Tag: Natasha Alam

  • Teri Hatcher’s Red Carpet Charity Yard Sale


    This past Sunday morning, Miss Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, called me up to let me know that she had just found out about a celebrity fundraising event in Santa Monica that was being hosted by actress Teri Hatcher.  So, much to the Grim Cheaper’s chagrin, I immediately hopped right out of bed, ran a brush through my hair, threw on some make-up, grabbed my car keys, and dragged him right on over to the West Side to stalk it.  To say that my life has changed for the better since meeting Pinky this past Valentine’s Day would be a rather gross understatement!  I have met more celebrities and gone to more celebrity events in the past three months since knowing her than in the previous ten-plus years that I have lived in Los Angeles put together!  And I have made a great friend in the process, to boot! 


    Teri’s fundraiser, which took place at the Tiato Market Garden Café, was a celebrity yard sale benefiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (my girl Jen Aniston’s favorite charity) and the RockSTAR music education program, and featured for sale “gently used” clothing, handbags, and furnishings formerly owned by such celebrities as Dancing with the Stars judge Carrie Ann Inaba, actress Goldi Hawn, Glee’s Jayma Mays, and reality star Kourtney Kardashian.  The yard sale was a very relaxed, low-key event and while there were several journalists on hand to document the goings-on, the only stalkers in attendance were me, Pinky, our friend Mike, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and his friend Erica.  The autograph hounds, or the “graphers” as Pinky likes to call them, were thankfully nowhere to be found, which meant that I did not get pushed or shoved once the entire morning!  Yay!


    The first celeb to arrive on the scene was reality star Bob Guiney, who was a contestant on Trista Rehn’s season of The Bachelorette in 2003 and then later starred on the fourth season of The Bachelor.  Bob was SUPER nice and remembered Pinky from when he had met her a few months prior and even joked with her about how he had kissed too many women during his Bachelor stint.


    Next up was James Denton whom I have heard on countless occasions is one of the nicest celebrities out there and I am very happy to report that he did NOT disappoint!  James was an absolute sweetheart and was very outgoing and friendly.  Love, love, love him!


    The next celeb to arrive was Mark Moses, aka Desperate Housewives’ Paul Young, and he was also SUPER nice and friendly in person, which was quite the shock to my system being that his character is so completely cold and devious.  My brain almost could not process talking to him because he had a smile on his face the whole time which was such a huge departure from how I am used to seeing him on TV.



    Also in attendance was Tamra Barney from The Real Housewives of Orange County . . .


    . . .  who was GORGEOUS in person (she reminded me a lot of Emily Maynard from this past season of The Bachelor);


    Natasha Alam from True Blood, whom I met a couple of weeks ago at the Decisions Movie Premiere and Celebration of Corey Haim’s Life event;


    and Estella Warren from the 2001 Planet of the Apes re-make . . .

    Teri-Hatcher-Yard-Sale-(60-of-92) Teri-Hatcher-Yard-Sale-(58-of-92) 

    . . . whose dress I was absolutely obsessed with!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE dresses that have pockets!!!!  And the color!  Sigh!  So incredibly adorable.

    Teri-Hatcher-Yard-Sale-(28-of-92) Teri-Hatcher-Yard-Sale-(29-of-92)

    Teri-Hatcher-Yard-Sale-(35-of-92) Teri-Hatcher-Yard-Sale-(36-of-92)

    Teri Hatcher came out to walk the red carpet towards the end of the media portion of the event and she was ABSOLUTELY MOBBED by photographers and journalists, making it impossible to get close enough to her to ask for a picture.  She was STUNNING in person, though, and SO INCREDIBLY TINY!


    After about thirty minutes of watching Teri get mobbed by media people everywhere she went, Pinky and I resigned ourselves to not getting a photograph with her.  But, as fate would have it, when we stepped inside of the restaurant to use the bathroom before leaving the event, we encountered Teri standing all by herself!  Pinky and I each quickly posed for a pic with her and then she was off!  Talk about your perfect timing!  Had we been five seconds earlier or five seconds later we would have missed her entirely.  This was one celebrity photograph that was definitely meant to be!  Smile


    I also randomly ran into Josh Sussman, who plays blogger/Rachel-Berry-lover Jacob Ben Israel on Glee, this weekend just after hitting up a Starbucks in Burbank.  Unlike all of my other encounters with actors from Glee, Josh truly could NOT have been nicer and happily posed for a pic with me and even waited patiently while I dug around in my purse trying to find my camera.  Yay!  All in all, it was definitely a FABULOUS weekend.  Smile


    On a stalking side note – Marci, the SUPER sweet owner of Lula Mae, my very favorite store, just gifted me with the notebook pictured above, which I think is just about the cutest thing ever!  I stop by Lula Mae at least four times a week (what can I say, I am addicted to the place!) and spend quite a bit of time chatting with Marci about my various stalking adventures, so while she was out shopping this past weekend she spotted the “Actors I Met and Liked” notebook and immediately thought of me.  Love it, love it, love it!  I think I am going to have to add an “Actors I Met and Disliked” section to the book, too, as there are quite a few of those, as well.  Winking smile


    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for telling me about this event!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Tiato Market Garden Café, where Teri Hatcher’s Red Carpet Charity Yard Sale was held, is located at 2700 Colorado Boulevard in Santa Monica.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • The “Decisions” Movie Premiere and Celebration of Corey Haim’s Life


    This past Sunday night, fellow celebrity stalker and photo-bug extraordinaire Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, invited me to do some stalking of the premiere of Corey Haim’s final movie, Decisions, at the Writers Guild Theatre in Beverly Hills.  I could NOT have been more excited to attend because, as I have mentioned quite a few times before on this site, I have been a HUGE fan of Corey’s ever since 1988 when License to Drive first premiered.  Because the event was also a celebration of the late actor’s life, many of his longtime friends, as well as most of the actors who starred in Decisions, were in attendance. 


    The Writer’s Guild Theatre is a very small venue and I just about fell over when one of the event coordinators invited Pinky, the Grim Cheaper, and me to stand INSIDE where there was a small fan area set up just off of the red carpet.  So incredibly cool!  And, amazingly enough, there were only about five stalkers besides ourselves there so we had fabulous access to most of the stars.



    The event was being hosted by Haim’s longtime friend Corey Feldman, who I have to admit I was not at all a fan of when The Two Coreys was on the air.  But I really appreciate how hard Corey has worked to honor his fallen friend by keeping his memory alive in Hollywood ever since his untimely passing.  And I am very happy to report that he could NOT have been nicer in person.  Corey seemed to be a genuinely kind man and took a lot of time to speak with and take pictures with each of his fans. 

    Decisions-Movie-Premiere-Celebration-Of-Corey-Haims-Life-(208-of-338) Decisions-Movie-Premiere-Celebration-Of-Corey-Haims-Life-(210-of-338) 

    According to this recent EW.com article about the event, Feldman was wearing a jacket that Haim had once given him.


    The premiere was mostly made up of 80’s stars, which I, of course, could NOT have been more thrilled about!  I was most excited about meeting actress Kristy Swanson, whom I absolutely LOVED in the Buffy, the Vampire Slayer movie. 



    I have to say that it was pretty cool being able to tell her that I dressed up like her character Buffy Summers one year for Halloween back when I was in high school.  🙂


    I was also floored to see singer/actor Jeremy Jordan, whom I recognized from the ending credits of the second season of Beverly Hills, 90210.  For those of you out there who did not have every episode of the series recorded like I did and have no idea what on earth it is I am talking about right now, at the very end of each show Tori Spelling was shown walking up to the Peach Pit’s jukebox, pointing to a song and saying “Jeremy Jordan, all right!”, after which his video for “The Right Kind of Love” would come on the screen.  Pinky later informed me that Jeremy had also starred as Guy Perkins in fave movie Never Been Kissed, which I hadn’t before realized!  So incredibly cool!


    I just about died when Julie McCullough, who played Mike Seaver’s (aka Kirk Cameron’s) fiancé Julie Costello during the fourth season of Growing Pains, walked in.  I absolutely LOVED Julie on the show and was heartbroken when her character was written off of the series in 1990.  Julie also starred as Trina, the girl who stole Steve Sanders Corvette, in the Season 1 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 titled “Slumber Party”.  Love it!  Seeing so many ‘80s stars in one place put me into serious overload!  I swear, if Tommy Puett had walked in, my head might have just exploded!


    Also in attendance was Donna D’Errico, from Baywatch;


    Nicole Eggert, from Charles in Charge;


    who is seriously pregnant right now!;


    John Marshall Jones from the original Melrose Place and Smart Guy;


    actor Carlos Ramirez, the twin brother of actor Efren Ramirez (aka Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite);


    Jarrod Schulz from the A&E show Storage War$;


    and his wife Brandi Passante, who also appears on the show;


    Sofia Milos from CSI: Miami, who is absolutely GORGEOUS in person;


    Bai Ling, who is easily my mom’s least favorite celebrity, so I just had to get a picture with her Winking smile ;


    Mary Carey, the adult film actress/Celebrity Rehab star who ran for governor of California in 2003; 


    Francisco San Martin, who plays Dario Hernandez on Days of Our Lives;


    Phoebe Price, who the GC was VERY excited about seeing as she is featured daily on his favorite blog, Dlisted;


    Natasha Alam, who plays Yvetta on True Blood;


    and Mike Foy, one of the stars of Decisions.


    All in all it was a great event and I am so incredibly thankful that I got to be a part of it.


    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for inviting me to stalk the Decisions premiere!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Decisions will be released on May 13th.  You can visit the movie’s official website here.