Tag: Lynnwood hotels

  • The Michael Buble Suite at the Best Western Alderwood Hotel

    Best Western Alderwood - Michael Buble

    As I’ve mentioned numerous times on this blog, my celebrity crush as of late is Canadian crooner Michael Buble.  I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the guy and his music!  So, when my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry went on a business trip to the Seattle area a few months back and noticed that her hotel, the Best Western Alderwood, had a “Buble Suite” she immediately called me up to let me know.  And, as you can probably imagine, I practically had a heart attack right there on the spot.  It was at that point that I vowed to someday travel to the City of Lynnwood in the southwestern portion of Washington State to not only stalk the Best Western Alderwood, but to also spend a night in the actual “Buble Suite”.  Especially since Michael filmed his “Haven’t Met You Yet” video at the Killarney Market in Vancouver, Canada which is just a short two hour drive from the hotel.  (See the kind of stuff my fiancé has to deal with?  It’s amazing I was ever proposed to!  When I first told him of my intended Seattle travel plans, I believe his exact words were, “You want me to drive you two hours to see a grocery store?”  Needless to say, I doubt we’ll be making the trip to Lynnwood anytime soon.)   Anyway, Kerry didn’t take any photographs of the hotel for me on that particular trip, so I begged her to stop by there on her next visit to the Seattle area, which she did last month.  Thank you, Kerry!  And while I don’t typically blog about locations that I haven’t personally visited myself, this one was just too good to pass up.  🙂



    The Best Western Alderwood is not your typical five-star, celebrity-laden lodging, but from from what Kerry was able to gather from the super nice people she spoke with, Michael Buble, who hails from nearby Vancouver, is apparently a longtime family friend of the hotel’s General Manager.  Sometime in the past couple of years, the singer stayed on the property – in Room Number 107, to be exact – and afterwards the General Manager named the suite in his honor.  Which is something I really think all hotels should do!  I mean, how GREAT would it be to know the exact room numbers where certain celebrities have stayed at different hotels all across the world?  You can bet I’d be booking the Jennifer Aniston Suite at every hotel I stayed at if that was the case!  😉 I actually think it was pretty common practice back in the day to name hotel rooms after the famous guests who had stayed there and I, for one, think that practice needs to be brought back!  Stat!  So, kudos to you Best Western Alderwood!  May all hotels follow suit!  Kerry also found out that some of Michael’s family members frequently stay at the BW Alderwood, as well, so if you happen to check in there and spot an MB lookalike, chances are it might be his relation!  🙂



    But not only did the hotel name a room after the cutie crooner, they also adorned the wall behind the front desk with his photographs, autographs, and other MB memorabilia.  SO LOVE IT!  You don’t even understand how BADLY I want to see all of this with my own two eyes!   I was practically salivating while looking at Kerry’s photographs!  Hopefully I’ll get there someday! 

    On a Michael Buble side note – For those who missed his “Hamm and Buble” skit on Saturday Night Live back in January, you so need to check it out – and can do so by clicking above!  It’s absolutely HILARIOUS!  I swear I’ve seen it about twenty times now and literally never get tired of it.  Love it!



    Big THANK YOU to Kerry for finding this location and stalking it for me, twice!  😉 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Best Western Alderwood is located at 19332 36th Avenue W in Lynnwood, Washington.  The Buble Suite is Room Number 107.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.  His “Haven’t Met You Yet” video was filmed at the Killarney Market which is located at 2611 East 49th Avenue in Vancouver, Canada.