Tag: The Hills

  • Bolthouse Productions – Where Heidi "Works"

    img_1474.jpg On The Hills, Heidi supposedly works at the event planning company Bolthouse Productions. I say “supposedly” not because I doubt that she actually works there, but because I doubt that she actually does any work. It seems the only two things Heidi ever does while at “work” are gossip with various co-workers about her many problems with Spencer and gossip with various co-workers about her many problems with Lauren.

    img_1473.jpg Even so, I just had to stalk the location of Bolthouse Productions. The location was easy enough to find with a simple google search. After snapping a picture out in front of the building, I had to sneak around back to see the spot where Spencer told Heidi “Sweet! My answer is get out of my car!” 🙂

    On a side note, thanks to a comment from E.J. and his stalking website, I found a link to a GREAT map with tons of Hills filming locations! You can view the map here. Looks like I have some more stalking to do!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It:Bolthouse Productions is located at 7966 Beverly Boulevard in Los Angeles, not too far from Speidi’s apartment complex. You’ll recognize the building right away by the “sbe” sign located near the roof. There is plenty of street parking, so you can get out and snap a quick picture. Be sure not to bother Heidi at work, though, as I am sure Brent Bolthouse is not too appreciative when Heidi gets distracted from her many daily event planning duties. 🙂

  • Lauren’s House – Part Two (Or Should I Say Les Deux)

    img_1875.jpg At the risk of becoming a stalking site solely about The Hills, I just had to share my pics from visiting LC’s house this weekend. Conveniently, Lauren’s new pad is located only half a mile from Speidi’s apartment building on the cutest street in the world! 🙂 Her house is gorgeous in person – I absolutely loved it! I must say, I would definitely be plonking down $2.3 million for this house, too, if I had it! Ahh, if only I had my own reality show!!

    img_1827.jpg Last weekend I also visited LC’s home away from home – Les Deux nightclub. Les Deux is in an unmarked building on Las Palmas Avenue in Hollywood and you’d never know it was there if you weren’t looking for it. One of these days I am going to have to stalk it at night, when it is actually open! 🙂 It looks like a pretty cool place – part of it is an old Craftsman style house which backs up to a huge outdoor patio. I believe that patio is the very site where Lauren and Heidi had their first big public showdown – “You know what you did! You know what you did!”

    of50332442.jpg Les Deux is located just down the street from another famous location from the big screen – Julia Roberts’ hotel from Pretty Woman. Her character lived at the Las Palmas Hotel in the beginning of the movie and it’s also the same site where Richard Gere climbed up the fire escape to rescue her!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!

    Stalk It: LC’s new house is located at 1627 N. Orange Grove Avenue in Hollywood. Les Deux is located nearby at 1638 N. Las Palmas Avenue. I think Thursday nights are the big nights to hang out there. You can find the Las Palmas Hotel just a few blocks north of Les Deux at 1738 N. Las Palmas Avenue. It’s a bit of a shady place, so exercise caution!

  • Spencer and Heidi’s Apartment – the Holy Grail of Filming Locations!


    I don’t know what’s sadder – that it took me as long as it did to locate Speidi’s apartment building or the fact that I was so completely consumed with finding it in the first place! I keep asking myself – Why am I so fixated on these two idiots? I have no logical answer. All I can say is that even though I think Spencer and Heidi are both complete douchebags, I am still totally obsessed with them!


    For the past few months I have spent countless hours on Los Angeles apartment websites searching for Speidi’s building, with no luck whatsoever. I was beginning to think I was losing my touch! (Gasp!) So, this weekend, as a last resort, I bought Season Two of The Hills in the hopes that I could find some clue as to their apartment’s location on the DVDs. A side benefit in purchasing Season 2 on DVD is that I can now watch the scene where Heidi tells Spencer that her answer to moving in with him is “No” and he says “Sweet! My answer is get out of my car!” over and over again! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of that! 🙂


    Anyway, success came pretty quickly because on the Season 2 Finale, in the scene when Spencer first shows Heidi the apartment, I found a few clues that led me to the right spot. I first noticed the address number “1333” behind Spencer’s head as he was sitting on the front steps of the building waiting for Heidi. After they tour the apartment, he takes her out onto the balcony and points out various Hollywood hot spots that he and Heidi frequent. That let me know the apartment had to be in Hollywood, west of Las Palmas Ave. From there I just googled the terms “1333” and “Hollywood Apartments” which led me to a listing Craig’s List  and I knew I had found it!

    I dragged my boyfriend to the La Fontaine apartments this afternoon to check out the place – and since I just happen to be in the market for an apartment myself, I buzzed the manager to take us on a tour of the available units. 🙂 The apartments are really nice on the inside – dark hardwood floors, high ceilings, granite counter-tops. If only the one we viewed had the word “Hollywood” graffiti-ed on the living room wall, I just might have taken it right then and there! 🙂


    Stalk It: Spencer and Heidi’s apartment building, La Fontaine, is located at 1333 N. Curson in Hollywood. You can check out the La Fontaine website here – http://www.frostchaddock.com/. For $2700 and up, you can be Speidi’s neighbor! To take a tour of the available apartments, buzz the manager at the sister building across the street at 1322 N. Curson.

  • I am in love – and his name is Don Antonio!

    Don Antonio’sLike most everyone who watches, I, too, think Spencer and Heidi from The Hillsare complete douchbags – but I still had to go find the restaurant they seem to visit on every episode – Don Antonio’s.   It was easy enough to find with a simple Google search and, with camera in hand, my boyfriend and I ventured out there one Friday night.   It is a cute little place, that is usually jam packed with people.  I thought at first that the many visitors were all Hillsfans like myself hoping for a Speidi sighting, but now that I have eaten there, I realize that most likely the hordes of people are there for the food and not the celeb sightings.  The food at Don Antonio’s is nothing short of INCREDIBLE!  The homemade chicken tamales, the special burrito, and the fajitas are my favorites – but no matter what you chose, you cannot go wrong!!!  My boyfriend and I now visit Don Antonio’s at least twice a week – alas with no sightings of Spencer and Heidi as of yet.  But we did see Anne Ramsay, who played Helen Hunt’s sister on Mad About You, in the bar one night.  Upon arriving I always ask if Spencer and Heidi are there eating, but I’ve never had the luck of being there at the same time.  According to the ultra-friendly employees, who now know me as “the girl who is always looking for Spencer and Heidi”, they dine at Don Antonio’s at least three times a week, usually around 7PM at night.  Hopefully one day I’ll get to see Speidi in the flesh, but until then, I am perfectly happy just enjoying the food at my new favorite restaurant!

    Note – And no, according to employees, the “Spencer Steak” on the menu is not named after Spencer from The Hills.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!

    Stalk It:Don Antonio’s is located at 11755 W. Pico Blvd. in West Los Angeles, near Overland Ave.  There is plenty of street parking most of the time, but on Friday evenings after 7PM, you’ll be lucky to even get a valet spot – and the wait is usually over 45 minutes.  Trust me, though – it is well worth it!!!  Come for the celeb sightings – stay for the food!  The prices are super reasonable, too.