Tag: Vancouver filming locations

  • Eloise’s Garden from “Love Happens”


    Another location that I was dying to stalk while in Canada last weekend was the storefront which stood in for Eloise’s Garden, the flower shop owned by Eloise Chandler (aka Jennifer Aniston), in the 2009 romantic dramedy Love Happens.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Owen, who has amassed quite an extensive collection of Pacific Northwest stalking sites over the past few years.  And, even though I didn’t particularly love Love Happens, a largely depressing flick which centers around a young widower/self help guru named Burke Ryan (aka Aaron Eckhart) who finds a second chance at love while hosting a grief seminar in Seattle, because it starred my girl Jen, I just had to stalk all of the locations featured in it.  And, again, I really have to apologize for the photographs which appear in this post – apparently I had my new camera on the wrong setting during my entire Canadian vacation, which caused all of the photographs I took to come out slightly blurry.  Ugh!


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    Even though Love Happens is set in Seattle, Washington, the vast majority of the movie was actually filmed about 150 miles north of the Emerald City in Vancouver, British Columbia.  As a matter of fact, only one week out of the entire nine week production schedule was spent in Seattle.  The remaining eight weeks were spent on location in Canada.  And, amazingly enough, Jennifer Aniston never actually set foot in the State of Washington during the entire filming – all of her scenes were lensed north of the border in Vancouver.  Producers ended up finding the perfect space to house Eloise’s Garden, the supposed Pioneer Square-area flower shop that served as one of the movie’s central locations, at a lingerie store named Tabu Boutique in the Gastown section of Downtown Vancouver.  Both the interior and the exterior of Tabu were used in the filming of Love Happens and producers even went so far as to completely dismantle the inside of the lingerie store in order to create Eloise’s colorful floral shop.

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    Sadly, though, Tabu Boutique closed its doors in May of this year and the space it once occupied is currently vacant, so we were unable to stalk the interior.  I took the above photographs through the store’s front window, but, oh, how I would have loved to have actually gone inside to take a closer look at the premises and to speak to the Tabu employees about the filming.  Fellow stalker Kerry and I both agreed that this was one of the more disappointing stalks of our trip.  🙁  Especially since, according to some information that I found online, there were several photographs of the filming of Love Happens and its leading lady Jennifer Aniston featured on display when the store was still open.

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    As you can see in the above screen captures, the interior of Eloise’s Garden appears to be much larger than the size of the actual former Tabu space.  So much larger, in fact, that I was convinced a set had been used for the filming of the interior scenes.  But we spoke to some employees of a neighboring store who told us that the inside of Tabu did indeed stand in for the interior of Eloise’s Garden.  The movie’s production notes further corroborate that fact.  You can see photographs of what the interior of Tabu used to look like here and you can see some photographs of the shop as it was dressed for the filming here.  Of the florist set, Love Happens producer Scott Stuber said, it was the “best-smelling set on which we’ve all worked”.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The former Tabu Boutique, aka Eloise’s Garden from Love Happens, is located at 51 Powell Street in the Gastown area of Vancouver, Canada.

  • Killarney Market from Michael Buble’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” Video


    Now don’t laugh, but the primary reason behind the Grim Cheaper’s and my trip up to the Pacific Northwest this past weekend was so that I could stalk the spot where Michael Buble filmed the music video for his hit song “Haven’t Met You Yet” – Killarney Market in Vancouver, British Columbia.  Sure, we also wanted to sightsee, spend some time in Seattle and Canada, and visit with our good friends Kerry and Jim who live in the area, but, all kidding aside, the main purpose of our trip was to stalk that grocery store.  Yes, we traveled over 1,000 miles to see a supermarket!  You see, ever since I first watched the “Haven’t Met You Yet” video back in early October of last year, I promised myself that I would one day get up to Vancouver to see the Michael Buble grocery store in person.  That day came much sooner than expected, though, thanks to my fiancé’s boss, who recently presented us with Virgin America gift certificates as an early wedding present.  Well, let me tell you, my first thought upon seeing those certificates was, ‘We’re going to Canada, Baby!’  And, sure enough, we did!  Thanks to fellow stalker Kerry, who completely organized the trip and drove about four hours out of her way to pick us up at the airport, not only did I get to stalk the Michael Buble grocery store, but a slew of other Pacific Northwest locations, as well, which I will be blogging about over the next few weeks.   Anyway, upon landing at the Sea-Tac International Airport at around 5 p.m. this past Friday evening, Kerry, her husband Jim, the Grim Cheaper, and I headed north to Vancouver, British Columbia.  And bright and early the following morning we hit up Killarney Market to finally do some “Haven’t Met You Yet” stalking.  YAY!


    I should explain here that there are quite a few reasons why I wanted to stalk Killarney Market so badly, the most obvious of which being that I absolutely LOVE Michael Buble.  More than that, though, I also absolutely ADORE the “Haven’t Met You Yet” video, which centers around Michael doing some shopping at a local grocery store.  While in the freezer section picking out some microwavable TV dinners, he spots his dream girl (who is played by MB’s real life fiancé Luisana Lopilato) standing just a few feet away from him.  He approaches her and the two sing and dance their way through the store, eventually winding up in the parking lot, marching band in tow.  The video ends with Michael standing in the check-out aisle, belting out his song, eyes closed, before realizing that the whole scenario had been imagined.  As he leaves the grocery store, slightly embarrassed, the girl he had envisioned in his daydream brushes past him.  MB stops for a moment to stare after her and then continues on his way.  “Haven’t Met You Yet” is an incredibly fun-spirited romp that makes one want to get out of their seat and dance, which is a big part of why I loved it so much.  But the fact that it was filmed in a grocery store made the video even more special to me, as my father managed supermarkets throughout my entire childhood.  To me, the video felt a little bit like home.  🙂

    I am very happy to report that Killarney Market looks EXACTLY the same in person as it did onscreen in Michael’s video – minus the ticker tape and marching band, of course.  😉  I am also very happy to report that the Killarney employees could NOT have been nicer to us and literally almost fell over when they heard that we had traveled all the way from Southern California to see their store.  They were happy to answer all of my silly questions about the filming, which took place over the course of two nights in September of 2009, and they let me take all of the photographs of the place that I wanted.  YAY!  And while the employees that I spoke with weren’t exactly sure of how the grocery store premise of the video came to be, they did tell me that Killarney’s Market was specifically chosen as the “Haven’t Met You Yet” location because it reminded MB of a store he had shopped at as a child.  So cool!  (Note – my parents just gifted me with a new, hi-tech camera and I haven’t yet figured out exactly how to use it, so, sadly, my pictures of the market didn’t come out as well as they should have.)
    One of the employees even showed me a picture on his blackberry that he had taken with Michael during the filming.  So, I, of course, had to snap a photograph of it.  🙂  I can’t tell you what I wouldn’t do to have my picture taken with MB like that!!!  Sigh!
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    Another of the employees ended up taking us on a little mini-tour of the specific locations used in the video, which I thought was just about the coolest thing ever!!!!  🙂  The areas of the store which appeared in “Haven’t Met You Yet” include the freezer section (Aisle 6), which was both where Michael first spotted Luisana;
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    and where the two danced atop the freezer cases;
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    the meat counter adjacent to Aisle 1, where the butcher got jiggy with it;
    Aisle 7, where the mattress floated down the aisle;
    Aisle 4, where the marching band played;
    the front of the store where the grand finale began;
    the front parking lot where the grand finale ended;
    Check-out counter Number 3, where MB got caught day-dreaming;
    the side entrance of the store, where he walked by Luisana at the end of the video;
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    and the shelf where Michael sat throughout the video, which is located in the middle of Aisle 1.  Apparently, the managers of Killarney’s weren’t too excited about the prospect of MB sitting on one of their shelves during the filming as they were worried it might collapse, so producers ended up having the shelf reinforced and tying metal wires to the singer to guard against him falling.  I so love that Michael’s shelf was left a bit lower than the adjacent shelves, as it appeared in the video.

    I cannot tell you what a thrill it was for me to finally be able to stalk the “Haven’t Met You Yet” grocery store!  It was definitely the highlight of my entire trip!  You can watch the video by clicking above and you can see some FABULOUS behind-the-scenes pictures of the filming of the video on the Killarney Market Facebook page here.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Killarney Market from Michael Buble’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” music video is located at 2611 49th Avenue East in Vancouver, British Columbia.  You can visit the market’s official Facebook page here.