Tag: Los Angeles filming locations

  • The “(500) Days of Summer” Bench

    500 Days Bench

    Another Downtown Los Angeles location that my fiancé and I stalked this past weekend was the famous bench from 2009’s indie hit (500) Days of Summer.  A few weeks ago, fellow stalker Eileen emailed me to tell me of the bench’s location and to send me the above photograph of herself and her roommate taken while there.  I should mention here that I didn’t especially care for (500) Days of Summer.  Actually, it’d be much closer to the truth to say that I didn’t like the movie at all, and for the very same reason that I didn’t like 2006’s The Break-Up – it was far too depressing.  I went in expecting to laugh and came out completely crushed.  I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that the two main characters didn’t wind up together, being that the movie’s tag line read, “Boy meets girl.  Boy falls in love.  Girl doesn’t.”   But, being that I’ve always been an eternal optimist, the ending came as a complete shock to me.  For those who have yet to see (500) Days of Summer, I apologize if I just ruined it for you, but I think the movie would be a whole lot more enjoyable to watch if you know beforehand that the ending is not a happy one.  Anyway, I just about died when I saw Eileen’s photograph of the bench and noticed the little plaque glued to the back of it which heralds its famous cinematic appearance.  That plaque is just about the COOLEST THING EVER!  I think ALL movie locations should have something similar on display!  LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!  So, even though I wasn’t a fan of the movie, I just HAD to stalk the bench to see that plaque with my own two eyes.




    The bench, which shows up twice in (500) Days of Summer, is a very significant location in the movie.  It first appears in the beginning of the flick – on “Day 95” – as the spot where aspiring architect/greeting card author Tom Hansen (aka Joseph Gordon-Levitt) takes new girlfriend Summer Finn (aka Zooey Deschanel) on a date.  He describes the bench as his favorite place in all of Los Angeles thanks to its view of some of Downtown’s most historically significant buildings.  After Zooey jokingly points out that the bench also has a view of quite a few parking structures, Tom says, “There’s a lot of beautiful stuff here, too, though.  I don’t know.  I just wish people would notice it more.”  I love that quote as it is sad fact that L.A.’s beauty is overlooked much of the time.  Southern California gets a bad wrap more often than not, but if you really take the time to look, there is a staggering amount of beauty and history and magic in this city.  That’s one of the things I love most about stalking – I get to see so many unique and fascinating areas of L.A. – like Tom’s bench – that I might never have known about had they not been featured in a movie.  So, thank you, Hollywood!  🙂




    Tom’s bench, and the one immediately to the right of it, shows up yet again on “Day 488”, in the scene in which Tom and Summer run into each other after she has married someone else.  See what I mean – depressing freakin’ movie!




    The park where the bench is located, a tiny, little spot known as Angels Knoll, also appears in the movie, on “Day 259”, in the scene in which Tom and Summer pretend to have Tourette’s syndrome.


    Tom’s bench is a very cool little spot and I am happy to report that it looks much the same in person as it did in the movie.



    Except that it now has that uber-cool filming plaque proudly displayed on its back.  LOVE IT!



    The view from the bench is also much the same in real life as it appeared in the movie.  And it really is quite a view!




    Because the movie filmed at so many unique and interesting locations and did such a fabulous job of highlighting Los Angeles’ beauty, I was quite shocked to find out today, thanks to IMBD’s (500) Days of Summer trivia page, that the original screenplay depicted the characters living in San Francisco!  Los Angeles is so prevalent in the storyline – the city could almost be considered the third main character  – that I can’t even fathom what the movie would have been like had it been filmed anywhere else.


    Ironically enough, while we were stalking the bench we ran into yet another stalker who was doing the exact same thing!  So, we, of course, got to talking to him and he alerted me to this (500) Days of Summer online movie locations map, which was apparently transcribed from a map that was given out as a promo during the flick’s June 24th, 2009 premiere.  I know I am repeating myself here, but that map has to be just about THE COOLEST THING EVER!  Why is something like this not done for all movies????  Do I have to think of everything?  Sheesh!  🙂  Anyway, as it turns out, my fellow stalker was visiting L.A. from Vancouver, British Columbia, which just so happens to be Mr. Michael Buble’s hometown.  So, since I just booked tickets for a little May vacation in the Pacific Northwest and have been busy making a list of all of my must-see locations up there, I asked him if he happened to know where MB’s childhood home could be found.  Well, let me tell you, he just about flipped out right there on the spot, gave me the weirdest look, and immediately hightailed it out of there.  Not kidding!  The guy practically ran from me – he could not get away fast enough!  He obviously thought I was a complete and total freak!  LOL  Ah well, I guess not everybody loves a stalker. 

    Big THANK YOU to Eileen for telling me about this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    500 Days of Summer Bench Location

    Stalk It: The (500) Days of Summer bench can be found in the western portion of Angels Knoll Park, which is located at 356 South Olive Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles.  The bench’s exact location is denoted with a blue circle in the above aerial map.  Angels Knoll is open daily, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. during Winter months and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. during Summer months.

  • The “Glee” Vanity Fair Photo Shoot


    In early December of last year, I came across these Fan Sites Network photographs of the male stars of Glee – including my latest love, cutie Matthew Morrison – posing for an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair at the Urban Light display at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and I just about died.  I absolutely COULD NOT WAIT for the article to be published so that I could stalk the display and blog about it.  I’m really not kidding – on January 1st, February 1st, and March 1st of this year, I literally ran to my local newsstand to check out the latest issue of the magazine to see if the Glee pics were in there.  Well, the photos – ahem – photo was finally published this past Thursday in the magazine’s May issue and I have to say that I was sorely disappointed with it. I had whole-heartedly been expecting the Glee actors to garner a cover story or, at the very least, a full-fledged feature article, so, you can imagine my disappointment last Thursday upon discovering that the actual publication consisted of a single page.  Yes, you read that right – ONE single, solitary page.  In my never-to-be humble opinion ;), I have to say that Vanity Fair really dropped the ball on this one!  I mean, HELLO!  Glee is not only the biggest new show of the 2009 Fall television season and is finally returning to the airwaves after a FOUR MONTH hiatus, but it also recently won both a Golden Globe Award (for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy) and a SAG Award (for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series) along with countless other awards and nominations too numerous to list here – before its very first season had even been completed, no less!  Shouldn’t that at least garner them more than a half page picture and tiny write-up buried all the way on page 181?  Shame on you, VF!  Not only that, but I wasn’t exactly crazy about the sole photograph that did get published, either.  It is a pretty dark and dreary picture, especially considering that Glee is a show chock full of . . . well, glee!  But, even though I wasn’t very happy about the finalized product, I still just HAD to stalk the place where the photo shoot took place.  So, this past weekend I dragged my fiancé out to Wilshire’s Miracle Mile District and did just that. 




    I’ve actually driven by the Urban Light display countless times over the past few years and have always found it a bit odd, to say the least.   As you can see in the above photographs, the large scale art installation consists of a group of grey-colored lights standing right smack dab in the middle of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s central courtyard which is located along the heavily trafficked Wilshire Boulevard in Mid-Town L.A.  Trust me when I say that the whole thing looks very bizarre when driving by at 35 miles per hour.  And even though I’ve always admired the many vintage street lamps that are in still in use around the Los Angeles area, the Urban Light display always seemed out of place to me and I never had any interest in stopping my car to get a closer look. 


    That is, until my good friend Renae sent me the above picture of her family taken earlier this year, which I thought was just about the coolest family photograph I had ever seen!   I absolutely loved, loved, loved it and, in turn, realized what an amazing display the Urban Light installation actually was.  I mean can you even imagine taking wedding photographs there??  They would be A-MA-ZING!


    The Urban Light display, which is comprised of a group of 202 actual working 1920’s and 1930’s era Los Angeles street lamps that took over seven years to collect, was created by performance artist and sculptor Chris Burden in early 2008.  Burden is perhaps best known for his highly controversial performance pieces from the early 1970s, the most famous of which was entitled “Shoot” and involved an assistant actually shooting him in the arm while onstage.  Not surprisingly, he was made to see a therapist after that production.  😉  Burden also once had himself nailed to a Volkswagen Beetle during a show.   Needless to say, the guy’s a bit out there.  According to this article which was written by Susan Freudenheim and appeared in the January 30th, 2008 issue of the Los Angeles Times, in recent years Burden has shifted his attention from performance art to “large-scale assemblage sculptures”.   He first stumbled upon the vintage street lamps that would become the foundation of his “Urban Light” display in December of 2000 at the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena.  Even though he had no plan for them at the time, he immediately purchased a pair of the vintage lights for $1600.   An avid collector of a wide array of tchotchkes, Burden soon found himself in possession of 150 of the street lamps and used them to build a small scale display outside of his studio.  Eventually, a few big wigs at LACMA viewed the installation and knew it would be the perfect piece to stand in the middle of the new courtyard that was being built outside of the museum.  Andrew M. Gordon, a chairman on the LACMA board, donated the money to purchase the display, to which Burden had added 52 more lamps, and the rest, as they say, is history.  The installation’s first lighting was on February 7, 2008 and coincided with the opening of the Broad Contemporary Art Museum at LACMA.  In a humorous side note, not only did each of the 202 lamps have to actually be installed per Los Angeles City Code, but they were also all inspected by the Bureau of Street Lighting.  No that’s not a joke, Los Angeles actually has a Bureau of Street Lighting!


    Seeing the Urban Light sculpture up close and personal is extremely jarring as the display is absolutely HUGE, much more so then it appears to be when simply driving by.  Burden designed the piece so that visitors could actually walk through each of the lights to experience what he describes as “architecture without walls”.  And let me tell you, one can easily get lost in the middle of the installation, as I obviously did in the above photograph.  🙂  I honestly can’t recommend stalking the Urban Light display enough.  It is an absolutely beautiful and truly unique place that everyone should see in person at least once.




    And, of course, I just had to pose in the exact spot where the Glee picture was taken, which is on the northwest corner of the installation.  🙂


    Note – The Glee photograph which appears in this post does not belong to me, but remains the sole property of photographer Michael Roberts and Vanity Fair Magazine.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Chris Burden’s “Urban Light” display, where the Glee guys’ Vanity Fair photo shoot took place, is located at 5905 Wilshire Boulevard, in front of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, in Mid-Town L.A.  The Glee boys posed in the display’s northwest corner, which is pictured above.  The May issue of Vanity Fair, which features the Glee photograph, will be on sale throughout the end of April.  If you would like to check out a more in-depth photoshoot of the cast, pick up this month’s Glamour.

  • Sarah Silverman’s Apartment Building from “The Sarah Silverman Program”


    A few months back, I got an email from a fellow stalker named Kate who wanted to know if I could track down the apartment building where Sarah Silverman lives on The Sarah Silverman Program.  Kate had heard on one of the show’s DVD commentaries that the building was located somewhere in Hollywood in close proximity to Paramount Studios, where the series is taped.  Because I had never watched an episode of The Sarah Silverman Programalthough I did see one being filmed 🙂 – for this particular stalking venture I had to call for reinforcements – i.e. fellow stalker Owen.  🙂  Like the blonde that I am, though, in the email I originally sent him asking for his help, I accidentally told him that the building was located near Universal Studios, instead of Paramount!  Oops!!!  Brain blips like that are quite common for me, I’m afraid, and they drive me – and those around me – crazy!  Anyway, Owen spent quite a bit of time searching in the Universal Studios area (I still feel bad about that!), until I realized my mistake and informed him.  Well, it wasn’t 20 minutes later that he emailed me back with an address!  Yes, he is the master!  Seems he found the building by looking at aerial views of various neighborhoods surrounding the Paramount Lot.  He first set some parameters for himself of areas to check, searched all the houses within those boundaries, but had no luck.  Then he opened up the parameters a bit to the south and almost immediately found the apartment.  THANK YOU, Owen!  🙂





    On The Sarah Silverman Program, Sarah, along with her friends Brian Spukowski (aka Brian Posehn) and Steve Myron (aka Steve Agee), live in a Mediterranean style building supposedly located in Valley Village.  In reality, though, the building, which I am happy to report looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does on the show, is located in the heart of Hollywood.


    ScreenShot3277 ScreenShot3278 


    One inconsistency that I did notice, though, is that on the show, Sarah’s building has an interior hallway, as you can see in the above screen captures.  But from how it appears in real life, I am fairly certain that interior hallway doesn’t actually exist.  In reality, it seems that the building contains four individual apartment units, each of which can be reached via the four front doors facing the street, thus negating any need for an indoor hallway. 


    The above photograph is the view looking north from the front of The Sarah Silverman Program apartment building.  The big white structure located behind the large hedge is Paramount Studios, so that DVD commentary wasn’t lying – the apartment is indeed located in VERY close proximity to the lot where filming takes place!  🙂



    On a side note – I finally sat down to watch a few episodes of The Sarah Silverman Program before writing this post and I have to say that I wasn’t really impressed.  It’s kind of an odd program.  It can funny at times, but for the most part, it’s just . . . well . . . very, very odd.  That’s the best word I can find to describe it.  Needless to say, I most likely won’t be watching it again.  And I’m actually pretty bummed I spent $4 buying the episodes on iTunes.  I could have bought a cup of Starbucks coffee with that $4 – something which I am fairly certain I would have enjoyed a whole lot more than the show!  😉

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location.  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Sarah Silverman’s apartment building from The Sarah Silverman Program is located at 607 North Irving Boulevard in Hollywood, just one block south of Paramount Studios.

  • Bullocks Wilshire – The Department Store from “Christmas Vacation”


    One location that I have been dying to stalk for months now is the former Bullocks Wilshire department store located just outside of Downtown Los Angeles  – a spot which has been featured in countless productions since its grand opening way back in 1929.  And, even though I am usually a big fan of immediate gratification, I waited to stalk this location until just recently as I wanted to blog about it in December, along with my other Christmas movie posts.  So, what holiday movie was the building featured in, you ask?  One of my very favorite Christmas flicks of all time – the 1989 holiday classic Christmas Vacation.   In the movie, Bullocks Wilshire stood in for the Chicago area department store where Clark Griswold (aka Chevy Chase), accompanied by his son, Rusty (aka The Big Bang Theory’s Johnny Galecki), shopped for lingerie.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Mike, from MovieShotsLA, who, as luck would have it, just happened to be driving right by the department store on the day filming took place way back in 1989.  Once Mike noticed the production trucks, he, of course, immediately pulled over to inquire about what was being filmed and to watch some of the action.  And, let me tell you, when Mike told me about the location a few months back, I just about passed out from excitement as I had always wanted to know where that scene had taken place!  Thank you, Mike!  🙂



    The Bullocks Wilshire building was originally built in 1929 by the father and son architecture firm of John and Donald Parkinson, a team who was also responsible for designing the Continental Building, which is better known as Los Angeles’ first skyscraper, Union Station, L.A.’s City Hall and the Memorial Coliseum.  Department store magnate John G. Bullock commissioned the building in the hopes of creating the most luxurious and upscale shopping experience Angelinos had ever seen. The interior, which was designed by Eleanor Lemaire and Jock Peters, was the utmost in splendor, featuring travertine flooring, marble walls, ornate elevators, and rosewood display cases.  


    For the design of the relief located above the department store’s Wilshire Boulevard entrance, which reads, “To build a business that will never known completion”, Bullock looked to MGM art director Cedric Gibbons, who is best known for designing the first ever Oscar statue.


    Because Bullock wanted to cater to the growing number of motorists in the L.A. area, the department store was the first in Los Angeles ever to feature a porte cochere, aka a covered driveway under which shoppers could hand over their vehicles to waiting valets.


      The building’s most remarkable feature – in my mind, at least – has to be the highly elaborate mural painted on the ceiling of the porte cochere.  Romanian painter Herman Sachs designed the brightly colored fresco secco as a tribute to Mercury, the god of travel.  The painting features renderings of different forms of modern-day transportation, including airplanes, trains, and ships. 


    Upon its opening on September 26, 1929, the 241 foot tall Bullocks Wilshire encompassed over 230,000 square feet of retail space which included a perfume hall, a penthouse tea room, a “doggery” which sold trinkets for shoppers’ furry companions, a saddle shop, a Louis XVI room, a furrier, live mannequins, a salon, and a private suite where the truly elite could shop in complete privacy, all the while sipping martinis and snacking on the finest hors d’oeuvres.  Years later, Bullock added a Chanel Room, a photography studio operated by celebrity photographer Neil Gittings, and a Ladies Custom Salon, run by future Hollywood costume designer Irene Lentz.  Thanks to Bullock’s incredible attention to detail, the department store quickly became the place to see and be seen in Los Angeles.  Such stars as Mae West, Clark Gable, Greta Garbo, Alfred Hitchcock, John Wayne, and Marlene Dietrich all visited Bullocks Wilshire at one time or another.  And actresses June Lockhart and Angela Lansbury and former First Lady Patricia Nixon even worked there in their early years.  Thanks to the building’s architectural detail and rich history, Bullocks Wilshire was added to the National Registry of Historic Places on May 25, 1978.  Sadly, in the late 80s, the store began a precipitous decline, eventually being sold to the Macy’s chain.  A few years later, the historic building was heavily vandalized both inside and out during the riots of 1992, with looters destroying display cases, prized artifacts, and even setting fire to the property.  Bullocks Wilshire ended up closing its doors for the last time in 1993.  But its story doesn’t end there.    About a year later, the property was purchased by Southwestern Law School, which had long occupied a neighboring building.  The school then set out on a ten year, $29 million restoration project which completely restored the historic building back to its original state.  For this endeavor, Southwestern Law School received a National Preservation Award from the National Trust for Historic Preservation.   Today, Bullocks Wilshire is used as a part of the Southwestern Law School campus, where, coincidentally, actor Jerry O’Connell (husband of Rebecca Romijn) is currently a student.  🙂



    And, while the building is not actually opened to the public, while stalking the place, I ventured inside and asked the security guard on duty if I might be allowed to take a quick peek.  The guard truly could NOT have been nicer and allowed my fiancé and me to walk around the school.  Unfortunately, though, photography is not allowed indoors, so I couldn’t take any pictures, other than the two pictured above, which I snapped through the building’s front window.  But, take my word for it, the interior – which you can see photographs of here – is nothing short of magnificent.  Walking into Bullocks Wilshire is like stepping back in time to a more glamorous era.  The cafe, the lounge area, even the bathrooms have all been restored to their original state and I couldn’t have been more excited to be seeing it all with my own two eyes.  And, even though the building is now technically a college campus, the interior still looks much as it did when it operated as an upscale department store.  I was so mesmerized with the place, in fact, that I am just dying to get my hands on a copy of this book to learn more about the building’s rich history!




    Bullocks Wilshire shows up just briefly in Christmas Vacation in the very memorable scene in which, while out shopping with his son Rusty, Clark Griswold meets and flirts with a lingerie saleswoman named Mary and utters that famous line, “It’s a bit nipply out”.  LOL LOL LOL When I was a Senior in high school – and I should mention here that I went to a Catholic high school – one of my classmates, Marcus, came up with the inspired idea of reading a surf report to the entire school each morning during our daily announcements.  Marcus’ little experiment was going well, too, until one particularly cold morning, when he announced to the student body that the ocean “was a bit nipply” that day.  Needless to say, that was the end of that morning’s announcements – and our daily surf report.  But, ever since that fateful day, even all these years later, I can’t help but think of Marcus and laugh every time I watch the Christmas Vacation shopping scene.  🙂




    Bullocks Wilshire was also the store where Benjamin Siegel shopped at the beginning of the movie Bugsy;




    its La Directoire room was the site of the ”Romantic Dinner” Taco Bell commercial featuring Gidget, the talking Chihuahua;

    it was where Angela Chase (aka Claire Danes) shopped with her mother Patty (aka Bess Armstrong) in the Season 1 episode of My So-Called Life titled “The Zit”;

    and the Louis XVI Room was where the Mother/Daughter Fashion Show was filmed in that same episode.




    it was the location of the eponymous elevator in Aerosmith’s “Love in an Elevator” music video


    the exterior was featured briefly in Public Enemy’s “By The Time I Get to Arizona” music video;




    and in The Aviator, it stood in for the nightclub where Howard Hughes and Ava Gardner got attacked by Hughes’ former girlfriend.





    Supposedly, the final scene in Ghostbusters was filmed on the roof of Bullocks Wilshire, but as you can see in the above screen captures and photograph, the Ghostbusters roof and the Bullocks Wilshire roof look nothing alike.  And, while it’s entirely possible that some close-up filming for that scene did take place on top of the Bullocks Wilshire tower, my best guess is that the entire scene was filmed on a studio soundstage somewhere in Hollywood.  Bullocks Wilshire has also been featured in the movies Topper (where it stood in for the luxurious Connecticut area Seabreeze Hotel), Tarzan’s New York Adventure (where it was used as a New York hotel), Dunston Checks In (where it again stood in for a New York hotel), Fist of the North Star, On Deadly Ground, Family Plot, The Tie That Binds, Rough Magic, and in episodes of Murder, She Wrote, Judging Amy, and The Agency.



    Big THANK YOU to Mike for finding this location!  🙂

    On a very sad side note – My thoughts and prayers go out to Brittany Murphy’s friends and loved ones today.  I can’t even imagine losing someone so young, especially this close to the holidays.  🙁    Rest in peace, Brittany.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bullocks Wilshire is located at 3050 Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles.  You can visit the building’s official website and see interior photographs of it here.  Because Bullocks Wilshire is part of the Southwestern Law School campus, it is not open to the public. Once a year, though, tours of the property are given.  You can check the Southwestern Law School website for further tour information.

  • Lou Ferrigno’s I Love You, Man House


    Another location from fave movie I Love You, Man  that I have been absolutely dying to stalk is the ultra modern, ultra large manse that belonged to Lou Ferrigno in the flick.  As always, I enlisted the help of fellow stalker Owen in tracking this location down.  Ironically enough, though, around that same time, fellow stalker Ashley was visiting the L.A. area and just happened to notice the Ferrigno house in the distance while driving on Fairfax Avenue.  She had yet to see I Love You, Man, but because the house was so unique looking, asked her boyfriend to snap a quick picture of it.  Well, you can imagine her surprise a few days later, when, while watching the in-flight movie on the way home, which, as luck would have it just happened to be I Love You, Man, she recognized the Lou Ferrigno house as the one she had admired from a distance just a few days prior.  So, Ashley immediately emailed me as soon as she got home to let me know of the home’s location.  Well, literally that SAME day, I got an email from Owen letting me know that he had also found the house!  LOL  I guess this was one location that I was really meant to stalk!  🙂



    The Lou Ferrigno house shows up a few times in the movie, most notably as the site of the infamous “Open House” scene in I Love You, Man, in which Jason Segel calls out a man not only for attending the event for the sole purpose of impressing a girl, but also for farting while there!  LOL  When the perpetrator leaves the house he says, “You know what, guy, I like it, but I’m thinking it might be a little bit small.”  To which Jason Segel says, “Totally, and it smells like fart.”  LOL LOL LOL


    Quite a bit of the Lou Ferrigno house was used in I Love You, Man, including the exterior,


    the back patio,


    the living room,


    and the entryway, which, as you can see in these interior photographs of the house, all look exactly the same in real life as they did in the movie.




    Ostensibly missing in real life, though, are the Lou Ferrigno statue, artwork, and memorabilia.  😉


    The Lou Ferrigno house, which, of course, does not actually belong to the Hulk star in real life, is no stranger to celebrity.  There are rumblings online that the 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom, 9,204 square foot home which sits on over an acre of land has been owned by both Merv Griffin and the Sony Company in the past.  I don’t know if that information is true or not, but the house has been the site of some very fashionable Hollywood parties, including one in 2005 for the exclusive New York/London Club the SoHo House and another for the Entertainment Group “House of Hype”.


    Sadly, as you can see in the above photograph, besides the large front gate, not much of the house is visible from the street. 


    But you can catch some great views of it if you head up Hercules Drive . . .


    . . . or down Laurel Canyon Boulevard.  (Please excuse the power lines!  LOL) 


    Big THANK YOU to both Owen and Ashley for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Lou Ferrigno’s house from I Love You, Man  is located at 1 Electra Court in the Mt. Olympus area of the Hollywood Hills.

  • The Other 17 Again House


    After stalking Zac Efron’s house from the movie 17 Again, I set my sights on finding the home belonging to his zany, long time best friend Ned Gold in the flick.  In the movie, Ned, who has made an absolute fortune inventing various software programs, lives in an ultra-modern, ultra-posh pad somewhere high up in the hills above Los Angeles.  And I absolutely fell in love with his house the moment I saw it.  As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not usually a huge fan of modern-style architecture, but, for some reason, as of late it really seems to be growing on me.  Since Ned’s house was proving to be somewhat of a difficult find, I had to yet again enlist the help of fellow stalkers Mike, from MovieShotsLA, Owen and Chas.  Because we knew that the address number of Zac Efron’s 17 Again house had been changed for the filming, we had a feeling that the address of Ned’s house (which was shown to be 6355) was also a fake.  So, we definitely had our work cut out for us on this one.



    According to the movie’s production notes, Ned Gold’s house was located “in the hills near Griffith Park”, but exactly where we couldn’t be sure.  Thankfully, though, while looking at the above screen capture I had sent him, Owen noticed that a street sign was visible in the distance.  But because neither one of us could make out what the sign said, Owen suggested renting 17 Again  on Blu-ray DVD to see if it would give us a clearer picture.  And sure enough, it did!  The street sign in the distance read “Los Encantos Way” – and from there it was simply a matter of using Google Maps Street View to look at houses located near Los Encantos Way in Los Feliz.  And it wasn’t long before I had found the house.  So, of course, I immediately ran right out to stalk it!  🙂



    I am very happy to report that the 17 Again  house looks exactly the same in person as it did in the movie – despite just a few minor changes. 


    When filming at this location, producers went so far as to not only change the address placard on the wall next to the front door, but they also painted a fake address number on the curb in front of the house!  Unfortunately, you can only make out the fake curb and sign numbers while watching the Blu-ray copy of the DVD, which my computer is unable to make screen captures of.  But if you happen to own the Blu-ray copy of the movie, keep your eyes peeled for the number 6355 in the two areas that I have circled in the above screen cap. 


    The other difference I noticed was that in real life Zac Efron’s basketball hoop is ostensibly missing from above the garage door.



    Other than those two minor changes, though, the 17 Again  house looks very much the same in person as it did in the movie.  And, let me tell you, it is such a cool house!!  With its cement exterior and polished wood details, it is slightly reminiscent of the home from the Showtime series Californication



    As you can see in the above screen capture and aerial image, the home’s real life backyard was used for the high school party scene in the movie.  And, from how it appears, I believe the house’s real life interiors were also used for the filming of some scenes.


    On a side note – be sure to check out my new blog page called “Look Who’s Stalking!”  where fellow stalkers can send in their photos for me to post.  🙂  I just posted some simply AMAZING photos of the new Sex and the City movie being filmed that were sent to me by fellow stalker Leslie.  LOVE IT!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Ned Gold’s 17 Again house is located at 2223 Hobart Boulevard in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.

  • The Matchstick Men House


    Another location I dragged my fiance to while in Venice last weekend was the house used in the 2003 movie Matchstick Men.  I found this spot thanks to fellow stalker Chas, who made it his mission to find EVERY SINGLE Matchstick Men location in the L.A. area.  And find them all, he did!  Chas’ entire catalog of Matchstick Men locales can actually be found on the Seeing Stars website, but the spot I was most interested in stalking, of course, was the residence belonging to obsessive-compulsive con man Nicolas Cage in the flick.  I had absolutely fallen in love with the unique Mid-Century Modern-style home with a tree growing through its front porch when I first saw Matchstick Men in the theatre six years ago.  So, when Chas mentioned that he knew where the house was located, I just about died of excitement and immediately ran right out to go stalk it!  🙂



    I am very happy to report that the Matchstick Men  house looks exactly the same in person today as it did onscreen six years ago.  For those who don’t remember, Nicolas Cage’s residence in the flick was a very unique, very flat, one story white 50’s-style abode.  But the coolest feature of the house actually had to be the large tree growing right through the roof of the front porch.  I’ve never seen anything quite like it in my entire life and when I first saw the movie, I remember wondering if the tree was real or just a prop added for the filming.  Well, as it turns out, the front porch tree is a real feature of the house and is still there today.  Love it!  



    The Matchstick Men  house is located on a very cool street that is actually chock full of similar looking Mid-Century Modern-style homes.  More than a few of them even have a tree growing through their front porch roof, too.  Love it!  🙂    According to Zillow, the MM  house, which was built in 1948, has 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, and measures a tiny 1,016 square feet.


    Chas also told me that, according to the Matchstick Men  DVD’s director’s commentary, the scenes that took place in Nicolas Cage’s backyard in the movie were actually filmed at another location altogether – a house located somewhere in the San Fernando Valley near Woodland Hills. 


    The home’s real life backyard is pictured in the above aerial image, and as you can see, is much smaller than the backyard portrayed in the movie and does not have a pool. 


    If you were at all a fan of the movie – or of Mid-Century Modern-style architecture in general – I highly recommend stalking the Matchstick Men house.

    Big THANK YOU to Chas for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Matchstick Men  house is located at 3508 Meier Street, just outside of Venice, in West Los Angeles.

  • The 13 Going On 30 Bar


    Those of you who read my blog regularly know that the restaurant where Jennifer Garner hit on the 13-year-old boy in fave movie 13 Going On 30  has long been a thorn in my side.  For whatever reason, it seems that no matter how hard I tried or how badly I wanted to stalk it, I just couldn’t seem to track the place down!  I came fairly close last year, when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, managed to find what was used as the exterior of the restaurant on a cobblestone street in New York’s SoHo neighborhood.  But, as fate would have it, the SoHo location turned out to be a clothing store that was used solely for exterior filming, while the interior scenes were shot at another location altogether.  But where????  Finally, last week, I decided to enlist the help of fellow stalker Owen, who promised to  track down a few of the 13 Going On 30 crew members and hopefully get an answer for me.  Ironically enough, I had told Owen that time was of the essence in this particular stalking endeavor as I wanted to stalk the restaurant during my upcoming trip to New York.  Well, come to find out, much like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, it turns out that the location I was searching for was right in my own backyard the whole time!  🙂  It wasn’t an hour later that I got a text back from Owen which read “Interested in hitting on 13-year-old boys?  Head to Hal’s Bar at 1349 Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice”.  Well, let me tell you I almost fell over right then and there!  I could NOT believe that the this WHOLE TIME the restaurant had been in L.A., literally right under my nose!  LOL  So, of course, I immediately dragged my boyfriend right out to FINALLY stalk it.  🙂



    For those who have never seen 13 Going On 30, the scene that takes place at Hal’s restaurant involves Jennifer Garner (as a 13-year-old stuck in a 30-year- old’s body) drinking some cocktails at a bar in New York with BFF Judy Greer.  At one point, Judy leans over and whispers to Jennifer “Mr. Hottie behind you is totally scamming on you right now!”  So, of course, Jennifer gets up to go talk to him, but instead of walking up to the older gentleman standing at the bar, she heads over to a 13-year-old boy sitting in a booth and tells him she thinks he is cute. Judy freaks out, grabs Jennifer, and says “What do you want to go to jail?  I meant that guy!” to which Jennifer replies, “The man?  Oh, gross!”   LOL LOL LOL  You can watch the entire scene here.  





    Amazingly enough, while the decor of the 13 Going On 30  restaurant is pretty much exactly the same in person as it was in the movie, I had a really hard time recognizing the place once there.  In fact, even though I have been actively searching for this location for years, had I randomly eaten at Hal’s, I probably never would have recognized it as the 13 Going On 30 restaurant.  LOL  As you can see in the above screen captures and photographs, while most of the background paintings were changed for the filming, for the most part the restaurant looks very much the same in real life as it did onscreen.  One of the things that threw me, though, was the fact that, in real life, Hal’s is a fairly large restaurant, but, because 13 Going On 30  only showed one small section of it, it appeared to be tiny in the movie.    When I first walked in, I was shocked at how big the place actually was.  



    But the biggest shock for me was actually the lighting.  In real life, Hal’s is extremely bright and open, with one wall made up almost entirely of windows.  In the movie, though, the place seemed very dark and cozy, much like a real New York restaurant would be.  As you can see in the above photograph and screen capture, producers actually had all of Hal’s front windows covered over for the shoot, which really made a difference in the look and feel of the restaurant.  In fact, the entire time we were there, I kept saying to my boyfriend “This place is so bright, but it was dark in the movie!!!!  I don’t get it!”  LOL  Ah, the magic of Hollywood!  


    In an ironic side note – While attempting to locate the restaurant, I had spent WEEKS trying to figure out what the sign behind Judy Greer in the above screen capture spelled out.  Countless times, I had Googled the terms “New York” along with all sorts of different combinations of words ending with “–ECKAS” and the phrase “bar & grill” to try to figure it out – all to no avail.  Which makes sense now, being that the sign was a fake put up for decoration at the New York location where exterior filming took place. 



    But what doesn’t make sense is that when I finally got to stalk the restaurant, I noticed that producers had used part  of the Hal’s Bar & Grill logo for their fake sign in New York.  You’ll notice in the above screen capture and photograph that the oddly-placed “S” in the Hal’s Bar & Grill logo is EXACTLY the same as the oddly-placed “S” in the fake restaurant sign that was at the New York location.  I’m not sure why producers went to all the trouble of creating a fake name and a fake logo that incorporated a part of the real restaurant’s real logo.  Why not just use the real thing???  LOL  But that’s Hollywood for you!  🙂


    And, as if getting to eat at the 13 Going On 30 restaurant was not excitement enough for one day, while walking to our car afterwards we happened upon Desperate Housewife Marcia Cross sitting on a bench outside of a nearby shop.  Ironically enough, the only reason I noticed her at all was because, as I walked by, she looked up and gave me an absolutely ENORMOUS smile.  I was a bit taken aback by that as people in L.A. don’t typically smile like that at strangers.  And it was while smiling back at her that I all of a sudden realized she was Marcia Cross!  I so wanted to ask her to take a picture with me, but, as it was an extremely busy afternoon on Abbot Kinney Boulevard,  I didn’t want to attract a bunch of attention to her.  But, after we walked across the street, I begged my fiancé to snap a quick paparazzi pic of her for my blog – for which she also smiled.  🙂  So cool!!!   


    I cannot recommend stalking Hal’s Bar & Grill enough!  The food is EXCELLENT – especially the burgers! – and I had an absolute blast being there. 

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Hal’s Bar and Grill, aka the 13 Going On 30  bar, is located at 1349 Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice.  You can visit their website here.

  • Jason Segel’s I Love You, Man House


    One location I have been wanting to stalk for what seems like forever now is Jason Segel’s (aka Sydney Fife’s) Venice Beach area house and “Man Cave’” from fave movie I Love You, Man.  Fellow stalker Owen actually tracked down this location for me MONTHS ago, but since I rarely get out to the Venice area, I had yet to stalk it.  So, last weekend, my fiancé and I – armed with a notebook full of Venice area locations – finally made the pilgrimage out to L.A.’s West Side to stalk Sydney’s house.  



    In I Love You, Man, Sydney Fife lives in an adorable little beach bungalow just a few steps away from the Venice Beach Boardwalk and the Pacific Ocean.  And I absolutely fell in love with the place as soon as I laid eyes on it in the movie.   But I am sad to report that the house actually looks much different in person than it did in I Love You, Man.  In fact, even though it’s hardly been a year since filming took place, had Owen not given me the address, I could have easily walked right by the home without even recognizing it.  🙁  





    As you can see in the above photographs and screen captures, changes to the house include the paint color (which I actually think was a lot cuter in the movie), the addition of two sets of hedges and a new lawn to the front yard, and the removal of the cement walkway leading up to the home’s front door.  I am guessing though, that before the movie was filmed, the house looked pretty much the same as it does today and that producers made all of the above mentioned alterations solely for the filming and then returned the home to its original state after the movie was wrapped.  It sure seems like a whole bunch of work to go through, though, and makes me wonder why producers just didn’t find a different house that more closely fit their needs to use in the movie.  But that’s Hollywood for you.  🙂



    While stalking the house, my fiancé and I, of course, had to go around back to check out the garage area which housed Jason Segal’s “Man Cave” in the movie.  Sadly, though, the garage has also changed considerably since the filming of I Love You, Man.  Besides the change in paint color, a new garage door and side fence have been added since the movie was filmed.


    But here’s the good news!  Apparently, in real life, Jason Segel’s I Love You, Man house is not really a home at all, but a fitness center and gym named Optimum Fitness.  So, this is one stalking location that looks like it is – for the most part – open to the public!  🙂  And, best of all, if you sign up here, your first class there is free!!  🙂 


    On an “Only in L.A.” side note – According to Zillow, Sidney Fife’s one bedroom, one bath house measures only 666 square feet (that’s smaller than my apartment!), yet it sold for a whopping $1,125,000 in April of 2008!  You gotta love L.A.!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jason Segel’s house from I Love You, Man – aka Optimum Fitness gym   is located at 26 Rose Avenue in Venice.  You can visit the Optimum Fitness website and sign up for a free class here.

  • The New Wilson House on 90210


    I can’t even believe I am about to say what I am about to say, but ever since watching Tuesday night’s season premiere, I am absolutely, one hundred percent hooked on the new 90210.  While the first season of the show left much to be desired, this past week’s episode was nothing short of A-MA-ZING.  So loved it!! Melrose Place on the other hand was absolutely craptastic and I can honestly say I’ll never again be tuning in to watch.  I didn’t have high hopes for that show to begin with. though, being that it starred Ashley Simpson, but it even exceeded my extremely low expectations.  But I digress.  Anyway, after watching Tuesday night’s season premiere, I have to say that I honestly think 90210 is back, baby!  🙂  The episode was appropriately titled “To New Beginnings” – and a new beginning it definitely was!  Especially locations wise.  They should be calling it 90210 v. 2.0, v. 2.0  because thanks to new executive producer Rebecca Sinclair, who was brought in last season to revamp the show (how a show that’s only been on the air one season needs a revamping is beyond me!), there is a new Beverly Hills Beach Club (the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa), a new West Beverly High (Mount St. Mary’s College in Brentwood), and, best of all, a new Wilson house to stalk!  YAY!   So, while watching Tuesday night’s show, I texted Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and said “We have GOT to find the new 90210 house!”  And, sure enough, it wasn’t long before we did!



    Mike and I had both immediately recognized the new school standing in for West Beverly High as Mount Saint Mary’s College in Brentwood, which also stood in for Harbor High School on fave show The O.C.  And, being that the new Wilson house also looked very much like a Brentwood area home, Mike was fairly certain that it would be located somewhere near the school.  And, sure enough, it was.  So, of course, as soon as Mike texted me the address, I immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk it.  🙂


    Even though it’s got nothing on Casa Walsh, the new 90210  house is super cute in person. 🙂  It’s appearance is quite deceiving, though, as from the outside it appears to be rather small, but according to Zillow it actually has 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and measures a whopping 4,951 square feet.  That’s HUGE!


    The Wilson home popped up several times during the season premiere, including the scene when Annie, freaking out after learning that her hit and run victim has passed away, runs out the front door and begs Dixon to take her for a ride.


    A scene also took place in the home’s real life backyard – which you can see photographs of here.


    I can’t tell you how exciting it was to be stalking the new 90210  house just days after the show aired.  🙂  I have a feeling the home will be popping up quite often in the many episodes to come.


    Oh, and note to producers – a basketball hoop really needs to be installed above the garage of the new Wilson home, ala Casa Walsh.  I mean, it’s just not 90210 without a basketball hoop!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Wilson’s new house on 90210 is located at 325 Homewood Road in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles.