Tag: Julia Roberts

  • The Tam O’Shanter Inn from “Glee”


    A couple of weeks ago I dragged my fiancé out to stalk the Tam O’Shanter Inn which appeared in the Season 1 episode of Glee titled “Dream On”.  I found this location thanks to an eagle-eyed stalker who recognized the restaurant immediately while watching the episode back in May.  And even though I no longer consider myself a “Gleek” (gasp!), I just could not resist stalking the place.  And yes, you read that right – I am no longer a huge fan of Glee.  In fact, I can’t even really say that I like the series at all anymore, let alone love it like I used to.  In my never-to-be-humble opinion, the show has gone WAY downhill ever since it returned from its four month hiatus this past April.  I don’t know if it’s due to the fact that it became such a humongous hit in such a short period of time or if the writers just simply got lazy, but somewhere along the way the show lost its heart.  It’s become more about the music and less about the characters that I grew to love so deeply in the first part of the season.  While the series used to be over-the-top and fun, in recent months it’s become ridiculous and largely unbelievable – Kurt and Mercedes joining the cheerios, Olivia Newton-John asking Sue Sylvester to star in a re-make of her “Physical” video, and Shelby Corcoran – the coach of Vocal Adrenaline – adopting Quinn and Puck’s baby????  Like, huh???  I could go on and on and on.  Not to mention the fact that Mr. Shue, who was in my eyes the real heart of the show, has become a complete and total jerk – i.e. cheating on Emma, pretending to be in love with Sue Sylvester (I don’t even know what to say about that one!), and hooking up with his arch-enemy and head of the rival Glee club, Shelby Corcoran.  Sigh.  The whole thing makes my head hurt.  Although I did love it when all of the kids were calling him “Man Whore” in the “Bad Reputation” episode.  Anyway, despite all of that, because I loved part one of the series’ first season SO much, I still find it fun stalking locations featured on the show.  Which is how my fiancé and I ended up at the Tam O’Shanter Inn two weekends ago.

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    Tam O’Shanter Inn actually has a long and celebrated Hollywood history.  It was first opened in June of 1922 by Lawry’s restaurant chain founders Lawrence Frank and Walter Van de Kamp and has the distinction of being Los Angeles’ oldest restaurant that is still operating in the same location and by the same family.  Art director/humorist Harry Oliver, designer of the Spadena House in Beverly Hills (aka the Witch’s House from Clueless), was commissioned to design the original building in what is called the “storybook-style” of architecture.  In fact, the restaurant’s original interior closely resembled that of a ride at Disneyland.  The property was extensively remodeled and expanded in 1968 at which time it was renamed the “Great Scot”.  In 1982, in honor of the restaurant’s 60th anniversary, the original name, which refers to a style of hat worn in Scotland, was restored and it has remained to this day. 

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    In the “Dream On” episode of Glee, Will Schuester (aka cutie Matthew Morrison) takes frenemie and former Glee-club-rival Bryan Ryan (aka guest star Neil Patrick Harris) to the Tam O’Shanter Inn for a drink to convince him to not shut down the Glee club.  Will finally gets Brian to concede and the two wind up singing a rousing rendition of Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”.

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    When we first walked into the Tam O’Shanter Inn, I asked the hostess who greeted us at the door where exactly the “Dream On” episode had been filmed.  Well, let me tell you, she could NOT HAVE BEEN NICER!  She immediately sat us in the bar area in the exact spot where Matthew Morrison and Neil Patrick Harris were sitting in the episode.  She also told us the direction the cameras were facing during filming, what areas of the restaurant could be see in the background, and asked if we wanted to reenact the “Piano Man” scene while she took photographs of us.  LOVE IT!  I was SO down with reenacting the scene, by the way, but the Grim Cheaper was having none of that!  😉  

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    Filming for the yet-to-be-released Larry Crowne movie, which stars Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks, also took place at the Tam O’Shanter Inn earlier this year.   According to the bartender we spoke with, producers had the above-pictured green rug made especially for the filming and then gifted it to the restaurant after shooting wrapped.  SO DARN COOL!


    Besides being a filming location, the restaurant is also a long time celebrity hangout.  Just a few of the luminaries who have been spotted there over the years include Mary Pickford, John Wayne, Fatty Arbuckle, and Tom Mix.  Walt Disney loved the place so much that he frequented it on an almost daily basis and on one visit gifted the owners with the above-pictured cartoon, which he personally drew of Lawrence Frank.  According to the restaurant’s website, Disney executives dined at Tam O’Shanter’s so often that the place became known as “Disney’s studio commissary”.  Apparently Walt’s favorite table was #31, while John Wayne preferred #15.



    I honestly cannot say enough good things about the Tam O’Shanter Inn.  I absolutely LOVED the place!  Especially their fried calamari appetizer! 

    On a Glee side note – For those of you who have not yet seen Heather Morris, who plays Brittany on Glee, performing “Single Ladies” live with Beyonce at the 2009 American Music Awards, you can do so now by clicking above.  Apparently, Heather was not originally being considered as a cast-member for Glee, but was first called in by series creator Ryan Murphy to teach series regulars Chris Colfer and Jenna Ushkowitz the “Single Ladies” dance for the Season 1 episode titled “Preggers”.  Fate stepped in, though, and Murphy ended up liking the actress/professional dancer so much that he immediately cast her in the role of ditzy cheerleader Brittany.  And the rest, as they say, is history! 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Tam O’Shanter Inn from Glee is located at 2980 Los Feliz Boulevard in the Atwater Village section of Los Angeles.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.

  • Casey’s Irish Pub


    One location that I have been wanting to stalk for what seems like ages now is Casey’s Irish Pub (aka Casey’s Bar & Grill), a historic Downtown Los Angeles watering hole that has appeared in COUNTLESS movie and television productions throughout its more than thirty year history.  I first found out about the bar over six months ago while doing some online research on locales featured in the first X-Files movie and the place has been high up on my “To Stalk” list ever since.  But until this past weekend, I had yet to make it there.  My delay in visiting the bar was not for lack of trying, though, believe me.  For some reason, every time my fiancé and I found ourselves in the area, Casey’s Irish Pub was, unfortunately, closed.  I’ve lost track of the amount of thwarted Casey’s stalking attempts that were actually made, but, trust me, the number is higher than you can count on one hand.  Thankfully though, this past Saturday night, fate finally intervened and my fiancé and I found ourselves just a few blocks away from Casey’s during a time when the bar was actually open!  YAY!  And, even though I was in a fairly bad mood at the time – unfortunately, there is still some health drama going on with my dad and I also recently found out that one of my closest friends is ill, so it’s not exactly a happy time for me – we decided to stop in anyway.  And I am SO glad that we did, because my spirits were lifted almost immediately upon walking through Casey’s beveled-glass doors.

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    The two-story building where Casey’s now resides was first constructed in 1916 and originally housed a general store on its street level and a Turkish bath on its basement-level.  In 1924, the general store and bathhouse were closed and an upscale restaurant named B&M Cafeteria was opened in their place.   The former general store space was transformed into B&M’s main dining room and the former Turkish bath location became the kitchen area.  In the years following, the restaurant went through numerous changes of ownership and several different restaurant incarnations, until 1969, when it took on the name of Casey’s Irish Pub.  Casey’s owners had the two-level property completely revamped, most notably moving the entire structure thirty feet back from the street in order to make room for an enclosed basement-level patio.  After changing hands – but not its moniker – a few more times, in 2007 Casey’s was acquired by the nightlife development company 213 – the very same company that was also responsible for restoring the popular Cole’s Restaurant a few years back.   (Once again I must apologize for the ultra-blurry photographs that appear in this post.  I STILL cannot figure out how to use my new camera and I am growing seriously annoyed!  UGH!)

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    Casey’s Irish Pub is absolutely HUGE (over 10,000 square feet!) and features a gorgeous mahogany bar, hand-pressed tin ceilings, a live-music stage, a dart room, a billiards room, and several private event areas, including the “Captain’s Quarters” (pictured above).  Not only is the bar’s ambiance fabulous and unique, but the food is also INCREDIBLE, despite what the reviews on Yelp state.  As I’ve mentioned numerous times in the past, I am an INCREDIBLY picky eater, especially when it comes to chicken, and I have to say that Casey’s serves up some of the best food in L.A.  My fiancé and I especially loved their famous pub fries – which are an absolute must-have while dining at Casey’s – and their Cobb salad.  The staff there could also NOT have been nicer and one of the bartenders even went so far as to take me on a little mini-tour of the place, which is how I got the above-pictured photographs of the Captain’s Quarters.  🙂  Love it!

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    The thing I was most excited about, though, was the fact that Casey’s not only serves champagne – and good champagne, at that – but they serve it in old-school champagne glasses, ala the kind Marilyn Monroe was always pictured drinking out of.  So darn cool!  I honestly can’t recommend stalking Casey’s enough!!!!  I can pretty much guarantee its a place that stalkers and non-stalkers alike will appreciate!


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    Walking through the doors of Casey’s Irish Pub is truly like stepping back in time and it is not very hard to see why filmmakers have returned there again and again over the years to capture the place’s unique ambiance on film.   And, thanks to the bar’s definite New York vibe, it is most often portrayed as being in a city other than Los Angeles.  In 2002’s Mr. Deeds, Casey’s stands in for the New York bar where Babe Bennett (aka Winona Ryder) went to drown her sorrows after being rejected by Longfellow Deeds (aka Adam Sandler).

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    In the first X-Files movie, Casey’s appeared as the Washington, D.C. bar where cutie Fox Mulder (aka David Duchovny) met Dr. Alvin Kurtzweil (aka Martin Landau) for the first time.

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    Ironically enough, though, for the scenes which supposedly took place outside of the bar, producers filmed at a different location entirely, yet they chose to use the actual Casey’s name on the exterior signage.  Casey’s real-life exterior is pictured above and, as you can see, it is located below street-level and looks nothing like the exterior shown in The X-Files.


    In 2006’s 16 Blocks, Casey’s stood in for the New York bar where Detective Jack Mosby (aka Bruce Willis) celebrated his birthday.

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    In Charlie Wilson’s War, Casey’s was featured as the Washington, D.C. watering hole where Congressman Charlie Wilson (aka Tom Hanks) took his lady friend Joanne Herring (aka Julia Roberts) for a drink before leaving on a trip to the Middle East.

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    In Good Night and Good Luck, Casey’s pops up as the New York bar where Edward R. Murrow (aka David Strathairn), Fred Friendly (aka George Clooney), and their co-workers wait to read the reviews of their just-aired See It Now television special about Senator Joseph McCarthy.  Ironically enough, according to the movie’s DVD commentary, Casey’s was one of only two non-studio locations used in the filming of Good Night and Good Luck – the other being the Masonic Temple in Pasadena.

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    In 1998’s Fallen, Casey’s stands in for the Philadelphia bar where John Hobbes (aka Denzel Washington) met up with his cop friends Lou (aka James Gandolfini) and Jonesy (aka John Goodman) after the execution of a notorious serial killer.

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    In The Deep End of the Ocean, Casey’s stood in for the Chicago, Illinois restaurant where Detective Candy Bliss (aka Whoopi Goldberg) took Beth Cappadora (aka Michelle Pfeiffer) for a bite to eat a few weeks after Sam, Beth’s kidnapped son, was returned to her.  Both the interior and the exterior of Casey’s were used in the flick.

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    Casey’s has also been featured in numerous episodes of the television series Mad Men, including the Season 1 episode titled “The Hobo Code”, where it stood in for P.J. Clarke’s, the famed, real life 125-year old watering hole located in Manhattan. 

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    Casey’s also popped up in the Season 2 episode of Mad Men titled “For Those Who Think Young”, as the spot where Don Draper (aka Jon Hamm) is shown eating a steak and eggs breakfast after learning from his doctor that he is not in the greatest of health.  The bar was also apparently featured in an episode of CSI, although I am not sure of which particular episode.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Casey’s Irish Pub is located at 613 South Grand Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles.  The restaurant is open from 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. each Monday through Wednesday, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. each Thursday through Saturday, and from 3 p.m. to 11 a.m. each Sunday.  You can visit the official Casey’s website here.

  • The “Pretty Woman”/”(500) Days of Summer” Fountain and Park


    Another Downtown Los Angeles location that my fiancé and I stalked this past weekend was the water fountain and park which appeared in both fave movie Pretty Woman and not so fave movie (500) Days of Summer.  I discovered this location way back in September of 2007 when I was called to serve as a juror on a four day trial at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in Downtown L.A.  I’m glad to know jury duty is at least good for something.  😉 


    As I’ve mentioned a few times before on this blog, included in Los Angeles’ jury orientation presentation are directions to the nearest Starbucks – made complete with a PowerPoint slide showing a map which details the cafe’s exact location.  I am not kidding here!  Needless to say, I spent quite a bit of time at that Starbucks, especially because jurors are often given two hour-plus lunches (also not kidding!).  The “Courthouse Starbucks” as I came to call it is located in the middle of the Civic Center Mall, which is a large plaza that can be found about two blocks away from the Criminal Justice Center.  While waiting in line to order my latte one morning, I noticed a HUGE fountain located just north of where I was standing and immediately recognized it as the fountain which appeared in Pretty Woman.   I had always wondered where that fountain was located, so I was beyond floored to have discovered it while waiting in line to purchase a cup of coffee.  It always amazes me the things I notice if I just have my eyes open, instead of buried in my Blackberry.  😉  Anyway, because jurors aren’t allowed to bring cameras into the Criminal Justice Center, I wasn’t able to take any photographs of the fountain while on jury duty, so this past weekend I dragged my fiancé back there so that I could finally blog about the place.




    In Pretty Woman, the fountain shows up towards the end of the movie in the scene in which Vivian Ward (aka Julia Roberts) has just convinced Edward Lewis (aka Richard Gere) to take his very first day off of work.  Vivian is shown walking along the rim of the fountain where she announces that she wants a “snap dog” – whatever that is.




    The official name of the Pretty Woman fountain is the Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain and it was dedicated on May 18, 1966.  Will, who served as the chief administrative officer of the County of Los Angeles from 1951 to 1957, was instrumental in developing the Civic Center Mall as an urban park and garden for those Angelinos who worked in the area so that they could enjoy a bit of outdoor time during their busy day.  The Civic Center Mall is officially known as El Paseo De Los Pobladores De Los Angeles, which translates to “The Walk of the First Settlers of Los Angeles”, and was named in honor of the 44 Mexican settlers who on September 4th of 1781 founded the City of Angels. 




    I have to give some serious props to the Grim Cheaper right now, as he is turning out to be quite the little stalker!  While we were taking pictures of the Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain he immediately recognized the park located just south of it as the spot where Edward and Vivian “copped a squat” in Pretty Woman.  I am ashamed to admit that I didn’t recognize the park at all, and was so convinced that it wasn’t the same one which appeared in Pretty Woman that I told him not to bother taking any photographs of it!  It’s a good thing he didn’t listen to me,though, because as it turns out, the patch of grass which is located in the southern portion of the Civic Center Mall is, in fact, the Pretty Woman park.   Thank you, G.C.!




    The park was featured in the scene immediately following the fountain scene, in which Edward and Vivian are shown relaxing on a blanket and reading Shakespeare out loud to each other.




    As I mentioned above, the Civic Center Mall was also featured in the 2009 flick (500) Days of Summer and I immediately recognized the place when I saw the movie a few months back.  The Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain appeared very briefly in the beginning of the big Hall & Oates “You Make My Dreams Come True” dance sequence.





    The vast majority of the dance sequence takes place on the walkway just east of the fountain, in between the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration building and the Courthouse Starbucks. 




    I also immediately recognized the dance area when I first watched (500) Days of Summer, as it is located along the exact route I would take multiple times each day while on my frequent Starbucks runs during jury duty – and yes, I go to Starbucks multiple times a day and I’m not ashamed to admit it!  🙂

    Needless to say, the (500) Days of Summer dance sequence was my absolute favorite scene in the entire movie!  I’m a sucker for any sort of musical type performance and being that “You Make My Dreams Come True” is one of my VERY favorite ‘80s songs, I felt like the whole thing was pretty much tailor-made for me.  But because the scene was so incredibly fun and upbeat and joyful, it made the movie’s ending all that more shocking of a blow.  🙁  You can watch the big (500) Days of Summer dance number by clicking above – but I’m warning you, unless you want to be depressed for a good couple of hours, do NOT watch the rest of the movie.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Pretty Woman Map

    Stalk It: The Civic Center Mall, aka El Paseo De Los Pobladores De Los Angeles, is located in between the Los Angeles County Municipal Court (111 N. Hill Street) and the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration (500 West Temple Street), and is bordered by Hill Street to the north and Grand Avenue to the south.  The Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain, aka the Pretty Woman fountain, is located in the northern portion of the Mall, near North Grand Avenue, in between West Temple Street and West 1st Street.  The Pretty Woman park is located just a bit south of the fountain, on North Hill Street.  The (500) Days of Summer dance sequence took place on the walkway in front of the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration.  The cameras were facing southwest for most of that scene, looking towards the Hall of Records building.

  • The Erin Brockovich House


    Many, many months ago my very good friend and fellow stalker Kerry challenged me to find Julia Roberts’ house from the Academy Award winning movie Erin Brockovich.  Kerry knew that the home was located somewhere in the Ventura area, but had no idea of its exact whereabouts.  So, I, of course, enlisted the help of Mike, from MovieShotsLA, who wound up finding the home’s location pretty much immediately!   Flash forward to six weeks ago when my family and I took a little weekend vacay to Ventura.  I managed to sneak in some stalking during our trip, as I always do when on vacation, but by that time had completely forgotten about the Erin Brockovich  house.  That’s the blonde in me!!  Well, as soon as I got home and posted my first Ventura blog entry, I got a very excited phone call from Kerry, who wanted to know when I would be writing about the house that she had challenged me to find so long ago.  Well, let me tell you, I almost fell out of my chair.  I felt absolutely TERRIBLE that I had forgotten all about it!!!!   And I felt even more terrible about an hour later when Mike called me up and asked me the very same thing!  LOL LOL LOL  So, this past weekend, when my parents announced that they would be spending a few nights in Ventura, I begged them to do a little Erin Brockovich  stalking for me.  Semi-begrudgingly they agreed.   So, even though I don’t usually like to blog about locations I haven’t personally visited myself, I had to make an exception just this once, for Kerry’s – and Mike’s – sakes!  🙂   




    I am very happy to report that, although the paint color is now different, the Erin Brockovich house is still very recognizable from the movie.  On a side note, my mom had actually offered to pose in front of Erin’s house for the above picture like I usually do in my stalking photographs, which I thought would have been absolutely HILARIOUS, but unfortunately she was having a bad hair day at the time, so she didn’t end up doing it.  LOL



    Located directly next door to Erin’s house is the residence that stood in for the home of her boyfriend George, who was played by Aaron Eckhart, in the film.  And I am happy to report that it looks exactly the same today as it did when Erin Brockovich  was filmed there back in 2000 – right down to its paint color!  🙂  I love it when that happens!!!



    There has been one major change to the two houses since filming wrapped, though.  In Erin Brockovich, Erin and George’s homes shared a large front yard area, but today there is a tall hedge separating the two properties, which changes their appearance quite significantly.  


    Quite a few scenes take place in that shared front yard area, including the FABULOUS scene when Erin and George first meet and she makes that GREAT speech about her telephone number!  Love it!   


    The scene when Ed Masry gifts Erin $5,000 and a new car also takes place out in front of the home.




    Some filming also took place in the backyard area of the two houses, and, I believe, inside of the homes, as well.




    Just around the corner from Erin’s home is the Main Street Restaurant and Steakhouse, which makes a very brief appearance at the beginning of the movie as the restaurant where Erin takes her kids for a bite to eat after finding a cockroach in her kitchen.  


    A little bit of movie trivia for you – the waitress in that scene was played by none other than the real life Erin Brockovich.  Her character’s name in the movie?  Why Julia, of course!  😉  LOL 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It:  The Erin Brockovich  house is located at 545 South Emma Avenue in Ventura.  George’s house is located right next door at 555 South Emma Avenue.  Main Street Restaurant and Steakhouse is located just a few blocks away at 3159 East Main Street, also in Ventura.

  • sidebar at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel


    Since I am now 100% on Team Speidi, this weekend I just had to drag my boyfriend out to sidebar, the Beverly Hills lounge where the reality TV duo hosted one of their two wedding receptions.  Sidebar, which is spelled with a lowercase “s”, is located  inside of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel – aka the Pretty Woman  hotel –  where many of the wedding festivities took place.  Truth be told, I actually wanted to book a room at the Beverly Wilshire the weekend of the Speidi nuptials, but my boyfriend (aka the Grim Cheaper) was having none of that.   LOL 


    Sidebar lounge is located directly adjacent to the Wolfgang Puck restaurant CUT, which has long been a favorite of the newlyweds and was where they held their rehearsal dinner on Friday, April 24th.  In fact, the duo are such huge fans of the restaurant, that back in September of 2008 they were honored by Wolfgang himself, who placed two large photographs of the couple taken by renowned celebrity photographer Martin Scholler at the entrance to his restaurant.  CUT actually has several celebrity photographs by Martin lining its walls, including those of Britney Spears, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney, and Jack Nicholson.  But the photographs of Speidi are by far the largest, and most prominently placed, in the entire restaurant.  Love it!  When the photographs were first unveiled, Spencer said, “It feels better than winning an Academy Award.”  LOL LOL LOL  I have to say that if my favorite restaurant, POP Champagne Bar, placed a 5′ by 3′ photograph of me on their wall, I’d be pretty floored, too.  🙂  Spencer and Heidi are by no means the restaurant’s only celebrity fans, though.  Mark Wahlberg, Courteney Cox, Isla Fisher, Chris O’Donnell, and Avril Lavigne have also all been spotted at the eatery.  



    I have to say that I absolutely LOVED sidebar!!!!  The staff was SUPER friendly, the champagne was A-MA-ZING, and the food was unbelievable!!!!!  I just about died over their Kobe beef sliders and I don’t even like red meat!  LOL  Sidebar is very reasonably priced, too, especially for Beverly Hills, which made my boyfriend extremely happy. ; )  With your cocktail order comes a serving of some amazing marinated olives, homemade BBQ potato chips, wasabi peas, and cinnamon/nutmeg almonds – all for free!   I can’t recommend stalking sidebar enough!  I am fairly certain it will be a regular stalking spot for me now.  🙂



    If you visit sidebar, be sure to check out the Pretty Woman  display in the Beverly Wilshire’s lobby.   I make it a point to stop by there everytime I visit the hotel.  No matter how many times I see that display window, it never seems to get old.  🙂  On display are several stills from the movie and an early draft of the script, which was originally entitled “Three Thousand” – a reference to the amount Richard Gere pays to have Julia Roberts spend the week with him.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: Both CUT and sidebar are located inside of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, which can be found at 9500 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills.   Although sidebar is reasonably priced for cocktails, CUT is a higher end restaurant, so, be prepared to pay.  🙂  The Pretty Woman  display is located near the women’s restroom, just off the hotel lobby.  

  • Big Mistake! Big! Huge!


    Those of you planning to stalk the “Night Before the Night Before” party taking place at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel tomorrow night, might also want to check out another famous location just down the street. A few blocks away from the Regent is a little shop that might look familiar to Pretty Woman fans. It is the very same store where Julia Roberts, hoping to purchase a cocktail dress, gets snubbed by a group of snooty saleswomen. Later in the movie, Julia gets her revenge when she returns to the store, laden with shopping bags, and utters her famous line, “You guys work on commission, right? Big mistake! Big! Huge! I have to go shopping now!” In real life the shop is called Boulmiche and it looks pretty much the same as it did in Pretty Woman. If you would like to venture inside the store to do a little shopping yourself, don’t be scared – in real life, the salespeople are very friendly. 🙂 Boulmiche has become something of a celeb magnet as of late – attracting the likes of Jessica Simpson, Halle Berry and Eva Mendes, just to name a few.


    As I mentioned in my last post, the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel is famous in and of itself – also from the movie Pretty Woman. It is the hotel where Julia Roberts and Richard Gere spend their six days together. Sadly, though, only the exterior of the Regent was used for filming; the interiors existed only on a Disney sound-stage. While the inside of the hotel is very beautiful and luxurious, I was disappointed when I visited it for the first time. I was really hoping that all of my Hollywood tour books were wrong and that at least part of the lobby had been used in the movie, but sadly that was not the case. Even the elevators were different. Even so, I would highly recommend visiting the Regent, tomorrow night or any other night, as it is truly a beautiful hotel. And you never know who might be hanging around. Last time I was there I saw Jake Gyllenhaal. 🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel is located at 9500 Wilshire Boulevard in Beverly Hills. The “Night Before the Night Before Party” is taking place at Wolfgang Puck’s restaurant Cut, located inside the hotel. While Cut will most likely be closed off to the general public tomorrow night, you can always grab a drink in the bar right off the hotel lobby and hope for a star sighting. Boulmiche Boutique is located at 9501 Santa Monica Boulevard, at the corner of Rodeo Drive and Santa Monica Boulevard.