Tag: Nicole Eggert

  • The Former Site of the “Charles in Charge” House

    Charles in Charge House (5 of 10)

    In November, a fellow stalker named Fatri posted a comment on my site asking if I had any information on the Pembroke/Powell house from the 1980’s television series Charles in Charge.  I had actually always wondered about the location, but had yet to do any research on it, so I sat right down to start.  I quickly came across an IMDB thread in which it was said that the Pembroke/Powell residence was formerly located on an unnamed side street across from Universal Studios, but was demolished years ago to make way for the parking lot of the Universal City Red Line Station.  The thread also mentioned that the house had been used in the Season 4 episode of Knight Rider titled “KITTnap.”  It was thanks to that episode that I found the home’s exact former address.  Come to find out, though, the location was not actually a home at all, but a condominium complex.  But more on that later.


    On Charles in Charge, the “home” where college student Charles (Scott Baio) worked as a live-in babysitter for first the Pembroke family and then the Powell family was said to be located at 10 Barrington Court in New Brunswick, New Jersey.  The establishing shots pictured below were used in the beginning of the opening credits throughout the series’ five-year run.  And now that I really look at them, I am surprised it never occurred to me that the place was not a house.   As you can see, the structure is very obviously an apartment/condominium building.  In my defense, though, the images of the building were shown very, very briefly each week and because Charles in Charge aired in the pre-DVR days, it was tough to do much pausing.  I find it very odd that producers chose to use the location to represent what was supposed to be the Pembroke and Powell’s large, upscale residence.  Regardless, I cannot tell you how heartbroken I was to learn that the complex had been demolished, especially after wondering about its location for so long.



    In “KITTnap”, the Charles in Charge “house” was the apartment building where Karen Forester (Janine Turner), Michael Knight’s (David Hasselhoff) latest flame, lived.



    In the episode, a street sign reading “10700 Bluffside Drive” was visible.


    As was a very blurry image of the building’s name, Universal Park.  From there, it was not hard to discern that the Charles in Charge “house” was formerly located at 10711 Bluffside Drive in Studio City.


    A view of the NBCUniversal building, the Sheraton Universal and the Hilton Los Angeles/Universal City were also visible in the background of “KITTnap.”


    Charles in Charge House (2 of 10)

    A matching view taken from the Universal City Red Line Station parking lot is pictured below.


    Charles in Charge House (1 of 10)

    Thanks to Knight Rider Online, I learned that the Season 2 episode titled “Diamonds Aren’t a Girl’s Best Friend” was also filmed at the Universal Park building.  In the episode, the site was again home to another of Michael’s flames.  The guy seems to have had a new girlfriend in every single show!



    A much clearer view of the Universal Park signage was visible in “Diamonds Aren’t a Girl’s Best Friend.”


    As was an address number of “10711.”



    According to a 1996 Daily News article, when the final location was chosen for the new Universal City Red Line Station, Universal Park homeowners “sought condemnation” for the building in order to “avoid living” directly across from an MTA parking lot.  By February of 1996, all of the units in the building had been vacated and Universal Park was demolished shortly thereafter.  A 1980 view of the site from Historic Aerials is pictured below.   Universal Park is denoted with a pink arrow.


    Pictured below is that same 1980 aerial view with an overlay of the current street layout on top of it.  As you can see, during the course of the MTA construction, Bluffside Drive was moved quite a bit to make room for the Red Station parking lot.


    A current view of that same spot is pictured below with Universal Park’s former location denoted with a pink “X.”


    When looking at my photographs of the site, I can’t help but be reminded of the “Big Yellow Taxi” lyrics  – “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.”

    Charles in Charge House (3 of 10)

    Charles in Charge House (7 of 10)

    For more stalking fun, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.  And you can check out my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Charles in Charge House (4 of 10)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Universal Park condominium building, aka the Charles in Charge “house,” was formerly located at 10711 Bluffside Drive in Studio City.  The site is now part of the Universal City Red Line Station parking lot.

  • The “Decisions” Movie Premiere and Celebration of Corey Haim’s Life


    This past Sunday night, fellow celebrity stalker and photo-bug extraordinaire Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, invited me to do some stalking of the premiere of Corey Haim’s final movie, Decisions, at the Writers Guild Theatre in Beverly Hills.  I could NOT have been more excited to attend because, as I have mentioned quite a few times before on this site, I have been a HUGE fan of Corey’s ever since 1988 when License to Drive first premiered.  Because the event was also a celebration of the late actor’s life, many of his longtime friends, as well as most of the actors who starred in Decisions, were in attendance. 


    The Writer’s Guild Theatre is a very small venue and I just about fell over when one of the event coordinators invited Pinky, the Grim Cheaper, and me to stand INSIDE where there was a small fan area set up just off of the red carpet.  So incredibly cool!  And, amazingly enough, there were only about five stalkers besides ourselves there so we had fabulous access to most of the stars.



    The event was being hosted by Haim’s longtime friend Corey Feldman, who I have to admit I was not at all a fan of when The Two Coreys was on the air.  But I really appreciate how hard Corey has worked to honor his fallen friend by keeping his memory alive in Hollywood ever since his untimely passing.  And I am very happy to report that he could NOT have been nicer in person.  Corey seemed to be a genuinely kind man and took a lot of time to speak with and take pictures with each of his fans. 

    Decisions-Movie-Premiere-Celebration-Of-Corey-Haims-Life-(208-of-338) Decisions-Movie-Premiere-Celebration-Of-Corey-Haims-Life-(210-of-338) 

    According to this recent EW.com article about the event, Feldman was wearing a jacket that Haim had once given him.


    The premiere was mostly made up of 80’s stars, which I, of course, could NOT have been more thrilled about!  I was most excited about meeting actress Kristy Swanson, whom I absolutely LOVED in the Buffy, the Vampire Slayer movie. 



    I have to say that it was pretty cool being able to tell her that I dressed up like her character Buffy Summers one year for Halloween back when I was in high school.  🙂


    I was also floored to see singer/actor Jeremy Jordan, whom I recognized from the ending credits of the second season of Beverly Hills, 90210.  For those of you out there who did not have every episode of the series recorded like I did and have no idea what on earth it is I am talking about right now, at the very end of each show Tori Spelling was shown walking up to the Peach Pit’s jukebox, pointing to a song and saying “Jeremy Jordan, all right!”, after which his video for “The Right Kind of Love” would come on the screen.  Pinky later informed me that Jeremy had also starred as Guy Perkins in fave movie Never Been Kissed, which I hadn’t before realized!  So incredibly cool!


    I just about died when Julie McCullough, who played Mike Seaver’s (aka Kirk Cameron’s) fiancé Julie Costello during the fourth season of Growing Pains, walked in.  I absolutely LOVED Julie on the show and was heartbroken when her character was written off of the series in 1990.  Julie also starred as Trina, the girl who stole Steve Sanders Corvette, in the Season 1 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 titled “Slumber Party”.  Love it!  Seeing so many ‘80s stars in one place put me into serious overload!  I swear, if Tommy Puett had walked in, my head might have just exploded!


    Also in attendance was Donna D’Errico, from Baywatch;


    Nicole Eggert, from Charles in Charge;


    who is seriously pregnant right now!;


    John Marshall Jones from the original Melrose Place and Smart Guy;


    actor Carlos Ramirez, the twin brother of actor Efren Ramirez (aka Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite);


    Jarrod Schulz from the A&E show Storage War$;


    and his wife Brandi Passante, who also appears on the show;


    Sofia Milos from CSI: Miami, who is absolutely GORGEOUS in person;


    Bai Ling, who is easily my mom’s least favorite celebrity, so I just had to get a picture with her Winking smile ;


    Mary Carey, the adult film actress/Celebrity Rehab star who ran for governor of California in 2003; 


    Francisco San Martin, who plays Dario Hernandez on Days of Our Lives;


    Phoebe Price, who the GC was VERY excited about seeing as she is featured daily on his favorite blog, Dlisted;


    Natasha Alam, who plays Yvetta on True Blood;


    and Mike Foy, one of the stars of Decisions.


    All in all it was a great event and I am so incredibly thankful that I got to be a part of it.


    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for inviting me to stalk the Decisions premiere!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Decisions will be released on May 13th.  You can visit the movie’s official website here.