Tag: movies

  • The L.A. Confidential Liquor Store



    Got an email a few weeks back from fellow stalker Tracey who gave me the address of a film location that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I had been trying to find for months – the liquor store from the 1997 movie L.A. Confidential!   Mike and I had known from doing some online research that the liquor store featured in the movie was not actually real.  Instead, producers had built a fake liquor store inside of a real storefront somewhere in the L.A. area.    According to this film locations book, that storefront was located somewhere on Larchmont Avenue, but as so often happens with location books, that information was not correct.  Mike and I had actually driven up and down Larchmont Avenue several times one  day looking for the storefront without any luck. We even stopped in and spoke with the editor of the Larchmont Chronicle to see if she knew where the filming of the liquor shop scenes had taken place.  LOL  It wasn’t long before we figured out that the L.A. Confidential  liquor store was not actually located on Larchmont Avenue and for a while the two of us put the liquor store quest on the back burner.


    So you can imagine how excited I was to receive an email from one of my readers named Tracey, who, after several years of being on the prowl for the elusive liquor store, had finally located it!   Turns out she had taken a surface street to work one morning hoping to avoid freeway traffic and, lo and behold, drove right past the liquor store and recognized it immediately!  Yay!  It’s amazing how often that actually happens.  You spend hours upon hours seaching high and low for a location, only to randomly drive by it one day.  In this city, you’ve just gotta keep your eyes open!  🙂  In real life the L.A. Confidential  liquor store is a furniture repair store named Ramon’s Cane Shop.  And it looks like it has been around forever.  (In the above photo I am actually standing in front of the wrong storefront.  I’m such a blond!  Although in real life both storefronts are occupied by Ramon’s Cane Shop, in L.A. Confidential only the middle storefront was used.)



    The liquor store shows up twice in L.A. Confidential.   It is first featured in the scene when Bud White, while picking up some liquor for a Christmas party, first lays eyes on Veronica Lake lookalike Lynn Bracken.




    After leaving the liquor store, Bud spots Pierce Patchett’s car with what appears to be a very beat up Susan Lefferts inside.  A brief fight ensues before Lynn Bracken walks outside and explains that all is not as it seems.  In the scene, Pierce’s car was parked in the driveway of a parking lot located just to the left of Ramon’s Cane Shop.


    The liquor store pops up once again a bit later on in the movie, when Bud White stops by to try to dig up some information on Lynn Bracken.


    I must say it was VERY cool to be stalking the L.A. Confidential  liquor store, especially since – aside from the fact that it’s not really a liquor store – it looks pretty much exactly the same as it did onscreen.  Sadly, though, the shop was closed when we were stalking it, and since the windows were completely covered, I didn’t get to peek inside.  Looks like I’ll have to take another stalking trip out there!!  Big, big THANK YOU to Tracey for tipping me off to this location.  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The L.A. Confidential  liquor store, aka Ramon’s Cane Shop, is located at 1279 South Cochran Avenue in Los Angeles.  The area where Pierce Patchett’s car was parked when Bud White confronts him is located just to the left of the cane shop.

  • The Belasco Theatre


    During my three day stint as an extra in the Britney Spears movie Crossroads, I happened to make friends with a few of the crew members.  The entire cast and crew of the movie was EXTREMELY nice and, as tends to happen on long shoots, I got to know the people I was working with quite well.  As I was saying goodbye to my new friends on my last day of being a Crossroads  extra, one of the cameramen invited me to watch the following day’s shoot which was taking place at an old theatre in Downtown Los Angeles.  It was going to be the very last day of filming on Crossroads  and since the cameraman knew what a huge BritBrit fan I was, he invited me to spend the day on the set.



    Getting to watch the final day of the filming of Crossroads  was an incredible experience for me.  Filming took place at a beautiful old theatre named the Belasco.  Just being in that space was an amazing opportunity – let alone being there to watch Britney Spears perform.  🙂  The scene being filmed on that final day was the Hollywood singing contest that Britney and her friends compete in at the very end of the movie.  Basically, for the entire twelve hours that I spent on the set that day, I got to sit around and watch Britney Spears sing live both “I’m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman” and “Overprotected”.  Most of the filming that day was done without any extras in attendance – and because of the way the cameras were positioned, I was allowed to sit on the steps leading up to the stage and watch what pretty much amounted to my very own private Britney Spears concert.  I’m not kidding – it was absolutely A-MA-ZING!!!  And, once again, I was literally pinching myself the whole time.  I could NOT believe I was actually sitting there, an audience of one, less than two feet from my idol, watching her perform two unreleased songs live and in person.  For me, it was a once in a lifetime!  I half expected to wake up at any moment in my bed at home – the whole experience having been just a dream.  I mean things like that just don’t happen in real life!  And even though I don’t still adore Britney as I once did, I will always cherish my memories from that day.  You can watch part of the scene that was filmed at the Belasco Theatre here.


    The Belasco Theatre was built in 1926 by theatre producers David and Edward Belasco.  The Spanish Baroque style theatre was originally a live performance venue.  Its premiere show?  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes – a play written by Anita Loos which would later become a movie musical starring my girl Marilyn.  🙂  Over the years, after falling upon hard times and closing its doors for a period, the Belasco was used as both an exotic movie house and a church.  The building was just recently sold last year and was completely restored to its original grandeur by its new owner.  At this time it’s unclear what is being done with the historic theatre, but some online reports speculate that it might become a nightclub.  screenshot727


    Besides Crossroads, other productions that have filmed at the historic Belasco Theatre include Swordfish (where it was used as John Travolta’s lair – pictured above), The Prestige, Memoirs of a Geisha, Being John Malkovich, Midnight Frolics,  and the television series Fastlane. 


    The Belasco Theatre is incredible beautiful inside, but, sadly, it is currently closed to the public.   I can’t really recommend stalking the exterior of the theatre, either, as it is fairly non-descript.  You could easily drive right by without even noticing it.  But if you ever have the opportunity to see the interior in person, I highly recommend it!  In the meantime, you can cyberstalk the interior here.

     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: The Belasco Theatre is located at 1050 South Hill Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  

  • Cafe-Club Fais Do-Do


    Back before she was going shoeless in public restrooms and flashing her privates to anyone with a camera, I was majorly obsessed with pop princess Britney Spears.  The hair, the cute little outfits, her music – I absolutely loved everything about the girl!    I attended her 2001 Live From Las Vegas  concert event, I learned the steps to “Oops! . . . I Did It Again and performed a mini-Britney concert with some of my sixth grade students back when I was a substitute teacher, and I dressed up like her every chance I got.  The above photo is from a Christmas costume party back in 2000 when I dressed up like Britney and made my good friend Ty dress up like Justin Timberlake.  He’s such a big guy, though, that everyone thought he was supposed to be Britney Spears security.  LOL 


    So, in Spring of 2001, when a co-worker of mine told me that her good friend was responsible for casting the extras in all of Britney’s music videos, I almost died on the spot!  I begged her to pass my phone number on to her friend in the hopes that maybe someday she’d hire me as an extra and I’d get to see my idol in person.  Well, not three days later I got a call from the friend asking if I wanted to do background work  in the Britney Spears MOVIE that was currently filming.  I’ll never forget standing there screaming “Oh my god!  Oh my god!  Oh my god!” into the phone, and the friend saying – a bit nervously – “OK, you can’t do that once you get to the set!”  LOL   So, bright and early the next morning I set out for a three day shoot on the set of the Britney Spears movie.  And I really could not have been more excited!




    Britney’s movie was originally entitled What Are Friends For  and the scene being filmed was the karaoke contest scene where BritBrit and her friends sang Joan Jett’s famous “I Love Rock N’ Roll” in the fictional Club Bayou, which was supposedly located in New Orleans.  In reality, though, the club where Britney performed is named Cafe-Club Fais Do-Do and is located just off the 10 Freeway in Los Angeles.  Even though quite a bit of Crossroads  was actually filmed in Louisiana, the karaoke scene was filmed in L.A. Go figure.   You can see the exterior of the fictional Club Bayou which is shown in the movie and the exterior of the real club where filming took place above.


    The filming of the karaoke scene took three long days to complete, but, of course, I was loving every minute of it!  I think it is pretty much safe to say, though, that no other extra was quite as excited to be there as I was. 🙂  During the three day shoot I made friends with a few of the background actors and they all teased me incessantly over my love for BritBrit.  LOL  Needless to say they weren’t big fans of hers.  🙂   (Pictured above are my group of extra friends hanging out on the set – I’m the one in the middle.  This was long before I cut my hair and dyed it blond, so I look a bit different today.)  If I remember correctly, there were about 75-100 extras hired for the karaoke scene and right before filming began one of the assistant directors gave us each an exact place to stand during the scene and told us what we were to be doing.  As I was getting my instructions, a very thin blond woman came up to me and introduced herself.  She told me that she LOVED my outfit and that she wanted me to be sitting front and center during Britney’s performance.   She led me over to the bar area, just a few feet away from where Britney would be performing, and sat me next to an actor wearing a blue shirt.  Well, it turns out that the thin blond woman was Crossroads  director Tamra Davis and the actor she sat me next to was Britney’s love interest in the film, Anson Mount!!!!


    Needless to say I was THRILLED!!!  Not only was I sitting thisclose to Britney while she was performing onstage, but I was also right next to the movie’s lead actor!  Ironically, the outfit that director Tamra Davis so loved wasn’t what I had originally intended to wear that morning.  (A little known fact – 95% of the time movie and TV extras wear their own clothes during filming.)  All Crossroads  extras were told to wear New Orlean’s style club attire to the shoot.  And on the morning of my first day on the set I had put on something entirely different.  But my mom stopped me as I had one foot out the door and said “You don’t look very New Orleansy.  Why don’t you wear that cute halter top you got in Hawaii with your blue capris.”  Well, of course, I argued with her as I thought the shirt and pants she was talking about didn’t really match, but in the end she won out.  And, as luck would have it, had I not worn that outfit I never would have gotten noticed by Tamra Davis.  The moral of the story?  Ladies – always listen to your mother!  🙂   As a result of my mother’s foresite, not only did I have a front row seat for Britney, but I also got considerable screen-time in the movie.  🙂  (That’s me next to Anson Mount in the above screen capture.)





    When I first saw Crossroads  I just about died as you can see me quite a bit in the karaoke scene.  Being that I was such a HUGE fan of Britney, it was pretty darn cool that I shared my big screen debut with her.  🙂


    And let me tell you, filming that scene was quite an experience.  For pretty much three days straight I sat around watching Britney perform “I Love Rock N’ Roll” on a stage that was about two feet away from me!  I was literally pinching myself the whole time thinking “I’m getting paid for this????”  You have to remember that this was at the height of Britney’s career – she still had that cutesy, good girl image, “Oops! . . . I Did It Again” was multi-platinum, and she and Justin Timberlake were madly in love.  I mean, do you know how many 13 year old girls would have died to have been in my shoes!  I was 24 at the time, but that’s besides the point.  LOL  🙂  The highlight of the filming for me was when Britney Spears, Pop Princess!!!! actually started a conversation with me!  I am amazed I was even able to get any words out to talk to her.  LOL   During one of the many breaks from filming, BritBrit walked right up to me with a big smile on her face and asked me what I was doing with my drink.  I had actually been sticking my finger in the drink I was holding playing with the fake ice in my glass.   In movies and television, whenever anyone is drinking, the ice in their glass isn’t real –  fake ice made out of a gelatin formula is used.   Real ice has a tendency to clink against glasses, thereby making noise and disrupting filming.  So clear jello-like cubes are used instead – and, boy, are they fun to play with!  When I told Britney this, she started laughing hysterically and said “Oh mah gawd, you’re so funny!”  Apparently, she thought this was the funniest thing she had heard in a long time.  LOL  It really wasn’t all that funny, but I was on cloud nine, nonetheless.  Britney Spears thought I  was funny!!!!  🙂  BritBrit was very nice, fairly quiet, and extremely down to earth.  It almost seemed as if she had no idea how truly famous she really was.  She also spoke with a very heavy Southern accent, which I wasn’t expecting.  And I have to say that while she seemed very  sweet and SUPER cute in person, it was quite obvious that she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  🙂 

    For me, being an extra in Crossroads  was an AMAZING experience.  It was truly everything I hoped it would be.  I’m am so lucky it was my first movie experience, as it was such a good one.  And while the actual movie didn’t turn out that great, I will always look back on my time working on it with fondness.

    You can watch the entire “I Love Rock N’ Roll” scene here.


    I can’t really recommend stopping by Cafe-Club Fais Do-Do for a drink as the only time I ever visited it was while we were filming.   Since I’m not really a clubbin’ kind of girl, I’ve never been back to check it out.  But if you’re into that kind of thing, it seems like a pretty cool place to grab a drink.  The Fais Do-Do (which means “Nighty-Night” in French) building was originally constructed in 1930 and at the time housed the First Citizens Savings Bank and Trust.  The club, which definitely has a New Orlean’s vibe to it, has remained a popular nighttime hotspot since its opening in 1990. 



    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Cafe-Club Fais Do-Do is located at 5257 W. Adams Boulevard in Los Angeles.  You can visit their website here.

  • Get Out Of Line!


    Those of you who read my blog regularly know that there’s only one thing I like better than stalking and that’s Starbucks.  🙂  Or any kind of coffee, really.  So when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, called me up last Sunday morning and asked if I wanted to stalk a coffee shop with him, I believe my exact words were “How fast can you be here?”  On a side-note, my grandma just started reading my blog and the other day she called me up and asked “So, who’s this Mike guy????”  She was convinced my boyfriend must be upset about all the time Mike and I spend together stalking.  And I really had to laugh at that one because I’m pretty sure my boyfriend wakes up every morning thanking his lucky stars that Mike and I found each other.  You see, if Mike is out stalking with me, that means my boyfriend isn’t.  And I’d say he’s pretty happy about that.  No, I’d have to say that not only does my boyfriend not mind Mike and I spending so much time together, but I’m pretty sure that at this point Mike is probably in the running to be my boyfriend’s best man in our wedding.







    Anyway, the coffee shop that Mike wanted to stalk is named Bean Town Coffee Bar and it was featured several times in the 2005 Will Ferrell movie Kicking and Screaming.  I just rented the movie last week and I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised watching it as it’s absolutely hilarious!!  And my favorite scene in the whole movie is the one that takes place at Bean Town.  In the scene, Will Ferrell has just become addicted to coffee and shows up at his favorite coffee shop for his morning fix.  But on this particular day the rather long line is moving far too slowly and Will has a total coffee meltdown.  I have to say that I almost died laughing watching that scene because, let me tell you, I’ve been there!  There are some mornings at Starbucks where I just want to tear my hair out because the line is taking so long!   My boyfriend bought me a taser (it’s pink!) a couple of months ago because he was worried about me walking to my car late at night after my acting classes and he’s always joking that one day he’s going to get a call from the police saying that I was arrested for tasing someone who was taking too long in the Starbucks line.  While watching Will Ferrell’s meltdown scene, I was reminded of comedian John Pinette’s “Get Out Of Line” routine.  It has to be my favorite comedy routine of all time!


    In real life Bean Town is a super cute little coffee house, with exposed brick walls, comfy chairs, board games, outdoor tables, and live music on weekends.  The staff is super friendly and boy is the coffee strong, but in a good way.  🙂  And no, the line didn’t move too slowly while we were there.  Besides yummy coffee, Bean Town also serves up a wide array of homemade goodies, including cinnamon rolls, croissants, sandwiches, soups, and cookies.   And even though I am a Starbucks girl at heart, I will for sure be returning!   As the authors of the book Hometown Pasadena said “We’d live in Sierra Madre just for Bean Town – it’s the perfect coffee house.”

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: Bean Town Coffee Bar is located at 45 North Baldwin Avenue in Sierra Madre.  You can visit their website here.

  • Oscar Weekend 2009!

    Academy Awards Red Carpet Entrance

    Oh, how I love the smell of Awards Season in the morning! And let me tell you – this was the Academy Awards Weekend to end all Academy Awards Weekends for me! I had the absolute time of my life!!!!!!!!!!! It was so incredible that I am still pinching myself today. Bright and early Saturday morning I dragged my boyfriend out to Hollywood and Highland Mall to stalk Oscar’s red carpet and we didn’t make it home until after 3am the following morning. AND I still cannot believe this but we saw 128 stars! YES you read that right – ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT MOVIE STARS! There were so many stars out and about that at times I didn’t know which way to look. My boyfriend said he thought my head was about to explode. LOL I almost feel like I should just throw in my stalking towel now as it just doesn’t get any better than this weekend – but don’t worry, I won’t! 🙂

    Oscar Statue Kodak Theatre

    Our first stop on Saturday morning was the Kodak Theatre where we got to check out the most famous carpet in the world. Although I have done this for three years in a row now, I don’t think I will ever get tired of it! For someone who grew up so far away from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, to get to be that close to the Academy Awards red carpet is a dream come true. It’s almost surreal. And I LOVE every minute of it! I can’t wait for the day when I am walking down that red carpet for real. 🙂 A few of the pics I took at the Kodak:

    Kodak Theatre Entrance Oscar Day

    Red Carpet Stairs Leading to the Entrance

    Red Carpet Stairs from the Balcony

    Workers setting up the Oscar's Red Carpet

    Oprah's Press Box on the red carpet

    Red Carpet almost done

    Although the Oscar set-up was beautiful, as always, for some reason this year they had the red carpet area blocked off and fans could not walk across it. 🙁 Such a bummer! If you’ll notice in the above pics the carpet is completely tarped in plastic during the set-up, so that the hundreds of crew members traipsing across it don’t ruin it.

    champagne on the Red Carpet

    I was stoked to see a little champage stand set up alongside the red carpet, since champagne is my favorite drink – and it was my girl Marilyn Monroe’s, too. 🙂 How cool to be able to grab a glass of champagne, while making your way down the red carpet! LOVE IT! 🙂

    Oscar Statuette at the Kodak Theatre

    Mr. Oscar looking pretty drab outside the Kodak – notice the blemishes on his arms. LOL

    Limo Dropoff area start of red carpet

    What they don’t show you on TV! LOL The ugly road closures and chain link fences at the start of the red carpet.

    Press Box on the Red Carpet

    The massive press bridge built over Hollywood Boulevard

    Red Carpet Interview Area

    Tented Red Carpet Protected from Rain

    Hollwood Blvd shut down for the Oscars

    What the red carpet looks like from Hollywood Boulevard.

    Spirit Awards Shutters Parking Lot

    paparazzi swarming actors as they arrive at shutters

    After stalking the red carpet, I dragged my boyfried out to do some stalking of the blue carpet at the Independent Spirit Awards in Santa Monica – and, yes, the carpet there really is blue! Much more relaxed than the Oscars, the Spirit Awards are held each year under a plastic tent that is set up in a public parking lot next to the beach in Santa Monica. We showed up just as the awards were ending this year and got to see a whole slew of celebs walking the short half-block from the show to the after-party. And, let me tell you, it was absolute pandemonium! There were about a million paparazzi and fans alike swarming the stars as they made their way to the Shutters Hotel where the afterparty was being held. You can see in the above pics the massive amount of paps that were on the scene. It was insane!!! While there we saw . . .

    Rosie Perez Arriving at the Spirit Awards

    Rosie Perez

    John Hamm and his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt

    Mad Men star John Hamm and his girlfriend Jennifer Westfeldt. They were super nice and stopped to take pictures with every fan who asked!

    Elisabeth Rohn

    Elisabeth Rohn from Law and Order – she seemed very sweet. 🙂

    Teri Hatcher

    A very heavily made up Teri Hatcher – you can just barely see her in the above pic. She is standing behind the guy in the suit. As soon as she drove up, the paps went ABSOLUTELY NUTS and completely surrounded her, so I wasn’t able to get a very good pic. 🙁

    Rainn Wilson Signing Autographs

    Rainn Wilson

    The Office’s Rainn Wilson

    Elisha Dushku


    Elisha Dushku (who you can just barely see in the above pics)

    Ron Livingston (aka SATC's Jack Berger)

    Ron Livingston (aka SATC’s Jack Berger) who looked to have just been in an accident of some sort. Ugh, it broke my heart to see him like that! 🙁 Poor Berger!

    Leonard Maltin

    Film critic Leonard Maltin


    And this guy who the paps and fans went absolutely CRAZY for – like so crazy I thought it might be Brad Pitt pulling up! – but I have no idea who he is!!!! LOL Does anyone recognize him?


    And, finally, this actor who I am sad to say I also didn’t recognize. 🙁 Does anyone know who he is?

    After stalking the Spirit Awards, I dragged my boyfriend from one end of L.A. to the other, hotel and bar hopping. There were Oscar parties galore going on literally every hundred feet or so and the celebs were out in full force! And I just about died over two celeb run-ins that I had. My personal fave was when my girl Jen Aniston came up and stood about two feet away from me for a good six minutes. Unfortunately we were inside a hotel at the time, and no hotels were allowing any sort of pictures to be taken last night. But even though I didn’t get to snap a pic of her, I was still in heaven. Jen looked A-MA-ZING! I’ve seen Jen in person on two other occasions and I have to say this was the best I’ve ever seen her. She seemed very healthy and happy. Forty years old suits her. 🙂 She is just so freaking adorable I can’t stand it! And she has the best laugh ever – it’s this huge guffaw that fills the whole room. And she was doing a lot of laughing last night. Needless to say I was mesmerized! 🙂

    A bit earlier in the evening I just happened to spot Ginnifer Goodwin who stars in my favorite movie as of late He’s Just Not That Into You. She was the only celeb I saw yesterday that I just HAD to go up to. In a situation like yesterday, where there are tons of celebs around and hotels aren’t allowing photographs, I am very content to just sit and observe their comings and goings. Sort of like being in a celebrity zoo. LOL But when Ginnifer Goodwin walked by, I just couldn’t help myself! So I walked up to her and told her how amazing she was in He’s Just Not That Into You and how I absolutely loved the movie. And she was SO SWEET! She thanked me for coming up to her, shook my hand, and introduced herself. I just about died. She is completely adorable in person, too! I mean, does it get any better than that??

    But I’d have to say that THE most exciting part of the night for me was when I got recognized! Yes, I got recognized!!!!! While I was eating dinner last night a lady came up to me and asked if I was the “I Am Not A Stalker Girl”! I am not kidding!!!! Someone actually recognized me and I just about died! I think I was more excited about that than the fact that Nicole Kidman was eating just a few tables away. LOL I’m always amazed to hear that people actually read my blog, as most of my loved ones just barely tolerate my stalking addiction. So the fact that there are people that actually care what I have to say is AMAZING! It’s nice to know that there really are other people like me out there. 🙂 My fan (and new best friend! LOL ) introduced me to her friends and one of them asked me how my dad was doing! I was like “Wow, you guys really do read my blog!” LOL They were the NICEST group of ladies, but unfortunately they live in another state – otherwise I think we’d all make a great stalking team! 🙂 When I woke up this morning I really had to think for a minute to be sure that that part of my evening wasn’t just a dream. LOL

    Anyway, without further ado, here is the list of stars I saw in and around Hollywood on Saturday:

    1. Nicole Kidman
    2. La Toya Jackson – my boyfriend and I kept going back and forth as to whether it was La Toya or Janet. LOL
    3. Mickey Rourke
    4. Robin Wright Penn
    5. Olivia Wilde
    6. Sarah Silverman
    7. Seth Rogan
    8. Dax Shepard
    9. Kristen Bell
    10. Topher Grace
    11. Dennis Leary
    12. Amy Adams
    13. Darren Le Gallo
    14. Jason Bateman
    15. Amanda Anka
    16. Josh Radnor
    17. Lindsay Price
    18. Forest Whitaker
    19. Zach Braff
    20. Kevin Connolly – said hi to me as he walked by 🙂
    21. Molly Sims
    22. Chace Crawford
    23. Deborah Messing – super pretty in person
    24. Amy Poehler
    25. Will Arnett
    26. Tina Fey – sooooo short and tiny
    27. Eric McCormack
    28. Neil Patrick Harris
    29. Kristin Davis – said “Hi” as she walked by and I was floored to see that she walked with a little bounce JUST LIKE Charlotte does on SATC!
    30. Aaron Eckhart
    31. Holly Robinson Peete
    32. Rodney Peete (NFL)
    33. Gwen Stefani – absolutely stunning in person!
    34. Christian Siriano (Project Runway winner)
    35. Elle Macpherson
    36. Nikki Hilton
    37. Christopher Walken
    38. Ben Stiller
    39. Christine Taylor
    40. Laura Dern
    41. Tobey Macguire
    42. Jennifer Meyer
    43. Kimora Lee Simmons
    44. Djimon Hounsou (Kimora Lee Simmon’s baby daddy)
    45. Victor Garber
    46. Kathy Hilton
    47. Jessica Alba – had the coolest red sequin shoes on! and she made my boyfriend practically drool!
    48. Kerry Washington
    49. Leo!!! – I can finally, finally cross Leo off my must-see celebrity list. SIGH! 🙂
    50. Breckin Meyer
    51. Rachel Bilson
    52. Adam Rodriquez
    53. Michael Chiklis
    54. Andy MacDowell
    55. Debra Winger
    56. Sally Field
    57. Ron Livingston (Jack Berger on SATC)
    58. Tim Allen
    59. James Marsden
    60. William Shatner
    61. Eddie Murphy
    62. Kate Bosworth
    63. Anne Hathaway
    64. Christine Ricci
    65. James Caan
    66. Robert De Niro
    67. Bill Maher – with his twelve year old looking girlfriend
    68. Wentworth Miller
    69. Michael Buble (sigh!) – such a cutie in person! I was practically swooning! 🙂
    70. Josh Hartnett
    71. Ellen Pompeo
    72. Ellen Pompeo’s husband Chris Ivery
    73. Jack Black
    74. Tanya Haden (Jack Black’s wife – she’s a model)
    75. Alyssa Milano
    76. Michelle Monaghan (from The Best Man and Eagle Eye)
    77. Chris Pine
    78. Ron Howard
    79. Josh Brolin
    80. Diane Lane
    81. Kathy Najimy
    82. Michael Moore – just as unattractive in person as he appears in his movies
    83. Chris Rock
    84. Jenna Fisher
    85. Heather Locklear
    86. Jennifer Aniston
    87. Josh Duhamel
    88. Bridget Moynahan
    89. Elton John
    90. Steven Spielberg – thanks to a red fedora he looked like a total douchebag! LOL
    91. Kate Capshaw
    92. Hugh Laurie
    93. Cameron Diaz
    94. Brian Grazer
    95. Stacy Keibler
    96. Geoff Stults
    97. Bradley Cooper
    98. Whoopi Goldberg
    99. Shirley MacLaine
    100. Ginnifer Goodwin
    101. Elisha Cuthbert
    102. Fred Savage – looked really old!
    103. Frances Fisher
    104. Richard Jenkins
    105. Melissa Leo
    106. Taraji P. Henson
    107. Claire Danes
    108. Hugh Dancy
    109. Josh Grobin
    110. Prince Frederick von Anhalt (Zsa Zsa Gabor’s ex)
    111. Steven Baldwin
    112. Dule Hill
    113. Kiersten Warren (At least I think it was her!)
    114. Freida Pinto (Slumdog Millionaire star)
    115. Anil Kapoor (Slumdog Millionaire star)
    116. Kirk Kerkorkian
    117. Ralph Lauren
    118. Valentino Garavano
    119. Terri Hatcher
    120. Elisabeth Rohn (D.A. from Law and Order)
    121. Rosie Perez
    122. John Hamm
    123. Jennifer Westfeldt (star of Kissing Jessica Stein)
    124. Michael Bolton
    125. Leonard Maltin (movie critic)
    126. Elisha Dushku
    127. Dustin Lance Black (Academy Award and Independent Spirit Award winner for Milk screenplay)
    128. Rainn Wilson

    There were just so many that I am sure I forgot some of them somewhere along the way! LOL All in all an absolutely AMAZING DAY! And I can’t wait to do it again next year!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: I stalked so many hotels and bars this Oscar Weekend, that there are far too many to list here. For a detailed list of places to go to see movie stars, check out this blog post. The Spirit Awards are held the Saturday before the Oscars each year on the beach in Santa Monica just South of Shutters Hotel.

  • The “‘Til There Was You” Apartment Building



    Another day, another elusive location found thanks to Mike – God of Stalking – over at MovieShotsLA.  🙂  I have been challenged several times over the past few months to find the beautiful courtyard apartment building featured in the 1997 movie ‘Til There Was You. Unfortunately I had never seen the movie before and my local Blockbuster did not carry the title.  And according to Amazon.com, the DVD had been discontinued by the manufacturer.  So I thought I was really out of luck on this one, as without seeing the movie firsthand I had no idea what I was looking for.  Then, a couple of weeks ago, I just happened to mention my quandry to Mike and he set out to find the location.  Within about fifteen minutes Mike called me back with an address.  Amazing!  He had found the location by doing a simple Google search.  And all this time I had been trying to find the DVD.  But who needs a video or screen captures when you’ve got mad stalking skills like Mike?  LOL  🙂



    Once Mike had found the location – and once I found out that BOTH my girl Jen Aniston and SJP starred in the movie – I decided to make one last ditch effort to purchase the DVD.  And sure enough, I found it on Ebay!  The only problem?  For sale was a Region 2 DVD, which meant it would only work on European DVD players.  LOL  Thank God my boyfriend is good with computers, because somehow he was able to rig my laptop so that I could watch the movie.   So, finally – after about a six month long wait – I got to see ‘Til There Was You.  I must say that the movie was pretty cute.  I wouldn’t recommend going through what I did to watch it, but if you happen to see it in a video store, it’s worth a rental.  🙂


    The entire premise of ‘Til There Was You centers around the proposed demolition of a Spanish style courtyard apartment building named La Fortuna.  In the movie the building has a very romantic quality to it and everyone who sets foot inside of its picturesque courtyard immediately falls in love with it.  In real life that apartment building is named El Cabrillo and it is no stranger to the film industry.  El Cabrillo was constructed in 1928 by none other than Cecil B. DeMille who needed a place to house his out of town actors.  The building was designed by noted architects Arthur and Nina Zwebell, who built numerous Los Angeles courtyard style apartment buildings in the 1920’s, many of which are now on the National Register of Historic Places. Notables who have lived in the building at one time or another include transvetite actress Divine, actress Ann Harding, director Lowell Sherman, makeup artist Perc Westmore, and playwright John Willard.



    Besides being featured in ‘Til There Was You, legend has it that El Cabrillo was also used in a Rudolph Valentino movie many moons ago.  It is also currently being used as the home of the main character on the television series Chuck. Interestingly enough, Chuck’s pilot episode was actually filmed on location at El Cabrillo.  The courtyard area and three different apartments were used for that episode.  But once the show got picked up by NBC a replica of the apartments and the courtyard were rebuilt on a soundstage at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank.


    Sadly, El Cabrillo’s gates were closed while I was stalking it, so I did not get to see the interior courtyard area.  From the outside El Cabrillo is amazingly non-descript and completely covered in foliage.  You could easily drive right past the building without realizing the beauty that lies just on the other side of its gates.




    But for those of you who would like an up-close-and-personal look at the building, I have some good news!   A few of the units are currently available as vacation rentals. And it appears from the rental website photographs that El Cabrillo’s interiors are absolutely beautiful!!  They actually remind me a lot of the interior of Amanda Peet’s apartment in fave movie A Lot Like Love.  In fact the interiors are so similar, that I can’t help but wonder if the A Lot Like Love set was modeled after the interior of a real El Cabrillo apartment (both are pictured above).

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It:  The ‘Til There Was You apartment building, aka El Cabrillo, is located at 1832-1850 North Grace Avenue in Hollywood.

  • Grow Your Own Paparazzi!


    As a “just because” present my good friend Nat recently gave me a Sigg water bottle with a paparazzi on it (pictured above). LOL! I love it. Now I can have a paparazzi following me every time I take a sip of water. 🙂 And the best part is, it’s pink! Best present ever! Anyway, while not a filming location, I thought the Sigg bottle was hilarious and definitely blog-worthy. If you want your very own paparazzi Sigg bottle – or need a present for the celeb-obsessed struggling actress in your life – you can order one here. 🙂


    This same friend also bought me a “Grow Your Own Paparazzi” toy (pictured above) for Christmas last year. She has quite the sense of humor. LOL I plan on using it on those down days when I feel like my acting career is taking off far too slowly. 🙂 LOL

    Stalk It: You can purchase the paparazzi Sigg water bottle here. And you can get your own “Grow Your Own Paparazzi” toy here.

  • The He’s Just Not That Into You Movie Premiere


    I am currently waiting on pins and needles for the movie He’s Just Not That Into You to hit theatres this upcoming Friday. The New Line Cinema film has all the makings of a hit – it stars my girl Jen and is based on an episode of fave television show Sex and the City. Come on – what more could a girl ask for?? 🙂 The “Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little” episode of Sex and the City that featured that now infamous line “He’s just not that into you!” is one of my all-time-favorite episodes. And I absolutely loved the book by SATC creative consultant Greg Behrendt and SATC executive story editor Liz Tuccillo that came out of that episode. I find it absolutely mind boggling that Greg and Liz took one line – one line – from a hit television show and not only turned it into a best-selling self-help book, but also a major motion picture starring numerous A-List celebs. How inspiring! Who knows, maybe one day a hit movie will be created out of a line from one of my blog posts! Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she? 🙂


    According to fave book Sex and the City: Kiss and Tell , the idea behind the line “He’s just not that into you!” came about one morning while a group of SATC writers were sitting around their offices getting ready to start their day. One of the writers was asking for advice about a man she was dating who had been sending her “mixed signals”. Someone happened to ask Greg Behrendt, the only straight male in the room, for his perspective on the matter. And that is when Greg uttered the now ubiquitous line: “He’s just not that into you.” The SATC writers were absolutely intrigued by this line of reasoning and an idea was born. And the rest, as they say, is history! So yesterday when some friends and I stumbled onto the world premiere of He’s Just Not That Into You while grabbing a coffee before our acting class I just about keeled over with excitement! 🙂


    The premiere was being held at Mann’s Chinese Theatre – the movie house where almost all Hollywood premieres are held – and the red carpet had been set up right in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard. To watch the event fans had to stand on the opposite side of the street behind some steel barriers where the view, unfortunately, was not the best. As you can see in the above photograph, several large screens were placed every few feet along the length of the red carpet for the actors to pose in front of. Much to my dismay, the screens also majorly blocked our view of all the hoopla. LOL


    For some incredibly odd reason I have never watched a premiere before – I know, unbelievable, huh? – so I was extremely excited that my first red carpet event would be starring my girl Jen. 🙂 My friends and I parked ourselves just across the street from the red carpet and it wasn’t long before the celebs started arriving. 🙂 The first star we spotted was Ginnifer Goodwin (pictured above), who I absolutely LOVED in fave movie Win A Date With Tad Hamilton. The bright lights on the red carpet made it really hard for me to take photographs, though, so unfortunately the pics didn’t come out very well.



    Next up was Drew Barrymore who is absolutely adorable in person. 🙂 She kept turning around to wave to the crowd and would pop her head in between the red carpet screens to smile at us. She was super, super cute in person and seemed very friendly! And it was right around that time – are you sitting down for this – that my camera died! I am not kidding! I managed to snap some pics of Drew using my camera phone, but of course they didn’t turn out very well. Let that be a lesson to me – ALWAYS have my camera charged! LOL After my camera died one of my friends said it was a sign that we should leave the premiere and head to our acting class – which we were already almost a half an hour late for. LOL While talking about the fact that we were so late for class the girl standing next to us said that she, too, was missing a class to watch the premiere. LOL So like the dutiful student that I am, I left the premiere and headed to class – WITHOUT seeing Jen! 🙁 Yes, you read that right. Now that’s dedication if I’ve ever seen it! LOL

    For those of you who have never been, I HIGHLY recommend stalking a red carpet premiere. It was SO MUCH FUN! Even though we had to stand pretty far away, I still felt like we were right in the middle of everything that was happening. Besides Drew and Ginnifer, we also got to see Justin Long and Kevin Connolly. 🙂 You can see some high quality red carpet pics on this website where it looks like quite a few celebs – including Jennifer Aniston – walked across the street to sign autographs after making their way through the press line. So bummed I missed it! 🙁

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Mann’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard smack dab in the middle of Hollywood. You can visit the Mann’s Chinese website to find out about upcoming premieres being held at the famous theatre. The premiere for the new Friday the 13th movie will be taking place there next Monday, February 9th, at 7pm, with the celeb arrivals most likely starting at 6pm.

  • The License to Drive School




    This weekend, thanks to Mike over at MovieShotsLA, I got to stalk the high school used in fave 80s movie License to Drive. When I found out that Mike had found this filming location long ago, I completely freaked out and of course immediately dragged my boyfriend, and my good friend Nat who was visiting from San Francisco, out to stalk it. It turns out, though, that the License to Drive high school is not really a high school at all, but rather a middle school named Walter Reed. And, let me tell you, for a middle school the place is absolutely HUGE. I couldn’t get over it! I think my entire junior high could have fit on Walter Reed’s front lawn. LOL




    Walter Reed Middle School shows up several times in License to Drive, most often as the location where Mercedes Lane waits on an outdoor bench for her Ferrari-driving boyfriend to pick her up after school. It was that bench that I was most excited to see in person as I absolutely worshiped Mercedes growing up! I am happy to report that Mercedes’ bench is still there twenty years later and looks pretty much exactly the same as it did when filming took place. I can’t tell you how excited I was to be sitting in the exact spot my idol Mercedes Lane had sat all those years ago. 🙂 Too bad I didn’t have my denim skirt and white ankle boots on for the picture. LOL





    Walter Reed’s unique pick-up/drop-off area located in front of the school is the reason I believe producers chose to use the school for filming. That area worked perfectly for the many pick-up/drop-off scenes featured in the movie.

    Besides License to Drive, Walter Reed also appeared in 7th Heaven (as Simon Camden’s elementary school), 2006’s The Shaggy Dog remake, Role Models, Accepted, The West Wing, CSI, and Malcom in the Middle. The exterior of the school is very picturesque and has a very Middle America feel to it, so it is easy to see why it is used so often for filming. I was also excited to find out that quite a few celebs attended Walter Reed during their tween years, including Mayim Bialik (aka TV’s Blossom), Brian Austin Green, Adam Carolla, Teri Garr, Cuba Gooding Jr., Alyson Hannigan, Christina Milian, and, ironically, Khrystyne Haje who played Simone on Head of the Class. I say ironically because the storyline of Head of the Class, the show Khrystyne would later star in, was actually loosely based on Walter Reed’s honor’s program. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Walter Reed Middle School is located at 4525 Irvine Avenue in North Hollywood.

  • The Marilyn Monroe Theatre

    UPDATE: Want to see the story of Marilyn Monroe live on stage? Marilyn Theater Tickets are available from BarrysTickets.com now!


    A few weeks ago while out driving, I pulled my car to a screeching halt when I noticed a large sign reading “The Marilyn Monroe Theatre” on the side of a building in West Hollywood. I had never heard of a MM Theatre in Los Angeles before, so of course I just had park my car to go investigate. 🙂 It turns out that the theatre is part of the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute. For non-Marilyn fans, Lee Strasberg and his second wife Paula were MM’s beloved acting teachers and private acting coaches for the seven years leading up to her death. While Marilyn never attended the Los Angeles branch of the Actors Studio, she did study at the New York studio beginning in March of 1955.


    By that time, Marilyn was already a huge celebrity with 26 films under her belt. The already famous actress, who once said about acting “I am not interested in money. I just want to be wonderful.”, enrolled in regular classes at “The Studio”, studying alongside far less successful performers than herself. During class, due to her severe shyness and stage fright, Marilyn often sat in the very last row of seats in the very back of the room. I find it so admirable that a star of her caliber at such a high point in her career would be humble enough to study in a regular acting class. You don’t see many stars of today doing that! While at the studio, Marilyn studied alongside the likes of Eli Wallach (with whom she would later star in The Misfits), Kevin McCarthy, Maureen Stapleton, and Kim Stanley. Of her acting Lee Strasberg said “I have worked with hundreds and hundreds of actors and actresses, and there are only two that stand out way above the rest. Number one is Marlon Brando, and the second is Marilyn Monroe.” It is so sad to me that while outsiders could see and appreciate Marilyn’s immense talent, she was never able to recognize it in herself.


    When Marilyn passed away in 1962, she willed the bulk of her estate to her beloved acting coach and his wife. Paula Strasberg died only four years later and a short year after that Lee Strasberg met and married a woman named Anna. The two remained married until Lee’s death in 1982, upon which Anna inherited Marilyn’s vast fortune and control of her image. In an ironic twist of fate, because Lee didn’t meet Anna until 1967, some five years after Marilyn’s death, the image and estate of one of the most famous stars in Hollywood history is controlled by a woman she never even met.


    In 1969, as a present to her husband, Anna purchased the property where the Marilyn Monroe Theatre and the Los Angeles branch of The Actors Studio now stands. In the theatre’s early years, Lee’s acting classes were held there. As time went on, though, the theatre became one of the most prestigious stage venues in Los Angeles. And while Marilyn never set foot inside of the theatre that now bears her name, over the years it has premiered many revered plays and has also played host to many famous actors and actresses including Sally Kirkland, Rebecca DeMornay, Joe Mantegna, Amy Madigan, Andrew Prine, Renee Taylor, Joseph Bologna, Burt Young, Kim Cattral, and Boy Meet’s World’s Ben Savage. Movie screenings are also often held at the theatre. Actors who have participated in screenings at the MM Theatre include Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, John Voight, Bridget Fonda, Claire Danes, Martin Landau, Lesley Ann Warren, and Robert Wagner.


    Of course, I highly recommend stalking the Marilyn Monroe Theatre. Any fan of MM will definitely appreciate being there. 🙂 On a side note while researching the theatre, I happened upon a link with an address to a Marilyn Monroe Memorial Theatre located in San Francisco. I am DEFINITELY going to have to stalk that the next time I am up there!!


    Marilyn Monroe fans visiting the L.A. area will be excited to hear that tickets to a new stage show chronicling the starlet’s life are currently available at Barry’sTickets.com.  Marilyn – the Story of the Silver Screen Goddess, A Dance Musical, comes to Los Angeles from London’s West End and recounts the tragic behind-the-scenes life of the world’s most iconic blond.  The musical, which was choreographed and directed by the Oliver and Evening Standard award-winning director Peter Schaufuss, provides audiences a glimpse of the private world Marilyn rarely shared with the public – the world of a woman who achieved every success imaginable, except for true happiness.  The show features a cast of fifteen remarkable actors and showcases fifteen lively song and dance numbers including Elton John’s “Candle in the Wind”, which the singer originally wrote in honor of Marilyn in 1973, “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend” from the hit movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and “My Heart Belongs to Daddy” from the 1960 movie Let’s Make Love.  Don’t miss Marilyn – The Story of the Silver Screen Goddess, A Dance Musical.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂


    Stalk It: The Marilyn Monroe Theatre is located 7936 Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood. San Francisco’s Marilyn Monroe Memorial Theatre is located at 96 Lafayette Street. The Actors Studio in New York where Marilyn once studied is located at 432 West 44th Street.