena


    Last Wednesday, while on my morning walk to Starbucks, I happened to pass by fave bookstore Vroman’s and just about fell over when I noticed an entire slew of production trucks parked out front.  I, of course, immediately sought out one of the crew members to ask what was being filmed and he told me that it was an episode of Parks and Recreation.  And even though I had never actually seen the NBC series before, I decided to stick around to watch the filming – only after getting my Starbucks first, of course.  Winking smile The shoot was taking place inside of Vroman’s, in the store’s Reading Group section, which had been set up to look like a book signing event was about to occur.  The crew had brought in all new furniture for the scene, as well as several posters for Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America, a book supposedly written by Pawnee, Indiana Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation Leslie Knope (aka Amy Poehler).  And while I had assumed that the tome was a fake that had been created solely for the filming, it is apparently a real life publication about the show that is set to be released on October 4th.

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    A display featuring several copies of Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America was set up in the background of the scene and, throughout the day, before filming began, countless Vroman’s customers would walk up and look through it, thinking it was a real item that was for sale.  LOL  I am dying to know if anyone actually brought a copy up to the cash registers and tried to purchase it!

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    At first I was not sure if I would be allowed to photograph the set that the crew had created, so like an idiot I was trying to be sly and take pictures on the down-low, which never seems to work out for me.  For some reason, whenever I try to fly under the radar and be covert, I end up drawing attention to myself, which is exactly what happened in this case.  One of the crew members noticed me ever-so-stealthily snapping photographs and informed me that I was welcome to take all of the pictures that I wanted . . .


    . . . at which point I immediately jumped up onto the podium that Amy Poehler would be standing on during the scene to pose for a pic.  Smile YAY!

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    I was most fascinated, though, with a palm tree located just outside of Vroman’s front doors (which would only be seen in the background of the scene) that set dressers decorated to look like a tree indigenous to the Midwest, where Parks and Recreation supposedly takes place.


    As you can see above, the front side of the tree’s trunk had been covered over with fake bark for the filming.


    And real life branches from some sort of Midwestern tree (can you tell that I am in no way, shape, or form a green thumb?!?) were mixed in with the actual palm’s branches.  The tree looked so incredibly realistic, even up close, that it was almost unbelievable!  I don’t think anyone who walked by even noticed that it had been altered, even though the trunk looked a bit odd from the side.


    I was absolutely dying to get a photograph with Rob Lowe (whose autobiography, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, was recently loaned to me by my good friend/fellow stalker Kerry and is can’t-put-down-AMAZING!) and figured I could catch the actor on his way into the bookstore before filming got started. Sadly though, Vroman’s has three different entrances and I waited outside of the wrong one and missed him entirely.  Major, major FAIL!  Especially since he was reportedly incredibly friendly and nice!  Apparently, one of the Vroman’s employees, who goes by the twitter handle @howsannie, had sent out the following tweet the previous evening: “Parks & Recreation is filming at the store tomorrow.  Dibs on @RobLowe!”, to which the actor responded, “I expect prominent book display!”  When Rob walked into the store the following afternoon, his books were indeed on prominent display and he not only signed a bunch of copies for Vroman’s to sell, one of which is pictured above, but he also signed a copy for @howsannie.  How incredibly cool is that?  He even tweeted a photograph of himself from the set that day, which you can take a look at here.  I was lucky enough to get to watch Rob, along with Amy Poehler and Chris Pratt, during the filming and all I can say is WOW!  The guy is VERY good looking!  Much more so than he appears to be onscreen.  And while I would have waited around until the shoot wrapped to try to get a picture with the cast, I had promised Miss Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, that I would stalk a movie premiere with her later that afternoon, so I couldn’t.  Ah well!  Here’s hoping they will be filming in Pasadena again sometime soon!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit the store’s official website here.  Look for the Parks and Recreation episode that was filmed at Vroman’s to air sometime in the next two months or so.

  • The Jennifer Grant “Good Stuff” Book Signing


    Back on Thursday, May 26th (I told you I am way behind in my reporting! Winking smile), Vroman’s Bookstore welcomed Jennifer Grant for a signing and discussion of her new book Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant which chronicles the actress’ experiences being raised by one of the most iconic movie stars of all time.  And while most of the people attending the event were fans of Jennifer’s famous father, I have been a long-time fan of Jennifer herself, ever since she appeared as Steve Sander’s (aka Ian Ziering’s) longtime girlfriend Celeste Lundy during Seasons 3 and 4 of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210.


    Jennifer also made an appearance as Nina Bookbinder, the girl Chandler Bing (aka Matthew Perry) couldn’t fire, in the Season 1 episode of Friends titled “The One With Two Parts: Part I”.  But I digress.


    Because I have never actually seen a Cary Grant movie, before attending the reading I did not have much interest in reading Good Stuff.  My only reason for going to the event was to meet and, of course, get a photograph with Jennifer.  But, let me tell you, all of that changed as soon as I started looking through the memoir.  As I have mentioned before, I am just slightly anal, so I arrived at the signing about 3 hours early.  Well, not only did those three hours ensure me a front row seat, but they also gave me time to peruse through the book and I was immediately mesmerized.  Cary Grant was not only an amazing man, but an amazing father!  He retired in 1966, the same year that Jennifer was born, so that he could devote all of his time to being a dad.  Because Jennifer’s mother, Dyan Cannon (whom the actress is the spitting image of!), was at the height of her career at the time and often on location filming movies for months on end, most of Jennifer’s childhood was spent with her father.  And Cary wanted to document his only child’s early years as best he could.  Not only did he save and catalogue ever single letter ever exchanged between the two and every single photograph ever taken of them, but he also made hundreds upon hundreds of audio recordings of their time together, many of which are transcribed in the book.  Sweetest of all, though, was the fact that, on the mornings when Jennifer was not staying with him, Cary would wait along the sidewalk of her bus route just to wave to her as her bus passed by on the way to school.


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    The event began right on time and I just about died when I caught my first glimpse of Jennifer as she looks almost exactly the same today as she did eighteen years ago when she was on 90210. Jennifer started out the evening by reading a few passages from her book and I have to say that she is a fabulous writer and a fabulous speaker. Her voice has an almost lyrical quality to it and I was absolutely mesmerized listening to her. I was completely shocked, though, when she adopted a British accent to read her father’s words! Prior to that evening, I was unaware that Cary Grant was British!

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    Jennifer then opened up the session to questions from the audience and, even though A LOT were asked, for once they were actually well-crafted.  I should explain here, to those who do not regularly attend book signings and television screenings, that people at these events usually ask the most asinine questions imaginable and it absolutely drives me mad!  If you have the chance to ask a question of an actor, author, or director, make it a good one, people!  And, for the love of God, do NOT ask the celebrity to get you a role in a movie or TV show!  And yes, that has been asked at almost EVERY SINGLE EVENT I have ever attended!  Most of the questions asked of Jennifer, though, were about what it was like to grow up with such a famous father.  In answer to those questions, Jennifer told numerous anecdotes and, as amazing as it may sound, it seems she had a very normal childhood.  The two often squabbled about Jennifer’s choice in music and boys, they took frequent outings to the Fox Hills Mall – one of Cary’s favorite haunts – and played regular family games of Trivial Pursuit.  She said she never viewed Cary as a celebrity, but, while she knew he was special and certainly different than her friends’ fathers, to her he was always just “Dad”.

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    When it came time for the signing portion of the reading, the Vroman’s coordinator asked Jennifer if she would be willing to take posed photographs with those in attendance, to which the actress gave a puzzled look and said, “Of course I will!”, as if she could not figure out why anyone wouldn’t take a picture with their fans.  LOVE IT!


    When it was my turn to meet Jennifer, I told her what a huge fan I had been of Beverly Hills, 90210 and she said that the show was actually the very first acting job she had ever had and was one of the best experiences of her life.  She told me that all of the actors were extremely nice and welcoming and that she looks back on that time with incredible fondness.  She took quite a bit of time to chat with me and I even got to tell her about my experiences as an extra in the final episode of the series and that the 90210 theme song was still the ringtone on my cell phone.  Smile Jennifer was so abundantly sweet and warm, it was almost unbelievable.


    As I was leaving Vroman’s, I opened the book to read what Jennifer had signed and almost died over her inscription.  It reads, “To Lindsay, Thank you for watching 90210 – your smile is infectious.  Jennifer Grant”  OMG nicest inscription EVER!  Especially considering that so many celebrities will not even personalize books at their signings!  Meeting Jennifer was such an incredible experience and I love her even more now than I did before!  And while I have not started to officially read Good Stuff yet, it is the next book on my “To Read” list and after I do so, I will most definitely be stalking the many locations mentioned in it.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: You can purchase a copy of Jennifer Grant’s book, Good Stuff: A Reminiscence of My Father, Cary Grant, here.  Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit the store’s official website here.  And you can check out Vroman’s upcoming author events here.

  • Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Diet” Book Signing

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    This past Wednesday night I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to my favorite local bookstore, Vroman’s (which coincidentally just appeared in the most recent episode of Modern Family, but more on that later), to attend the book signing and discussion for Alicia Silverstone’s new lifestyle tome The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet.  Even though I am not in any way, shape, or form a vegan, I was absolutely DYING to attend the book signing because, as I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, not only is Clueless one of my all-time favorite movies, but Alicia and I happened to grow up in the same hometown – San Mateo, California – so I have always had a very special place in my heart for the actress.  Because I am a diabetic and on a very strict, virtually no-carbohydrate diet, though, and because most vegan diets that I have read about tend to favor carbs, I was not actually interested in purchasing a copy of Alicia’s book for myself.  But my good friend Nat, who actually attended San Mateo High School – Alicia’s alma mater – is a vegan and she absolutely LOVES Alicia’s book – and her lifestyle blog, The Kind Life – so I decided I would purchase a copy for her as a little “just because” present.  Which is how the GC and I found ourselves heading over to Vroman’s at about 5 p.m. this past Wednesday night.  And, as always, before the event got started, I sent him outside to snap some photographs of Alicia when she arrived.  Winking smile

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    The signing began right on time, at 7 p.m., but for some reason it was VERY strictly monitored.  No photographs WHATSOEVER were allowed during the event – not when Alicia walked into the room, not during the discussion session, and not while standing in line waiting to have our books signed.  We were told shortly before her arrival that each guest would be allowed one – and only one – posed photograph with Alicia (which I could NOT have been more excited about as most celebs will not actually pose for pictures during a signing), but otherwise photographs of any kind would not be allowed.  To enforce this, two quite burly Pasadena policemen were on site and they threatened to remove anyone who was even spotted with a camera in their hands during the event!  So I was extremely thankful that the GC had managed to snap some photographs of Alicia outside of the store.

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    Alicia, who is currently pregnant, was ABSOLUTELY adorable in person and much taller than I had expected her to be, although she was wearing some fairly tall heels.  She walked directly to the podium upon arrival, introduced herself, and started speaking about why she decided to write The Kind Diet, which was an extremely surreal moment for me as it was like watching the Haitian immigrant debate scene from Clueless (pictured above) come alive before my very eyes.  I kept having to pinch myself to make sure that it was all really happening and that I wasn’t actually at home sitting in front of my television set.  I have to say that in person, Alicia reminded me A LOT of Cher, her Clueless alter-ego.  In real life, Alicia has the same mannerisms, facial expressions,  and vocal tendencies that I had grown so familiar with from watching the movie over and over again.  And I can honestly say that I love Alicia even more now than I did before.  The actress came off as extremely charming, warm, genuine, and sweet.  She was also poised, well-read, and wildly knowledgeable about veganism, holistic medicine, and healthy nutrition.  I was riveted listening to her and, while not a vegan, found myself agreeing whole-heartedly with the vast majority of what she had to say.  She also handled herself incredibly well when one of the audience members asked her an asinine question about veganism and pregnancy, in which he tried to make Alicia look bad.  (Honestly, if you don’t agree with her lifestyle and are not a fan of hers, then why come to the event????)  Alicia responded to him, though, with honesty, wit, and a bit of snarkiness and ended up making him look like a complete and total moron.  As we left the event, I found myself wondering how she managed to do that!  I cannot tell you how much I would love to be able to tell a rude person off without breaking my cool and all the while seeming poised and charming.  But I digress.  I was most surprised to hear Alicia speak about diabetes and veganism.  As it turns out, her diet does not favor carbohydrates at all and is actually very similar to the diet I am currently on, so it looks like I am now going to have to buy a copy of the book for myself! 


    After Alicia’s speech, which lasted about thirty minutes, we all lined up to meet the actress.  Alicia really took her time with all of her fans and seemed to have an incredibly warm and open personality.  And, as promised, every guest got to pose for a photograph with her, which I was absolutely floored about! 

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    Nat’s signed book is pictured above.



    Alicia’s inscription reads, “Dear Natalie, Thank you for loving the book!  <3, Alicia Silverstone”.

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    As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, fave show Modern Family recently did some filming on location at Vroman’s Bookstore.  The final scene of the Season 2 episode titled “Two Monkeys and a Panda”, in which Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet) peruse various books on parenting, took place near the store’s Current Event’s section.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out the store’s upcoming signings here.  You can purchase Alicia Silverstone’s book The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet here.  You can visit Alicia’s lifestyle blog, The Kind Life, here.  And you can check out future L.A.-area book signings and other celebrity events on my Upcoming Celebrity Events page here.

  • The Tori Spelling “uncharted terriTORI” Book Signing


    This past Monday night, former Beverly Hills, 90210 star Tori Spelling made an appearance at my favorite bookstore Vroman’s to do a signing of her most recent memoir, uncharted terriTORI.  And even though I live very close to Vroman’s, I am sad to say that I almost didn’t attend the event.  The sad truth is that I have yet to catch up on all of my wedding planning duties, or even my emails for that matter, ever since returning home from the Mayo Clinic with my dad this past May.  So, needless to say I’m feeling just a wee-bit stressed out at the moment.  I finally came to my senses, though, early Monday morning and realized that there was NO WAY in heck I could miss that signing!  I mean, HELLO, I was like the biggest Beverly Hills, 90210 fan ON EARTH back in high school!  Meeting the former Miss Donna Martin was just too big of an opportunity to pass up.  So, this past Monday night at 6 p.m., I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to Vroman’s to do some Tori Spelling stalking.  Amazingly enough, when we first arrived there weren’t all that many people in line  – I’d guess about 50 or so.  And by the time 7 o’clock rolled around, only about a hundred more had shown up, which was shocking to me.  I thought 90210 fans were die hards!

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    Because my fiancé has become quite obsessed with cameras as of late, he parked himself out in back of Vroman’s Bookstore with the three paparazzi who were on duty, which was perfect for me because it meant that while he was in position to snap the above photographs of Tori arriving on the scene, I got to hold my place in line.  I must say he did a great job with the photos, too!  They almost look like actual paparazzi shots!  😉  And while Tori looks painfully thin in the above photographs, she really didn’t look that way in person.  She is definitely tiny, but I thought she actually looked quite healthy.  And I also have to say that not only did Tori arrive to the event on time, but she was even a few minutes early!  So not a diva!  Love it! 



    We had been told beforehand that Tori would gladly pose for photographs with her fans, which was awesome being that some stars at signings won’t allow people to take any sort of photographs at all.   Again, love it!  I have to say that Tori is VERY cute in person, much different than she appears on television or in pictures.  She is also incredibly sweet.  The girl ahead of me in line is one of Tori’s Twitter followers and, while we were waiting, she told me that she had, on occasion, Twittered back and forth with the star.  Before the signing, she had Twittered Tori to let her know that she would be in attendance and that she would be wearing a yellow skirt.  Well, sure enough, as soon as the girl walked up to meet Tori, the star looked at the yellow skirt and said, “Oh my gosh!  You’re my Twitter friend!”  Then, when the girl left, Tori said, “Thanks so much for Twittering with me.”  So incredibly sweet!  When it was my turn at the front of the line, Tori stuck out her hand and introduced herself, which the Grim Cheaper managed to get a photo of.  Yay!  (Those are the “Guncles”, aka the “Gay Uncles” – Tori’s good friends Bill Horn and Scout Masterson – who came along for the signing sitting next to her in the above pic.)

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    Tori seemed genuinely sweet and took time to chat with each and every fan who was getting a book signed.  It was definitely a more personal experience than most of the other signings I’ve been to.  I told her that I absolutely LOVED her haircut and she was like, “Oh really, you think?  I’m not so sure about it.”  🙂  She was also laughing over my fiancé’s camera, as when he was taking the above photographs he had the shutter on a super-fast speed which allowed him to snap six pictures per second.  I explained to her that he was doing that in case I blinked in one of the pictures and she said that she suffers from the very same problem of blinking in photographs.  All in all, I am SO glad that I went to the signing and, looking back, can’t even believe that I was thinking about skipping it.  If you are at all a fan of Tori or 90210, I HIGHLY recommend attending one of her book signings! 

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    And not only did Tori sign the book, but so did the Guncles.  Love it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit their events page here.  And you can purchase uncharted terriTORI by clicking here.

  • The Justin Halpern “Sh*t My Dad Says” Book Signing


    A few weeks ago, my best friend Kylee made an off the cuff remark to me about “Sh*t My Dad Says”, the Twitter account that is currently taking the internet world by storm.  And even though the site currently boasts more followers than Lauren Conrad’s, at the time I had never actually heard of it.  This shocked Kylee to no end and she commanded me to sign onto the internet immediately to check the page out.  Well, let me tell you, I absolutely loved what I saw.  Sh*t My Dad Says is penned by 29-year old screenwriter Justin Halpern, who regularly posts the unconventional, and absolutely hilarious, musings of his 74-year old father, Sam.  As he says in his Twitter bio, “I’m 29.  I live with my 74-year-old dad.  He is awesome.  I just write down the sh*t that he says.”  I was shocked that Kylee, a self-proclaimed Twitter-hater, was actually following someone’s feed, but as she explained, “Sh*t My Dad Says is the ONLY reason Twitter should exist!”, which I think is just about the best compliment ever.  I’ve been a loyal follower of Justin’s ever since that conversation with Kylee, as has my fiancé.  So, when I heard that the Twitter-star would be doing a reading at fave bookstore Vroman’s on May 12th, I immediately called up the Grim Cheaper and made plans to attend. 



    For those who aren’t familiar with Sh*t My Dad Says, Justin’s dad offers a completely unique – and extremely amusing – take on life.  More than that, though, upon closer inspection, his bits of advice are also extremely wise and even profound.  And while I’d be remiss if I didn’t warn that the guy drops more than the occasional F-bomb, his fresh – and profanity-laden – brand of blunt common sense is thoroughly enjoyable to read.  Just a few of his musings include:

    – On the first day of kindergarten – “You thought it was hard?  If kindergarten is busting your a**, I got some bad news for you about the rest of life.”

    – “I lost 20 pounds . . .  How?  I drank bear piss and took up fencing.   How the f*ck you think, son?  I exercised.”

    – “No, I’m not a pessimist.  At some point the world sh*ts on everybody.  Pretending it ain’t sh*t makes you an idiot, not an optimist.” 

    – “You worry too much.  Eat some bacon . . . What?  No, I got no idea if it’ll make you feel better, I just made too much bacon.”

    – On waiting in line to see Jurassic Park: “There is no movie good enough for me to wait in a line longer than the run time of the movie.  Either we’re seeing something else or I’m leaving, and you can take a cab home.” 

    See what I mean – hilarious!  Justin’s dad reminds me so much of my own father, that I just had to share the site with him.  My dad took one look at it and said, “You know, I should really start my own Twitter account.  Can you show me how to do that?”  I politely declined, though, because while my dad is no doubt hilarious, the man has absolutely no filter, or shame for that matter, and it scares me a bit to think about what sort of things he would post on a Twitter feed.  😉


    During the Vroman’s event, Justin, who is absolutely HILARIOUS in person, read a chapter of his book and answered the audience’s many questions about how the Sh*t My Dad Says Twitter account came to be.  As it turns out, Justin had actually been recording his father’s musings in a notebook for years, long before there ever was such a thing as Twitter.  After moving back home at age 28 following a break-up with his long-time girlfriend, Justin began posting his father’s bits of wisdom as his daily away message on Google Talk.  And then one fateful day a friend suggested he start tweeting those quotes.  Justin followed that sage advice and in August of 2009 opened up “Sh*t My Dad Says”.  For the first two weeks the site had only 5 followers.  Then, on August 14th, one of Justin’s good friends, the author of the fake Michael Bay Twitter page, sent out a “Follow Friday” tweet (in which twitterers can suggest other feeds their readers might enjoy) which mentioned Sh*t My Dad Says.   Within hours the site went viral and it now boasts over 1.3 million followers – a number that grows exponentially each and every minute.  Within a week of his site blowing up, Justin was fielding offers from book agents, book publishers, AND network executives!  Today, less than ten months after his first tweet, he has published a book (which debuted at Number 8 on the New York Times bestseller list) AND is the co-executive producer of a television show (along with his writing partner, Patrick Schumacker, and Max Mutchnik and David Kohan of Will & Grace fame) called $#*! My Dad Says (or Bleep My Dad Says, the network is not yet sure) which is premiering this fall!  The series will star non other than William Shatner as Justin’s dad (an actor who I actually can’t picture in the role, but being that I’m not a casting director,  I guess that’s not really my call).  Overnight success?  Well, yes and no.  While Justin may have gone from total obscurity to having over a million fans in a matter of weeks, he had actually been pounding the Hollywood pavement trying to make it as a screenwriter for over seven years before all of that happened.  Which begs the question, when are the book agents and Hollywood producers going to start knocking on my door?  😉


    Justin could NOT have been nicer – or funnier – during the reading, and not only did he pose for a photograph with me and personalize the book I purchased for my dad, but he even added the following inscription: “Don, I’m sure you can probably relate to some of the stuff in here.  Hope you enjoy the sh*t my dad says!  Justin”  Like his Twitter page, Justin’s book is absolutely HILARIOUS.  Actually, come to think of it, it’s even funnier.  If you are at all a fan of his Twitter site, pick up a copy of the book.  You will not be disappointed!  You can watch an interview with William Shatner and see a few clips of the new series here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out their upcoming celebrity and author events here.  You can purchase Sh*t My Dad Says here and you can follow Justin on Twitter by clicking here.

  • Raquel Welch’s “Beyond The Cleavage” Book Signing


    Ever since my mom found out that actress and 1960’s/1970’s sex symbol Raquel Welch was scheduled to do a book signing for her new tome Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage at Vroman’s Bookstore in Pasadena on the evening of April 22nd, she became absolutely obsessed with attending the event.  And, even though I wasn’t exactly sure who Raquel Welch was (at first I actually thought she was one of the original Charlie’s Angels!), I agreed to accompany her.  Unfortunately though, because my father was in the hospital for most of this past week, my mom wound up not being able to attend the signing.  My entire family is pretty much spent – both emotionally and physically – at the current moment, but we are heading back to Minnesota to enroll my dad in the Mayo Clinic in a few weeks and hopefully the doctors there will be able to figure out what is wrong with him and restore some normalcy to our lives.  But I digress.  Even though my dad had been released from the hospital and was back at home on Thursday night, my mom said that she just didn’t have the energy to attend the signing, so, since I live pretty close to Vroman’s, I told her I’d go in her place.  I dragged the Grim Cheaper along with me, which is how, this past Thursday night, two very unlikely fans found ourselves sitting at Vroman’s Bookstore amidst about 150 Raquel Welch enthusiasts, waiting to meet the raven-haired icon. 


    I expected Raquel’s signing to be absolutely jam-packed, but when I arrived an hour and a half prior to its starting time, there were only about 15 people in the audience.  As the minutes ticked away, though, more and more fans showed up, but there were still far less people in attendance than I had originally anticipated.  By my estimation, there were only about 150 fans in the audience by the time 7 o’clock rolled around.  Before Raquel made her appearance, one of the Vroman’s staff members explained the rules of the evening.  Now, I’ve been to quite a few book signings in the past and this was the first time that rules had ever been established beforehand.  The staffer explained that no photographs of the star were to be taken when she entered the room nor while she was speaking and that the only time pictures would be allowed was during the actual book signing.  She also stipulated that Raquel would not be posing for ANY photographs with the fans, nor would she be personalizing the books, which I thought was pretty ludicrous.  At all of the book signings I’ve ever been to, the authors have ALWAYS personalized their books.  I mean, what is the point of getting it signed, otherwise?  It is also pretty rare that an author won’t pose for photographs with their fans.  I mean, if someone is going to shell out $28 plus tax to pay for a book and then wait upwards of two hours to get it signed, I really feel that the very least a star can do is personalize it and pose for a quick photograph.  The restrictions were pretty maddening and led me to believe that Raquel would be a full-on Di-va with a capital “D”.




    Which, I am happy to report, actually couldn’t have been further from the truth!  The event started right on time and Raquel walked into the room promptly at 7 p.m.  We were told she had actually arrived at Vroman’s thirty minutes early, which, in and of itself, is a non-diva maneuver.  And I have to say that she was absolutely BEAUTIFUL in person!  Like AMAZINGLY beautiful!  I wasn’t expecting her to be quite so luminous.  Raquel’s not nearly as short as I expected her to be, either – she was about my height, 5’4”  but my fiancé said she was wearing pretty tall heels, so she very well could be significantly shorter when wearing flats.  She was also extremely friendly and warm and waved and said hello to all of the people she walked by while making her way to the front table. 


    And even though the Vroman’s staff had forewarned the fans that if anyone took a picture of Raquel while she was speaking, they would be asked to leave and their cameras possibly confiscated, THOUSANDS of flashbulbs went off as soon as she entered the room.  You can see how bright the camera lights were in the above photograph.  And they pretty much didn’t stop going off the entire time!




    Raquel gave a very brief speech prior to signing her books, in which she stated that she has long been a fan of Vroman’s Bookstore because it’s an “old girl” like herself (the place was founded in 1894) and that it’s still going strong, which is also much like herself.  She even called the place the “book lovers’ book store”, which just about made me want to swoon as I, too, absolutely LOVE Vroman’s.  She talked about how much respect she has for writers now that she has completed a book, as it was very grueling work.  Tell me about it, honey!  😉  Raquel was extremely vivacious and charming during her speech and not AT ALL the diva I was expecting her to be after hearing her restrictive book signing policies.  Which brings me to a point.  Sadly, many of the people in attendance Thursday night were . . . well, to put it in plain language, creepy.  One man was wearing pajamas – not kidding – and quite a few others had on ripped-up, dirty sweatpants, disheveled hair, and looked as if they had rolled out of bed about two minutes prior to the event.  The guy behind me in line reeked of cigarette smoke and kept making odd grunting noises the closer he got to Raquel.  Seeing the myriad of oddball fans made me wonder if the icon was refusing to take posed photographs for her own protection.  I’ll never know for sure, but the whole thing made me sad.   Note to fans – if you are going to meet someone you admire at a signing, don’t wear pajamas or ripped-up sweatpants, run a comb through your hair, and, at the very least, take a shower!  I mean would you want to meet and pose for a picture with someone who had done anything less?  Gross!



    After Raquel’s speech, the signing began.  Because I had gotten there so early, I was the fifteenth person in line and didn’t have to wait long to get my mom’s book signed. 



    The whole event got kind of crazy as soon as she started signing books, though, and about thirty people rushed right up to the front table and began snapping photographs.  Book signings are usually pretty calm events, so I was surprised when this one incited such hysteria!  It was pretty funny to watch. 


    I was pleasantly surprised when I reached the front of the line and Raquel stuck out her hand for me to shake!  She was SUPER friendly and, as I said before, very warm.  I think she got slightly offended, though, when I told her that the book was for my mom, who was a huge fan of hers.   Ah well. 




    I am also very happy to report that Raquel did (sort of) pose for pictures with those fans who had someone accompanying them who could stand off to the side and snap a quick pic while she was signing their book.  My fiancé has a camera with a speed-burst shutter, which means that he can take a multitude of photographs in the space of one second, which he did while I was standing with Raquel.  Unfortunately though, the two of us couldn’t quite seem to get it together in any of the photographs and we were never looking in the same place at the same time. LOL  But at least I got a picture with her . . .

    Raquel 3.jpg

    . . . and a book signed for my mom.  As you can see, though, Raquel did not personalize it, which I thought was pretty darn janky.  🙁  Ironically enough, the woman sitting next to me during the event actually told me that it was better not to have my book personalized.  That way when I die, my family can sell it on eBay for a profit, whereas a book endorsed to “Lindsay” would be worthless.  NO JOKE – she actually said that!  LOL 


    When we left Vroman’s after the event had ended, we spotted Raquel’s limo waiting in the parking lot, so, of course, I just had to take a picture with it.  🙂  All in all, the evening was a great experience, despite all of the ridiculous rules put in place prior to Raquel’s arrival.  I had a blast meeting the icon and seeing how friendly, upbeat, and BEAUTIFUL she is in person.  My mom may have been the family’s sole Raquel fan prior to Thursday night, but now there is definitely a second one.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out their upcoming celebrity and author events here.  And you can purchase Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage here.

  • My Coffee With Andre – Agassi, That Is!


    A few years back, an email entitled “You Know You’re From Los Angeles When . . . “ which was comprised of a list of “Only in L.A.” scenarios circled the World Wide Web.   My personal favorite item on the list was number 28 which stated, “The guy at 8:30 in the morning at Starbucks wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney actually IS George Clooney”.  LOVE IT!  Well, Thursday morning, I had my very own “Only in L.A.” moment at a local Starbucks, when I realized that the guy in front of me in line who looked like tennis superstar Andre Agassi actually WAS tennis superstar Andre Agassi.   As it turns out, Andre was in town for a book signing at my fave bookstore, Vroman’s, and was grabbing a quick coffee beforehand.  So, of course, for my blog’s sake, I just had to ask him to take a picture with me.  I was a little nervous about doing so, though, as just a few weeks prior some friends and I happened to run into Bruce Willis while dining at the Jerry’s Deli on Beverly Boulevard.  We had the good fortune of  finishing our meal at pretty much the exact same time as Bruce and when we found ourselves in the valet line next to him while waiting for our cars, I asked him if he wouldn’t mind posing for a photograph with us, to which he replied “Doubtful.”    Being that my question pretty much warranted either a yes or a no answer, I’m not even really sure what he meant by that, but needless to say I did not get my photo.  🙁  He did shake our hands, though, so I guess that’s something.  So, when Andre Agassi said that he’d be happy to pose for a picture with me, I was absolutely elated!   A man who I am guessing was his publicist took the above photograph of us – which is arguably the worst photo I’ve ever taken in my life LOL – and afterwards said “I think you’re going to like this one!”  I laughed and replied, “Well, being that I’m not wearing any make-up right now, I’m not so sure”, to which Andre said, “Well, I’m not wearing make-up either, so we’re even!”  LOL LOL LOL  Three other women were in Starbucks at the time that all of this took place and, let me tell you, Andre’s presence caused us all to act like a bunch of giddy little school girls.   I’m pretty sure the noise level inside Starbucks increased more than one decibel while the four of us fawned over him.  My three new friends also asked for their pictures to be taken with Andre and he happily obliged.  In fact, he was so incredibly friendly and gracious I almost couldn’t believe it.  He even waited patiently while I tried to figure out how to use the camera on one of the girl’s iPhones.   And, to top it all off, when I was on the way out the door a few minutes later, Andre looked up from his espresso and called out “Bye!”  Sigh!  What a nice guy!  I am so going to have to check out his new book now!


    Seeing Andre on Thursday got me thinking.  Everyday I receive emails from readers seeking advice on how and where to spot celebrities in L.A.  And, while I did write a post about celebrity hot spots earlier this year, I realized that the best advice I can give on seeing a famous person in Los Angeles is to just simply KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AT ALL TIMES.  The truth is you just never know when or where you might spot a celeb.  I’ve seen stars in such mundane spots as the grocery store, Target, Rite Aid, the mall, Joann’s Fabrics, and Michael’s Craft Store.  And, of course, at Starbucks.  Other celebs I’ve spotted at various Starbucks in the L.A. area include Sophia Loren, Bradley Whitford (on three different occasions!), Jane Kaczmarek, Britney Spears, Peter MacNicol, Maxine Bahns (from The Brothers McMullen), David Strathairn, Danielle Panabaker, Mark D. Espinoza (who played Andrea’s husband Jesse on the original 90210), Kevin Dunn, Jamie Lynn Spears, who was with her mother Lynn Spears, and Reese Witherspoon.  Although to be fair, Reese wasn’t actually at a Starbucks when I spotted her.  I saw her walking out of a yoga studio located directly next door to the Starbucks I happened to be walking into.  But that still counts, don’t you think?  🙂  Being that I visit a Starbucks on average of three times a day, though, I guess my record of seeing celebs there isn’t actually all that good.  LOL  But my point is that when you’re in L.A. you just have to keep your eyes peeled at all times!  And always, always have your camera with you!  🙂



    As if to further drive this point home, while doing some shopping at Larchmont Village with my fiancé on Saturday afternoon, I happened to spot both Anthony John Denison, who plays Lieutenant Flynn on TNT’s The Closer,  and Owain Yeoman, who plays Detective Wayne Rigsby on The Mentalist (pictured above), dining at restaurants across the street from each other.  I, of course, noticed both actors immediately, but my fiancé walked RIGHT BY them completely oblivious.  Honestly, I think they both could have come up and bitten him on the nose and he still wouldn’t have realized who they were!  As I mentioned above, you just gotta keep your eyes open!


    And let me just say here that I was completely struck by how much better looking Owain Yeoman is in person than he comes across onscreen, as was the case back in August when I saw him during a filming of The Mentalist.  I mean, even my fiancé had to admit that the guy looked quite a bit different in person.  🙂 And even though Owain is one of my new celebrity crushes, because he was eating lunch when we spotted him, I didn’t want to bother him for a photograph.  But, as luck would have it, when driving away from Larchmont Village, my fiancé happened to get stuck at a stop sign RIGHT IN FRONT of Owain’s table, so, I just had to snap a quick pic.  🙂 Owain definitely noticed me taking his photo and didn’t seem too happy about the situation, but being that he is oh so dreamy, I just couldn’t help myself.  🙂  Sigh!


    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Starbucks where I ran into Andre Agassi is located at 408 East Colorado Blvd., in the Paseo Colorado Shopping Center, in Pasadena.  Larchmont Village, where I spotted Owain Yeoman and Anthony John Denison, is a quaint little shopping district located on North Larchmont Blvd. in between Beverly Boulevard and West 1st Street.  Anthony John Denison was eating at Louise’s Tratroria, which is located at 232 N. Larchmont Blvd.  Owain was eating at Le Petite Greek, which is located at 127 N. Larchmont. 

  • On Location With “Peep World”!


    Yesterday, while heading to fave bookstore Vroman’s to pick up a stalking book  I had special ordered, I happened upon a small crew filming on the sidewalk at the store’s entrance.  One of the policemen on duty was extremely nice and told me that the movie being filmed was a low-budget indie entitled Peep World.    The flick actually has a great cast including Sarah Silverman, Michael C. Hall (who plays Dexter on the Showtime series of the same name), and The Office’s  Rainn Wilson, but unfortunately none of them were on hand while I was there.  I was actually really hoping Michael C. Hall would show up as I love me some Dexter, but, alas, that was not to be.   


    The only actors on set that I saw were Ben Schwartz (from I Hate Valentine’s Day);  


    and Kate Mara  (who starred in the movies Shooter  and We Are Marshall).  I didn’t recognize either of them, though, which is surprising being that I usually recognize anyone and everyone.  🙂  At first, I actually thought that Kate Mara was Joanna Garcia  from TV’s Privileged, as the two look strikingly alike!


    I only stuck around to watch the filming for about ten minutes because, sadly, the crew was NOT at all nice or friendly.  One of the production guys actually tried to feed me some nonsense about it being illegal for me to take pictures of the production.  But being that I was standing on a public sidewalk, talking to the policeman on duty while taking those pictures, the guy pretty much didn’t have a leg to stand on.  LOL   Oddly enough, some paparazzi were also on the scene taking pics and one of the crew members had a policeman ask them to leave.  HUH????  Wouldn’t you think that a low budget movie would want all the publicity it could get????  I am actually shocked that the paparazzi were even there to begin with, as no one even remotely famous was on the set.  It’s always such a bummer to me when film crews aren’t friendly.  I find it quite ironic that the crew of a fairly low-budget indie film would be so rude, when one would expect the opposite to be true.  In my experience, though, it is the big budget, A-List crews that are the nicest.  Oh well, I just have to resign myself to the fact that not all film crews are as friendly as the crew of CSI: Miami


    Surprisingly enough, I also got bored quite quickly while watching the filming.  And for me to get bored on a film set is almost unheard of!  But nothing much was really going on.  The crew was also so disorganized that it was almost comical.  They scene they were filming involved a taxi carrying Ben Schwartz pulling up to Vroman’s front entrance.   But because no one from the crew was stationed on the sidewalk to stop cars from entering the filming area, quite a few people were driving up and parking in the exact spot where the taxi cab was supposed to go.  LOL  They actually had to repeatedly stop filming to ask the drivers to move.  During one take, when an older gentleman tried to walk past the camera, a crew member put his hand out and whispered “Can you hold on a minute?”   The man, who was obviously hard of hearing due to his age, said really loudly “WHAT?”  LOL  LOL LOL   So, at least I got a few laughs out of watching the filming.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit their website here.

  • Sex In My City

    To promote her new book, One Fifth Avenue, Sex and the City author and creator Candace Bushnell made an appearance at my fave bookstore, Vroman’s, in Pasadena last night. I could not have been more excited for this event!!! I was absolutely dying to see the real life Carrie Bradshaw in person. For those not in the know, much like her on-screen alter-ego, in real life Candace Bushnell authored a column entitled Sex and the City which appeared weekly in the New York Observer newspaper during the early 90s. In 1996, she published a book of her greatest columns and due to that book’s popularity, a television show based upon her life was created. The rest, as they say, is history. 🙂

    Last night before the event began, I was literally on the edge of my seat waiting to see Candace in person. I was dying to know how alike she was to the character portrayed by SJP. I couldn’t help but wonder . . . Does she talk like SJP, dress like SJP, and most of all, what kind of shoes would she be wearing????

    The reading turned out to be fabulous and I had a blast being there!!! Candace is SUPER tiny in person (much like SJP) and not at all as flashy as I expected her to be. Although her feet were clad in super high Manolo’s, her outfit was pretty tame compared with Carrie Bradshaw’s avant garde wardrobe. (Unfortunately, Candace wouldn’t allow any photographs to be taken during the reading, so I had to wait until she was finished to snaps pics.) Candace read a bit of the first chapter of her new book (where I discovered that she doesn’t talk like SJP) and then there was a short question and answer session, where we learned little tidbits like Candace’s favorite book out of all the novels she has written is One Fifth Avenue, she thinks SJP is an “absolute doll”, and she was floored to meet Mary Tyler Moore recently when the actress guest starred on the television show Lipstick Jungle, which is also based on one of Candace’s books. I think the audience was slightly intimidated by the real CB, because barely anyone asked questions, which led Candace to say “Doesn’t anyone want to know if there is a real Mr. Big or what brand of shoes I am wearing?” LOL Love it!!! 🙂 She told us that there was in fact a real Mr. Big, whom she dated for a year and a half and who did dump her for another woman after a trip to Europe, just like on the series. The real Mr. Big ended up marrying the woman he met in Europe after only four months of dating and, like Carrie, Candace was absolutely devastated. Unlike on the series, however, the real Mr. Big is still happily married to this day. He now lives in Vermont with his wife and kids and several horses. Candace is also now happily married, as well, and I must say her wedding band is absolutely gorgeous – but surprisingly simple. It is a very understated, very modest eternity band with pave diamonds that sparkle like no other. I LOVED it. 🙂 Anyway, Candace also told us that she did just sign a contract to pen a series of young adult novels about the early life of Miss Carrie Bradshaw. YAY! She has not begun writing these novels as of yet, but she is very excited to start. I asked her how closely she worked on the Sex and the City series and she said that was very involved as a consultant during the first two seasons, but not at all after that and not at all on the movie. She said that after the first two seasons she entrusted her story to Michael Patrick King, who she thinks is an absolute genius. She also said that she felt that being a part of the series was like “magic”.

    After the question and answer session, Candace signed books (but no DVDs or SATC memorabilia) for the audience. She would not, however, pose for any photographs with the fans, so I didn’t get a pic with her. 🙁 She was very nice in person, though, and I could not have been more excited to meet her! It was a truly fabulous evening!!!! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: You can purchase Candace Bushnell’s new book here. Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 E. Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena. You can view their upcoming author events here.

  • Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You!

    Sex and the City author and creater Candace Bushnell’s new novel, One Fifth Avenue, hits bookshelves later this month and what better way for her to promote it than by doing a book signing at the greatest bookstore on the planet – Vroman’s! On Monday, September 29th, at 7PM, Candace will be doing a reading and signing of her new book. I absolutely cannot wait to see the real Carrie Bradshaw live and in person. 🙂 I am hoping she will chat a bit about Sex and the City, as well as her new book. I have attended several readings at Vroman’s in the past and they have all been fabulous, each lasting well over an hour with plenty of time for audience questions. I cannot wait!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s is located at 695 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena. The CB event is free and you do not need reservations to attend. I recommend arriving early, though, as Vroman’s events can get pretty packed.