Tag: reality television shows

  • Kyle Richards’ Former Palm Springs House


    Last weekend, the Grim Cheaper and I once again headed out to Palm Springs for a little weekend getaway and while there I, of course, just had to drag him out to stalk the vacation home formerly belonging to Kyle Richards and her husband, Mauricio Umansky, which was featured in the Season 1 episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills titled “Chocolate Louboutins”.  I found this location thanks to a Real Housewives message board on the Survivor Sucks website and wrongly assumed that it was going to be quite the easy little stalk.  And I should mention here that I absolutely CANNOT stand Kyle Richards (I think the woman is just a big ol’ bully who completely manipulates her older sister, child star Kim Richards), but because I love the show, I was absolutely dying to stalk the residence.  So, the GC and I headed right on over there while killing time before grabbing dinner with his boss our first night in the Desert.  Things did not turn out quite as planned, though, as we arrived at our destination only to discover that it was located inside of the private and gated Indian Wells Country Club!  Yes, this particular stalk was a definite fail!

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    As you can see in the above photographs, the only part of the neighborhood visible from the street is the guard shack.

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    Sadly, not much can be see via aerial views, either.


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    In the “Chocolate Louboutins” episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle and Mauricio invite their friends Lisa Vanderpump and Ken Todd, as well as Kyle’s sister Kim and her four children to spend Easter Weekend at their family home in the Coachella Valley.  And while it is stated in the episode that Kyle’s house is located in Palm Desert, in actuality, the property is located just east of Palm Desert in the city of Indian Wells, directly behind the Indian Wells Resort Hotel, which, as it just so happens, was founded by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, but that is another story for another post.   Winking smile

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    In the episode, Kyle says that the 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, which was built in 1985 and measures 1,503 square feet, originally belonged to her mother, but that it is now used as a family home.  There has been much speculation online, though, that it was possibly this residence that Kim was referring to in the Season 1 finale episode titled “Unforgivable” when she screamed at Kyle, “You stole my god-damn house!”  According to some of the gossip on several Real Housewives message boards (and please keep in mind that it is just that, gossip, and that I have no idea whatsoever if any of it is true), Kim at one time owned the Indian Wells house and that somehow Kyle got the rights to it after their mother passed away or possibly that Kim paid for property with her childhood earnings and then when the mother passed away, the home was divided up among all three Richards sisters.  Who knows what the actual story is, but let me tell you, I am absolutely DYING to know!  You can check out some of the message board gossip about the house here and here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Kyle Richard’s former vacation house, from the “Chocolate Louboutins” episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, is located at 45389 Club Drive in Indian Wells.  The home is located inside of the Indian Wells Country Club, which is a private, gated community, so please do not trespass.

  • Teri Hatcher’s Red Carpet Charity Yard Sale


    This past Sunday morning, Miss Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, called me up to let me know that she had just found out about a celebrity fundraising event in Santa Monica that was being hosted by actress Teri Hatcher.  So, much to the Grim Cheaper’s chagrin, I immediately hopped right out of bed, ran a brush through my hair, threw on some make-up, grabbed my car keys, and dragged him right on over to the West Side to stalk it.  To say that my life has changed for the better since meeting Pinky this past Valentine’s Day would be a rather gross understatement!  I have met more celebrities and gone to more celebrity events in the past three months since knowing her than in the previous ten-plus years that I have lived in Los Angeles put together!  And I have made a great friend in the process, to boot! 


    Teri’s fundraiser, which took place at the Tiato Market Garden Café, was a celebrity yard sale benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (my girl Jen Aniston’s favorite charity) and the RockSTAR music education program, and featured for sale “gently used” clothing, handbags, and furnishings formerly owned by such celebrities as Dancing with the Stars judge Carrie Ann Inaba, actress Goldi Hawn, Glee’s Jayma Mays, and reality star Kourtney Kardashian.  The yard sale was a very relaxed, low-key event and while there were several journalists on hand to document the goings-on, the only stalkers in attendance were me, Pinky, our friend Mike, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and his friend Erica.  The autograph hounds, or the “graphers” as Pinky likes to call them, were thankfully nowhere to be found, which meant that I did not get pushed or shoved once the entire morning!  Yay!


    The first celeb to arrive on the scene was reality star Bob Guiney, who was a contestant on Trista Rehn’s season of The Bachelorette in 2003 and then later starred on the fourth season of The Bachelor.  Bob was SUPER nice and remembered Pinky from when he had met her a few months prior and even joked with her about how he had kissed too many women during his Bachelor stint.


    Next up was James Denton whom I have heard on countless occasions is one of the nicest celebrities out there and I am very happy to report that he did NOT disappoint!  James was an absolute sweetheart and was very outgoing and friendly.  Love, love, love him!


    The next celeb to arrive was Mark Moses, aka Desperate Housewives’ Paul Young, and he was also SUPER nice and friendly in person, which was quite the shock to my system being that his character is so completely cold and devious.  My brain almost could not process talking to him because he had a smile on his face the whole time which was such a huge departure from how I am used to seeing him on TV.



    Also in attendance was Tamra Barney from The Real Housewives of Orange County . . .


    . . .  who was GORGEOUS in person (she reminded me a lot of Emily Maynard from this past season of The Bachelor);


    Natasha Alam from True Blood, whom I met a couple of weeks ago at the Decisions Movie Premiere and Celebration of Corey Haim’s Life event;


    and Estella Warren from the 2001 Planet of the Apes re-make . . .

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    . . . whose dress I was absolutely obsessed with!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE dresses that have pockets!!!!  And the color!  Sigh!  So incredibly adorable.

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    Teri Hatcher came out to walk the red carpet towards the end of the media portion of the event and she was ABSOLUTELY MOBBED by photographers and journalists, making it impossible to get close enough to her to ask for a picture.  She was STUNNING in person, though, and SO INCREDIBLY TINY!


    After about thirty minutes of watching Teri get mobbed by media people everywhere she went, Pinky and I resigned ourselves to not getting a photograph with her.  But, as fate would have it, when we stepped inside of the restaurant to use the bathroom before leaving the event, we encountered Teri standing all by herself!  Pinky and I each quickly posed for a pic with her and then she was off!  Talk about your perfect timing!  Had we been five seconds earlier or five seconds later we would have missed her entirely.  This was one celebrity photograph that was definitely meant to be!  Smile


    I also randomly ran into Josh Sussman, who plays blogger/Rachel-Berry-lover Jacob Ben Israel on Glee, this weekend just after hitting up a Starbucks in Burbank.  Unlike all of my other encounters with actors from Glee, Josh truly could NOT have been nicer and happily posed for a pic with me and even waited patiently while I dug around in my purse trying to find my camera.  Yay!  All in all, it was definitely a FABULOUS weekend.  Smile


    On a stalking side note – Marci, the SUPER sweet owner of Lula Mae, my very favorite store, just gifted me with the notebook pictured above, which I think is just about the cutest thing ever!  I stop by Lula Mae at least four times a week (what can I say, I am addicted to the place!) and spend quite a bit of time chatting with Marci about my various stalking adventures, so while she was out shopping this past weekend she spotted the “Actors I Met and Liked” notebook and immediately thought of me.  Love it, love it, love it!  I think I am going to have to add an “Actors I Met and Disliked” section to the book, too, as there are quite a few of those, as well.  Winking smile


    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for telling me about this event!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Tiato Market Garden Café, where Teri Hatcher’s Red Carpet Charity Yard Sale was held, is located at 2700 Colorado Boulevard in Santa Monica.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • Villa Blanca Restaurant from “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”


    A couple of weeks ago while out doing some stalking in the Beverly Hills area, the Grim Cheaper and I found ourselves hungry so I suggested grabbing a bite to eat at Villa Blanca, the Italian eatery owned by The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Lisa Vanderpump and her husband Ken Todd.  Because Lisa is my favorite Housewife (actually, truth be told, there are only three Housewives that I like on the show – Lisa Vanderpump, Camille Grammer, and Adrienne Maloof-Nassif – the rest of the women I absolutely CANNOT stand), Villa Blanca has long been at the top of my To-Stalk list.  Because the restaurant is on the pricier side, though, never in a million years did I ever think the GC would agree to dine there.  But the stars must have been seriously aligned that particular evening because, even after looking at the menu and taking a gander at the prices, he happily acquiesced.


    Villa Blanca was actually designed by Lisa, who said, “It’s going to be sexy, white, clean, comfortable and inspired . . . gorgeous art, stylish furnishings and creative music selection will bring life and style to the new space.  The ambiance will be extremely important to the experience of eating at Villa Blanca – flowers, lighting, chairs, staff – every aspect will look great.  If the ambiance isn’t great, you might as well stay home and order take-out.”  And she definitely made good on her promise because Villa Blanca is not only beautiful, but it is also extremely unique, comfortable, and intimate.  As you can see in the above photograph, there are several tucked-away nooks and crannies featuring small tables and cushy couches covered in pillows, which gives off the sense that you are dining in someone’s living room and not in a public restaurant.

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    Villa Blanca’s distinctive menu, which was created by executive chef Francis Dimitrius, the former head chef at Koi, features Italian standards made unique thanks to an Asian flair.  The GC and I opted for the Lobster Crisp appetizer, which consisted of mini-corn-taco shells stuffed with Maine lobster salad and guacamole, and I have to say that they were absolutely OUTSTANDING.  In fact, they were easily my favorite part of the entire meal!  YUM!  For my entrée I chose the Japanese Mushroom Chicken – a chicken breast covered with marsala wine sauce and accompanied by shimeji, shiitake, and oyster mushrooms – and I just about had a heart attack over it, it was so good!  The GC had the Sweet & Spicy Butterflied Shrimp which he also absolutely devoured.  The Villa Blanca staff was also incredibly nice and accommodating and answered all of my silly little questions about the filming of The Real Housewives.  I honestly cannot say enough good things about this restaurant!  I loved, loved, loved the place and cannot recommend stalking it enough!


    It did not take long for celebrities to discover Villa Blanca.  Just a few of the famous names who have been spotted there recently include Stephanie Pratt, Dancing with the Stars’ Karina Smirnoff, Dakota Fanning, David Hasselhoff, AnnaLynne McCord, Twilight’s Kiowa Gordon, Paris Hilton, Phoebe Price, LaToya Jackson, Paula Abdul, Sophie Monk, Eva Longoria, David Boreanaz, Patrick Dempsey, Chace Crawford, Dustin Hoffman, Sylvester Stallone, Lo Bosworth, Regis Philbin, Kathy Lee Gifford, Gerard Butler, and Kim and Kris Kardashian.  Unfortunately, the GC and I did not spot any celebs while we were dining, but a couple of paparazzi did stop by at one point during the evening and poked their noses around to see if anyone famous was on the premises.  Love it!


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    Villa Blanca was featured regularly on TRHOBH, most notably in the episode titled “Payback’s a Bitch . . . Just Ask Your Husband”, in the scene in which Lisa hosts a fashion show fundraiser for the Children’s Burn Foundation.

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    On the series, Lisa was regularly shown displaying HUGE arrangements of fresh flowers in various places around the restaurant and I was VERY happy to see that, in real life, there were fresh flowers situated all around the eatery, as well.

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    Villa Blanca was also featured in the Season 6 episode of The Hills titled “This is Goodbye” in the scene in which Kristin Cavallari, Audrina Patridge, and Heidi Montag grab lunch and discuss Heidi’s bizarre relationship with her husband Spencer Pratt. You can check out some pictures of the scene being filmed on the Zimbio website here.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Villa Blanca from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is located at 9601 Brighton Way in Beverly Hills.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • InvenTORI – Tori Spelling’s New Store


    This past Friday afternoon, I just about died upon opening up the latest issue of US Magazine and reading in “The Records” section that, on Valentine’s Day, Beverly Hills, 90210-star Tori Spelling and her husband, Dean McDermott, had held the grand opening for their new antique store, InvenTORI (love it!), on Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks.  How in the world had I not known about this previously????  Ironically enough, fellow stalker Lavonna sent me a text just a few minutes after I had finished reading the US blurb in which she told me that I absolutely HAD to stalk Tori’s new shop.  So, much to the Grim Cheaper’s chagrin, I added the place to my To-Stalk list and dragged him right on out there this past Monday afternoon.  I was extremely sad to discover upon arriving, though, that the store was, in fact, closed.  Because no hours were posted, I am not sure if the boutique, which also sells products for children and pets, is shuttered each and every Monday or if it was closed due to the Presidents’ Day holiday.  Whatever the reason, though, I was not able to purchase anything while I was there which was a complete and total bummer!


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    Thankfully though, I was able to snap a few pictures of the shop through InvenTORI’s front windows and, as you can see in the above photographs, while the store is extremely cute, the place seems to be rather sparsely stocked.  The GC and I were joking that for a place named “InvenTORI”, it certainly didn’t have a lot of it!  Winking smile  I was actually quite surprised that Tori chose Sherman Oaks as the site of her new commercial venture, as I would have figured she would be more inclined to open a boutique in Beverly Hills or on the uber-trendy Third Street in West L.A., but as she said in an interview with the ShermanOaksPatch website, “We love this neighborhood – it’s hip and happening.  We love the Valley – we’re family people, and we want everybody to come into the store.”  A few other celebrities besides the McDermotts own boutiques in the same area, including Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin who own Belle Grey, which is located just a few storefronts east of InvenTORI, and Claudia Wells, who played Jennifer Parker in the first Back to the Future movie, who owns the upscale Armani Wells men’s clothing store, which is located just about two miles east of Tori’s new shop.


    Tori has apparently been an antiques collector for much of her life and, as she recently told People Magazine, “I realized I no longer had enough space to keep up with all of my finds so that’s how I came up with the store concept of InvenTORI.  I can now share my collection with others.”  According to the ShermanOaksPatch, Tori will apparently be working at the store from time to time, because she is too much of a “control freak” to let anyone else take the helm.  So you know what that means!!!  I am so going to have to go back to re-stalk the place!  Smile  You can see photographs of InvenTORI’s grand opening, during which champagne and cookies were served (love it!), on the Imnotobsessed blog here.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: InvenTORI, Tori Spelling’s new antique/children’s/pet shop, is located at 13826 Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks.  You can visit the store’s official Facebook page here.  Located just a block east, at 13812 Ventura Boulevard, is Belle Grey, the boutique owned by Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin.  And just a little under two miles east, at 12404 Ventura Boulevard in Studio City, is Armani Wells, the men’s clothing store owned by actress Claudia Wells, who played Jennifer Parker in the first Back to the Future movie.

  • Gas Works Park from “10 Things I Hate About You”


    Another location that I stalked while visiting the Pacific Northwest this past May – and yes, there are still quite a few of them that I have yet to blog about – was Seattle’s famously unique Gas Works Park, the spot where Patrick Verona (aka Heath Ledger) took Kat Stratford (aka Julia Stiles) to play a game of paintball in the 1999 movie 10 Things I Hate About You.  I found this location, as well as countless other 10 Things I Hate About You locations, from fellow stalker Owen, who has managed to compile a mind-bogglingly massive list of Seattle-area filming locales over the past few years.  And I can honestly say that Gas Works Park is easily the most interesting and unique of all of the locations that I stalked while vacationing in Washington State.  Actually, come to think of it, the park is quite possibly the most unique and interesting of all the locations I have ever visited in my entire stalking career!  The place is truly incredible. 

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    Gas Works Park, as the name implies, was originally a gasification plant established by the Seattle Gas Company in 1906 to manufacture gas from coal.   The plant was one of Seattle’s main sources of power until 1956 when the city began using natural, instead of “town” – or synthetically produced – gas, at which point the plant was shuttered.  In 1962, the City of Seattle purchased the property for a cool $1,340,000 with the intention of turning the space into a public park.  Enter award-winning landscape architect Richard Haag who was brought in to transform the area into a place of recreation and beauty, which he indeed did, later winning the American Society of Landscape Architects Presidents Award Design of Excellence for the project.  In an unprecedented move, because the property was the only gasification plant still in existence in the U.S., Haag decided to preserve the seemingly-ugly and utilitarian equipment and incorporate them into his park design.  And while a park that features old gas generator towers and rusted boiler rooms might not sound appealing, what Haag left us with is a truly stunning mix of industry and nature. 


    So stunning, in fact, that it has become a popular Seattle wedding venue, as unlikely as that might seem.  As you can see in the above photograph, one was even being set up while we were stalking the place.

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    Part of what makes the 20.5-acre park, which is both a Seattle City Landmark and a Washington State Landmark, so spectacular is its amazing views of Lake Union, Downtown Seattle, and the Space Needle.

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    And, as fellow stalker Kerry pointed out, the park also boasts a perfect water-side view of the Sleepless in Seattle houseboat.  So incredibly cool!

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    Thanks to the park’s unique architecture, it should come as no surprise that filmmakers have returned there time and time again to shoot various productions.  In 10 Things I Hate About You, Patrick takes Kat to Gas Works Park to play paintball after she sneaks him out of detention and it is there that the couple shares their first kiss.  In real life, the park does not actually feature a paintball area, though.

    You can watch the 10 Things I Hate About You paintball scene by clicking above.

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    In the 1992 movie Singles, Gas Works Park is the location where Linda Powell (aka The Closer’s Kyra Sedgwick) says yes to Steve Dunne’s (aka Campbell Scott’s) marriage proposal.

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    In the 1989 movie Three Fugitives, the park is the spot where Ned Perry’s (aka Martin Short’s) daughter, Meg (aka Sarah Rowland Doroff), speaks for the first time.


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    Gas Works Park was also featured twice on the reality television series The Amazing Race.  It first appeared as the finish line for the final competition in Season 3 and was later used as the starting point in the very first competition in Season 10 (pictured above).


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for telling me about this location and to fellow stalker Kerry and her husband Jim for taking me there.  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    10 Things Paintball Location

    Stalk It: Gas Works Park, from 10 Things I Hate About You, is located at 2101 North Northlake Way in Seattle, Washington.  The area where the paintball scene was filmed is denoted with a pink “X” in the above aerial view.  The park is open daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.  You can visit the official Gas Works Park website here.