Tag: The Mentalist

  • Altadena Town and Country Club


    As I predicted a few weeks ago, getting engaged has opened up a whole new stalking world for me!  And even though I have known for years now the exact spot where I want to get married, I am fully planning on dragging my fiance from one end of L.A. to the other looking at wedding/filming locations.  Hey, a girl should really keep her options open, shouldn’t she?  For stalking’s sake, at least.  🙂  So, yesterday I set out to stalk my very first wedding (and, of course, filming) location – the Altadena Town and Country Club.  I had heard rumors a few years back that a scene from Dirty Dancing  had been filmed at the club – how did these Dirty Dancing  being filmed in Altadena rumors get started, anyway???? – and have wanted to stalk the place ever since.  Yesterday, I finally had my chance.


    Altadena Town and Country Club, which was established in 1910 and was originally called the Altadena Country Club, is an absolutely beautiful private club located at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains. 


    The five and a half acre property boasts sprawling lawns;



    a beautiful rose garden;


    a sparkling swimming pool complete with a poolside snack bar;


    multiple tennis courts;



    a 27,000 square foot clubhouse,



    consisting of several beautiful ballrooms with wood-beamed ceilings;


    a large terrace overlooking the pool;


    and an upscale restaurant with a top notch wine list.  In fact, one of my very favorite champagnes is on the Club’s list of options for wedding toasts.  🙂   Altadena Town and Country Club looks like the perfect setting to host a wedding and the prices are extremely reasonable to boot!!!  I didn’t end up taking the full wedding tour while I was there yesterday, as it was the event coordinators’ day off.  But I think I am going to make an appointment to do just that, as I ended up really liking the place.  🙂







    And, while I am absolutely certain that Dirty Dancing  was not filmed at the Altadena Town & Country Club, many other productions have been filmed there.  The Club stood in for Marsante Country Club in the Season One episode of The Mentalist  entitled “Scarlett Fever”;



     it was used as Vince Vaughn’s pool club in Starsky & Hutch;




    and it was the location of the Lambda Omega Omega “End of Finals Loo-au” in Van Wilder.  Altadena Town and Country Club was also featured in an episode of Mad Men, the 1994 movie Speechless, and the Wonder Years two-part series finale entitled  “Summer/Independence Day”. 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Altadena Town and Country Club is located at 2290 Country Club Drive in Altadena.  You can visit their website here.  Unfortunately, the Club is not open to the public, but it is available as an event and wedding venue.

  • On Location With The Mentalist!



    Yesterday morning while doing some Downtown Los Angeles stalking, I happened to stumble upon a large film crew outside of Union Station.  I, of course, asked one of the background actors what was being filmed and almost fell over when she told me it was my new favorite show, The Mentalist!!!!   I asked if Simon Baker was on set and she laughed and said “Everyone’s been asking for him all morning!  It’s cause he’s such a cutie.”  LOL  Sadly, SB had already been wrapped for the day, as had actress Robin Tunney.  🙁   Such a bummer!!





    But I did get to see actor Tim Kang, who plays Detective Kimball Cho on the show (pictured above).  I love Kang’s character, so I was pretty floored to see him in person.  He was filming a scene that basically consisted of him sitting on a bench reading a newspaper at the entrance to Union Station’s former ticket concourse.  Needless to say, it wasn’t that exciting.  LOL   


    I didn’t stick around very long to watch the filming as not a whole lot was going on and, sadly, the crew wasn’t all that friendly.  The area where the scene was being filmed wasn’t shut off to the public as filming areas normally are, so I am guessing that the crew was just slightly annoyed at the many random people who were walking directly into their shot while the cameras were rolling.   I guess the people didn’t notice the many signs that were posted around the area announcing that filming was taking place (pictured above).  LOL  I can’t tell you the number of people I saw who walked right in front of the camera and into the former ticket concourse, then stopped and looked around with confusion on their faces, only to walk right back out in front of the camera once again.  I’m not kidding!  I can imagine how that might have gotten old for the crew real quick! 



    Countless productions have filmed at the historic train station since its opening in 1939, including Nick of Time (Johnny Depp’s daughter is kidnapped there), Charlie’s Angel’s: Full Throttle (Demi Moore lived in the former ticket concourse area which is pictured above), Can’t Hardly Wait (Jennifer Love Hewitt and Ethan Embry finally get together in the station’s waiting area), 24, Alias, Blast From The Past, Bugsy, Catch Me If You Can, Blade Runner, Guilty by Suspicion, Garfield, The Italian Job, Pearl Harbor, and a 1950’s movie actually entitled Union Station.  




    Union Station is an absolutely beautiful place to visit and I highly recommend stalking it, even if you aren’t a film locations buff.  The interiors, which have been beautifully maintained, immediately transplant you back to the 1930s.   It’s not hard to see why the station has been a favorite of location scouts over the years.  Union Station, which was built by architects John Parkinson, Donald D. Parkinson, and Jay van der Lin, is on the National Register of Historic Places and according to Wikipedia, is considered the “Last of the Great Railway Stations” built in the U.S.   You can see some great photographs of the station here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Union Station is located at 800 North Alameda Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  Ironically, it is located just around the corner from The Mentalist’s  CBI Headquarters.  🙂

  • The Mentalist’s CBI Headquarters



    My location obsession as of late has been the CBI Headquarters building where Patrick Jane and the gang report to work each week on my new fave show The Mentalist. I do love me some Simon Baker!  He’s such a cutie!  🙂   Being that it is quite unique in appearance, I had an inkling that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, might recognize the building used on the show, but since he had never watched The Mentalist I was out of luck there – until this past Tuesday night when the episode entitled “Bloodshot” aired.  For the first time ever, the cast and crew actually filmed on location at the Headquarters building (in the past it had only been used for set-up shots) and I was able to make quite a few screen captures to send to Mike.  And, sure enough, he recognized the building immediately!  He’s so my hero!


    In actuality, CBI Headquarters is the rear entrance of the Pico House, a former luxury hotel and a National Historic Landmark located in Downtown Los Angeles.  I am ashamed to admit that I have actually visited the Pico House several times, but never recognized it as the CBI Building, most likely because the front of the former hotel looks strikingly different from the back.  The front of the Pico House is pictured above.  The Pico House was built from 1869 to 1870 by Pio Pico, a former governor of Alta California.  The building was designed by architect Ezra F. Kysor and at the time of its opening was considered the most upscale hotel in the L.A. area.  It was also the first three story building located in Los Angeles.  The luxurious hotel boasted 82 rooms, 21 ballrooms, a French restaurant, and bathrooms for “both sexes” on every floor.  LOL  Pio Pico lost the hotel due to financial difficulties just ten years after its grand opening.  For the next thirty years, beginning in 1892, the hotel was known as The National and was a cheap boarding house.  In 1953, the hotel was taken over by the City of Los Angeles who has managed it ever since.  The Pico House was restored in the 60s and again in the 80s and 90s.  Today it is no longer a hotel, but remains vacant and is used as an event location and for filming.  You can see great interior photographs of the Pico House here.



    Once Mike told me that CBI Headquarters was really the Pico House, I dragged my dad right out to stalk it.   He actually didn’t mind being dragged to this location, as The Mentalist is one of the few shows on television that he actually likes.  My dad was especially excited to see the CBI building in person since he had just watched the “Bloodshot” episode, in which the Pico House is featured prominently, the night before.  He kept saying “This is so cool – I just saw this place on TV last night!”



    I am happy to report that the CBI building looks exactly the same in person as it does onscreen.   The “Bloodshot” episode featured several parts of the Pico House, including the exterior stairwell area where the team exited the building after being evacuated due to a bomb threat;





    the alleyway where Van Pelt met her boyfriend for an early morning cup of coffee and also where Jane’s team got evacuated;







    the parking lot area where the car bomb exploded and later where a temporarily blind Jane drove Van Pelt’s car;



    and Hype Nightclub, which in actuality is not a nightclub at all, but the entrance to the Pico House’s central courtyard.


    I highly recommend stalking the CBI Headquarters building to all Mentalist fans.  Who knows, you might even catch them filming an episode while you’re there!  Even though no filming was going on while I was stalking the Pico House, I can’t tell you how excited I was to finally be seeing CBI Headquarters in person!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Mentalist’s CBI Headquarters, aka the Pico House, is located at 430 North Main Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  The back side of the Pico House, which is the area shown on The Mentalist, can be viewed on West Arcadia Street in between North Main and North Spring Streets.  The area surrounding the Pico House is open to the public, so I would suggest parking your car and taking a walk around the historic building.  The parking lot where the “Bloodshot” episode was filmed is really the El Pueblo De Los Angeles parking lot located on the corner of West Arcadia and North Spring Street.  And the fake Hype Nightclub’s entrance is located on the Pico House’s South facing wall.

  • “The Bachelor” Mansion


    I just about died this past Friday afternoon when my US Magazine  arrived in the mail and looming out at me was the headline “Is The Bachelor Fake?”   I have been absolutely enthralled with The Bachelor  this season – and not because I am a fan of Jason Mesnick.  I think the guy is pretty much a tool.  But there was just so much drama this season that I absolutely could not tear myself away from the TV.  And from the look of things, more drama is yet to come on tonight’s Final Rose Ceremony and After the Final Rose presentation.  According to this week’s US Magazine article, a blogger named Steve Carbone, from RealitySteve.com, blew the lid right off of tonight’s shows!  According to Steve (whose website I am now addicted to!) Jason is going to propose to contestant Melissa Rycroft at the end of tonight’s Bachelor  finale.  But (and here is where things get juicy!) during tonight’s After the Final Rose show (which was pre-taped six weeks ago) Jason is going to dump Melissa for second runner up Molly Malaney.  And, the icing on the cake, supposedly Jason has been seeing Molly behind Melissa’s back ever since filming was completed – not that he will ever admit to that!  What a snake!  Steve believes in his heart of hearts that ABC concocted this whole scenario to increase their ratings and I have to say I agree with him.  I started having my doubts as to the reality of The Bachelor way back during Season Two when my boyfriend’s boss spotted Bachelor Aaron Buerge on a date with contestant Gwen Gioia.  Apparently not only were make-up artists fixing Gwen’s hair and make-up during the date, but producers were constantly stopping the filming to re-shoot certain segments. LOL  Needless to say I cannot wait for tonight’s episode.  I am sure I will walk away from it thinking Jason is an even bigger douchebag than I did before.  LOL      



    Thanks to my buddy Whitney over at ZillowBlog, who alerted me to this article back in October, I was able to stalk the Bachelor  house this past weekend.   Ever since it was built in 2005, the Malibu area home pictured above has been featured on numerous seasons of The Bachelor.  The mansion’s front entrance was used repeatedly as the famous limousine drop-off area where the past few Bachelors and Bachelorettes have welcomed their contestants during the first episode of each season. In fact, not only was the mansion’s entrance the very spot where Jason first met Deanna last season, but it was also the same locale where Jason welcomed the women of the show this season.  The home’s living room area has also been the site of the numerous rose ceremonies of seasons past.  But this season, not only was the home used for rose ceremonies and the big limo welcome, but it was also where the women lived during the filming.  So I was pretty excited to stalk it!  🙂




    Orignally priced at $13 million and later dropped to $8,750,000, The Bachelor  house is currently for sale at the bargain price of $6,750,000.   Apparently being “The Bachelor  house” isn’t that great a selling point.  LOL   The six bedroom, nine bathroom Tuscan style manse measures a whopping 8,000 square feet and sits on almost ten acres of land!  The home has a four car garage, a gourmet kitchen, an infinity pool with a swim-up barbeque and bar, and a detached 4,000 square foot studio/office area!     To put it in Bachelor  speak, the house is simply “amazing”!  Ever notice how often they use that word on the show?  LOL  Somebody really needs to get the contestants a thesaurus – stat!  Unfortunately, not much of the home is visible from the street, but it was still extremely exciting to stalk it knowing all the drama that took place there back in November.   




    Be sure to tune into tonight’s Bachelor Season Finale.  It is sure to have “the most dramatic rose ceremony . . . ever”!  And if you haven’t yet, you simply must check out Reality Steve’s blog – it’s enthralling! 

    UPDATE – This very same mansion was recently featured in the Season 2 episode of The Mentalist entitled “The Red Box” as the home of photographer Hopper Banks.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: The Bachelor  house is located at 2351 Kanan Road in Malibu.  You can visit the home’s real estate website here.  You can also visit the owner’s website here.

  • The Rubio House



    One of my new favorite shows of the television season is the CBS series The Mentalist. Simon Baker’s acting on the show is truly incredible and I absolutely love watching his character! Anyway, while watching last week’s episode, I recognized not one, but two filming locations! The first location I recognized is a home that is used fairly often in movie and television productions and is known to us stalkers as “the Rubio house”. While watching the episode on Tuesday night, I turned to my boyfriend and screamed “Oh my god, that’s the Rubio house!” to which he replied “What’s the Rubio house?” and I realized I had yet to blog about it. So here goes. 🙂




    The Rubio house is a large colonial style home located on Rubio Street in Altadena, just a few miles north of Pasadena. On Tuesday night’s Mentalist episode, which was entitled “Seeing Red”, the home belonged to millionaire murder victim Rosemary Tennant. The interior and exterior of the home, especially the front porch area, were featured several times in the episode. According to the Movieland Directory, the Rubio house has also been featured in the pilot episode of 7th Heaven (as the Camden family home), How Stella Got Her Groove Back, The Babysitter’s Club, Can’t Hardly Wait (as the party location), Bye Bye Love, V: The Final Battle, and The Great Mom Swap. According to Seeing Stars the first two American Pie movies also used the interior of the Rubio house – Stiffler’s parties at the beginning of both flicks were filmed there. There are some conflicting reports and ongoing debates among stalkers that the home was also used as Tom Cruise’s house in the movie Risky Business. But according to one of my fave tour books, it has been confirmed through several location scouts who worked on the 1983 movie that the entirety of Risky Business was shot on location in Chicago, Illinois and that the Rubio house was not, in fact, used. I am sure it is something stalkers will continue to debate about for years to come, though. 🙂

    Note – Just got a comment from Timothy over at Altadenablog that the Rubio house was also used as Lindsay Lohan’s residence in the movie I Know Who Killed Me. Thanks for the info and the shout out Altadenablog!



    The Rubio house is HUGE in person – much, much larger than it appears onscreen. It is easy to see why producers choose to use this home again and again in productions, as it looks like a very typical American home that could be found anywhere in the Midwest.




    The next location I recognized from The Mentalist was the swamp area from the Warner Brothers Lot, which Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I had just visited a few weeks beforehand. In The Mentalist, the car that killed murder victim Rosemary Tennant is found in the WB swamp and a short scene takes place there as Simon Baker and his crew watch as the car is being removed from the water. As I mentioned in last week’s post about our WB tour, the swamp has been used in numerous productions over the years including ER, Million Dollar Baby, and Gilligan’s Island.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Mentalist house is located at 1090 Rubio Street in Altadena. The swamp is located on the Warner Brothers backlot and can only viewed while on a WB tour. Warner Brothers Studios is located at 3400 Riverside Drive in Burbank. Tours run every 30 minutes Monday through Friday from 8:20am to 4:00pm. Advance reservations are recommended. Tickets cost $45 per person. You can learn more about the tour here .