Tag: television houses

  • Sarah Silverman’s Apartment Building from “The Sarah Silverman Program”


    A few months back, I got an email from a fellow stalker named Kate who wanted to know if I could track down the apartment building where Sarah Silverman lives on The Sarah Silverman Program.  Kate had heard on one of the show’s DVD commentaries that the building was located somewhere in Hollywood in close proximity to Paramount Studios, where the series is taped.  Because I had never watched an episode of The Sarah Silverman Programalthough I did see one being filmed 🙂 – for this particular stalking venture I had to call for reinforcements – i.e. fellow stalker Owen.  🙂  Like the blonde that I am, though, in the email I originally sent him asking for his help, I accidentally told him that the building was located near Universal Studios, instead of Paramount!  Oops!!!  Brain blips like that are quite common for me, I’m afraid, and they drive me – and those around me – crazy!  Anyway, Owen spent quite a bit of time searching in the Universal Studios area (I still feel bad about that!), until I realized my mistake and informed him.  Well, it wasn’t 20 minutes later that he emailed me back with an address!  Yes, he is the master!  Seems he found the building by looking at aerial views of various neighborhoods surrounding the Paramount Lot.  He first set some parameters for himself of areas to check, searched all the houses within those boundaries, but had no luck.  Then he opened up the parameters a bit to the south and almost immediately found the apartment.  THANK YOU, Owen!  🙂





    On The Sarah Silverman Program, Sarah, along with her friends Brian Spukowski (aka Brian Posehn) and Steve Myron (aka Steve Agee), live in a Mediterranean style building supposedly located in Valley Village.  In reality, though, the building, which I am happy to report looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does on the show, is located in the heart of Hollywood.


    ScreenShot3277 ScreenShot3278 


    One inconsistency that I did notice, though, is that on the show, Sarah’s building has an interior hallway, as you can see in the above screen captures.  But from how it appears in real life, I am fairly certain that interior hallway doesn’t actually exist.  In reality, it seems that the building contains four individual apartment units, each of which can be reached via the four front doors facing the street, thus negating any need for an indoor hallway. 


    The above photograph is the view looking north from the front of The Sarah Silverman Program apartment building.  The big white structure located behind the large hedge is Paramount Studios, so that DVD commentary wasn’t lying – the apartment is indeed located in VERY close proximity to the lot where filming takes place!  🙂



    On a side note – I finally sat down to watch a few episodes of The Sarah Silverman Program before writing this post and I have to say that I wasn’t really impressed.  It’s kind of an odd program.  It can funny at times, but for the most part, it’s just . . . well . . . very, very odd.  That’s the best word I can find to describe it.  Needless to say, I most likely won’t be watching it again.  And I’m actually pretty bummed I spent $4 buying the episodes on iTunes.  I could have bought a cup of Starbucks coffee with that $4 – something which I am fairly certain I would have enjoyed a whole lot more than the show!  😉

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location.  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Sarah Silverman’s apartment building from The Sarah Silverman Program is located at 607 North Irving Boulevard in Hollywood, just one block south of Paramount Studios.

  • Dexter and Rita’s House from “Dexter”


    This past weekend, I dragged my fiancé out to Long Beach – or as Snoop Dogg calls it “The LBC” – to do some stalking.  My original plan was to book a room at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa – the spot currently standing in for the Beverly Hills Beach Club on 90210 – and spend the whole weekend down in the South Bay, but being that I could not find a room for under $270, the Grim Cheaper was having none of that.  🙁  So, I had to settle for spending only a single day in Long Beach, which actually worked out just fine as I managed to cram quite a bit of stalking into that 12 hour period.  🙂  And the first location I stalked?  Dexter and Rita Morgan’s new home from the fourth season of fave television series, Dexter



    In the premiere episode of Season 4, which was entitled “Living The Dream”, Dexter (aka Michael C. Hall) and Rita (aka Julie Benz) move into a new home together after tying the knot in the previous season’s finale. Ironically enough, though, until making screen captures for this post earlier today, I had never actually seen their new house onscreen.  Because my fiancé and I only just recently became Dexter fans, we have yet to see any of the series’ fourth season episodes.  In fact, we are just now beginning to dive into Season 3.  But even though we have yet to see the episodes in which the new home appears, I was still absolutely dying to stalk the place as I have a (very) small personal connection to it.  As it turns out, some good friends of mine who live in the Long Beach area happen to know the people who live directly across the street from the new Morgan residence, in the home pictured above which was actually featured very briefly in Dexter’s  Season 4 opener.  So cool!!!   Because my friends know my penchant for filming locations, as soon as they learned this information they passed it on to me, but sadly this was long after the filming of Season 4 had already wrapped.  I so wish I had found out about this location earlier in the year, as I would have LOVED to have stalked the place and seen Michael C. Hall in person.  I do love me some MCH!  🙂   Anyway, since we were in the area on Saturday, I just had to drag my fiancé out to stalk the home.







    And I am very happy to report that the Dexter house looks EXACTLY the same in person as it did onscreen in Season 4.  Even the address plaque and the mailbox are the same!  In fact, the only difference I noticed, besides the fact that the house appears a bit more pinkish onscreen, is the front gate.  On Dexter, the house’s front gate is made of polished wood, while in real life it is constructed of wrought iron.  The Dexter house is extremely cute in person and it’s not very hard to see why producers chose it to stand in for the Miami area residence of the series’ main star – the place definitely gives off a Florida vibe. 


    I did notice something quite interesting while stalking the place, though.  At first glance it would appear that Dexter’s home is a typical single-family residence, but while there I noticed that the curb out front had two address numbers – 3319 and 3321 – painted on it, as you can see in the above photograph.



      So, when I got home I did some cyber-stalking and, thanks to Zillow, discovered that the property is actually a multi-family dwelling with one house located in the front and a second house situated out back.  You can see both houses in the above aerial images.  The front house, which is the one shown on Dexter, was built in 1922 and is a 3 bedroom, 1 bath dwelling measuring 2,219 square feet.


    Let’s all keep our fingers crossed that this same house is used on Dexter next season, as well, and that I’ll be able to make it out there to watch the show being taped live!!!  How incredibly cool would that be?  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Dexter and Rita’s new house from Season 4 of Dexter is located at 3319 East 1st Street in the Bluff Park neighborhood of Long Beach.

  • Courteney Cox’s House from “Cougar Town”


    While on the West Side of L.A. doing some stalking this past weekend, I dragged my fiancé out to see a few of the houses featured on one of my favorite new shows of the fall season, Cougar Town.   Now I know I’ve used the word “favorite” to describe more than one new show recently, but in all honesty there are just SO many fabulous series on TV right now that I almost need two TiVo’s to keep up with them all!  Between my new must-sees like Glee, Modern Family, Cougar Town, and Flash Forward, and my old staples of 90210, The Big Bang Theory, Chelsea Lately, and Gossip Girl, my television viewing schedule is completely FULL!!  Anyway, for those who have yet to watch, Cougar Town is an absolutely HILARIOUS show, thanks mostly to the characters of Grayson Ellis and Bobby Cobb, played by Josh Hopkins and Brian Van Holt, respectively.  If you’re not watching it yet, you really must tune in!  So, when I found the address of Jules Cobb’s (aka Courteney Cox’s) house on the series, thanks to fave website Seeing Stars, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!


    On Cougar Town, Jules lives in a red-roofed house at the end of a cul-de-sac in the fictional Sarasota County, Florida suburb of Gulf Haven.  In reality, though, her house and cul-de-sac (pictured above) are not located anywhere near the Sunshine State, but right here in Los Angeles.  Well, in Culver City, to be exact, just around the corner from Sony Pictures Studios.  The neighborhood where Cougar Town is filmed actually reminds me a lot of a video game I used to play as a kid named “Paperboy”.   In the game, the player, acting as a paperboy, must deliver daily newspapers to a neighborhood full of homes that look exactly alike – there are maybe five different house styles that are repeated over and over again on each street.  And that’s pretty much what the Cougar Town  neighborhood looks like.  It is a labyrinth of countless cul-de-sacs containing very similar-looking red-roofed homes.  In fact, the streets are so similar looking in Jules’ neighborhood that my fiancé and I actually got lost while there.  LOL




    The Cougar Town cul-de-sac is featured weekly in each episode’s set-up shots and in the numerous scenes which are filmed on-location in the neighborhood.  In fact, filming takes place there so often that my fiancé was absolutely convinced that the entire cul-de-sac was a set that had been built inside of a studio soundstage somewhere in Hollywood. It wasn’t until we drove up to the actual houses and he saw them with his own two eyes that he believed they were real!  LOL  And I am very happy to report that Jules’ house looks exactly the same in person as it does on the show!  



    In fact, the only difference I noticed was her front door, which on the show is a single glass door, but in real life is a double wooden door.  My guess is that producers put a false front with a fake glass door over the porch area during filming.







    The house where Jules’ cutie neighbor, Grayson, lives also looks exactly the same in person as it does onscreen.  YAY!


    Eillie Torres (aka Christa Miller) and her husband Andy (Ian Gomez) live just down the street from Jules and Grayson, but unfortunately I didn’t snap a pic of their particular house because at the time I wasn’t sure exactly which one it was.  🙁  Oh well, it looks as if I’ll just have to go back and re-stalk the place someday.  🙂




    On Cougar Town, Jules’ backyard and pool area have also been featured numerous times. 


    But, as you can see in the above aerial image, the real life house does not have a pool.  So, I am guessing that the scenes in Jules’ backyard were either filmed at a nearby house that has a pool or on a studio soundstage where a backyard set was built for the filming.


    On a side note – Last week, while on an intense hunt for the circle necklace Kristin Cavallari recently sported in the episode of The Hills entitled “Can’t Always Get What You Want”, I came across a fab website named Seen On that I wanted to share with all of my fellow stalkers.  The website, which details where to purchase clothing and jewelry worn on popular television shows and movies and by your favorite celebrities, is simply A-MA-ZING!  I literally can’t get enough of it!   And I figured that if my readers were interested in stalking locations that appear onscreen, they’d also likely be interested in stalking clothing that has appeared onscreen.  😉  So, check it out!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Courteney Cox’s house from Cougar Town  is located at 4033 Lamarr Avenue in Culver City.  Josh Hopkins’ house is located directly across the street at 4034 Lamarr Avenue.  Christa Miller and Ian Gomez’s house is just down the street at 4027 Lamarr Avenue.

  • Jay and Gloria’s House from “Modern Family”


    Once fellow stalker Robert, from the website Movie Locations and More, tracked down Phil and Claire’s house and Mitchell and Cameron’s duplex from the new hit series Modern Family, I set my sights on locating the modern-style abode where Jay (aka Ed O’Neill), Gloria (aka Sophia Vergara), and their son Manny (aka Rico Rodriguez) reside on the show.   For this task, I enlisted the help of fellow stalker Owen, who I am happy to report found the home’s location almost immediately, even though he had yet to ever watch even one episode of Modern Family!  LOL  All I gave him was the home’s street number and the general vicinity where I thought it might be located and, voila, just a few minutes later he texted me back with an address!  So, I, of course, immediately grabbed my camera and headed out to go stalk the place.



    Jay and Gloria’s ultra-unique home is MUCH bigger in person than it appears to be on Modern Family.  For some reason, the establishing shots shown on the series only feature one angle of the residence.  In reality, though, the home has a whole other half which has never appeared on TV.  The house is so massive, in fact, that I couldn’t get all of if to fit in my camera lens, but you can sort of get an idea of its true size in the above photograph.  According to Zillow, the residence boasts five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and a whopping 6,359 square feet!  


    The ultra-modern style home, which in real life is known as the Sinnot Residence, was built in 1992 by the architecture firm Abramson Teiger and, unfortunately, is not very visible from the street thanks to a large concrete wall which surrounds the property.  But have no fear because I managed to find a few interior photographs of the home online, which you can take a look at here.  🙂  Even with the exterior wall, though, the house is still very recognizable from Modern Family.   🙂


    Jay and Gloria’s house shows up each week in Modern Family’s opening credits . . .




    . . . as well as in establishing shots which appear throughout the course of each episode.







    Quite a bit of on-location filming has taken place at the residence as well.  In the episode entitled “The Bicycle Thief”, Manny waits for his father to pick him up out in front of the house.




    In the episode entitled “Coal Digger”, the entire family jumps into the house’s real-life pool fully-clothed.




    And in the episode entitled “The Incident”, Mitchell has a heart-to-heart chat with his father by the very same pool.


    On a side note – If you did not catch Chelsea Lately’s interview of Sophia Vergara which took place this past October, let me tell you, it is a MUST-SEE!   In fact, I might just go out on a limb here and say that it is my favorite CL interview EVER – and being that I watch her show nightly, that’s saying A LOT.  Sophia Vergara is absolutely HILARIOUS and to see her match wits with Chelsea Handler makes for some awesome TV!    


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jay and Gloria’s house from Modern Family is located at 121 South Cliffwood Avenue in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles.

  • Mitchell and Cameron’s House from “Modern Family”


    The second locale that fellow stalker Robert, from the site Movie Locations and More, tracked down from fave new series Modern Family was the Spanish-style duplex where Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet), and their newly adopted daughter, Lily, live on the show.  Because I have always had a thing for Mediterranean-style homes and because Mitchell and Cameron are my two favorite Modern Family characters, their house was the one from the series that I was most looking forward to seeing in person.  So, as soon as Robert gave me the address, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!  And, amazingly enough, because my fiancé is also a big fan of Spanish houses, getting him to take me there didn’t actually require much arm-twisting on my part.  This was one filming location he was actually looking forward to stalking.  YAY!  🙂



    Cameron and Mitchell’s duplex shows up each week in the Modern Family opening credits . . .







    . . . as well as in set-up shots shown throughout the course of each episode.



    And I am very happy to report that their abode looks exactly the same in person as it does onscreen in Modern Family.  In fact, the only difference I noticed between the real property and its television counterpart was the address number.  Because Mitchell and Cameron live in a duplex on the show, their building has two addresses – 2211 and 2213.  Makes sense, right?  But, even though the residence is also a duplex in real life, according to Zillow it only boasts one number – 2211.  Strange!  I am guessing that the 2213 sign shown in the above screen capture was just a prop that was brought in for the filming, which strikes me as odd being that it doesn’t match up to the real sign.  You’d think the producers would have wanted the two signs to look somewhat similar, but they don’t!  I guess that’s Hollywood for you, though!  😉


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking Mitchell and Cameron’s Modern Family house as it is absolutely ADORABLE in person.  I have a feeling I am going to be obsessed with this home for a long time to come!  🙂




    Ironically enough, an entirely different location stood in for Mitchell and Cameron’s house in the series’ pilot episode (pictured above), as was the case with the Dunphy home which I blogged about yesterday.  And, although the two locations do share some similarities – they are both duplexes, have wooden front doors, and arched entryways – in actuality they don’t look anything alike.


    Big THANK YOU to Robert for finding this location! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Mitchell and Cameron’s duplex from Modern Family is located at 2211 Fox Hills Drive, just around the corner from Fox Studios, in Century City.

  • Claire and Phil’s House from “Modern Family”


    A few weeks back I received an email from a fellow stalker in the Nebraska area who had just recently started his very own filming locations blog entitled Movie Locations and More.  This stalker’s name was Robert Patterson and I have to admit that when I first saw his email a red flag went up, as I thought he was some weirdo pretending to be the lead actor from the Twilight movies. LOL At the time I didn’t realize that the Twilight actor was actually named Robert PattINson, not PattERson.  LOL LOL LOL  Man, I can be such a blonde sometimes!!!  Anyway, as it turns out, my new friend really is named Robert Patterson and he is not a weirdo at all.  🙂 He is actually quite an amazing stalker and recently tracked down two of the main homes featured on Modern Family, which just so happens to be one of my favorite new shows of the fall season.   So, literally, as soon as he gave me the addresses to the houses, I ran right out to stalk them!   Thank you, Robert!


    The first Modern Family house that Robert managed to track down was the residence belonging to Phil (aka Ty Burrell) and Claire (aka Julie Bowen) Dunphy and their three children on the show.   Because Robert knew that Modern Family was filmed at Fox Studios in Century City, he decided to begin his search for the houses featured on the series in the neighborhood surrounding the studio – which is always a smart move.  And, sure enough, he found Claire and Phil’s house pretty much immediately.  YAY!  🙂  Besides being featured weekly in the series’ opening credits . . .





    and in set-up shots during the course of each episode . . .




    . . . several scenes have also been filmed on location at the Dunphy home, such as was the case with the episode entitled “Fizbo” in which Claire and Phil host a massive birthday party for their son Luke in the house’s front yard.




    As you can see in the above screen captures, though, an entirely different house was used in the filming of the pilot episode.  The house featured in the pilot has an address number of 1057, while the house used in the rest of the series has an address number of 10336.  The front door of the pilot house, which is flanked by window panes on either side, also does not match the front door of the house used in the rest of the series.


    When I first pulled up to stalk the Dunphy house a couple of weeks ago, some neighbors just happened to be outside chatting, so I, of course, just had to strike up a conversation with them.  🙂  The neighbors were SUPER nice and did not think it was at all weird that I was stalking a home in their vicinity.  They said they absolutely LOVE having Modern Family film on their street and that everyone involved with the show is extremely nice.  LOVE IT!  They also said that since I was such a big fan of the show, I should try to come back when an episode was being filmed so that I could watch.  How nice is that?  🙂  So LOVE IT!   And I am happy to report that Claire and Phil’s house looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does onscreen.  🙂


    On a side note – At the very end of the episode entitled “The Bicycle Thief”, Phil and his son, Luke, are shown riding their bikes past a street sign for Dunleer Drive, which is the actual street where Claire and Phil’s house is located in real life.  LOVE IT!


    Big THANK YOU to Robert for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Claire and Phil’s house from Modern Family is located at 10336 Dunleer Drive in the Cheviot Hills area of Los Angeles.

  • The King of Queens House


    As mentioned in Wednesday’s post, I have many stalking adventures to share from the day my fiancé and I spent with fellow stalker Owen in New York City, including one that actually led us off the island of Manhattan and into the Garden State, aka New Jersey.  In all of my many trips to the Big Apple, I have only actually been off the island once and even then I only ventured as far as Brooklyn.  So, leaving Manhattan to head to an entirely different state was quite the stalking endeavor for me!  The location that led us to such uncharted territory, you ask?  The home where the Heffernans lived in the Kevin James/Leah Remini sitcom The King of Queens.  Owen had actually tracked down this location back in August, after what he described as “the longest, most headache-inducing search for a location that I’ve been through”.  LOL  Oh, I’ve so been there!!!  🙂  Owen’s quest for The King of Queens house actually began ordinarily enough, with him contacting numerous people who had worked on the series, from production designers all the way up to the Vice President of Sony’s Media Relations!  Not kidding!  Unfortunately, they all came back with the exact same answer – they had absolutely no idea where the Heffernan house was located.  Owen certainly had his work cut out for him on this one.  I mean, if a production staff doesn’t even know where one of their filming sites is located, how are any of us stalkers ever supposed to find it???  One of the crew members did remember one pertinent piece of information, though. He said that the establishing shots of The King of Queens  house which were used throughout the series nine year run had been found in the Columbia Television (now Sony) Stock Footage Library shortly before the pilot first aired.  No one on The King of Queens staff knew who had taken the footage or what production it was originally used for and in the nine season run of the show, no one had ever come forward to claim the house as theirs. 




    For those not familiar with Hollywood lingo, stock footage, or archive footage as it is sometimes called, is basically a video image of a location that is not taken for a specific production, but is instead cataloged in a studio’s stock footage library to be used on an as-needed basis.  Footage that has actually been used in a specific production can also very well wind up in a stock footage library.  Using stock images ends up to be much cheaper for a production than actually sending a crew out to shoot establishing shots of each different locale needed for a particular show or movie.  So, in essence, footage originally shot for, oh say, a car commercial, may wind up being used regularly on a hit television series almost a decade later.  Which is pretty much exactly what happened with The King of Queens  house.  Anyway, once Owen found out that the images of the Heffernan house had been procured from the Sony Library, he went through the painstaking task of searching through all of Sony’s archives until he came across the right video.  But, amazingly enough, his quest didn’t end there!  All Owen was able to gather from locating the footage of the Heffernan house was that it had originally been shot in 1991 for use in a production entitled SIBS II.  Because he had never heard of SIBS II and because that production is not listed in the IMDB database, thought his search may have suddenly hit a brick wall.  Until an idea struck him.  Owen decided to rifle through some of the other stock footage that had been taken for the mysterious SIBS II production and eventually stumbled across this video, in which a clapboard with two crewmember’s names written on it was visible in the opening frames.  Employing a bit of internet savvy, Owen somehow managed to track down one of the crewmembers listed and sent him an email asking if he remembered the location of the Heffernan house.  Here is the crew member’s response, “You should work for the FBI.  I’d be delighted to answer your question, if I can find the info.  But hopefully you’ll be kind enough to answer mine: How in the hell did you find me?”  LOL LOL LOL 



    The shocked crew member said he had the address of the house written down in one of his files and promised to dig through them to find it.  As promised, just a few days later he emailed Owen with an address, FINALLY putting to rest the mystery of the Heffernan house location!  🙂   And because Owen knew that I would be coming to New York just a few weeks after he had received the address, he promised to wait to stalk the house until I arrived.  YAY!  So, on October 2nd, Owen, my fiancé, and I ventured across the Hudson River to do some King of Queens stalking.   And, let me tell you, seeing the Heffernan house in person was extremely exciting, especially considering the long road that got us there!  



    A big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location and for waiting to stalk it until I could join him!  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The King of Queens  house is located at 519 Longview Avenue in Cliffside Park, New Jersey.  If you plan to take a cab ride from Manhattan to the Heffernan house, be forewarned, even though it is only about a ten mile ride, it will cost you upwards of $45!  Not kidding!!!!  I would suggest taking a bus there instead, as it is the much cheaper option. 

  • Nate Archibald’s Townhouse


    Rather than suffer through the re-run abyss airing on most television networks this past summer, my fiance and I instead decided to purchase and watch the first two seasons of the hit CW series Gossip Girl, which neither of us had ever before seen.  Even though Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had been telling me for months that I would love the show, I steered clear of it as I had been under the incorrect assumption that it catered mostly to the teeny-bopper set.  But, let me tell you, once we finally sat down to watch, it didn’t take long for my fiance and I to become totally and completely hooked!!!  As much as it pains me to admit, there were literally whole weekends spent watching back to back episodes, the two of us never once leaving the couch!  LOL  Needless to say, I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with the show . . . and its locations.  And, even though Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass are the two GG  characters I love the most, the locale I was most excited about stalking while in New York two weeks ago was the absolutely beautiful Neoclassical townhouse belonging to Nate Archibald (aka Chace Crawford) on the show.  I found this location – and a few others – thanks to this awesome website.  So, bright and early on our very first morning in NYC, I dragged my parents and my fiance out to finally do some Gossip Girl  stalking!  🙂





    Ironically enough, when we arrived at the townhouse, I almost didn’t recognize the place thanks to the fact that it was COMPLETELY covered in Halloween decorations.  LOL  But being that Halloween is my favorite holiday, I really didn’t mind.  🙂  The six story townhouse, which was built in 1910 and measures 11,296 square feet, is absolutely beautiful in person and it’s not very hard to see why producers chose to use it as the residence of the Archibald family – heirs to the Vanderbilt fortune – on the show.




    As fate would have it, while we were taking photographs of the townhouse, the real life owner happened to walk outside, so I, of course, had to ask him a few questions about the filming.  He was SUPER nice to us, but was very nonchalant about Gossip Girl, as if the filming of a hit television show on his property was an everyday occurrence, which I suppose, for him, it actually is.  LOL  Besides telling us that Chace Crawford is very nice in person, the owner also mentioned that the real interiors of his house are used for the filming of the interiors of the Archibald home, as well.  So cool!  🙂


    Even cooler is the fact that in the Season 2 episode of Gossip Girl  entitled “There Might Be Blood”, the real life address of the home is shown as Nate’s return address on the letter he mails to Jenny!  🙂  Love it!




    And thanks to fave book Manhattan on Film: Walking Tours of Hollywood’s Fabled Front Lot, I found out that the Archibald townhouse was also used as the office of therapist Susan Lowenstein (aka Barbra Streisand) in the 1991 movie The Prince of Tides.



    And, from how it appears in the movie, I am pretty sure the real life interiors of the home were also used in the filming.


    AND, according to this article, the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, rented this very same house for about six months back in 1999 for the bargain price of $75,000 a month while recording his “Invincible” album.  SO COOL!


    I honestly can’t recommend stalking Nate’s townhouse enough!  It is such an amazing piece of property, that even if it wasn’t a filming location, I’m pretty sure I’d still be obsessed with it.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Nate Archibald’s townhouse from Gossip Girl  is located at 4 East 74th Street on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.  Located right around the corner at 25 East 73rd Street is Via Quadronno, my very favorite place to eat breakfast in all of New York.  Their croissants are out of this world!

  • The Who’s the Boss House


    One location that I will, sadly, not be able to stalk during this year’s New York vacation for the simple fact that it is located too far from the island of Manhattan is the home belonging to the Bower Family in the 1984 television sitcom Who’s the Boss?  But thankfully, fellow stalker Owen visited this location a few weeks back and was kind enough to allow me to share his story and his photographs on my blog.  And while I usually don’t like to blog about locations that I haven’t personally stalked myself, this one was honestly just too good to pass up!!  Hopefully someday I will be able to visit the Who’s the Boss house in person, but until then, a big THANK YOU goes out to Owen for letting me stalk vicariously through him!  🙂



    On Who’s the Boss?, the house where Angela, Tony, Jonathan, Samantha, and Mona live is supposedly located at 3344 Oak Hills Drive in the New England town of Fairfield, Connecticut.  In reality, though, the house used in the opening credits and for establishing shots throughout the series eight year run is actually located about thirty miles away from Fairfield, in Rye, New York.  It’s quite ironic that a real Fairfield house wasn’t used in the series, being that according to this 1989 Fairfield Citizen-News  article, Who’s the Boss? producers chose to set their show in the New England town after “falling in love with” its “quaint charm and picturesque scenery”.  But, for some odd reason, when scouting locations for the Bower Family residence, producers looked not to Fairfield, but to Westchester County, New York.    Even more ironic to me is the fact that while the house was featured in the opening credits of each week’s show, for some reason, only a very small portion of it was ever shown, as you can see in the above screen capture.  It’s such a pretty house that I am really surprised more of it wasn’t shown on the series.


    And in a Who’s The Boss  side note – for the better part of a year I attended an acting class with Jonathan Halyalkar, who played the character of “Billy” in 21 episodes of the show’s 7th Season.  🙂  I kept mentioning how familiar Jonathan looked when someone finally told me about his childhood acting stint on Who’s the Boss?, which I thought was just about the coolest thing ever!  So, I, of course, had to ask him all about it.  Jonathan, who was an insanely talented triple threat (as those who can sing, dance, and act are often called) and an all around nice guy, told me all sorts of stories about his time on the show and was even a good sport about the fact that most people say the series “jumped the shark” when they cast him.  LOL Jonathan told me to Google the terms “Who’s the Boss” and “jump the shark” and that I’d see his name pop up all over the place.  Too funny.  Sadly, in all our time together in acting class I somehow never thought to get a photograph with him.  🙁

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for not only finding this location, but for stalking it as well.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Who’s the Boss? house is located in Westchester County at 13 Onandaga Street in Rye, New York.

  • Kendra Wilkinson’s House


    A few months back, fellow stalker Ashley challenged me to find the home belonging to Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett on the E! television series Kendra.  And while I did actually spend quite a bit of time looking for this location, for some reason I just couldn’t seem to track it down.  I do have to admit, though, that because I am not the biggest of Kendra Wilkinson fans – her laugh is pretty much like nails on a chalkboard to me! – I gave up on finding this location rather quickly.  But thankfully, Ashley kept on the case and, just last week, posted a comment on my site letting me know that she had finally found the house!  Thank you, Ashley!  🙂  So, this past Friday, while doing some stalking in the Valley, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I stopped by Kendra and Hank’s house to snap some pics. 



    This house first showed up in the Season 5 episode of The Girls Next Door entitled “Transitions Part I”, in which Kendra, accompanied by Hef’s other two girlfriends Bridget Marquardt and Holly Madison, tours various houses for sale in the L.A. area.  Kendra ends up purchasing the brick Colonial-style home pictured above and shortly thereafter moves out of the Playboy Mansion to begin a new life – and a new reality series – on her own.  The house was then featured weekly on Kendra’s self-titled reality show and it wasn’t long before boyfriend Hank Baskett moved in.  Sadly, though, Kendra and Hank moved out of the house this past July and relocated to the New Jersey area, so it will actually not be featured in upcoming episodes of the series. 



    While Mike and I were stalking the house on Friday, we spotted several empty moving boxes propped up near the trash cans and also heard dogs barking in the backyard, so it seemed as if someone new had moved into Kendra’s old pad.  But, according to the home’s real estate website which was just updated on September 24th, the five bedroom, six bath home, which measures 4,900 square feet, is currently vacant and available for rent at the bargain price of $6,000 per month.  The website also mentions that the house is, of course, available for filming, as well.  🙂


    While there I just had to take a picture of the home’s mailbox, which was featured prominently in the Season 1 episode of Kendra  entitled “Preggers Can’t Be Choosers”.  In the episode, Kendra and Hank are shown attempting to mail out their wedding invitations, which they soon discover are too large to fit in their mailbox. 




    Kendra’s solution?  Leave the entire box of invitations on the ground next to the mailbox, along with a note addressed to the postman saying “Please take and send all invitations.”  She then walks back into the house telling Hank, “I hope no one steals them.”  LOL LOL LOL 

    Big THANK YOU to Ashley for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett’s former home is located at 6014 Greenbush Avenue in Van Nuys.