Tag: Vancouver attractions

  • The Water Street Cafe from “Love Happens”


    Just down the street from the former Tabu Boutique, the storefront that masqueraded as Eloise’s Garden in the 2009 movie Love Happens which I blogged about yesterday, is Water Street Cafe, the upscale restaurant where Eloise Chandler (aka Jennifer Aniston) and Burke Ryan (aka Aaron Eckhart) ate dinner during their extremely awkward first date at the beginning of the flick.  I found this locale once again thanks to fellow stalker Owen who somehow managed to track down almost every single location featured in the movie.  Unfortunately, though, because our time in Vancouver was limited (we were only in town for less than 24 hours as we wanted to spend a full two days in Seattle), while we were able to stalk the exterior of the Water Street Cafe, we weren’t able to grab a bite to eat there.  As so often happens on vacation, there were just far too many locations on my To-Stalk list and not enough hours in the day to see them all.  🙁

    In Love Happens, Eloise and Burke eat at a window-side table overlooking Cambie Street.

    After finishing their meal, the two walk out of the restaurant’s main entrance on Water Street . . .


    . . . and around the corner onto Cambie Street, where Burke confesses to Eloise that he hasn’t been on a date in over three years.



    The Water Street Cafe was first opened in 1988 by Domenique Sabatino.  I’m quite bummed that we didn’t get a chance to eat there as the restaurant’s Italian-inspired menu looks pretty amazing, especially the Stuffed Pancetta Wrapped Chicken entree – a spinach stuffed chicken breast that is wrapped in pancetta and topped with brie.  OH MY LORD does that sounds good!!  🙂  Especially since my dad is once again in the hospital and I’ve been existing solely on hospital cafeteria food for the past six days.  Yeech!


    Water Street Cafe is located directly across the street from the world-famous Vancouver Steam Clock, a large glass, antique-looking clock that is powered entirely via a combination of balance weights and steam.  The clock was first built in 1977 by horologist Raymond Saunders and has been whistling and shooting out steam at fifteen minute intervals ever since.  There are only six other working steam clocks in the entire world and the one in Gastown has been called Vancouver’s most photographed attraction.  According to the Love Happens production notes, producers had to time the filming of the scene shot outside of the Water Street Cafe in accordance with the every-quarter-hour whistle of the clock.  🙂

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Water Street Cafe from Love Happens is located at 300 Water Street in the Gastown area of Vancouver, British Columbia.  You can visit the Water Street Cafe website here.  The Vancouver Steam Clock is located across the street at 305 Water Street.

  • Eloise’s Garden from “Love Happens”


    Another location that I was dying to stalk while in Canada last weekend was the storefront which stood in for Eloise’s Garden, the flower shop owned by Eloise Chandler (aka Jennifer Aniston), in the 2009 romantic dramedy Love Happens.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Owen, who has amassed quite an extensive collection of Pacific Northwest stalking sites over the past few years.  And, even though I didn’t particularly love Love Happens, a largely depressing flick which centers around a young widower/self help guru named Burke Ryan (aka Aaron Eckhart) who finds a second chance at love while hosting a grief seminar in Seattle, because it starred my girl Jen, I just had to stalk all of the locations featured in it.  And, again, I really have to apologize for the photographs which appear in this post – apparently I had my new camera on the wrong setting during my entire Canadian vacation, which caused all of the photographs I took to come out slightly blurry.  Ugh!


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    Even though Love Happens is set in Seattle, Washington, the vast majority of the movie was actually filmed about 150 miles north of the Emerald City in Vancouver, British Columbia.  As a matter of fact, only one week out of the entire nine week production schedule was spent in Seattle.  The remaining eight weeks were spent on location in Canada.  And, amazingly enough, Jennifer Aniston never actually set foot in the State of Washington during the entire filming – all of her scenes were lensed north of the border in Vancouver.  Producers ended up finding the perfect space to house Eloise’s Garden, the supposed Pioneer Square-area flower shop that served as one of the movie’s central locations, at a lingerie store named Tabu Boutique in the Gastown section of Downtown Vancouver.  Both the interior and the exterior of Tabu were used in the filming of Love Happens and producers even went so far as to completely dismantle the inside of the lingerie store in order to create Eloise’s colorful floral shop.

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    Sadly, though, Tabu Boutique closed its doors in May of this year and the space it once occupied is currently vacant, so we were unable to stalk the interior.  I took the above photographs through the store’s front window, but, oh, how I would have loved to have actually gone inside to take a closer look at the premises and to speak to the Tabu employees about the filming.  Fellow stalker Kerry and I both agreed that this was one of the more disappointing stalks of our trip.  🙁  Especially since, according to some information that I found online, there were several photographs of the filming of Love Happens and its leading lady Jennifer Aniston featured on display when the store was still open.

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    As you can see in the above screen captures, the interior of Eloise’s Garden appears to be much larger than the size of the actual former Tabu space.  So much larger, in fact, that I was convinced a set had been used for the filming of the interior scenes.  But we spoke to some employees of a neighboring store who told us that the inside of Tabu did indeed stand in for the interior of Eloise’s Garden.  The movie’s production notes further corroborate that fact.  You can see photographs of what the interior of Tabu used to look like here and you can see some photographs of the shop as it was dressed for the filming here.  Of the florist set, Love Happens producer Scott Stuber said, it was the “best-smelling set on which we’ve all worked”.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The former Tabu Boutique, aka Eloise’s Garden from Love Happens, is located at 51 Powell Street in the Gastown area of Vancouver, Canada.

  • The Former BaBalu Lounge – Where Michael Buble Got His Start


    Another Michael Buble location that I found thanks to the book Michael Buble: The Biography, by Juliet Peel was BaBalu Lounge, the Downtown Vancouver nightclub where the cutie crooner performed regularly for two years before becoming famous.  And, let me tell you, once I heard about it, I became pretty hell-bent on the idea of grabbing a drink at the very spot where MB had honed his craft all those years ago.  As I quickly found out, though, the BaBalu Lounge is sadly no longer.  Apparently, the now-defunct club used to be located on the bottom floor of the Nelson-at-Granville Comfort Inn Hotel, but in 2001, a fire broke out on the top floor of the building and completely gutted the entire property, including Michael’s former singing spot.  The building was eventually purchased by a real estate development company who renovated the entire property and a new restaurant named Doolin’s Irish Pub subsequently opened in the former BaBalu space.  Such a bummer!  But even though BaBalu is no longer, I just had to stalk the hallowed ground where it once stood.


    Especially since the club had played such an important role on Michael’s road to fame.  In 2001, the singer even named his second independently produced album “BaBalu” (pictured above) in honor of the lounge where he had sung every Sunday and Monday night for over two years beginning in 1997.  Of MB’s premiere album, titled “First Dance”, biographer Juliet Peel states, “It made no impact whatsoever on the world at the time, but this, and the other two independent albums Michael brought out before he hit the big time, are now collectors’ items.  Whole internet chains have been established trying to track them down (for a Buble fan, finding one of these records is equivalent to stumbling across a signed first edition of an early J.K. Rowling.)”   You’re telling me, Juliet!  What I wouldn’t give to own one of those albums! 



    Michael’s love of music was originally cultivated thanks to his beloved maternal grandfather, Mitch Santaga.  Mitch, who made his living as a plumber, not only first introduced Michael to the Standards, the songs that he would one day become famous for singing, but he also traded free plumbing services to local band-leaders in exchange for them allowing MB a chance to sing during their shows.  After he became famous, Michael, whom Mitch had long-before dubbed “Sunshine”, said, “Isn’t that hilarious?  He’d put in, like, a hot-water dispenser or something so that they would let me get up and sing.”  Love it!  In 1997, Michael landed his first regular paying gig at BaBalu Lounge, where he performed along with the Smokin’ Section band, for over two years.  He credits his years there as a major learning experience, saying of the patrons, “They came to meet a woman or get wasted, but I learned my craft.  It taught me how not to reek of desperation, how to step back and try to be charismatic and let them fall in love with me.”  And fall in love with him they did.  Michael quickly garnered a very loyal local fan base of mostly women :), who would come to watch him sing every single time he set foot onstage.  After two shorts years at BaBalu, MB moved to Toronto with then-girlfriend Debbie Timuss.  In a fortuitous twist of fate, shortly after that move, Michael performed at a corporate event where a man named Michael Sweeney was sitting in the audience.  After the show, Sweeney introduced himself to Michael, who in turn gave him one of his self-produced albums.  Sweeney passed along that CD to his close friend, Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, who immediately hired the singer to perform at his daughter’s upcoming wedding.  One of the guests at that wedding turned out to be none other than music-producing legend David Foster, who is perhaps better known by his nickname – “the hit-maker”.  Foster was immediately taken with the with the Canadian crooner and had him move out to L.A. so that they could work together the very next week.  And, the rest, as they say, is history.


    Unfortunately, because it was raining when we arrived at Doolin’s Irish Pub, I opted to stay in the car and take pictures through the window instead of getting out to stalk the inside of the place.  From what I’ve read, though, it seems like a very cool place to hang out.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Doolin’s Irish Pub, the site of the former BaBalu Nightclub, is located at 654 Nelson Street in Vancouver, British Columbia.  You can visit the Doolin’s website here.

  • Michael Buble’s British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame Plaque on the Vancouver Starwalk


    One of the other items on my must-stalk-while-in-Canada list was Michael Buble’s British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame plaque which is located on Canada’s version of the Hollywood Walk of Fame – the Granville Street Starwalk in Downtown Vancouver.  I guess you could say that my trip up to the Pacific Northwest was a full-on Michael Buble Stalking Vacation.  🙂  Ironically enough, when fellow stalker Kerry, her husband Jim, the Grim Cheaper, and I first crossed over into British Columbia this past Friday night, we were given a bit of a hard time by the border guards.  Actually, “hard time” is the wrong choice of words here.  Let’s just say that we were definitely questioned.  Upon finding out that I had never before visited the Pacific Province, our entire group was asked to get out of the car to answer some additional queries in the Border Services Agency’s main office.  It was at that point that I realized that there was no way in heck I could give a truthful answer to their question of why I was visiting Canada.  Can you imagine if I had stood there and said that I had traveled to their country for the sole purpose of stalking Michael Buble locations???  They probably would have had me arrested on the spot!  😉  But I digress.  Anyway, before my trip up north, I purchased Michael Buble: The Biography by Juliet Peel and, while I can’t say that the book was a particularly great read, it did alert me to some fabulous stalking sites, including Michael’s star on Vancouver’s Granville Street Starwalk.


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    The British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame was founded on July 4, 1994 in order to recognize those British Columbians who had made significant contributions in six different disciplines in the entertainment industry, including music, television, theatre, film, radio, and variety.  Over 180 different artists are currently honored with brass plaques embedded in the sidewalk along Canada’s so-called “Starwalk” – a two block section of Granville Street in Downtown Vancouver’s Theatre District.  About twenty new plaques, which are each the size and shape of a 12-inch phonograph record, are added each year.  Michael Buble, who originally hails from the Canadian city of Burnaby, was inducted into the BC Hall of Fame on April 19th, 2009, along with nine other honorees including theatre actress Wendy Gorling, radio personality Fanny Kiefer, and music producer Terry McBride.  Past inductees include jazz musician Diane Krall, “King of Swing” Dal Richards, and singers Sarah McLachlan and Bryan Adams.  Each Hall of Fame member also has a photograph of themselves on display in the Starwall area of the nearby Orpheum Theatre’s main lobby.  Unfortunately, though, I did not know about the Orpheum gallery until doing research for today’s post, so I was not able to stalk MB’s picture.  Such a bummer!  🙁  

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    Although the Hollywood Walk of Fame provides tourist maps which denote each particular star’s exact location, the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame, sadly, does not.  And, oddly enough, I could not find much information about the place online before I left on my trip, so I had no idea where exactly on Granville Street Michael Buble’s plaque was located.  Since the Starwalk only stretches for two short blocks, though, I figured we could just walk the entire thing and track down his star once we got there, which is exactly what we set out to do.  But being that there were almost two hundred plaques to search, that got old rather quickly, so I popped into a Granville Street bookstore and asked the man at the counter if he could point me in the direction of Michael Buble’s star.  His answer – “I didn’t even know he had one.”  LOL  Thankfully, though, while I was in the bookstore, Kerry and my fiancé managed to find MB’s star and I have to say that I was rather giddy with excitement upon seeing it.  It was definitely worth the trouble it took to find it!  Note to the British Columbia Hall of Fame – you really ought to provide maps which pinpoint the exact location of each honoree’s plaque.  I mean, honestly, do I have to think of everything?  Sheesh!  😉

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Michael Buble’s British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame plaque can be found just outside of the Mavi Jeans store, which is located at 850 Granville Street in Vancouver, Canada.  You can read more about the Starwalk on the official British Columbia Entertainment Hall of Fame website here.