Tag: TV shows

  • Drago Ristorante from “Entourage”


    Last Monday afternoon, I found myself having to kill a few hours of time while my car was being repaired at a mechanic’s shop on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, so I headed across the street to grab a latte and some lunch at a restaurant named Aroma Bakery & Café.  I had never before dined at Aroma, but thought the name sounded vaguely familiar and had a brief recollection that it had once been featured on the hit HBO television series Entourage.  Well, my memory is obviously not quite as good as I thought because as it turns out the restaurant was never actually featured on the show (it was Urth Café that I had been thinking of), but my mis-memory ended up to be very fortuitous.  While I was researching Aroma Bakery on my Blackberry, I came across a thread on the Chowhound website detailing numerous area restaurants which had been featured on Entourage and I almost fell off of my chair when I saw that one of the eateries mentioned was Drago Ristorante in Santa Monica, a place that I have actually dined at numerous times before, but had never realized was a filming location!  Then I almost fell off my chair once again when I received a call from the Grim Cheaper a few days later, informing me that his boss had just invited us to dinner at Drago Ristorante that Friday night!!!  Talk about synchronicity!  So, a few days later the GC and I headed out to the West Side for some dinner and some Entourage stalking.  Yay!


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    Drago Ristorante was originally opened in 1991 by native Sicilian chef Celestino Drago, who had previously founded Celestino restaurant in Beverly Hills.  Drago became a virtual overnight success and now, almost two decades later, it is a veritable Santa Monica institution.  Celestino has also become something of a celebrity chef along the way and has since opened up several other eateries including Dolce Forno bakery in Culver City, Entoneca Drago and Il Pastaio, both in Beverly Hills, Drago Centro in Downtown Los Angeles, and Celestino in Pasadena.  And I have to say that Drago is EXCELLENT!  I opted for the Petto Di Pollo, Funghi  Trifolati entrée which featured king trumpet mushrooms that were quite possibly the largest mushrooms I have ever seen in my entire life!  They were A-MA-ZING and I would have honestly been happy eating a handful of them by themselves, but I , of course, also chose to gouge myself on the chicken which was doused in a light truffle sauce.  And, oh my lord, was it good!  I should forewarn my fellow stalkers that the restaurant is on the pricey side, so if you are looking for a reasonable night out, Drago would not be a good choice.  If you don’t mind dropping a couple pennies, though, it is ENTIRELY worth the expense.

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    In the “Oh, Mandy” episode of Entourage, Vince Chase (aka Adrian Grenier) meets up with Mandy Moore, who played herself on the series, at Drago Ristorante in order to talk about the upcoming movie Aquaman, in which they are both set to star.  While the two are dining, Eric Murphy (aka Kevin Connolly), Johnny ‘Drama’ Chase (aka Kevin Dillon), and Turtle (aka Jerry Ferrara) wait for Vince in their car out in front of the restaurant.  Drago Ristorante also appeared in an early season episode of fave reality show The Bachelor, although I am not sure of exactly which episode or which season. The place is also something of a celebrity hot spot.  The GC’s boss saw Ed ‘Neill, Anne Bancroft, Mel Brooks, and Garry Marshall there all on one night a few years back!

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    On an Entourage side note – Thanks again to the Chowhound website, I recently discovered that HBO has a locations tab on the Entourage section of its website  which lists the main locales featured in each and every episode of the show.  HOW INCREDIBLY COOL IS THAT???  Why do ALL shows not do this????  Love it!  Love it!  Love it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Drago Ristorante, from the “Oh, Mandy” episode of Entourage, is located at 2628 Wilshire Boulevard in Santa Monica.

  • Susina Bakery & Cafe from “90210”


    One location that I have been on the lookout for for almost two years now is the café where Adrianna Tate-Duncan (aka Jessica Lowndes) ran into former boyfriend Navid Shirazi (aka Michael Steger) in the Season 1 Valentine’s Day-themed episode of 90210 titled “Of Heartbreaks and Hotels”.  What can I say?  Because I am such a coffee fiend, I am an absolute sucker for any sort of filming location that involves a café of some sort.  For whatever reason, though, I just could not seem to find the place and, after a few months of looking, promptly forgot about it.  Then, two weeks ago, the Grim Cheaper and I were out doing some stalking in the Beverly Hills area when we decided to grab a quick bite to eat.  In a fortuitous turn of events, I consulted my Blackberry to find restaurants near to where we were stalking and happened upon the website for Susina Bakery & Café.  Thanks to its distinct yellow-colored walls and cherry wood décor, I recognized the place immediately as Navid and Adrianna’s coffee shop.  And while we did not end up eating there that day, I quickly added the restaurant to my ever-growing To-Stalk list and finally dragged the GC out there this past Saturday afternoon for a late lunch.  Yay!


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    Susina Bakery & Cafe, which originally opened in late 2002 under the name Sugar Plum Bakery, resembles an old-fashioned European patisserie and was designed by Bill Brzeski, the award-winning production designer responsible for the look of such films as Matilda, As Good As It Gets, The Hangover, Catwoman, and Stuart Little 1 and 2.  The shop was founded by Jenna Turner, a chef who grew up in the business thanks to her mom who owned and operated SugarPlum Bakery in Deal, New Jersey.   After receiving a Masters in Business and training under such legendary chefs as Wolfgang Puck and Fred Eric, Jenna teamed up with pastry chef Anna Delorefice to open a bakery of her very own.  The place was a virtual overnight success, with such stars as Halle Berry, Audrina Patridge, and Oliver Martinez all stopping by for a bite to eat.  In 2004, the duo changed the name of their restaurant to Susina, which means “plum” in Italian, so as not to be confused with the commercial bakery Sugar Plum, Inc. in Virginia Beach.


    And while the cakes and sweets at Susina are rumored to be out of this world, because I am diabetic, I regretfully was not able to sample any.  But I did absolutely fall in love with the “Kiss Me”/”Hug Me” cookies pictured above.  Aren’t they adorable?!?!  And I can honestly say that Susina’s cobb salad was hands down one of the best I have ever eaten in my entire life!   I honestly don’t know what was in that thing, but it was unlike any other salad I have ever before experienced!  I literally ate every last bite – there was not one scrap of lettuce or morsel of blue cheese left in that bowl!  It was simply A-MA-ZING!  The GC also loved his homemade turkey and white cheddar cheese panini.  Susina is also absolutely ADORABLE and it is not very hard to see how it ended up being featured as a location on 90210.

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    In the “Of Heartbreaks and Hotels” episode of 90210, recently-broken-up former flames Navid and Adrianna accidentally run into each other at Susina Bakery & Cafe on Valentine’s Day and awkwardness, of course, ensues.  It was quite lucky that we happened to stalk the bakery when we did as it was all dressed up for Valentine’s Day, much the same as it was when it appeared on 90210.


    The “Of Heartbreaks and Hotels” episode of 90210 will always hold a very special place in my heart as it marks the first time that fave actor Matt Lanter appeared as bad boy Liam Court on the show.  But I digress.

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    Oddly enough, Susina Bakery & Café VERY closely resembles a different coffee shop (pictured above) where Adrianna and Navid, who have once again broken up, accidentally run into each other in the Season 2 episode of 90210 titled “Another Another Chance”.  And unfortunately, as was the case with Susina, I am having quite a bit of trouble tracking this one down.  Ideas anyone?  It seems to be some sort of a florist/cafe and if I had to guess I’d say it was located somewhere in the San Pedro/South Bay area.


    I honestly cannot recommend stalking Susina Bakery & Cafe enough!  The food and ambiance are both FABULOUS and the prices are very reasonable, which pleased the GC to no end.  I have a feeling the restaurant is going to become one of my regular haunts in the very near future.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Susina Bakery & Café, from the “Of Heartbreaks and Hotels” episode of 90210, is located at 7122 Beverly Boulevard, just off of North La Brea Avenue, in Los Angeles.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • Donna Martin’s House from the B.Y.O.B. Episode of “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    One location that I have been wanting to stalk for just about as long as I can remember now is the mansion where Donna Martin (aka Tori Spelling) lived in the Season 1 episode of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210 titled “B.Y.O.B”.  For whatever reason, though, I could just NOT seem to track the place down.  Over the past few months I had managed to contact a few of the crew members who had worked on the episode and even a few of the actors who had appeared in it, all of whom told me that they did not recognize the screen capture of the house that I had sent them and that the property where filming took place was located somewhere in the Valley.  One of the crew members also told me that he was 99.9% certain that the establishing shot of the mansion which appeared in the episode had been a stock photograph and that no actual filming had taken place there.  This news pained me to hear as, because stock photographs are most often purchased from stock location libraries, it meant that the chances of tracking the place down were slim to none.  So, imagine my surprise last Friday when I received a tweet from Geoff, from the 90210locations website, informing me that he had somehow managed to find the mansion!  Let me tell you, I just about died of excitement and dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk the place the very next day!  Thank you, Geoff!!

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    Sadly, while I am VERY happy to report that the mansion still looks almost EXACTLY the same today as it did when it appeared on Beverly Hills, 90210 over two decades ago, the property is gated and is not very visible from the street.  Sad smile  The house, which was originally built in 1926, is definitely beautiful, though, and absolutely GINORMOUS!  In real life, it boasts 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and 8,260 square feet of living space.

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    As fate would have it, when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, went to stalk the home later that very same day, the gate happened to be open and he was able to take the above photograph which matches the screen capture from the “B.Y.O.B.” episode perfectly!  So incredibly cool!



    The mansion pictured above was actually only used as Donna’s residence in the “B.Y.O.B.” episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.  In later episodes, two different properties stood in for her home – one located at 18515 Wells Drive in Encino, which I blogged about back in November of 2008, and another located at 1060 Brooklawn Drive in Bel Air, which in real life is owned by Barron Hilton, Paris’ grandfather, and which was also used as the Colby mansion on the television series The Colbys.  In the “B.Y.O.B” episode, Donna throws a massive party at the mansion while her parents are out of town, during which Steve Sanders (aka Ian Ziering) spikes Brandon Walsh’s (aka Jason Priestley’s) drink – aka his “mucho ‘mahvelous’ mango margarita”.

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    As I mentioned above though, all of the actual filming of “B.Y.O.B.” took place at a different residence (pictured above), which, according to all of the crew members and actors that I spoke with, is located somewhere in the Valley, most likely Encino.


    While I was scanning through the “B.Y.O.B” episode to make screen captures for today’s post, I noticed something a bit coincidental.  In the scene in which Brenda Walsh (aka my girl Shannen Doherty) spots her brother Brandon standing in Donna’s backyard, a green awning-type structure is visible in the background. 

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    Well, as it just so happens, there is a very similar looking – and very similarly situated – green awning-type structure in the backyard of the home located at 18515 Wells Drive in Encino, the very same dwelling which stood in for the Martin residence during the later years of the show.  The brick patio flooring of the Wells Drive home also matches that of the home from “B.Y.O.B”.  Wouldn’t it be ironic if the property used as Donna’s house in the “B.Y.O.B.” episode from Season 1 was the very same property which ended up being used as her home nine years later during Seasons 9 and 10?  Without more close-up images of the backyard, it is impossible to tell either way, but nevertheless I found the whole thing very interesting!

    Big THANK YOU to Geoff, from 90210Locations, for finding this location and to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for snapping the incredible photograph of it which appears in this post!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Donna Martin’s house from the first season of Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 2405 Glendower Avenue in Los Feliz.

  • David’s Bungalow from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    This past Tuesday night, Geoff, from the 90210locations website, asked for my help in tracking down the blue and white bungalow where Carly Reynolds (aka Hilary Swank) – and in later years David Silver (aka Brian Austin Green), Dylan McKay (aka Luke Perry), and Noah Hunter (aka Vincent Young) – lived during Season 8 of fave show Beverly Hills, 90210.  Now as I have mentioned a few times before on this site, I stopped watching 90210 after Season 4 when my girl Shannen Doherty left the series, but Geoff sent me a screen capture of the bungalow in the hopes that I could track the place down anyway.  Randomly enough, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had just loaned me several of his DVDs of the older seasons of the show with the instruction that I should start watching the series over again from the beginning.   One of the seasons he loaned me just happened to be Season 8, so after I received Geoff’s email, I immediately popped in the first DVD and started scanning through it looking for clues to the location of Carly’s bungalow.  And, thanks to a little help from Mike, I was able to find the place almost immediately.

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    Mike clued me into the fact that every shot of the bungalow shown on the series seemed to have been taken at an odd, sideways angle.  And scanning through the Season 8 episodes, I realized that I could literally not find one single establishing shot that had been taken of the house head on. 

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    That paired with the fact that the home seemed to be situated at an angle perpendicular to that of its front gate led Mike to believe that the property did not actually face the street. 

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    He had also noticed that in both the episodes “Pride and Prejudice” and “Toil and Trouble” there was a house that looked like a mirror image of Carly’s located in very close proximity and directly across the street from it.  All of these little “clues” added together led him to believe that Carly’s residence was not actually a house at all, but what is commonly referred to in Los Angeles as a “bungalow court” apartment complex.  So, armed with that information from Mike and after scanning through quite a few Season 8 episodes of the show, I immediately starting searching through Google for addresses of different bungalow court apartments.  And thankfully quite a few came up, almost all of which were in the Hollywood area.  I then looked at all of those addresses using Bing aerial views.  Because Carly’s house had a very unique roofline I thought it would be fairly easy to spot from above and, thankfully, it was!  One of the addresses that had come up on Google was for a bungalow court located at 1554 North Serrano Avenue.  And while that complex wasn’t where Carly lived on 90210, I did notice that there were quite a few other bungalow courts located on that very same street.  And, magically, one was Carly’s!  YAY!  So, I immediately dragged my dad out to stalk the place yesterday afternoon.


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    Carly and David’s bungalow court apartment complex is actually something of a historic property and was designed by architect A.B. Crist in 1919.  It is a SUPER cute and picturesque little grouping of homes and it is not at all hard to see why producers chose to use it on Beverly Hills, 90210.

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    Unfortunately, there is a large tree that is now situated in front of Carly’s bungalow which considerably blocks the view of it from the street.

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    But the bungalow located directly across from it is very visible and, as you can see in the above photographs, looks exactly like Carly and David’s home.  Like Geoff said to me after I told him I had found the place, I guess I am going to have to start watching all of the later seasons of the show now.  Smile

    On a side note – I just wanted to let all of my fellow stalkers know that Bing Maps has recently added a “Streetside” feature to its site and it is A-MA-ZING!  In fact, I think it is safe to say that I am absolutely in love with it!  The imaging is one hundred times better than that of Google Street View, not to mention one hundred times faster.  If you are trying to track a location down, I honestly cannot recommend using it enough!

    Big THANK YO U to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for helping me find this location!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: David Silver’s bungalow  – aka Carly Reynold’s bungalow – from the later seasons of Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1547 North Serrano Avenue in Hollywood.

  • The Fisher & Sons Funeral Home from “Six Feet Under”


    One location that I stalked well over a year ago, but for whatever reason have yet to blog about, is the Victorian-style residence which stood in for the supposed North Hollywood-area Fisher & Sons (and later Fisher-Diaz) Funeral Home on the immensely popular HBO series Six Feet Under.  Amazingly enough, up until yesterday morning, I had never seen even one episode of the show and, unfortunately, I have to say that after watching the pilot episode yesterday morning, I wasn’t all that impressed with it.  It’s a bit of an odd series.  The only part I enjoyed was one of the opening scenes in which David Fisher (aka a pre-Dexter Michael C. Hall) tells a supposedly grieving widower (played by Harper Roisman) that his wife is at peace now, to which the widower replies, “If there’s any justice in the universe, she’s shoveling sh*t in hell!”  LOL LOL LOL 


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    But while I didn’t especially like the pilot, I did absolutely fall in love the main house featured in it.  In real life, the property is known as the Auguste Marquis Residence and it was originally built in the Queen Anne/Eastlake style (much like the “Thriller” house that I blogged about yesterday) in 1904 and is Los Angeles’ 602nd historic cultural monument.  The dwelling, which currently houses the Filipino Federation of America, boasts 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a whopping 6,324 square feet of living space, and sits on over half an acre of land.  The home was originally built for a Swiss native named Auguste Rodolphe Marquis, who worked for Death Valley’s Johnnie Consolidated Gold Mining Company, from which he made a considerable fortune.  The property was purchased shortly after the second World War by General Hilario Camino Moncado, a native of the Philippines and founder of the Filipino Federation.  His heirs still own the property to this day.

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    The Auguste Marquis Residence was featured each week as the home where the dysfunctional Fisher Family – siblings David, Nate (aka Peter Krause), and Claire (aka Lauren Ambrose) and their mother Ruth (aka Frances Conroy) –  lived and operated their mortuary business on Six Feet Under, which ran from 2001 through 2005. 


    In real life, the Fisher & Sons Funeral Home sign is, of course, not there.

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    And while the home was mostly just used for establishing shots, some occasional filming was also done onsite there throughout the series five year-run, as was the case with the pilot episode, screen captures of which are pictured above.

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    The interior of the Fisher home was a set that was built on a soundstage at the Columbia/Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood and, from what I’ve been able to discern online, looks nothing like the interior of the actual Auguste Marquis Residence.  A short film named Good Night was also filmed on location at the Six Feet Under funeral home in September of 2009 and Don Cunanan, the set photographer, snapped some pictures of the filming, in which you can see some of the residence’s real life interior.  You can take a look at those photographs here.

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    On a coincidental side note – I was floored to spot Mountain View Cemetery, which I just blogged about this past Tuesday, featured quite extensively in the pilot episode of Six Feet Under, as the site of the funeral of Nathaniel Samuel Fisher (aka Richard Jenkins).


    And I’d like to wish all of my fellow stalkers a VERY happy Halloween!  Hope your holiday is fun and candy-filled!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Filipino Federation of America – aka Fisher & Sons funeral home from Six Feet Under – is located at 2302 West 25th Street in the West Adams District of Los Angeles.

  • The Blair House Inn from “Murder, She Wrote”



    Way back in August, I received an email from a fellow stalker named Jenny who wanted to know if I had ever stalked Mendocino’s Blair House Inn – a quaint little Victorian bed and breakfast better known as Jessica Fletcher’s (aka Angela Lansbury’s) residence on the long-running television series Murder, She Wrote.  And, amazingly enough, I actually had!  As I’ve mentioned a few times before, I grew up in Northern California – San Francisco to be exact – and when I was about 18 years old, my mom, my dad, and I started spending our Easters in Mendocino, a small coastal town located just about two hours north of the Bay Area.  Well, as you can imagine, I was absolutely floored during that first Easter when I discovered – thanks to the now out-of-print book Mendocino & The Movies – that countless productions had been filmed in the area.  So, I, of course, immediately dragged my parents right out to do some stalking!  And the first location I stalked just happened to be the Murder, She Wrote house.  I had yet to blog about the residence, though, because that particular stalking adventure took place long before the digital age of film and I had absolutely no idea whatsoever where I had stored my Blair House photographs.  It wasn’t until just a couple of weeks ago that I was finally able to sift through the numerous picture boxes I keep in my parents’ garage and, thankfully, I found my Mendocino stalking photos pretty much immediately.  So, without further ado . . . I give you my post on the Murder, She Wrote house, aka the Blair House Inn.  🙂


    The Blair House Inn was originally built in 1888 as a private residence for a successful banker named Elisha Blair, who had migrated to the area from Maine with his family in 1857.  It’s quite ironic to me that the original owner of the Blair House hailed from Maine, being that on Murder, She Wrote, Jessica Fletcher’s residence was also supposedly located in the Pine Tree State.  I guess you can say that the property came full circle!   🙂  The Blair House was built by Mendocino architect Oliver Johnson and was constructed entirely out of Douglas Fir and Redwood trees and, amazingly enough, still looks almost exactly the same today as it did back in 1888!   


    The Blair House Inn is extremely proud of its cinematic history and even had a replica of Jessica Fletcher’s beloved bike built to put on display in the property’s front yard, which I think is just about the coolest thing ever!  They also named their largest room “Angela’s Suite”, in honor of Murder, She Wrote’s lead actress Angela Lansbury.  You can see photograph’s of Angela’s Suite here.  And while my family never actually stayed at the Blair House Inn, it looks like a fabulous place to spend a weekend.


    Being that Mendocino doubled for the fictitious town of Cabot Cove on Murder, She Wrote, the Blair House Inn was hardly the only area locale to be featured on the series.  In fact, once a year, the entire cast and crew of the highly popular mystery show would venture out to Mendocino and spend at least one week on location shooting exterior scenes and establishing shots to be used throughout each season.  Out of the 264 Murder, She Wrote episodes that aired during the series’ twelve year run, only nine were actually filmed on location in Mendocino, but establishing shots of the town were featured almost weekly.  Some Mendocino citizens were even cast in the various episodes shot on location.  Oh, if only I had lived there while the show was being filmed!!!  😉 


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Blair House Inn from Murder, She Wrote is located at 45110 Little Lake Street in Mendocino.  You can visit their website here.  The Heritage House, which was the hotel used in the movie Same Time, Next Year, is located just a few miles south at 5200 North Highway 1 in Little River.

  • Chelsea Lately’s “The Case of the Douche Bag Actor”


    Those of you who are regular visitors to my site will remember that, back in May, my good friend Blaze Foster was hired to be part of a “Detective Lately” skit on the Chelsea Lately show.   His scene was originally scheduled to be filmed on May 8th and I, of course, tagged along with him to the set, where I got to meet Chelsea’s assistant Chuy Bravo and “Staff Homosexual” Guy Branum.    YAY!   As fate would have it, though, Chelsea and crew ended up running out of time that day and Blaze’s segment was shelved.  And while Blaze was devastated over not being able to shoot his scene, I actually considered the whole thing to be a blessing in disguise – as they so often are! – as I had a feeling he would be invited back to do it all over again – with me tagging along!  Which is pretty much exactly what happened!  🙂  Blaze ended up filming his Detective Lately segment just a few weeks later on May 27th, and I, again, accompanied him to the studio.  I have yet to blog about my experiences that day, though, as I wanted to wait until the segment aired on TV, which FINALLY happened this past Thursday night – a full SIX MONTHS after it was actually taped!  So, without further ado, here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of Blaze’s segment, aka “The Case of the Douche Bag Actor”!


    On our first visit to the Chelsea Lately set, Blaze and I spent most of our time in the show’s main green room.  On our second visit, though, we were seated in the studio’s alternate green room, which I could NOT have been more excited about, as that meant that I actually got to see BOTH of the Chelsea Lately green rooms in person!!!!  I mean, just how lucky can one girl get?  🙂


    Chelsea’s second green room looks very much like her first and I, of course, had to take photographs of EVERYTHING, including the door, which had Twilight actor Peter Facinelli’s name written on it as he was the last actor to hang out there pre-show,



    the modern-style couches and coffee tables, which hold several entertainment magazines for actors to peruse while they wait to go on camera,


    the ubiquitous make-up chair,


    and a large television set. I was actually most excited about the TV because an episode of Chelsea was being taped when we arrived at the studio and, thanks to a live feed, we were able to watch it as it was being filmed.  LOVE IT!  The guest that day was former Blossom star  Mayim Bialik, but unfortunately we didn’t spot her at all while we were on the set.  🙁


    Pretty much immediately after that day’s episode was finished being taped, Blaze was called into the studio.  I, unfortunately, was not allowed to watch the filming and had to stay behind in the green room.  Thankfully, though, the green room was situated just a few feet away from the Detective Lately set and I could hear almost everything as it happened.  🙂   Blaze was informed prior to the taping that the original mystery idea he had pitched – “Why Isn’t My Agent Getting Me Any Auditions?” – had been changed to “The Case of the Douche Bag Actor” LOL LOL LOL, in which Blaze would be hiring Chelsea to investigate his acting teacher to see if she was defrauding him.  No script had been written for the segment and, although I am fairly certain that Chelsea and the writers had created a brief outline of what they wanted to occur during the scene, for the most part the whole thing was improvised.  Blaze’s only instruction prior to filming was to play things straight and not to try to be funny.  Because Chelsea is the star of the show, they didn’t want Blaze pulling focus away from her.  Which strikes me as absolutely HILARIOUS because if anyone is going to steal the spotlight in a scene, it’s Blaze!  I’ve been in acting class with the guy for over a year now and, let me tell you, pulling focus is just something he does.  Blaze is very flamboyant, very hyper, very funny, and attention is just drawn to him naturally.  So, they really couldn’t have picked a worse man for the job in this particular case!!!!  I can’t tell you the number of times I heard the producer tell him to “Stop being funny!” during the filming.  🙂   I also heard the direction “Blaze, stop laughing!” on quite a few occasions.  🙂  Blaze said that Chelsea was absolutely HILARIOUS during the scene and that he had a very hard time keeping a straight face while filming with her.




    The entire segment only took about 90 minutes to shoot.  Because I had a sinking feeling that I wouldn’t be able to meet Chelsea while there, I was really hoping that Blaze would be able to pose for a photo with her after the taping had been completed.   Amazingly enough, though, outside of the actual filming of the scene, Blaze had absolutely no interaction with Chelsea whatsoever!   When he was initially brought onto the set, Chelsea was not yet there.  The first time Blaze actually saw her was when she walked into the detective office at the top of the scene, after the cameras had already started rolling.  She also left the set before filming had been completed.   As soon as producers thought they had gotten enough footage of Chelsea, she was rushed off the stage and Blaze didn’t even get a chance to say thank you or shake her hand.  After she left, Blaze had to stay behind to shoot some brief close-ups of him saying “Yes” and “No” to Chelsea’s empty chair.   LOL   Such a bummer, as I had so wanted a photograph of the two of them.  🙁  Randomly enough, though, Chelsea did poke her head into the green room to say “Hi” to me as she walked by on her way off the set.  🙂  It was a very quick exchange, but I was SUPER excited nonetheless.

    Blaze’s skit, which you can watch above, was absolutely hilarious.  I was really impressed with the amount of screen time he got, too.  The only thing I was really disappointed about was the fact that my favorite line ended up on the cutting room floor.  🙁  At one point during the scene Chelsea asks Blaze, “What do you think, you’re some sort of Tony Danza?” to which Blaze says nothing.  In reality, though, when Chelsea asked Blaze that question during the filming, he responded with, “Who’s Tony Danza?”, to which she said, “You know GOD DAMN WELL who Tony Danza is!”  LOL LOL LOL  I literally could not stop laughing when I heard her say that during the filming and was extremely impressed at how well she and Blaze played off of each other while improvising.  I am not a person who thinks well on her feet, so I am always in awe of people who have the ability to be funny off the cuff like that.  That’s why I was completely shocked when I saw the finished product and realized it was lacking Blaze and Chelsea’s little Tony Danza exchange.  🙁  I am guessing the reasoning behind the cut had to do with the fact that producers wanted Chelsea to be the one delivering the funny lines, so even though her line trumped Blaze’s, they just decided to cut out the entire segment.  Such a bummer.  Otherwise though, “The Case of the Douche Bag Actor” skit was great!  And, for those who are wondering, everything Blaze said in the scene was true – he is 24 years old, he really did play a bad guy in The Brave One, and he also played a drug dealer in a commercial starring Carmen Electra.


    On a side note – When my fiancé I watched “The Case of the Douche Bag Actor” this past Thursday night, one of the first things out of his mouth was, “How did Chelsea come up with the idea of making Blaze’s hair stick straight up like that?”  Well, I just about fell off my chair laughing at his question because, in actuality, the There’s Something About Mary style ‘do just happened to be how Blaze was wearing his hair at that time.  The guy is nothing if not flamboyant!  🙂  I can only imagine what Chelsea was thinking when she walked onto the set and saw Blaze – and his hair – for the first time.  I’m surprised she didn’t bow down right then and there and start thanking God for bringing in an actor who had so much, er, material for her to work with.  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Chelsea Lately is filmed at the Digital Media Center, which is located at 12312 West Olympic Boulevard in Los Angeles.  You can get tickets to watch a live taping here.  If you don’t live in the area, you can still catch Chelsea weeknights at 11 p.m. on E!  And you can watch Blaze’s skit, “The Case of the Douche Bag Actor”, here.

  • Watching the Filming of The Mentalist!


    Last week, while out and about stalking in Pasadena, I just happened to run across a large production crew filming underneath the Colorado Street Bridge, so, of course, I just had to pull my car over to ask what was being filmed.  🙂  Well, when I found out the filming was for my new favorite TV show The Mentalist,I just about flipped my lid with excitement!!!  And I was even more excited when one of the crew members told me that I was welcome to hang out onsite for as long as I wanted to watch all of the action that was taking place!  YAY!   



    The Mentalist  was being filmed in a little wooded clearing in the Lower Arroyo section of Pasadena’s Arroyo Seco Canyon.  To stay out of the way of the cast and crew, I parked myself on a walking trail located just above the clearing, which turned out to be the PERFECT spot to watch the filming, but, unfortunately, did not offer me the best vantage point from which to take photos.  🙁  So, please accept my apology for the less than stellar pics.  🙁    




    When I first walked up to watch the filming, none of the actors were yet on set.   So, I just had to ask one of the crew members if cutie Simon Baker would be filming that day and I just about spazzed out right there on the spot when he told me yes!  LOL  As I’ve mentioned before, I absolutely LOVE me some Simon Baker!!!  🙂  Then, literally, the next thing I knew, out walked the ENTIRE Mentalist  cast and, let me tell you, I just about died!!!!!   On site besides SB were actors Robin Tunney, Tim Kang, Amanda Righetti, and Owain Yeoman. When I watched The Mentalist  being filmed this past March, only actor Tim Kang was in attendance, so, as you can imagine, I was SUPER excited to see them all this time around.




    I am very happy to report that Simon Baker is JUST as cute in person as he appears to be on TV.  🙂  And, let me tell you, I just about fainted when I saw that he was wearing his cute little Patrick Jane vest and carrying that ubiquitous stick of his for the filming!!!!!  SO CUTE!!!!   The highlight of the day for me came during a break from the filming, when SB looked up at me, waved, and said “Hello!”  Sigh!   I could have died a happy girl right there on the spot!!!!  🙂  SB seemed very sweet and very friendly in person, but unfortunately I never got close enough to him to ask him to pose for a picture with me.  🙁  Such a bummer! 



    The actor who I thought looked most different in person was Owain Yeoman, who plays Detective Wayne Rigsby on The Mentalist.  While Owain is just okay-looking on the show, let me tell you, in person he is downright dreamy!!!  🙂  I was shocked!  Owain is much taller and much thinner than he appears to be on TV and actually looks quite a bit like Josh Duhamel.  And you all know how I love me some Josh Duhamel!  🙂 


    The scene I watched being filmed involved (what I am assuming was) the murder investigation of a woman who had been pushed off of a Sacramento area bridge.  And while the above picture shows the actors filming around a mannequin, for most of the takes there was a real woman lying on the ground playing the murder victim.




    The filming of The Mentalist was an absolutely HUGE production!!!  On site were hundreds of crew members, numerous filming trucks, a myriad of props, and a large machine on wheels which provided shade for the area being filmed (pictured above).  It was pretty incredible to see!!!   At one point I looked down at my watch to check on the time and was SHOCKED to see that three hours had passed since I’d first arrived on the set!  LOL   Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun!  After the scene I was watching had been wrapped, one of the crew members was nice enough to invite me to watch more filming later that afternoon on top of the Colorado Street Bridge, but unfortunately, because that was a closed set, I couldn’t take any pictures while there.  It was EXTREMELY cool to see, though! 


    The spot where The Mentalist was filmed is actually a very popular filming location that has also been featured in NCIS, The Shield, and JAG.   Ironically, it’s also the same spot where I watched The Closer  being filmed last October.

     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Mentalist  was filmed underneath the Colorado Street Bridge in Pasadena, just off North Arroyo Boulevard.  Filming also took place on the Colorado Street Bridge.  Look for the episode to air in about six to eight weeks.

  • Paco’s Tacos Cantina From Jerry Maguire


    Last Friday, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I spent an entire twelve hours stalking together!!!  Yes, you read that right – an ENTIRE TWELVE HOURS!!!  I’m not exaggerating!!  The two of us literally drove from one end of L.A. to the other – we covered Pasadena, Redondo Beach, Eagle Rock, El Segundo, and even Santa Monica – and back again!  It was FABULOUS!  🙂  One of the places at the top of our day’s stalking list was a little restaurant called Paco’s Tacos Cantina, which was featured in the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire.  


    Mike discovered this location back in the ’90s.  At the time he worked just a few blocks away from Paco’s and used to frequent the restaurant regularly for lunch.  One day he noticed a poster of Jerry Maguire  hanging on the wall (pictured above) and asked the owner about it.  Well, it turns out that a pretty major scene from the movie had actually been filmed at the Cantina.  So, of course, I made Mike take me there for lunch so I could stalk the place!  🙂







    In the movie, Paco’s Tacos Cantina is the restaurant where Jerry Maguire, aka Tom Cruise, takes Dorothy Boyd, aka Renee Zellwegger, on their very first date.  It is before that date that Jerry says one of my very favorite movie lines ever – well, besides “You had me at hello”, of course!   🙂  When Dorothy walks out in her LBD (that’s Little Black Dress for all of you guys out there), Jerry says, “Wow!  That’s more than a dress.  That’s an Audrey Hepburn movie!”  LOL  Love it!   Please excuse the above photographs as I wasn’t able to take them from the exact same angles from which the scene was filmed.



    And, of course, Mike and I just had to sit next to the fish tank like Jerry and Dorothy did in the scene.  🙂


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking Paco’s Tacos!   As I’ve mentioned before, I am a VERY picky eater, but I have to say that I absolutely loved Paco’s!  The tacos were to die for – with all white meat chicken, no less!!!!  And the chips and homemade tortillas were pretty amazing, too!    While there, Mike and I got to meet Paco himself, who really could not have been nicer!  He was even sweet enough to pose for a couple of pictures with us.  🙂  Paco told us that his Cantina was also featured numerous times in the ’70s television series CHiPs.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It:  Paco’s Tacos Cantina, aka the Jerry Maguire  restaurant, is located at 4141 South Centinela Avenue in Los Angeles.  You can visit their website here.

  • Park Avenue Princess



    Today I thought I’d write yet another post about yet another Sex and the City: The Movie filming location – Charlotte York’s Upper East Side apartment. 🙂 From the beginning Charlotte York was Sex and the City’s reigning Park Avenue Princess – a role I’d like to see myself in someday 🙂 – and, in real life, her apartment really was located on New York’s prestigious Park Avenue. Well, the exterior of it anyway. All of the interiors of Charlotte’s apartment existed only on a soundstage at New York City’s Silvercup Studios. I found the location of Charlotte’s pad, once again, thanks to my go-to SATC locations guide.


    This apartment originally belonged to Charlotte’s first husband, Trey. The two moved into it after they got married in the third season of Sex and the City. After their divorce in Season Four, a fight for the apartment ensued and Charlotte ended up winning it thanks to her divorce lawyer – and future husband – Harry Goldenblatt. Charlotte’s building was built in 1916 by New York City architecture firm Schwartz & Gross. The 13-story building is situated in the elusive Carnegie Hill area of New York and houses only 24 apartments.


    The scene from Sex And The City: The Movie that took place at this location was quite memorable as it was the first time in the film that we saw Carrie in her wedding attire – complete with a blue bird on her head. LOL On the morning of her would-be nuptials, Carrie and the girls head out of this building and into a waiting limousine. Carrie’s huge Cinderella dress has to be carefully pushed into the limo, causing her wedding planner Anthony to lament, “It’s like pushing a cream puff through a key hole.” LOL

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Charlotte and Harry’s apartment is located at 930 Park Avenue on New York’s stylish Upper East Side.