Tag: The Office

  • David Wallace’s House from “The Office”


    Fellow stalker Owen and I recently set out upon a mission to try to track down the Colonial-style residence belonging to David Wallace in the Season 3 episode of The Office titled “Branch Closing”.  This proved to be a rather difficult find for us, though, being that we had virtually nothing to go on – no house number or street sign was visible in the background of the episode and neither Owen nor I had any idea of which city the house might be located in.  We figured that unless we were able to get ahold of a crew member and gather some inside information, we would never be able to track the place down.  That is until last week, when I stumbled upon this fabulous filming locations database, which, lo and behold, had photographs of the exact property which we were looking for!  And not only did the database state that the house was located in Pasadena, but it also gave us an address number – 1485.  YAY!  I immediately emailed the link to Owen and the two of us set about using Google Maps to search every 1400 block in the Pasadena area.  Three minutes later I got a text from Owen with the address.  And while he says that this one was a team effort, my hat is definitely off to him because there is absolutely NO WAY I ever would have found the place as quickly as he did.  So, THANK YOU, OWEN!  🙂


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    In the “Branch Closing” episode of The Office, Michael Scott (aka Steve Carell) and Dwight Schrute (aka Rainn Wilson) come up with a plan to save the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company’s Scranton branch by driving to New York to make a personal face-to-face plea to CFO David Wallace (aka Andy Buckley) at his home, the address of which Dwight has stolen off of the company Christmas card list.  Because Wallace is not at home when they show up to confront him “Michael Moore-style”, they are forced to wait outside on the sidewalk all day and into the night with only a bottle of Gatorade to sustain them.  And while Dwight and Michael never end up getting the chance to confront Wallace in the episode, the Scranton Branch does eventually get spared from closure.

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    I am VERY happy to report that the Wallace residence looks much the same in person as it did onscreen.  In fact, the only difference I noticed was that the bronze eagle that was affixed to the round portico above the front door in the episode was not there in real life.  Otherwise, though, the house looks exactly as it did on the show.  Love it!


    As you can see in the above screen capture and photograph, producers even went so far as to have the house’s real life “San Marino Security” sign covered over with a “Mount Vernon Security” sign for the filming, which is so darn cool!

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    And, of course, I just had to sit in the spot where Dwight and Michael were sitting at the end of the episode.  🙂


    On a side note – for whatever reason, in the episode of The Office titled “Cocktails”, which aired during the very same season as the “Branch Closing” episode, a similar-looking, but obviously very different, home stood in for the Wallace residence.  Have no fear, though, Owen also found that property, so I will be stalking it soon!


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: David Wallace’s house from the “Branch Closing” episode of The Office is located at 1485 Lomita Drive in Pasadena.

  • The Hungry Fox Restaurant from “The Office”


    Another location that I stalked back in April while fellow stalker Lavonna and her daughter Melissa were in town was the Hungry Fox Restaurant, which appeared in the Season 3 episode of The Office titled “The Negotiation”.  We found this location thanks to fellow stalker “Snidely Whiplash”, who posted a comment on my site a while back that listed an entire slew of Office locales.  Snidely currently lives in the Valley, where most Office filming takes place, and often recognizes area locales when they pop up on the show.  So, thank you, Snidely!  Unfortunately though, because at the time I had never before seen an episode of The Office, when we went to stalk the Hungry Fox I had no idea what it was exactly that we were looking for – or looking at, for that matter.  To further complicate things, Lavonna was under the mistaken impression that the restaurant stood in for Poor Richard’s Pub, the bar where Pam Beesly (aka Jenna Fischer) confessed to her ex-fiancé Roy Anderson (aka cutie David Denman, who also starred as hearing-impaired football player Brian Murphy in one of my very favorite movies – The Replacements) that she had cheated on him with Jim Halpert (aka John Krasinski) in the episode titled “Cocktails”.  Because the Hungry Fox looks absolutely nothing like Poor Richard’s, though, we figured we had gotten the location wrong.  It wasn’t until I recently sat down to watch The Office on DVD that I figured out which particular episode and which particular scene the Hungry Fox had actually appeared in.

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     ScreenShot4895 The Hungry Fox - The Office

    As it turns out, the Hungry Fox, which, according to the sign put up for the filming, serves up “Scranton’s Best Breakfast” (LOVE IT!), stood in for the restaurant where Roy took his ex-fiancé Pam to talk about their recent break-up and his rather violent reaction to finding out that she and Jim had kissed.  The two say their final good-byes to each other at the restaurant and Roy also rather meaningfully states, “I don’t get you, Pam”, to which she replies, “I know.”


    Roy and Pam’s good-bye scene was filmed at the table located immediately to the left of the Hungry Fox’s front door (as you enter the restaurant), right next to the place’s resident fish tank.  I have to say that the owner of the Hungry Fox was INCREDIBLY nice when we came in to stalk the place and told us that we were welcome to take as many pictures as we wanted, even though we weren’t actually eating there.  Yay!  And from what I’ve read on Yelp, we really missed out by not eating there, as the place apparently serves up some fabulous grub!

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    As I mentioned above, none of us stalkers were entirely sure what scene exactly had been filmed at the Hungry Fox, so we all pretty much just took some random photographs of the place.  Whoopsie!  Looks like I’m just going to have to go back there in the near future!


    On a side note – After returning home, Lavonna did some cyber-stalking and found out that the bar which stood in for Poor Richard’s Pub on The Office is actually a place called Pickwick’s Pub in Woodland Hills.  Besides the “Cocktails” episode, Pickwick’s also made an appearance in the Season 4 episode of The Office titled “Local Ad”.  Thank you, Lavonna!  I will FOR SURE be stalking this one!  🙂

    Big THANK YOU to Snidely Whiplash for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Hungry Fox restaurant from “The Negotiation” episode of The Office is located at 13359 Sherman Way in North Hollywood.

  • Jim and Pam’s House from “The Office”


    One location that I stalked back in April while fellow stalker Lavonna and her daughter Melissa were in town was the house that Jim Halpert (aka John Krasinksi) purchased for his fiancé Pam Beesly (aka Jenna Fischer) in the Season 5 episode of The Office titled “Frame Toby”.  At the time I had never actually seen an episode of the series despite the fact that pretty much everyone in my life (from fellow stalker Owen to my best friend Kylee) had been telling me how fabulous it was.  But then, a few weeks ago, I finally took the plunge and rented the show’s entire first season on DVD, and, let me tell you, once I sat down to watch it I simply COULD NOT STOP!  It practically became an addiction!  They say that laughter is the best medicine and from what I’ve experienced watching The Office that sentiment is absolutely true.  I started viewing the series during a particularly stressful time in my life and it brought me so many much-needed laughs that I was lifted right out of my funk.  In fact, I can honestly say that never IN MY LIFE have I laughed out loud at a show as much as I have these past few weeks while watching The Office.  It’s absolutely hilarious!  For those of you holdouts who have never watched the show, you simply must start!  But I digress.  Anyway, last night I finally saw the “Frame Toby” episode in which Jim and Pam’s house is first shown, which meant that I could finally, finally blog about the place!

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    On The Office, Jim and Pam’s house actually first belonged to Jim’s parents.  He buys it from them as a gift for Pam because, as he says, he wants to help his parents out and because he was able to “save on closing costs”.  So darn cute!  🙂  I have to give major props to Owen on finding this location as producers actually changed the property’s address number in the episode in order to throw us stalkers off track!


    As you can see in the above photograph, in real life the house is numbered 13831.

    Jim's house

    But, as you can see in the above screen capture, producers had the second “1” digitally removed from the scene.  UGH!  I SO hate it when they do that!  Changing address numbers has to be my biggest stalking pet peeve!  Thankfully though, Owen, acting on a tip from a fellow stalker, started searching the neighborhood surrounding the studio where The Office is filmed and found the house a mere two miles away.  YAY!

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    And I am very happy to report that, aside from the address number, the property looks very similar in person as to how it appeared in the “Frame Toby” episode.  Producers very obviously roughed the house up a bit for the filming (i.e. the broken roof gutter, the leaves on the front lawn, and the overgrown foliage), but I am guessing that in the episodes to come, Jim will be shown fixing up the place for Pam.  I can’t say that for certain, though, as I am currently only halfway through Season 5, so I’ve still got some viewing to do before I catch up with the current episodes.  I’ve actually had to considerably slow down my Office-watching habit this past week, though, because I am absolutely DREADING having no more new episodes to watch.  I honestly don’t know what I’ll do with myself when that happens! 

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    The home’s garage area, which on the show Jim converted into an art studio for Pam . . .


    . . . is sadly not visible from the street.


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jim and Pam’s house from The Office is located at 13831 Calvert Street in Van Nuys.

  • Sid & Dexter’s Sports Bar from the “Happy Hour” episode of “The Office”


    As I mentioned yesterday, one location that fellow stalker Lavonna was absolutely dying to stalk while she was in town last week was Sid & Dexter’s Sports Bar, the arcade/restaurant which appeared in the Season 6 episode of The Office entitled “Happy Hour”.  So, before her arrival, I called upon fellow stalker Owen for some help in tracking the place down, but, unfortunately, the two of us came up completely empty-handed.  My first instinct was that filming had taken place at one of the local branches of the popular Dave & Buster’s restaurant chain, but after looking at photographs of all of the D&B’s located in the L.A. area and comparing them to the screen captures of The Office that Lavonna had sent me, I couldn’t find a match.  So, after a few hours of searching, Owen and I came to the unfortunate conclusion that Sid & Dexter’s was most likely not a real location, but a set that had been built solely for the filming of the “Happy Hour” episode.  Lavonna was sorely disappointed over this discovery, as was I, because I knew how badly she wanted to stalk the place.  But then, this past Friday, while stalking Scranton Business Park, I had an inspired idea.  Because the security guard manning the front gate was so incredibly nice, I decided to ask her whether she knew where the “Happy Hour” episode had been filmed.  And, lo and behold, she did!  She told us that filming had taken place at a restaurant/arcade next to a bowling alley somewhere on Universal CityWalk.  And, let me tell you, I almost fell over when I heard that.  Usually when I meet crew members and ask them about locations, they have no recollection whatsoever about where a filming took place, even if they were actually on the set that particular day!  So, for the security guard to know where the “Happy Hour” episode was shot, when she had never actually been there was absolutely incredible to me!  Yay!  So, Lavonna, her daughter, Melissa, her friend, Debbie, and I immediately headed over to Universal CityWalk to try to track down Sid & Dexter’s!


    My initial plan of attack was to visit each and every restaurant located on Universal CityWalk until we found the right one.  Thankfully, though, that wasn’t necessary.  Fairly immediately upon entering the outdoor shopping center, Lavonna spotted a sign for the chain restaurant Jillian’s and thought it might be the right spot.  And, sure enough, it was!  In actuality, Sid & Dexter’s Sports Bar is a restaurant/arcade/bowling alley/billiards bar named Jillian’s.  Sadly, though, it has been completely remodeled since its onscreen appearance and no longer looks anything like it did when filming took place.  According to one of the super nice bartenders we spoke with, The Office filmed at Jillian’s for an entire week, just after the place had closed its doors to the public to begin the remodel process.  As soon as filming wrapped, the ENTIRE place was completely gutted and the rebuilding began.   The single, solitary decor item that remains from the old design is the above pictured cartoon which is now hanging on a wall in the billiards room.  Such a bummer!



    The Jillian’s staff could NOT have been nicer, though, and took us on our own personal tour of the restaurant to show us where filming took place and to explain what the former layout used to look like.  As you can see in the above photograph and screen capture, the place is COMPLETELY unrecognizable from its Office appearance.  🙁



    Thankfully, though, the ticket machines still look identical to how they appeared on the show, so, at least there’s that.  🙂 






    Lavonna had desperately wanted to see the zebra-print wall which appeared in the background throughout most of the “Happy Hour” episode.  Sadly, though, it had been thrown out during the remodel and that area was then transformed into the ticket redemption counter (pictured above).


    And while Jillian’s still makes use of the actual pool tables which appeared in The Office, they have since been moved to a different part of the restaurant.




    Lavonna also wanted to see the Whac-A-Mole arcade game that Dwight (aka Rainn Wilson) and Isabel (aka Kelen Coleman) played on the show, but the bartender informed us that that particular game was brought in by producers solely for the filming.  The dance machine that Andy (aka Ed Helms), Kelly (aka Ellie Kemper), Ryan (aka B.J. Novak), and the other Kelly (aka Mindy Kaling) played on, however, is a real game that can still be found at Jillian’s.


    So, of course, Melissa and I just had to pose on it.  🙂


    The bartender ended up asking Jillian’s two general managers to come out so that we could ask them all sorts of silly questions about the filming of The Office, and, let me tell you, they could NOT have been nicer.  They talked to us for a good twenty minutes and when they heard how upset Lavonna was over not being able to see that zebra-print wall, they ended up giving her the above “Sid & Dexter’s” sign which appeared in the “Happy Hour” episode!  How incredibly cool is that??  I mean, talk about the ultimate Office keepsake!   



    The managers also showed us a bowling pin that the entire Office cast had signed during the filming.  That’s Melissa posing with it in the above picture.  So darn cool!







    They also informed us that Justin Bieber had recently filmed his “Baby” video in the bowling alley located on Jillian’s second level.  So, of course, we had to go stalk that, too.   


    I am very happy to report that the bowling alley portion of the restaurant was not altered during the recent remodel and still looks EXACTLY the same as it did in the video.  Yay!


    You can watch Justin’s “Baby” video by clicking above.  I so love the line, “She had me going crazy, Oh I was starstruck, She woke me up daily, Don’t need no Starbucks!”  LOL  Although, I don’t think there’s a guy in existence who could make it so that I didn’t need Starbucks in the morning.  😉


    While we were stalking Jillian’s bowling alley, we ran into another SUPER nice bartender named Rashid, who actually made a brief appearance in the background of the “Happy Hour” episode of The Office!  He was supposed to have a speaking role in the episode and producers even went so far as to make him shave his head for the part, but, sadly, as so often happens in Hollywood, his scene wound up on the cutting room floor.  🙁  We are hoping it will be featured in the “Deleted Scenes” section of The Office’s yet-to-be-released Season 6 DVD set, though.

    The Office Rashid

    You can catch a glimpse of Rashid in the background behind the Sid & Dexter’s manager in the above pictured screenshot.  So cool!


    We had a blast hanging out at Jillian’s and I honestly cannot recommend stalking the place enough, even though it no longer bears any sort of resemblance to Sid & Dexter’s.  The staff truly could NOT have been nicer, the prices were very reasonable, the food was excellent, and the ambiance was lively and fun!  Jillian’s is definitely a place I will be returning to again and again!

    On a Justin Bieber side note – For those who have yet to see his first appearance on Chelsea Lately which aired back in December, you really must tune in!  The kid is absolutely adorable and HILARIOUS and truly holds his own against Chelsea, which is a pretty amazing feat for a 15-year old!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jillian’s, aka Sid & Dexter’s Sports Bar from the “Happy Hour” episode of The Office, can be found at 1000 Universal Studios Boulevard, on Universal CityWalk, in Universal City.  The bowling alley where Justin Bieber filmed his “Baby” video can be found on the restaurant’s second level.  You can visit the Jillian’s website here.

  • Scranton Business Park from”The Office”


    The one filming location that fellow stalker Lavonna was absolutely NOT getting on a plane back to Cincinnati without stalking last week was the Van Nuys building which stands in for Scranton Business Park, where the Pennsylvania branch of Dunder Mifflin, Inc. Paper Company is located, each week on the hit television series The Office.  And, even though, I have yet to watch even one episode of the show, because I know how popular The Office is with my fellow stalkers, I jumped at the chance to tag along with her to see the location for myself.  I should explain here that Lavonna is an absolute MASTER STALKER!  Honestly, Lindsay Blake has got nothing on her!  In fact, she’s even taught me a thing or two!  Lavonna comes out to Hollywood at least once a year for a stalking vacation and her trips are centered solely around visiting filming locations, touring movie studios, and attending television and talk show tapings.  A typical L.A. vacation day for her begins at around 8 a.m. with the taping of a television show, which is followed up with the taping of yet another show at around 2 p.m., with a few stops in between at various filming locations and movie studios.  She starts stalking at the crack of dawn and doesn’t stop until night falls.  A woman after my own heart, I swear!  She really should be a Hollywood travel agent, cause, let me tell you, she knows how to do this city right!  🙂 


    Back in January, Lavonna posted a challenge on my site asking readers to track down the Scranton Business Park building where Dwight (aka Rainn Wilson), Jim (aka John Krasinksi) and Pam (aka Jenna Fischer) report to  work each morning.   And, lo and behold, just a few days later, a fellow stalker identifying himself as “Snidley Whiplash” – which just so happens to be the name of the villain in the Dudley Do-Right cartoon series – responded with a list of numerous Office locations, including the building Lavonna so badly wanted to see.  As it turns out the building is actually a part of Chandler Valley Center Studios, the very studio where The Office is filmed.  So, bright and early this past Friday morning, Lavonna, her daughter, Melissa, her friend, Debbie, and I headed out to Van Nuys to do a little “Scranton” stalking.  Randomly enough, a few fellow stalkers had actually emailed me prior to Lavonna’s visit to let me know about their experiences stalking The Office set.  Most of them had been extremely lucky during their stalk and not only met some of the cast members, but got to take photographs with them, as well.  I was hoping we might have the same sort of luck, but, sadly, the series’ had wrapped its Sixth Season two weeks prior and no cast member were on the lot while we were there.  🙁





    There was a security guard on duty manning the front gate while we were there, though, and she TRULY could NOT have been nicer to us!  Not only did she let us take all of the pictures of the studio that we wanted, but she also spent a good twenty minutes speaking with us and answering all of our silly questions about the cast and the filming of The Office.  And, best of all, she even pointed us in the direction of the bar/arcade which appeared in the Season 6 episode of the show entitled “Happy Hour”  – a location which Lavonna had feverishly been searching for before her visit.  But I’ll save that story for tomorrow’s post.  🙂  (Please excuse the craptastic screen captures pictured above – I downloaded one episode of The Office off of iTunes and, wouldn’t you know, it was an episode which only featured nighttime shots of Scranton Business Park.  Ugh!)




    I had also heard from a few fellow stalkers that several “Dunder Mifflin, Inc.” and “Vance Refrigeration” signs were posted on the exterior of the Chandler Valley Center Studios building, but, sadly, they had all been removed two weeks prior when filming wrapped.  The only Office decor left over from the filming that we could see while we were stalking the place were the parking signs for Bob Vance(aka Robert R. Shafer), president of Vance Refrigeration, and Michael Scott (aka Steve Carell), regional manager of Dunder Mifflin, Inc. Paper Company.  And, even though I don’t watch the show, it was incredibly exciting to see those two signs!  I can’t tell you how cool I think it is that they are visible to the public!






    When I told fellow stalker Owen about Friday’s Office stalking adventures, he sent me a bunch of photographs of the studio that he had taken back in September of 2008 while he was visiting the Los Angeles area with his brother.  As you can see in the above pictures, when the show is not on hiatus, the “Scranton Business Park” and “Dunder Mifflin, Inc.” signs are out in full force!  So darn cool!  I’m so going to have to go back to stalk the studio again once The Office starts filming next season!


    Owen also snapped some pictures of Michael’s office window, which is shown quite frequently on the series . . .


    . . . and Dwight’s Trans-Am, which he spotted right out in front of the Scranton Business Park building.

    The interior of the Scranton Business Park building actually houses The Office production offices.  The soundstage where the interior Office scenes are filmed can be found directly next door and just due west of Scranton Business Park.


    I honestly can’t recommend stalking Chandler Valley Center Studios enough!  I don’t even watch The Office and I was still incredibly excited to be seeing Scranton Business Park in person.  But what made our experience extra-special was the super friendly security guard.  I can’t tell you how much fun stalking can be when the people working on the set are nice!  Love it! 

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for letting me post his Office stalking pictures on my site and to “Snidley Whiplash” for telling me the location of the Scranton Business Center!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂 

    Stalk It: Scranton Business Park from The Office, aka Chandler Valley Center Studios, is located at 13927 Saticoy Street in Van Nuys.