Tag: movie houses

  • Amanda’s House from “The Holiday”


    I thought I’d mix it up a bit today by forgoing blogging about one of the many Pacific Northwest locations that I stalked while in Vancouver and Seattle two weeks ago, in order to write about a residence that can be found right here in the San Gabriel Valley – the mansion which belonged to Amanda (aka Cameron Diaz) in the 2006 romantic comedy The Holiday.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Nick, who had done some research on the subject and had managed to discern that the home featured in the movie was located somewhere in San Marino and had been designed in 1928 by legendary Los Angeles architect Wallace Neff.  According to Nick, Neff, along with his family, had even lived in the property at one point during the 1930’s.  So, I immediately headed over to my friend, and fellow stalker, E.J.’s website – The Movieland Directory – which has an entire page dedicated to Wallace Neff-designed homes in the L.A. area.  The Movieland Directory listed a total of three San Marino residences that the famed architect had once called home.  Because I had never seen The Holiday, I sent all three addresses to Nick to see if one of them was the mansion featured in the movie and, sure enough, one was!  YAY!  So, I immediately ran right out to stalk it and, then yesterday, finally sat down to watch The Holiday for the first time.  And I have to say that I absolutely LOVED it!!!  I have NO idea how I missed it when it first came out four years ago.  But I digress.


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    In person, The Holiday mansion is absolutely beautiful and absolutely humongous!  The Tuscan-style villa boasts 9 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a whopping 10,324 square feet of living space!

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    The residence pops up quite a few times in The Holiday, especially the front entrance and second story balcony areas.

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    And while, for the most part, the mansion looks much the same as it did in the movie, there have been quite a few changes, including the front gate, which is now wrought-iron instead of wood . . .

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    . . . the front door which is now recessed . . .

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    . . . and the driveway area, to which a fountain had since been added.

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    And while I was fairly certain that the real life interior of the mansion had been used in the filming, according to IMDB’s trivia page for The Holiday, all of the interiors of the house were actually just sets that had been built on a soundstage and had cost a whopping $1 million to construct!


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    But as you can see in the above screen captures and aerial view, the home’s real life backyard and pool were actually used in the flick.


    On a side note – Sadly, the picturesque English cottage which belonged to Iris (aka Kate Winslet) in The Holiday does not actually exist in real life.  Both the interiors and the exteriors of the adorable little home were built solely for the filming of the movie.  You can see photographs of the construction of Iris’ cottage on fave website Hooked on Houses here.

    Big THANK YOU to Nick for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Cameron Diaz’s mansion from The Holiday is located at 1883 Orlando Road in San Marino.

  • The “Love Happens” Houses

    Two other Vancouver-area locations that fellow stalker Owen managed to track down from the ultra-depressing 2009 romantic comedy Love Happens were the residences belonging to Eloise Chandler’s mom (aka Frances Conway) and Burke Ryan’s former in-laws (aka Martin Sheen and Deirdre Blades).  Both homes are located about ten miles southeast of Vancouver in the Queens Park area of the city of New Westminster, British Columbia.  And, as I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, even though I didn’t particularly like Love Happens, because it starred my girl Jen, I just had to stalk both locations.


    Eloise’s mom’s house only appears in one very brief scene in Love Happens, in which Eloise (aka Jennifer Aniston) stops by her mom’s residence in order to pick up the keys to a telephone truck she is borrowing from her mom’s neighbor, Bob.  Why is she borrowing a telephone truck, you ask?  Without giving too much away, I’ll just say it’s so that she and Burke (aka Aaron Eckhart) can “attend” a sold out Road Wave concert in a rather unconventional way.

    I am very happy to report that Eloise’s mom’s house looks much the same in person as it did in Love Happens.

    And I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the home also appeared in the movie.

    Located a little over a mile away from Eloise’s mom’s residence is the V.A. Brachat House, where Burke’s in-laws lived in Love Happens.  The absolutely adorabe little house, which was built in 1940, popped up in two different scenes in the movie.

    And, as was the case with Eloise’s mom’s residence, I believe that the real life interior of the V.A. Brachat house also appeared in the flick.

    I am very happy to report that this house also looks much the same in person as it did in Love Happens.

    I was most excited to see that the lightpost on which Rocky, the parrot, waited for Silver at the end of Love Happens was actually there in real life, too. So darn cool!

    Missing in real life, of course, is the “Semper Fi” plaque and sword that ex-Marine Silver had posted above his front door in the movie.

    Burke’s in-law’s house also appeared in the Season 3 episode of the television series Supernatural titled “A Very Supernatural Christmas”.  I found this information thanks to the Supernatural Locations Website, a fabulous site dedicated to finding each and every locale ever featured on the show.  So darn cool!

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding these locations!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Eloise’s mom’s house from Love Happens is located at 202  7 Avenue East in New Westminster, British Columbia, ten miles outside of Vancouver.  Burke’s in-law’s house is located at 115 Queens Avenue, also in New Westminster.

  • The Malibu House from “Spanglish”


    A few weeks ago, fellow stalker Nick was driving along the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu with his family when he happened to pass by a home that looked extremely familiar to him.  He immediately asked the driver of the car to pull over so that he could get a better look and, upon closer inspection, realized that the property was none other than the spot where John and Deborah Clasky (aka Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni, respectively) spent the summer with their family and their spunky housekeeper Flor Moreno (aka Paz Vega) in the 2004 dramedy Spanglish.  Nick emailed me as soon as he returned home that day to let me know the good news and, let me tell you, I just about passed out from excitement as I had been looking for the Spanglish house for just about as long as I could remember.   Yay!  So, the very next weekend I dragged my fiancé out to the ‘Bu to finally do some Spanglish stalking!


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    I am very happy to report that the Spanglish house looks much the same in person as it did onscreen in the movie.  In real life, the Clasky’s Malibu home, which was built in 1934, boasts 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a whopping 3,418 square feet of living space.  And, according to my friend E.J. over at the Movieland Directory, the place also has a celebrity connection as it once belonged to “Pretty Woman” singer Roy Orbison. 

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    Unfortunately, we were strapped for time the day we stalked the Spanglish house and were not able to pop around back to sneak a peek at the beach-side of the property, which appeared quite a few times in the movie. 

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    But, as you can see in these photographs of the home from a Malibu rental website (the Spanglish house’s listing can be found in the third row and third column of the page), the real life interior was also used in the filming.  According to the website, the home is currently available as a summer rental for a whopping $45,000 per month!

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    Just two doors down from the Clasky’s summer home is the house where Deborah went searching for a translator for Flor after first arriving in Malibu.  And while the property has definitely been modernized in recent years, it is still very recognizable from SpanglishAccording to fave website Big Time Listings, that home also has a celebrity connection as it formerly belonged to makeup artist and special effects master Stan Winston.

    Big THANK YOU to Nick for finding these locations!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Clasky’s summer home from Spanglish is located at 21628 Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.  The house where Deborah finds a translator for Flor is located two doors down at 21622 Pacific Coast Highway.

  • The “War Games” House


    A few weeks ago, I got an email from fellow stalker Owen who was writing to ask if I owned a copy of the 1983 movie War Games on DVD.  And while I did not own the movie, nor had I ever actually even seen it, my fiancé, thankfully, did.  Owen was inquiring about the DVD because he was currently in the process of trying to track down the house where teenaged computer prodigy David Lightman (aka Matthew Broderick) lived in the flick.  Owen had recently discovered – thanks to the stalking tome The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations  – that the Lightman residence was located somewhere in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.  Even though the movie was supposedly set in Seattle, the vast majority of it was actually shot right here in Southern California.  YAY!  So, that very night I popped in my fiancé’s DVD and settled in to watch War Games for the very first time.  And I have to say that I absolutely LOVED it!  How I missed the movie when it first came out in 1983 – and all of the years since – is absolutely beyond me, especially since I am SUCH a child of the ‘80s.  Being that I was only six years old at the time the movie premiered, though, I guess I was a bit too young to appreciate it.  But I digress. 



    Owen had asked me to watch War Games in the hopes that the address number of the Lightman house would be visible at some point during the movie.  And, thankfully, as you can see in the above screen capture, it was!  I spotted the number “333” towards the beginning of the flick in the scene in which Jennifer (aka Ally Sheedy) is shown running up to knock on David’s front door.  So, Owen immediately got to searching all of the 300 blocks in the Hancock Park area and fairly quickly came upon the house.  Ironically enough, there is a notation on Wikipedia’s Larchmont Village page which states that the War Games house is located on the corner of “Lucerne and Second Street”, but that information, like so much of Wikipedia’s filming location information, is actually incorrect.  The Lightman home can actually be found at 333 South Arden Boulevard, a few blocks south of where Lucerne meets Second Street.


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    As soon as Owen emailed me the address of the War Games house, I grabbed my camera and headed over to Hancock Park to snap some pics.  And I was absolutely shocked at what I found.  As it turns out, even though over 27 years have passed since the movie was filmed, the War Games house still looks pretty much exactly the same as it did onscreen!  Love it, love it, love it!  The owners of the property deserve some very big kudos for resisting the urge to change anything.  Although the home, which was built in 1920, appears to fairly average-sized from the street, it actually boasts a whopping 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 3,728 square feet of living space. 

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The War Games house is located at 333 South Arden Boulevard in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.

  • Jan’s Duplex from “Beautiful Girls”


    One of the locations that I was most excited about stalking while in Minnesota three weeks ago (and I can hardly even believe that it’s already been three weeks!) was the duplex where Jan (aka Martha Plimpton) lived in fave movie Beautiful Girls.  The residence is actually located in Hopkins, a city about thirteen miles west of Minneapolis and a bit out of the way from the other Beautiful Girls locations.  I found this spot, once again, thanks to Owen and his Beautiful Girls master locations list and, as far as I can tell, it is the only locale from the movie that can be found in the Hopkins area.  It always strikes me as odd when one location from a particular film is not in close proximity to any of the other locations used and I often wonder about the decision-making process that led producers to choose an out-of-the-way locale.  The one that most boggles my mind is the main house from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, which is located in Long Beach, California – a good 1,700 miles away from every single other FB location, all of which can be found in Chicago, Illinois.  Were the filmmakers honestly unable to find a house in the entire state of Illinois at which to film?  While that doesn’t sound very likely to me, it must have been the case, otherwise why would they journey all the way to California just to film at that one, solitary location?  The whole thing doesn’t make sense, either way, but I digress.  Even though Jan’s duplex was a bit out of the way, because it holds a very special place in my heart, I just had to stalk it anyway. 




    Jan’s duplex shows up repeatedly throughout Beautiful Girls, in the scenes in which her incredibly jealous former boyfriend, Paul Kirkwood (aka Michael Rapaport), who works as a snow plow driver, is shown finishing off his shift each morning by burying her driveway with snow, making it so that she can’t open her garage door.  Let me tell you, it is absolutely hilarious to watch the joy with which Paul does this each and every day.



    And then, towards the end of the movie, something shifts in Paul and he realizes that his relationship with Jan is truly over.  In one of the final scenes, he is shown early one morning, tears streaming down his face, removing all of the snow from Jan’s driveway, while she looks on from the second-story window.  Even though I have seen Beautiful Girls over thirty times, watching that scene never fails to bring tears to my eyes.  It’s an incredibly touching moment in the movie and was the reason I wanted to stalk Jan’s house so badly.  In fact, just being there in person, standing in the duplex’s driveway and looking up at that second-story window, made me teary-eyed.  God, I love that movie!



    And even though there have certainly been some changes to the property since filming took place there back in 1996, Jan’s duplex is, for the most part, very recognizable.  I was completely floored over the fact that, even though the paint color is now different, the decorative wood “V’s” on the front of the house were still in place. 



    As were the mailbox and address plaque which appeared in the movie.  So darn cool!  I honestly can’t recommend stalking this location enough!  Being there in person brought back many fond memories of the movie for me and the residence was easily one of my favorite stalking stops in all of Minnesota.

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jan’s duplex from Beautiful Girls is located at 113-115 6th Avenue North in Hopkins, Minnesota.  Jan lived in Unit 113.

  • The “Beautiful Girls” Houses


    As I remarked last week, one of my very favorite films of all time is the 1996 flick Beautiful Girls.  But, being that no one that I’ve mentioned the movie to as of late has ever even heard of it, I’m guessing it was pretty much a sleeper hit, despite its all-star cast.  Nevertheless, I’ve absolutely loved the film ever since it first came out almost fifteen years ago and have probably seen it no less than thirty times.  So, when I found out that my dad had been accepted to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, a light bulb immediately went off in my head, as I had a somewhat vague recollection that Beautiful Girls had been filmed in the North Star State.  A quick visit to the movie’s IMDB filming locations page confirmed my beliefs – the entire thing had been shot on location in the Land of 10,000 Lakes!  So, I immediately called upon “the Team” – aka fellow stalkers Owen, Chas from Itsfilmedthere, and Mike, from MovieShotsLA – to see if they could help me track down some of the locales featured in the flick, which they, sure enough, did.  Amazingly enough, just a few days later, Owen sent me an email with an attachment and, let me tell you, I just about died upon opening it.  Somehow he had gotten his hands on the master location list from the movie – a document which detailed EACH AND EVERY LOCATION WHERE BEAUTIFUL GIRLS WAS SHOT!  I’m not kidding!  I was so excited I just about had a heart attack right then and there!  I had hoped that one of the Team would be able to track down the homes belonging to Willie (aka Timothy Hutton) and Marty (aka Natalie Portman) in the flick, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I’d be able to stalk pretty much every location which appeared in the movie.  THANK YOU, OWEN!  🙂


    For those who have yet to see Beautiful Girls – which I am rapidly discovering is most people! – the movie centers around a young piano player named Willie Conway, who returns to his hometown, the fictional Knights Ridge, Massachusetts, in order to attend his high school reunion and to make some life-changing decisions about his future.  While home, he spends time with his old high school buddies and meets his new next-door neighbor, a precocious thirteen year old named Marty, whom he immediately befriends.  According to Wikipedia, screenwriter Scott Rosenberg came up with the idea for Beautiful Girls while spending time in his hometown of Boston while waiting for a response from Disney about a little script he had just submitted to them titled Con Air.  He said, “It was the worst winter ever in this small hometown.  Snow plows were coming by, and I was just tired of writing these movies with people getting shot and killed.  So, I said, ‘There is more action going on in my hometown with my friends dealing with the fact that they can’t deal with turning 30 or with commitment’ – all that became Beautiful Girls.”  Director Ted Demme said of the setting of the film, “[I] wanted to make it look like it’s Anytown, USA, primarily East Coast.  And I also wanted it to feel like a real working-class town.”  Demme found his Anytown, USA in the city of Stillwater, Minnesota, where most of the sites from the movie are located, including the two I most wanted to stalk – the homes belonging to Willie and Marty.



    I am very happy to report that Willie’s house, which is pictured above, looks very much the same today as it did back in 1996 when Beautiful Girls was filmed – minus the snow, of course.  As fate would have it, the owner of the property happened to be outside when we arrived to stalk the place and he truly could NOT have been nicer.  And, although he didn’t purchase the home until 2005, long after Beautiful Girls had been filmed, he knew quite a bit about the movie and what areas of the house had been used in it. 

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    As you can see in the house’s real estate listing from 2005, the interior scenes were not actually filmed on the premises.  The home’s real life interior is absolutely gorgeous, while its onscreen counterpart was pretty dismal and dreary.  In the movie, Marty comments to Willie, “It’s a lonely house, you don’t mind me saying.”  And I have to say that the set dressers and production designers did an excellent job of building a set which did, indeed, look very lonely.

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    According to the now-owner, the only “interior” of the house that was used in the movie was the second story window, from which Willie talks to Marty late one night in a set-up which Marty describes as “Romeo and Juliet – the dyslexic version.”  😉

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    Marty’s house is located right next-door to Willie’s, and it, too, looks much the same as it did in the movie.

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    The only difference I noticed is that the fence which surrounded the property in the movie is not there in real life.

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    And, of course, I just had to re-create the scene in Beautiful Girls is which Marty is shown “mashing snow” in her side yard – even though there was no actual snow for me to mash.   🙂


    And I was SUPER excited to discover that the little space under the house where Marty stored her sled in the movie was there in real life, too.  So darn cool!  I can’t tell you how heartwarming it was for me to stalk these two residences, as almost all of my favorite scenes from Beautiful Girls took place there.  If you are at all a fan of the movie, I highly recommend stalking the houses as they are sure to bring back some great memories.

    On a side note – my absolute favorite scene from Beautiful Girls was the ice-skating scene with Marty and Willie, which you can watch by clicking above.  And while I did not get to stalk the lake where that scene was filmed, I do know its location, thanks to Owen.  For those who are interested, Marty and Willie’s ice skating lake is Lake William, which is located on Minnetonka Boulevard in Shorewood, Minnesota. 

    BIG, HUGE THANK YOU to Owen for finding this – and every other Beautiful Girls – location for me!  🙂 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Willie Conway’s house from Beautiful Girls is located at 1337 2nd Street South in Stillwater, Minnesota, about 25 miles east of Minneapolis.  Marty’s house is located right next-door at 1341 2nd Street South.

  • The “Grumpy Old Men” Houses


    A few locations that my family and I stalked this past week while spending time in the North Star State were the homes which appeared in the 1993 comedy Grumpy Old Men.  I found these locations thanks to fellow stalker Lavonna, who, a few weeks before my trip out to the Midwest, gifted me with the stalking tome Shot On This Site: A Traveler’s Guide to the Places and Locations Used to Film Famous Movies and TV Shows.  In the book, author William A. Gordon states that the residences belonging to John Gustafson (aka Jack Lemmon), Max Goldman (aka Walter Matthau), and Ariel Truax (aka Ann-Margret) in the flick could all be found on the 1100 block of Hyacinth Avenue East in St. Paul.  No actual address numbers were given, though, so before I left for Minnesota, I scanned through the movie with my laptop in hand and found the exact house numbers thanks to Google Street View.  Yay!  🙂

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    In the flick, John Gustafson and Max Goldman are, as the title suggests, two grumpy old men, and long time adversaries, who live next door to each other in what is supposedly Wabasha, Minnesota.  When the beautiful Ariel Truax moves in across the street, both men, of course, fall madly in love with her and comedy ensues.  I just re-watched the movie last night (such a great flick!) and was shocked to discover how much filming was actually done on location on Hyacinth Avenue East.  In fact, according to IMDB’s Grumpy Old Men trivia page, so much filming was done outside in Minnesota’s inclement weather that Walter Matthau actually developed double pneumonia.  🙁    Anyway, I am very happy to report that the homes look much the same in person as they did onscreen in Grumpy Old Men, but I must say that it was very jarring to see them during the Spring, sans snow and surrounded by greenery.

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    Ariel Truax’s gorgeous colonial-style, hilltop home is the residence which is shown most often in the flick.  Due to the many trees surrounding the property, though, I was unable to get a great shot of the place. 


    Pictured above is what the residence looks like head on.  There are so many trees that you can hardly see the house!  It truly is beautiful, though.


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    John Gustafson’s home also appeared numerous times in the flick and, as you can see in the above screen captures and photographs, looks much the same today as it did in 1993 when Grumpy Old Men was filmed.  All that was missing in real life was the little firewood cover/roof located on the side of the residence which John climbed down several times in the movie.  I am guessing that the roof was just a prop that was added for filming, though, and was never actually there in real life.

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    For whatever reason, the exterior of Max Goldman’s home was never shown in its entirety in Grumpy Old Men, but you can sort of see a good view of it in the above screen captures.  All three residences also appeared in the movie’s 1995 sequel, Grumpier Old Men.

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    Ironically enough, while we were stalking the homes, my mom noticed a residence for sale down the street and went to go look at it.  She immediately started yelling for me to come check out the “For Sale” sign in the front yard, in which the real estate agent had called the residence “the Grumpy Old Men house”.  According to the real estate brochure, in 1993, the home’s then-owners were paid $500 for their property to appear in the background of the flick.  They were also given an invite to the movie’s premiere at the State Theatre in Minneapolis.  How incredibly cool is that?  Even cooler is the fact that the real estate agent not only mentioned Grumpy Old Men on the “For Sale” sign, but made it the basis for the home’s entire marketing scheme!  Love it, love it, love it! 


    So, when I re-watched the flick last night, I was SUPER excited to see the residence in the background of the opening scene.  So darn cool! 

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    Pictured above is the home’s real estate brochure – which I, of course, took! 🙂  And you can check out the property’s real estate listing here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Grumpy Old Men houses are all located on Hyacinth Avenue East in St. Paul, Minnesota.  John Gustafson’s house can be found at 1133 Hyacinth Avenue East, Max Goldman’s house can be found at 1137 Hyacinth Avenue East, and Ariel Truax’s house can be found at 1122 Hyacinth Avenue East.

  • Viola’s Mansion from “Monster-in-Law”


    The second Monster-in-Law location that I set my sights on tracking down this past weekend was the gargantuan mansion owned by Viola Fields (aka Jane Fonda) in the flick.  Once again, fellow stalker Nick had done most of the legwork on this one by discerning that the house was located in Pasadena and had been built in 1927 by famed Los Angeles-area architect Wallace Neff, the very same man who was responsible for designing King Gillette Ranch (aka the Biggest Loser Ranch) and the dwelling where Brad and Jen lived during most of their five year marriage.  But even though Nick had provided me with that wealth of information, for some reason, I had a very difficult time finding this particular residence.  As fate would have it, not only did Wallace Neff design quite a few homes in the Pasadena area, but the vast majority of them were Mediterranean in style and extremely similar in appearance to the Monster-in-Law mansion.  So, I once again headed over to fave bookstore Vroman’s with the hope that it could provide me with some Wallace Neff insight.  And, sure enough, it did!  As was the case with Kevin’s house from Monster-in-Law, which I blogged about yesterday, Viola’s mansion was chronicled in the very first book in which I looked – Wallace Neff: Architect of California’s Golden Age.


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    In real life, the Monster-in-Law mansion is known as the “George O. Noble House” and, as I mentioned above, it was designed by Wallace Neff in 1927.  The Spanish Revival-style abode boasts six bedrooms, five bathrooms, and a whopping 8,971 square feet of living space.  And, while it once sat on over three acres of land, much of the parcel was subdivided in later years and the property currently encompasses “only” 1.2 acres.  Sadly, though, not much of the residence is visible from the street.


    But, as I’ve said before, that’s why God created aerial maps!  😉  As you can see in the above image, the George O. Noble House is not only stunning, but absolutely ginormous!


    The mansion was featured quite a few times in Monster-in-Law . . .


    . . . most notably in the scene in which Charlie Cantilini (aka Jennifer Lopez) and Kevin Fields (aka Michael Vartan) get married.


    And, thanks to a photograph provided in the book Architectural Realism, you can see that the mansion’s real life interior was also used in the flick. 


    The George O. Noble House also appeared in the 2009 horror flick Drag Me to Hell as the residence belonging to Clay Dalton’s (aka Justin Long’s) parents.  And, as was the case with Monster-in-Law, the real life interior of the residence was also used in the movie.


    A few other Monster-in-Law locations can also be found in the Pasadena area, including the Ross House, which I blogged about yesterday, and the Bundy House, aka the Governor’s mansion from Benson, which was used as the home of one of Charlie’s dog walking employers (pictured above).  And, yes, I did also find Charlie’s apartment building from Monster-in-Law.  Tune in tomorrow for that location.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to Nick for helping me find this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The George O. Noble house, aka Viola’s mansion from Monster-in-Law, is located at 675 Burleigh Drive in Pasadena.  The Governor’s Mansion from Benson is located at 1365 South Oakland Avenue in Pasadena.

  • Charlie and Kevin’s House from “Monster-in-Law”


    A couple of weeks ago, fellow stalker Nick challenged me to track down all of the residences used in the 2005 romantic comedy Monster-in-Law, including Charlie Cantilini’s (aka Jennifer Lopez’s) Mediterranean-style apartment building, Kevin Fields’ (aka Michael Vartan’s) Craftsman house, and Viola Fields’ (aka Jane Fonda’s) opulent mansion.  Nick had already done most of the heavy lifting for this particular hunt by narrowing down the cities in which each of the dwellings was located.  All that was left for me to do was pinpoint the exact address of each location.  So, this past Saturday night, my fiancé and I finally sat down to watch Monster-in-Law for the first time.  I didn’t actually expect to like the movie, but I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised – it’s a really cute flick!  Anyway, the first house I set my sights on finding was the large Craftsman bungalow where Kevin, and later Charlie, lived in the movie.  Nick had ascertained that this particular house was located somewhere in Pasadena and I had a hunch that, due to its stunning Craftsman-style architecture, it was most likely a famous residence.  So, on Sunday morning, I headed over to fave bookstore, Vroman’s, to take a peek at some Pasadena area architectural guidebooks and, sure enough, I found the Monster-in-Law house in the very first one in which I looked.  Yay!


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    In real life, the Monster-in-Law house is known as the Ross House and it was designed in 1911 by Alfred and Arthur Heineman, the same architectural team who was responsible for giving us Dylan’s house from Beverly Hills, 90210 and the Eppes house from the television series Numb3rs.   The Heineman brothers built the residence, which features Craftsman, Asian, and Neo-Classical design elements, for a rancher named Winslow Ross at a cost of $8,000. The house, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, boasts Batchelder tile work, a hand-painted mural, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a whopping 4,657 square feet of living space.  And, let me tell you, it is absolutely beautiful in person!

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    The exterior of the Ross House showed up numerous times in Monster-in-Law.



    As did the home’s large front porch.

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    But, according to the behind-the-scenes information featured in the movie’s DVD extras, the interiors were not filmed on location at the residence, but on a soundstage at Culver Studios in Culver City.  As you can see in these photographs of the real life house, the actual interior doesn’t much look like its onscreen counterpart, which is pictured above.  You can check out a more in-depth view of the set where filming took place on fave website Hooked On Houses.

    Monster In Law sign


    While watching Monster-in-Law on Saturday night, I spotted an unusual-looking street sign in the background behind Jane Fonda in a scene that had been filmed in front of the house.  I was hoping it would give me some sort of clue as to the residence’s exact location, but, try as I might, I could not for the life of me make out what the sign said.  As it turned out, I didn’t end up needing the sign to find the house, but when I  stalked the place on Sunday, I was absolutely dying to see that sign in person and of course, just had to take a picture with it.  🙂 

    Big THANK YOU to Nick for helping me find this location!  🙂

      Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Ross House, aka Charlie and Kevin’s house from Monster-in-Law, is located at 674 Elliott Drive in Pasadena.

  • The “Confessions of a Shopaholic” House


    While doing some research for my Who’s The Boss? post quite a few months back, I came across this website which chronicles all of the movies that have ever been filmed in the city of Fairfield, Connecticut and just about died when I saw the 2009 flick Confessions of a Shopaholic on the list.  As I’ve mentioned before, I wasn’t all that big a fan of the movie (I actually just re-watched parts of it while making today’s screen captures and have to say that it’s even worse the second time around), but the book that the movie was based on is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE NOVEL OF ALL TIME.  For those of you who have yet to read Confessions of a Shopaholic, please don’t let its craptastic cinematic counterpart scare you off.  The novel is a literary masterpiece – well, for a “chick lit” book, anyway.  😉  But I digress.  Anyway, as luck would have it, fellow stalker Owen just happens to live in the Fairfield area so I had an inkling that he might know the exact location of the main house used in the movie.  And, sure enough, he did!  Owen had come across the home’s address back in 2008 while doing some research on the Leonardo DiCaprio/Kate Winslet film Revolutionary Road, which was also filmed in Fairfield.   And even though he had absolutely no interest in ever seeing Shopaholic, nor did he even know what the movie was about really, he wrote the address down in his stalking files anyway!  And that right there is why we’re friends!  🙂     So, because I have no immediate plans to visit the state of Connecticut, I asked Owen if he wouldn’t mind stalking the house for me, which he happily did.  Thank you, Owen!



    In Confessions of a Shopaholic, the residence pictured above belongs to Graham (aka John Goodman) and Jane (aka Joan Cusack), the parents of Becky Bloomwood (aka Isla Fisher), the movie’s heroine.  The house only actually appears in a few brief scenes in the flick and, oddly enough, only a partial view of the exterior is ever shown.






    The home’s front door is the area that got the most screen time in the flick, but even that was featured only very briefly.  I am surprised that the producers didn’t choose to show more of the house onscreen, as it is a SUPER cute abode and actually looks exactly like the type of place I pictured Becky growing up in while reading the book. 


    I am very happy to report that the Confessions of a Shopaholic home looks EXACTLY the same in person as it did onscreen.


    Even the residence’s real life address plaque and mailbox were used in the filming.  SO LOVE IT!  🙂


    Filming at the house took place on April 9 of 2008 and I am fairly certain that the interior was also used in the production.  You can see some photographs of the filming taken by a Fairfield, Connecticut resident here.


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location and stalking it for me!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Confessions of a Shopaholic house is located at 16 Essex Street in Fairfield, Connecticut.  The movie also filmed a scene at Greenwich Point Park, which is located on Tods Driftway, off of Shore Road, in Greenwich, which is about 20 miles west of Fairfield.