Tag: Kona filming locations

  • More Dog!

    Finally I am back online – with another Dog post. I swear, I was about ready to throw my stupid computer off the lanai I was so annoyed with the internet problems. LOL With getting bumped off the internet constantly, I literally think I have spent about three hours trying to complete this post. UGH! Anyway, this past weekend I did a little more Dog stalking. 🙂 During the entire episode about Dog’s wedding, Dog spent most of his time hunting a fugitive – actually he hunted him right up until the ceremony and was late to his own wedding!! At the beginning of that episode, Dog hunted down the fugitive’s girlfriend outside of the Blockbuster Video in Kailua Kona. I have rented many a movie at that Blockbuster, so I knew exactly where it was when I watched the episode. So, of course, I dragged my boyfriend and parents over there to snap some pics. Dog spent several minutes speaking with the fugitive’s girlfriend sitting on the wall in front of Blockbuster. She later runs off down Palani Road with Dog and crew chasing after her.

    After stalking Blockbuster, I headed across the parking lot to Starbucks to grab an iced latte. While there I asked the barista if she had watched the Dog episode while it was being filmed in the parking lot. She said that she had not watched it, but that Leiland’s wife used to work in the very Starbucks I was standing in. 🙂 Apparently she worked there many years ago, long before she met and married Leiland. How cool is that! Apparently she still stops into that Starbucks pretty often, but I did not have a sighting.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: Both Blockbuster and Starbucks are located in the Kona Coast Shopping Center, which can be found at 74-5588 Palani Road in Kailua Kona. If you find yourself at Kona Coast Shopping Center, be sure to hit up Jean’s Warehouse for some super cute clothes!! I got two really cute dresses there for $7 TOTAL – I am not kidding!