Tag: Modern Family locations

  • Pappa Don’s Delicatessen from “Modern Family”


    I must apologize in advance for the length of today’s post.  I spent most of my day yesterday at the Walk of Fame star ceremony for American Idol creator Simon Fuller – an event which I will be writing about later this week – and therefore did not have time to write a very lengthy blog post for today, so I am sorry.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago a fellow stalker named Cait wrote a comment on my blog post about Carmine’s II Restaurant from the “Boy’s Night” episode of Modern Family alerting me to the fact that the series had filmed its Season 1 episode titled “Fifteen Percent” at Pappa Don’s Delicatessen in South Pasadena.  In her comment, Cait said she “you probably already know this (you know everything!) . . .”, but I have to admit that not only did I NOT know that information, until reading Cait’s comment I had never even heard of Pappa Don’s!  So I immediately added the restaurant to my lengthy “To Stalk” list and finally made it out there to stalk the place this past Thursday afternoon.  Yay!

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    Pappa Don’s Delicatessen was originally founded by the eponymous “Pappa Don” in the early 1960s.  Sometime during the 80s Pappa sold the restaurant to a chef named Harry – a man whom many diners came to refer to as the “Soup Nazi” due to his reportedly gruff exterior.  Harry apparently had no tolerance whatsoever for patrons who added what he felt were inappropriate additions to his sandwich creations.  LOL  Sadly, Harry passed away unexpectedly in August of 2007 at the tender age of 58 and Pappa’s was forced to shutter its doors for a time.  On February 28th, 2008, the deli re-opened, this time under new owners who thankfully made very few changes to the restaurant or its menu.  Pappa Don’s Delicatessen is a VERY cool little spot that serves up some fabulous sandwiches at EXTREMELY low prices.  Because I am diabetic and usually try to avoid carbs altogether, I was unfortunately not able to sample any of the deli’s grub, but I purchased one of their “Anchor” sandwiches – which consisted of tuna salad on sourdough with Swiss cheese, tomatoes, cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, and mayo, all for only $4.95 – to take home to the Grim Cheaper and he absolutely devoured the thing.  Said it was one of the best tuna salad sandwiches he had ever eaten.


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    In the “Fifteen Percent” episode of Modern Family, Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet) runs into his father-in-law, Jay Pritchett (aka Ed O’Neill), who is hanging out with his group of friends in front of Pappa Don’s.  While there Jay ends up introducing Cameron not as his son-in-law, but as “a friend of my son’s”.

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    When Cameron tells his husband Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) how he was introduced, Mitchell marches right on over to the deli to confront his father.  While there, he ends up meeting Jay’s friend, Shorty (aka Chazz Palminteri), whom he is convinced is gay.

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    The deli showed up once again at the very end of the episode in the scene in which Shorty, who has spent most of the episode adamantly denying that he is gay, gifts Jay with two tickets to see “the great Michael Buble”, who “sings like an angel”.  Ah, Shorty, I couldn’t agree with you more on that count!  And he’s not bad to look at, either.  Winking smile

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    Susanne, the SUPER-nice owner of Pappa Don’s, also informed me that the deli had been featured in the pilot episode of the new Fox television series Traffic Light, in the scene in which Mike (aka The Office’s David Denman), Adam (aka Nelson Franklin), and Ethan (aka Love Actually’s Kris Marshall) discuss the fact that Ethan can get away with saying anything, no matter how obnoxious, thanks to the fact that he has a British accent.


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Cait for telling me about this location!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Pappa Don’s Delicatessen, from the “Fifteen Percent” episode of Modern Family, is located at 303 Pasadena Avenue in South Pasadena.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.  Pappa Don’s is open Monday through Saturday, from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and the place only accepts cash, so make sure to visit an ATM before you stop by.

  • Carmine’s II Restaurant from “Modern Family”


    This past Saturday night, I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to stalk a historic restaurant named Carmine’s II, which was featured prominently in the recently-aired Season 2 episode of Modern Family titled “Boys’ Night”.  Carmine’s has been a virtual West-L.A.-institution for almost four decades now, having originally been founded in 1972 by New York native Carmine Competelli, Sr.  The eatery, which featured authentic Italian recipes from the “old country”, became an instant success and, thanks to its close proximity to both The Culver Studios and Sony Pictures Studios (formerly MGM), was extremely popular with the showbiz set.  Just a few of the luminaries who dined there regularly during the heyday of Hollywood include Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Linda Ronstadt, Robert DeNiro, Milton Berle, Judy Garland, Lauren Bacall, Ronald Reagan, and Governor Jerry Brown.  Carmine became such close friends with members of the Rat Pack, in fact, that according to this article written by original Saturday Night Live cast member Laraine Newman, Dean Martin drove Carmine’s eldest son, Carmine Jr., to his senior prom!   When Carmine Sr. passed away in 1982 at the tender age of 52, Carmine Jr., who was then only 19 years old, took over management of the restaurant.  At some point shortly thereafter he shuttered the property and then re-opened it in 1995 under the new name Carmine’s II.  And it is still going strong to this day. 


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    In the “Boys’ Night” episode of Modern Family, Mitchell  Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet) go for a boys’ night out at Carmine’s II along with their friends Pepper (aka Nathan Lane), Longinus (aka Kevin Daniels), and Crispin (aka Craig Zimmerman).  While there, they run into Mitchell’s dad, Jay (aka Ed O’Neill), and much to Mitchell’s dismay, his friends invite Jay to join them for a few drinks.  A good time ends up being had by all, though, and Mitchell ends up seeing a whole new side of his father.

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    While watching the episode, I had noticed a neon sign in the window of the restaurant that read “Carmine’s”.

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    So, I wrongly assumed that filming had taken place at Carmine’s Restaurant and Bar in South Pasadena (pictured above), an eatery that I had driven by countless times over the years, but had never dined at.  It was not until I walked through the establishment’s front doors that I realized how wrong that assumption was!  Oh, how to put this nicely?  The Carmine’s in South Pasadena is a complete and total dive!  Now I am not the type of girl who necessarily dislikes dive restaurants.  Quite the contrary, in fact.  But this was more of a duck!-cause-a-bar-fight-is-about-to-break-out-type of place than the we-serve-chicken-strips-and-ranch-dressing-in-a-casual-setting kind of establishment that I so adore.  Upon our arrival, the GC took one look at our surroundings and said, “We are SO out of here!”  It was not until I got home and did some online research later that night that I discovered that there was another, completely unrelated restaurant named Carmine’s located in the West-L.A.-area.  (And yes, I am such a huge dork that I actually posed for the above photograph before realizing I was in the wrong place!  As Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, would say, “MAJOR FAIL!”)

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    I cannot tell you how ecstatic I am that I was eventually able to track the correct Carmine’s down, as it was honestly one on the BEST restaurants that I have ever had the pleasure of dining at.  Both the GC and I loved, loved, loved it!  The setting is intimate and cozy with a definite Rat-Pack-vibe, the staff is some of the friendliest I have ever encountered, and the food . . . oh, what do I even say about the food?  It was magnificent!  When our bartender found out that it was our very first visit to Carmine’s, he informed us that we were not allowed to leave without first sampling some of the restaurant’s famous deep-fried calamari and I can honestly say that it was, hands down, the BEST fried calamari that I have ever eaten in my entire life!  OMG!  I’m salivating right now just thinking about it!  The Chicken Milanese entrée that the GC and I split was also nothing short of incredible.  I honestly cannot say enough good things about this place!  Carmine Sr. always prided himself on the fact that he made his diners feel “at home” and Carmine Jr. has definitely upheld that tradition.  After just one meal there, I can honestly say that Carmine’s II is my new favorite restaurant.    

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Carmine’s II restaurant, from the “Boys’ Night” episode of Modern Family, is located at 10463 Santa Monica Boulevard in West Los Angeles.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Diet” Book Signing

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    This past Wednesday night I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to my favorite local bookstore, Vroman’s (which coincidentally just appeared in the most recent episode of Modern Family, but more on that later), to attend the book signing and discussion for Alicia Silverstone’s new lifestyle tome The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet.  Even though I am not in any way, shape, or form a vegan, I was absolutely DYING to attend the book signing because, as I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, not only is Clueless one of my all-time favorite movies, but Alicia and I happened to grow up in the same hometown – San Mateo, California – so I have always had a very special place in my heart for the actress.  Because I am a diabetic and on a very strict, virtually no-carbohydrate diet, though, and because most vegan diets that I have read about tend to favor carbs, I was not actually interested in purchasing a copy of Alicia’s book for myself.  But my good friend Nat, who actually attended San Mateo High School – Alicia’s alma mater – is a vegan and she absolutely LOVES Alicia’s book – and her lifestyle blog, The Kind Life – so I decided I would purchase a copy for her as a little “just because” present.  Which is how the GC and I found ourselves heading over to Vroman’s at about 5 p.m. this past Wednesday night.  And, as always, before the event got started, I sent him outside to snap some photographs of Alicia when she arrived.  Winking smile

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    The signing began right on time, at 7 p.m., but for some reason it was VERY strictly monitored.  No photographs WHATSOEVER were allowed during the event – not when Alicia walked into the room, not during the discussion session, and not while standing in line waiting to have our books signed.  We were told shortly before her arrival that each guest would be allowed one – and only one – posed photograph with Alicia (which I could NOT have been more excited about as most celebs will not actually pose for pictures during a signing), but otherwise photographs of any kind would not be allowed.  To enforce this, two quite burly Pasadena policemen were on site and they threatened to remove anyone who was even spotted with a camera in their hands during the event!  So I was extremely thankful that the GC had managed to snap some photographs of Alicia outside of the store.

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    Alicia, who is currently pregnant, was ABSOLUTELY adorable in person and much taller than I had expected her to be, although she was wearing some fairly tall heels.  She walked directly to the podium upon arrival, introduced herself, and started speaking about why she decided to write The Kind Diet, which was an extremely surreal moment for me as it was like watching the Haitian immigrant debate scene from Clueless (pictured above) come alive before my very eyes.  I kept having to pinch myself to make sure that it was all really happening and that I wasn’t actually at home sitting in front of my television set.  I have to say that in person, Alicia reminded me A LOT of Cher, her Clueless alter-ego.  In real life, Alicia has the same mannerisms, facial expressions,  and vocal tendencies that I had grown so familiar with from watching the movie over and over again.  And I can honestly say that I love Alicia even more now than I did before.  The actress came off as extremely charming, warm, genuine, and sweet.  She was also poised, well-read, and wildly knowledgeable about veganism, holistic medicine, and healthy nutrition.  I was riveted listening to her and, while not a vegan, found myself agreeing whole-heartedly with the vast majority of what she had to say.  She also handled herself incredibly well when one of the audience members asked her an asinine question about veganism and pregnancy, in which he tried to make Alicia look bad.  (Honestly, if you don’t agree with her lifestyle and are not a fan of hers, then why come to the event????)  Alicia responded to him, though, with honesty, wit, and a bit of snarkiness and ended up making him look like a complete and total moron.  As we left the event, I found myself wondering how she managed to do that!  I cannot tell you how much I would love to be able to tell a rude person off without breaking my cool and all the while seeming poised and charming.  But I digress.  I was most surprised to hear Alicia speak about diabetes and veganism.  As it turns out, her diet does not favor carbohydrates at all and is actually very similar to the diet I am currently on, so it looks like I am now going to have to buy a copy of the book for myself! 


    After Alicia’s speech, which lasted about thirty minutes, we all lined up to meet the actress.  Alicia really took her time with all of her fans and seemed to have an incredibly warm and open personality.  And, as promised, every guest got to pose for a photograph with her, which I was absolutely floored about! 

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    Nat’s signed book is pictured above.



    Alicia’s inscription reads, “Dear Natalie, Thank you for loving the book!  <3, Alicia Silverstone”.

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    As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, fave show Modern Family recently did some filming on location at Vroman’s Bookstore.  The final scene of the Season 2 episode titled “Two Monkeys and a Panda”, in which Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet) peruse various books on parenting, took place near the store’s Current Event’s section.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out the store’s upcoming signings here.  You can purchase Alicia Silverstone’s book The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet here.  You can visit Alicia’s lifestyle blog, The Kind Life, here.  And you can check out future L.A.-area book signings and other celebrity events on my Upcoming Celebrity Events page here.

  • Bistro de la Gare from “Modern Family”


    This past Sunday morning, while grabbing some coffee with my parents and the Grim Cheaper at my new fave coffee house, Kaldi’s, my mom asked me if I happened to remember what day it was.  Looking at her with what I’m sure was a completely blank expression on my face, I told her that I had absolutely no idea.  It was then that she reminded me that it was exactly ten years prior, on February 28th of 2000, that my mom and I had waved goodbye to our little house in San Mateo and begun the five hour journey south to meet my dad – who had moved a few months ahead of us – at our new home in Pasadena.   Yes, this past Sunday was my family’s ten year anniversary of living in Southern California.  And while in some ways it seems like that journey occurred just yesterday, in other ways it feels like a lifetime ago.  And as I sat there and reflected on my past decade in LaLaLand, I’m not sure what surprised me more – the number of things that had changed in my life, or the number of things that hadn’t.  Over the last ten years, quite a few of my life circumstances have remained constant – I am still a struggling actress who makes zero dollars each year off her craft and I still dream each day of “making it big”, I still attend acting school – albeit a different one than the one I was attending when I first moved here, and I still live in Pasadena, although I finally moved out of my parents home two years ago – at the tender age of 30.  Ha ha.  But while so much of my life is pretty much exactly the same as it was the day I moved here, there have also been some huge milestones.  I met the Grim Cheaper and after eight and a half years of dating finally got engaged last May.  I have made some amazing new friends and, sadly, also lost a few.  I was voted valedictorian at one of my acting schools.  I starred in a commercial for State Farm Insurance.  And I became a blogger, which along with my fiancé and my friends and family, has been my saving grace over the past two years.  Just when I thought my frustrations with the acting industry were becoming too much to bear and that I was ready to throw in the towel, I found another, entirely different, creative outlet that I have as much love for and am just as passionate about as my acting career.  And while it’s definitely true what they say, that the more things change, the more they stay the same, what I’ve found is that while I was happy ten years ago, I am far happier now.  So, I want to thank you dear readers and fellow stalkers out there, for helping me to find a new – and, as I am quickly discovering, far better – path in this crazy world called show business.  🙂   Anyway, now that I’ve digressed for an entire paragraph, let’s get to the stalking!  Once I heard that it was my family’s ten year anniversary of being in L.A., I suggested that we go out to eat to celebrate the occasion.  And what better place to do so than Bistro de la Gare, the little South Pasadena restaurant that was recently featured in an episode of Modern Family.


    Bistro de la Gare, which roughly translates to “the restaurant by the train station”, was opened in October of 2005 by French restaurateur Eric Ulmer and quickly became a local favorite.  And, yes, it is in fact located adjacent to a train station – the Metro Gold Line’s Mission Street stop.  The bistro is an absolutely adorable little place, with dark red walls, a carved mahogany bar, white paned windows, French music playing on the stereo, and little signs with French sayings posted most everywhere, my favorite of which was the one which stated “Entree Des Artistes”, aka “Artists’ Entrance”.  🙂  The Bistro de la Gare staff could NOT have been nicer and not only answered all of my silly little questions about the filming of Modern Family, but also let me take all the photographs of the place that I wanted.  Oh, and did I mention the food?  Our meal was absolutely EXCELLENT and incredibly reasonably priced – my rosemary chicken entree was only $12.95 and our total bill for four people – with drinks – was a scant $120.00.  Not bad for a fabulous meal in a charming setting in Southern California. 






    As I mentioned last week, Bistro de la Gare was featured in the Season One episode of Modern Family  entitled “Moon Landing”.  In the episode, Claire (aka Julie Bowen) meets her former work frenemie Valerie (aka Minnie Driver) for a drink in the bar area of the tiny French bistro.





    The two later move into the restaurant’s main dining room to grab a bite to eat and to try to make each other jealous over their respective and very different lives.


    Bistro de la Gare has also appeared in an episode of Brothers & Sisters in a scene featuring Rob Lowe and Calista Flockhart, but because I have never seen the series, I am unsure exactly which episode it was.  And despite its remoteness from the West Side where most movie stars live, quite a few celebrities have been known to stop into the restaurant from time to time.  Actor Troy Evans has been spotted there on occasion and even has his autographed headshot displayed in the bistro’s entryway.  Ron Howard also recently patronized the place.  But when I asked our waiter if my girl Jen had ever dined there, he winked at me and said “I’ll never tell.”  😉   Bistro de la Gare is a fabulous, very inexpensive little restaurant and I am happy to report that it was the perfect spot to spend our “ten year anniversary”.  I honestly can’t recommend stalking the place enough.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bistro de la Gare, from the “Moon Landing” episode of Modern Family, is located at 921 Meridian Avenue in South Pasadena.  You can visit their website hereKaldi’s, the coffee shop that appeared in that same episode of Modern Family, is located just a block away at 1019 El  Centro Street.

  • Jay and Gloria’s House from “Modern Family”


    Once fellow stalker Robert, from the website Movie Locations and More, tracked down Phil and Claire’s house and Mitchell and Cameron’s duplex from the new hit series Modern Family, I set my sights on locating the modern-style abode where Jay (aka Ed O’Neill), Gloria (aka Sophia Vergara), and their son Manny (aka Rico Rodriguez) reside on the show.   For this task, I enlisted the help of fellow stalker Owen, who I am happy to report found the home’s location almost immediately, even though he had yet to ever watch even one episode of Modern Family!  LOL  All I gave him was the home’s street number and the general vicinity where I thought it might be located and, voila, just a few minutes later he texted me back with an address!  So, I, of course, immediately grabbed my camera and headed out to go stalk the place.



    Jay and Gloria’s ultra-unique home is MUCH bigger in person than it appears to be on Modern Family.  For some reason, the establishing shots shown on the series only feature one angle of the residence.  In reality, though, the home has a whole other half which has never appeared on TV.  The house is so massive, in fact, that I couldn’t get all of if to fit in my camera lens, but you can sort of get an idea of its true size in the above photograph.  According to Zillow, the residence boasts five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and a whopping 6,359 square feet!  


    The ultra-modern style home, which in real life is known as the Sinnot Residence, was built in 1992 by the architecture firm Abramson Teiger and, unfortunately, is not very visible from the street thanks to a large concrete wall which surrounds the property.  But have no fear because I managed to find a few interior photographs of the home online, which you can take a look at here.  🙂  Even with the exterior wall, though, the house is still very recognizable from Modern Family.   🙂


    Jay and Gloria’s house shows up each week in Modern Family’s opening credits . . .




    . . . as well as in establishing shots which appear throughout the course of each episode.







    Quite a bit of on-location filming has taken place at the residence as well.  In the episode entitled “The Bicycle Thief”, Manny waits for his father to pick him up out in front of the house.




    In the episode entitled “Coal Digger”, the entire family jumps into the house’s real-life pool fully-clothed.




    And in the episode entitled “The Incident”, Mitchell has a heart-to-heart chat with his father by the very same pool.


    On a side note – If you did not catch Chelsea Lately’s interview of Sophia Vergara which took place this past October, let me tell you, it is a MUST-SEE!   In fact, I might just go out on a limb here and say that it is my favorite CL interview EVER – and being that I watch her show nightly, that’s saying A LOT.  Sophia Vergara is absolutely HILARIOUS and to see her match wits with Chelsea Handler makes for some awesome TV!    


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jay and Gloria’s house from Modern Family is located at 121 South Cliffwood Avenue in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles.

  • Mitchell and Cameron’s House from “Modern Family”


    The second locale that fellow stalker Robert, from the site Movie Locations and More, tracked down from fave new series Modern Family was the Spanish-style duplex where Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet), and their newly adopted daughter, Lily, live on the show.  Because I have always had a thing for Mediterranean-style homes and because Mitchell and Cameron are my two favorite Modern Family characters, their house was the one from the series that I was most looking forward to seeing in person.  So, as soon as Robert gave me the address, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place!  And, amazingly enough, because my fiancé is also a big fan of Spanish houses, getting him to take me there didn’t actually require much arm-twisting on my part.  This was one filming location he was actually looking forward to stalking.  YAY!  🙂



    Cameron and Mitchell’s duplex shows up each week in the Modern Family opening credits . . .







    . . . as well as in set-up shots shown throughout the course of each episode.



    And I am very happy to report that their abode looks exactly the same in person as it does onscreen in Modern Family.  In fact, the only difference I noticed between the real property and its television counterpart was the address number.  Because Mitchell and Cameron live in a duplex on the show, their building has two addresses – 2211 and 2213.  Makes sense, right?  But, even though the residence is also a duplex in real life, according to Zillow it only boasts one number – 2211.  Strange!  I am guessing that the 2213 sign shown in the above screen capture was just a prop that was brought in for the filming, which strikes me as odd being that it doesn’t match up to the real sign.  You’d think the producers would have wanted the two signs to look somewhat similar, but they don’t!  I guess that’s Hollywood for you, though!  😉


    I HIGHLY recommend stalking Mitchell and Cameron’s Modern Family house as it is absolutely ADORABLE in person.  I have a feeling I am going to be obsessed with this home for a long time to come!  🙂




    Ironically enough, an entirely different location stood in for Mitchell and Cameron’s house in the series’ pilot episode (pictured above), as was the case with the Dunphy home which I blogged about yesterday.  And, although the two locations do share some similarities – they are both duplexes, have wooden front doors, and arched entryways – in actuality they don’t look anything alike.


    Big THANK YOU to Robert for finding this location! 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Mitchell and Cameron’s duplex from Modern Family is located at 2211 Fox Hills Drive, just around the corner from Fox Studios, in Century City.