Tag: TV houses

  • The New Wilson House on 90210


    I can’t even believe I am about to say what I am about to say, but ever since watching Tuesday night’s season premiere, I am absolutely, one hundred percent hooked on the new 90210.  While the first season of the show left much to be desired, this past week’s episode was nothing short of A-MA-ZING.  So loved it!! Melrose Place on the other hand was absolutely craptastic and I can honestly say I’ll never again be tuning in to watch.  I didn’t have high hopes for that show to begin with. though, being that it starred Ashley Simpson, but it even exceeded my extremely low expectations.  But I digress.  Anyway, after watching Tuesday night’s season premiere, I have to say that I honestly think 90210 is back, baby!  🙂  The episode was appropriately titled “To New Beginnings” – and a new beginning it definitely was!  Especially locations wise.  They should be calling it 90210 v. 2.0, v. 2.0  because thanks to new executive producer Rebecca Sinclair, who was brought in last season to revamp the show (how a show that’s only been on the air one season needs a revamping is beyond me!), there is a new Beverly Hills Beach Club (the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa), a new West Beverly High (Mount St. Mary’s College in Brentwood), and, best of all, a new Wilson house to stalk!  YAY!   So, while watching Tuesday night’s show, I texted Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and said “We have GOT to find the new 90210 house!”  And, sure enough, it wasn’t long before we did!



    Mike and I had both immediately recognized the new school standing in for West Beverly High as Mount Saint Mary’s College in Brentwood, which also stood in for Harbor High School on fave show The O.C.  And, being that the new Wilson house also looked very much like a Brentwood area home, Mike was fairly certain that it would be located somewhere near the school.  And, sure enough, it was.  So, of course, as soon as Mike texted me the address, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk it.  🙂


    Even though it’s got nothing on Casa Walsh, the new 90210  house is super cute in person. 🙂  It’s appearance is quite deceiving, though, as from the outside it appears to be rather small, but according to Zillow it actually has 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and measures a whopping 4,951 square feet.  That’s HUGE!


    The Wilson home popped up several times during the season premiere, including the scene when Annie, freaking out after learning that her hit and run victim has passed away, runs out the front door and begs Dixon to take her for a ride.


    A scene also took place in the home’s real life backyard – which you can see photographs of here.


    I can’t tell you how exciting it was to be stalking the new 90210  house just days after the show aired.  🙂  I have a feeling the home will be popping up quite often in the many episodes to come.


    Oh, and note to producers – a basketball hoop really needs to be installed above the garage of the new Wilson home, ala Casa Walsh.  I mean, it’s just not 90210 without a basketball hoop!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Wilson’s new house on 90210 is located at 325 Homewood Road in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles.

  • The “7th Heaven” House


    Got a challenge a few months back from a man named Glenn who wanted me to locate the house used as the Camden residence on the Aaron Spelling television series 7th Heaven.   Unfortunately, though, this challenge proved to be rather difficult as there are quite a few conflicting rumors about the home’s location floating around online.  The general consensus on most of the fan sites, though, was that the house only ever existed on a studio backlot somewhere in Hollywood.  And, even though I didn’t really believe that to be the case, I am embarrassed to admit that I gave up on finding the home’s location rather quickly after reading that.  Sorry, Glenn!   But last week, I decided to enlist the help of fellow stalkers Mike, from MovieShotsLA, Chas, and Owen and, sure enough, it wasn’t long before Chas had called me back with an address!!!!!  YAY!  Funny side note – after Chas gave me the 7th Heaven  house address, I immediately texted both Owen and Mike to let them know that their searches could be called off.  Well, ironically enough, Mike’s phone wasn’t working that day, so what did he do, but go out and rent EVERY SINGLE DVD of the series that he could find!  I’m not kidding!  The next day he called me and said “I’m going to watch every single hour ever made of this show if I have to, but we are going to find that house!”  LOL LOL LOL  I felt sooooooo bad as poor Mike was not only stuck with a hefty Blockbuster bill, but also a few hundred hours of cheesy television that he had no desire whatsoever to watch.



    Even though I’ve never seen a single episode of 7th Heaven, I was still extremely excited to be stalking the Camden house!  Sadly, though, the home has changed quite a bit in recent years as you can see in the above screen capture and photograph.  In fact, the house looks so different from how it appeared on the series that when I first saw it in person I wasn’t sure I was at the right place.  LOL   Just a few of the alterations made to the home include a change in paint color from white to baby blue, the installation of a white picket fence around the exterior of the property . . .


     . . . and the addition of quite a bit of thick foliage, which makes the home hardly visible at all from the street, as you can see in the above photograph.   And while the Camden house is very cute in person, truth be told, I think it looked a whole lot better on the show.  🙂



    Chas was able to track down this house by contacting a former 7th Heaven  crew member who just happened to remember its exact location.  The guy also gave Chas a brief history of the filming of the Camden home, finally allowing us to put those pesky location rumors to rest.  The real story of the Camden house is as follows – For the pilot episode of the series, which was filmed in 1996, a house in Altadena that Mike and I have always refered to as the “Rubio House” served as the Camden residence.  I’ve blogged about the Rubio House once before as it has appeared in COUNTLESS productions, including The Mentalist, NCIS, Bye Bye Love, and Can’t Hardly Wait,  among numerous others.  Anyway, for whatever reason, once the series got picked up, producers decided to ditch the Rubio house and use a Santa Monica residence instead.  For the next six seasons, that Santa Monica house was used for all exterior filming and establishing shots.  But, sometime during the sixth season, the owners of the house got a bit tired of the constant filming on their property and put an end to it.  How one can become tired of filming taking place on their property is BEYOND me, but to each their own, I guess.  😉  Once the house was off limits for filming, the production crew built a very basic replica of it, consisting of only one exterior wall and a fake front yard, on the studio back lot.  From then on all filming of the Camden house took place there.  So, that explains how all of those different location rumors about the house got started!  🙂  




    Big THANK YOU to Chas for finding this location and finally solving the mystery of the 7th Heaven  house!  🙂 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The 7th Heaven  house is located at 527 Alta Avenue in Santa Monica.  Courteney Cox’s former home is located just up the street at 606 Alta Avenue.  The house used as the Camden residence in the 7th Heaven  pilot can be found at 1090 Rubio Street in Altadena.

  • The “Step by Step” House


    One location fellow stalker Owen has been on the lookout for for quite some time now is the house where the Lambert Family lived in the 1990’s television sitcom Step by Step.  Because of the house’s Crafstman style architecture, Owen was pretty convinced that it was located somewhere in South Pasadena, a city which is known for its Crafstman style homes.  Well, back in June while doing some research for my blog, I was fortunate enough to meet a SUPER NICE woman who works in the South Pasadena film office, so I emailed her to ask if she might know the location of the house.  The woman, who can usually name South Pasadena film locations right off the top of her head – SO LOVE IT! – didn’t happen to know anything about this particular location, but I did get an email from her a couple of hours later telling me that she had found the house!   YAY!



    While doing some preliminary stalking, Owen had been able to discern that the address number of the house was “201”.  So, my SP film contact started playing around with different 201 address numbers in Google Maps until she landed upon the Step by Step  house!  In reality, the address number turned out to be “2011”, not “201”, but somehow my contact was able to find it anyway!   See, I told you she was super nice!  🙂  Most film location people won’t even give me the time of day, let alone spending a couple of hours of their time looking for a house for me!   Love it!!!! 



    So this past Saturday, with the address in hand, Mike from MovieShotsLA and I went out to stalk the Step by Step  house.   We actually had some amazing stalking karma that day, because not only did we get let into the Father of the Bride backyard and inside the 13 Going On 30  house (those posts will be written soon, I promise!), but we also got to speak with the owner of the Step by Step  house who just happened to be standing on his front porch when we pulled up.  He said NO ONE ever recognizes the house and was absolutely AMAZED that we had.  LOL  Apparently he didn’t know who he was dealing with.  His grandmother owned the house at the time the show was filmed and he told us that no filming actually took place inside the house, nor does the inside look anything like the set that was built for the show.  He also said that he never got to meet the actors as they were never a part of the filming that took place at the house.   He was SUPER nice, though, and told us to take all the pictures we wanted.  🙂  And I am happy to report that the house looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did when Step by Step premiered over 18 years ago!  Unbelievable!  



    Ironically enough, part of the Step by Step  opening credits was also filmed in South Pasadena, just around the corner from the house.   In the very beginning of the credits the family’s Ford Explorer is seen passing by a sign reading “Port Washington, Wisconson, Population 9,336”.  Well, that scene was filmed a good 2,000 miles away from Port Washington on a street named Meridian Avenue in South Pasadena!  You can watch the Step by Step opening credits here.


    The building shown in the credits is actually South Pasadena’s oldest commercial building.  It currently houses the South Pasadena Historical Museum and the South Pasadena Preservation Foundation, but way back in 1887 the building was the site of the city’s grocery store.  


    A little bit of television trivia for you – the remainder of the Step by Step  opening credits were filmed at SixFlag’s Magic Mountain theme park in Valencia.  Producers digitally added water over Magic Moutain’s real life parking lot to make it appear as if the roller coaster the family rides on was overlooking the beach.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Step by Step  house is located at 2011 Fletcher Avenue in South Pasadena.  The beginning of the series’ opening credits was filmed in front of the Meridian Iron Works Museum, which is located at 913 Meridian Avenue, also in South Pasadena. 

  • The Walsh House – Circa August 2009

    UPDATE 2/18/10 – The Casa Walsh garage has been torn down in the months since I wrote this post. You can see pictures of the rubble here. And to see the inside of the real Walsh house, click here.


    My fiance tried to talk me out of writing this post today, but it just seemed to be too important of an item for me to ignore.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, last week, while giving a stalking tour of Pasadena to my good friend Kerry and her husband Jim, I drove by the Walsh House from fave TV show Beverly Hills, 90210 and almost had a full blown panic attack right there in my car!  While cruising down Altadena Drive, I, Lindsay Blake, almost passed right by my favorite stalking location of all time without even recognizing it!!!!!  I actually turned to Kerry at one point and said, “Wait a minute!  Where’s the 90210 house???”  What I didn’t realize at that time was that some pretty major changes had been made to the exterior of the house rendering it almost unrecognizable to me.  OK, OK, maybe I’m being slighty melodramatic here, but, let me tell you, the whole experience was pretty JARRING.  I mean, not only had a large hedge been removed from the Walsh’s driveway, but their entire house had been PAINTED PINK!   Oh, Jack, say it ain’t so!



    Ironically enough, when I showed my fiance photographs of the newly painted 90210 house, he said “What are you talking about??  It looks exactly the same as it always did!  You CANNOT write a post about that!”  LOL LOL LOL  It’s amazing to me how two people can have such differing views of the same exact thing.  To me, the difference in the house’s appearance was absolutely STAGGERING, yet my fiance didn’t even notice it!  Men!  LOL  I also showed the photos to my mom, though, who said “THAT’S what you’re so upset about?  From the way you were talking, I thought they had painted the house black or something!”  LOL  OK, OK, I will concede that the paint color isn’t that different, but I guess because the 90210 house is so cemented in my memory, any change in its appearance, no matter how minor, is going to seem huge.   And, to be fair, the paint color doesn’t show up well in pictures.  In person, the house is PINK!  Anyway, against my fiance’s better judgement, I just had to write a post today about the house and how it looks post-paint.



    Also altering the appearance of the house was the removal of the large hedge which used to stand along the West side of the Walsh’s driveway.  As you can see in the two screen captures pictured above, the hedge used to run the length of the driveway, separating the Walsh property from that of their neighbor’s.



    But, as you can see in the above photographs, that hedge has been completely removed, which only adds to the difference in the home’s appearance, especially if you approach it from the West.




    At least the garage still looks pretty much the same as it always did – minus Brandon’s basketball hoop, of course.  Last November, when Mike and I met Jack, the owner of the house, he told us that he was in the process of remodeling his garage and we both got looks of absolute HORROR on our faces!  Jack laughed and said “What?  Is it a crime to change the Walsh garage or something?”   To which both Mike and I replied with a resounding “YES!”  LOL  Obviously Jack didn’t heed our words of wisdown, though!  SUCH A BUMMER!


    I guess it’s really true what they say – the only constant is change.  But this is one filming location I was convinced would stay as fixed in real life as it is in my memory.  🙁

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Walsh house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1675 East Altadena Drive in Altadena, CA.

  • The Golden Girls House


    This past weekend, thanks to fellow stalker Owen, I was able to stalk the home used in one of my favorite ’80s TV shows – The Golden Girls.   Being that I was only eight years old at the time The Golden Girls premiered, I probably seem like a very unlikely fan of the show.  But, for some reason, a sit-com which centered around the trials and tribulations of four single senior citizens living together in a Miami area home appealed to me.  What can I say – I absolutely loved it!

    But besides being a fabulous show, The Golden Girls also had, hands down, the BEST television theme song ever!  🙂  “Thank you for being a friend!  Travel down the road and back again.  Your heart is true, you’re a pal and a confidant.”  Sing it with me, now!  “And if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew, you would see the biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say, thank you for being a friend!”  LOVE IT!  LOVE IT!  LOVE IT!




    I am happy to report that The Golden Girls house looks EXACTLY the same today – and I mean EXACTLY the same – as it did when the show first premiered in 1985.  It is absolutely unbelievable to me that the home has remained unchanged in a whopping twenty-four years time.  LOVE IT!  I’d like to go on record right now and thank the owners of this house for letting this piece of television history remain untouched for all of us stalkers to appreciate years later.  Why can’t more filming location owners be like you?????  LOL



    What’s even more amazing to me is how iconic The Golden Girls house truly is.  Even my fiance recognized it, and he recognizes virtually NOTHING.  In fact, I think I can safely say that in all the years we’ve dated (eight and half, but who’s counting?), he has never once recognized a location that I’ve dragged him to – ever!  Until this past weekend, that is.  🙂     Even though The Golden Girls house is extremely non-descript, for some reason a picture of it is imbedded in my brain, almost more so than any other TV home – except, of course, for the 90210 house!  🙂




    A big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location after hearing numerous rumors about its wherabouts – rumors like the house was actually located in Florida or Pacific Palisades or that it only ever existed on a studio backlot.  He ended up finding the house several years ago on a German website that had a map of Los Angeles with the general vicinity of the GG home earmarked.   Once he had the general area locked down – even if it was in German 🙂 – it didn’t take him long to find the home’s exact address and put to rest all of those pesky location rumors.  The real story of the Golden Girls home is this: During the first seasons of the show, a Brentwood area house was used for all of the establishing shots of the ladies’  Miami area residence.   Then in 1988, a replica of that home was built on the backlot of Disney MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida, and that replica was used for the exterior house shots for the remainder of the series – which seems odd to me being that the show was actually taped right here in Los Angeles.  Anyway, you can see a photograph of the replica home here.  Sadly, in 2003 the replica was torn down, along with the rest of Residential Street, in order to make room for a new stunt show called “Lights!  Motors!  Action!”   To quote Chelsea Lately,”I don’t like that!  I don’t like that at all!”   At least the real house is still standing, though!


    And if you are a big fan of the GG house, or just the show in general, I definitely recommend checking out this girl’s website.   And people say I have way too much time on my hands!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Golden Girls house is located at 245 North Saltair Avenue in Brentwood.

  • Don Draper’s House from Mad Men



    Got an email last week from fellow stalker Karin who wanted me to locate the house belonging to Donald Draper (played by Jon Hamm) and his wife, Betty (played by January Jones), on the AMC television series Mad Men.   It turns out that my good friend, and fellow stalker E.J., over at The Movieland Directory, had written down a bunch of addresses where Mad Men filming had taken place over the years off of the On Location Vacations website.  Using those addresses, it wasn’t long before Karin and I had located the right house.   🙂  Thank you, E.J.!!  So, while out doing some stalking with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, last Friday, I dropped by the Draper residence to snap some pics.  🙂


    On Mad Men, the Draper family supposedly lives in the town of Ossining in Westchester County, New York.  In reality, though, their home is located in the suburbs of Pasadena, just a stone’s throw away from the Father of the Bride house.  It’s such a small movie world, isn’t it?  😉 



    I had a heck of a time making screen captures of the Draper home as it seems that, for some reason, the exterior of the house is rarely shown on the series.  I guess the producers of Mad Men  aren’t big on doing establishing shots!  LOL  You can see a paparazzi pic of Jon Hamm and January Jones filming at the house a few weeks ago here.



    I am happy to report that Don Draper’s house looks exactly the same in person as it does on TV.  Except, of course, for the color of the front door.  On the series, the Draper’s front door is painted red, while the door of the real life home is blue.


    If you look at the house on Google Maps Street View, the front door is also red, which leads me to believe that the Google photographs must have been taken while Mad Men  filming was going on. So cool! 



    Before Karin’s challenge, I had never watched even a single episode of Mad Men.  My fiance has been a longtime fan of the series, though, so, last night I popped in the pilot episode from his Season One DVD’s for a quick peruse.  It’s actually a very entertaining show about a wealthy group of Manhattanites living in the 60s, when everyone smoked everywhere, having a cocktail at the office was commonplace, and all husbands cheated on their wives.  Doesn’t sound like a very reputable show, but it definitely makes for some interesting storylines.  🙂  A bit of a disclaimer – the house that was featured in the pilot episode of Mad Men  is not the same residence that is being used now.  The house from the pilot episode is pictured above and as you can see looks quite different from the Pasadena residence that is used in all of the other episodes. 







    Just got an email from fellow stalker Kevin who happened upon some Mad Men  filming at the Draper residence just a few weeks ago.  Kevin was nice enough to send me some photos he managed to snap of the many antique cars parked on the road, some of the filming equipment, and best of all, the Draper house all dressed up with its red front door. Big THANK YOU to Kevin!!! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Don Draper’s house from Mad Men  is located at 675 Arden Road in Pasadena.

  • Naomi Clark’s House



    Back in March, I came across this post on fave website On Location Vacations which stated that 90210  was filming that day at a private residence located at 145 North Rossmore Avenue in Los Angeles.  That residence turned out to be the mega-mansion that Naomi Clark and her sister moved into in the episode of the CW series that aired last week, entitled “Zero Tolerance”.  And since the home was also featured quite prominently in last night’s episode as the location of Naomi’s after-prom party, of course I just had to run right out and stalk it.  🙂  Thanks, On Location Vacations!!!!!



    As you can see in the aerial images pictured above, Naomi’s house is absolutely ginormous in person!!!  The mansion, which was originally built in 1923, boasts 5 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms!!! and a whopping 6,147 square feet.  


    Thanks to its sheer size and the two large towers (complete with flagpole) that flank its entrance, the mansion actually looks more like a museum or a monument of some sort than a residence.  It’s hard to believe that a real person actually lives there!


    The home is so big, in fact, that it even has its own separate service entrance!  🙂 LOL


    Both the interior and the exterior of the mansion were used quite extensively on last night’s episode of 90210, which was entitled “One Party Can Ruin Your Whole Summer”.   Featured on the show were the front entrance;



    the front yard area – where Annie had her meltdown;



    the pool area – where Silver encouraged all the girls to go swimming in their prom dresses and where Naomi’s sister, Jen, hit on Liam;



    and the covered walkway – where Ethan kissed Silver. 


    I couldn’t help but cringe last night while watching Naomi’s house being trashed during her out of control prom party.  If I owned that beautiful mansion I don’t think I could have handled watching that happen – even if it was all fake.  LOL  🙂  According to Zillow, this same home was also used in an episode of CSI: Miami, but I am not sure which one.  I will have to keep my eyes open for it.  🙂


    I have to say that I am actually a bit surprised that that this particular house was used for filming, as it doesn’t seem to be situated in a very film-friendly location.  Rossmore Avenue is a fairly busy thoroughfare, with pretty much constant traffic congestion.  I had a hard time even just walking across Rossmore to take a picture from the other side of the street, so I can’t imagine how the crew was able to set up the many film trucks and equipment needed for the day without at least partially shutting down the street.  Needless to say, though, the house is absolutely beautiful and absolutely huge and it is just the type of home I’d picture 90210’s resident princess purchasing for herself.  You can see some great interior and close up pics of the house here.  🙂

      Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Naomi Clark’s house is located at 145 North Rossmore Avenue in Los Angeles.

  • The Poppa’s Popcorn House!


    Quite a few months back, I challenged Mike, from MovieShotsLA, to find the house the Ashe family moved into in the Season 2 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210  entitled “Ashes to Ashes”.  In the episode, the African-American family moves in to a home just down the street from the Walshes, causing quite a stir in their normally quiet neighborhood.  The patriarch of the family is none other the “Poppa of Poppa’s Popcorn”, which just so happens to be Brenda’s favorite popcorn brand.  🙂  Vivica A. Fox, in one of her very first roles, plays the Ashe Family daughter, Charise, in the episode.



    Mike found the house pretty much immediately, thanks to the address number shown on the Ashe family’s next door neighbor’s home in the scene when Charise’s boyfriend, Devo, gets arrested by the Beverly Hills Security Patrol (pictured above).  Five digit address numbers are usually found in Encino, so Mike started his search there.  And, sure enough, that’s exactly where the house was located!  So, this weekend I just had to drag my boyfriend out to stalk it!






    The exterior of the Encino house shows up several times in the “Ashes to Ashes” episode, most prominently as the location where Brandon and Charise get into a minor car accident.  The interior of the home was also featured numerous times.   And while the house may be located in Encino, it does look like it could have been found in the Walsh neighborhood, so it’s easy to see why producers chose to use it.  It’s also less than four miles away from the Van Nuys studio where 90210  was filmed, which must have made it the easy choice for filming.



    I am happy to report that the Poppa’s Popcorn house looks exactly the same today as it did when the “Ashes to Ashes” episode first aired back in 1991.  The trees out front have grown quite a bit since then, of course, but otherwise the house looks pretty much the same.  I will say that the home is HUGE in person, though, even bigger than it seemed on 90210.  When I first drove by, it felt like the house just kept going and going and going.    Needless to say, it was very exciting for me to finally be stalking the Poppa’s Popcorn house.  In fact, when we first drove up to it I was immediately transported back to high school and I could almost picture Brandon backing his classic yellow mustang out of Charise’s driveway.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Poppa’s Popcorn House is located at 15912 Woodvale Road in Encino.

  • The Pilot House!



    One filming location that has pretty much been the bane of Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and my existence for quite some time now is the home that the Walsh family lived in during the very first of episode of Beverly Hills, 90210.  Mike and I fondly, and sometimes not so fondly – LOL – refer to this location as “The Pilot House” since it was used in one episode and one episode only of our favorite 90’s series – the pilot episode.  The home was never seen again on the series and the question as to why the Walshes lived in a different house when the show began than in later episodes has remained a location mystery for the past twenty years.  It’s actually quite common, though, for certain elements of a television series, i.e. locations or actors, to be changed after a pilot episode is filmed.  Pilots are usually filmed with extremely small budgets months before regular series filming begins.  After a pilot is filmed, it is then shopped around to different networks in the hopes of being sold.  The sad truth is that less than twenty five percent of the television pilots that are filmed ever get picked up by the networks, so producers aren’t usually willing to spend a boatload of money to shoot them.  But even so the questions as to where the original Walsh home was located and as to why the Walsh home changed from the traditional style home pictured above to the famous Spanish style home that we all know and love  have never been answered.  Until now!  🙂




    A few weeks ago while Mike was watching the pilot episode of 90210  he noticed the number 130 located above the front door of the Walsh home – a little location clue neither of us had picked up on before. (Pictured above).  So pretty much immediately the two of us started searching 100 blocks in Los Angeles and its surrounding areas.  We must have scrutinized almost every single square inch of L.A. looking for this house!  With no luck, I might add.  Mike’s instincts kept telling him that the house was located in a gated community due to the fact that the street in front of the home appeared extremely narrow on TV.   But, knowing that the shooting budget for the pilot was most likely meager and that filming on a private road is usually a whole lot more costly than filming on your average city street, I disagreed with him.  Until last week, that is. 



    While driving through Brentwood with my boyfriend last week I saw a gated community that I had never noticed before.  I could tell just by driving by that it bore a striking resemblance to the 90210  pilot neighborhood.  So when I got home that night I did some cyberstalking and quickly found a house in the community with a 130 address that looked a whole lot like the Walsh’s first Beverly Hills home.   But I couldn’t be certain it was the Pilot House until I saw the property with my own two eyes.  And I was really worried that, being that the home is located in a gated community, I would never get that chance.  Well, I must have a guardian angel watching over me, because on a whim, last weekend, I asked my boyfriend to drive by the neighborhood.  I knew there was a house for sale just up the road from the pilot house and I had a bit of a hunch.  Sure enough – right as we drove up to the community, there on a sign in big red letters were the words I was hoping beyond all hope to see –  OPEN HOUSE!  🙂  YAY!  And that was my ticket in!



    Let me tell you, as we came around the corner and the Pilot House came into view, I was so excited I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest!!!!  🙂   I was pinching myself the whole time!  It was so surreal to finally be standing there in front of a filming location I had wondered about for almost twenty years!  I almost felt as if any second I would wake up at home in bed only to realize that none of it was real. LOL  The Pilot House is a lot smaller in person than it appeared on the show, but otherwise, even twenty years later, it looks EXACTLY the same as it did on 90210!  And I could not have been more ecstatic to finally be seeing it with my own two eyes!!!!!  The neighborhood where the Pilot House is located is really beautiful, too, with towering trees, huge lawns, and hilly, winding roads.  The house for sale wasn’t too shabby, either – yes, of course, we went to go see it!  🙂   


    And once I determined that the home was located in a gated community, the other part of the 90210  pilot house mystery was solved, too.  Upon entering, I just happened to ask the guard on duty at the guard shack if the community allowed filming of any sort to take place on the premises.  He told me that in fact filming is not allowed and he laughed as if he gets asked that question all the time.  I am sure location scouts come a-knockin’ at the guard shack door all too often.  My best guess is that back in 1990, when the pilot episode was filmed, there was no ban on filming in the neighborhood.  The pilot house was probably the first home on the premises ever used for filming of any sort.  And I am pretty sure it must have belonged to someone on the production team – ie. the director, producer, art director, etc.  It actually happens more often than you’d think that someone involved with a lower budget production will offer up their home for filming to keep costs down.  Because the Pilot House is a beautiful home located in an upscale community, and since the 90210  pilot budget was most likely quite small, I think that is exactly what happened.  Otherwise I just don’t see how they could have afforded to film there.  If you’ve seen the pilot episode as many times as I have, you’ll remember that most of the location shooting at the Walsh house took place at night, which I am sure angered quite a few neighbors.  Night shoots usually last from sunset to sunrise and can be loud, messy, and annoying to anyone whose house is nearby.  So I am gonna go out on a limb and say that during the production of 90210,  a few of the neighbors probably got a little miffed about the filming and  as soon as the pilot wrapped, members of the small community (there are only 67 houses on the property) made certain nothing like that would ever happen again.  So when Beverly Hills, 90210 got picked up as a series three to six months later, the producers were left without a home to use for filming.   And that’s how we ended up with Casa Walsh.  🙂 

     Now we can FINALLY put to bed one of the greatest filming location mysteries of all time.  Now if only I could find that darn Girls Just Want To Have Fun apartment!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The 90210  Pilot House is located at 130 North Gunston Drive in the Brentwood Circle community.  Please remember that this home is located in a private, gated community, and unless they open their gates for a reason (ie. an open house), you should not be on the property.

  • The Californication House

    First off let me wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving! 🙂 Now on to stalking! Yesterday, while doing some Venice Beach stalking, I visited a location I have long been obsessed with finding – the house from the David Duchovny series Californication. I have long been a DD fan – ever since I saw my first X-Files episode over 15 years ago I have pretty much been obsessed. So when my boyfriend got the Season 1 DVD’s of Californication a few weeks ago, I had to watch! Sadly, I have to admit that I don’t really like the series. But I did become a huge fan of Hank Moody’s ex-wife Karen’s home while watching. On the show Karen lives in a very modern style cement and wood home that is very reminiscent of James Woods’ house on the TV show Shark. It also has some of the same characteristics of John Lautner homes. So, I course I immediately became obsessed with it. 🙂 Luckily, while doing some cyberstalking I came across this awesome website which gave me the home’s location. YAY!

    The home, which is known as the McKinley Residence, was built by architect David Hertz for his family and originally only consisted of the structure that is pictured above. The original structure consisted of two separate buildings, one in the front and another in the back, that were joined via a covered bridge. A few years later Hertz bought an adjoining lot and built the property’s second structure which also consisted of two buildings. Today the property is made up of a total of four buildings all surrounding an outdoor courtyard and pool area and connected via several enclosed bridges. David Hertz has designed numerous homes throughout the West Coast and has a strong commitment to only building “green” structures and protecting the environment. He is also the inventor of a building material called “syndecrete” which is a “green” cement based surfacing substance that is used in the building of many homes.

    The McKinley Residence is a frequent filming location. Besides Californication, the house has been featured in Adaptation, Men, Women & Dogs and a Season 3 episode of CSI: Miami entitled “Murder in a Flash.” The house has also been featured in Dwell Magazine and Shape Magazine. You can see all of the projects this extraordinary house has been featured in here. You can also see some great interior photos of the home here. The McKinley Residence is an amazing home to see in person and I highly recommend stalking it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Californication house is located at 2420 McKinley Avenue in Venice.