Tag: Les Deux

  • Lauren’s House – Part Two (Or Should I Say Les Deux)

    img_1875.jpg At the risk of becoming a stalking site solely about The Hills, I just had to share my pics from visiting LC’s house this weekend. Conveniently, Lauren’s new pad is located only half a mile from Speidi’s apartment building on the cutest street in the world! 🙂 Her house is gorgeous in person – I absolutely loved it! I must say, I would definitely be plonking down $2.3 million for this house, too, if I had it! Ahh, if only I had my own reality show!!

    img_1827.jpg Last weekend I also visited LC’s home away from home – Les Deux nightclub. Les Deux is in an unmarked building on Las Palmas Avenue in Hollywood and you’d never know it was there if you weren’t looking for it. One of these days I am going to have to stalk it at night, when it is actually open! 🙂 It looks like a pretty cool place – part of it is an old Craftsman style house which backs up to a huge outdoor patio. I believe that patio is the very site where Lauren and Heidi had their first big public showdown – “You know what you did! You know what you did!”

    of50332442.jpg Les Deux is located just down the street from another famous location from the big screen – Julia Roberts’ hotel from Pretty Woman. Her character lived at the Las Palmas Hotel in the beginning of the movie and it’s also the same site where Richard Gere climbed up the fire escape to rescue her!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!

    Stalk It: LC’s new house is located at 1627 N. Orange Grove Avenue in Hollywood. Les Deux is located nearby at 1638 N. Las Palmas Avenue. I think Thursday nights are the big nights to hang out there. You can find the Las Palmas Hotel just a few blocks north of Les Deux at 1738 N. Las Palmas Avenue. It’s a bit of a shady place, so exercise caution!