Tag: Rob Greer Photography

  • “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs”


    A few months ago while doing some cyberstalking, I came across this fabulous blog post about a photographer named Rob Greer who was lucky enough to have my fave show CSI: Miami  film right in his studio.  So, of course, I just had to stalk the place.  🙂  Especially since the episode which was filmed at the studio, entitled “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs”, was one of my favorite episodes from this season!  In the episode, which aired in February of this year, the team investigates a physician who performs illegal organ transplant surgeries right in his own home.  The episode was pretty much a thrill a minute and I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time – especially when Eric Delko finally professed his love to Calleigh Duquesne.  I have been waiting for those two to get together for YEARS!  🙂





    In “Smoke Gets In Your CSIs”, Rob Greer’s photography studio was used as the Miami home of the episode’s renegade doctor.  Filming took place in both the interior and the exterior of the studio.  I actually find it odd that they chose this location to stand in for a physician’s home, as neither the interior nor the exterior look much like a home at all.  The place actually looks more like a warehouse than anything else.  But, due to the illegal surgeries that the physician was performing in the episode, I am guessing that the producuers wanted his home to have a cold, urban, industrial feel to it.   You can see some great photos of the photography studio here.


    Rob Greer’s photography studio is located in the Los Angeles Brewery Arts Complex.  The complex, which can best be described as a sort of compound or artists’ enclave, is an eclectic mix of buildings, warehouses, and offices.  Apparently, the buildings house mostly live/work units and are available for lease to artists only – ie. graphic designers, painters, photographers.    The complex is located in an industrial part of town, out in the middle of nowhere, which led me to wonder how in the heck a location scout would even find out about it.  But my boyfriend said since the compound has such a unique look, it is probably used in productions all the time and therefore is well known in the scouting world.  The entire area is gated and not usually open to the public, but luckily when I showed up to stalk the place it was open for an art gallery showing.  🙂  Yay!  I can’t really recommend stalking the complex, though, because besides the fact that it is normally closed to the public, there also just isn’t really that much to see.


    Rob Greer’s blog post about the CSI: Miami filming  is a great read with tons of pictures and I highly recommend giving it a glance.  According to Rob, set dressers came to his studio the day before the filming and spent quite a few hours dressing the space with living room furniture and a large chandelier so that it would look more like a home.  But the following morning, when the director arrived on set, he took one look at the living room set-up and wanted it all removed!  LOL Only in Hollywood!  Rob Greer’s experience with the cast and crew of CSI: Miami  was exactly on par with my encounter with them a few months back.  He said they were incredibly nice and friendly, especially David Caruso, whom he describes as “really warm and genuine”.  🙂  I’m telling you, the CSI: Miami  cast is like no other!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Rob Greer Photography is located at 678 South Avenue 21 in Los Angeles.  Be careful not to trespass on the property, though, because, as I mentioned above, the area is not usually open to the public.