Tag: reality TV shows

  • Kyle Richards’ Former Palm Springs House


    Last weekend, the Grim Cheaper and I once again headed out to Palm Springs for a little weekend getaway and while there I, of course, just had to drag him out to stalk the vacation home formerly belonging to Kyle Richards and her husband, Mauricio Umansky, which was featured in the Season 1 episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills titled “Chocolate Louboutins”.  I found this location thanks to a Real Housewives message board on the Survivor Sucks website and wrongly assumed that it was going to be quite the easy little stalk.  And I should mention here that I absolutely CANNOT stand Kyle Richards (I think the woman is just a big ol’ bully who completely manipulates her older sister, child star Kim Richards), but because I love the show, I was absolutely dying to stalk the residence.  So, the GC and I headed right on over there while killing time before grabbing dinner with his boss our first night in the Desert.  Things did not turn out quite as planned, though, as we arrived at our destination only to discover that it was located inside of the private and gated Indian Wells Country Club!  Yes, this particular stalk was a definite fail!

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    As you can see in the above photographs, the only part of the neighborhood visible from the street is the guard shack.

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    Sadly, not much can be see via aerial views, either.


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    In the “Chocolate Louboutins” episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle and Mauricio invite their friends Lisa Vanderpump and Ken Todd, as well as Kyle’s sister Kim and her four children to spend Easter Weekend at their family home in the Coachella Valley.  And while it is stated in the episode that Kyle’s house is located in Palm Desert, in actuality, the property is located just east of Palm Desert in the city of Indian Wells, directly behind the Indian Wells Resort Hotel, which, as it just so happens, was founded by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, but that is another story for another post.   Winking smile

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    In the episode, Kyle says that the 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, which was built in 1985 and measures 1,503 square feet, originally belonged to her mother, but that it is now used as a family home.  There has been much speculation online, though, that it was possibly this residence that Kim was referring to in the Season 1 finale episode titled “Unforgivable” when she screamed at Kyle, “You stole my god-damn house!”  According to some of the gossip on several Real Housewives message boards (and please keep in mind that it is just that, gossip, and that I have no idea whatsoever if any of it is true), Kim at one time owned the Indian Wells house and that somehow Kyle got the rights to it after their mother passed away or possibly that Kim paid for property with her childhood earnings and then when the mother passed away, the home was divided up among all three Richards sisters.  Who knows what the actual story is, but let me tell you, I am absolutely DYING to know!  You can check out some of the message board gossip about the house here and here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Kyle Richard’s former vacation house, from the “Chocolate Louboutins” episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, is located at 45389 Club Drive in Indian Wells.  The home is located inside of the Indian Wells Country Club, which is a private, gated community, so please do not trespass.

  • The Street Where “The Hills” Finale Was Filmed


    One location that I have been on the lookout for for a couple of months now is the street where Kristin Cavallari said good-bye to on-again/off-again boyfriend Brody Jenner in the final scene of the series finale of fave show The Hills, which aired on July 13th of this year.  For whatever reason, though, I was having a heck of a time pinpointing the exact spot where filming had taken place.  Until this past Friday, that is.  Thankfully, fellow stalker “Diggy” posted a comment on that day’s blog post in which I wrote about the home where Kristin had lived during the last season of the show.  In the comment, Diggy stated that the final scene had been filmed on “Beachwood Drive, just north of Franklin”.  Sadly though, even with that detailed information, I was unable to find the right spot!  Enter master stalker Chas, from ItsFilmedThere, who texted me later that same night with an exact address – 2107 North Beachwood Drive.  And sure enough, once I pulled up the location on Google Street View, I saw that he was right!  Thank you, Chas!  So, yesterday, after Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I finished our tour of Paramount Studios, we headed right on over to Beachwood Drive to do some Hills stalking.


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    The Hills’ final scene centers around the premise that after suffering a broken heart thanks to Brody Jenner, series star and narrator Kristin Cavallari decides to leave Los Angeles to begin a new adventure in a foreign land because, as she says, “I feel if I’m really gonna move and do this, it needs to be a big change and I need to be completely uncomfortable and I need to be scared again and the only place I can really think about would be somewhere in Europe.”  When Brody finds out she is leaving the country, he heads to her house to say good-bye and just happens to catch her right as she is walking out her door to drive to what is presumably the airport.  In the scene, Brody pulls up and parks in front of the apartment building located at 2107 N. Beachwood Drive.

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    Kristin subsequently walks out of the house located across the street at 2117 Beachwood Terrace, which is not where the reality star was actually presumed to be living on the show.  The house where Kristin lived during the series’ Sixth Season, which I blogged about last week, is located almost five miles away in West Hollywood.  Thanks to the tall hedges which completely surround both properties, though, the two residences do bear a striking resemblance to each other.

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    Kristin then walks to her waiting limousine, which was parked in front of the home located at 2110 North Beachwood Drive.

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    After Kristin shares a tear-filled good-bye with Brody, her limousine proceeds to drive south on Beachwood, presumably heading to the airport. 

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    The camera then closes in on a distraught-looking Brody for a few poignant moments before the background behind him begins to move and it is revealed that he is actually standing on the backlot of Paramount Studios in Hollywood and that Kristin’s limo had only been driven a few feet off screen.  Brody then walks up to Kristin, hugs her, and says, “You outta here?” before the two nonchalantly walk off.  I found the ending, which was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the fact that many viewers believe the show to be fake, ingenious.  What better way to acknowledge that some of the show was in fact “produced” than to have its final moments be shot on a soundstage?  Of the finale, Brody said, “I think the show has always battled with what’s real and what’s fake, and this ending was perfect because you still don’t know what was real, what was fake and it’s kind of like L.A. in a sense.”  And while the ending leaves no doubt (in mind at least) that the show wasn’t entirely “real”, some fans still swear up and down that it was.  But being that Kristin never in fact moved anywhere, least of all not to Europe, and that she later tweeted “I think I shld finally let everyone know I’m not going 2 Europe.  It was 4 the show.”, I think we can all rest assured that the reality series was most definitely manipulated, if not out and out scripted.  Which was the exact impression I got when I watched an episode of it being filmed back in August of 2008 – yes, it’s a “reality” show, but a heavily, heavily manipulated one.

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    Anyway, because Mike and I were at Paramount yesterday, I just had to stalk the exact spot where the finale was filmed – which was at the corner of Avenue A and 3rd Street, just southwest of Stage 23, in front of the studio’s former film vaults.

    Big THANK YOU to Chas, from ItsFilmedThere, and fellow stalker “Diggy” for finding this location!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The final scene from The Hills was filmed in front of 2110 and 2172 North Beachwood Drive in Hollywood.  In the scene, Brody parked in front of the apartment building located at 2107 North Beachwood Drive, Kristin walked out of the house located at 2117 Beachwood Terrace, and the two said good-bye to each other in front of the house located at 2110 North Beachwood Drive.  The scene which took place on the Paramount lot was filmed on the corner of Avenue A and 3rd Street, just southwest of Stage 23.