Tag: Santa Clarita filming locations

  • Justine’s House from “The Good Girl”

    Justine's House The Good Girl (2 of 7)

    Today’s post is going to be a rather short one as I spent most of the day yesterday with my girl Miss Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, attending the annual craft fair at her work – which was loads of fun, but, unfortunately, did not leave much time for blogging.  So please pardon my brevity.  Anyway, last Tuesday morning, when I texted Mike, from MovieShotsLA, to let him know that I was heading back out to Santa Clarita to stalk Bill Cozbi’s Auto Body Shop from Bridesmaids, he suggested that I also make a stalking stop at the house where Justine Last (Jennifer Aniston) and her pothead husband, Phil Last (John C. Reilly), lived in The Good Girl.  And even though I was not a huge of the ultra-depressing 2002 film, because Justine and Phil’s residence was only a short two miles away from the auto body shop, I figured why not.  Then, when I found out there was a Starbucks in between the two locations, that pretty much sealed the deal.  Winking smile


    Mike, who does not live too far from Santa Clarita, first learned about this location way back in 2001 when The Good Girl was being filmed.  I never had occasion to stalk the place, though, as I do not get out to Canyon Country very often and, for some reason, whenever I did happen to be in the area, I completely forgot to drive by.

    Justine's House The Good Girl (3 of 7)

    Justine and Phil’s house was one of the main locations used in The Good Girl and the pad showed up repeatedly throughout the movie.  As you can see below, though, the residence looks quite a bit different in person than it did onscreen. The front door that appeared in the film has since been swapped out with a new, glass-paned one, a stone façade has been added to the home’s exterior, the garage door has been replaced, and the wood paneling removed from the side of the garage.  Boo!  Thankfully though, the abode is still, for the most part, recognizable as The Good Girl house.


    Justine's House The Good Girl (4 of 7)


    Justine's House The Good Girl (5 of 7)

    Of the locale, The Good Girl production notes state, “Although the design concept was naturalistic, finding locations in sunny California to pass for small town Texas was difficult, specifically the search for Justine and Phil’s house, which is painstakingly defined in the script.  ‘Our principal character lived physically and emotionally in the very last house on the street, out from which stretched miles of dry, barren nothingness,’ clarifies [production designer Daniel] Bradford.  ‘And of course, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere there are palm trees which are not appropriate for West Texas.’”  I really have to give kudos to The Good Girl location managers for finding the property because when I pulled up and saw the large telephone poles, flat streets and general ruralness of the area, my first thought was, ‘This neighborhood does not look AT ALL like an L.A. neighborhood.’


    Justine's House The Good Girl (7 of 7)

    In real life, Justine’s house, which was originally built in 1961, boasts three bedrooms, two baths, 1,125 square feet of living space, and a 0.16-acre plot of land.

    Justine's House The Good Girl (6 of 7)

    And while I would have bet money on the real life interior of the home being used in The Good Girl, that does not appear to have been the case.  As you can see in the photographs below, which I got off of an old real estate listing for the property, while the living room very closely resembles what appeared onscreen . . .





    . . . the kitchen area does not.  And while the real estate listing does mention that the kitchen was “recently remodeled”, it differs far too much from the Last kitchen for me to believe it was used in the flick.





    You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Justine's House The Good Girl (1 of 7)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Justine’s house from The Good Girl is located at 25103 Fourl Road in Santa Clarita.  Ricardo’s Auto Upholstery, aka Bill Cozbi’s Auto Body Shop from Bridesmaids, is located nearby at 24347 Main StreetJudy’s home from Bridesmaids is located right around the corner from Ricardo’s at 23418 8th Street.  And Officer Rhodes’ residence is located directly across the street from Judy’s at 23425 8th Street.  Note – the Bridesmaids houses cannot be reached via Calgrove Boulevard, as that street is blocked just east of Creekside Drive.  To gain access to the sites, you can take either Apple or Valley Street south off of Lyons Avenue to 8th Street.

  • Bill Cozbi’s Auto Body Shop from “Bridesmaids”

    Bill Cozbi's Auto Body Shop Bridesmaids (1 of 6)

    As I mentioned in my post about the apartment building where Lillian (Maya Rudolph) lived in Bridesmaids, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I finally managed to track down all of the L.A.-area locations from the 2011 flick last week.  Or so I thought.  While scanning through the movie on Monday afternoon, making screen captures for my post about Officer Rhodes’ (Chris O’Dowd’s) house, I came across the scene that took place at Bill Cozbi’s (Richard Riehle’s) Auto Body Shop and realized that Mike and I had both somehow completely forgotten about the locale and failed to do any sort of search for it.  I immediately shot him an email asking for some help in tracking the place down and five minutes later I received a text that said, “Oh no!  You were just there!”  As it turns out, the auto body shop that stood in for Bill Cozbi’s in the flick is located in Santa Clarita, right around the corner from Officer Rhodes’ and Judy’s (Jill Clayburgh’s) houses.  UGH!  So – after smacking myself in the forehead for being such a ditz – I drove all the way back out to the SC yesterday to stalk the place.


    Fortunately, finding this location was a snap.  When Mike first received my email, he had to the foresight to do a Google search for Bill Cozbi’s Auto Body Shop.  Because that name was obviously a fake, it did not even occur to me to search for it – I had instead been Googling Bridesmaids and auto body shop.  Thankfully though, Mike’s query led him to a page on the Ricardo’s Auto Upholstery website which identified the shop as a Bridesmaids filming location and also featured the photograph below.  Whoo hoo – I so LOVE it when location owners embrace their property’s filming history!


      Bill Cozbi’s Auto Body Shop is first mentioned by Officer Rhodes towards the beginning of Bridesmaids, in the scene in which he pulls Annie (Kristen Wiig) over for having broken taillights.  Rhodes tells Annie that she should go see his friend who has a body shop, “Bill Cozbi, with a z – different guy.  And don’t mention the whole Bill Cosby thing to him.  It drives him nuts.  I mean it!”  LOL  Annie ends up going to the shop at the very end of the movie, after finally deciding to start getting her life back on track.  Thankfully, as you can see below, Ricardo’s Auto Upholstery looks pretty much exactly the same in person as it did onscreen – aside from the name (and, therefore signage) change, of course.


    Bill Cozbi's Auto Body Shop Bridesmaids (6 of 6)


    Bill Cozbi's Auto Body Shop Bridesmaids (4 of 6)

    I so love that a variation of one of the shop’s real life signs was used in the movie, though.


    Bill Cozbi's Auto Body Shop Bridesmaids (2 of 6)

    While I was stalking the shop, I happened to meet the super-nice owner, who is aptly named Ricardo.  He was in absolute SHOCK that I had driven all the way from Pasadena just to see the location.  Ricardo spent quite a few minutes filling me in on the filming of Bridesmaids, showing me photographs from the shoot, and he was even nice enough to take the picture of me that appears at the top of this post.  He also informed me that producers had taken down a chain link fence that had originally surrounded his property during the shoot and that, after filming wrapped, he decided to replace the old fence with a nicer, more permanent metal one, as you can see below.  Personally, I like the look of the place sans fence, but that’s probably because that is how it appeared in Bridesmaids.

    Bill Cozbi's Auto Body Shop Bridesmaids (5 of 6)

    Mike has most of the remaining Bridesmaids filming locations posted on his site.  You can check out Annie’s Cake Baby shop here, the Brazilian restaurant here, the house where Annie went on a blind date here, and Joni’s Restaurant here.


    You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Bill Cozbi's Auto Body Shop Bridesmaids (3 of 6)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Ricardo’s Auto Upholstery, aka Bill Cozbi’s Auto Body Shop from Bridesmaids, is located at 24347 Main Street in Santa Clarita.  You can visit the shop’s official website hereJudy’s home from the movie is located right around the corner at 23418 8th Street.  And Officer Rhodes’ residence is located directly across the street from Judy’s at 23425 8th Street.  Note – the Bridesmaids houses cannot be reached via Calgrove Boulevard, as that street is blocked just east of Creekside Drive.  To gain access to the sites, you can take either Apple or Valley Street south off of Lyons Avenue to 8th Street.

  • Judy’s House from “Bridesmaids”

    Bridesmaids Houses (20 of 20)

    The one location from Bridesmaids that I was most determined to track down – the one that I would not stop bugging poor Mike, from MovieShotsLA, about – was the yellow ranch-style dwelling where Annie’s (Kristen Wigg’s) mom, Judy (Jill Clayburgh, who was ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE in the role, which was, sadly, her last), lived in the 2011 flick.  Thankfully, once Mike managed to find Officer Rhodes’ (Chris O’Dowd’s) house, which I blogged about yesterday, tracking down Judy’s was a snap because, in an odd twist, the two properties are located right across the street from one another.  While I had told Mike when we first began the search that I had a hunch that the residences would most likely be found in the same vicinity, perhaps even the same town, never in a million years did I think that they would be directly across the street from each other!


    Mike had an inkling that they would be, though.  While scanning through Bridesmaids, he noticed that the fake address numbers that producers had given the properties for the filming – 8409 and 8410 – were sequential, which would, in fact, put the two structures across the street from one another.  He figured that the residence’s actual addresses had most likely just been shortened – from 28409 to 8409 and from 28410 to 8410, perhaps – for the shoot.  So, when he ended up finding the locations, we were both absolutely flabbergasted to learn that the real life numbers – 23418 and 23425 – are not actually in any sort of sequence.  Why on earth producers would give two homes that are not supposed to be located anywhere near each other random, but sequential address numbers is absolutely beyond me!



    Judy’s house shows up numerous times throughout Bridesmaids, especially towards the end of the movie when Annie moves in with her mother.


    Bridesmaids Houses (5 of 20)

    As you can see below, the abode looked quite a bit different onscreen than it does in real life.  While I figured that the pad had most likely been remodeled in recent months, a super-nice neighbor informed us that the enclosed front porch area that appeared in Bridesmaids was actually a fake that had been built specifically for the filming.  I actually think the front porch makes the house much more appealing, which is most likely why it was added.


    Bridesmaids Houses (1 of 20)

    You can see the home’s real life front door behind Judy, inside of the fake enclosed front porch, in the screen capture below.


    Bridesmaids Houses (2 of 20)

    The exterior of the home is actually quite deceiving as it looks to be fairly moderate in size.  In reality, though, the property, which was originally built in 1948, boasts two bedrooms, one bath, a scant 882 square feet of living space, and a 0.21-acre plot of land.  It’s teensy!

    Bridesmaids Houses (6 of 20)

    Bridesmaids Houses (8 of 20)

    And while I originally thought that the residence’s actual interior was used in the filming, that does not seem to be the case.  You can check out some photographs of the home’s real life interior here.  As you can see, it looks nothing at all like Judy’s wood-paneled, 70s-style abode.



    You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

    Big THANK YOU to the world famous Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Bridesmaids Houses (7 of 20)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Judy’s house from Bridesmaids is located at 23418 8th Street in Santa ClaritaOfficer Rhodes’ house is located directly across the street at 23425 8th Street.  Note – these properties cannot be reached via Calgrove Boulevard, as that street is blocked just east of Creekside Drive.  To gain access to the sites, you can take either Apple or Valley Street south off of Lyons Avenue to 8th Street.

  • Officer Rhodes’ House from “Bridesmaids”

    Bridesmaids Houses (19 of 20)

    As I mentioned in last Thursday’s post about the apartment building where Lillian (Maya Rudolph) lived in Bridesmaids, I recently became just a wee-bit obsessed with tracking down all of the locales featured in the 2011 hit.  One of the sites I was most interested in finding, of course, was the small blue ranch-style house belonging to Officer Rhodes (Chris O’Dowd).  I bugged Mike, from MovieShotsLA, relentlessly to help me out with the search and he finally managed to track the place down last Wednesday morning.  Needless to say, I was absolutely ecstatic and dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk it just a few days later – despite the fact that it was raining at the time.  As I have mentioned before, this stalker absolutely HATES rain (thank goodness I am moving to the desert) and there are very few locations that I would actually venture out to stalk during a downpour.  But Officer Rhodes’ house was one of ‘em!


    Finding this location took quite a bit of work, actually, so Mike definitely deserves a HUGE pat on the back!  While scanning through Bridesmaids looking for clues as to the house’s location, I noticed an address number of 8410 behind Rhodes in the scene in which Annie (Kristen Wiig) leaves a cake on his doorstep.  Mike and I both had an inkling that the number was a fake, though.


    That inkling was solidified when I spotted a five-digit address number on the residence pictured behind Annie’s car in the same scene.  And while I was unable to make out the number with any sort of certainty, I told Mike that I thought it read 23430.  As luck would have it, I was right!  I had read in the Bridesmaids production notes that towns surrounding Los Angeles had been used to stand in for Milwaukee and Chicago in the flick, so Mike and I decided to begin our hunt in the 23400 blocks of small towns surrounding L.A. proper.  And, sure enough, although it took a while, Mike worked his magic and found the pad – in Santa Clarita of all places.  Yay!


    Officer Rhodes’ house shows up a few times in Bridesmaids and, as you can see below, has not been altered much from its silver screen appearance.


    Bridesmaids Houses (14 of 20)


    Bridesmaids Houses (15 of 20)

    In real life, the tiny cottage, which was originally built in 1948, boasts 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 605 square feet of living space (that’s smaller than my apartment!), and a small 0.085-acre parcel of land.

    Bridesmaids Houses (9 of 20)

    Bridesmaids Houses (10 of 20)

    As you can see below, the place is absolutely adorable in person – and does not seem like an L.A.-area house at all.

    Bridesmaids Houses (13 of 20)

    Bridesmaids Houses (11 of 20)

    I was most excited to see the front porch area where the raccoons devoured Annie’s cake in the movie.  LOL  LOVE IT!


    Bridesmaids Houses (16 of 20)

    And while I am not certain, I have a hunch that the interior (LOVE the beamed roof and French doors, by the way!) of Rhodes’ house was just a set.



    Tomorrow, I will be blogging about the residence where Annie’s mom, Judy (Jill Clayburgh), lived in Bridesmaids – which just so happens to be located directly across the street from Rhodes’ house!  I was going to blog both properties together, but ran out of time today.  So until tomorrow . . .

    Bridesmaids Houses (20 of 20)

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  Smile

    Bridesmaids Houses (17 of 20)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Officer Rhodes’ house from Bridesmaids is located at 23425 8th Street in Santa Clarita.  Note – the property cannot be reached via Calgrove Boulevard, as that street is blocked just east of Creekside Drive.  To gain access to the site, you can take either Apple or Valley Street south off of Lyons Avenue to 8th Street.

  • Vasquez Rocks County Park


    One location that I have been dying to stalk for what seems like ages now is Vasquez Rocks County Park in Agua Dulce, California.  I first read about the park in fave stalking book Hollywood Escapes: The Moviegoer’s Guide to Exploring Southern California’s Great Outdoors about 7 months ago and absolutely begged my fiancé to take me there.  He politely declined and I’ve pretty much been stewing about the whole thing ever since.  It’s funny how things work out, though, because while Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I were driving in the Valley on our way to do some stalking a few months back, we got into an in-depth filming locations conversation, as we are often apt to do, and somehow missed the freeway exit we meant to take.  When we realized our mistake about 15 miles later – I told you it was an in-depth conversation 🙂 – and turned off the freeway, we found ourselves at the entrance to Vasquez Rocks County Park and I just about died from excitement.  So, we decided to take a little stalking detour and headed right into the park.





    The large sandstone boulders which make up Vasquez Rocks County Park have been around since prehistoric times and were brought into their unique upturned positions thanks to numerous earthquakes and years of erosion.  The 932-acre park is named after Tiburcio Vasquez, the infamous outlaw who wreaked havoc in the Los Angeles area from 1856 until 1875, the year he was executed.  In 1874, just before being captured by authorities, Tiburcio spent quite a bit of time hiding out in the park that now bears his name.  Even though the man murdered and pillaged all across L.A. for close to 20 years, because he claimed that all of his crimes were committed in the name of justice for Mexican-Americans, he is viewed by many as a hero. 





    According to The Los Angeles Times, the 150-foot high rocks which populate the park are “the most commercially photographed boulders on the planet”.  And, even though the area looks like it could be found in a faraway land or on a distant planet, it actually lies within Hollywood’s “Thirty Mile Zone” (aka TMZ – and yes, that term is why the famous website is so named), which makes it extremely popular with location managers.  For those not familiar with the term, the Thirty-Mile Zone encompasses the area within a thirty mile radius of the intersection of West Beverly and La Cienega Boulevards in Los Angeles.  If a production is filmed outside of the Zone, SAG rules stipulate that travel time, mileage, and a special “distant location rate” must be paid to union members of the cast and crew.  So, thanks to its money-saving location and amazing, unique beauty, Vasquez Park has appeared in COUNTLESS, and I do mean COUNTLESS, productions over the years.


    There is even a little kiosk on the property that documents some of the filming that has taken place there in the past.  Love it!






    The main reason I wanted to stalk the park was because it was one of the main locations featured in one of my all time favorite music videos – the 1991 video for Michael Jackson’s hit song “Black or White”.  In an ironic twist of fate, I just happened to be wearing my “I Heart MJ” shirt that day.  🙂  Love it!  Vasquez Rocks were featured in the scene in the video in which George Wendt lands in a remote field after being blasted out of his house thanks to his son, Macaulay Culkin’s, loud music.  The rocks also show up in a subsequent scene in which MJ dances on a stage with a group of Native Americans.


    The rocks were not used, however, for the scene in the very beginning of the video in which Michael is shown dancing with a group of Aborigines.  That portion of the video appears to have been shot in front of a green screen inside of a Hollywood studio.





    The rocks also appeared in one of my favorite episodes of Las Vegas, which was entitled “Good Run of Bad Luck”, in the scene in which Delinda (aka Molly Sims), Nessa (aka Marsha Thomason), and Mary (aka Nikki Cox) go on a search for buried treasure and wind up getting stranded in the Nevada desert until eventually being rescued by country crooner Clint Black. 


    I absolutely LOVE the scene in which Delinda, lamenting over her belief that her father always wanted a son, says “We don’t have that click.  You see him with Danny . . . click, click, click, click, click!  I want Daddy and me to be close, you know, like George Jetson and Daughter Judy or Cliff Huxtable and what’s-her-name?  You know, the one who married Lennie Kravitz.”   LOL


    ScreenShot3163 ScreenShot3164




    The rocks also stood in for the Las Vegas set of the defunct sci-fi movie Shutter Speed  in which Joey Tribbiani (aka Matt LeBlanc) was supposed to star in the Season 5 episode of Friends entitled “The One With Joey’s Big Break”.



    The rocks show up very briefly in the 2004 movie First Daughter, in a beginning scene in which Samantha Mackenzie (aka Katie Holmes) is shown on a peace-keeping mission in an unnamed foreign land.




    They were also the location of the Arena Diner in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.



    And the location of Dr. Evil’s underground lair in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery.




    Bruce Campbell rides his horse through Vasquez Rocks in the 1992 flick Army of Darkness.



    The large open dirt area was the parking lot where Joe Dirt realized his parents had abandoned him in the movie of the same name.

    The entire town of Bedrock was built – out of styrofoam, no less – on the Vasquez Rocks property for the filming of both The Flintstones and The Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas.

    Rihanna and Justin Timberlake recently filmed their “Rehab” video at the Rocks.



    And the park also flies by very quickly in fave movie Little Miss Sunshine, in the scene in which Olive and her family begin their journey from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Redondo Beach, California.  The freeway they are driving on in the above screen captures is the 14.



    The rocks have also been featured in episodes of Monk, CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Numb3rs, NCIS, Star Trek, Mission: Impossible, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, MacGyver, Charmed, The Lone Ranger, The X-Files, 24, Bonanza, Fear Factor, Roswell, Sliders, and in the movies Blazing Saddles, Holes, Alpha Dog, Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey, Starship Troopers, Wild Wild West, Short Circuit, Star Trek (2009), and Planet of the Apes (2001), among countless others.  You can see an extensive breakdown of the many productions filmed at the park here.

    Vasquez Rocks 1

    Vasquez Rocks 2

    Although the park measures well over 900 acres, the areas most commonly used for filming are those located within walking distance of the two large open dirt fields denoted in the screen captures above.   The dirt fields are located very close to the main road and are easily accessible to stalkers.  🙂  While Mike and I were stalking the park, a student film was being shot on the premises and because one of the crew members thought we were part of the production – and we said nothing to dissuade him of that idea 🙂 – we were allowed to drive right up to the dirt lot.  I am not sure that cars are admissible in that area on a normal basis, though.


    Vasquez Rocks is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL place – one of the most unique and picturesque spots I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing with my own two eyes – and I HIGHLY recommend stalking it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vasquez Rocks County Park is located at 10700 Escondido Canyon Road in Agua Dulce.  The park is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  • Big Oaks Lodge from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    Before I left on my New York vacation just about two months ago, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I spent a day together stalking in and around the San Fernando Valley.  And even though we had a long list of places to stalk, the location we were most excited about seeing had to be a place called Big Oaks Lodge, which was used in the Season 2 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210  entitled “Camping Trip”.  Before arriving at Big Oaks Lodge, I was actually a little nervous about the drive up there, though, as I had read that the place was located completely out in the middle of nowhere, but, as it turns out, it’s not really as out in the middle of nowhere as I had thought.  The Lodge is located a brief twenty minute drive from the City of Santa Clarita, and while the road which leads there is remote, windy, and lacks a Starbucks, it’s really not a bad ride at all.  🙂  Big Oaks Lodge was originally built in the 1920s as a rest stop and eatery for traveling stagecoaches.  In the 30s, 40s, and 50s, the Lodge and its surrounding area became something of a Hollywood hotspot for the likes of such legends as gangster “Pretty Boy” Floyd and the original Brangelina – Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford – who even ended up building their own private cabin near the restaurant.  In later years, the property served as a training spot for boxers like Mike Quarry and Michael Doakes and even boasted its own outdoor ring, which has since been removed.  The Lodge now serves as a meeting place and rest stop and features not one, but two different eateries on the property.  The first is a little food stand named the Char House, which serves up such culinary staples as hamburgers, chili, and tri-tip sandwiches and is popular with the Harley Davidson set.  The Lodge’s more upscale restaurant is named Cavi and it specializes in authentic homemade Italian food.  The Lodge is still popular with celebrities to this day and has played host to talk show host Jay Leno and members of the band ZZ Top.





    Big Oaks Lodge is actually much smaller than I expected it to be and consists solely of the main lodge area, which houses Cavi restaurant, the Char House shed, an outdoor patio, and two small cabins, which can be rented out nightly.  While stalking the place, Mike and I had the good fortune of meeting one of the Lodge’s owners, who absolutely could NOT believe that we had driven all the way out to Big Oaks just to see a location from an episode of 90210  which had aired over 18 years ago.  And, let me tell you, he just about fell over when we showed him Mike’s portable DVD player, where we had the “Camping Trip” episode all cued up.  LOL  🙂  The owner told us we were free to walk around the property and take all of the photographs we wanted.  And you really should have seen the two of us!  We could not have been more excited and were screaming like little schoolgirls pretty much the entire time!  “Oh, look there’s the firewood shed!” and “Ohmigod, there’s the tree Brandon leaned against!”  LOL  We were both pretty bummed out, though, that neither of the Lodge’s restaurants were open while we were there, as we had hoped to grab a bite to eat during our stalk.  🙁  But you know what that means, don’t you?  My fiancé will definitely be getting dragged out there in the near future so that I can re-stalk the place.  🙂 





    In the “Camping Trip” episode, thanks to a patch of bad weather, Brandon, Brenda and the gang get stuck at Big Oaks Lodge while on their way to a camping trip in Yosemite.   The entire episode was pretty much shot on location at the Lodge and made use of the entire Big Oaks property, which I am happy to report still looks very much the same as it did on 90210.  Pictured above is Big Oaks’ front entrance, which showed up several times in the episode.



    The firewood storage area, which looks a bit different today than it did when 90210  was filmed, was the spot where the gang first took shelter from the rain after pulling over at Big Oaks.



    Had to do it!  🙂  LOL 





    The “Char House” restaurant stood in for the Lodge’s main office where Brenda and Dylan booked a cabin for the group to spend the night.




    Once upon a time there were actually ten different cabins located on the Big Oaks property, but today there are only two and both of those cabins were featured in the “Camping Trip” episode.  The 90210 gang stayed in the wood shingled lodge, which at the time of the filming was painted red, but is now a light grey color.


    And the Newlyweds stayed in the rock cabin located directly next door. 



    And although a full exterior shot of the rock cabin was never shown during the episode, as you can see in the above screen capture and photograph, the front door still looks exactly the same today as it did during the filming.  Love it!  And I was very excited to find out that the real life interiors of both cabins were also used extensively in the episode.  Unfortunately, though, the owner didn’t have his keys on him while we were there, so he was not able to take us on a tour of the cabins.  🙁   Next time! 



    The picnic table area in front of the Char House was used as the location where the gang fretted about Dylan and Brandon’s early morning disappearance.







    The road in front of the Lodge and the main parking area showed up in the scene in which Brandon and Dylan return to the campsite after their little hiking mishap.



    And finally, a large tree in the Lodge’s dirt parking lot – aka “Brandon’s tree” – was featured as the spot where Brandon contemplated life after his near death experience of almost falling off a cliff.  So, of course, I just had to pose like him!  🙂 





    A little bit of 90210 trivia for you – The highly dramatic scene where Dylan downed a few airplane bottles of liquor (pictured above) was not actually filmed at Big Oaks Lodge, but in the backyard of the real life Walsh house!  Mike and I learned that little tidbit of information from the owner of Casa Walsh during our private tour of the home.  🙂  So cool!


    According to the Big Oaks Lodge website, the property has also been featured in the movies Frances, Enough, American Gun, and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and in episodes of the television series  Dynasty  and Highway to Heaven, and in commercials for AT&T and Vonage.  It’s a very cool place and I highly recommend stalking it, especially to fans of the original 90210! 


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Big Oaks Lodge from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 33101 Bouquet Canyon Road in Santa Clarita, just nine miles north of where Bouquet Canyon Road intersects with Plum Canyon Road.  You can visit the Big Oaks Lodge website here.  Cavi restaurant is open Wednesday through Sunday, beginning at 5 p.m.  The Char House is open Saturdays and Sundays, starting at 11 a.m.

  • The Hyatt Regency Valencia from “Twilight”


    The other Los Angeles area filming location from Twilight that I mentioned in last Wednesday’s post is the Hyatt Regency Valencia Hotel.  In Twilight, the Hyatt stood in for the Phoenix area hostelry where Bella (aka Kristen Stewart), Alice (aka Ashley Greene), and Jasper (aka Jackson Rathbone) hid out while on the run from the evil vampire James (Cam Gigandet) towards the end of the movie.  In reality, the hotel is, of course, not located anywhere near Arizona, but instead can be found just about four miles away from the home that was used as Bella’s mom’s house in the flick.  So, of course, since I was already in the area last week, I just had to stalk the place.  🙂  I found this location thanks again to the link that fellow stalker Kerry sent me last April while the first Twilight movie was still in production.  Thank you, Kerry!  🙂



    The Hyatt is, sadly, featured only briefly in Twilight, but I am happy to report that it looks very much the same in person as it did onscreen.   In the scene featuring the Hyatt, Bella, Jasper, and Alice are first shown hanging out in a hotel room discussing their current predicament.  And while the exterior set up shots for that scene were indeed filmed at the Hyatt Regency Valencia, after looking at photographs of the hotel’s rooms online, I am fairly certain that the interior filming took place elsewhere.  My best guess is that the hotel room scene was either filmed on a soundstage or at a real hotel located somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, where the rest of the movie was filmed.




    We next see Jasper and Alice in the hotel’s lobby area waiting to check out.  And, as you can see in the above photographs and screen capture, that particular scene was actually shot on location at the Hyatt Regency Valencia and the lobby area still looks pretty much the same in person as it did in Twilight.  Even the red flower paintings hanging behind the reception desk are there in real life.  🙂  Love it!



    In a subsequent scene, Bella is shown rushing out of the Hyatt Regency Valencia’s main entrance and into a waiting taxi cab.    And that pretty much covers the entire Twilight segment that took place at the Hyatt!  LOL  All told, the scenes probably last a little under 45 seconds.  As I said in the previous Wednesday’s post, though, it’s better than nothing!  🙂



    While stalking the hotel, I happened to strike up a conversation with one of the bellhops who truly could NOT have been nicer to me.  He even took the photograph of me featured at the top of this post.  🙂  According to the bellhop, the Hyatt is actually an oft-used filming location and has been featured in such series as CSI: Las Vegas, NCIS, and the reality show Make It Or Break It.  The bellhop said that a scene from Twilight was also filmed in the hotel’s parking garage, but he wasn’t sure which scene.  He also informed me that Robert Pattinson actually stayed at the Hyatt Regency Valencia for a few days during the filming of Twilight.  LOVE IT!   The Hyatt Regency Valencia is a really beautiful hotel, with a large swimming pool, picturesque gardens, and a beautiful wedding courtyard (pictured above).  I highly recommend stalking the place or even staying there while visiting the L.A. area.  Who knows – you may even wind up in RP’s former room!  🙂





    On a very random side note: Earlier today, while reading the fabulous book Twilight: Director’s Notebook, I learned that the scene pictured above, in which Bella and Edward kiss for the first time, was actually filmed in Pasadena!  Apparently, the scene was originally filmed on location in Oregon, but director Catherine Hardwicke never ended up getting the exact shot she wanted.  So, a few months later, when the cast and crew was back in California, some reshoots were done, one of which was the Bella/Edward kiss scene.  For the re-shoot, a replica of Bella’s bedroom was built at the Elk’s Lodge in Pasadena.  🙂  So, as it turns out, there are actually three L.A. area locations that were featured in Twilight.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Hyatt Regency Valencia, where Bella, Jasper, and Alice hid out in Twilight, is located at 24500 Town Center Drive in Valencia.  You can visit their website here.  The Elks Lodge in Pasadena, where Bella and Edward first kissed, is located at 400 West Colorado Boulevard.  You can visit their website here.

  • Bella’s Mom’s House from “Twilight”


    Well, it took me long enough, but on Monday afternoon I finally decided to crawl out from that rock I’ve been living under for the past year by sitting down to watch the movie that the rest of the world has long been obsessed with – Twilight.    Yes, it’s true – while it seems that pretty much every other human being on the planet has gone Bella and Edward crazy, until earlier this week I had yet to watch – or even read – the saga’s first installment.  I’m not exactly sure why I avoided the movie for as long as I did, being that I am usually right in line with the masses when it comes to the latest pop culture obsessions, especially the teeny-bopper ones.  For some reason, though, Twilight  never piqued my interest.  But then, this past Friday night, I met up with fellow stalkers Lavonna, Beth, Kim, and Melissa, who were in town from Cincinnati, and they were all quite disappointed to learn that a stalker like myself had yet to see the movie.  So, on Monday afternoon, I decided to bite the bullet and finally sat down – Starbucks iced latte in hand – to watch Twilight in its two hour entirety.  And I am shocked to report that I didn’t hate it.  I didn’t exactly love it, either, but I definitely didn’t hate it.  It was actually pretty enjoyable.  The cinematography was nothing short of breathtaking and Robert Pattinson wasn’t so bad to look at, either.  Don’t hate me ladies, but before seeing the movie, I thought RB was absolutely hiddy.  Now I can understand what all the fuss is about, though.  There’s definitely just something about him.  And I am happy to report that while most of Twilight was filmed on location in the Pacific Northwest, the movie did feature two locations in the Los Angeles area, most notably Bella’s mom’s house.  So, of course, I just had to stalk it! 🙂 


    Thanks to my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry who sent me this Twilight  link well over a year ago, I knew that Bella’s mom’s house was located somewhere in the Valencia area.  I just wasn’t sure exactly where.  So, yesterday, after watching the movie, I got to cyber-stalking and came across this page on Wikipedia, which stated that the home was located near Highlands Elementary School.   And even though Wikipedia isn’t always the most reliable of sources, I decided to begin my search in the neighborhood surrounding the school.  And sure enough, just about ten minutes later, I came across the house!  YAY!   So, early this morning, I made the journey out to Santa Clarita to do some Twilight  stalking!  Because Bella’s mom’s house is supposed to be located in Arizona in the movie, quite a bit of it was changed for the filming, including the paint color, the landscaping, and the exterior decor.  Numerous fake cactus plants were also added to the surrounding area.  You can see photographs of the house all decked out for the filming on this fansite, which details the experience of two stalkers who made a trek from Arizona to California  – in the middle of the night, no less –  just to watch Twilight being filmed!  Two women after my own heart, I swear!   (The photographs of the house are featured on the website under the heading “More Pictures on the Set 4/29 and 4/30”.  You have to scroll down a ways to see them.).







    Bella’s mom’s house is actually only featured very briefly in the movie.  I’m talking like 30 seconds brief.  LOL  But since it is one of the only Twilight sites located in the state of California, I figured stalking it was better than nothing.  🙂  The abode first shows up in the very beginning of the movie, when Bella and her mom and step-dad are shown moving out of the property.




    The spot where Bella digs up a cactus plant to take with her to her dad’s house is located in the field situated directly next to the home.



    The house shows up once again towards the end of the movie, in the scene in which Bella is led to believe that the evil vampire James has kidnapped her mother.   


    Even though the house looks a bit different in person than it appeared onscreen, to all of those L.A. area Twilight fans, I still highly recommend stalking it!  It’s a whole lot cheaper than traveling all the way to Oregon and Washington where the rest of the movie was filmed.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bella’s mom’s house from Twilight is located at 22301 Cataro Drive in Santa Clarita.