Tag: television houses

  • On the Set of “Mad Men”


    This past Tuesday, I received an email from one of my fellow stalkers alerting me to the fact that the hit AMC television series Mad Men was going to be shooting on location in Pasadena the following day at Don and Betty Draper’s house, which I blogged about last June.  And even though I don’t really watch the show, I just had to venture out to stalk the set – with my camera in hand, of course!  🙂  Unfortunately though, not a whole lot was going on while I was there and the filming only lasted a few short hours.  The scene being shot was a very short little driving scene involving actor Jon Hamm, who plays advertising executive Don Draper on the show.  And sadly, the crew, while nice, made it very clear that they did NOT want photographs being taken of anything – the set, the filming, the actors, etc., etc., etc.  And while I was in no way going to let that stop me ;), the only pictures I could take were on the down low, so I didn’t get very many good ones.  I did manage to snap the above photograph of Jon as he was leaving the set after shooting had wrapped, though, and let me tell you, I was completely floored about that!  🙂


    Jon seemed super friendly and waved to me and another stalker who I was hanging out with from his van as he was being driven away from the set.  I so would have LOVED to have gotten a photograph with him, but unfortunately he was shuttled away from the premises rather quickly as he was due in Downtown L.A., where more Mad Men filming was taking place.


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    After Jon Hamm was driven away, I stuck around for a bit to watch the crew members strike the set, a process which I find incredibly interesting.  I always love to see what aspects of a property are changed for a filming and which are left the same.  One altered aspect of the Draper house that I knew about prior to my set visit yesterday was the color of their front door.  As you can see in the above photograph, which I took when I stalked the property last June, in real life the home’s front door is painted blue.


    But on the show, the Draper’s front door is painted a bright red color, and, let me tell you, when I set out to stalk the set yesterday, I was most excited over the prospect of seeing that red door in person – even more so than I was about the prospect of seeing Jon Hamm.  😉  And I was even more excited when I was able to snap the above photograph of it!  YAY!  I found out from a crew member that the home’s real life front door is actually painted red each and every time they film at the property!  I had mistakenly assumed that set dressers had a special door that they installed during each filming, but in reality, someone is actually brought in the day before shooting to paint the real life door red and then, after shooting wraps, he or she paints it back to its original blue color . . . every single time they film!  Isn’t that incredible?  I mean, I realize doors are expensive and all, but it seems to me that it would be a whole lot more cost effective and a whole lot more timely to simply switch out the real door for a red one.  Not to mention the fact that there now must be over a dozen layers of paint on that door!  I swear, I’ll never understand Hollywood sometimes!

    mad men house

    Set dressers also install a fake light post (which you can see laying on the ground in the above photograph) each time filming takes place, which was incredible to see.  They actually dig up a part of the home’s front lawn in order to bury the base of the light each and every time they film!  With all the filming that takes place at the property that poor lawn probably never has time to grow back!  They also bring in a slew of potted plants (which you can also see in the above photograph) which are placed on the front porch for each filming.


    The coolest thing for me to see, though, was the fake street sign that was put up for the scene.  The signs above which read “Shady Lane” and “Bullet Park Road” normally spell out “El Molino Avenue” and “Arden Road”.  So darn cool!  According to one of the crew members I talked to, the fake sign was so realistic that it caused a bit of confusion for a passerby who was driving around, trying unsuccessfully to find Arden Road.  LOL


    Set dressers also covered up the above-pictured stop sign with a fake 50’s style stop sign, but unfortunately I didn’t get a photograph of it.  In fact, I didn’t even notice it was a fake sign until one of the set dressers removed it after filming had wrapped.  I SO wish I had gotten a picture of it!  UGH!  I am SO blonde sometimes.

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    Ironically enough, my fiancé and I were watching the 1995 movie Outbreak a couple of weeks ago and I was floored to discover that the house belonging to Robby Keough (aka Rene Russo) in the flick was none other than the Mad Men house!  So cool!  You can see some great interior photographs of the home here.  And, according to one of the crew members I talked to, some Mad Men filming does actually take place inside of the home.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Don and Betty Draper’s house from Mad Men is located at 675 Arden Road in Pasadena.

  • Jim and Pam’s House from “The Office”


    One location that I stalked back in April while fellow stalker Lavonna and her daughter Melissa were in town was the house that Jim Halpert (aka John Krasinksi) purchased for his fiancé Pam Beesly (aka Jenna Fischer) in the Season 5 episode of The Office titled “Frame Toby”.  At the time I had never actually seen an episode of the series despite the fact that pretty much everyone in my life (from fellow stalker Owen to my best friend Kylee) had been telling me how fabulous it was.  But then, a few weeks ago, I finally took the plunge and rented the show’s entire first season on DVD, and, let me tell you, once I sat down to watch it I simply COULD NOT STOP!  It practically became an addiction!  They say that laughter is the best medicine and from what I’ve experienced watching The Office that sentiment is absolutely true.  I started viewing the series during a particularly stressful time in my life and it brought me so many much-needed laughs that I was lifted right out of my funk.  In fact, I can honestly say that never IN MY LIFE have I laughed out loud at a show as much as I have these past few weeks while watching The Office.  It’s absolutely hilarious!  For those of you holdouts who have never watched the show, you simply must start!  But I digress.  Anyway, last night I finally saw the “Frame Toby” episode in which Jim and Pam’s house is first shown, which meant that I could finally, finally blog about the place!

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    On The Office, Jim and Pam’s house actually first belonged to Jim’s parents.  He buys it from them as a gift for Pam because, as he says, he wants to help his parents out and because he was able to “save on closing costs”.  So darn cute!  🙂  I have to give major props to Owen on finding this location as producers actually changed the property’s address number in the episode in order to throw us stalkers off track!


    As you can see in the above photograph, in real life the house is numbered 13831.

    Jim's house

    But, as you can see in the above screen capture, producers had the second “1” digitally removed from the scene.  UGH!  I SO hate it when they do that!  Changing address numbers has to be my biggest stalking pet peeve!  Thankfully though, Owen, acting on a tip from a fellow stalker, started searching the neighborhood surrounding the studio where The Office is filmed and found the house a mere two miles away.  YAY!

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    And I am very happy to report that, aside from the address number, the property looks very similar in person as to how it appeared in the “Frame Toby” episode.  Producers very obviously roughed the house up a bit for the filming (i.e. the broken roof gutter, the leaves on the front lawn, and the overgrown foliage), but I am guessing that in the episodes to come, Jim will be shown fixing up the place for Pam.  I can’t say that for certain, though, as I am currently only halfway through Season 5, so I’ve still got some viewing to do before I catch up with the current episodes.  I’ve actually had to considerably slow down my Office-watching habit this past week, though, because I am absolutely DREADING having no more new episodes to watch.  I honestly don’t know what I’ll do with myself when that happens! 

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    The home’s garage area, which on the show Jim converted into an art studio for Pam . . .


    . . . is sadly not visible from the street.


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jim and Pam’s house from The Office is located at 13831 Calvert Street in Van Nuys.

  • “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” House


    Well, after three days and a whopping (insert sarcasm here) three tests (including a blood test, an ultra-sound, and a CAT scan, each of which my dad has undergone numerous times with his doctors at home over the past two years), we have been discharged from the Mayo Clinic sans diagnosis.  The doctor’s sole recommendation was to see a pain specialist back in L.A.  UGH!  Would Dr. House have given up so easily?  I don’t think so!  Oh, if only the real world was like T.V.!  Anyway, we are heading back to Minneapolis tomorrow (where I will hopefully get to do a bit more stalking) and then we are flying to Los Angeles on Saturday morning.  As I said yesterday, though, our trip wasn’t a total waste – we had a blast in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Stillwater.  So, now, on with the stalking!  Another Minneapolis filming location that fellow stalker Owen clued me onto was the apartment house where Mary Richards lived during the first five seasons of the iconic television series The Mary Tyler Moore Show.  And, even though I have yet to watch even one episode of the show, as I mentioned yesterday, I just had to stalk the place because of its huge significance in television history.  On The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Mary supposedly lived in Unit D of a large apartment house located at 119 North Weatherly Avenue in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  And, while the show was filmed primarily in the Hollywood area, all of the exteriors were shot on location in the Great Lake State.  The series was created by producers James L. Brooks and Allan Burns in 1970 and the two included a highly-detailed description of their leading lady’s studio apartment in the original treatment of the pilot script.  As you can see on fave website Hooked on Houses, where a copy of that script is posted, Mary’s apartment was originally described as “A room.  Actually an entire apartment, but a single large room.  There are some – mostly of the working-girl variety – who would consider this place a “great find”: ten-foot ceilings, pegged wood floors, a wood-burning fireplace, and, most important, a fantastic ceiling-height corner window.”  Location scouts found that window – and the incredibly picturesque house to which it belonged – near the Lake of the Isles on Kenwood Parkway in Minneapolis.  And, although actress Mary Tyler Moore never actually set foot inside of the residence, production designers did, whereupon they painstakingly measured and photographed the now-famous third-floor window so that it could be replicated on a soundstage at CBS Studios.  And, thus, one of the most well-known sets in television history was born.

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    As the television series grew in popularity, so did Mary’s Queen Anne-style residence.  The “Mary Tyler Moore house”, as it soon came to be called, became an almost immediate tourist attraction, overwhelming and angering the then-owner.  According to journalist Neal Karlen’s January 12, 1995 New York Times article about the property, actress Mary Tyler Moore stated that the woman who owned the place during the time the show was being filmed, “was overwhelmed by people showing up and asking if Mary was around.”  Oh, to have such a problem!  😉  To prohibit location managers from shooting additional exterior footage of her home, the owner hung huge signs reading “Impeach Nixon” all over the property in 1973.  It was at that point that producers decided to move Mary Richards to a new dwelling – a one-bedroom apartment in the Riverside Towers complex in Downtown Minneapolis.  But that didn’t stop Mary’s former house from being a major tourist destination.  As of 1995, it was still drawing as many as THIRTY tour buses A DAY, even though The Mary Tyler Moore Show had been off the air for close to two decades!  But as Mary Tyler Moore herself said, “The outside of the house was so warm, cozy and soothing.  As the nest of all these characters who invaded people’s hearts, the house was going to receive similar affection.”  And it still does today, over thirty years later.


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    The house, which was built in 1878 and was designed by architect Edward Stebbins, originally boasted 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, and 6,461 square feet of living space.  The dwelling was converted into an apartment home, much like it was portrayed to be on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, for a short time, but was transformed back into a single-family residence sometime before the year 1988, at which time the property was purchased by Evan Maurer, the then-director of the Minneapolis Art Institute.  Evan and his wife, Naomi, at first regretted the purchase of the home due to the amount of attention it attracted, but in time they came to understand the appeal.  Years later Evan said, “In some ways, it’s like we’re caretakers living inside a monument.  Mary is a myth, but myths have great power. They answer questions, and they set up value systems. There’s something in the Mary ethos that’s very important to very many people. She’s the greatest mythic hero from this region since Paul Bunyan.”  Evan also called the house “Minnesota’s version of Graceland”.  Love it!

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    In 2005, a high school English teacher named Don Gerlach purchased the property from the Maurers for $1.1 million and gave the entire pad an extensive makeover and a significant add-on with the hopes that he would be able to flip it for a profit in a little over a year’s time.  Which is exactly what he did.  In August of 2007, Don sold the home, which currently boasts 8 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms, a crafts room, a billiards room, an exercise room, nanny’s quarters, and a whopping 9,161 square feet of living space, for $2.8 million.  During the renovation, the size of the kitchen was quadrupled and it now features four ovens, two refrigerators, two dishwashers, and a five-foot wide stovetop!  Not kidding!  Honestly, who needs a kitchen with TWO refrigerators and FOUR ovens???  My parents have two ovens at their house and I must say that they do come in handy on Thanksgiving, but FOUR ovens?  Really?  The new owners must do a heck of a lot of entertaining!  😉  You can watch a news report about the house which was filmed in 2006 here and you can see some great interior pics of the current interior on fave website Hooked on Houses here.


    On The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Mary Richards’ apartment was located behind the third-story Palladian windows pictured above.  At the time the show was filmed, the area behind that window was, in actuality, just an unfinished attic.  Today, it houses a media room, which the owners call the “Mary Tyler Moore Suite”.  Love it!

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    The interior of Mary’s studio, which is pictured above, only ever existed, of course, on a soundstage in Hollywood.

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    The Kenwood neighborhood, where The Mary Tyler Moore house is located, is an absolutely beautiful area comprised of huge, picturesque houses with large, rolling front lawns . . .


    . . . all situated around the gorgeous, tree-lined Lake of the Isles which boasts beautiful views of Downtown Minneapolis.  I would LOVE to live there!

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for telling me about this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Mary Richard’s apartment house from The Mary Tyler Moore Show is located at 2104 Kenwood Parkway, in the Kenwood area of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

  • Wayne Manor From the “Batman” Television Series


    Just up the street from the Just Married mansion which I blogged about yesterday is the residence which stood in for Wayne Manor, aka Batman’s abode, in the 1966 television series and movie of the same name.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, the Batman mansion and the Just Married mansion are quite often mistaken for each other due to a myriad of reasons.  So, to set the record straight – and since we already were in the area a couple of weeks ago doing some Just Married stalking- I decided to drag my fiancé a few hundreds yards up the road to also stalk Bruce Wayne’s pad.  Sadly, though, not very much of it is visible from the street.


    According to Zillow, the residence, which was built in 1928, boasts ten bedrooms, six bathrooms, a whopping 16,599 square feet of living space, and sits on over five acres of land!  And if you look at the above photographs, it is very easy to see why the property is often confused with the Just Married mansion that burned down in October of 2005.  Not only are both houses gargantuan, set far back from the road, and Tudor/Gothic Revival in style, but both were constructed almost entirely out of brick by the very same architect, Paul Revere Williams, and bear a striking resemblance to each other.  Further adding to the confusion between the properties is the fact that they are located within blocks of each other on the very same street, San Rafael Avenue, in Pasadena and have both been featured in countless productions over the years.


    Because the location rumors about the two mansions have been running rampant for so very long, this weekend I decided to try to get my hands on as many of the productions filmed on the premises as I could to try to set the record straight once and for all.  And I didn’t do too bad – the only movies I wasn’t able to track down were Topper, Three Men and a Little Lady, Executive Action, The Gumball Rally, The Bells of St. Mary’s, Sweet Bird of Youth, and True Confessions.  If anyone has those movies or has seen them in the past, can you let me know which, if either, of the San Rafael mansions was featured in them?


    As I mentioned above, the mansion’s most famous appearance was as Wayne Manor in the 1966 television series Batman and the subsequent movie of the same name that was made that very same year.  But its resume hardly ends there.




    The residence was also used as both the St. Audrey’s Home for Boys where Grace (aka Emma Thompson) was taken in by a nun . . .




    . . . and as Roman Strauss’ (aka Kenneth Branagh’s) home in 1991’s Dead Again.





    In the first Rush Hour movie, the mansion stood in for Los Angeles’ Chinese Consulate.



    As you can see in the above photograph and screen capture, though, the exterior gate which appears in that movie is not the home’s real life gate.




    In 1999’s Bowfinger, the mansion was used as the residence of action star Kit Ramsey (aka Eddie Murphy).






    And in that flick the home’s real life gate does actually appear and was the site of one of the movie’s funniest scenes.




    In Scary Movie 2, the mansion stood in for Hell House/Kane Manor where most of the film’s action takes place.




    In X-Files: Fight The Future, it was used as the Somerset, England home of the Well-Manicured Man (aka John Neville).




    According to some reports that I found online, the mansion was also featured in 1986’s Stand By Me, which seemed a bit odd being that I had always heard that Stand By Me was filmed almost in its entirety in the state of Oregon.  After re-watching the flick earlier today, though, I believe that the mansion did appear once at the very end of the movie as the residence of “The Writer” (aka Richard Dreyfuss).  As you can see in the above screen captures, the front driveway area does match that of the Batman  mansion. Why would they come all the way to Pasadena to film this one brief scene, though, when the rest of the movie was filmed hundreds of miles away in Oregon, you ask?  Well, according to IMDB’s Stand By Me trivia page, an actor named David Dukes was originally cast in the role of “The Writer”.  After his scenes were shot, though, and filming had wrapped, they re-cast the role with actor Richard Dreyfuss and re-shot all of his character’s scenes.  So, since the Richard Dreyfuss scenes were filmed at a later date – I am guessing after principal photography in Oregon had already wrapped – it makes sense that they would have been shot somewhere in the L.A. area, closer to where the film was being edited.



    And if you’ll notice in the above screen captures, which were taken from the movie Dead Again, the mansion’s front window and the view from it does sort of match that which appeared in Stand By Me, which makes me think that the property was actually used in the movie, although I don’t have any concrete proof to back that up.

    Fellow stalker Ivan just sent me the above screen captures from the television series Land of Giants, in which Wayne Manor stood in for the residence belonging to Uncle Trojar in the episode entitled “Collector’s Item”.  And, yes, the mansion was blown up t the end of that episode.  Thank you, Ivan!  🙂


    According to fave website OnLocationVacations, the mansion was also the site of some filming from the upcoming Dinner For Schmucks movie starring Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, and Zach Galifianikis.   Besides being a filming location, the mansion was also the Pasadena Showcase House of Design in 1997.  So, I hope that at least partially puts to rest some of the locations rumors about the two landmark San Rafael Avenue mansions.  If I come across any further information, I will post it here!  And please let me know, dear readers, if you come across any information yourselves! 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Wayne Manor from the Batman television series is located at 380 South San Rafael Avenue in Pasadena.  Unfortunately, the residence is not very visible from the street.  To see the best views of the home, drive just a bit north of where the main gates are located.

  • The “Just Married” Mansion


    Since we are currently knee-deep in the middle of wedding planning, a few weeks ago my fiancé and I decided to sit down and finally watch the 2003 movie Just Married for the very first time.  And I have to say that I absolutely LOVED it!  While watching it, though, I became obsessed with finding the gargantuan, red brick, Tudor-style mansion where Sarah (aka Brittany Murphy) and her family lived in the flick, which as luck would have it, wasn’t too hard to track down.   Thanks to IMDB’s Just Married filming locations page, I discovered that the mansion was located at 160 South San Rafael Avenue right here in Pasadena.  So, I immediately dragged my fiancé right over there the following morning.  We had a sad surprise awaiting us when we arrived at the front gates, though – the mansion was no longer there.  It had completely burned to the ground in a massive fire back in October of 2005.  SO SAD.




    All that currently remains of the once massive mansion are its front gate, guard house, and red brick retaining wall.  I can’t tell you how depressing this was to discover, being that the now-fallen house was something of a historic landmark in Pasadena.  The residence which once stood on the property was originally built in 1929 for British thoroughbred horse breeder Jack Pease Atkin for $500,000.  The home was designed by famed celebrity architect Paul Revere Williams, who is best known for being the very first African American member of the American Institute of Architects and for designing the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Jet-Age Theme Building, aka Encounter Restaurant, at LAX.  He also built Jennie Garth and Peter Facinelli’s house, but I digress.  The three-story mansion boasted 21 rooms, three stories, a 1,200 square foot gate house, over 12,000 square feet of living space, and sat on a lot measuring 3.3 acres.  The house’s love affair with the movies began early on, in the 1930s, when Atkins decided to rent his property out to film crews in order to raise money to fund soup kitchens for the downtrodden in Depression-era L.A.  And the filming never stopped.  In 2004, the home was purchased by Michael Armand Hammer, the grandson of oil tycoon Armand Hammer, who also founded the famed Armand Hammer Museum of Art and Culture in Westwood. Hammer immediately set about completely restoring the entire property.  Sadly, though, a massive fire broke out at approximately 9:20 p.m. on the night of October 5, 2005, one month before he was set to move in.  Over 80 firefighters were called in from neighboring cities to fight the blaze and it took them over three hours to even contain it.   Flames were still burning the following morning and ended up causing over $20 million worth of damage and completely gutting the property.  According to some neighbors that I spoke with while stalking the place, rumor has it that the fire was started due to a dispute between contractors.  What a complete and total shame!  No charges were ever filed in the case and the 3.3 acre vacant lot is currently for sale for a whopping $10 million.  You can see some great aerial views of the mansion before and after it was burned on Zillow


    Hollywood rumors about the mansion have been circling around Pasadena pretty much since the time the house was built, the two most prevalent of which being that it was owned at one time by former Beatle Paul McCartney and that it was used as Bruce Wayne’s manor in the 1960s television series Batman.  Both of those rumors are completely false.  And while I am not sure how the Paul McCartney story came to be, the Batman rumor is easy enough to figure out.  The real Wayne Manor is located just a few houses up the road at 380 S. San Rafael Avenue and looks extremely similar in appearance to the Just Married mansion. Batman and Paul McCartney aside, though, the Atkin’s house has a Hollywood resume any actor would envy.






    In Just Married, the mansion, which was supposedly located in Beverly Hills, belonged to Sarah’s extremely wealthy father, who co-owned both the Dodgers and the Lakers in the flick.  For whatever reason, though, the exterior of the house was never shown in its entirety, but the front gate area did appear quite a bit.




    As did the front door/front porch . . .




    . . . and the intercom outside of the main gate, which was used as a running joke throughout the movie.  And, even though it wasn’t the same exact intercom which appeared in Just Married, I just had to pose for a pic with it.  😉



    Thankfully, the area where Sam (aka Ashton Kutcher) played flag football with Sarah’s family is still intact and is visible through the front gate. 




    The mansion also stood in for the Carlton Hotel in several episodes of TV’s Dynasty.


    The residence was also featured in the 1985 movie Clue, but as you can see in the above screen capture, some movie magic was definitely employed in the production.




      According to some reports that I read online, while the real life driveway, retaining wall, front porch and bottom half of the mansion’s exterior were used in Clue . . .


    . . . producers had a matte painting added to the top portion of the house to make it appear larger and more sinister than it actually was.   




    In the 1991 movie Mobsters, the mansion belonged to Arnold Rothstein (aka F. Murray Abraham), but only the interior of it was ever shown.




    In 2003’s Hollywood Homicide, it belonged to Jerry Duran (aka Martin Landau) who gave part time real estate agent Sergeant Joe Gavilan (aka Harrison Ford) 72 hours to sell it.




    I am fairly certain that the real inside of the home was used in the movie, as well.




    According to several books, the mansion also stood in for the home of Rocky Balboa in Rocky V, but as you can see in the above screen captures, while the two properties resemble each other, they are not in fact the same.  There are also reports which state that the mansion was featured in the 1979 Peter Sellers’ movie Being There, but I just re-watched that film last night and did not see it anywhere.  I am guessing that it was either not in fact used in the movie or that it was used solely for interior shots.


    The mansion also supposedly appeared in The Bells of St. Mary’s, Sweet Bird of Youth, Three Men and a Little Lady, True Confessions, an episode of Murder, She Wrote, and in both the movie Topper and the subsequent television series of the same name, but because I don’t own any of those productions I have not been able to verify that information. 

    UPDATE – Fellow blogger Petrea from the Pasadena Daily Photo website just sent me this amazing photograph that a friend of hers named Dave Thompson took of the Just Married mansion shortly after it was destroyed in the 2005 fire.  Thanks, Petrea!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Just Married mansion was formerly located at 160 South San Rafael Avenue in Pasadena.  Sadly, the area is currently just a vacant lot.

  • David Silver’s Grandparents’ House from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    One Beverly Hills, 90210  location that I have been dying to find pretty much ever since the episode it was featured in aired over 18 years ago is the house where David Silver’s grandparents’ lived in the Season One episode entitled “Palm Springs Weekend” (aka “A Fling in Palm Springs”).  For those who don’t know 90210 like the back of their hand like I do, in the episode Kelly, Donna, Brenda, and the gang head out to Palm Springs for Presidents’ Day Weekend and, because of an oversight on Steve’s part, wind up having to spend the entire three days at David Silvers’ grandparents’ house.  And while I was absolutely certain that the home used in the episode wasn’t located in Palm Springs, unfortunately, I had no idea of where it actually could be found.  My gut was telling me that it might be located in or around Encino and I actually spent quite a bit of time searching in that area.  It was actually this location that I was looking for when I stumbled upon the mansion where April Rhodes was caught squatting in “The Rhodes Not Taken” episode of fave show Glee, but I digress.  Anyway after spending countless hours searching the Valley for David Silver’s grandparents’ house, fellow stalker Chas got some insider information that the residence could actually be found in . . . Malibu of all places!  I swear, Malibu would have been the absolute LAST spot on earth I would have looked for this house as, in my opinion at least, it just doesn’t really look like a Malibu-type residence.  Anyway, once Chas had me divert my search to the ‘Bu  :), I found the home almost immediately.  YAY.  So, this past Friday, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, took the day off and the two of us headed out to Malibu to do some long overdue “Palm Springs” stalking.



    And let me tell you, I literally started screaming the moment we drove up to the house when I realized that – over eighteen years later – the place still looked EXACTLY – and I do mean EXACTLY – the same as it did when it appeared on 90210.  The only differences I noticed were that the trees in the front yard have since been changed, as have the front doors which are now made out of glass.  Other than those two minor details, though, the place still looks very much like Henry and Adele Silver’s house.  🙂  I cannot tell you how cool it was to finally be seeing this location in person and to be reliving the countless memories that being there brought back – memories of Dylan playing charades with Brenda in the living room, memories of David Silver’s random hookup with a girl named Tuesday whom he met at a gas station, and memories of Donna’s black daisy dress with the matching black daisy headband.  LOL  God, I miss that show! 


    As you can see in the above photograph, David Silver’s grandparents’ house is, sadly, gated, so Mike and I couldn’t venture in farther to get a better view.  🙁



    But he did manage to snap a few close-up pictures through the fence for me. 




    Silly as it may sound, Mike and I were most excited to see the little curved brick half-wall located in the middle of the home’s front lawn, as that same brick wall was also visible on 90210.  I almost couldn’t believe it was still there after all these years.







    I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the home was also featured in the episode.  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to see the inside of that place! 






    The backyard and pool area appeared quite a few times in the episode, too.


    Sadly, though, that area is not at all visible from the street.  But that’s why God created aerial images, right?  😉  And, as you can see, the pool still looks very much the same as it did on the show.


    backyard aerial view

    Even Henry and Adele’s little hidden hot tub oasis is actually there in real life.  LOVE IT!   While we were stalking the place, Mike and I were hoping beyond hope that the owner would come outside so we could ask them all sorts of questions about the filming and maybe even get a peek at their backyard, but sadly it was not to be.  🙁


    On a side note – My good friend and fellow stalker Chas has finally started up his own filming locations website.  The website is called ItsFilmedThere.com and it focuses on locations in both the Los Angeles and the Chicago areas.  And, let me tell you, while his L.A. posts are great, it is the Chicago locations that have me absolutely fascinated.  Before coming into contact with Chas I had NO idea whatsoever that so many movies were filmed in the Windy City.  The first time I learned about Chas’ huge library of Chicago area locations was one night back in December during one of my father’s many hospital visits.  My dad had been taken to the emergency room and because only my mom was allowed to stay with him, my fiancé and I were stuck in the waiting room for hours, bored out of our minds.  Until I logged onto Facebook via my cell phone, that is, and started looking through all of Chas’ Facebook photos.  And, let me tell you, I just about died looking at his Chicago movie pictures.  My fiancé and I were literally mesmerized for hours looking at those photos – which is saying a lot being that the Grim Cheaper doesn’t normally care about movie locations – and ever since that night I’ve been absolutely itching to visit the Windy City.  Chicago honeymoon, anyone?  🙂  So, when Chas decided to start his own site last month I begged him to publish all of his Chicago photographs for stalkers such as myself – who had no idea the Windy City was such a treasure trove of locations – to enjoy.  You can check out his site here – www.itsfilmedthere.com.  🙂 

    A big THANK YOU to Chas for helping me find this location.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: David Silver’s Grandparents’ house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 6636 Portshead Road in Malibu.

  • April’s House from “Glee”


    As I have mentioned countless times before, I am absolutely, irrevocably, one hundred percent obsessed with the television show Glee.  So obsessed that I’ve been watching my “Road to Sectionals” DVDs over and over and over again to bide my time until the series returns from its absurdly long hiatus on April 13th – which still seems like such a far off date.  I honestly don’t know how I am supposed to wait another 65 days before getting my Glee fix.  Why, oh, why are you holding out on us Fox?  But I digress.  As you’ve probably ascertained by now, I literally cannot get enough of the show!  So, imagine my absolute – pardon the pun – glee when I stumbled upon the house where April Rhodes (aka Kristin Chenowith) was caught squatting in the Season One, Volume 1 episode entitled “The Rhodes Not Taken”.  I happened to be doing be some cyberstalking of the Encino area at the time – looking for a Beverly Hills, 90210  location, no less – and randomly happened upon the Glee house.  And, let me tell you, I just about died from excitement!  And, since my fiancé and I were already in the area last weekend enjoying our little “staycation” at the Westlake Village Inn, I just had to drag him out to stalk the place.  YAY! 



    In “The Rhodes Not Taken” episode, Will Schuester (aka cutie Matthew Morrison) decides to reenlist former Glee club star April Rhodes at William McKinley High School so that she can join his glee team and lead them to glory at the upcoming sectionals competition.  He tracks down April, whom he hasn’t spoken with in years, via a Google search and ends up sending her an instant message asking if she remembers him from their high school days.  She immediately responds with an address where he should meet her along with an instruction to bring buffalo wings.  LOL



    That address is 35 Bontempo Road in Lima, Ohio and producers even went so far as to put a fake address placard on the front of the house for the filming.  As you can see in the above photograph and screen capture, though, the fake address sign is an exact match to the home’s real one.  🙂  In reality, of course, April’s home is not located on Bontempo Road in Ohio, but about 2,000 miles west on White Oak Avenue in Encino.  I swear, it’s a good thing I accidentally stumbled upon this location, otherwise I never would have found it in a million years!  When I first watched “The Rhodes Not Taken” episode, actually, I had wrongly assumed the property was located in Pasadena, so my search would have been way off!





    While Will is visiting with April inside the home, a real estate agent barges in and informs him that April is a squatter who been residing in foreclosed-upon, bank-owned properties as of late.  And, as you can see in these photographs from a 2007 real estate listing, the home’s real life interior and real life furniture were used for the filming of that scene.  So cool!




    After being booted out of the house, Will and April – and her box of wine LOL – then head outside and have a conversation on the sidewalk, whereupon he convinces her to return to high school to finally graduate – and to join glee, of course.


    While stalking the house, I just had to take a picture while sitting in the same spot where Will and April were sitting in that scene.  🙂  I guess my memory was a little off on this one, though, as I wound up taking the picture about four feet too far to the left.  Whoopsie!


    In reality, April’s house is a 6 bedroom, 7 bathroom dwelling, which was built in 2001 and measures a whopping 7,280 square feet.  It boasts maid’s quarters, a central vacuum system, a second family room located upstairs, Viking appliances, and a 400 square foot back patio with a built-in BBQ, fire pit, fireplace, and a large pool and spa.  It looks like a pretty plush pad – no wonder April was squatting there.  😉




    On a Matthew Morrison side note – I just recently re-watched the Sex and the City episode from Season Two that he guested on back in June of 1999.  The episode was entitled “They Shoot Single People, Don’t They?” and Matthew played a very young busboy who waits on Carrie in the final scene.  His sole line in the episode is “Waiting for someone?”  The spot was Matthew’s first ever television appearance and he was so very young in it and oh so darn cute.  🙂 Sigh!  


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The house where April Rhodes’ was caught squatting in “The Rhodes Not Taken” episode of Glee is located at 4777 White Oak Avenue in Encino.

  • The Walsh Family’s Minnesota House from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    One Beverly Hills, 90210 location that both Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I have long wanted to stalk was the Walsh Family’s former Minnesota residence which briefly appeared in the Season Four episode entitled “So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye”.  Sadly, though, because no address number or background information which would point us to the home’s location were visible in the episode, we had no idea where to even begin looking.  So, this past week I called upon the usual suspects, fellow stalkers Owen and Chas, to help us track down the residence.  And sure enough, they did!  Chas ended up getting into contact with a former 90210 crew member who remembered that the home was located somewhere in Altadena, in the very same vicinity as Casa Walsh.  So, Owen got to cyberstalking aerial views of the area and, voila, fairly quickly found the home!  YAY!  As it turns out, the “Minnesota” house is located a mere two blocks away from Casa Walsh, so it looks like when the Walsh’s moved, they didn’t go very far. 😉  And, let me tell you, once Owen gave me the address, I immediately hopped into my car and dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!  As fate would have it, when we pulled up to the house, the owner – an incredibly nice woman named Judy – just happened to be standing outside, so I of course had to strike up a conversation with her.  🙂 




    Judy truly could not have been nicer and did not find it at all weird that I was stalking her home.  😉  She even shared some interesting tidbits of behind-the-scenes information with us, the most exciting of which was the fact that not only did her home appear in the “So Long, Farewell” episode of 90210, but also in the opening credits of the Season One episode entitled “The Green Room” – which you can watch here.   In the credits, the house is featured in one brief scene in which a mailman is shown picking up the Walsh’s forwarded mail from their snow covered former home in Minnesota.  For some reason, though, that particular segment appeared only in “The Green Room” episode’s opening credits and never again.  It’s too bad, too, because I think it would have been a really cute way to start off each show.  Judy told us that it was about 105 degrees in Altadena on the day that scene was filmed and that the producers were having a hard time keeping the “snow” – which in reality was just a soap suds mixture – from evaporating in the heat.








    In the “So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye” episode, Brenda returns to Minneapolis for the first time since her family’s move to Beverly Hills in order to begin her Freshman Year at the University of Minnesota.  Before school starts, Cindy takes Brenda to see their former home and she knocks on the front door, hoping to take a peek at her old bedroom, but unfortunately no one is home.  Is it while standing in the front yard of her former home, though, that Brenda first starts to have doubts about attending college in Minnesota.  Those doubts soon turn into all out misgivings and in the following episode she leaves Minnesota and heads back to Beverly Hills to attend CU with Brandon, Kelly, and the rest of the gang.  🙂


    In the scene, Brenda mentions that as kids she and Brandon used to play on a tire swing that their father had hung from a tree in their former home’s front yard.  So, I was absolutely floored when I noticed that the house had a swing hanging from a tree in the front yard in real life, too, as you can see in the above photograph.  So cool!


    Judy also told us that for the past eight years her family has hosted a huge – and I do mean HUGE – annual Halloween spectacular in their front yard, consisting of a 40 foot maze, creepy clowns, life-size animatronics, monsters with chainsaws, and screenings of horror movies, along with numerous other tricks and treats to both terrorize and delight.  Judy’s a woman after my own heart, I swear, as Halloween has always been my very favorite holiday.  🙂   The “Haunted Yard”, as it has come to be known, attracted some 3,500 spectators this past year, including the Los Angeles Clippers Cheerleading Team who led the entire crowd in a spontaneous rendition of Michael Jackson’s zombie dance from Thriller.  Which begs the question, HOW IN THE HECK DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS????   I mean, I would have absolutely DIED to have seen that!!!!   And it was all happening just a few miles from where I live!  Oh, how I wish I had been there.  🙁  Ugh.  Maybe I can convince the Clippers to do a repeat performance next Halloween! 😉  You can read more about the annual “Haunted Yard” on fave website AltadenaBlog here.


    A big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, Owen, and Chas for finding this house.  This one was definitely a group effort!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Walsh Family’s Minnesota house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1640 Braeburn Road in Altadena.

  • Dylan’s House from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    Still licking our wounds this past weekend after finding out that the Walsh Family garage had recently been dismantled, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I decided to head over to Dylan McKay’s house to do some more Beverly Hills, 90210 stalking.  And, as fate would have it, the real life owner of Dylan’s home, an INCREDIBLY nice woman named Mary, just happened to be outside doing some gardening work when we arrived!  So, we got to talking to her and found out quite a bit of behind-the-scenes information, the most fascinating of which was the fact that throughout the show’s entire second season, all of the scenes which took place at Dylan’s residence were actually filmed inside of Mary’s house and not on a soundstage!  And, let me tell you, I just about died when I heard that!  Interestingly enough, though, Mary’s house was not used for the exterior establishing shots of Dylan’s house until early in the show’s third season! 


    The house used as the exterior of Dylan’s abode during the show’s second season is pictured above.  And, ironically enough, it’s also the very same house that was used as Andrea’s residence in the Season One episode of 90210 entitled “Spring Dance”.   LOL  The location manager’s wires must have gotten crossed somewhere along the line while dealing with this residence!  😉





    The interior of Mary’s house first appeared early on in the series’ second season in an episode entitled “Necessity is a Mother” (pictured above).  According to Mary, whenever filming would take place at her home, producers would use her actual furniture in all of the scenes.  She said she and her husband owned a pink couch at the time and producers would cover it up with Indian-style blankets during the filming, as you can see in the above screen captures.  So, that finally answers the question of how Dylan McKay’s blanket-happy decorating style came to be.  😉   



    The exterior of Mary’s house (pictured above) didn’t show up until a full year after the “Necessity is a Mother” episode aired.  Its first appearance was in the premiere episode of the Third Season, which was entitled “Misery Loves Company”.  I guess producers didn’t figure viewers would notice that Dylan’s house changed mysteriously mid-series, but they really should have accounted for all of us stalkers out there.  😉




    According to Mary, the interiors of her house were used throughout the filming of the entire second season and into the beginning of third, at which time producers ended up building an exact replica of the structure on a studio soundstage. 




    They even rebuilt the home’s front porch and side patio area (pictured above), complete with a replica red Webber BBQ, just like the one Mary and her husband owned at the time!  So cool!   You can watch a clip which features an extensive view of Dylan’s house from the Season 3 episode entitled “A Song of Myself” here




    Mary also told us that a scene from the Season Four episode entitled “Twenty Years Ago Today” was also filmed inside of her house.  In the scene, Dylan is shown taking a shower, just as Brandon pulls up to pick up a picture frame he had purchased for his parents’ twentieth wedding anniversary.  Because Dylan can’t hear him knocking, Brandon ends up breaking the glass on the back door and entering the house.  Dylan hears the glass break, grabs his gun, and almost shoots him.  Ah, dontcha just love 90210 drama?  Mary said that for the filming of Brandon’s breaking-and-entering scene, a fake back door – complete with break-away glass – was built and that she got to keep the door after the filming was completed!  She still has the door in her garage!  Unfortunately, we didn’t get to see it, but I think it is so incredibly cool that she still has it after all these years. 


    She also told us that her real life bathroom was used for the scene in which Dylan is showering in that episode, which means that Luke Perry actually stood in her shower!  Sigh!  Mary also said that Shannen Doherty was her favorite out of all of the actors on the show.  YAY!  Go Team Brenda!  See, I knew Shannen had to be nice!  🙂 



    Because Mary’s front door is glass, you can easily see inside of the house when standing on the front porch.  And, let me tell you, I was ABSOLUTELY DYING looking at the interior because it looks EXACTLY the same in person as it did on 90210.  But while Mary told us that we could take all the pictures we wanted of the house’s exterior and the front porch area, she asked us not to take any photos of the interior through the glass.  🙁   Apparently fans are apt to do that and she’s not too keen on it.  And even though it killed me not to, I had to respect her wishes.  🙁  Ugh, such a bummer as I would have LOVED to have posted photographs of the inside here. But you can see some great interior photos of the house from before Mary owned it here and a photograph that someone did actually take through her front door here







    The house’s front porch area, which showed up countless times on 90210, is absolutely HUGE and Mike and I just had to take pictures of every single angle of it!  🙂 


    The house is absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and extremely unique, in person.  It’s appearance from the street is actually quite deceiving, though, as it seems to be rather small and quaint. . .




      . . . when in reality it is absolutely huge and stretches the length of an entire block.  When you walk by, the place literally seems to just keep going and going and going.







    Mary’s house was also used as Jesse Bradford’s residence in the super cute 2002 movie Clockstoppers.


    Besides its cinematic significance, the house also has quite a bit of historical significance, as well.  The dwelling is known as the “Parsons House” in architectural circles and it was originally built in 1910 by Arthur and Alfred Heineman, former Greene & Greene Brother’s’ apprentices.  Amazingly enough, the house wasn’t always located in Altadena, though.  It was originally built on East California Boulevard in Pasadena, four miles away from its current location.  In 1980, a condominium development company purchased the land where the Parsons House used to stand and slated the area for demolition.  The developer ended up giving the home to the Pasadena Heritage Society, who later sold the entire structure for one dollar to a man named Phil Elkins.  Elkins hired architect Tim Anderson to restore the Parsons House and then purchased a vacant lot in Altadena, where he would eventually move the structure.  In order to do so, though, the home had to be cut into three separate pieces, using a chain saw, no less!  But the house survived the cut and the four mile journey to Altadena and two years later the entire property was completely restored.  Anderson says, “We probably could have built a reproduction of the house for less than what it cost to restore.  Had we all been less enthusiastic and naive about this project, the house would not have been saved.”  You can read an entire history of the house on Tim Anderson’s website here.



    Only the home’s chimney and front porch area had to be rebuilt from scratch, but they were made in exact replication of the originals.  Ironically enough, George McDavitt, the stoneworker who did all of the masonry work on the new porch – and who also did the stone work on Bob Dylan’s Malibu house –  actually showed up one day at Mary’s front door with his teenaged daughter.  It turns out that his daughter was a huge 90210 fan and she didn’t believe that her father had actually built a part of Dylan McKay’s house, so he wanted to show her his name, which he had engraved in one of the rocks (pictured above).  So cool! 


    I honestly cannot tell you how exciting it was to be able to see Dylan’s house in such an up-close-and-personal way and to talk to Mary about her amazing home and the historic filming that took place there almost two decades ago.   It was truly a dream come true!  🙂


    On a side note – My good friend Kristin, who owns my very favorite restaurant POP Champagne and Dessert Bar in Pasadena, will be appearing on KTLA tomorrow morning at around 9:45 in honor of dineLA’s Restaurant Week.  If you live in the Los Angeles area be sure to tune in for the segment.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Dylan’s house from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 1605 East Altadena Drive, at the corner of Altadena Drive and Porter Avenue, in Altadena.

  • The Casa Walsh Garage – A Distant Memory


    Like Mike, from MovieShotsLA said yesterday, it’s officially the end of an era.  While the two of us were out doing some Pasadena area stalking on Sunday, we made our regular pilgrimage to the Walsh House from Beverly Hills, 90210 and saw a very sad sight, indeed.  In fact, Mike was so out of sorts over the whole thing that he almost crashed the car upon viewing it.  Not kidding!  Apparently, just last week, Jack, the real life owner of Casa Walsh, tore down the Walsh garage – the hallowed spot where Brandon and Jim’s famous basketball hoop used to hang.  🙁  Mike and I actually knew this was coming, as Jack had mentioned he had plans to install a new garage on the property last December during our interior tour of the home, but it was still sad to see nonetheless.  I am not a person that handles change very well anyway, and being that my parents just last week decided to sell the house we’ve lived in ever since moving to Southern California a decade ago, I’ve been having to deal with a lot of it lately.  Granted I moved out of that house a year and a half ago, but that’s entirely beside the point.  😉  So, when I saw that my beloved 90210  house had also been altered, it was almost too much to bear.   And while Jack says that some change can actually be for the better, I’ll take the status quo over something new any day.  🙂





    Pictured above is what’s currently left of the Walsh garage.  I told Jack he should seriously consider selling pieces of the rubble on eBay, like the pieces of the Berlin Wall that were sold back in the 90s, but I don’t think he took me seriously.  😉




    And here is the empty footprint where the Walsh garage – and basketball hoop – used to stand. 



    Pictured above is the garage area as it appeared in December of 2008. 


    And what it looks like today.  So sad.  See what I mean?  It truly is the end of an era!


    Jack also removed the little patio area that used to be located just outside of the Walsh’s backdoor – an area which the producers of 90210 had built especially for the filming of the show.   🙁


    Pictured above is what that patio area used to look like. 



    Our visit to the Walsh house wasn’t an entirely sad event, though.  As always, Jack regaled us with some fabulous tales from the days when the show was filmed on his property.  And, let me tell you, I just cannot get enough of those stories!  I could literally listen to Jack talk all day long!  Which Mike and I pretty much did – we were there for close to two hours!  Not kidding!  Jack has to be one of THE nicest guys on the planet, I swear!    One story he told us had us absolutely cracking up.  Apparently, a few months back, a fan from Belgium came to the house and asked to see the inside.  Jack’s wife was hesitant about doing so, but the girl was very persistent, so she eventually showed her the area just inside the front door.  Well, the girl took one look at the inside and completely burst into tears.  Apparently, she thought the show was actually filmed inside of the real life house and expected it to look exactly the same in person as it does on TV and she became terribly upset when that was not the case.  If only she had read my blog before stalking the house, she would have been saved some heartache. 😉   One interesting little tidbit of information that Jack shared with us that I found fascinating was that there were actually three houses being considered for the Walsh residence once the series got picked up by Fox.  The three residences were Jack’s house, which ended up being chosen, Jack’s neighbor’s house directly to the east (pictured above) . . .



    . . . and the house located across the street (pictured above).  I think they made the right choice, don’t you think?  How different the show would have been – at least to me – if one of the other houses had been chosen.  The house across the street from Jack’s was eventually used as both the residence of Melissa, aka 90210’s  Baby Mama, in the Season One episode entitled “One Man and a Baby” and the backyard area was used as Tiffany Morgan’s backyard in the Season One episode entitled “Every Dream Has Its Price”, both of which I blogged about here.





    Ironically enough, Jack also told us that the very same backyard also stood in for Steve Sander’s backyard in the Season One episode entitled “Higher Education”.






    Another little bit of 90210 trivia that Jack clued us into was the fact that the front yard of the house located directly west of Jack’s masqueraded as the backyard  of Steve and Janet’s neighbor’s home in the Season 10 episode entitled “The Easter Bunny”.   




    In the episode, Steve and Janet erroneously believe that her parent’s dog, whom they are pet-sitting at the time, killed their neighbor’s pet rabbit, so the two of them concoct a plan to replace it with a new rabbit.  Because Jack’s neighbor’s house doesn’t have a backyard with much open space, producers dressed the front yard area – just to the west of the home’s front door – and added a fence and a gate to make it appear as if it was really the home’s backyard.   So interesting!



    One thing I noticed while in Jack’s backyard was that the Walsh house actually has two small upstairs balconies, not just one as I had previously believed.  I recognized the smaller of the two balconies from the Season One episode entitled “Isn’t It Romantic” the last time I stalked the house.  And this time, I immediately recognized the other balcony from the Season One episode entitled “Seventeen Year Itch”, which I had randomly watched the night beforehand.  🙂   In the episode, Cindy Walsh is shown pining over her former fling Glen Evans while standing out on the balcony looking up at the stars.  And while the balcony looks a bit different today than it did when it appeared on 90210 – a cement awning has since been added – it was still very cool to see it in person nonetheless.  🙂 



    And another little bit of trivia – according to Jack, the exterior light located just to the left of the balcony door is the very light that used to be located on his front porch during the 90210 years.  It was purchased by producers to match the light located on the front porch set that had been built at the studio.



    The highlight of the day, though, had to be when – are you sitting down for this????? – Mike asked Jack if the two of us could each possibly have one of the roof tiles from his former garage.   Jack thought we were incredibly silly to want such a thing, but he happily obliged.  Thank goodness we stalked the place before all of the rubble had been removed!  And, to top it all off, he even signed the tiles for us!  Can you believe it?????  I was absolutely DYING!  I mean now I can actually say that I OWN A PIECE OF THE 90210  HOUSE!!  I OWN  A PIECE OF THE 90210 HOUSE!!!!!!!!  How incredibly cool is that???  I was literally pinching myself the whole drive home and I almost still can’t believe it happened!!!!!  🙂  So, I guess what Jack said is actually true – some change can be for the better, because had he not dismantled his garage, we never would have been given a part of it.  And while I, of course, would prefer that the Walsh garage was still standing, being given a real piece of the show isn’t such a bad consolation.  🙂  And I will of course take photographs and report back to my fellow stalkers once the new Walsh garage has been completed – it’s going to look totally different, by the way – but according to Jack, that won’t be for about six months.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Casa Walsh is located at 1675 East Altadena Drive in Altadena.  Please keep in mind that this is a private residence and please do not disturb the owners.  It was a fluke that Mike and I were lucky enough to have been given a tour of the home, but this is not a regular occurrence.  I’d hate to have people bothering Jack for tours due to the fact that I put this information on the internet, so please be respectful of his privacy.  🙂  The two houses which producers also considered using as the Walsh house can be found at 1689 and 1690 East Altadena Drive.  1690 East Altadena was also used as 90210’s  Baby Mama’s house and its backyard was used as both Steve Sander’s backyard and Marianne Moore’s backyard during Season One.  The house which stood in for Steve and Janet’s neighbor’s house in “The Easter Bunny” episode can be found at 1665 East Altadena Drive.