Tag: Picket Fences

  • Jill’s Doctor’s Office from “Picket Fences”


    Hindsight being 20/20, I really should have studied architecture in college.  Expertise in that area would have served me well, not only in my hunts for various locations, but in writing about them, as well.  I can’t tell you how many times a day I scour the internet and/or pester my friend/guest poster extraordinaire Michael, who does have a background in the subject, for help in identifying design terminology.  (I remember “crenelated” being a particularly tough find while writing this post.)  Needless to say, I’ve still got a lot to learn.  Case in point – up until just recently I would have considered the property above to be Victorian in style.   But it’s actually American Foursquare, which, per Curbed, is defined by a rectangular base, wide front porch, and lack of exterior and interior ornamentation.  The latter characteristic is a “direct response to the heavy woodwork of the Victorian era,” so that shows you what I know!  Style misidentification aside, I was thrilled to learn about the residence, which fellow stalker Brad recently identified as the office where Dr. Jill Brock (Kathy Baker) treated the zany townspeople of Rome, Wisconsin on fave show Picket Fences.  Known as the Tillapaugh House in real life, it has quite an interesting history!


    Built in 1906 for New York transplant Gilbert Tillapaugh and his wife, Elizabeth, the stately property originally stood a couple blocks northwest of its current location at 129 South Primrose Avenue in Monrovia.  It was moved – yes, picked up and moved! – in 1978 to make way for a new apartment complex.  In looking at the photos of the home at its initial Primrose Ave. location here and here, namely the large drainage grates in the sidewalk visible on either side of it, as compared to current Street View imagery, I believe the dwelling was formerly situated in the spot where the white box is below.


    In 1951, the Tillapaugh House wound up in the hands of the American Red Cross, who utilized it as the headquarters of their Monrovia chapter.  It was amidst the group’s long tenure there that the property was relocated to 200 East Lime Avenue.  You can check out some photos of it in the process of being set up at its new location here and here.


    After more than four decades of occupation, the Red Cross moved out in 1995.  Four years later, the Tillapaugh House was acquired by the Monrovia Redevelopment Agency and continued to be used as offices.  The historic residence was then, sadly – and almost unbelievably –  relegated to storage space when the State of California suspended such agencies in 2012.  Without a proper use for it, the city eventually put the property on the market in 2016.  At the time, it lacked a shower or bathtub and only featured a single half-bath on the lower level.  Talk about a fixer-upper!



    Some buyers with foresight snatched the place up and did a complete revamp, transforming it back to its original state as a single-family home.  Today, the sightly pad, which is a City of Monrovia Historic Landmark, boasts 3 bedrooms, 3 baths (2 with standalone tubs!), a den, 2,331 square feet of living space, countless original details, a tiled fireplace, hardwood flooring throughout, chair and rail moldings, a 0.18-acre lot, and a detached 1-car garage.


    You can check out some interior photos of it here.



    The exterior of the Tillapaugh House appeared regularly on Picket Fences.  

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    Despite a major change in color scheme and the addition of some foliage, the property still looks much the same today as it did on television screens in the mid-90s (minus the snow, of course).



    Not only was the home utilized in establishing shots of Jill’s office on the series, but some on-location filming took place there as well, in episodes such as “Rights of Passage” . . .


    . . . and “Sugar & Spice.”


    Only the exterior of the Tillapaugh House was featured on Picket Fences.  Beginning with the pilot episode, all interior scenes involving Jill’s quaint and homey office were shot on a studio-built set.



    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Brad for finding this location!  Smile

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine, and Discover Los Angeles.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Tillapaugh House, aka Jill’s office from Picket Fences, is located at 200 East Lime Avenue in MonroviaThe Brock residence from the show is just about a mile away at 211 Highland Place.

  • The Brock House from “Picket Fences”


    I was recently asked how I come up with new material to write about.  My answer?  I am a huge consumer of content!  All content – movies, television shows, magazines, books, blogs, websites, podcasts, documentaries, etc. etc. etc.  I eat them all up!  (In fact, I was tipped off to two Haunted Hollywood locations via old newspaper articles while doing research for this very post!)  Many times, too, inspiration comes from fellow stalkers.  Case in point – a longtime reader named Brad recently messaged to ask if I had ever done any stalking of the David E. Kelley series Picket Fences, which ran on CBS from 1992 to 1996.  The quirky family drama/small-town police procedural, largely shot in Monrovia, was one of my favorite shows back in the day, but somehow I hadn’t thought about it in years!  I had actually stalked the main house from the series when I first moved to Los Angeles in 2000, years before I had a blog.  It was so long ago, though, that I no longer had the address listed in any of my files.  Brad was kind enough to provide it to me, along with a few others, which I was thrilled to run out and stalk.  I was even more thrilled to discover shortly thereafter that Season 1 is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime and promptly settled in for a watch.  Despite being almost three decades old, Picket Fences really holds up!  I’m enjoying it just as much today as I did when I was a teen.  And being so familiar with the L.A. area this time around has made revisiting the show even more of a joy!  You can expect quite a few PF locations to be popping up here in the coming weeks.  And what better spot to kick things off with than the supposed Rome, Wisconsin home where Sherriff Jimmy Brock (Tom Skerritt) lived with his wife, Dr. Jill Brock (Kathy Baker), and their three children, Kimberly (Holly Marie Combs), Matthew (Justin Shenkarow) and Zachary (Adam Wylie), on the whimsical series.


    In real life, the handsome 1924 Colonial sits on a leafy street just north of Old Town Monrovia.  The 4-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,844-square-foot property last sold in 1971, which is a lucky break for us stalkers as the lack of changeover has resulted in very few alterations to the exterior.  Outside of two large trees which have since been removed from the front yard, the place is a virtual time capsule from the Picket Fences days!



    In an atypical move for a television show, no location changes were made by the network once Picket Fences got picked up by CBS.  The Brock house remained the same from the pilot through the end of the series, as did the police station, Jill’s office, and the town courthouse – all of which I will be reporting on soon, don’t you worry!



    Not only did the property appear regularly in establishing shots of the Brock residence, but some on-location filming took place there as well, including in the Season 1 episode titled “Thanksgiving” (pictured below).



    The pad actually seems a bit of an odd choice to portray the main house on the show considering there’s not a picket fence in sight (then or now), as many readers have pointed out.  You’d think at the very least the production crew would have temporarily installed one on the various shoot days that took place there.



    Though I have not been able to track down any interior photos of the dwelling, I am fairly certain it was never utilized on Picket Fences, not even in the pilot.  From the outset, the Brock house appears to have been nothing more than a set built inside of a soundstage, first at Santa Clarita Studios and then Ren-Mar Studios Hollywood (now Red Studios Hollywood).



    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Brad for reminding me about this location!  Smile

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine, and Discover Los Angeles.

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Brock residence from Picket Fences is located at 211 Highland Place in Monrovia.

  • The Mills View House from “Picket Fences”


    Well, my fellow stalkers, it is finally that time of year again, the month I look forward to all year long – October!  With it comes fall leaves, cooler temperatures, and my favorite holiday of them all, Halloween.  And you know what that means – I will once again be devoting the entire month of blog posts to locations having to do with Haunted Hollywood!  First up is the Mills View house, a Monrovia-area property that I learned about way back in March from a journalist named Toni Momberger who interviewed me for an Inland Valley Daily Bulletin newspaper article she was writing about famous movie homes.  Toni told me that she had toured the huge, Victorian-style abode as part of her research for the article and she was shocked to discover that I had never before heard of the place.  As fate would have it, the house had been featured prominently in not one, but two spooky productions over the years, so I figured it would be the perfect start to my Haunted Hollywood theme and I dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out to stalk it a few weeks back.

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    The 5-bedroom, 2-bath, 3,140-square-foot Mills View house, which was built in 1887 by architects Luther Reed Blair and Uriah Zimmerman, was originally situated on a 5-acre plot of land on what was then the corner of Banana Avenue (now Hillcrest Boulevard) and Melrose Avenue.  The Eastlake-Victorian-style home was commissioned by William N. Monroe, the founder of Monrovia, as a wedding gift for his son, Milton Monroe, and his new bride, Mary Nevada.  Construction on the property began in May of 1887, shortly after Milton and his wife were married, and was completed a mere seven months later.  Sadly, the Monroes divorced a short time after tying the knot and ended up selling their wedding home to Colonel John H. Mills and his wife, Elizabeth Cook Mills, in 1893.  The Mills dubbed their new residence “Mills View” because on a clear day the island of Catalina was supposedly visible from one of the third floor windows.  Unfortunately, Colonel Mills passed away only three months after moving into the home and it went through several ownership changes after Elizabeth subsequently died in 1905.  Mills View, which boasts numerous stained glass windows, a third floor attic, hardwood flooring throughout, and five fireplaces with original tilework, became a Monrovia City Landmark on June 4, 1996.


    According to this Monrovia Patch article, Mills View has appeared in over 20 productions since 1980 alone. Sadly though, I know of only two – both of which, as I mentioned above, fit the thriller genre.  And the property definitely does give off a spooky vibe in person – I think primarily due to its gargantuan size – so it is not very hard to see why location scouts have flocked to it over the years.


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    In the Season 1 Halloween-themed episode of fave show Picket Fences titled “Remembering Rosemary”, Mills View was where Rosemary Bauer committed suicide ten years prior by jumping out of a third-floor window, and where Sheriff Jimmy Brock (aka Tom Skerritt) and his deputies Maxine Stewart (aka Lauren Holly) and Kenny Lacos (aka Costas Mandylor) returned to investigate the case after deciding to re-open it a few days before Halloween.

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    I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the house, which you can see some photographs of here, was used in the episode.

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    Mills View was also the primary location used in the 1986 horror flick House.  In the movie, it was the haunted property that mystery-writer Roger Cobb (aka William Katt) inherited from his Aunt Elizabeth (aka Susan French).  According to the House production notes, for the onsite filming, which lasted two weeks, production designer Gregg Fonseca repainted the exterior of the property and  added Victorian gingerbread detailing, a few spires, a wrought-iron fence, and a sidewalk.  At the rear of the residence, he covered up the home’s real life clapboard siding with a fake brick edifice and added some much-needed landscaping.

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    No filming took place inside of the actual home, though.  For all of the interior scenes, a replica of the house, which included two full stories, a living room, a den, a staircase, and three upstairs bedrooms, was built on a soundstage at Ren Mar Studios in Hollywood.

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    And I am fairly certain that the pool shown in the movie was either a fake built on the property solely for the filming or that a second location was used, as Mills View does not currently appear to have a pool.


    Two very lucky British House fans were given a personalized tour of Mills View last year and wrote a great blog post about it which you can check out here.


    On a Halloween side note – I was finally able to dig up a photograph of me dressed up as Agent Dana Scully for Halloween one year during college, which I had mentioned in the blog post I wrote about meeting David Duchovny back in June.  The only picture I could find, though, was not a very good one as my eyes are closed in it.  Ah well.  That is my good friend Alex, who was dressed up a Parrothead, posing with me.

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    While going through boxes at my parents’ new house looking for the Dana Scully picture, I also stumbled upon my Fox Mulder doll, which I could NOT have been more excited about!  I am so going to have to stalk DD again and get him to sign the doll for me.  How incredibly cool would that be??

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Mills View, from the movie House and the “Remembering Rosemary” episode of Picket Fences, is located at 329 Melrose Avenue in Monrovia.