Tag: Spencer and Heidi’s house

  • Heidi and Spencer’s New House


    Ever since Season 5, Part II of The Hills premiered back in September, I have been getting email requests to locate the house Spencer and Heidi moved into in the debut episode which was entitled “It’s On Bitch”.   Thankfully, fellow stalker Virginie tracked down the duo’s new home pretty much immediately after the episode aired and posted a comment on my site which included the house’s address and a link to it’s former real estate website.  YAY!  Thank you,  Virginie!  Anyway, because I’ve been knee-deep in writing posts about New York filming locations for the past six weeks, I had yet to make it out to the Hollywood Hills to stalk Speidi’s new pad.  But, for the sake of my friendship with Mike, from MovieShotsLA – who for weeks has been hounding me to return to my roots, so to speak, and do some L.A. area blogging – this weekend I decided to finally drag my boyfriend out to Spencer and Heidi’s new abode.  Better late than never, right?


    Sadly, though, Speidi’s new home is located at the top of a private road and I was not able to get a very good look at it.  🙁  Such a bummer, but I am guessing that its location on a private drive is exactly why they chose to live in the house – that way they can keep all of us stalkers at bay.  🙁   The photograph above shows the view of the road leading up to Heidi and Spencer’s house as viewed from Hollyridge Drive.  The duo’s house is located at the very top of the road, alongside two other homes, and therefore cannot be seen at all from the main drag.




    But, if you continue on about 100 yards past the private road, you can catch a slight glimpse of the back of the house and its deck area, which is better than nothing!  🙂




    In the “It’s On Bitch” episode, Spencer rents the two bedroom, three bath, 1,270 square foot home pictured above behind his new wife Heidi’s back.  And while I would die to live in this house, when Spencer first takes Heidi to tour it, she says it looks “cold and modern” and “like a porno pad”.  LOL LOL LOL   Sorry, Heidi, but I am going to have to side with your hubby on this one.  The house is A-MA-ZING! 


    I mean, the view of the Hollywood sign alone makes the place worth renting!  LOVE IT!



    And, unlike Whitney Port’s apartment on The City, a different location is not used for the exterior shots of Speidi’s house on The Hills.  As you can see on the home’s real estate website, the same place is used for both the interior and the exterior shots shown on the series.   

    Speidi telescope2

    Speidi telescope

    And even though something tells me that the dynamic duo no longer lives in the house – and quite possibly never did, but just used it for filming purposes – I was still pretty floored to spot their telescope, which can be seen in the background of various Hills episodes, through the abode’s back windows.  SO LOVE IT!  🙂  


    Big THANK YOU to Virginie for finding this location!!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: Heidi and Spencer’s new house is located at 3132 Hollyridge Drive in the Hollywood Hills.  Please be advised that while Hollyridge Drive is not a private street, the road leading up to their particular house is, so please do not trespass.  For the best view of their home, take Hollyridge Drive a few hundred yards South past the private road.