Tag: Lady Gaga

  • Tacos Jalisco from “A Star Is Born”

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (10 of 38)

    Stumbling upon filmings used to be a regular occurrence when I lived in L.A.  Sadly, that is not the case in Palm Springs.  So I was thrilled – and shocked – to happen upon A Star Is Born being shot at desert eatery Tacos Jalisco while on a Windmill Tour with the Grim Cheaper and our friends Nat and Tony back in April 2017.  Though I had no intention of ever seeing the flick due to its sad storyline, I made a mental note to do a proper stalk of the restaurant once it came out.  After a few failed attempts in which I showed up only to find the place closed, I was finally able to do so this past week.


    Sitting adjacent to Jalisco Tires auto repair shop, Tacos Jalisco is located quite a ways off the beaten path on a sleepy road in North Palm Springs.

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (8 of 38)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (6 of 38)

    If not for the Windmill Tour, I never would have known the place existed.

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (4 of 38)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (5 of 38)

    And that is a shame because it serves up uh-ma-zing food.  The GC and I, of course, partook while there and he quickly proclaimed the tacos some of the best he’s ever had.

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (37 of 38)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (20 of 38)

    The small, casual eatery consists of two rooms – a main dining area and a bar.

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (32 of 38)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (15 of 38)

    Surprisingly, I could not find much information about the place’s history online aside from the fact that it formerly housed a market.

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (25 of 38)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (31 of 38)

    In A Star Is Born (which is out on DVD now!), Tacos Jalisco masks as the roadside eatery where Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) and Ally (Lady Gaga) stop to grab a bite to eat upon arriving in Jackson’s hometown of Arizona.


    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (1 of 1)

    While there, Ally jots down lyrics for a song she is writing titled “Look What I’ve Found” and Jack discusses the fact that he doesn’t return home very often.


    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (1 of 1)

    The restaurant’s interior was changed a bit for the shoot, with the booths that usually sit along the side wall moved to the middle of the dining area.


    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (26 of 38)

    Otherwise, the place looks much as it did onscreen.


    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (27 of 38)

    The exterior of Tacos Jalisco also appears in A Star Is Born – and is the site of a rather large gaffe.  Notice below that as Ally walks up to Jack outside of the restaurant, she does not have a jacket on . . .


    . . . but seconds later, as she embraces him, she magically does!


    It was that portion of the scene that we saw being shot during our Windmill Tour.  I was even able to snap a few pics of the production as we drove by.  (I believe that is Bradley Cooper standing in the forefront of the top image below as the outfit seems to match what he was wearing onscreen – but don’t quote me on that as it could just as easily be his stand-in.)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (2 of 2)-2

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (1 of 2)

    Interestingly, prop gas pumps were brought in for the shoot to make Tacos Jalisco and the adjoining Jalisco Tires appear to be a service station.  Because I had never seen the locale prior to the filming, I assumed the tanks were real and was shocked when I showed up to stalk the place and discovered there were no pumps to be found anywhere on the premises!

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (12 of 38)

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (2 of 38)

    The scene that follows that of the roadside diner, in which Jack discovers that his childhood ranch has been sold and turned into a wind farm, was shot just around the corner on Dillon Road, about half a mile west of where it intersects with North Indian Canyon Drive.  (I did not realize that when I stalked the restaurant and, as such, failed to take any photographs, so the Street View image below will have to do for now.)



    In the interest of being thorough, I’ve denoted exactly where Ally and Jack were standing in the segment in the aerial view below.  Ally’s position, in the bare patch of dirt, is marked with a pink “X,” while Jack’s, which is slightly west in the nearby foliage, is denoted with a blue “X.”


    While stalking Tacos Jalisco, I happened to chat with its super-nice owner who informed me that the restaurant also appeared in the 2005 thriller Constantine as the spot where Manuel (Jesse Ramirez) stole a car in what was supposed to be the Mexican desert.



    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Tacos Jalisco from A Star Is Born (3 of 38)-2

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Tacos Jalisco, from A Star Is Born, is located at 17725 North Indian Canyon Drive in North Palm Springs.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.  Jack’s childhood-ranch-turned-windmill-farm from the movie can be found just around the corner on Dillon Road, about half a mile west of where it intersects with North Indian Canyon Drive.

  • The Millennium Biltmore Hotel from “A Star Is Born”

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (19 of 27)

    It’s not everyday you’ll find photos of a public restroom on my site.  It’s not everyday you’ll find me stalking one either.  But a couple of years ago, the Grim Cheaper and I were granted an extensive private tour of the Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles that included a visit to the hotel’s Regency Room men’s lavatory.  Our guide thought we would want to see the space thanks to a bit of cinema history that exists there.  (More on that in a bit.)  Flash forward to last week – while scanning through the 2018 A Star Is Born prior to writing my recent post on East Hollywood bar The Virgil, I was shocked to see the very same bathroom (well, the women’s version, at least) pop up in an opening scene and decided I just had to chronicle it here.  When I sat down to write the post, though, I discovered that the entire Biltmore property – not just its bathroom – has ties to three of the A Star Is Born movies.  So I figured a more all-encompassing article about the hotel was in order.


    The Biltmore’s Regency Room was originally part of the Sala De Oro ballroom, which was constructed during the hotel’s 1928 expansion.  You can see what the stunning venue looked like in its early days here and in its current state below.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (25 of 27)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (27 of 27)

    The grand space, surprisingly located on a sublevel of the hotel, ran 140 feet long and 107 feet wide and boasted three open stories, an insane vaulted ceiling, a large mezzanine, box seating for 46 groups, a stage (built on hydraulics that allowed it to be raised and lowered), a dance floor, a check room with a capacity for 100 guests, and its own kitchen.  So stunning was the massive hall that it was chosen as the site of eight different Academy Awards ceremonies.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (2 of 27)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (3 of 27)

    In 1934, management decided to change things up by turning the ballroom into a hopping nightclub named the “Biltmore Bowl.”  Architect Wayne McAllister, who also gave us Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank, was brought in to revamp the room.  And revamp it he did.  He moved the stage, making it the central focal point, and also, oddly, split the venue into two levels, a two-story upper floor and a single-story lower floor.  You can see what the upper level looked like during its heyday here and here.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (1 of 27)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (11 of 27)

    Sadly, the nightclub was gutted by a fire in the 1950s and subsequently renovated, at which time the grand ceiling and elegant stage were removed.  But the split levels remained, with the top floor becoming a ballroom that retained the Biltmore Bowl name and the sub-level becoming an exhibit hall initially dubbed the “Rex Room” and later the “Regency Room.”  The gilded, gated entrance to both spaces is pictured below.

    Biltmore Hotel Hallway (7 of 7)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (10 of 27)

    The Biltmore Bowl underwent a re-do again in 2001, during which the venue’s tiered seating was removed and its decorative aesthetic shifted to match that of the rest of the hotel.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (4 of 27)

    The Regency Room, which is largely unchanged from its 1950’s post-fire state, is much less opulent than its upstairs neighbor, as you can see below.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (23 of 27)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (24 of 27)

    In fact, the only ornamentation the space really has is some decorative grillwork, which is leftover from its days as part of the Sala De Oro ballroom.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (22 of 27)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (21 of 27)

    The ornate ceiling in the Regency Room’s foyer is also original to the Sala De Oro.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (1 of 2)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (2 of 2)

    Today, the Regency Room boasts 17,000 square feet of space – and a set of famous bathrooms.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (15 of 27)

    At the beginning of A Star Is Born, Ally (Lady Gaga) breaks up with her boyfriend via phone from a stall in the Regency Room women’s bathroom, which is said to be the restroom of the hotel kitchen where she works.



      Though I did not see the women’s bathroom during my tour, I was shown the very similar-looking men’s room.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (20 of 27)

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (18 of 27)

    It was there that Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and his pals tied up and threatened Police Commissioner Jacobs (Pat McNamara) in the 1999 drama Fight Club.



    Our tour guide highlighted the space not only because of its onscreen cameo, but also because of some damage that occurred during the shoot, which she figured I would be fascinated by.  And I was!  Apparently, while Pitt and McNamara were filming the fight scene, the base of one of the pedestal sinks was splintered.  For whatever reason, the chip was never filled in and the sink currently remains in its post-Fight-Club state, a little piece of filming ephemera left behind for the ages.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (13 of 27)-2

       You can see said chip in the images above and below, as well as what an intact sink base looks like directly next to it.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (17 of 27)-2

    The Biltmore’s 25,000-square-foot basement kitchen, which I did not get to stalk during my tour, makes a couple of appearances as Ally’s workplace in A Star Is Born, as well.



    That very same kitchen also appeared as the kitchen of a Radisson hotel in East Lansing, Michigan in the Season 4 episode of The West Wing titled “College Kids,” which aired in 2002.

    It can also be seen in the Season 4 episode of Bosch titled “Rojo Profundo,” which aired in 2018.  As I said in my recent post on the hotel’s South Galleria, every single area of the Biltmore has been utilized in multiple major productions!



    The hotel’s loading dock, which leads directly down to the Biltmore Bowl and Regency Room, also pops up a couple of times in A Star Is Born – first in the scene in which Ally leaves work to head to her gig at Bleu Bleu and then later when she and Ramon (Anthony Ramos) get picked up by Jackson Maine’s (Bradley Cooper) driver to go to one of his shows.



    The loading dock pops up in the “College Kids” episode of The West Wing, as well.

    As I mentioned earlier, the Biltmore had ties to A Star Is Born long before the latest version was filmed.  In the 1937 original, Vicki Lester (Janet Gaynor) and Norman Maine (Fredric March) attend an Academy Awards ceremony at what is said to be the Biltmore Bowl.


    I am unsure if filming actually took place in the ballroom or on a studio-built set, though.



    My hunch is that a set was utilized being that not much of what was shown onscreen matches early photographs of the Bowl.  The wide shot of the room featured in the movie (pictured below) also looks to me like a matte painting of some sort.


    I can say with certainty that the Biltmore Bowl was the site of the Grammy Awards in the 1976 version of A Star Is Born.  You can see some behind-the-scenes photos of the segment being shot here.



    Esther Hoffman (Barbra Streisand) and John Norman Howard (Kris Kristofferson) even head up the escalators situated adjacent to the South Galleria in the scene.  It is on the escalator landing that Howard punches a paparazzi.



    The Biltmore Bowl is also the site of the Leadership in Journalism Awards gala in the Season 1 episode of The Morning Show titled “A Seat at the Table,” which aired in November 2019.

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    The Millennium Biltmore from A Star Is Born (12 of 27)-2

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Millennium Biltmore Los Angeles, from A Star Is Born, is located at 506 South Grand Avenue in downtown L.A.  You can visit the property’s official website here.  The Regency Room and its bathrooms are situated underneath the Biltmore Bowl on the south side of the hotel and can be reached via the South Galleria.  The kitchen from the film is also located in the basement of the hotel.  Unfortunately, neither area is open to the public.  The loading dock can be found just south of Coffee on Grand at 530 South Grand Avenue.

  • The Virgil from “A Star Is Born”

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (16 of 17)

    I got a text from my friend Liz the other day saying, “Don’t see A Star Is Born . . . OMG!” followed by a bunch of crying face emojis.  As Liz and most of my fellow stalkers are well aware, I do not like sad or depressing movies – at all.  Liz needn’t have worried.  While I have never watched any of the A Star Is Born iterations, I am familiar enough with the storyline to know that they are just not my cup of tea.  My friend Lavonna is on the other end of the spectrum, though.  She saw the latest installment as soon as it came out, became absolutely obsessed, and, during a recent visit to L.A., stalked a bunch of its locations, including The Virgil, which masked as Bleu Bleu in an opening scene.  As fate would have it, upon arriving at the East Hollywood bar, she stumbled upon some crew members from Glow striking set pieces from a shoot that had been done on the premises the day prior.  Lavonna struck up a conversation with one them who invited her inside to take a closer look and snap pictures.  Figuring it would make for a good blog post, she forwarded the photos on to me.  And while I still have yet to see A Star Is Born, thanks to Vudu, where it is available for streaming, I was able to scan through the beginning to familiarize myself with it a bit in preparation for this write-up.


    The Virgil was originally established in June 2012 by nightlife impresarios Louie and Netty Ryan, of Temple Bar Concepts, who also founded Townhouse/The Del Monte in Venice and Santa Monica’s famed Temple Bar (which is now closed), among a slew of others.

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (1 of 17)

    The lounge, known for its specialty craft cocktails, occupies a space on the corner of Santa Monica Boulevard and North Virgil Avenue that formerly housed Little Temple, another of the Ryans’ watering holes which opened in mid-2004.  Prior to that, the site was the longtime home of The Garage, a rock club owned by Steve Edelson.

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (3 of 17)

    Comprised of two spacious areas, the “Stage” room and the “B Side” (the latter of which Lavonna did not get any photos of, but you can see what it looks like here), The Virgil has a distinctly bohemian vibe . . .

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (2 of 17)

    . . . with some Moroccan elements thrown in.

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (6 of 17)

    With curtains flanking wide openings . . .

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (5 of 17)

    . . . and unique carvings adoring various doorways, The Virgil looks like a really cool place to hang out.

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (7 of 17)

    In A Star Is Born, Jackson Maine (Bradley Cooper) pops by “Bleu Bleu” to get a drink while on his way home from a performance.  The exterior of the bar is only shown briefly in the segment.



    Though, as Lavonna informed me, the billboard out front does provide some foreshadowing of the movie’s ending.  (And she wonders why I’m resisting watching it!  Yeah, that’s gonna be a hard ‘no’ from me!)


    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (17 of 17)

    It is at The Virgil that Jack first lays eyes on Ally (Lady Gaga) as she spectacularly performs “La Vie en Rose.”



    Due to low lighting and rather tight camera angles, not much of the bar can be seen in the movie.  We do get a better glimpse of it later in the scene, when Jack is invited to perform onstage while he waits for Ally after Bleu Bleu has closed for the evening.  Despite some major set dressing that was added for the shoot (which, per Vulture, took two days to complete), the place is still definitely recognizable from its appearance.



    I am unsure if the Bleu Bleu dressing room segments were shot at The Virgil, as well, but I am guessing that they were.



      The Virgil is also featured twice in the Season 1 episode of Strange Angel titled “The Sage,” which aired in 2018.  The B Side area first pops up as the bar where Jack Parsons (Jack Reynor) laments to his friend Ernest Donovan (Rupert Friend) about not being allowed in to an important business function.



    The Stage room then masks as the gentleman’s club that Jack and Ernest visit later in the episode.



    As I mentioned earlier, Glow also did some filming at The Virgil, so be sure to look for it in an upcoming episode of the third season.

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (11 of 17)

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Big THANK YOU to my friend Lavonna for stalking this location for me!  Smile

    The Virgil from A Star Is Born (12 of 17)--2

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Virgil, aka Bleu Bleu from A Star Is Born, is located at 4519 Santa Monica Boulevard in East Hollywood.  You can visit the bar’s official website here.