Tag: South Pasadena

  • Pamela’s House from “Teen Wolf”


    A little over two weeks ago, fellow stalker Owen went on a mission to try to track down all of the locations used in the 1985 comedy Teen Wolf, which starred his favorite actor Michael J. Fox.  And the locale that he was most interested in finding was the house belonging to Pamela Wells (aka Lorie Griffin), Scott Howard’s (aka MJF’s) love interest in the flick.  Because Scott’s house in the movie was located in South Pasadena – ironically enough, it was the very same residence where the teenaged Lorraine Baines (aka Lea Thompson) lived in the Back to the Future movies – Owen had a feeling that Pamela’s house was most likely also located somewhere in that same vicinity.  So, without so much as even an address number or a street name to guide him, but armed with a pretty great hunch, he started using Google Street View to search through the properties situated near the Howard residence and happened upon Pamela’s house rather quickly.  Amazingly enough, it is located right around the corner and just a scant .2 miles away from the Howard home!  Yay!  So, this past Friday afternoon, I set out to stalk the place, even though it has been YEARS since I have watched Teen Wolf!


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    Pamela’s house only actually shows up once in Teen Wolf, in the scene in which Scott walks Pamela home after a date at the local bowling alley – a locale which I blogged about back in June of 2009.    It is while walking her home that Pamela breaks Scott’s heart by telling him that she will not go to the school dance with him because she already has a boyfriend.

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    Amazingly enough, Pamela’s house looks VERY much the same today as it did when the filming of Teen Wolf took place back in 1985.  Aside from a change in paint color and the removal of the front window shutters, the residence is virtually indistinguishable from its onscreen counterpart, which I find so incredibly cool.  Although I do have to admit that I much prefer the way the house looked in 1985 than to how it appears now.

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Pamela’s house from Teen Wolf is located at 1980 Oak Street in South Pasadena.  Scott Howard’s house from Teen Wolf, which was also Lorraine Baines’ house in Back to the Future, is located just around the corner at 1727 Bushnell Avenue in South Pasadena.

  • Angela’s Substitute Teacher’s Apartment Building from “My So-Called Life”

    My So-Called Life address number

    Well, it appears as if I am definitely on a My So-Called Life kick as of late because once I popped in my DVD of the series’ pilot episode last week, I have literally not been able to stop watching since.  The show has definitely withstood the test of time as it is still absolutely riveting to watch today, sixteen years after it originally aired, which is simply incredible to me!  Anyway, while watching the Season 1 episode of the series titled “The Substitute” earlier this week, I noticed an address number of “1008” in the background behind Angela Chase (aka Claire Danes) in the scene in which she goes to the apartment building where her substitute teacher, Mr. Vic Racine (aka Roger Rees), lives to confront him about deserting his family.  And while the outside of his building is never actually shown in its entirety in the episode – all that appears in the scene is a brick wall, a wooden fence, and a red door – I became rather obsessed with finding where it was located.  Not because I necessarily wanted to stalk it, but because seeing that “1008” was like a challenge, a little clue being dangled in front of my eyes, tauntingly daring me to track the place down.  As crazy as it may sound, for whatever reason, once I spotted that address number I was absolutely NOT going to rest until I found it!


    Railroad tracks - My So Called Life

    I had also noticed railroad tracks in the background of the scene, so I was 99.9% certain that Mr. Racine’s apartment building was located in the South Pasadena area, somewhere in the vicinity of Andie’s house from the movie Pretty in Pink.  I immediately emailed my super-friendly and super-knowledgeable contact over at the South Pasadena film office to ask for her thoughts.  While waiting for a response, I decided to start searching aerial views of the the streets on either side of the city’s Metro Gold Line tracks and it wasn’t long before I came to a conclusion – Mr. Racine’s “apartment” was actually the side of the popular South Pasadena eatery Buster’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop.  I emailed my contact once again to tell her my theory and to send along a set of screen caps from “The Substitute” episode and she wrote me back almost immediately saying that I was indeed correct – the scene had been shot on the side of Buster’s Coffee Shop.  YAY!  So, early yesterday morning I headed on over to South Pasadena to snap some pics.

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    And let me tell you, I just about died upon realizing that the EXACT SAME “No Trespassing” sign that had appeared in the episode was still there in real life!  Seeing that sign literally gave me goose bumps, I was so excited!  SO INCREDIBLY COOL!  As you can see in the above photograph, the “1008” address sign was also there in real life, as well.

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    The area looks quite a bit different today as the majority of it has been fenced off.

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    But you can kind of catch a good glimpse of the spot where filming took place if you head north across the train tracks.  And while it does seem like a VERY odd spot for a substitute to live, or anyone to live for that matter, it does appear that there is some sort of small apartment complex located behind the wooden fencing pictured above.

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    The door pictured above is actually the side entrance to Buster’s and it still looks very much the same today as it did back in 1994 when “The Substitute” episode was filmed.

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    The tree and telephone pole that appeared in the background behind Angela also still look very much the same.

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    And the electrical meters which appeared in the scene are also still there in real life.

    South Pasadena Mr. Racine's Apartment

    While I was taking photographs yesterday, one of the Buster’s workers came outside and inquired as to what I was doing.  When I explained that an episode of My So-Called Life had been filmed on the premises over 16 years ago, he said, “Oh yeah, I know!  Wow, I haven’t thought about that in a REALLY long time!”  As it turns out, he was there during the filming of “The Substitute” episode, although he doesn’t remember much of what went on.  I thought it was still incredibly cool nonetheless – I mean he actually witnessed the filming of one of the most ground-breaking shows on television!  Love it!  The front of Buster’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop is pictured above.  The purple arrow denotes where “The Substitute” was filmed.  Ironically enough, Michael Myers’ house from the original Halloween movie is located just across the train tracks from Mr. Racine’s apartment and is denoted with the pink arrow in the above photograph.


    On a My So-Called Life side note – while watching the episode titled “The Zit” a couple of days ago, I was floored to discover that the department store where Angela and her mother, Patty (aka Bess Armstrong), shopped for make-up was none other than the former Bullocks Wilshire department store, now Southwestern Law School campus, near Downtown Los Angeles, which I blogged about back in December of 2009


    The Mother/Daughter Fashion Show scene from that same episode was also filmed at Bullock’s Wilshire, in the former department store’s Louis XVI Room.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Vic Racine’s apartment from “The Substitute” episode of My So-Called Life is located at 1008 Mission Street, directly behind Buster’s Ice Cream and Coffee Shop, in South Pasadena.  Michael Myers’ house from the original Halloween movie is located right across the train tracks from Buster’s at 1000 Mission Street.  And the former hardware store, now Radhika restaurant, where Michael Myers stole a mask and some knives in the original Halloween is also located across the street from Buster’s at 966 Mission Street.

  • The “My So-Called Life” House


    Since I blogged about the house which stood in for the Chase residence in the pilot episode of My So-Called Life yesterday, I thought I would write today about the house which was used in the remaining 18 episodes of the series.  I have actually blogged about this location once before, over three years ago when I first started this site (and I absolutely CANNOT believe that it has already been THREE years!), but because it has been so long I figured the property was worthy of a more in-depth re-post.  So, here goes!  I became obsessed with finding the Chase residence back in 2007, but unfortunately, at that time the location was not posted anywhere online and the only information I had to go on was an address number of “1110” that was visible in the background of a few episodes.  I had a hunch, though, that the dwelling was most likely located in South Pasadena, as the producers of My So-Called Life had filmed another one of their series, thirtysomething, primarily in that area.  So, one weekend the Grim Cheaper and I ventured up and down all of the 1100 blocks located in South Pasadena until we found the house.  And, amazingly enough, it didn’t take us long at all.   


    As it turns out, the property is located just a few blocks south of Mission Street at 1110 Glendon Way.  And I am very happy to report that even though over one and a half decades have passed since filming took place, the Chase house still looks very much the same today as it did onscreen.

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    The only real differences I noticed were that the exterior has since been painted a dark green color, while it was light blue on the series, and the French doors located just to the left of the front door have since been replaced by a large picture window.  Otherwise though, the property is completely recognizable from the show.

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    The house is actually owned by the City of South Pasadena and is currently vacant, so I was able to snap some pics of the interior of the property through the front windows.  As you can see, it doesn’t bear much of a resemblance to the interior of the Chase house that was shown on the series, which was, of course, a set that was modeled after the residence used in the pilot episode.


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    The Chase house was also used as the childhood home of Michael Myers (aka Daeq Faerch) in Rob Zombie’s 2007 remake of the horror film Halloween

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    According to this website, the home’s real life living room and foyer appeared in Halloween, but the basement, bathroom, hallway, and bedroom scenes were filmed inside of a residence located at 2218 South Harvard Boulevard in Los Angeles.


    The house where Brian Krakow (aka Devon Gummersall) lived on My So-Called Life is located just across the street and two properties south of the Chase home. 

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    Amazingly enough, it still looks very much the same today as it did when filming took place over 16 years ago. 


    In the episode titled “Dancing in the Dark”, Angela and Jordan Catalano’s (aka Jared Leto’s) very unromantic first kiss took place in Jordan’s car which was parked just outside of Brian’s home.

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    And I am fairly certain that the real life interior of Brian’s house was also used in the filming of that episode.

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    The home located just across the street from Angela’s, which was pictured in the background of quite a few episodes, still looks pretty much exactly the same today, as well.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Chase house from all of the episodes of My So-Called Life excluding the pilot is located at 1110 Glendon Way in South Pasadena.  Brian Krakow’s home is located across the street and two houses south of the Chase residence at 1115 Glendon Way.

  • Bistro de la Gare from “Modern Family”


    This past Sunday morning, while grabbing some coffee with my parents and the Grim Cheaper at my new fave coffee house, Kaldi’s, my mom asked me if I happened to remember what day it was.  Looking at her with what I’m sure was a completely blank expression on my face, I told her that I had absolutely no idea.  It was then that she reminded me that it was exactly ten years prior, on February 28th of 2000, that my mom and I had waved goodbye to our little house in San Mateo and begun the five hour journey south to meet my dad – who had moved a few months ahead of us – at our new home in Pasadena.   Yes, this past Sunday was my family’s ten year anniversary of living in Southern California.  And while in some ways it seems like that journey occurred just yesterday, in other ways it feels like a lifetime ago.  And as I sat there and reflected on my past decade in LaLaLand, I’m not sure what surprised me more – the number of things that had changed in my life, or the number of things that hadn’t.  Over the last ten years, quite a few of my life circumstances have remained constant – I am still a struggling actress who makes zero dollars each year off her craft and I still dream each day of “making it big”, I still attend acting school – albeit a different one than the one I was attending when I first moved here, and I still live in Pasadena, although I finally moved out of my parents home two years ago – at the tender age of 30.  Ha ha.  But while so much of my life is pretty much exactly the same as it was the day I moved here, there have also been some huge milestones.  I met the Grim Cheaper and after eight and a half years of dating finally got engaged last May.  I have made some amazing new friends and, sadly, also lost a few.  I was voted valedictorian at one of my acting schools.  I starred in a commercial for State Farm Insurance.  And I became a blogger, which along with my fiancé and my friends and family, has been my saving grace over the past two years.  Just when I thought my frustrations with the acting industry were becoming too much to bear and that I was ready to throw in the towel, I found another, entirely different, creative outlet that I have as much love for and am just as passionate about as my acting career.  And while it’s definitely true what they say, that the more things change, the more they stay the same, what I’ve found is that while I was happy ten years ago, I am far happier now.  So, I want to thank you dear readers and fellow stalkers out there, for helping me to find a new – and, as I am quickly discovering, far better – path in this crazy world called show business.  🙂   Anyway, now that I’ve digressed for an entire paragraph, let’s get to the stalking!  Once I heard that it was my family’s ten year anniversary of being in L.A., I suggested that we go out to eat to celebrate the occasion.  And what better place to do so than Bistro de la Gare, the little South Pasadena restaurant that was recently featured in an episode of Modern Family.


    Bistro de la Gare, which roughly translates to “the restaurant by the train station”, was opened in October of 2005 by French restaurateur Eric Ulmer and quickly became a local favorite.  And, yes, it is in fact located adjacent to a train station – the Metro Gold Line’s Mission Street stop.  The bistro is an absolutely adorable little place, with dark red walls, a carved mahogany bar, white paned windows, French music playing on the stereo, and little signs with French sayings posted most everywhere, my favorite of which was the one which stated “Entree Des Artistes”, aka “Artists’ Entrance”.  🙂  The Bistro de la Gare staff could NOT have been nicer and not only answered all of my silly little questions about the filming of Modern Family, but also let me take all the photographs of the place that I wanted.  Oh, and did I mention the food?  Our meal was absolutely EXCELLENT and incredibly reasonably priced – my rosemary chicken entree was only $12.95 and our total bill for four people – with drinks – was a scant $120.00.  Not bad for a fabulous meal in a charming setting in Southern California. 






    As I mentioned last week, Bistro de la Gare was featured in the Season One episode of Modern Family  entitled “Moon Landing”.  In the episode, Claire (aka Julie Bowen) meets her former work frenemie Valerie (aka Minnie Driver) for a drink in the bar area of the tiny French bistro.





    The two later move into the restaurant’s main dining room to grab a bite to eat and to try to make each other jealous over their respective and very different lives.


    Bistro de la Gare has also appeared in an episode of Brothers & Sisters in a scene featuring Rob Lowe and Calista Flockhart, but because I have never seen the series, I am unsure exactly which episode it was.  And despite its remoteness from the West Side where most movie stars live, quite a few celebrities have been known to stop into the restaurant from time to time.  Actor Troy Evans has been spotted there on occasion and even has his autographed headshot displayed in the bistro’s entryway.  Ron Howard also recently patronized the place.  But when I asked our waiter if my girl Jen had ever dined there, he winked at me and said “I’ll never tell.”  😉   Bistro de la Gare is a fabulous, very inexpensive little restaurant and I am happy to report that it was the perfect spot to spend our “ten year anniversary”.  I honestly can’t recommend stalking the place enough.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bistro de la Gare, from the “Moon Landing” episode of Modern Family, is located at 921 Meridian Avenue in South Pasadena.  You can visit their website hereKaldi’s, the coffee shop that appeared in that same episode of Modern Family, is located just a block away at 1019 El  Centro Street.

  • Cup ‘N Cakes Cafe from “Modern Family”


    A few weeks back, a fellow stalker who identified himself as “Stepick” left a comment on my Step by Step house post informing me that a coffee shop in nearby South Pasadena had been featured in the recent episode of fave show Modern Family entitled “Moon Landing”.  Unfortunately though, Stepick did not specify exactly which South Pasadena coffee house it was.  So, I decided to do a little bit of digging to see if I could figure it out.  I came up empty-handed at first, until this past weekend when a blog named “Greetings from LA” published a post about Modern Family filming locations along with a link to this article about the coffee shop that had been used on the show.  Thank you, Greetings from L.A.!  In real life, that coffee shop is named Kaldi Coffee & Tea and, amazingly enough, I had never before heard of the place.  So, I, of course, had to run right out and stalk it, not just because I love Modern Family, but because, as those of you who read my site regularly know, I absolutely love coffee.  Like LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT.  Oh, what I won’t do for a good cup o’ joe.  But I digress.




    Kaldi Coffee & Tea, which has been in operation for over 15 years, is an incredibly charming little coffee house located inside of an old bank building.  With its brick walls, mismatched chairs, large couch, and chalk board menu, the place evokes memories of the Central Perk set from Friends.  So, needless to say, I loved it!  And, amazingly enough, when I walked through the front doors I immediately recognized the shop from another production besides Modern Family!  But more on that later.  Despite what some internet reviews have stated, I am very happy to report that Kaldi’s serves up some FABULOUS coffee.  I also indulged in a little veggie sandwich while there and I am happy to report that it, too, was fabulous!  The staff at Kaldi’s was EXTREMELY nice and not only answered all of my silly questions about the filming of Modern Family, but also let me take all the photographs I wanted.  Yay!  I loved the place so much, in fact, that I am fairly certain I am going to be a frequent stalker there.  😉







    The Kaldi’s scene from Modern Family starts out across the street from the cafe, on the sidewalk in front of the South Pasadena Public Library (a location which stood in for Haddonfield High School in Rob Zombie’s 2007 Halloween remake).  In the scene, Gloria (aka Sophia Vergara) takes her son Manny (aka Rico Rodriguez) and her step-son/ lawyer Mitchell (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) to the site of her recent car accident so that she can explain what happened.  After showing them where the accident took place, she heads over to Kaldi’s, which was called Cup ‘N Cakes Cafe in the episode, to grab some cupcakes, while Mitchell and Manny wait behind at the accident site to take pictures.  It is there that Manny tells Mitchell that his mother was actually at fault in the wreck.  When Mitchell asks why Manny didn’t tell his mom that, Manny explains “She can’t take criticism about her driving.  Once an old lady yelled at her at a crosswalk.  She honked so long, the horn ran out!”  LOL LOL LOL






    Only a small portion of Kaldi’s exterior is shown in the scene . . .  




    . . . but the interior is featured quite extensively while the threesome is eating their cupcakes. 


    And it is outside of Kaldi’s that Gloria gets into her second car accident of the week, crashing into the side of the cafe and knocking down Cup ‘N Cakes’ large pink cupcake sign, which was, of course, just a prop that was brought in for the filming.  The restaurant where Claire (aka Julie Bowen) met Valerie (aka Minnie Driver) for lunch in that same episode is located less than a block away from Kaldi’s.  It is named Bistro de la Gare, but I have yet to stalk the place.  Don’t worry, though, as it’s definitely on my list!    




    Kaldi’s also appeared in a brief scene in fave movie The Ugly Truth, in which Abby Richter (aka Katherine Heigl) and her best friend Joy (aka Bree Turner) fawn all over her new boyfriend Colin (aka Eric Winter).  Oddly enough, I had actually been searching for The Ugly Truth coffee shop for MONTHS, but couldn’t seem to locate it anywhere!  So, when I walked into Kaldi’s yesterday afternoon, I just about fell over as I immediately recognized it as the place I had long been searching for.  Funny how stuff like that happens.  😉




    The Ugly Truth also made use of the same stretch of sidewalk that appeared in Modern Family for the scene in which Mike Chadway (aka Gerard Butler) convinces Abby to purchase some hair extensions.  That sidewalk is located directly across the street from Kaldi’s.





    Kaldi’s was also featured in two scenes in the 2008 movie Role Models as Beth (aka Elizabeth Banks) and Danny’s (aka Paul Rudd’s) local coffee shop.  One of the scenes features a very funny rant by Paul Rudd over the fact that the term “venti” does not actually mean large in Italian.





    Producers completely remodeled Kaldi’s for the filming of Role Models, though, making it appear very Coffee-Bean-ish, so it almost unrecognizable from that flick.  Kaldi’s was also featured in the 2007 Anthony Hopkins’ movie Slipstream  and it will be appearing in an upcoming episode of the new television series Parenthood.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Kaldi Coffee & Tea, aka Cup ‘N Cakes Cafe from Modern Family, is located at 1019 El Centro Street, at the southwest corner of El Centro Street and Diamond Avenue, in South Pasadena.  Bistro de la Gare, the restaurant where Minnie Driver and Julie Bowen ate on Modern Family, is located less than a block away at 921 Meridian Avenue.

  • The Girl Next Door Houses


    Located just a block away from the Beethoven house, which I blogged about yesterday, are the two main homes used in the 2004 movie The Girl Next Door.  Mike, from MovieShotsLA, took me by this location on the same day that we stalked the Beethoven house a few months back.  And, even though I had never seen The Girl Next Door, I was still extremely excited to be stalking the homes.  So excited, in fact, that I went right out that night and rented the movie.  And, let me tell you what a disappointment that turned out to be!  LOL  The Girl Next Door  is absolutely horrible – I was so bored that I didn’t even get through the first thirty minutes before turning it off.  LOL  The movie is, for lack of a better word, just plain “dumb”!    But, since I did really like the houses featured in it, I decided they were worth a blog post.  You know I have a serious stalking problem when I not only stalk, but also blog about, locations from a movie that I didn’t even like – or finish watching, for that matter!  🙂



    The Girl Next Door  centers around nerdy high school senior Emile Hirsch whose life changes dramatically when a beautiful girl, played by Elisha Cuthbert, moves in next door to his family’s home.  The two, of course, become romantically involved, but trouble ensues when Emile discovers that the girl he has fallen in love with is actually an adult film star.  Nice premise for a movie, huh?  LOL  Roger Ebert pretty much hit the nail on the head in his review when he said that the movie tried – but failed miserably – to imitate fave flick Risky Business.  LOL  You can read Roger’s entire Girl Next Door review here.



    The two houses from the movie are, obviously, located right next door to each other.  Emile Hirsch’s house is shown several times through the flick and is vaguely reminiscent of the house featured in the 1970’s television series Family – which is ironic, being that that house is located just up the street! 




    The house belonging to Elisha Cuthbert in the movie is never actually shown in full view, which is odd being that it is a very beautiful home, as you can see in the above photograph. 



    Milan Avenue is actually chock full of beautiful homes and is, not surprisingly, one of South Pasadena’s most oft-filmed streets.   My good friend and fellow stalker E.J. over at The Movieland Directory emailed me this morning to let me know of two other noteworthy Milan Avenue locations.   The first is one of the homes that Jason Biggs and his friends paint while on vacation in “Grand Harbor, Michigan” in the teen comedy American Pie 2.


    The second is the former residence of famed architect Norman Marsh, who designed the vast majority of prominent buildings in Venice, California.  Marsh’s former home is an absolutely adorable little Craftsman abode that looks like it belongs on a lake back East somewhere.  So cute!  🙂


    Milan Avenue is absolutely beautiful in person and I highly recommend stalking it.  One drive down the tree-lined street and you’ll understand why filmmakers have returned to film there again and again. 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: In The Girl Next Door  Emile Hirsch lived at 1504 Milan Avenue in South Pasadena.  Elisha Cuthbert lived next door at 1500 Milan Avenue.  The house from the 1970’s television series Family  is located just up the road at 1230 Milan, the house from the movie Beethoven is located at 1405 Milan, the American Pie 2 house can be found at 820 Milan, and Norman Marsh’s former residence is at 1934.

  • The Beethoven House


    Got a challenge from Debbie a few weeks back to find the house used in the 1992 movie Beethoven and its many subsequent sequels.  Debbie had just read my post on the Camden house from the television series 7th Heaven  and was struck by how similar it looked to the home used in the Beethoven movies.   Due to their similarities, she thought the two houses might be located in the same neighborhood and wanted me to find out.  Well, while Debbie was certainly right that the Beethoven house does bear a striking resemblance to the 7th Heaven home, the two are actually located about 25 miles apart from each other. Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had actually shown me the Beethoven house a few months back during one of our many stalking trips.  I had yet to blog about it, though, as I could not seem to find a copy of the movie anywhere and I needed one to make screen captures.  For some reason, none of the Blockbuster stores in my area carry the title.  Ugh!  Then, last week, out of the blue, my fiancé caught an airing of Beethoven’s 2nd on TV, remembered that I had been looking for a copy of the movie, and TiVo’d it for me.  Yay!  I’m so glad I’m marrying this guy!!!  🙂 





    I am very happy to report that the Beethoven house looks EXACTLY the same today as it did back in 1992 when the movie was filmed – right down to the exterior paint color!!!  So love it!  In fact the ONLY difference I noticed between the onscreen house and the real life house were the trees in the front yard. Today those trees are considerably larger than they were at the time of filming, which isn’t at all surprising being that the movie was shot over 17 years ago. 



    Interestingly enough, fellow stalker Amanda told me that when she went on the Universal Studios Hollywood Tour a few years back, her guide pointed out a home on the Wisteria Lane set (which was then known as “Colonial Street”) and said that it was used in the Beethoven  movies.  And while it’s quite possible that a replica of the real life home was re-created on the Universal backlot and used for some filming, I believe that the majority of the exterior scenes were actually shot at the real life house in South Pasadena.  According to this fabulous website, the Wisteria Lane set was  in fact used in the first Beethoven movie, but not for any of the house scenes.  Apparently, the backlot street was featured in the scene when the dogs escape out of the back of a van.


    Surprisingly enough, I’ve never actually seen any of the Beethoven movies, so I am not sure how many of the installments were filmed at this house.  I do know for sure that it was used in the first Beethoven movie and in Beethoven’s 2nd, but from what I’ve been able to discern online, the other four sequels (yes, the movie had a total of FIVE sequels!) were filmed elsewhere.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It:  The Beethoven House is located at 1405 Milan Avenue in South Pasadena.  The home from the 1970’s television series Family  is located just up the road from the Beethoven  house at 1230 Milan Avenue.

  • The “Mr. Deeds” Soda Fountain


    A few weeks ago, while giving my good friend Kerry and her husband a stalking tour of the Pasadena area, we happened to drive by South Pasadena’s Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, which was used in the 2002 Adam Sandler comedy Mr. Deeds.  When I pointed out the corner drugstore to Kerry and told her of its cinematic history, she got so excited that she just about had a heart attack right there in my car!!!!  LOL  It was then that I realized that I had yet to blog about the tiny restaurant and that I really needed to do so.  So, here goes! 


    Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain has been a South Pasadena tradition ever since it first opened up its doors way back in 1915!  Yes, you read that right!!!  When the tiny corner drugstore originally opened almost 95 years ago it was named the South Pasadena Pharmacy and it quickly became popular with the hundreds of visitors and tourists travelling down the legendary Route 66 highway.  In the ’20s, the drugstore’s name was changed to the Raymond Pharmacy, but it still enjoyed the same popularity and success with highway motorists.  In the 1990’s, a new set of owners took over, changed the drugstore’s name to Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, and restored the little soda shop to its original state, complete with vintage honeycomb tile floors, authentic pharmacy fixtures, and antique tin ceilings.  An authentic old time soda fountain was even brought in, transported all the way from the Me Gee Pharmacy in Joplin, Mississippi.  Fair Oaks Pharmacy is still as popular amoung tourists and South Pasadena residents today as it was back in 1915.  In recent years, Sunset Magazine even  named it “Best Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor in the West” and, according to the Los Angeles Times, it serves up the “Best Ice Cream Sundae”.



    In Mr. Deeds, Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain stood in for the corner drugstore in Westchestertonfieldville, Iowa that Winona Ryder supposedly frequented as a child.  In an early scene in the movie, when describing her hometown, Winona says that she used to walk down to the corner drugstore to get malted milkshakes.  So, when Adam takes Winona back for a surprise visit to her supposed hometown, their first stop is the soda fountain, where the townspeople mistake her for a hunchbacked little girl they used to call “Quasimodo”.    LOL   After leaving the Westchestertonfieldville corner drugstore, Adam and Winona head to her childhood home, which I blogged about on Friday.



    I actually saw the Mr. Deeds  corner drugstore scene being filmed back in 2001.  Well, sort of.  My mom and I used to get our nails done just down the street from the Pharmacy and we happened to drive by on the very day that filming took place.  Well, of course, I took one look at those white trucks out front and immediately made my mom pull the car over so that I could ask what was being filmed.   Sadly, though, we had arrived too late, as filming had already wrapped for the day and the production crew was just finishing its clean up.  🙁  So, unfortunately, I never got to see Adam Sandler or Winona Ryder!!!!  Such a bummer!   But I did ask the employees on duty about the stars and they said that both Adam and Winona were very nice and that Adam had actually stopped to pose for photographs and sign autographs for every single person who asked him.  SO COOL!  Oh, how I wish I had been there!!!!



    Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I actually stopped by the Pharmacy a few weeks ago to grab a bite to eat.  Whenever we spend a stalking day together, we, of course, always try to eat lunch at a restaurant that is also a filming location.  🙂  Anyway, I am happy to report that Fair Oaks Pharmacy serves up some GREAT food!  I highly recommend stalking it – and ordering one of their homemade cherry cokes!  🙂  Besides being a real Pharmacy and a restaurant, the shop also sells a wide arrangment of tchotckes, including greeting cards, jewelry, retro memorabilia, vintage candy, make-up, home decor, and gifts.  During the holiday season, the owners really go all out with their decorations.  If you’re in the area in October, November or December, I highly recommend stopping by.  🙂  It’s worth a trip for the decorations alone!


     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, aka the Mr. Deeds  soda fountain, is located at 1526 Mission Street in South Pasadena.  They are open Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 9 pm, and Sundays from 10 am to 7 pm.  You can visit their website here.

  • A Peek Inside the Pink House from “13 Going On 30”


    As I mentioned in Monday’s post, this past weekend, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I actually got to GO INSIDE the pink house featured at the end of fave romantic comedy 13 Going On 30.  Those of you who read my blog regularly know that I absolutely LOVE 13 Going On 30 and that Jenna’s pink Craftsman style home is one of my very favorite filming locations of all time!   Mike actually found this location for me back in May of 2008, after what seemed like MONTHS of me begging him to track it down.  LOL  But even though Mike was the one who actually located the house, he had yet to stalk it himself.  So, I just HAD to take him there on Saturday while the two of us were in the area. 



     As fate would have it, when I first blogged about Jenna’s pink house back in May of 2008, the real life homeowner, an AMAZINGLY NICE woman named Mimi, happened to stumble upon my site and was amazed to see a post dedicated to her residence.  LOL  Mimi ended up leaving me a comment where she mentioned that after the filming of 13 Going On 30  had been completed, she and her husband asked the production crew who were repainting the house back to its original color to leave one brick pink in memory of the movie.  HOW COOL IS THAT????  So, when I took Mike to stalk the place on Saturday, the two of us stood there on the sidewalk for quite some time, scrutinizing every square inch of the house looking for that brick.  LOL  Well, Mimi happened to see us through her front window and came outside to say hello.  She recognized me from my site and said “Do you want to see the pink brick?”  Well, as you can imagine, I just about DIED.  I had been itching to see that brick ever since I first read her comment over a year ago!   🙂


    The brick is actually located on the rear side of a post in the driveway area of the home and I could NOT have been more excited to be seeing it in person!!!!!  I can’t tell you how cool it is that Mimi and her husband left that one brick pink!  I SO SO SO LOVE IT!  Mimi is truly a woman after my own heart!  🙂  Except, knowing me, I probably would have left the whole house pink!  LOL  🙂



    Then, just as I was about to die of excitement over seeing that brick, Mimi asked us if we wanted to come inside to see the living room area where they had also filmed!!!!  DID WE WANT TO COME INSIDE?????  DID WE WANT TO COME INSIDE??????  LOL  OF COURSE WE DID!  Well, it turns out that the mantle area shown in the movie was a fake that was built solely for the filming in what is really Mimi’s dining room.  The production crew covered over the large window pictured above with a fake wall, a fake fireplace, and a fake mantle.  Mimi said that the crew spent about a week building one fireplace, only to have the producers not like it.  So, they ended up having to rip it out and build a new one entirely from scratch.  She said it was an amazingly intricate fireplace made out of tile, but, ironically enough, after what amounted to two weeks of construction on two different fireplaces, neither one was ever seen in the movie. LOL LOL LOL  In the scene when Jenna is unpacking photographs, the camera never shows anything below the top right corner of the mantle area.   So, all of that fireplace construction was pretty much for naught.  Only in Hollywood, I swear!     


    Adding to the irony is the fact that there is already a fireplace and a mantle in the house that  could have been used in the scene!  LOL   Too funny! 



    I can’t tell you how exciting it was to be able to see the interiors of the home in person and to hear all of the behind-the-scenes info!  Truly a once in a lifetime!   All in all,  filming at the house took two weeks to complete, including the painting and construction time.  The actual filming of the scene between Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo took less than one day to shoot.  LOL  And, amazingly enough, the pink house scene wasn’t the movie’s original ending, but a re-shoot that was filmed after the first ending didn’t fare well with test audiences.


    Mimi’s house has also been featured in a commercial and the Season 2 episode of Cold Case entitled “Who’s Your Daddy”.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The pink house from 13 Going On 30  is located at 1965 Fletcher Avenue in South Pasadena, just a few doors down from the Step by Step  house, which is located at 2011 Fletcher.  The house from Kelly Clarkson’s Because Of You video is located across the street at 2006 Fletcher Ave.  Please respect the owner’s privacy and don’t trepass, knock on the door, or ask to be let inside.   Mike and I were extremely lucky to be invited inside the house, but as this is not common practice, please don’t bother the owner about doing it yourself.   

  • The “Step by Step” House


    One location fellow stalker Owen has been on the lookout for for quite some time now is the house where the Lambert Family lived in the 1990’s television sitcom Step by Step.  Because of the house’s Crafstman style architecture, Owen was pretty convinced that it was located somewhere in South Pasadena, a city which is known for its Crafstman style homes.  Well, back in June while doing some research for my blog, I was fortunate enough to meet a SUPER NICE woman who works in the South Pasadena film office, so I emailed her to ask if she might know the location of the house.  The woman, who can usually name South Pasadena film locations right off the top of her head – SO LOVE IT! – didn’t happen to know anything about this particular location, but I did get an email from her a couple of hours later telling me that she had found the house!   YAY!



    While doing some preliminary stalking, Owen had been able to discern that the address number of the house was “201”.  So, my SP film contact started playing around with different 201 address numbers in Google Maps until she landed upon the Step by Step  house!  In reality, the address number turned out to be “2011”, not “201”, but somehow my contact was able to find it anyway!   See, I told you she was super nice!  🙂  Most film location people won’t even give me the time of day, let alone spending a couple of hours of their time looking for a house for me!   Love it!!!! 



    So this past Saturday, with the address in hand, Mike from MovieShotsLA and I went out to stalk the Step by Step  house.   We actually had some amazing stalking karma that day, because not only did we get let into the Father of the Bride backyard and inside the 13 Going On 30  house (those posts will be written soon, I promise!), but we also got to speak with the owner of the Step by Step  house who just happened to be standing on his front porch when we pulled up.  He said NO ONE ever recognizes the house and was absolutely AMAZED that we had.  LOL  Apparently he didn’t know who he was dealing with.  His grandmother owned the house at the time the show was filmed and he told us that no filming actually took place inside the house, nor does the inside look anything like the set that was built for the show.  He also said that he never got to meet the actors as they were never a part of the filming that took place at the house.   He was SUPER nice, though, and told us to take all the pictures we wanted.  🙂  And I am happy to report that the house looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did when Step by Step premiered over 18 years ago!  Unbelievable!  



    Ironically enough, part of the Step by Step  opening credits was also filmed in South Pasadena, just around the corner from the house.   In the very beginning of the credits the family’s Ford Explorer is seen passing by a sign reading “Port Washington, Wisconson, Population 9,336”.  Well, that scene was filmed a good 2,000 miles away from Port Washington on a street named Meridian Avenue in South Pasadena!  You can watch the Step by Step opening credits here.


    The building shown in the credits is actually South Pasadena’s oldest commercial building.  It currently houses the South Pasadena Historical Museum and the South Pasadena Preservation Foundation, but way back in 1887 the building was the site of the city’s grocery store.  


    A little bit of television trivia for you – the remainder of the Step by Step  opening credits were filmed at SixFlag’s Magic Mountain theme park in Valencia.  Producers digitally added water over Magic Moutain’s real life parking lot to make it appear as if the roller coaster the family rides on was overlooking the beach.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Step by Step  house is located at 2011 Fletcher Avenue in South Pasadena.  The beginning of the series’ opening credits was filmed in front of the Meridian Iron Works Museum, which is located at 913 Meridian Avenue, also in South Pasadena.