Tag: Teen Wolf

  • Lorraine’s House from “Back to the Future”

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (26 of 28)

    Back to the Future fans are undoubtedly looking at the photo above thinking, ‘That’s not Lorraine Baines’ (Lea Thompson) house!’  But the Craftsman I am standing in front of, located at 1705 Bushnell Avenue in South Pasadena, did actually serve as her 1955 pad in the movie.  Before the die hards get all up in arms, I am well aware that it’s not the property widely recognized as her teenage home, which is just a few doors down at 1727 Bushnell.  As I just discovered, though, the Baines’ residence was actually a mash-up of two different dwellings situated within a few hundred feet of each other.  Let me explain.  For years now, my friend Owen, from When Write Is Wrong, has been begging me to blog about sites from BTTF, his all-time favorite movie.  Because its locations have been copiously chronicled both online and in books for decades, I’ve avoided the subject.  As longtime readers know, I don’t like to write about places that have been covered elsewhere (especially feverishly so) unless I have something new to say.  Well folks, I finally have something new to say!  Owen’s birthday was a couple of weeks back, so I consider this post a belated present to him!  HBD, friend!


    Many moons ago, one of my dad’s Los Angeles doctors mentioned during an appointment that he lived in “the Back to the Future house.”  My ears immediately perked up (obvs!) and when I pressed for more details, he explained that he owned Lorraine’s 1955 pad and then said, “It’s bizarre to watch the movie and see Michael J. Fox sitting in my dining room.”  I had long been aware of 1727 Bushnell’s (that’s it below) cameo as Lorraine’s home in the film and, assuming it had been used for both interiors and exteriors, figured that was the spot he was referring to and did not think much further on the subject (though I was thisclose to inviting myself over for a tour).

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (3 of 28)

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (11 of 28)

    Flash forward to a few weeks ago.  Shortly before Owen’s birthday, I toyed with the idea of writing about the place.  My first move was to check if my dad’s doctor still lived on the premises, in the hopes that he might send me some interior photos.  In looking at property records, though, I was shocked to see that not only did he not reside at 1727 Bushnell anymore, but that he never had!  His former house, which was sold in 2017, is three doors up the street at 1705 Bushnell (it’s pictured below).  Thoroughly confused, I almost brushed the whole thing off as misinformation.  But then a lightbulb went off in my head – what if 1705 had been used for interiors?  Thankfully, MLS pictures from the 2017 sale are still widely available online so my newfound hunch was easily verifiable.  I could hardly hold my fingers steady as I slipped in my Back to the Future DVD and just about hyperventilated when I saw that I was correct!  While 1727 Bushnell appeared as the exterior of Lorraine’s house, interior filming took place just up the street at 1705!  As far as I can tell, this information has never been reported elsewhere, which has me giddy with excitement – for Owen, for myself, and for the leagues of BTTF fans out there!

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (16 of 28)

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (24 of 28)

    But first, let’s get back to 1727 Bushnell.  Not much of the 1909 Craftsman’s exterior is actually shown in Back to the Future.  We really only catch a glimpse of the second floor windows when George McFly (Crispin Glover) tries to peep on Lorraine in an early scene.


    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (1 of 1)

    As you can see, thanks to a completely new color scheme, the home looks quite a bit different today.


    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (1 of 1)

    We do get a full view of the property’s exterior in a different Michael J. Fox movie, though!  Interestingly enough, 1727 Bushnell also served as the Howard family residence in the 1985 comedy Teen Wolf.


    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (1 of 1)

    In a Q&A Fox shot for Back to the Future’s Special Edition DVD, he even mentions encountering the movie’s location scouts while shooting Teen Wolf on the premises.


    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (1 of 1)

    I am unsure if the actual inside of 1727 Bushnell was used in Teen Wolf, but I think it might have been.



    If so, considering the decidedly 60s/70s look of the place, it goes a long way toward explaining why Back to the Future producers headed elsewhere to stage the inside of Lorraine’s 1955 home.  And they found exactly what they were looking for right up the street.



    As you can see in the screen shot as compared to the MLS image below, the inside of 1705 Bushnell is classic, timeless, and simple in design – perfect for a storyline set in the 1950s.  (You can check out another matching shot of the home’s front entry area here.)



    As you can also see in the screen captures below as compared to images here and here, not much of the property has changed in the years since Back to the Future was filmed (though it appears that producers did cover over the dining room’s stained glass window for the shoot – either that or the window was a later addition).



    Along with the front entry and dining room, areas of 1705 visible in Back to the Future include the living room (you can check out an additional matching image of it here and a close-up view of the fireplace, which has been altered a bit but is still recognizable, here);



    and the stairs . . .



    . . . which you can see additional imagery of here.



    I believe that Lorraine’s bedroom was just a set, though, and not one of 1705’s actual rooms.



    In real life, 1705 Bushnell, which was built in 1912, boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2,772 square feet of living space, formal living and dining rooms, hardwood flooring, wainscoting, a fireplace, stained glass windows, an eat-in kitchen, a den, a partially-finished basement, an upstairs laundry room, a 0.18-acre lot, a pool, a built-in BBQ, and a detached garage that has been converted into a family room/pool house.  You can check out some more interior photos of the place here and here.

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (23 of 28)

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (21 of 28)

    How incredible – and thrilling – it is that new location information can still be unearthed from a decades-old movie, one that has been feverishly studied and documented ad nauseam over the years, no less!  Imagine all of the other filming sites just waiting to be discovered!  The possibilities are endlessly exciting!  The future of stalking is bright, my friends!

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (22 of 28)

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (20 of 28)

    A (belated) happy birthday to my friend Owen, of the When Write Is Wrong blog.  Smile

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Lorraine's House from Back to the Future (25 of 28)-2

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The home used for exterior shots of Lorraine Baines’ 1955 residence in Back to the Future is located at 1727 Bushnell Avenue in South Pasadena.  Interiors were filmed just up the road at 1705 Bushnell.  George McFly’s 1955 pad from the film can be found next door at 1711 Bushnell.  And Biff Tannen’s (Thomas F. Wilson) property from Back to the Future Part II is at 1809 Bushnell.  Several other famous, but non-BTTF-related houses are on the same street including Hope and Michael Steadman’s residence from thirtysomething at 1710 Bushnell; the Hopper family home as well as Joan’s pad from Ghost Dad at 1621 and 1615, respectively, and the Lambda Epsilon Omega fraternity house from Old School at 1803.

  • Noodles’ House from “A Star Is Born”

    Noodles House from A Star Is Born (1 of 1)

    News outlets are reporting that Lady Gaga can’t seem to let go of her A Star Is Born character.  Well, I am apparently having a hard time letting go of the movie’s locations because here I am yet again with yet another site from the film (you can read my other ASIB posts here, here, and here) – a film that I did not even enjoy, oddly enough.  Yes, I did finally sit down to watch it recently, but found myself bored and wound up turning it off about ninety minutes in.  I don’t know if my apathy was completely legitimate or had to do with the fact that I was dreading the sad ending, but either way, the portions I did see were just “meh.”  The only time I did perk up was when the supposed Memphis home belonging to George ‘Noodles’ Stone (Dave Chappelle) came onscreen as I was fairly certain it was a spot I had stalked long ago.  A quick visit to my website verified my hunch –  Noodles’ pad is none other than the Teen Wolf party house!  Researching further, I was shocked to discover that the property boasts yet a third notable claim to fame!  So, even though I already blogged about it back in 2011, I figured it was definitely time for another go-around.


    Per a couple of commenters on my 2011 post, in real life Noodles’ house was built in 1915 for a man named Dr. Hubert Shearin, who was the head of the Occidental College English Department at the time.  A distinguished member of the community, Dr. Shearin also served as director of the Eagle Rock School Board and director of Eagle Rock Bank, as well as belonging to countless local clubs.  Considering his prominence, it should come as no surprise that when Eagle Rock became part of the City of Los Angeles in 1923 and many roads were required to be renamed, the street his former residence is on was dubbed “Shearin Avenue” in his honor.

    Noodles House from A Star Is Born (1 of 7)

    Noodles House from A Star Is Born (2 of 7)

    Hubert passed away suddenly on August 12th, 1919 at the age of 41, leaving behind his wife, Ruth, and their two children.  Ruth continued to live in the 4-bedroom, 1-bath, 2,346-square-foot property (which you can see interior photographs of here) until 1952, at which time she moved to Glendale.  In the ensuing years, the house went on to become quite famous cinematically.

    Noodles House from A Star Is Born (5 of 7)

    Noodles House from A Star Is Born (4 of 7)

    It is there that Scott Howard (Michael J. Fox) and his friends attend a raucous high school party in the 1985 classic Teen Wolf.



    A woman named Valerie who grew up in the house and lived there during the Teen Wolf shoot wrote a comment on my 2011 post informing me that the closet where Scott kissed his BFF Boof (Susan Ursitti) was not real, but a set piece built specifically for the filming on the home’s rear deck, which is what I had suspected upon first viewing images of the interior.  In actuality, the closet doors seen in the movie are French doors that lead from the dining room to the backyard.  You can check out an image of the spot where the prop closet was built here.



    It was thanks to my obsessive study of the closet and dining room area while writing my original post that I recognized the pad in A Star Is Born.  Actually, what I recognized were the unique arched built-ins situated on either side of the home’s French doors.  I had spent quite a bit of time scrutinizing them, so when they popped up in A Star Is Born, I immediately took note.  You can check out some actual images of the residence’s dining room, which was massively repainted for the ASIB shoot, here and here.

    Along with the dining room . . .


    . . . the kitchen (which you can see a photo of here) also briefly appeared in A Star Is Born . . .


    . . . as did an upstairs bedroom (matching photo here) . . .


      . . . the side yard (matching photo here) . . .


    . . . and the street out front (matching Google Street View image below).



    As I mentioned earlier, along with Teen Wolf and A Star Is Born, the dwelling boasts yet another Hollywood connection.  On the television series This Is Us, it serves at the supposed Pittsburgh residence of the Pearson family.  It is this home that burns down in the much-maligned episode titled “Super Bowl Sunday.”  For whatever reason, the property was only utilized on the show starting in Season 2.



    During the series’ inaugural season, a different home at 1960 Fletcher Avenue in South Pasadena appeared as the Pearsons’.



    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Noodles House from A Star Is Born (3 of 7)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Noodles’ house from A Star Is Born, aka the Teen Wolf party house, aka the Pearson residence from This Is Us, is located at 5223 Shearin Avenue in Eagle RockRachel’s (Chloë Grace Moretz) home from (500) Days of Summer can be found right next door at 5231 Shearin Avenue.

  • The “Teen Wolf” Party House


    As I mentioned in the post I wrote back in January about the residence where Pamela Wells (aka Lorie Griffin) lived in Teen Wolf, fellow stalkers Chas, from the ItsFilmedThere website, and Owen recently embarked upon a mission to track down all of the locations used in the 1985 comedy.  One of the locales that they both wanted to find was the house where the high school party was thrown in the beginning of the flick, just before Scott Howard (aka Michael J. Fox) finds out that he is a werewolf.  Because no address number and no street signs were visible in the background of the scene, though, we really had nothing to go on for this one and Owen was fairly certain that, as the movie had been filmed well over two and a half decades ago, the chances of finding the place were slim to none.  Well, as fate would have it, a few months before Owen and Chas began their Teen Wolf hunt, I had been doing some stalking in a residential area of Eagle Rock and had gotten to talking with a homeowner who filled me in on some of the filming that had taken place in his neighborhood.  One of the places he pointed out to me was a house that he said had been used in Teen Wolf.  Because he had never seen the movie, though, he was unsure of what scene the house had appeared in or if it had, in fact, even made it into the final cut of the flick, so I did not think much of it at the time.  But when Owen sent me a screen capture of the party house and asked if I had any idea where it might be located, I recognized it immediately and sent him back the address.  There’s an old saying that goes, “Work begets work.”  Well, in this particular instance, I’d have to say that stalking begets stalking.  Winking smile 


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    The Eagle Rock house only appeared in one brief scene in Teen Wolf in which Scott and his friends, Rupert “Stiles” Stilinski (aka Jerry Levine) and Lewis (aka Matt Adler), attend a high school house party.  It is while in one of the home’s closets that Scott and Lisa “Boof” Marconi (aka Susan Ursitti) kiss for the very first time.

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    I am very happy to report that the property looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did back in 1985 when the movie was filmed.

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    And, as you can see in these photographs, the real life interior of the property was also used in the filming.  Oh, what I wouldn’t give to see the inside of that house and take a picture in the closet where Scott and Boof kissed! 

     Teen Wolf Party House 2

    From what I can tell from this photograph and this photograph, though, that closet may have been a fake that was built in the room located directly off of the kitchen.  As you can see in the above screen capture, the closet door was located next to an arched built-in bookshelf that is visible in the photographs that I linked to. 

    Teen Wolf Party house 3

    And as you can see in the above screen capture, the built-in bookshelf is located directly next to the kitchen, which is also visible in the photographs that I linked to.  So, from the way that it appears, I believe that producers created a faux closet on what is, in actuality, the home’s backyard patio.  Ah, the magic of Hollywood! 

    You can check out Chas’ extensive Teen Wolf filming locations page by clicking here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Teen Wolf party house is located at 5223 Shearin Avenue in Eagle Rock.

  • Pamela’s House from “Teen Wolf”


    A little over two weeks ago, fellow stalker Owen went on a mission to try to track down all of the locations used in the 1985 comedy Teen Wolf, which starred his favorite actor Michael J. Fox.  And the locale that he was most interested in finding was the house belonging to Pamela Wells (aka Lorie Griffin), Scott Howard’s (aka MJF’s) love interest in the flick.  Because Scott’s house in the movie was located in South Pasadena – ironically enough, it was the very same residence where the teenaged Lorraine Baines (aka Lea Thompson) lived in the Back to the Future movies – Owen had a feeling that Pamela’s house was most likely also located somewhere in that same vicinity.  So, without so much as even an address number or a street name to guide him, but armed with a pretty great hunch, he started using Google Street View to search through the properties situated near the Howard residence and happened upon Pamela’s house rather quickly.  Amazingly enough, it is located right around the corner and just a scant .2 miles away from the Howard home!  Yay!  So, this past Friday afternoon, I set out to stalk the place, even though it has been YEARS since I have watched Teen Wolf!


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    Pamela’s house only actually shows up once in Teen Wolf, in the scene in which Scott walks Pamela home after a date at the local bowling alley – a locale which I blogged about back in June of 2009.    It is while walking her home that Pamela breaks Scott’s heart by telling him that she will not go to the school dance with him because she already has a boyfriend.

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    Amazingly enough, Pamela’s house looks VERY much the same today as it did when the filming of Teen Wolf took place back in 1985.  Aside from a change in paint color and the removal of the front window shutters, the residence is virtually indistinguishable from its onscreen counterpart, which I find so incredibly cool.  Although I do have to admit that I much prefer the way the house looked in 1985 than to how it appears now.

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Pamela’s house from Teen Wolf is located at 1980 Oak Street in South Pasadena.  Scott Howard’s house from Teen Wolf, which was also Lorraine Baines’ house in Back to the Future, is located just around the corner at 1727 Bushnell Avenue in South Pasadena.

  • Montrose Bowl


    A few weeks ago, while out stalking the city of Montrose with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, the two of us happened to stumble upon a little bowling alley named Montrose Bowl, which has been featured in countless movie and television productions.  Even though the bowling alley is currently closed to the public – it is only available as a venue for private parties – we just had to step inside for a little looksie.  🙂  The owner truly could NOT have been nicer to the two of us and gave us a complete run-down on the bowling alley’s filming history.  He even let us poke around to snap a few pictures.  🙂







    Montrose Bowl, which opened up back in 1936, has been a family owned and operated business for the past twenty-five years.  The 1950’s style, eight lane bowling alley is one of the smallest alleys in all of Los Angeles.  It is definitely a unique little place and it’s not hard to see why it has been featured in so many productions.  Walking through the doors of Montrose Bowl is truly like stepping back in time.




    The first production ever to film at the alley was the 1985 Michael J. Fox movie Teen Wolf.  Montrose Bowl shows up twice in the movie as the basketball team’s post-game hang-out spot.




    In 1991, Montrose Bowl stood in for the New York bowling alley where Michelle Pfeiffer and Al Pacino hung out in the romantic comedy Frankie and Johnny.  One of Montrose Bowl’s bathrooms was also featured in a scene from the movie.



    Montrose Bowl’s interior was changed significantly for the filming of the movie Pleasantville, where it portrayed the bowling alley frequented by William H. Macy and J.T. Walsh.  Much of the decor from the filming of Pleasantville has been left up, so the alley currently looks very similar to how it appeared onscreen in the 1998 comedy about a 1950s television family.




    The exterior of the Pleasantville bowling alley was built on a studio backlot, but as you can see in the above screen captures and photograph, quite closely resembles the real life exterior of Montrose Bowl.


    Montrose Bowl has also been the site of countless celebrity parties.   Back in his heyday, Phil Spector hosted an annual party at the bowling alley, with guests like Stevie Nicks, Van Halen, Gene Simmons and KISS in attendance.   Bruce Willis, Dustin Hoffman, and the L.A. Kings hockey team have also hosted parties there.  Once I heard that Montrose Bowl was somewhat of a celebrity hotspot, I just had to ask if my girl Jen Aniston had ever bowled there – and I was absolutely FLOORED to find out that indeed she had!  🙂  Apparently Ms. Aniston was a guest at a birthday party  that Vince Vaughn threw for his sister at the alley a few years back.  🙂  Love it!


    Montrose Bowl is a VERY cool place and I highly recommend stalking it if you get the chance.  It also seems like a GREAT place to throw a party!!!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Montrose Bowl is located at 2334 Honolulu Avenue in Montrose.  You can visit their website here.  The bowling alley is currently closed to the public and only open for private events.  But if you’re lucky, you may be able to stick your head in the door for a quick peek.  🙂