Tag: Leighton Meester

  • Hanging Out at the Rehearsals for the Golden Globe Awards


    Two Saturdays ago, as the Grim Cheaper and I were heading out to Santa Monica to run some errands, I got a text message from fellow stalker Lavonna reminding me that the Golden Globe Awards were being held the following evening at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills.  Lavonna suggested that I stop by the hotel to see if anything exciting was going on and thankfully the GC didn’t object, so we immediately drove right on over there.  And, let me tell you, it could not have been more exciting!  Had I known what was in store for me that day, I never would have been able to sleep the night before!

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    We arrived at the Hilton to pretty much mass chaos.  Both the hotel’s front and back entrances were completely shut down and production trucks and set workers were absolutely EVERYWHERE!


    There were also huge tents set up on the outskirts of the hotel property.  The tent pictured above, which was situated across the street from the hotel in the parking lot of the now-defunct Robinsons-May department store, was for the Fox Searchlight Golden Globes After Party.

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    The Beverly Hilton Hotel is actually closed to the public on both the day before and the day of the Golden Globes ceremony and because security around the hotel was extremely tight, I did not think we would be able to get inside.  The stalking gods were DEFINITELY shining on me when we showed up to stalk the place, though, because miraculously – and thanks to a very big connection my dad has at the hotel – we were allowed in!  I literally could NOT believe it!  The farther we ventured inside, the more often I kept turning back to look at the GC, my mouth hanging open in absolute shock.

    Carson Daily

    Before being allowed inside, I was not sure if there would be all that much to see or if any celebrities would even be on the premises, but, as it turns out, rehearsals for the ceremony were taking place in the hotel’s International Ballroom.  A small section of the Hilton’s lobby had been cordoned off and hotel guests were allowed to stand in that area for meet and greets with all of the celebrities who ventured past.  Well, as you can imagine I just about DIED upon finding that out and parked myself in that area for the next eight hours.  I’m not kidding!  Smile  (Pictured above is the back of Carson Daly, who was the first celeb to walk by after I got there.  He was not at all friendly, though, and did not stop for photos or to sign autographs.)


    As it turns out, the Hilton offers a very special – and very pricey – Golden Globes Package each year, which, besides the rehearsal-meet-and-greet, also includes a two-night stay at the hotel, a Golden Globes gift bag complete with an autograph book, a sit-down breakfast and box lunch the day of the ceremony, and – are you sitting down for this??? – two VIP bleacher seats on the actual Golden Globes’ red carpet!   Oh, what I wouldn’t give to purchase that package!  Because it costs between $3,000 and $3,900, though, I seriously doubt that is ever going to happen!  Pictured above is the room key that Golden Globes Package guests receive upon check-in.  So incredibly cool!  All of the people situated in the meet-and-greet area were Golden Globe Package guests and I spent the entire day hanging out with them, while the GC parked himself in the hotel’s lobby bar to watch the football game on TV.  I cannot tell you how much fun it was to spend the day waiting around to see stars with like-minded, celebrity-obsessed people.  I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST and met some very cool fellow stalkers in the process!


    After Carson Daly, the next celeb to walk by was E! News’ Giuliana Rancic, who was running late for a hair appointment and therefore could not stop to pose for pictures with any of us.  She did seem very friendly, though, and apologized several times for not being able to stop.  After Guiliana, there was a steady stream of celebrities who filtered through the lobby the entire rest of the day.  It was a virtual movie star parade and, as you can imagine, I was in ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!

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    Next up was Kelly Osbourne, who is absolutely ADORABLE in person.  I LOVED the little bow she had tied in her hair.  SO INCREDIBLY CUTE!  Kelly is also VERY thin.  I’m talking TEENY, TEENY TINY!  Far smaller than she appears to be on E!’s Fashion Police.


    Kelly stopped to pose and sign autographs with every single person who was there, including me, which I was beyond thrilled about!


    The star I was most excited about seeing, though, was Leighton Meester, whom I absolutely ADORE on Gossip Girl.  I had so badly wanted to get a photograph with Leighton back in October of 2009, when I saw Gossip Girl being filmed while on vacation in New York, but that sadly did not happen.  So I was BEYOND excited when she stopped to pose at the Hilton.  YAY!

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    I had read in the January 2011 issue of Allure Magazine, for which Leighton was the cover girl, that the actress was just about as far removed from her Gossip Girl persona Blair Waldorf as one could possibly be.  According to the editors of the beauty mag, not only did Leighton introduce herself to each member of the crew when she arrived for the shoot, but she also thanked each of the crew members individually upon leaving.  And I have to say that my experience with her was much the same.  Leighton was incredibly friendly, warm, personable, and down-to-earth.  She stayed in the lobby a really long time in order to get a photograph with everyone who wanted one.  She was a total and complete sweetheart and, after meeting her, I can honestly say that I love her even more now than I did before.  Some celebrities wind up being a rather large disappointment when you meet or see them in person, but I am very happy to report that that was definitely not the case with Leighton.  Smile


    Not all of the stars who present awards at the Golden Globes actually show up for a rehearsal.  A lot of celebrities have stand-ins who rehearse for them, as was the case with Steve Carell whose stand-in is pictured above.  I love that the stand-ins had to wear their celeb’s name-tag around their neck.  Too funny!

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    Other stars who were in attendance that day included Modern Family’s Julie Bowen, who sadly only had time to sign a few autographs as she was running late for a birthday party for one of her son’s friends;

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    Olivia Wilde, aka “Thirteen” from House, M.D., who despite having no make-up on looked absolutely stunning;

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    Academy Award winner Tilda Swinton, who actually seemed a bit aloof;


    Home and Away and Star Trek star Chris Hemsworth, whose arms were literally the size of both of my thighs put together – I honestly do not think I have ever seen arms that muscular before in my entire life;

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    Hailee Steinfeld, whom I absolutely LOVE, mostly because she recently spoke out about getting majorly snubbed by super-diva Lea Michele while on the Paramount lot auditioning for True Grit;


    TRON: Legacy star Garrett Hedlund, who was INCREDIBLY sweet;

    Justin Bieber

    and pop star Justin Bieber, whom I unfortunately did not get a good photograph of because he was ushered out of the lobby at lightning speed by his massive bodyguards.  You can just barely see him in the above picture – he is wearing the white shirt and beaded necklace and is carrying a cell phone in his hand.  Justin was SUPER cute in person, but a lot tinier than I had expected.


    At around 6 p.m., most of my fellow stalkers started to pack up to leave as the only star left who was set to rehearse that day was Megan Fox and none of us were really interested in seeing her.  I actually started to pack up my belongings, as well, but then a thought occurred to me – Brian Austin Green just might be accompanying Megan that night as the two of them seem to do just about everything together and if I could have gotten a photograph of him, but didn’t, I would ALWAYS regret it later.  So, while everyone else went back to their rooms, the GC and I stuck around the lobby.  And I am SO glad we did because about fifteen minutes later who should walk in but comedienne Loni Love, whom I absolutely – pardon the pun – LOVE.  Loni is a frequent round-table guest on fave show Chelsea Lately and she is absolutely HILARIOUS!   As soon as I spotted Loni, I gasped and said loudly to the GC, “OH MY GOD, it’s Loni Love!”  Well, Loni heard me say this and looked over and smiled.  I pointed to her and then to myself and mimed taking a picture with my hands and she IMMEDIATELY walked right on over to snap a photo with me!  Loni was so incredibly nice and had a very warm personality and was easily one of my favorite people I met all day.  It was especially exciting because my dad is also a HUGE fan of hers.


    I also got a picture with Brad Wollack and Sarah Colonna who are also frequent guests on Chelsea Lately and both of whom were VERY nice.


    Then, just as I turned to the GC and said, “I wish Ross Mathews was here!”, who should walk through the lobby doors but Ross himself and I just about had a heart attack!  When Ross saw that we were looking at him, he immediately called us over and spent a good five minutes talking with us about the Golden Globes and which celebs we had seen that day.  Ross is INCREDIBLY down to earth and the whole time we were talking to him, it felt as if we were speaking with an old friend –  a celeb-obsessed old friend, of course.  Smile  Ross is also incredibly bubbly and REALLY funny.  I absolutely love, love, LOVE him.  Even more so now than I did before.   And about three hours after we took the above photograph, Ross happened to walk by the GC and me once again and stopped to say hello and asked if we had seen any other celebs since we had spoken to him last.  SUCH an incredibly nice guy.

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    Ross, Sarah, Brad, and Loni were all at the Hilton to rehearse for the LIVE on E! Golden Globes After Show, the set of which is pictured above.


    Then, right at 7 p.m., Megan Fox walked through the doors of the lobby, followed by none other than David Silver himself, Brian Austin Green!  And let me tell you, I could NOT have been more excited!


    And while I let Megan walk right by, I called out to Brian and asked him to take a photograph with me, which he did.  Brian was REALLY nice and when I told him how much I had loved 90210 he thanked me.  It was literally the perfect end to a perfect day!  Sigh!


    After getting my photograph with Brian, the GC and I headed downstairs to the hotel’s legendary Trader Vic’s restaurant – which I will be blogging about later – to grab a bite to eat.   The restaurant was undergoing preparations for the following night’s HBO After Party so I just had to pose celeb-style in front of the backdrop that was being set up.  Smile

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    On our way out the door, after spotting director Oliver Stone whom we did not get a photograph of, I posed for a picture in front of the CNN and Inside Edition portions of the Golden Globes’ red carpet.  You can see how blindingly bright the red carpet lights were in the above photographs.  It was about 9 at night when those pictures were taken!


    And I also just had to snap a pic in the back of the hotel, where another red carpet had been set up.  Love it!  All in all, it was a magical day and I can’t wait to do it all again next year!  That is, if I can get past the front door.  Winking smile

    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Lavonna for reminding me about the Golden Globe Awards and suggesting that I stalk the Beverly Hilton that day!   You rock, my friend!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Beverly Hilton Hotel, where the Golden Globe Awards are held each year, is located at 9876 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.  You can visit the hotel’s official website here.  For more information about the Golden Globes Package, you can contact the hotel directly.

  • Wollman Ice Skating Rink


    I’m sticking with my Christmas stalking theme for one more day – even though it’s already December 28th – as I had originally intended to publish this post on Christmas Eve, but, unfortunately, ran out of time.  As I’ve said many times before, though, it’s better to be late than never!   So, here goes!  One New York location that definitely belongs in any collection of Christmas movie locales is Wollman Ice Skating Rink, a spot which appeared in one of my very favorite holiday flicks of all time, Home Alone 2: Lost In New York.  I had the pleasure of skating at Wollman Rink with my fiancé back in 2004 and absolutely fell in love with the place.   With the Plaza Hotel and other New York skyscrapers towering in the background, the rink actually looks more like a picture postcard than a real life location.  If you haven’t been there yourself, take my word for it, Wollman Rink is absolutely magical.  🙂 


    Wollman Rink was originally constructed in 1949 thanks to a $600,000 donation from New York philanthropist Kate Wollman.  Kate had the ice skating rink built in honor of her parents, Jonas and Bettie, and her four brothers, William, Morton, Henry, and Benjamin.  From the beginning, Wollman Rink was an immediate success, welcoming over 300,000 skaters in its first year alone.   Today, it is visited by an average of 4,000 skaters per day.



    Like practically everything else in New York, Wollman Rink is currently owned and operated by real estate mogul Donald Trump, who purchased and completely rebuilt the property back in the ‘90s.   His name is displayed on almost every square inch of the rink, lest anyone ever forget who it belongs to.  😉  In the summer months, the rink is transformed into a small amusement park named Victorian Gardens.  Wollman Rink is not to be confused with the similarly named Kate Wollman Memorial Rink, which was constructed in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park by the William J. Wollman Foundation upon Kate’s death in 1955.




    Thanks to its picturesque appearance, Wollman Rink has long been a favorite of location scouts, appearing in countless movies and television shows over the years.  In Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, Harry and Marv, aka “The Sticky Bandits”, plan their robbery of Duncan’s Toy Chest while skating at Wollman Rink.  Ironically enough, though, before my first visit to New York, this stalker was under the mistaken assumption that the Home Alone scene had been filmed at the famous Rockefeller Center ice staking rink.  It wasn’t until I started making a stalking itinerary for my first Big Apple vacation that I realized my mistake.  As it turns out, New York has not one, but TWO cinematically historic ice skating rinks.   But I’ll save the Rockefeller Center rink for a future post.  😉




    Wollman Rink also appeared in the Season One episode of Gossip Girl  entitled “Roman Holiday”, in the scene in which Blair Waldorf (aka Leighton Meester), along with her mother, her father, and her father’s new boyfriend go ice skating just a few days before Christmas.


    On a side note – I am absolutely IN LOVE with the skates with the hanging pink pompoms that Blair wore in that scene!!!!  I have GOT to get me a pair of those!   🙂




    In Serendipity – one of my fave romcoms of all time! – Jonathan (aka John Cusack) and Sara (aka Kate Beckinsale) go for a late night skate at Wollman Rink after sharing a Frrrozen Hot Chocolate at Serendipity 3 Restaurant.




    After their skate, Jonathan draws the constellation of Cassiopeia on Sara’s arm while sitting on the rink’s benches.




    And at the end of the movie, the two star-crossed lovers finally reunite at the rink.  Wollman Rink has also been featured in Stepmom, Autumn in New York, Love Story, The January Man, The Devil’s Own, Odds Against Tomorrow, Carnal Knowledge, August Rush, A Journey That Wasn’t, Love and Other Impossible Pursuits, and the 2005 version of King Kong


    Celebrities also often visit Wollman Rink.  In December of 2005, Tom Cruise took his then-pregnant girlfriend Katie Holmes there to celebrate her 27th birthday. 



    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Wollman Rink is located inside Central Park, near the corner of Central Park South and 5th Avenue, in New York.  Follow the footpath from the Park’s 59th Street entrance over Gapstow Bridge and the rink will be visible on the west.  Wollman Rink is open from November through March.  You can visit its official website here.

  • The New York Palace Hotel


    Yet another Gossip Girl location that I set out to stalk during this year’s Manhattan vacation was the New York Palace Hotel, a locale which has appeared in pretty much every single episode of the series since it began back in 2007.   Truth be told, though, I actually first stalked this location quite a few years back during my very first trip to the Big Apple, long before Gossip Girl was even on the air.  And, let me tell you, I absolutely fell in love with the place!  Each year since then I’ve made sure to stop into the Palace at least once during our annual New York vacation to either grab a cocktail at GILT or to simply relax for a few minutes in the hotel’s opulent lobby.  So, as you can probably imagine, I was completely floored this past summer when I first watched the pilot episode of Gossip Girl and realized that a huge portion of it was filmed on location on the hotel grounds.  So, while in New York two weeks ago, I just had to drag my fiancé back to the Palace, this time to do some stalking of my new favorite show!  🙂



    The New York Palace Hotel is absolutely beautiful inside and out and is one of my very favorite places to visit in all of New York.  By now, I really must sound like a broken record due to the fact that I pretty much say that about every single place I stalk in the Big Apple.  LOL  But it’s just that there are so many spectacular and incredibly unique places on the island of Manhattan that I find it very difficult to narrow down my favorites!  Anyway, the New York Palace Hotel was originally built as a private home for New York Evening Post  editor and Union Pacific Railroad founder Henry Villard in 1882.  Villard hired the architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White to design and build six four-story townhouses surrounding a central courtyard in an empty lot across from St. Patrick’s Cathedral.  The buildings were constructed in a Neo-Italian Renaissance style and were  modeled after Rome’s Palazzo della Cancellaria.  In 1883, Villard moved into his new home, which was still under construction, for a period of just a few months.  Sadly, though, he ended up filing bankruptcy shortly thereafter and was forced to sell the entire property, which was then known as the Villard Houses, to several different owners before construction had even been completed.  In 1974, the townhouses were purchased by the Helmsley (yes, that Helmsley) Hotel chain.  The Helmsleys came up with the inspired idea to purchase the air space above the Villard Houses (and here all this time I never knew that type of thing was for sale!  LOL)  in order to add a 55-story tower to the property and turn it into a luxury hotel.  Construction of that tower took six years to complete and in 1981 the Helmsley Palace Hotel finally opened its doors to the world.  It didn’t take long for the Palace name to become synonymous with the utmost in luxury and elegance.  In 1992, the hotel was sold to a private limited partnership, who changed its name to the New York Palace Hotel, as it is known today.  The Palace Hotel is currently owned by the upscale Dorchester Group and boasts 360 square-foot guest rooms, 22,000 square feet of meeting space, two restaurants, including GILT, which has been awarded two Michelin stars , and a 7,000 square foot spa and gym, where complimentary tennis shoes and workout clothes are made available to guests.  LOVE IT!  Rooms average $297 per night, which is incredibly low for such upscale accommodations, especially considering that the hotel is located in Manhattan.



    The Palace Hotel features prominently on Gossip Girl, not only because the hostelry is owned by Bart Bass, Chuck’s father, on the show, but also due to the fact that Serena van der Woodsen and family lived in one of the hotel’s Triplex Suites while their home was being remodeled during Season One.   The hotel is such an integral part of the show, actually, that, according to this article, filming of GG takes places there at least twice a month!  How cool is that??  The areas of the hotel that have been used in the filming over the past three years include the front exterior (pictured above),





    the central courtyard,




    the second floor mezzanine,




    the lobby’s courtyard entrance,




    the special events venue named the Madison Room,




    the entrance to the famous GILT restaurant,



    the interior of GILT,




    and the GILT kitchen. 



    In fact, GILT’s menu now even features “The Gossip Girl – You Know You Love It” grilled cheese and truffle oil sandwich (YUM!), much like the one Chuck made for Serena in the pilot episode.  🙂  My good friend Steffi, who is also a HUGE GG fan, is holding GILT’s menu in the above picture.


    Besides being a main filming location for Gossip Girl, the Palace is also a celebrity magnet.  According to fave book, Michael Jackson: The Magic, The Madness, The Full Story, back during his “Thriller” days, the Palace was the only New York Hotel where the King of Pop would rest his head.  The hotel also plays host to a number of A-List events each year.  A few of the stars who have been spotted there in the past include Prince, Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Lady Gaga, Orlando Bloom, Harry Connick, Jr., Helena Christenson, Claire Danes, Hugh Dancy, Molly Sims, Kristin Davis, Bethenny Frankel, and Rose McGowan.





    I honestly can’t recommend stalking the New York Palace Hotel enough!  The staff is INCREDIBLY friendly – one of the concierges even went so far as to get me a GILT menu when I was there two weeks ago just so that I could take a picture of the Gossip Girl sandwich listing!   🙂  And the entire property – from the Central Courtyard to the ornate lobby – is just simply breathtaking. I honestly can’t say enough about it!  Especially at Christmastime!  If you find yourself in the area during the month of December, stopping by to see the Palace’s Christmas decorations, which are pictured above, is a MUST!  Christmas trees, garland, and white twinkle lights can be found EVERYWHERE, especially in the hotel’s Central Courtyard which is absolutely transformed into a mass of sparkle.  LOVE IT! 


    For further information on the hotel you can read an amazingly in-depth review, written by someone who actually stayed there, here.  Although, because the author listed the fact that Palace’s “popular restaurant/bar is closed intermittently for film crews” under the Con section of her Palace Hotel Pros and Cons List, you have to take everything she says with a grain of salt.  LOL  I mean, for me that little tidbit is SO totally a Pro!  🙂   

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The New York Palace Hotel is located at 455 Madison Avenue in Manhattan. You can visit their website here.

  • Blair Waldorf’s Gossip Girl Apartment Building


    Well, it must be Gossip Girl week here at Iamnotastalker.com because here I am once again blogging about yet another location from the ubiquitous CW series.  While in New York two weeks ago, one of the locales at the very top of my stalking list was the Upper East Side building where Queen Bee Blair Waldorf lives on my new favorite show.  I found this location, once again, thanks to FanPop’s awesome Gossip Girl page and, because I love me some BW, I just simply wasn’t leaving New York until I had stalked her place.  So, after dropping my best friend, his girlfriend, and his mother off at the Guggenheim Museum – because as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t do museums 🙂 – I dragged my fiancé just a few blocks North to do some stalking of Blair’s pad.  On a side note: While doing research on Blair’s apartment building for today’s post, I came across this ABSOLUTELY AMAZING website, which lists pretty much EVERY SINGLE location ever featured on Gossip Girl!  And, let me tell you, I almost fell off my chair while looking at it!  HOW IN THE HECK DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS SITE BEFORE I LEFT FOR NEW YORK!  UGH!  🙁  I could have spent my entire trip stalking Gossip Girl!!!!!  LOL  Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to set that as my goal for next year’s trip!  🙂 





    On Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf lives in the Penthouse apartment of the ultra-exclusive Fifth Avenue building pictured above.  The 15-story building, which houses 43 different apartments, was built in 1925 by architect George F. Pelham, Jr., who also designed the Castle Village apartment complex in Hudson Heights and the residential building located at 1120 Park Avenue.  A two-bedroom unit in Blair’s building, which you can take a look at here, is currently for sale for the bargain price of $2,695,000!   Besides views of Central Park, the building also boasts a full-time, white-gloved doorman AND a full-time, white-gloved elevator operator.  That’s just so Blair Waldorf, isn’t it? 🙂   So love it!




    Blair’s building has been featured regularly in establishing shots throughout the series’ two and a half year run.  Filming also took place there for the Season One episode entitled “Victor, Victrola”, in which Nate Archibald and his father get into a fistfight on the sidewalk out in front of the building (pictured above).


    In the Season Two episode entitled “In the Realm of the Basses”, Blair receives an invitation from the elite Colony Club in which the actual address of the real apartment building used for the filming is displayed.  Love it!



    According to fave book Manhattan On Film: Walking Tours of Hollywood’s Fabled Front Lot, Blair’s building was also used in the 2001 Chris Rock movie Down to Earth, as the residence of Charles Wellington, whose body the spirit of Chris Rock inhabits after his untimely demise.  The building also has a bit of celebrity history, as well.  During their marriage, Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid owned a seven-room unit on the building’s 12th-floor, which they sold in March 2002, almost a year after their divorced was finalized, for a cool $6.5 million.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Blair Waldorf’s apartment from Gossip Girl is located at 1136 Fifth Avenue, on the corner of 5th Avenue and 95th Street, on New York’s Upper East Side. 

  • Watching The Filming of Gossip Girl


    Two weeks ago while in New York, thanks to fave website OnLocationVacations – who I am now seriously thinking of naming my first born after 🙂 – I was able to watch the filming of Gossip Girl live and in person no less than THREE times!!!!!  Yes, you read that right – THREE TIMES!  For those not familiar with the site, OnLocationVacations features a “Daily Filming Locations” page that chronicles which productions are filming where all over the U.S. – most notably on the island of Manhattan.   So, I, of course, checked that page pretty much immediately after I woke up every morning while on my New York vacation.  And, as you can probably imagine, I just about died when on October 5th I read that my new fave show Gossip Girl  would be filming in Central Park, just a few blocks away from the hotel where I was staying.  So, I immediately dragged my fiancé, my best friend, Robin, his girlfriend, Stephanie, and his mother, who were all visiting from Switzerland at the time, out to the Conservatory Water, which is more commonly known as the Model Boat Pond, in Central Park to do some GG  stalking!  THANK YOU OnLocationVacations!  🙂  (On our way to the set, Stephanie and I spotted the above pictured Craft Services truck and were SO excited we just had to stop and snap a quick pic!)  🙂 



    Upon arriving at the Model Boat Pond, I, of course, struck up a conversation with a few crew members from the show who really could NOT have been nicer or more friendly.  They chatted with me about where filming was taking place specifically and about who was on set at the time.  The only cast member present when we showed up, though, was Taylor Momsen, who plays Jenny Humphrey, aka “Little J”, on the show.  Taylor was very cute in person and much taller than I expected her to be, but, unfortunately, she also looked a bit under-the-weather.  During breaks she pretty much just sat off to the side of the production and kept to herself.  The next day, I heard that she actually collapsed from exhaustion a few hours after we left the set!  Poor Taylor!



    Also on set that morning was Air Bud  actor Kevin Zegers who will be guest-starring as Little’s J.’s new love interest on several episodes of Gossip Girl this season.  Because I didn’t recognize him, while we were there I asked around to see if any of the crew members could tell me who he was, but no one seemed to know.  LOL  One crew member told me that  Kevin had starred in the Spiderman movies, but that information turned out to be incorrect.  LOL  It wasn’t until after I got home that fellow stalker Owen was able to identify him for me.  Thank you, Owen!  🙂  Anyway, after watching the filming for about thirty minutes or so, my fiancé and best friend dragged me away from the set.  🙁   Needless to say, neither one of them is very much into filming locations.  LOL



    But have no fear, because later that afternoon, I, of course, dragged everyone back to Central Park to see if any of the other cast members had shown up.  I was hoping most of all to see Ed Westwick (aka Chuck Bass) and Leighton Meester (aka Blair Waldorf) because, as I mentioned yesterday, they are my two favorite actors on the show.  I so heart Chuck Bass!!!!  So, as you can imagine, I literally almost fell over when I walked up to the set and saw my two faves standing hand in hand filming a scene! YAY!  I could NOT have been more excited!  And it seems that I’m not the only one who reads OnLocationVacations because there were at least two hundred fans and paparazzi standing around watching the filming when we arrived.  🙂





    I cannot tell you how exciting it was to watch GG  being filmed right before my very eyes!!!!!  The scene being shot involved Chuck and Blair taking a leisurely stroll through Central Park just East of the Model Boat Pond.





    We literally took close to 500 pictures while watching the filming that afternoon, so deciding which ones to post here proved to be rather difficult.  LOL  I wanted to post them ALL!  But that probably would have crashed my entire blog, so I had to settle for a select few.  🙂



    Leighton Meester is absolutely BEAUTIFUL in person – much prettier than she appears to be on TV – and MUCH taller than I had expected!!  I thought she would be teeny tiny, but in person she looked to be about 5’6”.





    But I have to say that seeing Chuck Bass in person was my favorite part of the day!  🙂  Like Leighton, Ed Westwick is also much better looking in person than he appears to be on TV, but what struck me the most about him was the fact that he makes the SAME EXACT facial expressions in real life that he does while acting as Chuck on the show.  LOVE IT!  Stephanie and I were cracking up the whole time while watching him because he is just so similar to his character. 





    In between takes Leighton and Ed hung out together on set and seemed to get along really, really well.  They were laughing and joking together and appeared to really enjoy each other’s company.  It was very cool to see.



    And when she wasn’t chatting with Ed, Leighton was pretty much glued to her blackberry.  A girl after my own heart, I swear!   🙂



    Unfortunately, as you can see in the above photos, during most of the breaks from shooting a big guy in a red sweatshirt stood in front of Ed and Leighton blocking the paparazzi’s view of the two stars and making it rather difficult for me to take photos.  🙁



    Because Chuck and Blair are my fave GG characters, I pretty much hit the jackpot with the filming I got to see.  I felt really bad for Stephanie, though, as she was absolutely dying to see Serena (aka Blake Lively) in person.  The closest we got to seeing her, though, was when her stand-in walked by (pictured above).  And, let me tell you, it was absolutely uncanny how much her stand-in looked like her!   Everyone started furiously snapping photos of her until she got close enough for us to realize that it wasn’t actually Blake Lively.  LOL



    The following morning, October 6th, I once again checked OnLocationVacations and was FLOORED to discover that GG was filming on location yet again – this time in SoHo.  So, much to my fiancé and best friend’s chagrin, I once more dragged everyone out to the set to do some stalking.  LOL  This time actor Penn Badgley, who plays Dan Humphrey on the show, was shooting a scene by himself.  And, for some incredibly odd reason, besides the ever-present paparazzi, we were the only stalkers on the set that day.  And can I just say here that I so love the New York paparazzi!!!  They are so incredibly friendly and so incredibly different from the L.A. paps, who always seem to have a chip on their shoulder.  One photog that I struck up a conversation with told us exactly where to stand to get a good pic of Penn.  And, sure enough, he was right!  It wasn’t two minutes after we moved to where the photog had told us to stand that Penn walked RIGHT BY!  🙂 



    So, of course, I asked him if he would mind taking a quick photograph with us.  Penn was SUPER nice and said that he had to film a really quick scene, but that he’d be happy to pose with us afterwards.  You can see him filming the scene in the monitors pictured above. 


    So, while Penn filmed his brief scene, Stephanie and I waited off to the side and, as promised, just a few minutes later he walked by us once again.  When he got close to us he stopped and said to his bodyguard, “Hold on a second, I promised these girls a picture.”  How sweet is that!!!!!  Sigh!!!!!  So darn cool!


    All in all it was an AMAZING experience being on the GG  set.  The cast and crew could NOT have been friendlier and I had an absolute blast being there!  I highly recommend stalking the show if you ever have the opportunity! 


    A big THANK YOU goes out to OnLocationVacations without whom none of this would have been possible!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Gossip Girl  scenes with Taylor Momsen, Ed Westwick, and Leighton Meester were filmed on the East and West sides of the Conservatory Water, aka the Model Boat Pond, in Central Park near 74th Street and Fifth Avenue.  The scene with Penn Badgley was filmed in SoHo at the corner of North Moore and Varick Streets.