Tag: Things to Do in La Canada Flintridge

  • The Interior of the “Bruce Almighty” Party House


    In honor of my girl Jen Aniston receiving the 2,642nd star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today (a ceremony that I will actually not be attending because, after the debacle that was the Horrible Bosses premiere this past summer, I have a severe aversion to any event that has the potential of being too crowded or too chaotic), I thought that I would blog about a location from her 2003 romantic comedy Bruce Almighty.  As I mentioned this past July in my post about the Stern House in Pasadena, which stood in for the exterior of the supposed Buffalo, New York-area Vanderbilt Estate where the Channel 7 news team threw a party in honor of Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey) in the flick, I was fairly certain that a different property had been used for the interior.  And for the past seven months or so, I had been just a wee-bit obsessed with tracking down that interior.  Unfortunately though, while I searched through countless real estate listings and location websites during my hunt, I had come up completely empty-handed.

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    The most memorable aspect of the interior of the Bruce Almighty party house was the two-story front entrance foyer and its dual curving staircases.


    Back in July, while researching the Stern House, I had come across a picture of Jen sitting at the foot of one of those staircases on IMDB’s Bruce Almighty photo page and, it will come as no surprise, that it soon became embedded in my memory.


    So when I spotted that very same staircase pop up in the mansion belonging to wealthy steel businessman Henry Rearden (Grant Bowler) in the 2011 movie Atlas Shrugged: Part I a couple of weeks ago, I just about died!  I, of course, immediately started doing research on Atlas Shrugged filming locations (in fact, I did not even finish watching the film, I became so obsessed!) and fairly quickly found an article in which a commenter had stated that Frank’s residence was located in La Canada Flintridge, across the street from the 2011 Pasadena Showcase House of Design.  And while it would seem that it would be fairly easy to track down the 2011 Showcase House, for whatever maddening reason, I could not find it anywhere!  Fortunately, after spending countless hours searching by myself, I decided to enlist the help of fellow stalker Mike, from MovieShotsLA, who texted me back a few minutes later with an address.  THANK YOU, Mike!  So, this past Monday afternoon, while the two of us were out doing some stalking in the San Gabriel Valley, we ran right over there to take some pics.

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    In real life, the estate, which was originally built in 1993 by architect Wayne Siggard, boasts 5 bedrooms, 7 baths, a whopping 11,700 square feet of living space!!!, and an almost 2-acre plot of land.  The mansion, which, as you can see above, is pretty darn spectacular, is currently listed on MLS for a cool $7,950,000, although it does look like a sale might be pending.  You can visit the home’s real estate website here.  Oh, what I would not give to see the inside of that place in person!


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    In Bruce Almighty, the interior of the mansion was used extensively during the party scene and the master bedroom area was where Grace Connelly (Jennifer Aniston) caught Bruce in a passionate embrace with his “Spanish-accented” co-anchor, Susan Ortega (Catherine Bell).

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    The estate was also used extensively in Atlas Shrugged: Part I. Both the exterior . . .

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    . . . and the interior of the property appeared in the movie.

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    And the very same bedroom where Bruce and Susan kissed in Bruce Almighty was also featured as the bedroom of Henry and his wife, Lillian Rearden (Rebecca Wisocky), in Atlas Shrugged.

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    Photographs of the magnificent stairwell that I spent over seven months searching for are pictured above.  Sigh!  What I wouldn’t give to sit on them to pose for a photograph like Jen did!

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The interior of the Bruce Almighty party house, aka Henry Rearden’s mansion from Atlas Shrugged: Part I, is located at 4158 Commonwealth Avenue in La Canada Flintridge.

  • Chez Cherie Cooking School from “I Love New York”


    This year for Christmas, I decided to gift the Grim Cheaper with tickets to a cooking class.  The GC is an absolutely FABULOUS cook, while I, on the other hand, can hardly crack an egg, as I mentioned in my January 2010 post about the home where Julia Child grew up.   So I thought that taking a class together would be a fabulous opportunity for him to pick up some new tricks and for me to (possibly) learn some basics.  After doing extensive research online, I came across Cherie Mercer Twohy’s Chez Cherie cooking school in La Canada Flintridge and became a bit enamored of the place.  Most of Cherie’s classes are taught demonstration-style, rather than hands-on, and students are not only encouraged to bring a bottle of wine to enjoy during the lesson, but afterwards, the entire group gathers together to dine on the feast that Cherie has just created.  More than simply courses, Cherie’s lessons sounded like full-on experiences, so I immediately signed us up for her Cold Weather Cooking Class, which we attended on the evening on January 10th.  And, let me tell you, we had an absolute blast!

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    The moment we walked through Chez Cherie’s front door we were greeted by Cherie’s husband, who, taking note of the champagne bottle in the GC’s hand, immediately handed over two champagne glasses.  It was then that I realized this was my kind of place.  Winking smile We were then led to the adorable kitchen area, where chairs were set up classroom-style for the 30 students in attendance.  (At the time, I did not realize that the school was a filming location, so I, unfortunately, did not take any photographs before or during the lesson.)

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    When we entered the kitchen, my eye, of course, immediately went to the various celebrity photographs displayed on the wall and I just about fell over when I saw that Cherie had taken not one, but TWO pictures with the grande dame of cooking herself, Julia Child!  How incredibly cool is that??  (That is also Jacques Pepin posing with Julia and Cherie in the photograph on the right.)


    Cherie also had pictures with Paula Deen and her husband, Michael Groover;


    Season 6 Top Chef finalist Kevin Gillespie;


    and No Reservations’ Anthony Bourdain.  Love it!

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    On our menu for the evening were the following dishes: Pomegranate-Braised Short Ribs, Parsnip Mashed Potatoes, Spanish Flavors Meatloaf with Romesco Glaze, Pork and Pumpkin Chili, and Sticky Caramel Pudding – the recipes for which were authored by Cherie herself.  And I have to say that, even though I am not a fan of pork or red meat, I loved ALL of the offerings  – even the short ribs!  The class, which lasted about two hours, was thoroughly entertaining, as well, and because it was demonstration-style, I was able to really pay attention and felt like I learned quite a bit – as much as any non-domestic goddess like myself could be expected to learn, anyway.  Winking smile The GC even picked up a few tricks of the trade to add to his extensive repertoire.  All in all, we had a fabulous evening and I am fairly certain that we will be attending classes at Chez Cherie on a regular basis from now on.   I am dying to enroll in the hands-on Romantic Dinner for Two lesson being offered on Valentine’s Day, but I am not sure that the GC will fork over the $170 tuition cost.  (Pictured above is Chez Cherie’s absolutely ADORABLE dining area where we ate our meal.)


    Cherie Mercer Twohy actually began her culinary career later in life.  After her three children were of school-age, she decided to enroll in the California School of Culinary Arts where she received her Professional Culinary Arts diploma.  Shortly thereafter, she went to work as an instructor at HomeChef Pasadena.  When the cooking school suddenly and unexpectedly went out of business, Cherie took matters into her own hands by leasing a demonstration kitchen (on her own dime) to finish out a 12-week cooking series, which her beloved students had paid for in advance.  She founded Chez Cherie in 2000 on the belief that cooking should be fun and relaxed, and the place has been going strong ever since.  Cherie is also a Level 1 Sommelier, the author of the wildly popular I Love Trader Joe’s cookbook series, and a member of the Certified Culinary Professional – a highly prestigious designation assigned to only 300 chefs worldwide.  After we finished eating, I, of course, just had to approach Cherie to ask if any television shows or movies had been filmed at the school and I was floored to learn that I Love New York had shot an episode there.  (I would just like to make it very clear here that I am not in any way a fan of I Love New York, but was excited to learn the information as it meant that I could blog about Chez Cherie.)


    In the Season 1 episode of I Love New York titled “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”, New York (Tiffany Pollard) takes contestant Chance (Kamal Givens) on a date at Chez Cherie cooking school.  Cherie told us that her husband had handled all of the details of booking the shoot and that, prior to the filming, she had no idea what she was in store for.  Needless to say, she was, ahem, surprised – especially when Chance and New York started furiously making out in the dining area.  Before scanning through “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” to make screen captures for this post, I had never before watched an episode of I Love New York and, now that I have, I can honestly say that it was one of the most awful shows I have ever seen!  The fact that there was a second season of it is mind-boggling!  While watching, I was reminded of the scene in Billy Madison in which Billy (Adam Sandler) discusses the children’s book The Puppy Who Lost His Way at an academic contest, after which the Principal (James Downey) says, “Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.  At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.  Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.  I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”  (You can watch that clip by clicking above.)  I can honestly say that I am definitely now dumber for having watched an episode of I Love New York.  But I digress.

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    Quite a few areas of Chez Cherie cooking school appeared in I Love New York, including the entrance;

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    the kitchen;

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    and the dining room.

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    Cherie was even featured quite prominently in the episode.

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    Martin Yan, aka “Yan Can Cook”, also filmed a video demonstration of the Master Grade Knife Sharpener at Chez Cherie.  I was especially excited to hear this as Martin had founded his Yan Can International Cooking School in Foster City, California –  the small suburb of San Francisco where I grew up.

    Martin Yan–Master Grade Knife Sharpener at Chez Cherie

    You can watch Martin’s Master Grade Knife Sharpener demonstration by clicking above.

    Chef Ben Ford, who just so happens to be Harrison Ford’s son, also once taught a blind man how to cut a lobster while at Chez Cherie for some sort of cooking show, but I was, unfortunately, unable to find any information about it online.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Chez Cherie cooking school, from the “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” episode of I Love New York, is located at 1401 Foothill Boulevard in La Canada Flintridge.  You can visit the school’s official website here.  La Crescenta Motel, aka the Bide-A-Way Motel from Win A Date with Tad Hamilton, is located just up the road at 2413 Foothill Boulevard in La Crescenta.