Tag: Laguna Beach

  • Buy A Set From Laguna Beach!

    Fave website Real Estalker just posted news that Lauren Conrad’s parents put their Laguna Beach dream house up for sale for a cool $17.5 million! You may remember that James Conrad built this house during the first season of Laguna Beach: The Real O.C. and LC and Ste-ven traipsed through the house during construction in the pilot episode. L.C. threw a few pool parties/BBQ’s there during subsequent seasons of the show and it was at one of those pools parties that her romance with Jason Wahler blossomed. I have no idea why the Conrad’s would sell this home – it is absolutely amazing!

    You can read the entire Real Estalker article here.

    Stalk It: The Conrad’s home is located at 29 Vista Del Sol in Laguna Beach. You won’t get past the guardshack located at 32350 Pacific Coast Highway, though, so you’ll just have to settle for views of the house from the road.