Tag: Nick Wechsler

  • The Blind Donkey from “Revenge”

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    I stalk so many places, typically in quick succession, that oftentimes a few get lost in the shuffle.  Such was the case with The Blind Donkey, an Old Town Pasadena whiskey bar that I visited back in April, shortly before the Grim Cheaper and I headed off to New York, and then promptly forgot about until this morning when I was going through my many stalking photographs.  The site made an appearance during Season 4 of fave show Revenge.  I still have yet to watch the fourth and final season of the ABC series (I really need to get on that), but had scanned through the episode titled “Repercussions” to make screen captures for my January post about The L.A. Hotel Downtown.  While doing so, I spotted The Blind Donkey in a scene and, though I had never actually set foot in the watering hole at the time, recognized it immediately.


    The spot that now houses The Blind Donkey has been the site of countless eateries over the years.  I never dined at any of them when I lived in Pasadena, but I did walk and drive by the space on a fairly regular basis when shopping in Old Town.  I even caught a movie being filmed on the premises once, so the place is quite memorable to me.  More on that later, though.

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    The Blind Donkey from Revenge-1120480

    The Blind Donkey opened its doors on November 7th, 2012 (my mom’s birthday!).  Prior to that time, the space housed Café Atlantic, then Brenart Café Restaurant Gallery, then Brenart Restaurant & Wine Bar (similar name to its predecessor, but a different owner), then Dish Bistro & Bar.  Like I said, it has been through a large succession of tenants in a short period of time.  It looks like The Blind Donkey is here to stay, though.

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    The Blind Donkey from Revenge-1120472

    Though the establishment boasts several backers, including Ryan Sweeney (the restaurateur behind The Surly Goat, Der Wolfskopf, and Verdugo Bar), The Blind Donkey was actually the brainchild of Pasadena native/whiskey aficionado John Bower.

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    Blind Donkey Revenge

    The watering hole is known for its large stock of whiskey (over 65 varieties), French fry offerings (The Blind Donkey takes its fries very seriously – there are ten variations on the menu), and hearty fare.  I opted for the Veggie Burger, which came with cheddar cheese, jalapeno ranch (I was a little skeptical about the dressing as I am not a fan of spicy foods, but it turned out to be uh-ma-zing!), sautéed mushrooms and onions, and a homemade pickle.  The bartender who served me could not have been nicer and everything I sampled was fabulous, so it should not have come as a surprise when the space loaded up almost to capacity shortly after I arrived.  Lucky for me, I showed up to grab lunch right when the restaurant opened at 1 p.m. on a Sunday and had the place completely to myself (empty eateries make for better photographs), but within twenty minutes all of the bar seats and most of the tables had been filled.

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    In the “Repercussions” episode of Revenge, Nolan Ross (Gabriel Mann) and Jack Porter (Nick Wechsler) discuss the return of David Clarke (James Tupper) over beers at The Blind Donkey.  Though I had never actually been inside the space at the time, I recognized enough of what was shown outside of the windows to know where filming had taken place.



    I fell in love with the bar’s exposed brick walls and industrial décor on sight and immediately added the place to my To-Stalk list.  I am happy to report that The Blind Donkey is just as striking in person.



    Back when the space housed Brenart Café Restaurant Gallery, it made an appearance in the 2007 action film Live Free or Die Hard.



    It is through the restaurant’s side window that John McClane (Bruce Willis) and Matthew Farrell (Justin Long) watch fake news footage of the United States Capital Building being destroyed.  In the scene, John and Matthew are standing in Kendall Alley, which runs along the west side of the eatery.



    The window that John and Matthew looked through is still intact and is denoted with pink arrows in the images below.

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    The Blind Donkey from Revenge-1120471

    I actually saw the Live Free or Die Hard scene being filmed very briefly.  In late November 2006, I was driving out of the One Colorado parking garage, located just across the street from Brenart Café Restaurant Gallery, and while paying at the ticket booth, looked up and was shocked to see a battered and bloodied Bruce Willis standing in the alley right across from me!  Because there were cars behind me and I was heading back to work (I was a personal assistant at the time), I could not stop to watch, unfortunately.  But the image of Bruce standing mere feet away always stuck with me and brought a smile to my face every time I ventured past the Brenart space.



    While scanning through Live Free or Die Hard to make screen captures for this post, I was floored to spot The Novel Café, from Little Black Book, make an appearance.  I was less than floored when I discovered shortly thereafter that the coffee shop had since closed.  I loved that place!  A Groundwork Coffee Co. now inhabits the spot.  I will definitely be checking it out the next time I am in town.



    The exterior of The Blind Donkey is also seen briefly in the Season 11 episode of Criminal Minds titled “Target Rich.”



    On a random side-note – while scanning through “Target Rich,” I was floored to see that a scene took place outside of my favorite store, Lula Mae, which is located at 100 North Fair Oaks Avenue!



    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Blind Donkey, from the “Repercussions” episode of Revenge, is located at 53 East Union Street in Pasadena.  You can visit the watering hole’s official website here.

  • Porter’s Stowaway Tavern from “Revenge”

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    The Grim Cheaper and I recently became obsessed with Revenge.  We randomly started watching the ABC series on Netflix one night in early September and could NOT stop.  For the next three weeks, the two of us obsessively binge-watched episodes, to the extent that I’m kind of surprised no one staged an intervention.  We headed to L.A. for a few days in the middle of our Revenge-fest and made sure to bring along our Apple TV so that our viewing would not be interrupted.  And we ordered room service every single night while there so that we could stay in front of the television during dinner!  I was relieved when we finally caught up to the series’ current season, as it meant I could go back to living a normal life.  It also meant that I could finally stalk some of the show’s locations, the first of which was the storefront that masquerades as Porter’s Stowaway Tavern.


    Though the Stowaway is said to be located in Montauk, New York, the exterior of the watering hole owned by Jack Porter (Nick Wechsler) on the series can actually be found in a small shopping center named Fisherman’s Village in Marina del Rey.

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    Jacks Stowaway Tavern Revenge (10 of 44)

    The picturesque complex is made up of five brightly-colored New England-style buildings situated along a cobblestone promenade that lines the waterfront.

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    Jacks Stowaway Tavern Revenge (12 of 44)

    And what a stunning waterfront it is!

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    Jacks Stowaway Tavern Revenge (25 of 44)

    Fisherman’s Village is best-known for the tall blue and white lighthouse that sits at its center and houses a walk-up café.

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    Sadly, the 1.2-acre complex started to decline in popularity in the ‘90s and city officials are now looking at redeveloping it or possibly tearing it down and replacing it with a parking lot.  I certainly hope that does not happen.

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    Jacks Stowaway Tavern Revenge (29 of 44)

    Though most of the shops were vacant, I found Fisherman’s Village to be extremely quaint and charming.  I would love to see new businesses move in and revitalize the place!

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    Interestingly, the Revenge pilot was not shot in California, but at various locations in North Carolina.  The Fishy Fishy Café at 106 Yacht Basin Drive in Southport masked as Porter’s Stowaway Tavern in the episode.  (You can check out some photographs of the restaurant being dressed for the shoot here.)  The exterior of the café (pictured below) does bear a striking resemblance to the buildings at Fisherman’s Village, so it is not hard to see why the shopping center was chosen for filming once the series got picked up and production moved to Los Angeles.



    From the second episode of Revenge on, a building that stands in the middle of Fisherman’s Village has masqueraded as the Stowaway.  In real life, the structure houses a bike shop named Daniel’s Bicycle Rentals & Sales, an ice cream stand named Daniel’s Ice Cream, and a few other small offices.


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    The two-story building is only used for faraway establishing shots, though . . .


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    . . . as well as some rare walk-bys.

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    All close-ups of the tavern’s exterior are actually shot on a set.  I was so hoping to see the Stowaway’s entrance . . .



    . . . and patio area, and was shocked to discover upon stalking Fisherman’s Village that they actually only exist inside of a soundstage at MBS Media Campus, where the series is lensed.



    While typically only the western side of the Fisherman’s Village building is shown on Revenge, in the recently-aired Season 4 episode titled “Ashes,” in which the Stowaway catches fire, the opposite side was utilized.


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    The super-nice Daniel’s Bicycle Rentals & Sales employee that I spoke with even sent me a photo of the fire scene being set up.  SO INCREDIBLY COOL!  As you can see, a fake façade was put over a portion of the bottom floor of the building for the shoot.

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    PortersStowawayTavernFire (1 of 1)

    For the filming of the pilot episode, the actual interior of the Fishy Fishy Café was used as the interior of the Stowaway.



    A (much larger) set resembling that interior was then built at MBS Media Campus for all subsequent filming.



    Revenge is hardly the first production to make use of Fisherman’s Village.  In fact, it popped up in another of my favorite shows, The O.C.   In the Season 1 episode titled “The Rescue,” the shopping center was where Marissa Cooper (Mischa Barton), Seth Cohen (Adam Brody), Ryan Atwood (Ben McKenzie) and Summer Roberts (Rachel Bilson) grabbed pizza after helping Marissa to escape from the hospital.  The scene was shot outside of what is now the Hornblower Cruises & Events office.


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    Later that season, in the episode titled “The Ties That Bind,” Seth and Ryan hung out on Seth’s boat which was docked at Fisherman’s Village.



    The center was also the site of Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana Stand on Arrested Development.  On the series, the banana stand was situated directly in front of the Fisherman’s Village lighthouse.


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    And in the Season 3 episode of Greek titled “All Children . . . Grow Up,” Fisherman’s Village stood in for Myrtle Beach, where the CRU kids spent Spring Break.



    On a side-note – I would like to wish my mom a VERY happy birthday today!  I love you!  xo xo xo

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Los Angeles magazine online.

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Porter’s Stowaway Tavern from Revenge, aka Daniel’s Bicycle Rentals & Sales, is located at 13737 Fiji Way, in the Fisherman’s Village shopping center, in Marina del Rey.  “The Rescue” episode of The O.C. was shot outside of the Hornblower Cruises & Events office located at 13755 Fiji Way.  Bluth’s Original Frozen Banana stand from Arrested Development was situated in front of the Lighthouse Fountain & Grill, which is located at 13735 Fiji Way.

  • Latest “L.A.” Mag Post – About Buster’s Coffee from “Revenge”


    Don’t forget to head over to LAMag.com to read today’s Scene It Before post – about Buster’s Coffee from my new favorite show Revenge.  My columns typically get published in the late morning/early afternoon hours.  And you can check out a bonus post I did about filming locations from Gone Girl, which comes out tomorrow, here.