Tag: Robin Tunney

  • Sarah’s House from “The Craft”

    Sarah's House from The Craft-1160032

    Another day, another request – this one also from my friends Lavonna and Katie regarding The Craft.  (You can read yesterday’s post about HarborPlace Tower from the movie here).  During a recent group texting session, Katie asked if I knew the location of the home where Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney) lived with her dad, Mr. Bailey (Cliff De Young), and her step-mom, Jenny (Jeanine Jackson), in the flick.  Well, not only did I know the location, but I had actually stalked it!  Though I was never a huge fan of The Craft, Sarah’s rambling Spanish-style home made an impression on me when I first watched the film back in 1996.  So when I came across its address a couple of months ago thanks to an anonymous commenter on the Movie Locations and More website (who tracked the pad down all the way from Australia!), I immediately jotted it in my stalking notebook and headed on over there a few weeks later.


    At the beginning of The Craft, Sarah and her family move from San Francisco to Los Angeles.  Their new home first pops up in one of the film’s opening scenes . . .



    . . . and is then seen regularly throughout the rest of the movie.



    Thanks to Google Street View, I knew prior to stalking the residence that it was set far back from the road and that virtually none of it was visible.

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    Sarah's House from The Craft-1160038

    You can just barely catch a glimpse of the dwelling in the images below.

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    Sarah's House from The Craft-1160048-2

    Thankfully, aerial views provide a better look at the property.  As you can see below, the house still looks much the same today as it did back in 1996 when The Craft was filmed.



    Per Zillow, the 1927 home boasts 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3,429 square feet of living space, and a 0.58-acre plot of land.



    Quite a bit of the residence was shown in the movie, including the pool, which was left dry for the shoot.



    The property’s extensive driveway also made an appearance, though it looks substantially different today than it did in 1996 due to some massive foliage growth and the addition of a large detached garage.


    Sarah's House from The Craft-1160048

    Though the interior of Sarah’s home is said to have been built on a soundstage, I am guessing that it was closely modeled after the property’s real life interior.  Unfortunately, I could not find any photographs of the inside of the residence with which to verify that hunch.



    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Sarah’s house from The Craft is located at 8330 McGroarty Street in Sunland.

  • The Occult Store from “The Craft”

    The Craft Occult Store (11 of 16)

    I often receive emails from fellow stalkers who are planning trips to Los Angeles and want some help in tracking down a favorite film or television location.  The emails always give me a pang of recognition.  I was that stalker once upon a time.  During one of my first trips to L.A., I was absolutely desperate to see the Walsh house from Beverly Hills, 90210.  I had forgotten my trusty tour book at home, though.  This was long before the days of filming location blogs and websites, so without the book I was pretty much out of luck.  I knew the house was somewhere in Altadena, so my mom and I headed that way and I asked literally everyone I encountered if they could point me in the right direction.  No one could, but I did finally make it to Casa Walsh that day and finally seeing it in person was worth all the work it took to get me there.  Assisting fellow stalkers in similar quests is one of the reasons I started this site.  So when I received an email back in May from a reader named Nathan who was desperate to track down the occult store from the 1996 horror/fantasy flick The Craft before an upcoming trip to L.A., I promised him I would help.  I was having a little trouble finding the place, though, so I called upon expert stalker Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and he wound up tracking it down within minutes.  Thank you, Mike!  Nathan was floored over Mike’s find and ventured over there while in town this past July.  I loved hearing about his visit and how meaningful it was for him to be there.  Figuring the place would be perfect for my Haunted Hollywood posts, I, too, ran out to stalk it recently.


    The occult shop from The Craft is located in Hollywood’s El Adobe Studio Building.  The small Spanish-style strip mall was originally built in 1928 and, according to the You Are Here website, was designed by architects Arthur Kelly and Joe Estep.

    The Craft Occult Store (1 of 16)

    The Craft Occult Store (3 of 16)

    In the book The Story of Hollywood, author Gregory Paul Williams contends that the site was the “world’s first mini-mall,” constructed on farmland owned by D.P. Baldwin.  Of the evolution of the property, Williams says, “The original farmer’s stalls later became a grocery store.  Baldwin created the L-shaped building around it as rental spaces for artists who worked in the movies.”  That grocery store, El Adobe Market, still operates on the premises today.  You can check out a 1935 image of the El Adobe Studio Building here and one from 1970 here.  As you can see, not much of the complex has changed over the years.

    The Craft Occult Store (5 of 16)

    The Craft Occult Store (6 of 16)

    Along with the El Adobe Market, today the center houses a pharmacy, a furniture store, and several live-work studio office spaces.  You can check out some interior photos of an El Adobe office that is currently for rent here.  What an incredibly cool place to work!

    The Craft Occult Store (2 of 16)

    The Craft Occult Store (14 of 16)

    The occult store makes a few appearances in The Craft.  It first pops up in the beginning of the movie, in the scene in which Nancy Downs (Fairuza Balk), Bonnie (Neve Campbell), and Rochelle (Rachel True) take Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney), the new girl in school, shopping.  The women return to the store several times throughout the flick.


    The Craft Occult Store (7 of 16)

    Though the whole El Adobe Studio Building is featured in the movie, the actual storefront that served as the occult shop is located in the northwest corner of the complex.


    The Craft Occult Store (16 of 16)

    I originally thought that the storefront was a part of the Adobe Pharmacy, which stands at the southwest corner of the El Adobe Studio Building, but Nathan ventured inside the drugstore while he was there and that does not appear to be the case.  The Craft occult store seems to be a separate space.  (Big THANK YOU to Nathan for the photos below!)



    I am unsure if the interior of that space was used in the filming of The Craft or if the inside of the occult shop was just a set.



    From the way things were shot, though, I would guess interiors were lensed in the actual space.



    Unfortunately, that particular unit sits behind a locked fence which bars the interior from view, so I was unable to catch a glimpse of it.  I am also unsure of what the space currently houses, but I believe it is some sort of office.


    The Craft Occult Store (15 of 16)

    I am fairly certain, though, that if the actual interior was used that it was dressed considerably for the filming and looks quite a bit different in person.  I would also guess that the stained glass window shown at the top of the stairs in the movie was a fake.


    I am also fairly certain that the occult store from The Craft was based upon Panpipes Magical Marketplace located at 1641 North Cahuenga Boulevard in Hollywood.  The site, which was originally founded in 1961, has the distinction of being the oldest occult shop in the U.S.  And it is also a filming location!  Panpipes has appeared in such productions as Unsolved Mysteries, Witchboard 2, Dream On, The Rockford Files, Hardball and North Mission Road.  The owners also regularly serve as consultants for television shows and movies that deal with metaphysical themes.  Interestingly, Fairuza Balk spent quite a bit of time at Panpipes while researching her role for The Craft and wound up buying the place in 1995.  The actress owned it through 2001, before selling it to its current owners.



    The mural that Sarah and the girls walk by on their way to the occult shop in The Craft is real, though it has been changed since the movie was shot in 1996.


    The Craft Occult Store (13 of 16)

    The mural actually appears to change regularly.  As you can see below, it looked completely different when Nathan stalked the El Adobe Studio Building in July . . .


    . . . than it did when I was there earlier this month.

    The Craft Occult Store (12 of 16)

    The cast of The Craft also posed for a promotional still in front of the mural during the filming, which I was pretty floored to come across while researching this post.


    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Nathan for challenging me to find this location and to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for tracking it down!  Smile

    The Craft Occult Store (4 of 16)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: El Adobe Studio Building, aka the occult shop from The Craft, is located at 5201-5209 Hollywood Boulevard in Los Feliz.

  • New “L.A.” Mag Post – About “The Mentalist” Finale


    Be sure to check out my latest Los Angeles magazine post – about the heartwarming series finale of The Mentalist.  My articles typically get published in the late morning/early afternoon hours.

  • St. Vincent Court from “The Mentalist”

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (23 of 25)

    I cannot wait for the Secret L.A.-themed February issue of Los Angeles magazine to hit newsstands!  The City of Angels is chock full of tucked-away gems and I absolutely love discovering them.  The Grim Cheaper and I just stalked one, in fact, that is also a filming location – St. Vincent Court, which appeared in a recent episode of The Mentalist.  I first discovered the tiny and incredibly unique alleyway while on a Watson Adventures’ Downtown L.A. Movie Locations Scavenger Hunt with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, back in November 2010.  So I recognized it immediately when it popped up on The Mentalist and ran right out to re-stalk it while in L.A. last week.


    St. Vincent Court is so named because it stands on the site of what was Los Angeles’ first college, Saint Vincent’s College.  The school was originally founded in 1865 at the Lugo Adobe House.  Two years later, it moved to a two-story building on 6th Street, between Hill and Broadway, in downtown L.A.  St. Vincent Court, which is actually a small alleyway, was known as St. Vincent Place at the time and served as the main pathway onto the campus.  In 1887, the school relocated to a new venue and the property subsequently served as a military compound.  Then, in 1906, it was chosen to be the location of the very first Bullocks department store.  The new store was constructed on the corner of 7th and Broadway, adjacent to St. Vincent Place, which was used as a pass through and for deliveries.  Bullocks soon purchased the building located across the alley and built an air bridge to connect the two structures.  The alley became dirty and dingy, as alleys tend to do, though, and in 1956 Bullocks and the City of L.A. teamed up to give the small space a facelift.  Façades and false fronts were built, awnings installed, a café and flower shop added, and the alley’s name changed to St. Vincent Court.  The site was dedicated in 1957 and became a California Registered Historical Landmark that same year.

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    St. Vincent Court is situated behind a rather unremarkable breezeway and is virtually hidden from view.  Despite the signage out front announcing its existence, one could easily walk by without even realizing it is there.

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     St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (21 of 25)

    From the outside, it looks like any other of the city’s non-descript alleys.  Step inside, though, and you’ll find that it is anything but.

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    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (22 of 25)

    Inside, the place looks like Disneyland.

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    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (14 of 25)

    The fake balconies;

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    ornate overhangs;

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (9 of 25)

    whimsical signage;

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (6 of 25)

    elaborate doorways and windows;

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    and sidewalk seating . . .

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (15 of 25)

    . . . . all add up to give the alley an amusement park/movie set/fake European/old world-feel.  To say that St. Vincent Court is unique is a vast understatement.  The place is like a Hollywood backlot that has been randomly plopped into the middle of downtown.

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (16 of 25)

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (7 of 25)

    Despite some recent opposition to outdoor seating in the alley, mid-week St. Vincent Court is typically bustling with hungry downtowners seeking authentic European and Mediterranean-style meals at lunchtime.

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (12 of 25)

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (13 of 25)

    In the Season 7 episode of The Mentalist titled “Orange Blossom Ice Cream,” Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) and Teresa Lisbon (Robin Tunney) went undercover in Beirut in order to capture a terrorist.  No filming actually took place in the Middle East, though.  Instead production simply headed to . . . downtown Los Angeles.  The hotel where Patrick and Teresa stayed in the episode was none other than the Millennium Biltmore.


    The Biltmore Hotel Mentalist (2 of 5)

    Two of the Biltmore’s hallways were used in the episode . . .


    The Biltmore Hotel Mentalist (4 of 5)

    . . . but I am fairly certain that Jane and Lisbon’s suite was just a set built on a soundstage at Warner Bros. Studios where The Mentalist is lensed.



    For outdoor filming, production head to St. Vincent Court.  The alley was first shown in the scene in which Patrick was taken to meet with terrorist Jan Nemic (Mark Ivanir).



    Nemic’s lair was actually the back side of the Los Angeles Theatre.


    Later in the episode, Lisbon and Jane dined on some manakish at a local Beirut eatery.



    The restaurant scene was filmed at the Sevan Garden Kebab House, which is located at the northeastern end of St. Vincent Court.  Unfortunately, I did not get any photos of the place’s interior.  You can check some out here, though.

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (1 of 25)

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (3 of 25)

    After dinner,  Jane and Lisbon head out to St. Vincent Court and hail a cab.


    At the end of the episode, Lisbon and Jane are shown walking up the Biltmore’s stairs . . .

    . . . and onto the hotel’s rooftop to share some orange blossom ice cream.

    St. Vincent Court also appeared in the Season 1 episode of Moonlight titled “Out of the Past.”



    Memphis Raines (Nicolas Cage) sped through the alley while being chased by cops in Gone in 60 Seconds



    And Taylor Swift danced there in her “Delicate” music video.

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.

    St. Vincent Court The Mentalist (8 of 25)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: St. Vincent Court, from the “Orange Blossom Ice Cream” episode of The Mentalist, is located on 7th Street, in between South Hill Street and Broadway, in downtown Los Angeles’ Jewelry District.

  • FBI Headquarters from “The Mentalist”

    Mentalist FBI Headquarters (18 of 45)

    Around this time last year, The Mentalist embarked on a huge change of course by having Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) and Teresa Lisbon (Robin Tunney) leave the Sacramento-based California Bureau of Investigation and then join the Austin, Texas branch of the FBI.  So, of course, that meant that I had a new location to find – the building used as FBI Headquarters.  I spent countless hours searching for the stunningly modern structure, though, but was never able to track it down.  For a while, I even thought it might actually be located in the Lone Star State.  Then, a couple of weeks ago, I enlisted the help of my friend Owen, of the When Write Is Wrong blog, and he came through big time!  While doing a Google Image search, he happened upon this Tumblr page on which a commenter stated that the building used on the series is the Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center at the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita.  As soon as Owen shared the information with me, I became desperate to stalk the place.  So last week, when we headed out to West L.A. for my dad’s doctors appointments, I begged the Grim Cheaper to take a little detour to Santa Clarita beforehand.  Despite the fact that this would take us sixty miles out of our way (round-trip), he agreed!  He’s seriously so good to me!


    The Dianne G. Van Hook University Center was designed by architect Leo A. Daly in 2010 at a cost of almost $29 million.  The 110,000-square-foot ultra-modern structure contains 23 classrooms, 6 computer labs, 6 meeting rooms, a lecture hall/theatre, a book store, a video conference room, and a large outdoor patio.  The building was named in honor of the college’s longtime superintendent/president, Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook, who has been running the COC since 1988.

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    Mentalist FBI Headquarters (12 of 45)

    Though the College of the Canyons has appeared in countless productions over the years (including Weeds, NCIS, and The Girl Next Door), for this post I am focusing solely on the University Center.  The building first showed up in the Season 6 episode of The Mentalist titled “My Blue Heaven” and has subsequently been used in every episode since, usually in establishing shots.


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    The Dianne G. Van Hook University Center is just as stunning in person as it is onscreen.  I love how the façade is made up of both sharp and rounded lines.


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    The interior of the building also pops up occasionally on The Mentalist, so I was beyond thrilled to discover that it is accessible to the public.


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    The University Center’s interior is also just as stunning in person as it is onscreen.


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    In the recently-aired Season 7 episode of The Mentalist titled “The Silver Briefcase,” Lisbon and Jane were shown walking along the building’s catwalk . . .


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    . . . and down the main staircase.


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    So I just had to pose for a pic on the stairs.  Smile


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    The building’s incredible views were also shown in “The Silver Briefcase.”  Man, what I wouldn’t give to see that place at night!


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    The interior of the actual FBI offices on The Mentalist are sets located inside of a soundstage at Warner Bros. Studio in Burbank.  I actually got to see those sets while on a tour of the lot back in June with my friends Lavonna, Kim, Kaylee and Katie.  Unfortunately, no photographs were allowed, though.



    The University Center also popped up in the Season 12 episode of NCIS titled “Blast From the Past” as the spot where Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) went undercover as an IT specialist.

    Big THANK YOU to Owen, from the When Write Is Wrong blog, for finding this location!  Smile

    Mentalist FBI Headquarters (38 of 45)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center, aka the Austin Headquarters of the FBI on The Mentalist, is located on the College of the Canyons campus in Santa Clarita.  The building does not have an exact address, but is situated on University Center Drive, just west of where it intersects with Rockwell Canyon Road.

  • Bombay Beach

    Bombay Beach (1 of 48)

    Out of all of the Salton Sea townships that I stalked while my best friend, Robin, was visiting in March, Bombay Beach was, without a doubt, my favorite.  Situated about twenty miles south of the North Shore Beach and Yacht Club (which I blogged about here), the tiny census-designated place is made up of about two hundred homes and trailers, a great number of which are abandoned.


    At 223 feet below sea level, Bombay Beach has the distinction of being the lowest city in America.  It is also, according to this July 2013 article, the most-filmed location in the entire Imperial County.

    Bombay Beach (16 of 48)

    Bombay Beach (18 of 48)

    Originally set to be a Riviera-like resort destination on the shores of the Salton Sea, Bombay Beach suffered the same fate as its neighboring townships.  As the sea’s toxicity and salinity increased in the late 1960s, the fish and bird population died off.  It was not long before animal carcasses covered the once-sandy beaches and the smell of their decaying bodies permeated the air.  Many residents vacated the region.  Then, when the storms of 1976 and 1977 hit and caused massive flooding, even more people fled.  Oddly though, some stayed behind and still call Bombay Beach home to this day.

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    Bombay Beach (15 of 48)

    The tiny, 0.9-square-mile township currently boasts about three hundred residents.

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    Bombay Beach (47 of 48)

    The abandoned properties remain, though.

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    Bombay Beach (10 of 48)

    It is this juxtaposition that makes the place so eerie.

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    Bombay Beach (14 of 48)

    Also adding to the creepiness factor is the fact that many of those who fled walked away not only from their properties, but all of their belongings, as well.  Forgotten sofas, toys and even cars can be seen strewn about the landscape.

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    Bombay Beach (27 of 48)

    In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s the Friends couch visible through the window below.  Winking smile

    Bombay Beach (22 of 48)

    Bombay Beach (23 of 48)

    Situated in the midst of this apocalyptic–like setting is a church . . .

    Bombay Beach (37 of 48)

    . . . two mini-marts (I only got a photograph of one) . . .

    Bombay Beach (5 of 48)

    . . . and a “fireside lounge” named Blues After Dark, which is currently for sale.  There’s also a restaurant, the Ski Inn, but I’ll get to that in a bit.

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    Bombay Beach (44 of 48)

    The entire area was just begging to be photographed.

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    Bombay Beach (35 of 48)

    Yep, the graffiti pictured below reads, “Abandon all hope ye who enter.”

    Bombay Beach (17 of 48)

    Prior to visiting Bombay Beach, I had never even heard of the place, so I was absolutely shocked to discover how often it has been utilized for filming.  I guess its immortalization onscreen should not have come as a surprise, though, considering its vastly unique and desolate landscape.

    Bombay Beach (6 of 48)

    Bombay Beach (24 of 48)

    In the 1990 made-for-television movie The Great Los Angeles Earthquake, Bombay Beach was said to be the site of numerous foreshocks, but it does not appear that any actual filming took place there.



    In 2008, chef Anthony Bourdain visited Bombay Beach to film the Season 4 episode of his Travel Channel reality series Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations titled “U.S. Southwest.”



    During his sojourn, Bourdain partook of a patty melt at Bombay Beach’s sole restaurant, the Ski Inn.



    The episode makes for a fascinating watch and is available for purchase via Amazon Instant Video.



    A 2011 documentary was also made about the township.  Appropriately titled Bombay Beach, the film was directed by Israeli filmmaker Alma Har’el and followed the lives of three Bombay Beach residents.  It won “Best Documentary Feature” at the 2011 Tribeca Film Festival and was nominated for an Independent Spirit award.



    You can watch the Bombay Beach trailer by clicking below.

    In 2013, Jeremy Wade shot a promo for the fifth season of his Animal Planet series, River Monsters, at Bombay Beach.



    You can watch that promo by clicking below.

    Bombay Beach was used extensively in the 2013 music video for Austrian singer Christina Sturmer’s song “Millionen Lichter” (translation – “A Million Lights”).  The video was shot on the shoreline . . .



    . . . throughout the town itself . . .



    . . . and in front of several Bombay Beach houses.



    The motel that appeared in “Millionen Lichter” cannot be found in Bombay Beach, however, but about 170 miles away.  It is the Four Aces movie set in Palmdale, which has appeared in countless productions over the years and which I have stalked, but have yet to blog about.



    You can watch the “Millionen Lichter” video by clicking below.  It’s actually a really catchy song, although I don’t understand a word of it.

    I was absolutely shocked to discover while doing research for this post that the Season 6 episode of The Mentalist titled “The Desert Rose” was filmed on location at Bombay Beach.  “The Desert Rose” was one of my favorite episodes of the show ever, so how I did not recognize the place when we visited is beyond me.



    In “The Desert Rose,” Patrick Jane (Simon Baker) and Teresa Lisbon (Robin Tunney) are sent to the Salton Sea to investigate the murder of a real estate developer named Brooke Yardley (Alex Daniels), whose body was found on the shores of Bombay Beach.  The spot where the body was found is located near Avenue D & 5th Street.



    While in town, Lisbon and Jane pop into the Borrego Gap Diner, which is actually the Ski Inn, Anthony Bourdain’s former stomping grounds.



    Sadly, because I did not realize its significance at the time, I only got one partial photograph of the eatery.

    Bombay Beach (3 of 48)

    The inside of the Ski Inn (which you can check out some pictures of here) does bear a striking resemblance to the diner shown on The Mentalist, but I do not believe any interior filming actually took place on the premises.  As you can see in this photograph, not only are there structural differences between the two, but the flooring shown in the episode does not match the restaurant’s actual flooring.



    While we were driving around Bombay Beach, Robin mentioned how much it reminded him of Sandy Shores from Grand Theft Auto V.  I had no clue what he was talking about at the time, but was floored to discover while reading a Wikipedia article later that day that Bombay Beach had served as the inspiration for the town in the game!  I should mention here that Robin is not into filming locations AT ALL, so this was a first – and I couldn’t have been more excited about it.  I swear I’ll make a stalker out of him yet!  Winking smile  I ended up buying the Grim Cheaper a PlayStation 3 and Grand Theft Auto V for his birthday shortly after Robin’s visit and, in our excitement to see Bombay Beach onscreen, we stole a boat in the opening scene of the game and drove it right up to Sandy Shores.  Now we are kind of stuck there, unsure of what to do.  Sure enough, though, the place does look exactly like Bombay Beach.



    Of the Sandy Shores design, Grand Theft Auto V art director Aaron Garbut said in a 2014 interview with the Edge, “We did know the [biographies] for the three characters right at the start, so we knew we wanted to create an area for Trevor out in the sticks.  Towards the beginning of preproduction, I met up with [Rockstar president] Sam [Houser] in LA, and we spent a week together driving about, just exploring and talking.  During that trip, we drove out into the desert and eventually ended up visiting Salton Sea [in California].  We went to an amazing spot called Bombay Beach and expected a real-life Trevor to burst out on us at any second.  When the full reference trip was organized, we sent a team out to Salton Sea for a few days.”  LOVE it!



    On an abandoned sites side-note – I just learned about an abandoned water park located on the grounds of none other than the Walt Disney World Resort!  Known as River Country, the park was shuttered in 2001 and has sat rotting ever since. Man, would I love to see it in person!  You can check out some great photographs of the property in its current state here.


    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Bombay Beach (12 of 48)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Bombay Beach is located on the eastern side of the Salton Sea, about twenty miles north of Niland and twenty miles south of the North Shore Yacht Club.  The Ski Inn, aka the Borrego Gap Diner from The Mentalist, is located at 9596 Avenue A.

  • The Macy’s at Burbank Town Center Mall from “The Mentalist”


    One spooky-type location that I have had on my To-Stalk list for just about forever now is the Macy’s department store located inside of the Burbank Town Center Mall, which was featured as a murder site in the Season 2 episode of fave show The Mentalist titled “Redemption”.  And while I had recognized the location immediately while watching the episode way back in September of 2009 and had even stalked the Burbank Town Center Mall recently due to its appearance in another episode of The Mentalist, for whatever reason I had completely forgotten about Macy’s.  So I promptly dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk the place this past weekend after doing some shopping at a nearby Ikea.


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    In the “Redemption” episode of The Mentalist, CBI Agent Teresa Lisbon (aka Robin Tunney) and her ne’er-do-well consultant Patrick Jane (aka Simon Baker) are called in to investigate the murder of a man in a supposed-Sacramento-area department store.  The scene in which the two arrive at the store was filmed at the bottom of the escalators on Macy’s Second Floor, next to the MAC Cosmetics counter.

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    Lisbon and Jane are immediately escorted by Police Captain Bocanegra (aka Geoffrey Rivas) to the murder site in the store’s Men’s Department.  It was due to this particular segment of the scene, in which Patrick and Jane walk over some unique green tile and wood flooring, that I recognized the episode had been shot at the Macy’s in Burbank.  The GC and I once did some shopping in the Burbank Macy’s Men’s Department quite a few years back and while we were there I had commented on how pretty I thought the floors were.  They did not look like typical department store floors and made me think of the upscale Herald Square Macy’s on 34th Street in New York in which the Men’s Department is composed of dark woods.  Anyway, the image of those floors stuck with me, for whatever reason, so when I saw Lisbon and Jane walk over them in “Redemption”, I recognized them immediately.

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    Lisbon and Jane are then shown the bludgeoned body of Ivar Rasmussen, which was found in a little waiting area outside of the men’s dressing rooms.  It is there that Patrick proceeds to smell the body in order to gather clues, infuriating Captain Bocanegra in the process.

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    Sadly, the area used for the filming of that scene was being redressed when we showed up to the stalk the place and was not very accessible.


    But I did manage to snap a picture of a similar alcove located in a different section of the store.

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    After properly “sniffing out” the body, Jane proceeds downstairs to the Ground Level Furniture Department in order to interview the patrons who were in the store at the time of the bludgeoning.

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    It is there that he performs a ritual using the hands of one of the witnesses to lead him to the murder weapon, which turns out to be the base of a crystal wineglass.

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    After the murder weapon is found, a huge fight breaks out among the killer and the security guards, which ends up causing $250,000 worth of damage to the store.  When Lisbon admonishes him for creating the ruckus, Jane says, “What?  The case is closed isn’t it?”  Ah, I so love Patrick Jane!  Smile

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    That portion of the scene was filmed in Macy’s furniture/bedding/cookware department, which, amazingly enough, looks pretty much exactly the same in person as it did onscreen.  I thought for sure the production crew had dressed the area for the filming, but that does not actually appear to have been the case.

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    On a Mentalist side note – A couple of weeks ago, my good friend Miss Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, called me up for some help after she discovered that she had locked her keys inside of her car while doing some shopping at the Burbank Town Center Mall.  I headed over there and after calling Roadside Assistance and having them jimmy open the lock, we discovered that her keys were not, in fact, inside of the car after all.  So I ventured inside the mall to see if anyone had turned them in to the security office.  No one had and Pinky’s poor dad ended up having to drive all the way from Ventura to bring her a spare set – and, sadly, her originals have still yet to be found.  FAIL!  But every cloud does indeed have a silver lining, as they say, because a few days later I was watching the Season Premiere of The Mentalist, which was titled “Scarlet Ribbons”, and just about died when I noticed that a scene was filmed at the Burbank Town Center Mall security office!  As I mentioned in the post I wrote about the show’s Season 3 Finale back in June, Patrick Jane finally killed Red John (aka Bradley Whitford) in the middle of the Burbank Town Center Mall at the very end of the episode.  Well, when Agents Kimball Cho (aka Tim Kang) and Wayne Rigsby (aka Owain Yeoman) set out to investigate the killing in the Season 4 opener, one of their first stops was the mall’s real life security office, looking exactly as it had when I visited it only days before.  SO incredibly cool!


    That security office is pictured above.  I had to take the photograph a bit on the down-low as I was afraid that one of the security guards might get upset if he saw me snapping any pictures of the place.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Macy’s at Burbank Town Center Mall, from the “Redemption” episode of The Mentalist, is located at 200 East Cypress Avenue in Burbank.

  • Watching “The Mentalist” Being Filmed – A Second Time!


    This past Tuesday morning I was interviewed about my website for an article on filming locations that will be published sometime in early April in a few local, San Gabriel Valley-area newspapers.  While we were talking, the reporter happened to mention that she had just spoken with the City of Monrovia’s Film Liaison who had told her that fave show The Mentalist would be filming that very day on Myrtle Avenue in Downtown Monrovia.  So, I immediately headed right on over there to do a bit of Simon Baker stalking.  As I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, I do not particularly enjoy stalking alone, so I begged my mom, who lives just up the street from where filming was taking place, to come to the set with me and, thankfully, she agreed.  When we arrived, we discovered that producers had built a fake, but very detailed jewelry store set inside of what is, in actuality, a large kitchen appliance store named Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc. 

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    I cannot tell you how fascinating it was to see the fake store, which was named Nesbitt & Company Jewelers, in person.  A false rear wall had been built in front of the large appliances that are normally on display in the front windows of the Kitchen & Bath Expo and fake jewelry cases along with fake jewels had been placed in the main area of the store and the effect was incredibly realistic.  So realistic,  in fact, that one of the people we spoke with who had stopped to watch the filming with us mentioned that she had walked by the storefront the previous morning and thought to herself, ‘Just what the area needs – another jewelry store!’  It was not until she saw the filming trucks the following day that she realized the entire thing was just a set.

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    Pictured above is what Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc. looks like in real life.

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    As you can see, set decorators simply covered over the kitchen displays with fake walls.  My mom asked one of the crew members why producers had not simply found a real jewelry store to film at, since there are more than a few of them in the area, but he told us that they needed a jewelry store situated next to an alley.  When they couldn’t find one that met their needs, they simply decided to create their own.  Ah, the magic of Hollywood!

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    The scene we watched being filmed involved Patrick Jane (aka Simon Baker) and Teresa Lisbon (aka Robin Tunney) pulling up next to the jewelry store in Lisbon’s car and then walking through the alleyway together.  The camera was set up directly across the street from the store.

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    Traffic on Myrtle was shut down only intermittently during the filming and, with the crime scene tape strung across the alley, the flashing lights on the many police cars parked at the scene, and the camera not being readily visible, it must have looked to those driving by as if an actual crime had just taken place.


    Simon Baker and Robin Tunney walked out just a few short minutes after we arrived on the set and Simon immediately smiled and waved at the fans standing across the street (there were only about five of us) and then the two of them walked over to the car they were set to be driving in the scene.  I was really hoping that Simon would walk over to take pictures with the fans, since there were so few of us, but he never did.  Sad smile


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    The driving scene was completed in only one take and then Robin and Simon headed into the alleyway to do some more filming.  Unfortunately, we could not get very close to the alley so we left shortly after that. 


    On the way back to my parents’ apartment, I noticed that every single store and restaurant on Myrtle Avenue had a sign offering discounts to the film crew taped to their front windows, which I thought was just about the coolest thing ever!  Talk about being a film-friendly city!  Love it!


    Some filming also took place at Monrovia’s Vertia Salon, which is located right around the corner from the Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc., but unfortunately I arrived after that scene had already been completed.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Kitchen & Bath Expo, Inc., aka the fake jewelry store set from The Mentalist, is located at 415 South Myrtle Avenue in Monrovia.  The alleyway where filming took place is located just south of the Expo.  Verita Salon is located at 111 East Lime Avenue in Monrovia.

  • Casa del Mar Hotel from “Just Go With It”

    On February 11th – which just so happened to be my girl Jennifer Aniston’s 42nd birthday – I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to see the actress’ latest movie, Just Go With It.  Because there are very few JA movies that I have ever actually liked (even though I am a HUGE fan of hers, Office Space and He’s Just Not That Into You are the only two that I can honestly say that I LOVE), I did not have high hopes for the flick.  But I am very happy to report that I ended up absolutely LOVING it!  Even more amazing was the fact that the GC loved it, too.  And even more amazing still was the fact that the GC also recognized a location from it – the Casa del Mar hotel in Santa Monica which was used in the scene in which Katherine (aka Jennifer Aniston) poses as Danny’s (aka Adam Sandler’s) soon-to-be ex-wife and meets his new girlfriend, Palmer (aka Brooklyn Decker), for the first time.  So, while we were in Santa Monica this past weekend stalking the blue carpet at the Independent Spirit Awards, I dragged the GC right on over to the Casa del Mar to do a bit of Just Go With It stalking.
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    Casa del Mar hotel was first opened in 1926 as the luxurious and ultra-exclusive Club Casa del Mar beach club, which catered to Southern California’s elite and featured an indoor, Olympic-sized swimming pool, a private stretch of white, sandy beach, weekly dinner dances, upscale accommodations, and a grand ballroom.  Even though it was founded during the heart of America’s Prohibition era, booze apparently flowed freely at the hotel and gambling was a frequent guest pastime.  According to local lore, Santa Monica policemen would turn a blind eye to the illegal goings-on at the property and would tip off the club staff members each time there was going to be a raid.  During World War II, the US Army took over the building and used it to house American soldiers.  Fallen into disrepair, the hotel shuttered its doors shortly after the war ended.  Charles E. Dederich purchased the Renaissance Revival-style property shortly thereafter and turned it into a drug rehabilitation facility known as Synanon.  In the late 1970’s, the building was purchased by nutrition guru Nathan Pritikin and transformed into the Pritikin Longevity Center, where actor Chris Farley was a one-time guest.  The Edward Thomas Hospitality Corporation took over the property in 1998, restored the building to is original 1920’s grandeur, and in 1999 reopened it as the Casa del Mar hotel.  It has been going strong ever since.
    The hotel currently boasts a Zoltar fortune machine, a la the machine that made Tom Hanks “big” in the movie of the same name, in its lobby area, which I found so incredibly cool!
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    The Casa del Mar hotel popped up in what was, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, the funniest scene in Just Go With It, in which JA pretends to be a rich, snobby Beverly Hills socialite with a bit of a drinking – and pill – problem.  Jen is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS in the scene and even had the GC LOL-ing at several points, even though he typically does not find her to be at all amusing.
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    The Just Go With It scene was filmed in the southern portion of the Casa del Mar lobby, just south of the rear side of the hotel’s main fireplace.  The lobby’s furnishings were changed quite a bit for the filming, though.
    And I, of course, just had to recreate the scene in which Jen first arrives at the hotel and tells her limo driver that she “shant be long”.   Smile
    The scene that supposedly takes place just outside of the hotel was shot at a different location, though, and I have not been able to determine exactly where that location is yet.
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    You can watch the Just Go With It trailer, in which Casa del Mar is featured, by clicking above.

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    The hotel also popped up in the Season 2 episode of The Mentalist titled “18-5-4” as the supposed San Francisco-area Tidewater Resort where Oliver Simon McDaniel (aka Evan Peters) hid out.

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    For whatever reason, producers had a fake check-in desk built in front of the hotel’s fireplace for the filming of the episode.

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    The scene in which Patrick Jane (aka Simon Baker) tells Teresa Lisbon (aka Robin Tunney) that she should have the CBI Headquarters moved to the beach was filmed in the hotel’s Veranda Bar area . . .


    . . . which I, unfortunately, could not get a great photograph of due to the brightness of the sun.


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    The SUPER nice concierge that we spoke with while we were stalking the hotel also let us know that the Casa del Mar’s Colonnade Ballroom was used in another Jennifer Aniston flick – the 2006 movie Friends With Money, in the scene in which Olivia (aka JA) and her friends attend a benefit for ALS.  He also informed us that the ballroom was used in episodes of both Hung and Curb Your Enthusiasm, as well.

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    As fate would have it, the ballroom just happened to be unlocked while we were stalking the hotel, so I was able to walk in and snap a few pictures of it.

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    The exterior of the hotel is visible in the scene in 2005’s Be Cool in which wanna-be gansta Raji (aka an absolutely HILARIOUS Vince Vaughn) and Elliot Wilhelm (aka Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) get into a fight and Raji announces, “I smell you man!  I feel your pain!”  LOL


    Besides being a filming location, the hotel is also something of a celebrity hotspot.  Just a few of the stars who have been spotted there in recent years include Lindsay Lohan, Christian Bale, Ryan Phillipe, AnnaLynne McCord, Cameron Diaz, Megan Fox, Gisele Bundchen, Tom Brady, Maria Shriver, Pamela Anderson, Christian Slater,  Emma Watson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Justin Timberlake, Bradley Cooper, Molly Ringwald, Oprah Winfrey, Kevin Bacon, Jessica Alba, Cash Warren, Will Smith, Josh Duhamel, and Renee Zellweger. Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray were married at the hotel in 2005 and Miss Britney Spears and then-husband Kevin Federline even lived there for a time while their Malibu mansion was being renovated.  I was lucky enough to spot Jen Aniston at the Casa del Mar once – along with Vince Vaughn, Joey Lauren Adams, and Jon Favreau – back in 2006.  She was doing press for The Break-Up at the time and the GC and I had randomly stopped by the hotel to grab a cocktail.  I was wearing my “Team Aniston” sweatshirt and when Jen saw it she pointed, smiled, and said, “Oh, thank you!”   Ever since that day, the GC has referred to Casa del Mar as the “Jen Aniston hotel”.  Love it!  (The GC took the above photograph of Jen that day on his blackberry, which is why it turned out so poorly.  After seeing the picture, I solemnly swore I would NEVER again be caught out and about without my camera and I now carry it with me at all times.)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Casa del Mar hotel, from Just Go With It, is located at 1910 Ocean Way in Santa Monica.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.

  • Watching the Filming of The Mentalist!


    Last week, while out and about stalking in Pasadena, I just happened to run across a large production crew filming underneath the Colorado Street Bridge, so, of course, I just had to pull my car over to ask what was being filmed.  🙂  Well, when I found out the filming was for my new favorite TV show The Mentalist,I just about flipped my lid with excitement!!!  And I was even more excited when one of the crew members told me that I was welcome to hang out onsite for as long as I wanted to watch all of the action that was taking place!  YAY!   



    The Mentalist  was being filmed in a little wooded clearing in the Lower Arroyo section of Pasadena’s Arroyo Seco Canyon.  To stay out of the way of the cast and crew, I parked myself on a walking trail located just above the clearing, which turned out to be the PERFECT spot to watch the filming, but, unfortunately, did not offer me the best vantage point from which to take photos.  🙁  So, please accept my apology for the less than stellar pics.  🙁    




    When I first walked up to watch the filming, none of the actors were yet on set.   So, I just had to ask one of the crew members if cutie Simon Baker would be filming that day and I just about spazzed out right there on the spot when he told me yes!  LOL  As I’ve mentioned before, I absolutely LOVE me some Simon Baker!!!  🙂  Then, literally, the next thing I knew, out walked the ENTIRE Mentalist  cast and, let me tell you, I just about died!!!!!   On site besides SB were actors Robin Tunney, Tim Kang, Amanda Righetti, and Owain Yeoman. When I watched The Mentalist  being filmed this past March, only actor Tim Kang was in attendance, so, as you can imagine, I was SUPER excited to see them all this time around.




    I am very happy to report that Simon Baker is JUST as cute in person as he appears to be on TV.  🙂  And, let me tell you, I just about fainted when I saw that he was wearing his cute little Patrick Jane vest and carrying that ubiquitous stick of his for the filming!!!!!  SO CUTE!!!!   The highlight of the day for me came during a break from the filming, when SB looked up at me, waved, and said “Hello!”  Sigh!   I could have died a happy girl right there on the spot!!!!  🙂  SB seemed very sweet and very friendly in person, but unfortunately I never got close enough to him to ask him to pose for a picture with me.  🙁  Such a bummer! 



    The actor who I thought looked most different in person was Owain Yeoman, who plays Detective Wayne Rigsby on The Mentalist.  While Owain is just okay-looking on the show, let me tell you, in person he is downright dreamy!!!  🙂  I was shocked!  Owain is much taller and much thinner than he appears to be on TV and actually looks quite a bit like Josh Duhamel.  And you all know how I love me some Josh Duhamel!  🙂 


    The scene I watched being filmed involved (what I am assuming was) the murder investigation of a woman who had been pushed off of a Sacramento area bridge.  And while the above picture shows the actors filming around a mannequin, for most of the takes there was a real woman lying on the ground playing the murder victim.




    The filming of The Mentalist was an absolutely HUGE production!!!  On site were hundreds of crew members, numerous filming trucks, a myriad of props, and a large machine on wheels which provided shade for the area being filmed (pictured above).  It was pretty incredible to see!!!   At one point I looked down at my watch to check on the time and was SHOCKED to see that three hours had passed since I’d first arrived on the set!  LOL   Like they say, time flies when you’re having fun!  After the scene I was watching had been wrapped, one of the crew members was nice enough to invite me to watch more filming later that afternoon on top of the Colorado Street Bridge, but unfortunately, because that was a closed set, I couldn’t take any pictures while there.  It was EXTREMELY cool to see, though! 


    The spot where The Mentalist was filmed is actually a very popular filming location that has also been featured in NCIS, The Shield, and JAG.   Ironically, it’s also the same spot where I watched The Closer  being filmed last October.

     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Mentalist  was filmed underneath the Colorado Street Bridge in Pasadena, just off North Arroyo Boulevard.  Filming also took place on the Colorado Street Bridge.  Look for the episode to air in about six to eight weeks.