Few romantic comedies appeal to both sexes. Even fewer are responsible for adding instantly recognizable catch phrases to the lexicon. And fewer still remain engaging and poignant decades after the fact. Jerry Maguire is one such film. Amazingly, the Cameron-Crowe-directed flick turns twenty today! Yes, as implausible as it may seem, Jerry Maguire first hit the big screen on December 13th, 1996. The movie has always been one of my favorites and remains just as loved in my household today as it did when it originally premiered. In honor of its 20th anniversary, I’ve teamed up with Greg Mariotti of Crowe’s official website, The Uncool, to uncover and compile a complete list of all of the film’s shooting locales, as well as some insider tidbits. So, without further ado, we present The Complete Guide to Jerry Maguire Filming Locations – Part I. Stay tuned for Part II tomorrow. And for those who want to soak up even more behind-the-scenes info, the movie’s 20th Anniversary Blu-ray, chock full of new extras, will be hitting shelves on January 3rd.
1. Opening Montage
“So, this is the world and there are almost 6 billion people on it. When I was a kid, there were three. It’s hard to keep up.” – Jerry Maguire

The movie’s opening, in which successful sports agent Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) introduces the audience to several of his young clients, was shot at various athletic facilities across L.A., mainly in the San Gabriel Valley. The “Indiana” Basketball Court where Clark Hodd (Michael James Johnson), the best point guard in the country, shoots hoops is Robinson Park, located at 1081 North Fair Oaks Avenue in Pasadena. The area where Clark plays in the segment was remodeled in the mid-2000s and the number of courts reduced from four to two, so it looks a bit different today. Erica Sorgi (the All-American diver played herself) – “You’ll see her in the next Olympics!” – skips across the living room of a house at 972 Cornell Road in Pasadena before hurling off a diving board a few miles away at the Rose Bowl Aquatics Center at 360 North Arroyo Boulevard. Dallas Molloy (also playing herself), whose lawsuit, as Jerry tells us, helped paved the way for women boxers everywhere, throws jabs in the boxing gym at Villa-Parke Community Center at 363 East Villa Street, again in Pasadena. The “Indio” baseball field where Art Stallings (Jordan Ross) shows us what pure joy looks like is Pote Field at 4730 Crystal Springs Drive in Griffith Park. The “Great Frank Cushman” (Jerry O’Connell) tosses a pigskin at what is supposed to be an Odessa, Texas stadium, but, in reality, he is at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum at 3911 South Figueroa Street in Exposition Park. And Brookside Golf Course at 1133 Rosemont Avenue in Pasadena is where a young golfer (Brandon Christianson) throws a club at his coach.
2. NFL Owners Meeting – The Westin Los Angeles Airport (5400 West Century Boulevard, Westchester)
“Now I’m the guy you don’t usually see. I’m the one behind the scenes. I’m the sports agent.” – Jerry Maguire

Following the opening, the scenery shifts to an NFL owners meeting taking place in the bustling lobby of what was then the LAX DoubleTree Hotel, but today is The Westin Los Angeles Airport. There, Jerry wheels and deals for his various clients, trying to secure a $14-million-per-year/5-year offer for one player. Hey, no one said winning was cheap!
3. Sports Management International Exterior – Brickell Bay Office Tower (1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami, Florida)
“33 out-of-shape agents guiding the careers of 1,685 of the most finely tuned athletes alive.” – Jerry Maguire

Though Jerry Maguire was lensed solely in California and Arizona, an establishing shot of downtown Miami’s sleek Brickell Bay Office Tower was used to represent the exterior of Sports Management International, aka SMI, where Jerry and his fellow agents work.
4. SMI Interior – Stage 23, Sony Pictures Studios (10202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City)
“I will not rest until I have you holding a Coke, wearing your own shoe, playing a Sega game featuring you, while singing your own song in a new commercial starring you, broadcast during the Super Bowl in a game that you are winning – and I will not sleep until that happens.” – Jerry Maguire

The interior of the Sports Management International office was an elaborate set that took up almost all of Stage 23 at Sony Pictures Studios. The sprawling two-story space, which was inspired by the office in Billy Wilder’s The Apartment, was comprised of a large central bullpen containing rows upon rows of desks, surrounded by a perimeter of windowed private offices and meeting rooms. The views visible from the various office suites were created via a large backdrop made from a photograph taken from a building at Newport Center, located at 620 Newport Center Drive in Newport Beach.
A deleted office scene, which will be featured on the 20th Anniversary Blu-ray, was shot on the top floor of the parking structure located at 600 Corporate Pointe in Culver City.
5. Houston Police Station – Airport Center Parking Garage (5250 West Century Boulevard, Westchester)
“Listen, there’s no proof of anything, except this guy is a sensational athlete.” – Jerry Maguire

The world of sports starts to lose its luster for Jerry when his football player client is arrested for statutory rape and taken to a “Houston police station.” Filming of the scene actually took place in the parking garage at Airport Center near LAX.
6. Steve Remo’s Hospital Room – Veterans Administration Medical Center (5901 East 7th Street, Long Beach)
“It would take a tank to stop your dad. It would take all five Super Trooper VR Warriors to stop your dad.” – Jerry Maguire

Jerry gets a reality check – and the finger! – courtesy of a client’s young son at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Long Beach. The hospital segments involving Steve Remo (Toby Huss) and his family were the first of the film to be shot.
The scenes featuring Jerry’s idol Dicky Fox, who was played by Jared Jussim – a lawyer at Sony – were also shot on location at the medical facility.
7. Airport Shuttle (California Avenue and Ocean Avenue, Santa Monica)

Though there is no airport in the vicinity in real life, the scene in which Jerry is shown riding in a Budget car rental shuttle down a rainy street was shot on Ocean Avenue just north of California Avenue in Santa Monica.
8. Miami Corporate Conference Hotel – Long Beach Marriott (4700 Airport Plaza Drive, Long Beach)
“And then it happened. It was the oddest, most unexpected thing. I began writing what they call a mission statement. Not a memo – a mission statement. You know, a suggestion for the future of our company.” – Jerry Maguire

The “Miami” hotel where Jerry and his fellow agents attend a corporate conference is actually a conglomeration of three different locations. The elevator bay, front desk and atrium-like lobby where Jerry receives a standing ovation after handing out his mission statement can be found at the Long Beach Marriott. Jerry’s actual room, where he stays up all night writing the statement (“And I’m not even a writer!”), was a set built on Stage 21 at Sony. And the stairwell Jerry runs down while on his way to the Copymat is the back staircase of the Sydney Poitier Building at Sony Pictures Studios.
9. Copymat – Kinko’s (6301 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood)
“That’s how you become great, man. Hang your balls out there.” – Copymat Jesus

The “Miami” Copymat where Jerry prints 110 copies of his The Things We Think and Do Not Say mission statement – even the cover looks like Catcher in the Rye! – was actually a Kinko’s located on Sunset Boulevard in the heart of Hollywood. The site was razed in 2002 in order to make way for Sunset + Vine, a 750,000-square-foot mixed-used development comprised of upscale apartments, restaurants and retail stores. Fun fact – Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains portrayed the “Copymat Jesus” in the scene.
10. Airplane Ride – Stage 21, Sony Pictures Studios (10202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City)
“First class is what’s wrong, honey. It used to be a better meal. Now it’s a better life.” -Dorothy Boyd

Dorothy Boyd (Renée Zellweger) longingly listens to Jerry tell the tale of his engagement from afar while sitting in a coach seat on a plane ride from Miami to Los Angeles. The scene, along with the movie’s other airplane sequences, was shot on Stage 21 at Sony.
11. Baggage Claim – Terminal A, John Wayne Airport (18601 Airport Way, Santa Ana)
“I know who you are. You’re Dorothy Boyd. You’re in accounts. You have the side middle cubicle with a poster of Albert Einstein’s face morphed onto Shaquille O’Neal’s body.” – Jerry Maguire

It is at Baggage Claim 2 in Terminal A of the John Wayne Airport that Dorothy loses Ray (Jonathan Lipnicki) – and tells Jerry how much she loves his “memo.” John Wayne was featured in many of Jerry Maguire’s airport segments, including the scene towards the end of the movie in which Jerry rushes through a quiet terminal hallway to get home to Dorothy, which was shot in front of the car rental counters. Cameron returned to this location in 2004 to shoot Elizabethtown. It was the first film to use the airport, post 9/11.
12. Jerry’s Condo (3811 Ocean Front Walk #1, Marina del Rey)
“There’s no real loyalty. And the first person who told me that, Jerry Maguire, was you!” – Avery Bishop

A contemporary 2-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,368-square-foot condo overlooking the ocean in Marina del Rey serves as Jerry’s sleek home in the film. The pad’s interiors, including kitchen and living room, appear throughout the movie, though Jerry’s bedroom was a set built on Stage 21 at Sony. Interestingly, the property performed triple duty in Jerry Maguire. Not only did it portray Jerry’s residence, but it was also utilized as Cardinals General Manager Dennis Wilburn’s (Glenn Frey) office and Jerry’s hotel room in the scene in which the two speak on the phone about Rod Tidwell’s (Cuba Gooding Jr.) contract. The condo recently sold on October 27th, 2015 for $2,754,000.
The exterior of a home two doors up the street at 3719 Ocean Front Walk was used as the exterior of Jerry’s condo in a scene that wound up on the cutting room floor.
13. Jerry’s Bachelor Party – Grand Havana Room (301 North Canon Drive #215, Beverly Hills)
“He cannot be alone.” “He – he can’t be alone.” “He’s almost phobic.” – Jerry’s former girlfriends

Jerry’s bachelor party, where he comes face to face with his greatest fear of being alone via a humorous video clip starring his many former flames, is held in the private, members-only Grand Havana Room in Beverly Hills. The exclusive cigar club, which was originally established in April 1995, is still in operation today and looks much the same as it did onscreen in Jerry Maguire.
14. Cronin’s Restaurant – Café Figaro (9010 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood)
“What about me? You know what I went through knowing I was gonna have to fire my mentor? Carrying that around in my head for a week! Could you get past yourself for a second?” – Bob Sugar

The now defunct West Hollywood eatery Café Figaro masked as Cronin’s, the busy restaurant where Bob Sugar (Jay Mohr) fires Jerry in the movie. The kitschy spot, which was decorated with decoupaged newspaper articles and Tiffany lamps, was originally established in 1969 and remained in operation through 1997. The site has since gone through numerous remodels and restaurant iterations and today houses Au Fudge, the insanely popular, ultra-chic and innovative kid-friendly bistro founded in part by actress Jessica Biel. Both the interior and exterior of the space were utilized in Jerry Maguire.
15. Kathy Sanders’ House – Stage 21, Sony Pictures Studios (10202 West Washington Boulevard, Culver City)
“Oh, Jerry!” – Kathy Sanders

Jerry’s client Kathy Sanders (Angela Goethals) feigns anguish over Jerry’s firing at a set built on Stage 21 at Sony. The scene was inspired by a similar event in Cameron Crowe’s life in which, thanks to faulty call-waiting, the director caught an actress in pretend agony over deciding not to take a part in one of his films.
16. Rod Tidwell’s House (1760 Kirsten Lee Drive, Westlake Village)
“I’m a valuable commodity! I go across the middle. I see a dude coming at me, trying to kill me, I tell myself ‘Get killed. Catch the ball.’ Booyah! Touchdown! I make miracles happen!” – Rod Tidwell

It is at a large Mediterranean-style home situated on a quiet cul-de-sac at the top of a hill in Westlake Village that one of the most famous sequences in all of moviedom was shot. While standing in the pink-tiled kitchen of his supposed Arizona residence, Rod delivers his famous “Show me the money!” speech and Jerry secures his one client. The scenes at the Tidwell home were the last of the movie to be filmed and both interiors and exteriors were utilized in the shoot.
17. Dorothy’s House (527 23rd Street, Manhattan Beach)
“Don’t cry at the beginning of a date. Cry at the end, like I do.” – Laurel Boyd

Dorothy and her sister Laurel’s (Bonnie Hunt) charming yellow bungalow can be found on a sleepy street in Manhattan Beach, looking much the same as it did onscreen twenty years ago. Though the interior of the sisters’ home, including the kitchen, living room, Dorothy’s bedroom, and Ray’s bedroom, was a large set built on Stages 22 and 23 at Sony, it was modeled partly upon the residence’s actual 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,820-square-foot interior. The wooded backyard, where Dorothy and Jerry got married and then later broke up, was also a set built on Stage 22. A bedroom located in the home next door at 529 23rd Street was also utilized as part of Dorothy’s house.
Be sure to check out Part II of The Complete Guide to Jerry Maguire Filming Locations here!