Tag: movie stars

  • Watching the Filming of “True Blood”

    True Blood filming 1

    Last Wednesday evening I got a text from the owner of POP Champagne & Dessert Bar – my very favorite restaurant and the spot where the Grim Cheaper and I held the rehearsal dinner for our wedding last August – alerting me to the fact that the hit HBO television series True Blood would be filming at his eatery the following evening beginning at 9 p.m.  He invited me to come down to watch and even though I’ve never seen even one episode of the vampire series, I was beyond excited!  I immediately called up Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and asked him to join me as True Blood is his very favorite show.  So, the next night at around 8 p.m. the two of us headed out to POP and were floored to see those ubiquitous yellow filming signs that I so love on the streets surrounding the restaurant.


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    True Blood was actually first being shot inside of The Old Towne Pub, a bar that is located right next door to POP, and when filming wrapped there, the production was then set to move outside, to POP’s back entrance, which, oddly enough, was standing in for the front entrance to The Old Towne Pub.  Confused?  I was.  For whatever reason though, even though the two doors look very similar (POP’s back entrance is pictured above left and The Old Towne Pub’s entrance is pictured above right), producers had decided that POP’s back door suited their filming needs better than The Old Towne Pub’s actual entrance.  


    And even though only POP’s back door and the alleyway directly outside of it would be appearing in the episode and none of the restaurant’s actual interiors would be seen, the eatery was required to close its doors during the shoot.  So, I ,of course, just had to take a picture standing in front of the sign announcing that POP would be closing early that evening.  Love it!

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    According to one of the crew members that we spoke with, the Old Towne Pub and POP Champagne Bar were being used for a flashback scene that was taking place in a punk bar in 1980’s London.  The courtyard outside of the two bars and the alleyway were dressed to look like 1980’s London for the shoot and there were several British cars parked there, which was very cool to see. 

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    The sides of the alley were also packed to the brim with all sorts of filming equipment and props.


    According to one of the security guards that we spoke with, actors Stephen Moyer, who plays Bill Compton on the series, and Ryan Kwanten, who plays Sookie Stackhouse’s brother Jason, were in attendance that evening (at least I think that is what he said, but again I have never seen the show, so I cannot be positive of who was actually there).  Sadly though, we did not spot either of them.  We first watched the filming from a distance in the courtyard area behind the two bars, but we unfortunately could not see very much from there at all.  Then the owner of The Old Towne Pub, who had been standing with us, informed us that we should venture upstairs to the courtyard’s outdoor patio where we would have a much better vantage point.  Well, wouldn’t you know it, just as we made our way up to the second story patio, both Stephen and Ryan were wrapped for the night and walked off of the set.  Apparently they took photographs with several fans who were also watching the filming on their way out, too, so Mike and I majorly lost out!!!  While we were on the patio, we did get to watch a scene being filmed with some of the episode’s guest stars, though, which I was floored about.  Even though I do not watch the show, as you all know I LOVE to watch filming of any sort, so I was in absolute heaven.  And the crew truly (pun intended!) could NOT have been nicer, either.  The first crew member that we spoke with upon arriving at POP was actually a real a-hole and I was fearful that they all might be unfriendly towards us.  But, as it turned out, I really needn’t have worried as the rest of the crew was INCREDIBLY friendly and answered all of our questions about the filming and allowed us to take as many pictures as we wanted.  YAY!  One of them even came up to me to chat about the jacket I was wearing as he had just bought the exact same jacket for his girlfriend for Christmas.  LOVE IT! 

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    The following evening, I dragged the GC out to stalk the The Old Towne Pub so that I could snap some picture of the restaurant’s interior where filming had taken place.  Our original plan was to grab a bite to eat there, but unfortunately the restaurant does not serve food and the two of us were absolutely starving, so we did not end up staying.  The server on duty was super nice, though, and let us take all of the photographs of the place that we wanted even though we were not actually eating there.  I definitely plan on re-stalking this location after the True Blood episode airs and doing a more in-depth post on it as an episode of the HBO series Hung was filmed there as was the 2000 movie Bedazzled.

    True Blood Filming in Pasadena–1-12-2011

    Mike took the above video on his iPhone of the two guest stars rehearsing the scene that we watched being filmed.  He also took all of the photographs which appear in this post, so, a big THANK YOU goes out to him for allowing me to share them all on my site.  THANK YOU, Mike, from MovieShotsLASmile 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    POP's back door

    Stalk It: POP Champagne and Dessert Bar is located at 33 East Union Street in Old Town Pasadena.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website hereTrue Blood was filmed at POP’s back entrance on Aayes Alley, which is denoted with the pink arrow in the above aerial view and which can be reached from East Holly Street.  The episode was also filmed inside of The Old Towne Pub, which is located at 66 North Fair Oaks Avenue, directly behind the Container Store, in Old Town Pasadena.  You can visit that restaurant’s official website here.

  • Patrick Swayze’s Former Apartment


    Ever since the Grim Cheaper purchased the Dirty Dancing: Limited Keepsake Edition DVD for me this past Christmas, I have become just a tad bit obsessed with finding out more behind-the-scenes information about the movie.  So, the other day I picked up Patrick Swayze and wife Lisa Niemi’s autobiography which is titled The Time of My Life and, let me tell you, I’ve hardly been able to put it down since.  It is an absolutely FABULOUS book and Patrick Swayze was an absolutely AMAZING man!  The unbridled love that he had for his wife is riveting to read about and heartbreaking at the same time, now that he has since passed away.  Let’s just say that theirs was not a typical Hollywood union.  Patrick married Lisa on June 12, 1975, when he was only 22 years old and she was only 19, and they remained together and completely devoted to one another throughout the rest of his life.  While the majority of married actors surrounding him on movie sets were conducting on-set affairs during filming, Lisa accompanied Patrick on each and every single shoot – whether he was filming in Los Angeles or in the far reaches of Africa – and I think that is part of what made their marriage so strong.  If you have any interest whatsoever in learning more about Patrick Swayze or the movie Dirty Dancing, I honestly cannot recommend The Time of My Life enough!  The book also doles out quite a few stalking addresses, including one of the couple’s first Los Angeles apartments, which I ran right out to stalk yesterday!

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    Patrick and Lisa first moved to Southern California in 1979, after spending several years together in New York.  The two first lived in the ground-floor apartment of a home owned by two older women in the Hollywood Hills.  Of his new landlords, Patrick said, “The women upstairs were real characters, and one of them seemed always to have a tumbler of scotch in her hand.”  LOL  In 1980, after living in that apartment for a little over a year, the couple moved to what Patrick describes in the book as “an apartment in West Hollywood, on La Jolla Avenue”.  Well, as soon as I read those words I knew I was going to have to track down that apartment!  Thankfully though, Patrick made the job extremely easy for me by putting in the book the above photograph of himself, along with his mother and Lisa, standing outside of their apartment in which an address number of “623” was visible.  Because he had described the place as being in West Hollywood, I had assumed it would be located on North La Jolla Avenue, but when I searched for that address via Google street view, nothing matched up.  So, I then looked at the building located at 623 South La Jolla Avenue and there was his apartment, looking almost EXACTLY the same as it had back in the early 80s when the Swayzes had called the place home!. So incredibly cool!

    Patrick Swayze garage

    In the book, Patrick says that his apartment came with a two-car garage that he and Lisa turned into a woodworking shop as the couple ran a carpentry business on the side, which kept them afloat financially in between acting gigs.  I am guessing that their garage was the one denoted with the pink arrow in the above photograph.

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    But, for whatever reason, in the above photograph, which was included in the book, Patrick is shown posing with his brand new DeLorean car outside of the garage belonging to the neighboring apartment building.  That area, too, though looks very much the same today as it did back in the early 80’s.

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    Shortly after moving into the apartment, the Swazyes found themselves broke with only $3 in their bank account.  Patrick says, “The saving grace of our new apartment was the orange tree in the backyard, which ended up feeding us for the difficult weeks we spent trying to pull our financial life together.  We managed to scrape together enough coins to buy a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread, and that, with the oranges, was what we ate.”  Just a few weeks after going broke, fate intervened and Patrick landed the lead role of “Bandit” in the television series Renegades.  His career took off from there.  The couple continued to live in the La Jolla Avenue apartment for the next few years as Patrick’s fame continued to grow.  But after the television series North and South aired in 1985, the actor became a household name and the Swayzes had to move from their beloved, but entirely-too-accessible apartment.  Patrick says, “Lisa and I also realized that we’d now have to take steps to protect our privacy.  Even in those pre-internet days, there were still paparazzi all over Hollywood, not to mention some overzealous fans who weren’t above staking us out at home.  When I got the role of Orry Main, it allowed us to buy a five-acre ranch, where we could keep horses and enjoy nature without being disturbed.”  That ranch, which they named “Rancho Bizarro and which Lisa still owns to this day, is located on Lemoncrest Avenue in Sylmar, about twenty miles north of Los Angeles.


    Another location that Patrick talks about in The Time of My Life – one that I was absolutely DYING to stalk until I found out that it was no longer there – was the Harkness Theater at Lincoln Center in New York.  In September of 1973, Patrick, who was at the time a member of the Harkness Ballet Company, was hired to pose for artist Enrique Senis-Oliver who had been commissioned by oil heiress Rebekah Harkness to paint a large mural in her new theatre, which was then just being built.  The enormous painting, which Patrick says “stretched from the stage to the very top of the proscenium and down both sides”, was titled Homage to Terpsichore and it featured hundreds of nude men dancing.  Incredibly, all of those men were Patrick!  Over a period of several weeks, Enrique had used the actor/dancer as the model for each and every single male featured in the mural!  Sadly though, that mural is no longer as the Harkness Theatre was torn down in 1977, only a few short years after it had been built.  So incredibly sad!  You can see photographs of part of Patrick’s mural here and here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Patrick Swayze garage 2

    Stalk It:  Patrick Swayze’s former apartment building is located at 623 South La Jolla Avenue in Los Angeles.  The garage Patrick posed in front of with his new DeLorean is located just north of his apartment building and is denoted with a pink arrow in the above aerial view.

  • The Shannen Doherty “Badass” Book Signing


    This past Tuesday night, the Grim Cheaper, fellow stalker Erika, and I all headed out to the Grove Shopping Center in Los Angeles to attend the Shannen Doherty Badass book signing and, as you can probably well imagine, I could NOT have been more excited about it!  As I was telling the GC on our drive over there, I can count the number of celebrities that I would absolutely DIE to meet on one hand and Shannen is in the top three of that list – and has been for the past twenty years.  Number one and number two are, of course, Jennifer Aniston and Michael Buble.  And while I know that Beverly Hills, 90210 has been off the air for more than a decade now and that Shannen left the show way back in 1994,for whatever reason, Brenda Walsh has left a permanent footprint on my heart and she is still my very favorite television character of all time.  I’m sure that when I’m in my nineties, I’ll still be watching my DVDs of the series and shaking my cane at the television set in anger every time Kelly Taylor does something mean to Brenda.  Winking smile   So, when I found out that I would have the opportunity to meet my teenage idol, it was almost more than I could bear!  As you can see in the above photograph, I even made a “Team Brenda” shirt for the occasion. 



    When we arrived at the signing, we were given the informational sheet pictured above and I just about had a heart attack upon reading the words, “Posed photography WILL BE allowed.”  I absolutely could NOT believe it as I am quickly discovering that the vast majority of celebrities, sadly, do not pose for photographs at signings.  I was also floored when I found out that Shannen would be personalizing books because Raquel Welch had refused to do so when I went to her book signing back in April and I’m still kind of ticked off about it.  So, needless to say, once I found out that I would be able to get a photograph with my girl AND a personalized autograph, I was beyond, BEYOND excited.  I literally had butterflies in my stomach the entire time I was waiting in line!

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    And then when Shannen came out I just about died!!  She looked absolutely STUNNING!  She’s tiny in person, probably about 5’2”, and in FABULOUS shape – her arms are to die for!  It’s amazing to me that she is almost forty years old ‘cause she definitely does not look it.  I absolutely LOVED, LOVED, LOVED her outfit, too.  It was classy, simple, and understated.  Very Jen Aniston!  Smile  Oh, and she was also wearing Christian Louboutin high heels!  Love it!

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    Shannen started out the signing by posing for a few minutes for the paparazzi who had been invited to the event.  I am not sure f it was Barnes & Noble or Shannen’s people who actually invited the paparazzi, but I would like to go on the record here and state that it was a FABULOUS idea!  Because they were allowed to stand at the front and take pictures for the first five minutes of the signing, the photogs were not pushy or obnoxious and once they got their shots, they left.  It was all pretty painless and, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, the perfect way to handle things.  When I went to the Tori Spelling book signing at Vroman’s back in July, the paparazzi were chasing Tori through the parking lot and absolutely swarming her and the fans.  It was all very chaotic and after seeing how differently the paparazzi behaved at Shannen’s signing, I am convinced that allowing them inside is the way to go.

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    Because Erika, the GC, and I were in the middle section of the line, we got to watch Shannen interact with quite a few people while we waited and – and I honestly cannot say this enough! – she was SO incredibly nice!  She took her time with people, engaged them in conversation, and seemed genuinely happy to be speaking with her fans.  I know there are those out there who will say that she’s an actress and that the whole thing was simply an act, but I did not get that impression AT ALL.  Shannen seemed INCREDIBLY genuine.  I know that SD got a bad rap while on 90210, but in my heart of hearts (and after my bad experience meeting Jennie Garth a few years back), I just do not believe the hype.  Something in my gut told me she was going to be a sweetheart and, as it turned out, she was!  I’ve read in countless interviews that Shannen is a very honest, upfront person and that she doesn’t take any guff off of anyone (which also describes me to a T, actually), and while there are those who equate honesty and strength with meanness, I can honestly say that, in person, Shannen came across as bubbly, warm, and genuine.  If it’s at all possible I love her even more now than I did before.   

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    When I finally got up to the front of the line, I was literally shaking I was so darn excited!  And Shannen noticed my “Team Brenda” shirt immediately which was so incredibly cool.  Smile

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    When she started signing my book, I told her how much I had adored her for the past twenty years and that she was in my top three list of celebrities that I’d do just about anything to meet.


    The picture above is her reaction to that statement.  She was truly shocked and touched that she was in my top three and promptly asked who the other two were.  When I told her Jen Aniston and Michael Buble, she said that she was happy she was in good company.  Then I told her that I had been to the MB concert the previous night (which I will be blogging about soon, I am just waiting on some pictures from my dad) and she asked if I had gotten to meet him.  When I told her no, she said jokingly, “That bastard!”  Winking smile  She then asked if I had ever met Jen before and when I told her that I had, she said, “Isn’t she such a sweetheart?”  Smile  LOVE IT!  Shannen then told me that I should have played Kelly Taylor on 90210 since I kind of have the same hair as Jennie Garth, to which I said, “And then we could have become best friends!”  Smile 

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    And here you have it!  The photograph that I’ve been waiting over twenty years to take!  Me and Shannen Doherty!  Sigh!   

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    Pictured above is what Shannen signed in my book.  It reads, “Lindsay, So honored I’m in your top 3!  <3 Shannen Doherty”  So cute!


    Fellow stalker Erika was actually lucky enough to have met and taken a picture with Shannen last year while at a restaurant in Malibu, so she printed up an 8 x 10 copy of the photograph they had taken together in the hopes that Shannen would sign it.  Shannen’s reaction upon being shown the photo, which you can see above, was absolutely priceless.  So incredibly cute!  She even remembered meeting Erika and taking the picture with her!  And not only did she sign the picture, but Erika had actually printed out three copies of it just in case one got ruined while en route to the signing and Shannen signed ALL THREE!  Smile


    Erika’s pic with Shannen also turned out fabulous. 


    All in all it was an ABSOLUTELY fabulous night and Shannen could NOT have been nicer!  She and David Caruso are without a doubt the two nicest, friendliest celebrities I have EVER met in my ENTIRE life! 

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    On a Brenda Walsh side note – Jack, the owner of the real life Walsh house, recently gave me the 90210 keepsake to end all 90210 keepsakes!  When it was originally decided that filming would take place at his house, producers came around and changed a few things on the property, most notably adding the famous Walsh basketball hoop to the front of the garage.  Another change they made, though, was to swap out many of the home’s windows with new ones, including three in the room that was supposed to belong to Brenda.  Those windows remained on Jack’s house for the following twenty years, until this past Fall when he had some of them replaced, including all of the ones in Brenda’s room.  He subsequently gave the former windows to his brother to use for scrap wood, which I just about died upon hearing.  Scrap wood?????  Really??????  As fate would have it, though, one window got left behind in his garage and he offered it to me!  As you can imagine I just about had a heart attack over that one!  As you can also imagine, because it is a rather large window, the GC was not AT ALL happy when I came walking in our front door with it!  We ended up hanging it behind our bed, though, and it looks fabulous!  Even the GC now loves it as he thinks it gives our bedroom a “New York” feel.  Every time I walk into my bedroom now, I can’t help but pinch myself upon seeing it!  I mean, I’ve got Brenda Walsh’s window hanging in my bedroom!  I honestly think I can die a happy woman now!  Winking smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: You can purchase “Badass” by clicking here.  You can find out about upcoming events at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore at the Grove by clicking here or on my Upcoming Celebrity Events page here.

  • Granville Towers – Portia de Rossi’s Former Home


    I just recently finished reading Portia de Rossi’s new memoir Unbearable Lightness and I have to say that it was easily one of the best books I have ever read in my entire life!  I literally could NOT put it down.  The memoir is a harrowing account of the actress’ long-time eating disorder which consumed her life during the years she portrayed Nelle Porter on the hit television series Ally McBeal.  Besides being a fabulous read, the book’s topic really hit home with me as I was once told by an acting teacher that I was “stocky” and needed to lose weight if I wanted to make it in this business.  I was a size two at the time.  Needless to say the notion of “there is no such thing as too thin” is alive and well in Hollywood.  Thankfully I had a strong foundation to fall back on at home and was able to blow off my acting teacher’s words – and eventually her class.  Winking smile  But it is easy to see why someone like Portia, who was already deeply insecure over the fact that she was gay and whose family lived a world away in Australia, would falter in that sort of environment.  Her story is both heartbreaking and fascinating and I honestly cannot recommend reading it enough.  Anyway, in the book, Portia talks about living in a penthouse unit at the legendary Granville Towers in West Hollywood, so as soon as I finished reading the tome, I immediately ran right out to stalk the place.


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    The Granville Towers, which was originally an apartment building named The Voltaire, was built in 1930 in the French Revival style by architect Leland Bryant, who also designed one of my favorite hotels in Southern California – the Sunset Tower Hotel on Sunset Boulevard.  The 7-story, 40-unit property was a celebrity magnet from the very beginning and such stars as Ann Sothern, Jack Lord, Arthur Treacher, Janet Gaynor, and Rock Hudson called the place home.  My girl Marilyn Monroe even stayed there for a brief while after her divorce from Joe DiMaggio in 1954.  In the 1980s, the property was transformed into a luxury hotel at which point it was renamed The Granville.  A few years later it was transformed yet again, this time into an upscale condominium building, and Hollywood luminaries once again began calling the place home.  Just a few of the celebrities who have lived there in more recent years include Nicole Scherzinger, Ashley Greene (her boyfriend Joe Jonas is a frequent visitor), Mickey Rourke, Brendan Fraser, David Bowie, Amy Locane, and Michael Michele.

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    Portia de Rossi lived in the building’s north tower penthouse from the late 1990s through mid-2002.  Of first seeing the penthouse apartment, she said, “I felt as though I had been transported to an artist’s loft in a city like Philadelphia, which was much more exciting to me than where I actually was.  Where I was, was predictable.  But the apartment made me think there was more to life than being an actress on a David Kelly show.”  She signed the papers on the spot and immediately set about transforming the upstairs attic loft into a workout room.  Of her makeshift gym, she says, “The treadmill was really the only thing up there and was perfectly centered in the attic, between the wall of windows that showcased the industrial city that was the roof of the Sunset 5 and the east windows through which I could see all the way downtown.  The wall opposite the smokestacks acted as a bulletin board where I had taped pieces of paper.  Mostly the pieces were exaggerated to-do lists.  I say ‘exaggerated’ because they said things that were more like goals that I wanted to achieve than things that needed to be done.  The largest piece of paper with the boldest writing stated ‘I WILL BE 105 POUNDS BY CHRISTMAS’.”  She also fastened a list of cards to the wall just to the left of her to-do list.  Each card featured a number, beginning at 111 and  running backwards.  Portia was 111 pounds at the time and each time she lost a pound, she would remove a card.  Of her weight wall, she says, “It helped keep me focused and it helped me to remember that once I’d achieved the new lower weight and the card stating my previous weight was gone, that I could never weigh that much again; that the old weight was gone.  It was no longer who I was.  It was getting more difficult to lose weight as I got thinner, so I needed all the incentive and motivation I could muster.  Putting my weight on the wall was a clever thing to do as it always needed to be in the forefront of my mind, otherwise I might’ve forgotten and walked on the treadmill instead of run, sat instead of paced.  I once saw a loft where a famous writer lived, and all over the wall was his research for the novel he was writing.  He described the book to me as his life’s work, his magnum opus.  I felt like controlling my weight was my magnum opus, the most important product of my brain and was worthy of devoting a wall to its success.”  See what I mean?  Absolutely riveting – and harrowing – stuff!


    The Granville is a truly beautiful building and features a 24-hour doorman, valet parking, a lobby with a piano, an indoor pool and spa, and a large garden patio area complete with statuaries and fountains.  You can view some great interior photographs of the building here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Granville Towers is located at 1424 North Crescent Heights Boulevard, just south of Sunset Boulevard, in West Hollywood.

  • Paramount Studios . . . A Third Time


    As I mentioned in last Thursday’s post about my second VIP Tour of the Studios at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood,  I also recently embarked on a third tour of the lot, along with fellow stalkers Lavonna, Debbie, Connie, and Beth, who were all in town visiting from Ohio this past October.  And I am very happy to report that my third Paramount tour was just as fabulous as my first two.  If you have yet to visit the famed Hollywood studio, all I can say is that you REALLY must!  As I’ve stated numerous times in the past, it is simply the best studio tour Los Angeles has to offer.  This time our tour group consisted of two guides, the five of us, and only one other gentlemen (who showed up in a business suit with the intention of handing out headshots to various studio executives that we might happen to pass along the way, which was extremely uncomfortable for everyone involved, but that’s a whole other story), so we were very lucky in that our group was not only smaller than normal, but our tour was also very much catered to the places on the lot that Lavonna and Co. were interested in seeing.  I should mention here that Paramount guides are very good about customizing tours for each particular group, so if you do happen to embark on a visit to the lot, I highly encourage you to speak up and tell your guide exactly what it is that you are interested in seeing.  

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    Our first stop, as always, was Lucy Park, the history of which I wrote about in last week’s Paramount post.  One thing I forgot to mention, though, was that the Chevalier Building, which runs along the eastern side of the park, was used as Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Jefferson High School on the 1970’s television series Happy Days.

    Tom Cruise's Former Office Paramount

    Directly across from Lucy Park is the Ball Building, named in honor of actress Lucille Ball, where Tom Cruise’s production offices were formerly housed.  Tom’s office is the one with the large bay window denoted with the pink arrow in the above photograph, from which is a fabulous view of the Hollywood sign.


    We were then shuttled by Stage 25, which is considered by many to be an extremely lucky stage being that two of the most successful shows in television history, Cheers and Frasier – both of which ran for eleven seasons and both of which starred actor Kelsey Grammar as Doctor Frasier Crane – were filmed there.  Our guide told us that Grammar likes to joke that his short-lived television series Back to You, which was filmed elsewhere, would have been much more successful had it been lensed on Stage 25.

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    Next up was Stage 28 where the Nickelodeon Television series Big Time Rush is filmed.  The exterior of that particular stage is used each week for establishing shots of the Rocque Records offices on the show.


    Right next door to Stage 28 is Stage 27, where the Grim Cheaper’s favorite movie of all time, The Godfather, was filmed, so of course I just had to snap a photograph of it.

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    We were then taken inside the set of the apartment belonging to Alex (aka Elisha Cuthbert) on the yet-to-be released series Happy Endings.  Alex’s apartment, which we unfortunately were not allowed to take photographs of, but which you can see in the above screen captures, is VERY reminiscent of Monica and Rachel’s apartment on Friends.  It was absolutely amazing to be able to see the set in such an up-close-and-personal manner and to discover how truly realistic everything actually was.  At one point Lavonna and I wandered into Alex’s bathroom – which according to our tour guide is not going to be used for actual filming but will only be seen in the background of certain scenes – and were shocked to discover how incredibly detailed it was.  There was a huge make-up basket filled with actual make-up on the counter, there was a toothbrush and toothpaste by the sink, and the drawers were filled with hairbrushes and other beauty paraphernalia.  The attention to detail was astounding, especially considering that the bathroom will only be appearing in the background, if at all!  There were also real life bills being stored in Alex’s mail holder and actual books piled on her bookshelves.  So incredibly cool!

    You can watch the promo for Happy Endings by clicking above.

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    Up next was my VERY favorite section of the Paramount lot, New York Street, where filming for both Happy Endings . . .

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    . . . and Community was taking place.  I happened to spot cutie Joel McHale walking around the Community set, but I couldn’t get my camera out fast enough to snap a photograph of him, which was so   unbelievably frustrating I cannot even tell you!  UGH!

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    Paramount Studios was used as the location of the Junior Prom in the Season 1 episode of fave show 90210 titled “Zero Tolerance”.  In the episode, Naomi Clark (aka AnnaLynne McCord) and Liam Court (aka Matt Lanter – sigh!) decide to take a break from the dance to walk around New York Street and they wind up sitting on a brownstone stoop where, in a drool-worthy moment, Liam finally admits to Naomi that he has actual feelings for her . . . and then, it begins to snow!  So darn cute! 

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    I was absolutely dying to take a picture while sitting on Liam and Naomi’s stoop, but unfortunately I could not remember exactly which one it was, so I ended up sitting a few houses too far to the north. 

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    Liam and Naomi’s actual stoop is located on the Lower East Side portion of New York Street and is the stoop located closest to Washington Square and is denoted with the pink arrow in the above photograph.

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    The café from Spiderman 3, where Peter Parker (aka Tobey Maguire) tells Harry Osborn (aka James Franco) that Mary Jane Watson (aka Kristen Dunst) is in love with someone else, is also located on New York Street, in the Greenwich Village area. 

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    Much like the jazz club from Spiderman 3 which I talked about in my previous Paramount post, the café is a “practical set”, which means that it is not just a façade, but that it also has an interior area where filming can take place.

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    We actually got to step inside one of the facades while we were on New York Street, which I had never done before on a previous tour.  As you can see in the above photographs, the interior of the facade consists mainly of large metal beams, from which set electricians can hang lights, and open space, where background actors are sometimes held in between takes.

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    The “Schlemiel, Schlimazel, Hasenpfeffer Incorporated” segment of the Laverne & Shirley opening credits was also filmed on New York Street, in the Washington Square section.

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    Interestingly enough, the exterior of Rosalita’s Bar from Happy Endings was dressed a bit differently than it was the last time I visited the lot a few weeks beforehand.

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    The way it looked on my previous tour is pictured above. 


    Fellow stalker Beth also somehow managed to snap the above photograph of the interior of the soundstage where Happy Endings is filmed, the door of which happened to be open as we drove by.  As you can see, the doorway and part of the exterior of Rosalita’s Bar has also been built inside of the soundstage, which was very cool to see!



    Next up was the famed Stage 14, where fave show Glee is filmed.  Because Lavonna, Debbie, Connie, Beth, and I are all diehard Gleeks, we were hoping to have the same star-sighting luck outside of Stage 14 that I had on my previous tour, but alas, that was not to be.

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    We all just about died a few minutes after driving away from the stage, though, when who should we spot being shuttled around on a golf cart but Miss Lea Michele!  I was beyond excited to catch a glimpse of Lea as I had only seen her for a split second during my previous Paramount tour and, aside from Will Schuester (aka Matthew Morrison), Rachel Berry is my favorite character on the show.  Sadly though, the experience was not a good one.  As Lea’s cart approached, the driver put her hand up to block the actress’ face from us, which was absolutely unbelievable!  It’s rude enough when an actor puts up their own hand to block their face from fans, but to have an assistant do it for you is an absolute diva maneuver if I ever saw one!  The whole thing was extremely disappointing for us as, prior to that, we had all LOVED Lea.  Our tour guide on the the previous tour had told us that Lea was the worst one of the entire Glee bunch and that the studio staff had taken to humming the Wicked Witch of the West theme song from The Wizard of Oz every time she rode past them on her bike, but, even after hearing that, I had still believed she was nice.  Sadly that did not seem to be the case, though.  Such a shame.

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    Next up was the exterior of Stage 15 where NCIS: Los Angeles is filmed, which I was absolutely FLOORED about seeing (and which took my mind off of the whole Lea Michele debacle) as the outside of it is used for the filming of the exterior of the NCIS Office of Special Projects on the series.  So incredibly cool!


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    We were then taken to Paramount’s Production Park, where the Lubitsch Building is located, which was used as Westdale High School on fave show The Brady Bunch

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    The Lubitsch Building is located on the east side of Production Park and the doorway which was used as the entrance to Westdale High is denoted with the pink arrow in the above aerial view.

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    Production Park was also recently used in the Season 1 episode of Rizzoli & Isles titled “Money for Nothing”, in the opening scene in which Detective Jane Rizzoli (aka Angie Harmon) and Dr. Maura Isles (aka Sasha Alexander) are shown stretching before a morning run.

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    The filming of an episode of Nickelodeon’s Big Time Rush had just wrapped when we arrived at the park, which is what the sign reading “Palm Woods Park” was set up for.  Filming had involved the cast of the show being in some sort of a mud pit and the crew was covering up the pit while we were there, which is what you see in the above photograph.

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    We also made a stop at the Paramount Studios Theatre and while we were there our tour guide mentioned that the theatre lobby had been used as a hotel in a certain movie, but when I sat down to write today’s post, I could not for the life of me remember which movie.  Enter Lavonna, who CALLED UP Paramount to find out for me!  Amazingly enough, who should answer the phone, but our actual tour guide who informed Lavonna that the movie he had told us about was Clear and Present Danger.  Thank you, Lavonna!  🙂

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    Our final stop was the famous Paramount Studios water fountain, which was also featured in the “Zero Tolerance” episode of 90210


    Despite our disappointment over Lea Michele, the tour was still a FABULOUS, FABULOUS experience and I honestly cannot recommend taking it enough!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Paramount is hands down the best studio tour in Hollywood!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: Paramount Studios is located at 5555 Melrose Avenue in Hollywood.  Tours are given Monday through Friday at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. and cost $40 per person.  Reservations can be made by calling (323)956-1777.  Parking for the tour costs $7 per car and the tour lot is located on Bronson Avenue, directly across the street from the studio’s main entrance.  I recommend booking your tour at least a week in advance, as they tend to sell out quickly.  You can find out more information about the Paramount Studios Tour here.

  • The 101 Coffee Shop from “Swingers”


    One location that I have wanted to stalk ever since moving to Los Angeles over a decade ago, but didn’t because there were numerous erroneous reports floating around online which stated that the place had since closed down, was the 101 Coffee Shop which appeared in the 1996 movie Swingers.  It wasn’t until Mike, from MovieShotsLA, pointed out the restaurant to me while driving by it after we finished our tour of Paramount Studios back in September that I realized the location was, indeed, still open for business.  I added the cafe to the top of my “To Stalk” list that very day and when fellow stalkers Lavonna, Beth, Debbie, and Connie came out from Ohio for a Hollywood stalking trip a few weeks later, we all hit the place up for a quick bite to eat.


    Apparently, there is quite a bit of confusion surrounding this particular location, so I thought I’d put all the mystery to rest with today’s post.  The diner, which is located on the first floor of the Best Western Hollywood Hills Hotel, originally opened in the 1930’s and was named the “Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop”.  In 1994, the restaurant, which was faltering at the time, was taken over by a French chef named Susan Fine Moore and her husband, Michael, who revamped the property’s interior and updated its menu to include an array of standard comfort foods along with some Mexican dishes.  Of the new menu, which vacillated greatly from L.A.’s typical low-fat fare, Fine said, “We kind of pride ourselves on being an oasis from all that craziness.  There’s a new diet, a new fad every week, but actually people seem a little bit less obsessed than they used to be about diets.  Otherwise we wouldn’t be so busy.  Generation X is lovely – they’ll eat anything.  And the older generation is figuring, I suppose, who wants to live to 108 if you can’t put butter on your potato?”  Love it!  The Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop really started to take off under the helm of Susan and Michael and it was at that point that the place, thanks to its high-quality food and laid-back attitude, started attracting celebrities.  A few stars who were known to frequent the diner include Brad Pitt, my girl Jen Aniston, Sandra Bullock, Gwyneth Paltrow, Johnny Depp, Andy Garcia, Minnie Driver, Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Kevin Spacey.  After losing their lease in July of 2001, Susan and Michael moved their restaurant two miles east to a new location at 1745 North Vermont Avenue, but the place, sadly, closed down shortly thereafter.  In the meantime the former Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop space was leased to new owners – Warner Ebbink and Brandon Boudet of the Eat Heavy Restaurant Group – who opened a new eatery in its place.

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    That new restaurant is named the 101 Coffee Shop and, let me tell you, it is a VERY cool place.  Ebbink, who has a passion for architecture as well as food, redesigned the property’s interior himself, modeling it after the old-time cafes of the ‘60s and ‘70s.  Boudet serves as the head chef and, under his tutelage, the eatery still serves up high-quality comfort food, including macaroni and cheese, meatloaf and gravy, and tuna melts.  For the foodies in your group, more highbrow offerings, like the Grilled Tandoori Salmon Sandwich, the Kale “Greek” Salad, and the Grilled Albacore Tuna Burger, are also on the menu.  And, despite the change in ownership, the restaurant is still a big time celebrity hotspot.  Fellow stalker Chas ran into both Nicolas Cage and Matt LeBlanc on two separate occasions while dining at the cafe.  So, while the Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop is no longer in operation, the 101 Coffee Shop is alive and well, and, despite the remodel, is still very recognizable from Swingers.


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    Then out-of-work actors Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau actually wrote the screenplay for Swingers over several meals at the Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop.  (The restaurant seems to be something of a lucky charm for writers as the pilot episode of the extremely successful CBS comedy series Everybody Loves Raymond was also penned in one of the cafe’s back rooms.)  According to a November 1998 New York Times article, Favreau and his good friend Vaughn used to frequent the diner regularly.  Of the restaurant, Favreau said, “It was like a family atmosphere.  We didn’t have a lot of money, and I lived in a tiny apartment up the block.  I loved the people who ran the place, who made you feel like a big shot, even if you weren’t.  Very good portions – you never left hungry.”  Once the screenplay was sold, Favreau decided to use the restaurant as a filming location for no less than three scenes in the movie!  The Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop first appears in the opening scene in which Mike (aka Favreau) talks to Rob (aka Sex and the City’s Ron Livingston) about how to get his girlfriend back.

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    That scene was filmed in the second booth to the left of the restaurant’s main door, which, despite the remodel, still looks very much the same today as it did in the movie.

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    The scene in which Trent (aka Vince Vaughn) tells Mike that he is “all growns up” was also filmed at the cafe.  The booth where that scene was filmed is, sadly, no longer there.  It looks as if the restaurant also had some sort of a grocery section at the time the movie was filmed, but it no longer does today.

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    The movie’s ending scene, in which Trent thinks a fellow diner is making goo-goo eyes at him, also took place at the former Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop.

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    In more recent years the coffee shop stood in for Winkie’s, the diner where Lorelai (aka Lauren Graham), Rory (aka Alexis Bledel), and Emily Gilmore (aka Kelly Bishop) stopped to grab a bite to eat while on their way to North Carolina to attend Mia’s wedding in the Season 7 episode of Gilmore Girls titled “Gilmore Girls Only”.

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    Randomly enough, Gilmore Girls filmed in pretty much the exact same spot where Lavonna, Debbie, Connie, Beth, and I ate lunch!  🙂  So cool!

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    In the Season 1 episode of Entourage titled “Date Night”, Vincent Chase (aka Adrian Grenier), Johnny ‘Drama’ Chase (aka Kevin Dillon), Eric Murphy (aka Kevin Connolly), and Turtle (aka Jerry Ferrara) grab some breakfast at the cafe on the morning of Vince’s big movie premiere.

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    Some filming for that episode also took place outside of the coffee shop.

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    The Entourage boys returned to the cafe to film the Season 7 episode of the show titled “Buzzed”, in which Turtle’s credit card is rejected after he tries to pick up the gang’s lunch tab.

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    The coffee shop was also featured twice in the 2007 movie In the Land of Women. It was first seen in the opening scene in which Sofia Bunuel (aka Elena Anaya) breaks up with Carter Webb (aka Adam Brody).

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    And it was used in the ending scene in which Carter meets Janey (aka fave actress Ginnifer Goodwin).

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for telling me about this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The 101 Coffee Shop, aka the former Hollywood Hills Coffee Shop from Swingers, is located at 6145 Franklin Avenue, on the first floor of the Best Western Hollywood Hills Hotel, in Hollywood.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • The House Where Matt Damon and Ben Affleck Lived While Writing “Good Will Hunting”


    A few months back, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, was doing some research on the town of Eagle Rock when he came across a Wikipedia page which mentioned that Matt Damon and Ben Affleck had lived in the Los Angeles neighborhood – in a home on Hill Drive – while writing the screenplay for their 1997 Oscar-winning movie Good Will Hunting.  I found it a bit hard to believe that Matt and Ben, two twenty-something actors trying to make it in “the biz”, would have been living in a San Gabriel Valley suburb and not in the heart of Hollywood, but as it turns out Ben had previously attended Occidental College, which is located in Eagle Rock, for a brief period of time, so he would have been familiar with the area.  According to IMDB, of his living situation at the time, Ben said, “I lived all over the place.  I lived in Hollywood, then I moved.  [Matt Damon] and I got money from School Ties and we blew it all in a couple of months.  We made $35,000 or $40,000 each and thought we were rich.  And we were shocked later on to find out how much we owed in taxes.  We were appalled: $15,000!  What?  But we rented this house on the beach in Venice and 800 people came and stayed with us and got drunk.  Then we ran out of money and had to get an apartment.  It was like everything was exciting.   So we lived in Glendale and Eagle Rock and we lived in Hollywood, West Hollywood, Venice, by the Hollywood Bowl, all over the place.  We’d get thrown out of some places or we’d have to upgrade or downgrade depending on who had money.”  So, while Mike and I were in Eagle Rock this past Monday, we decided to try to track down the exact house where they twosome had lived while writing their famous screenplay.  As it turns out, it wasn’t too hard to locate.  Using my Blackberry, I fairly quickly came across this Curbed LA Article about an Eagle Rock home for sale in which a reader had commented that it was “rumored to be the house where Matt Damon and Ben Affleck allegedly wrote Good Will Hunting”.  I then Googled the property’s address and found countless other websites which further substantiated that the twosome had once called the place home.  So, we immediately headed right on over to stalk the place.


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    Come to find out, Mike and I had actually already stalked this location earlier that same day!  We had come across the Tudor/fairytale-style home while driving to another locale in Eagle Rock a few hours prior and Mike immediately noticed its odd gate and even odder architecture, so he stopped to snap some pics.  When we pulled back up to the property a few hours later after finding Matt and Ben’s former address online, we both just about died! 

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    Matt and Ben’s former residence, which is known as both the ‘”Brauch House” and “Ma Castle” in architectural circles, was originally built in 1923 by the architecture team of Egasse & Brauch.  Of the design, Brauch, who built the house as his personal residence, said, “In this particular instance, Norman lines, such as were left by the descendents of the Vikings, following their peregrination of the ante-medieval period, were the main source of inspiration.”  Apparently, when it was first built, the interior of the home featured numerous wall murals depicting the Norse warriors in action.  The Brauch House is actually made up of two separate dwellings – a 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2,187-square foot main house . . .

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    . . . and a detached guest cottage which is located directly behind it.  And while I can’t say with absolute certainty that Matt and Ben ever actually lived on the premises, it is my best guess that if they did, the two stars, who were struggling financially at the time, most likely lived in the guest property and not in the main house. 


    Matt had originally written Good Will Hunting as a play while in a creative writing class when he was a student at Harvard University.  After landing a role in the 1992 film Geronimo: An American Legend, Damon dropped out of college and moved to Los Angeles to pursue his acting career full time.  He eventually moved in with his long-time friend Ben, at one point crashing on his couch for an extended period of time.  One fateful night, Matt showed the play to Ben and the two decided to turn it into a movie in which they would star.  They ended up selling the screenplay to Miramax a few years later for a reported $600,000 and the rest, as they say, is history!  You can see some great interior photographs of the Brauch House on the Curbed LA website here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (supposedly) lived at 2327 Hill Drive in Eagle Rock while writing the screenplay for Good Will Hunting.

  • Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Holistic Resort & Spa


    During our recent Cabo San Lucas honeymoon, the Grim Cheaper and I stayed at the Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Holistic Resort & Spa.  And while I knew from looking at the property’s website that it was a beautiful place, at the time I made our reservation I had absolutely NO idea that it was also a celebrity destination AND a filming location!  They say that you attract those things to you that you think about the most, and in this case, that was most definitely true!   But more on that later.


    Before arriving in Cabo, I was a little apprehensive that it might be a somewhat dangerous place.  As it turns out, though, I don’t think I’ve ever felt more safe.  The city is beautiful, the people are some of the friendliest I’ve ever encountered, and the Cabo way of life is extremely laidback.  And while people generally refer to the entire area as being called Cabo San Lucas, it is actually known as Los Cabos and is made up of three different sections which span the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula.  The sections include San Jose Del Cabo, The Corridor, and Cabo San Lucas.  Long before I had planned our honeymoon, I had heard Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Love Hewitt describe Cabo as a “sleepy, little fishing town”.  As it turns out, though, Jen and Love were not speaking about Cabo San Lucas proper, which is a major party city, but rather about San Jose Del Cabo, which is located about fifteen miles north.  Most celebrities choose to stay in one of the many five-star resorts located along The Corridor, the most popular of which are the Esperanza, the One&Only Palmilla, and Las Ventanas Al Paraiso.  Because The Corridor hotels are exorbitantly expensive, though, the Grim Cheaper and I chose instead to stay at a resort in Cabo San Lucas, but thankfully it was far removed from the whole party scene.


    The 154-room Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Holistic Resort & Spa first opened in 2005 and is located inside of a gated community about five miles north of town.  Thanks to the hotel’s strict adults-only policy and its remote location, it is an EXTREMELY quiet destination and has been billed as one of Cabo’s most romantic locales.  And let me tell you, the GC and I absolutely LOVED the place.  The resort is so quiet that we often looked around and asked ourselves if we were the only two people staying there.  It was without a doubt the most relaxing, quiet vacation I have ever been on.  In fact, outside of wanting to do a little stalking, neither of us found any reason whatsoever to leave the resort during our entire nine day stay.  It was the perfect place to spend our honeymoon and, because it is so reasonably priced, we are already making plans for a return visit.  🙂


    Upon first arriving at the resort, the Grim Cheaper and I were greeted with cool, wet towels infused with lavender oil with which to wash our hands.

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    The lobby, which overlooks the ocean, was also infused with a lavender scent, which made the experience of entering the hotel seem like walking into a spa. Love it!

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    The Pacifica features two pools, both of which overlook the ocean . . .

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    . . . and one of which features a swim-up bar.

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    The property is situated on a beautiful, private beach . . .

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    . . . where outdoor beds can be rented during the day and for overnight stays.  The beds can also be rented for an ultra-romantic dinner under the stars, which we unfortunately didn’t find out about until the very last night we were there.  Ugh!  I so would have loved to have done that!  

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    Our room was absolutely beautiful . . .

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    . . . and featured a private balcony . . .

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    . . . with a stunning view of the ocean and pool area.


    And at night the view only got more spectacular.  Sigh!  Oh, how I wish I was still there!

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    The Pacifica features four different restaurants and bars, all of which serve up SEPCTACULAR food – especially the nachos, which were some of the best I’ve ever had in my entire life.  In fact, I’d book a stay at the hotel just for those nachos – that’s how good they were.  Best of all, the Pacifica also offers 24-hour room service, which the Grim Cheaper and I partook of virtually every single night.


    Because the resort is so remote and so private, numerous celebrities have checked in there over the years, including John Travolta and Kelly Preston, Lindsay Lohan, Cindy Crawford, Dolph Lundgren, and a bunch of sports stars, including a few Olympic gold medal winners, whose names I didn’t recognize.  And, let me tell you, I just about died when I found out that my girl Jen had once visited the hotel’s spa!  My Spanish isn’t all that great, so when I was speaking to the woman at the spa, I originally thought she said that Jen had stayed at the hotel on one occasion, but after talking with the concierge it turns out that Jen was only on the premises for a spa appointment.  It was still very exciting for me, nonetheless.


    Even more exciting, though, was when one of the Pacifica’s bartenders informed me that all three fantasy dates from Brad Womack’s season of The Bachelor had been filmed at the resort.  In the fantasy date episode, which aired on November 5, 2007, Brad flew his top three Bachelorettes – DeAnna Pappas, Jenni Croft, and Bettina Bell – down to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  And not only were all three overnight stays filmed at the resort, but according to this press release, the entire cast and crew also stayed on the premises.  ABC.com even sponsored a Bachelor contest, where viewers at home could win their own 4-day, 3-night fantasy vacation at the Pacifica.  Sadly, Season 11 of The Bachelor does not seem to be available for purchase anywhere and because I didn’t watch the show that year, I am not sure which parts of the resort were featured in the fantasy date episode.   I was able to find the above clip of DeAnna Pappas’ date on YouTube, in which one of the resort’s timeshare villas, named the Montecristo Estates, is briefly shown.

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    As you can see in the above pictures, which I got off of the Montecristo Estates Website, the entrance, bedroom, and private pool terrace are exact matches to the fantasy suite where DeAnna and Brad spent the night.

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    Supposedly, the hotel’s main restaurant, Siempre, also appeared on The Bachelor. 


    I honestly can’t recommend stalking the Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Holistic Resort & Spa enough!  My honeymoon was truly one of the best vacations of my life!


    On a side note – For those who are planning a trip to the Cabo area, rest assured – the city does have a Starbucks.  🙂 

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    And it looks pretty much like any other Starbucks one might find in America . . .


    . . . except that the menu is, of course, in Spanish.  So darn cool!


    When I asked the baristas to pose for the above photograph, they wrongly assumed that I had never before been to a Starbucks, which prompted them to ask, “Don’t you have a Starbucks where you come from?”  LOL LOL LOL  Oh, if they only knew!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Holistic Resort & Spa is located at Cabo Pacifica S/N, 23450 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.  The resort is located inside of a gated community and I believe you have to have a dining reservation at one of the Pacifica’s restaurants or at one of the restaurants located inside of its sister hotel, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort & Spa, to be admitted entrance.

  • On the Set of “Mad Men”


    This past Tuesday, I received an email from one of my fellow stalkers alerting me to the fact that the hit AMC television series Mad Men was going to be shooting on location in Pasadena the following day at Don and Betty Draper’s house, which I blogged about last June.  And even though I don’t really watch the show, I just had to venture out to stalk the set – with my camera in hand, of course!  🙂  Unfortunately though, not a whole lot was going on while I was there and the filming only lasted a few short hours.  The scene being shot was a very short little driving scene involving actor Jon Hamm, who plays advertising executive Don Draper on the show.  And sadly, the crew, while nice, made it very clear that they did NOT want photographs being taken of anything – the set, the filming, the actors, etc., etc., etc.  And while I was in no way going to let that stop me ;), the only pictures I could take were on the down low, so I didn’t get very many good ones.  I did manage to snap the above photograph of Jon as he was leaving the set after shooting had wrapped, though, and let me tell you, I was completely floored about that!  🙂


    Jon seemed super friendly and waved to me and another stalker who I was hanging out with from his van as he was being driven away from the set.  I so would have LOVED to have gotten a photograph with him, but unfortunately he was shuttled away from the premises rather quickly as he was due in Downtown L.A., where more Mad Men filming was taking place.


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    After Jon Hamm was driven away, I stuck around for a bit to watch the crew members strike the set, a process which I find incredibly interesting.  I always love to see what aspects of a property are changed for a filming and which are left the same.  One altered aspect of the Draper house that I knew about prior to my set visit yesterday was the color of their front door.  As you can see in the above photograph, which I took when I stalked the property last June, in real life the home’s front door is painted blue.


    But on the show, the Draper’s front door is painted a bright red color, and, let me tell you, when I set out to stalk the set yesterday, I was most excited over the prospect of seeing that red door in person – even more so than I was about the prospect of seeing Jon Hamm.  😉  And I was even more excited when I was able to snap the above photograph of it!  YAY!  I found out from a crew member that the home’s real life front door is actually painted red each and every time they film at the property!  I had mistakenly assumed that set dressers had a special door that they installed during each filming, but in reality, someone is actually brought in the day before shooting to paint the real life door red and then, after shooting wraps, he or she paints it back to its original blue color . . . every single time they film!  Isn’t that incredible?  I mean, I realize doors are expensive and all, but it seems to me that it would be a whole lot more cost effective and a whole lot more timely to simply switch out the real door for a red one.  Not to mention the fact that there now must be over a dozen layers of paint on that door!  I swear, I’ll never understand Hollywood sometimes!

    mad men house

    Set dressers also install a fake light post (which you can see laying on the ground in the above photograph) each time filming takes place, which was incredible to see.  They actually dig up a part of the home’s front lawn in order to bury the base of the light each and every time they film!  With all the filming that takes place at the property that poor lawn probably never has time to grow back!  They also bring in a slew of potted plants (which you can also see in the above photograph) which are placed on the front porch for each filming.


    The coolest thing for me to see, though, was the fake street sign that was put up for the scene.  The signs above which read “Shady Lane” and “Bullet Park Road” normally spell out “El Molino Avenue” and “Arden Road”.  So darn cool!  According to one of the crew members I talked to, the fake sign was so realistic that it caused a bit of confusion for a passerby who was driving around, trying unsuccessfully to find Arden Road.  LOL


    Set dressers also covered up the above-pictured stop sign with a fake 50’s style stop sign, but unfortunately I didn’t get a photograph of it.  In fact, I didn’t even notice it was a fake sign until one of the set dressers removed it after filming had wrapped.  I SO wish I had gotten a picture of it!  UGH!  I am SO blonde sometimes.

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    Ironically enough, my fiancé and I were watching the 1995 movie Outbreak a couple of weeks ago and I was floored to discover that the house belonging to Robby Keough (aka Rene Russo) in the flick was none other than the Mad Men house!  So cool!  You can see some great interior photographs of the home here.  And, according to one of the crew members I talked to, some Mad Men filming does actually take place inside of the home.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Don and Betty Draper’s house from Mad Men is located at 675 Arden Road in Pasadena.

  • Only In L.A. . . .X


    Unfortunately, I don’t have a full blog to post today because it’s currently 11:15 p.m. and I just walked in the door after landing at LAX a few hours ago after spending a whirlwind weekend in the Pacific Northwest where I stalked for literally 72 hours straight with my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry.  I promise to be back tomorrow with a regular post, but for now I thought I’d publish a picture I took at the airport shortly after my plane landed.  While the Grim Cheaper and I were making our way to the baggage claim area at LAX, I spotted actress Pamela Adlon, who plays Marcy on the Showtime television series Californication, walking a few steps ahead of us.  I recognized her fairly immediately, thanks to her distinctive voice, and just about had a heart attack right there on the spot!  I am actually extremely amazed that I recognized her when I don’t really even watch Californication, especially considering that the Grim Cheaper walked right by her without so much as batting an eyelash and he watches the series religiously.  I. of course, immediately ran up to her to ask if she’d pose for a pic with me and I am very happy to report that she could NOT have been nicer.  She said she really appreciated me coming up to her and the fact that my fiancé was a big fan of the show and she happily posed for a picture and even made me check to make sure it came out alright in case I wanted her to pose for another one.  So sweet!  All in all, a FABULOUS end to a FABULOUS weekend and a further reminder to keep your eyes open for celebs no matter where you are – even in baggage claim!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂