Tag: movie homes

  • The Pasadena House Where the Prom in “Twilight” Was Filmed


    One location that I have been on the lookout for for what seems like forever now is the Pasadena-area home where part of the prom scene from the original Twilight movie was filmed.  I first found out about this location while browsing through Catherine Hardwick’s fabulous book Twilight: Director’s Notebook at my local bookstore.  According to Hardwick, after filming of the 2008 flick had been completed, it was decided that an additional conversation between Bella Swan (aka Kristen Stewart) and Jacob Black (aka Taylor Lautner) was needed to complete the prom scene, which had been filmed at a picturesque hotel in Oregon named the View Point Inn (pictured above).  Because the cast and crew had long since returned to Southern California, the movie’s location manager was called upon to find a property in the area that looked similar enough to the View Point Inn that a scene could be shot there without the audience realizing it was a different locale.  He found that location at a private residence in Pasadena and filming took place there in late August of 2008.  And even though I wasn’t a huge fan of the vampire movie, I was absolutely DYING to stalk the house.  The only problem was that, for the life of me, I could NOT find it.  Until I called in Mike, from MovieShotsLA, that is, who tracked down the property in record time – and without the aid of screen caps, I might add!


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    Mike, who had yet to watch Twilight, knew that the prom scene had been filmed at a Tudor-style property with a long driveway, so armed with those two rather vague descriptions he went to work.  Late Wednesday afternoon, he ended up stumbling upon some sort of Twilight message board where a girl had posted a comment saying that a scene from the flick had been shot in her neighborhood on Arroyo Boulevard near the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.  From there, Mike used aerial maps to search the area for a Tudor-style house with a large driveway and eventually landed upon the right location.  Yay!  Thank you, Mike!  And, as soon as he gave me the address, I ran right out to stalk the place.  Sadly, though, not much of it can be seen from the road. 

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    While not gated, as you can see in the above aerial images, the home is set quite a ways back from the street and is surrounded by a massive amount of foliage.

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    And while a bit of it can actually be spotted through the tall trees which line the front of the property, because the view is so limited, this house, unfortunately, makes for quite a disappointing stalk.

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    But that’s why God created real estate listings, which is where I snagged the two images pictured above.  🙂  The house, which was designed in 1915 by architect Stiles O. Clements, is currently for sale at a price that is only given “upon request”.  The property boasts seven bedrooms, TEN bathrooms!, five fireplaces, a separate one bedroom, one bathroom guesthouse, and sits on over 3.5 acres of land.  You can visit the home’s real estate listing and see a more close-up view of the property here.

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    The scene shot at the Pasadena house was a very brief one in which Jacob warns Bella upon entering the prom that her boyfriend, Edward Cullen (aka Robert Pattinson), may be a dangerous individual.  Bella blows off his warning and then walks arm-in-arm with Edward around the corner and into the prom, at which point the location miraculously transforms into the View Point Inn.


    The scene was filmed on the lawn in front of the north portion of the home’s wrap-around driveway, which is denoted with the blue “X” in the above aerial image.


    I find it absolutely amazing that the location manager was able to find an area home that not only looked quite a bit like the View Point Inn, but one that was also situated in an Oregonian-like setting.  When I first heard that the scene in which Jacob walks out of the woods to talk to Bella had been filmed in Pasadena, I wrongly assumed that fake trees had been brought in to make the property appear more wooded and forest-like.  But in reality, the scene pictured above is what the grounds surrounding the house actually look like.  It truly is an incredibly piece of property! 

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The house where the beginning portion of the prom scene in Twilight was filmed is located at 1200 South Arroyo Boulevard in Pasadena.

  • Bleeker’s House from “Juno”


    Another Vancouver location that fellow stalker Owen managed to track down was the supposed Minnesota-area house belonging to dorky high school track-star Paulie Bleeker (aka Michael Cera) in the 2007 breakout dramedy Juno.  And even though I was not a big fan of the flick – it was funny and all, but not especially spectacular and, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, dealt with the issue of teenage pregnancy far too cavalierly for my taste – because it was such a huge hit and because I was in the area three weeks ago, I just had to stalk the house where Paulie lived.  I should mention here that I did love Ellen Page’s performance in the movie – she was absolutely adorable, not to mention the fact that her acting was phenomenal.  So, I guess there’s that.  🙂   But I digress.  Owen managed to find the Bleeker family residence thanks to a Flikr page which posted a number of photos of locales featured in Juno, along with a rather vague description of where they could be found.  From there, he did a bit of cyber-stalking and was fairly quickly able to pin down the exact location of Paulie’s house.  Thank you, Owen! 




    According to the blog written by Academy-Award-winning Juno screenwriter Diablo Cody during the filming of the flick, Bleeker’s house was the very first location that the cast and crew shot at.  Sadly, though, the owners of the property gave the exterior of their home a slight facelift after filming wrapped, so the residence looks a bit different today than it did on February 14, 2007, when the filming of Juno began.  Boo!


    The most notable difference, for me at least, was the fact that the mailbox which Juno filled with Tic Tacs candies in order to surprise Bleeker was not actually there in real life.


    Nor was it there in the movie’s final scene, though, which was a fairly big gaff on the filmmakers’ part. 

    Juno Mailbox

    Because Bleeker’s mailbox was M.I.A. in the movie’s closing scene, I am fairly certain that it was, in actuality, just a prop that was brought in for the filming.  As you can see in the above photograph, the home’s real life mailbox is located just to the left of the front door.

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    And I, of course, just had to sit in the same spot where Bleeker and Juno sat while singing The Moldy Peaches’ “Anyone Else But You” in that final scene.


    Amazingly enough, while we were stalking the house, the owner happened to walk outside – well, truth be told, she actually came outside to investigate why I was sitting on her front stoop 😉 – and she truly could NOT have been nicer.  She answered all of my silly little questions about the filming and didn’t even mind at all that I was sitting on her property.  She explained that her home has become a frequent stalking destination ever since Juno premiered back in 2007 and that visitors frequently stop by to pose for photographs on her front stoop.  She said she doesn’t really mind the massive attention her home draws as the majority of the picture-takers are all very respectful.  🙂  She also told us that some filming of Juno did take place inside of the house, which was redecorated slightly for the movie, and that she and her family even had to relocate to a hotel for a brief period of time during the shoot.  She also got to meet actors Ellen Page and Michael Cera, whom she said were both extremely nice. 🙂  Love it!


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bleeker’s house from Juno is located at 3961 36 Avenue West in Vancouver.

  • Nick’s (Almost) Apartment from “The Crush”


    Just a mile and a half away from the Forrester mansion, which appeared in the 1993 thriller The Crush and which I blogged about yesterday, is the supposed Seattle-area apartment house where Nick Eliot (aka Cary Elwes) tried to rent a unit after discovering that his current landlords’ 14-year old daughter Adrian (aka Alicia Silverstone) had developed a highly-inappropriate and psychotically-obsessive crush on him.  I found this location, yet again, thanks to master stalker Owen, who had managed to track down one of the movie’s crew members who happened to remember the general vicinity where the apartment house was located.  From there, Owen once again employed Google Street View to pinpoint the property’s exact location.  And even though the building only showed up in two very brief scenes in The Crush, because of my Alicia Silverstone connection, I just had to stalk the place.


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    I am very happy to report that Nick’s apartment house looks much the same in person as it did onscreen in The Crush, except for one pretty glaring difference – the building is now located in a different place. 

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    Yes, you read that right – according to this Flikr website, Nick’s apartment house was formerly located just a bit north of where it is now, adjacent to a vacant lot, and was numbered 2132 (as you can see in the above screen capture).   When the neighboring Reeve house, a historic property, was moved for preservation purposes in 1999, the Crush apartment also had to be moved a few hundred feet to the south to accommodate it.  The Crush building’s address number was subsequently changed to 2156 and, because it had to be built into the side of a hill, appears to be a bit lower to the ground now than it was previously.  Isn’t that incredible?  I mean, I’ve heard of filming locations being torn down entirely, but I’ve never heard of one being moved from one plot of land to another!  I’m so, so glad that the property was preserved, though, for all of us stalkers to continue to appreciate.  You can see some great interior photographs of the building’s super-cute little front unit on a former real estate listing from 2008 here.  I absolutely LOVE the built-in bookshelves next to the fireplace!!  So darn cute!  I am a little upset, though, that the real estate agent failed to make mention of the property’s cinematic history on the listing.  Hmph!


    On an interesting side note – While doing research on The Crush for yesterday’s blog post, I came across some information on IMDB which stated that the flick’s screenwriter/director Alan Shapiro based his screenplay on actual events from his life that took place while he was living in a guesthouse on the property of a wealthy Beverly Hills family back in 1982.  And while I don’t know how much of the movie was actually based on fact and how much was embellished for dramatic effect, apparently Shapiro touted his production as being inspired by “real-life events”.  Quite a bit of the story must have been factual, though, because after the movie premiered in April of 1993, Shapiro was sued by his former landlords over the fact that he had named his lead character “Darian” – the actual name of his former landlords’ daughter.  The lawsuit was eventually settled and producers agreed to dub the name “Adrian” in for “Darian” in all future airings and DVD/VHS copies of the flick. 

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The apartment Nick unsuccessfully tries to rent towards the end of The Crush is located at 2156 Cypress Street in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  • The Cullen House from “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”


    Another location that I stalked while in Vancouver two weeks ago was the residence where the Cullen family – including Edward (aka Robert Pattinson), Alice (aka Ashley Greene), Jasper (aka Jackson Rathbone), Carlisle (aka Peter Facinelli), Esme (aka Elizabeth Reaser), Emmett (aka Kellan Lutz), and Rosalie (aka Nikki Reed) – lived in the 2009 movie The Twilight Saga: New Moon.  And even though I am not at all a fan of the Twilight series, nor have I yet to even see the New Moon installment, I was absolutely dying to stalk the home where filming took place ever since first seeing it in a real estate listing when it went on the market this past November.  From what I saw in the listing, the modern-style abode was nothing short of spectacular, so when fellow stalker Kerry mentioned that she knew the property’s location, I practically salivated and begged her to take me there.  And I have to say that, in person, the home definitely did NOT disappoint!  The Cullen house is absolutely breathtaking and I would give anything to live in something even remotely as beautiful.  And while I would have loved to have taken a peek at the interior of the property, unfortunately, due to the many inquiries about the home from various Twi-hards the world over, the real estate agent is currently only offering tours to serious buyers.



    Oddly enough, the exterior of the West Vancouver-area home never actually appeared in New Moon.   For the lone exterior shot featured in the flick (pictured above), producers used footage of the Hoke house in Portland, Oregon – the very same residence which stood in for the Cullen abode in the original Twilight movie.  When it was decided that the Twilight sequel would be shot entirely on location in Canada – where filming is much less expensive than in the U.S. – location scouts had to track down a home which had somewhat similar interiors to the residence that was used in the original flick. 

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      They found that home in West Vancouver and fans of the movie followed – in droves.  Apparently the residence has become quite the tourist attraction ever since New Moon was filmed there beginning on April 15th of last year.  The house was the setting for two scenes in the movie – the scene involving Bella’s ill-fated 18th birthday party and the scene in which the Cullen family is put to a vote to decide Bella’s fate.  Those relatively short segments took a whopping four days to film.  The same home will also be standing in for the interior of the Cullen residence in the upcoming The Twilight Saga: Eclipse movie.

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    The 5 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 5,117 square-foot abode, which was completely remodeled in 2001 and is currently for sale for a whopping $2,998,000, features 20 foot ceilings, a media room, slate and concrete flooring, a pool, a spa, a koi pond, a chef’s kitchen with granite countertops and cherry wood cabinets, and a 1/2 acre of wooded, creekside land.  Ironically enough, the home’s real estate listing touts its numerous picture windows which allow for “bright sunfilled exposure” throughout – something I don’t think the Cullen family would have appreciated very much.  😉  You can view the home’s real estate listing here.


    Big THANK YOU to Kerry for not only finding this location, but for taking me to stalk it, as well!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Cullen house from The Twilight Saga: New Moon is located at 118 Stevens Drive in West Vancouver, British Columbia.  You can check out the home’s real estate website here.

  • The Malibu House from “Spanglish”


    A few weeks ago, fellow stalker Nick was driving along the Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu with his family when he happened to pass by a home that looked extremely familiar to him.  He immediately asked the driver of the car to pull over so that he could get a better look and, upon closer inspection, realized that the property was none other than the spot where John and Deborah Clasky (aka Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni, respectively) spent the summer with their family and their spunky housekeeper Flor Moreno (aka Paz Vega) in the 2004 dramedy Spanglish.  Nick emailed me as soon as he returned home that day to let me know the good news and, let me tell you, I just about passed out from excitement as I had been looking for the Spanglish house for just about as long as I could remember.   Yay!  So, the very next weekend I dragged my fiancé out to the ‘Bu to finally do some Spanglish stalking!


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    I am very happy to report that the Spanglish house looks much the same in person as it did onscreen in the movie.  In real life, the Clasky’s Malibu home, which was built in 1934, boasts 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a whopping 3,418 square feet of living space.  And, according to my friend E.J. over at the Movieland Directory, the place also has a celebrity connection as it once belonged to “Pretty Woman” singer Roy Orbison. 

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    Unfortunately, we were strapped for time the day we stalked the Spanglish house and were not able to pop around back to sneak a peek at the beach-side of the property, which appeared quite a few times in the movie. 

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    But, as you can see in these photographs of the home from a Malibu rental website (the Spanglish house’s listing can be found in the third row and third column of the page), the real life interior was also used in the filming.  According to the website, the home is currently available as a summer rental for a whopping $45,000 per month!

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    Just two doors down from the Clasky’s summer home is the house where Deborah went searching for a translator for Flor after first arriving in Malibu.  And while the property has definitely been modernized in recent years, it is still very recognizable from SpanglishAccording to fave website Big Time Listings, that home also has a celebrity connection as it formerly belonged to makeup artist and special effects master Stan Winston.

    Big THANK YOU to Nick for finding these locations!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Clasky’s summer home from Spanglish is located at 21628 Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.  The house where Deborah finds a translator for Flor is located two doors down at 21622 Pacific Coast Highway.

  • The “War Games” House


    A few weeks ago, I got an email from fellow stalker Owen who was writing to ask if I owned a copy of the 1983 movie War Games on DVD.  And while I did not own the movie, nor had I ever actually even seen it, my fiancé, thankfully, did.  Owen was inquiring about the DVD because he was currently in the process of trying to track down the house where teenaged computer prodigy David Lightman (aka Matthew Broderick) lived in the flick.  Owen had recently discovered – thanks to the stalking tome The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations  – that the Lightman residence was located somewhere in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.  Even though the movie was supposedly set in Seattle, the vast majority of it was actually shot right here in Southern California.  YAY!  So, that very night I popped in my fiancé’s DVD and settled in to watch War Games for the very first time.  And I have to say that I absolutely LOVED it!  How I missed the movie when it first came out in 1983 – and all of the years since – is absolutely beyond me, especially since I am SUCH a child of the ‘80s.  Being that I was only six years old at the time the movie premiered, though, I guess I was a bit too young to appreciate it.  But I digress. 



    Owen had asked me to watch War Games in the hopes that the address number of the Lightman house would be visible at some point during the movie.  And, thankfully, as you can see in the above screen capture, it was!  I spotted the number “333” towards the beginning of the flick in the scene in which Jennifer (aka Ally Sheedy) is shown running up to knock on David’s front door.  So, Owen immediately got to searching all of the 300 blocks in the Hancock Park area and fairly quickly came upon the house.  Ironically enough, there is a notation on Wikipedia’s Larchmont Village page which states that the War Games house is located on the corner of “Lucerne and Second Street”, but that information, like so much of Wikipedia’s filming location information, is actually incorrect.  The Lightman home can actually be found at 333 South Arden Boulevard, a few blocks south of where Lucerne meets Second Street.


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    As soon as Owen emailed me the address of the War Games house, I grabbed my camera and headed over to Hancock Park to snap some pics.  And I was absolutely shocked at what I found.  As it turns out, even though over 27 years have passed since the movie was filmed, the War Games house still looks pretty much exactly the same as it did onscreen!  Love it, love it, love it!  The owners of the property deserve some very big kudos for resisting the urge to change anything.  Although the home, which was built in 1920, appears to fairly average-sized from the street, it actually boasts a whopping 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, and 3,728 square feet of living space. 

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The War Games house is located at 333 South Arden Boulevard in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles.

  • Isabel’s House from the “Bewitched” Movie


    Last week, fellow stalker Tony, from the On Location in Los Angeles flickr page, asked for my help in tracking down the residence belonging to Isabel Bigelow (aka Nicole Kidman) and her loyal cat, Lucinda, in the 2005 movie adaptation of the television series Bewitched.  So, I, of course, immediately called upon “The Team” – aka fellow stalkers Owen, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and Chas, from ItsFilmedThere – to see if they could help me find it.  Which they, of course, did!  Owen fairly quickly came upon fave website Hooked on Houses’ awesome write up about the cottage which stated that it was located somewhere in L.A.’s San Fernando Valley.  And because the house’s address number – 4427 – was also visible in the movie, we had two very strong leads to follow.  Owen immediately began searching the Valley – once he figured out exactly what part of Los Angeles constituted “The Valley”, something I have still not yet been able to do 😉 – for houses with a “4427” address number and voila, it wasn’t very long before he found the correct one.  YAY!  Thank you, Owen!  So, bright and early yesterday morning, I headed out to stalk the place.






    In Bewitched, Isabel discovers the house pictured above during a walk and immediately decides it would be the perfect place to start her new, “normal”, non-witch life in which she has vowed to stop using magic.  She does, of course, continue to use magic – fairly soon after making the decision not to, in fact –  and, with a simple twitch of her nose, has a “for rent” sign put on the residence’s front lawn and immediately leases the place and moves right in.   It’s not very hard to see why producers chose to use the charming colonial style cottage featured in the movie, as it is extremely picturesque and idyllic.  It’s exactly the type of place I’d imagine a witch seeking normalcy to want to live.  Heck, I would LOVE to live there, myself!





    As you can see in the above screen captures and photographs, Isabel’s house looks almost EXACTLY the same in person as it appeared onscreen, right down to the address plaque, white front porch bench, and red front door.  Love it!




    In fact, the only differences I noticed in real life were the absence of Isabel’s single-car garage and the shutters on the window just to the left of it.



    As you can see in the above photographs, that single-car garage is not there in real life.  There is a detached two-car garage located directly behind and to the right of the house, though, which leads me to believe that Isabel’s garage was simply a facade that producers had built solely for the filming.  And, according to Hooked on Houses, only the exterior of the real life residence was used in Bewitched.  The absolutely adorable interiors, sadly, only ever existed on a studio soundstage.


    On an ironic side note – According to IMDB’s Bewitched Trivia Page, in real life Isabel’s home was once owned by Bewitched director Nora Ephron’s parents’ friends.  Ephron had visited the residence numerous times during her childhood and when it came time to scout locations for the movie, she remembered the house and thought it would be perfect to use as her lead character’s abode.  What Nora didn’t realize, however, was that her parents’ friends who once owned the house were none other than Larry Berns and his wife, Sandra Gould – an actress who is best known for playing nosy neighbor Gladys Kravitz on the Bewitched television series.  Cue the Disney music, ‘cause it truly is a small world after all!

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Isabel’s house from the Bewitched movie is located at 4427 Radford Avenue in Studio City.

  • Paul Rudd’s Parents’ House from “I Love You, Man”


    A few weeks ago while doing some stalking in the Valley, I dragged my fiancé out to visit the house where Peter Klaven’s (aka Paul Rudd’s) parents, Oswald and Joyce Klaven, who were played by J.K. Simmons and Jane Curtin respectively, and his brother Robbie (aka Andy Samberg) lived in fave movie I Love You, Man.  And even though the Klaven house only appeared in one very brief scene in the movie – a scene which barely lasted over 2 minutes – because fellow stalker Owen had tracked down the location for me a few months back, I just had to go see the place in person.  I also wanted to stalk the residence because fellow stalker Gary, from fave website Seeing Stars, recently put together a highly detailed catalog of all of the filming locations featured in I Love You, Man – all of the  locations, that is, except for the Klaven house.  So, to complete Gary’s collection, I just had to run right out and stalk the place.  🙂








    The Klaven house shows up at the very beginning of I Love You, Man  in one of my favorite scenes in the movie – the absolutely hilarious scene in which Peter takes his new fiancé Zooey (aka Rashida Jones) to his parents’ house for dinner and they get into a detailed discussion about his lifelong lack of male friendships.  It is at this dinner that Peter learns the shocking fact that, along with a random man named Hank Mardukis, his younger brother, Robbie, is his father’s very best friend.  LOL 




    Besides the exterior of the house and the front door area, I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the home was also used in the filming of the dinner scene, as well.  



    Because the Klaven’s house from I Love You, Man is extremely long and has that Anywhere, U.S.A.-type look to it, it actually reminds me quite a bit of Matthew Perry’s residence from fave movie 17 Again, a location which I stalked back in September of last year.  In person, the Klaven house is very large, much larger than it appeared onscreen in I Love You, Man.  The residence, which was built in 1942, boasts three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and measures 3,224 square feet.  The home is very cute in person and is located on an absolutely ADORABLE street in an absolutely ADORABLE neighborhood.   According to fave website Virtual Globetrotting, actress Jo Anne Worley lives just across the street from the I Love You, Man house and from 1993 to 2000 Denzel Washington lived just around the corner.  Love it!

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Paul Rudd’s parents’ house from I Love You, Man is located at 4727 Arcola Avenue in either North Hollywood or Toluca Lake, depending on which map you consult.

  • The “Hangover” House


    A few weeks ago, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, called me up to let me know that he was on the hunt for the main house used in fave movie The Hangover.  The two of us both had a pretty good inkling that the residence was located somewhere in the Pasadena area, we just weren’t sure exactly where.  Randomly enough during that same conversation, I happened to mention that I had just read on OnLocationVacations – my go-to-stalking guide 🙂 – that 90210 had been filming all week at a large gated home located at 465 South Grand Avenue in Pasadena.  Well, it wasn’t five minutes after we ended our call that Mike phoned me up a second time, extremely excited, and said “I found The Hangover house and you’ll NEVER guess where it is!”  As it turns out, the house was located just two doors  down from the residence where 90210  had been filming!  Apparently, while looking at aerial images of the 90210 location, Mike noticed a neighboring property that bore a striking resemblance to the Hangover house.  Turns out, it was the Hangover house!  🙂  So, I guess it’s true what Walt Disney once said . . . It really is a small world, after all!  Well, when it comes to filming locations, at least.   🙂  So, that same weekend, Mike drove out to meet me in Pasadena so the two of us could do a little Hangover stalking.







    In The Hangover, the house pictured above belongs to the parents of Doug’s (aka Justin Bartha’s) fiancé, Tracy (aka Sasha Barrese). The residence is featured several times throughout the film.  It first shows up at the very beginning of the movie as the spot from which Doug and his soon to be brother-in-law Alan (aka Zach Galifianakis) leave for the infamous Vegas bachelor party.  



    And, as you can see in the above screen capture and aerial image, the real life backyard, which is absolutely HUGE, was used in several scenes as well, including the scene in which Phil (aka Bradley Cooper) calls Tracy, while she is sunning herself by the pool, to let her know that the guys have been unavoidably detained in Vegas an extra day.





    The movie’s final wedding scene also took place in the home’s real life backyard.

    Hangover House



    As you can see in the above aerial image, the house has a fairly large covered back porch area.  That porch is where Stu (aka Ed Helms) finally breaks up with his belligerent girlfriend Melissa (aka Rachel Harris) while Alan and the rest of the wedding party look on.  I am also fairly certain that the real life interior of the home was used in the filming of several scenes, as well.


    The Hangover house is absolutely beautiful in person.  Although, thanks to its size, calling it a “house” is actually a bit of a misnomer.  The place is really more of a mansion.  It is absolutely HUGE in person, much bigger than I expected it to be.  Even though it did appear quite large in The Hangover, trust me when I say that in real life it is far, far larger – gargantuan actually!  I can’t even imagine living there.  The 7 bedroom, 7 bathroom house, which was built in 1930, measures a whopping 7,892 square feet.  And while the property is gated, I am happy to report that quite a bit of it can be seen from the street.  🙂

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for finding this location!


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The house from The Hangover is located at 415 South Grand Avenue in Pasadena.

  • The “Fracture” House


    A few weeks ago, while doing some cyberstalking, I came across a fabulous filming locations database named Unreel Locations and I just about died when I saw a listing for what the site referred to as “The Fracture House”.  I immediately recognized the property as the ultra modern abode where Ted Crawford (aka Anthony Hopkins) lived in the 2007 flick – a location which I had long been wanting to stalk.  Unfortunately though, Unreel Locations didn’t specify where the residence was located, so I had to call in the usual suspects – aka Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and fellow stalker Owen – to help me track it down.  And as expected, it wasn’t long before Owen was emailing me back with an address!  YAY!  Owen actually began his search for the home in an unlikely place – on the IMDB Fracture filming locations page – a site which doesn’t always serve up the most accurate of information.  But there was a notation on the page stating that Fracture had been filmed in Encino, so Owen decided it was as good a starting point as any.  From there he began Googling “Encino” and “Fracture filming location” and fairly quickly stumbled upon this real estate listing which advertised a vacant piece of property located “next to the famous Sherman House featured in the movie Fracture”.  From there it was just a matter of searching the area next to the vacant lot.  And voila, the Fracture house was found!  Thank you, Owen!  🙂 







    For those who have yet to see Fracture (and I highly recommend that you do – it’s a FABULOUS flick), Ted Crawford’s house is simply breathtaking in it and, in my humble opinion at least, is the real star of the film.  Both the inside . . .





    . . .  and the outside of the Sherman Estate were featured extensively in the movie and several weeks were actually spent shooting on location at the home.  Of the property, Fracture director Gregory Hoblit says, “It must be 80% glass, supported by struts, but you can see from one of the house all the way to the other, all the way through it, side to side, end to end, anywhere you go.  It would be a little unnerving to live in a house like that, but fortunately it’s pretty well-hidden.”   And while Hoblit enjoyed filming at the home and all of the unique camera angles the open, almost transparent-seeming property allowed him, cinematographer Kramer Morgenthau had a different opinion.  “It was very film-unfriendly,” he says, “but it was worth every bit of effort and heartbreak and stepping on top of each other.  It was a classic, Schindler-influenced building, where the interiors and exteriors flowed from one to the other, but it was not easy.”  Openness and glass walls on a movie set are usually big no-nos, as crew members need places to hide themselves and their large camera equipment behind, so I can’t even imagine how difficult it must have been to film at the Sherman Estate.  In this case, though, I think it was worth the extra effort as the house is absolutely unforgettable.  You can read a great article on the filming of Fracture here.


    In reality, the 3 bedroom, 4 bathroom, 5,472 square foot Sherman Estate, which sits on 4 acres of land, was built in 2001 by architect Peter Tolkien and the Scanlon Construction Company for Jerome and Zina Sherman.  The “Zen-serenity” aura of the award-winning home was inspired by some Bali and Thailand area hotels where the couple had spent many a vacation.  The house, which was built almost entirely out of wood, concrete, and glass and in which every room opens up to the outdoors, was constructed as a one-story dwelling because as Jerome said in the September 2004 issue of Better Homes and Gardens, “The older I get the more forgetful I am.  I didn’t was to be constantly going up and down stairs to find my glasses.”   The property also includes a 1,500 foot guest house, a tennis court, a pool and hot tub, and a veritable forest of orange, oak, sycamore, and Deodar trees.  I honestly can’t say enough about this house.  It is truly a work of art! 





    Sadly, though, not very much of it can be seen from the street.  🙁  It was still very cool to stalk the house nonetheless, but oh, what I wouldn’t give to see the inside of that place in person!  You can see some great photographs of the interior of the property here and here





    The Sherman Estate also popped up very briefly as one of the homes that Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni robbed in the 2005 movie Fun With Dick and Jane.

    A big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Fracture house, aka the Sherman Estate, is located at 4411 Noeline Avenue in Encino.  You can see interior pictures of it here.