Locations have been making impressions on me for ages, long before I even knew stalking was a thing. Case in point – way back in 1997 while watching The Ice Storm, I became fixated on the ornate stone staircase Libbets Casey (Katie Holmes) walked down in an early scene. Even though I only saw the movie once, those stairs were ingrained in my head. So when I started location hunting years later, I, of course, put some time into searching for them. Though I knew they had to be in New York or Connecticut, where the bulk of The Ice Storm was shot, I came up empty. Then, shortly before my April 2016 trip to the Big Apple, I saw the stairs pop up in an episode of White Collar and decided to revisit the hunt. Once again, I was unsuccessful. So I called in my friend Owen for an assist. And while I had yet to send him screen captures of the steps, he miraculously wrote me back in a matter of minutes saying he had come across a mention on the White Collar TV Live Journal site that noted the show did some filming at Union Theological Seminary in Morningside Heights, which he thought might be the spot I was seeking. One look at photos told me it was! I also quickly gleaned that while the school is closed to the public, it is available for special events. So I wrote to an events coordinator on staff, explained my fascination with the staircase, and asked if I might be able to tour it while in NYC. I was thrilled to receive a response shortly thereafter with a date and time to show up!
As my tour guide explained, the staircase used in The Ice Storm is known as The Rotunda in real life. It is situated in the John Crosby Brown Memorial Tower, just beyond the campus’ main entrance.

Situated at the corner of West 120th Street and Broadway, the sprawling English Gothic-style campus is actually Union Theological Seminary’s third location. The Christian school, which educates those wishing to lead a life dedicated to the church, was initially established in a small building in Lower Manhattan in January 1836. With space for only a scant thirty pupils, it was not long before the need for a new, larger facility arose. Union Theological Seminary first re-located to Lenox Hill in 1884, but by the 1890s that site had been outgrown as well. So in 1904, a 36-lot plot of land in Morningside Heights was secured for a new school location. Architects Francis Richmond Allen and Charles Collens were tapped to design it. Construction began in 1908 and was completed in 1910.

As professor emeritus Daniel Johnson Fleming said of the new campus, “The Directors of the Seminary had as one of their aims that the very buildings should become an element in the education of those who live and study within its walls.”

I’d say Allen and Collens certainly delivered on that goal.

The Rotunda, constructed of marble and featuring a vaulted ceiling with rosette detailing, is literally breathtaking.

The three-story vestibule, which serves as Union Theological Seminary’s entrance hall, boasts fan tracery ornamentation that culminates in a central point showcasing the shields of the University of Edinburgh, the University of Cambridge, the City of Geneva, and the Westminster Assembly.

As I explained in my email plea for a tour, “I have to admit that I did not even like the movie The Ice Storm. But I took one look at Katie Holmes walking down the curved staircase and thought it was one of the most beautiful spaces I had ever seen.”

In person it was even more striking!

I literally couldn’t stop taking photos of the grand space.

It is not at all hard to see how The Rotunda wound up onscreen.

Because Union Theological Seminary itself is such a prolific film star, I decided it best to just focus on The Rotunda’s many onscreen cameos for this particular post.

I’ll cover the school as a whole in a future article.

It is on The Rotunda stairwell that Paul Hood (Tobey Maguire) attempts to make a connection with Libbets over the writings of Dostoyevsky at the beginning of The Ice Storm. Hauntingly beautiful, it is no surprise that the space stayed with me all these years.

As I mentioned, The Rotunda also popped up in an episode of White Collar. In Season 3’s “Upper West Side Story,” which aired in 2012, Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer) and Peter Burke (Tim DeKay) walk down the staircase while investigating a case at what is said to be Manhattan Prep.

Our tour guide was kind enough to fill me in on several of The Rotunda’s other cameos.

Claire (Mimi Rogers) walks through The Rotunda with her sister, Rose Morgan (Barbra Streisand), on the way to her wedding ceremony in the 1996 dramedy The Mirror Has Two Faces.

Detectives Elliot Stabler (Christopher Meloni) and Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay) descend the staircase and walk through the halls of Union Theological Seminary, which is standing in for The Crestborne School, while investigating a former teacher in the Season 2 episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit titled “Abuse.” The episode, which aired in 2001, features a very young Hayden Panettiere in a guest role.

Interestingly, Benson and Stabler briefly revisit The Rotunda (the bottom level of it is visible behind them in the cap below) in another episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit that guest-starred Hayden Panettiere – Season 6’s “Hooked,” which aired in 2005.

The duo once again heads to Union Theological while investigating the murder of a student at the fictional Morewood School in the Season 10 episode of SVU titled “Hothouse,” which aired in 2009.

Katherine Ann Watson (Julia Roberts) is told by President Jocelyn Carr (Marian Seldes) that she has gotten complaints regarding her teaching methods while in The Rotunda in 2003’s Mona Lisa Smile.

Max Carrigan (Joe Anderson) and his friends slide down the bannister of The Rotunda stairs in the 2007 musical Across the Universe.

In 2010, The Rotunda popped up very briefly in the Season 4 episode of Gossip Girl titled “Goodbye, Columbia,” in the scene in which Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) talks with her minions about the teaching assistant job she is hoping to land.

Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) closed a case in the grand space in the Season 3 episode of Blue Bloods titled “Higher Education,” which aired in 2012.

The Rotunda appeared in the pilot episode of Masters of Sex, which aired in 2013, as the spot where Virginia Johnson (Lizzy Caplan) registers for classes at what is supposedly Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Jason McCord (Evan Roe) gets into a fistfight with a fellow student in The Rotunda in the Season 1 episode of Madam Secretary titled “The Ninth Circle,” which aired in 2015.

Beck (Elizabeth Lail) talked to Professor Paul Leahy (Reg Rogers) on The Rotunda staircase before class in the Season 1 episode of You titled “The Last Nice Guy in New York,” which aired in 2018.

And Abe Weissman (Tony Shalhoub) chased Simon (Michael Countryman) up The Rotunda stairs, supposedly located at Columbia University, in the Season 3 episode of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel titled “Marvelous Radio,” which aired in 2019.

Big THANK YOU to my friend Owen for tracking down this location!
For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

Until next time, Happy Stalking! 
Stalk It: Union Theological Seminary is located at 3041 Broadway in Morningside Heights. You can visit the school’s official website here. The Rotunda, from The Ice Storm, can be found just past the main entrance. Please keep in mind that the seminary is closed to the public and that I was only able to see it via a pre-arranged tour.