Tag: Jennifer Lopez filming locations

  • Killer Café from “Enough”

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    One location that I had been dying to stalk for close to a decade was Edie’s Diner, the 50s-style restaurant in Marina Del Rey that stood in for Phil’s Famous Red Car Diner where Slim Hiller (Jennifer Lopez) worked – and met her reprobate husband, Mitch Hiller (Billy Campbell) – in the 2002 thriller Enough.  So imagine my dismay when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, informed me, way back when, that the place had closed its doors in 2007 and was subsequently remodeled, re-opened under a different name, and then closed once again.  Such a shame!  And while I had long ago crossed the address off my To-Stalk List, when Mike and I were out and about in the South Bay area a couple of months ago, we happened to drive by the property and discovered that it had since been re-opened yet again, this time under the name Killer Café (which I found fitting being that Dexter had also once filmed on the premises Smile).  So we, of course, stopped in to take a quick peek and I am very happy to report that the restaurant does not look as different from its Enough days as I would have guessed.


    Surprisingly, despite the fact that Edie’s Diner – along with its neighboring event space, Harbor House – was a long-time staple in the Marina Del Rey area, I could not find any information whatsoever online about its history or the year that it opened.  I know that the place was around for at least a decade, though, during which time it became quite popular with South Bay locals and tourists alike.  Then, sometime in early 2005, real-estate developer Edward Czuker purchased Edie’s and Harbor House, as well as the surrounding land, and set about securing permits to demolish both in order to make way for a large mixed-used commercial development project named The Waterfront.  And while Czuker allowed the two spaces, which were owned by the same company, to remain in operation – sans paying rent! – while details of The Waterfront were being ironed out, for whatever reason both closed without notice on September 5th, 2007.  A public auction was held a few weeks later and all of Edie’s interior décor, kitchen appliances and 1950s memorabilia were sold to the highest bidder.  Boo!

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    In 2008, with The Waterfront development stalled, a new eatery and concert venue named The Organic Panificio Café (try saying that five times fast!) opened at the Edie’s Diner/Harbor House site.  That establishment was closed in October 2010, though, due to continued complaints from neighboring residents over the loud music that was played nightly.  After sitting vacant for over a year, Killer Café took over the property and opened its doors in May 2012.  And while Mike and I did not eat there, one of the servers (who had no idea whatsoever than any filming had taken place on the premises!) was nice enough to let us take all of the pictures of the place that we wanted.

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    Edie’s Diner appeared at the very beginning of Enough and was used quite extensively in a few scenes.  Thankfully, the exterior is still very recognizable from its onscreen appearance.  You can check out a cool photograph of the exterior taken during the filming here.


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    Amazingly enough, while slightly different, the interior of the Killer Cafe is still set up in the same basic way that it was back during the Edie’s days!  The line of booths running down the center of the restaurant is now gone, but the counter area and perimeter booths are still in the exact same spots that they were in the movie.  Yay!


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    And while the actual booths where Robbie (Noah Wyle) and Mitch sat when they both first met Slim (which are the second and third booths from the front door) were sold during the Edie’s auction, at least there are still booths in that same area today.


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    Edie’s Diner also appeared in the Season 2 episode of Dexter titled “An Inconvenient Lie”, as the spot where Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall) grabbed coffee with Lila Tournay (Jaime Murray) after an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting.  And I would like to mention here that my favorite line from the series EVER was uttered about the character of Lila, whom I absolutely HATED.  In the Season 2 finale, which was titled “The British Invasion”, after Lila burns down her apartment and subsequently goes missing, Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter) turns to some police officers on duty and says, “Put out an A.P.B. on Lila West, a.k.a: Lila Tourney.  Suspected arsonist.  5’7″, black hair, pale like a f*cking corpse.”  LOL LOL LOL  Gotta love Debra!  Smile



    Edie’s neighboring – and more upscale – special events venue, the now-defunct Harbor House, was used in the 2003 thriller Matchstick Men, as the spot where Roy Waller (Nicolas Cage) and Frank Mercer (Sam Rockwell) met up with their mark, Chuck Frechette (Rizzoli & Isles’ Bruce McGill).



    You can see the since-remodeled Jamaica Bay Inn, which is located across the street from the Harbor House space, in the background of the screen capture pictured below.


    You can find me on Facebook here and on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And be sure to check out my my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic.

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


    Stalk It: Killer Café, aka the former Edie’s Diner from Enough and Dexter, is located at 4211 Admiralty Way in Marina Del Rey.  You can visit the restaurant’s official website here.  The Former Harbor House events venue, from Matchstick Men, is located on the other side of Edie’s, as denoted by the blue arrow above, but shares the address of 4211 Admiralty Way.  The parking lot where Dylan McKay’s father was killed in the “Dead End” episode of Beverly Hills, 90210 is located just around the corner from the Killer Café – it is Public Parking Lot # 9 located at 14110 Palawan Way.  And the Ritz-Carlton, Marina Del Rey from the “No Good Deed” episode of the new 90210 is located just a few blocks east of the Killer Café at 4375 Admiralty Way.

  • Mitch Hiller’s House from “Enough”

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    One location that I have been absolutely obsessed with for what seems like ages now is the ultra-modern beach house where Mitch Hiller (Billy Campbell) lived in the 2002 thriller Enough – which I just recently discovered is the very same spot that stands in for the exterior of the Indianapolis loft belonging to Chris Traeger (Rob Lowe) on fave show Parks and Recreation. Mike had long known where the property was located thanks to a former co-worker of his whose husband was on the Enough crew.  So, while we were in the Marina Del Rey-area on Saturday (which, as I mentioned yesterday, was completely dreary and overcast – I thought it was supposed to be summer, folks!), he took me right on over to stalk the place.  And I am very happy to report that it is just as spectacular in person as it was onscreen.  Looks like this stalker may just have herself a new dream house!  Winking smile


    The Enough house, which was originally constructed in 1996 out of glass, cement and weathering steel, boasts four bedrooms, five baths, an upstairs office, an elevator, a gourmet kitchen, a detached two-car garage, private balconies off of each bedroom, floor-to-ceiling windows, a media room, and sweeping views of Marina Del Rey’s Grand Canal and the Pacific Ocean.  There seems to be some discrepancy online over the abode’s square footage, though, as Zillow (and most property record sites) report it as measuring 5,758 square feet, while the pad’s real estate website claims it to be “almost 3,000”.  From viewing the place’s exterior, I would guess the 3,000 measurement to be the better bet.  And while the dwelling was just recently for sale for a whopping $4,850,000, it appears to have since been taken off the market.

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    In Enough, Slim Hiller (Jennifer Lopez) stalks her abusive ex-husband Mitch and sets up an extensive trap to kill him at the home.


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    And while I would have bet money that the real life interior of the home was used in the filming, that does not appear to have been the case.





    As you can see below, the real life property is not nearly as open as its onscreen counterpart and its ceilings are not nearly as high.





    The actual home also has a more polished and less industrial look than what appeared in the movie.  So while I love, love, love the exterior of the place, I have to say that I much prefer the onscreen design of the interior to the reality.





    And while we were there, I, of course, just had to sit where JLo sat at the end of the flick.  Smile


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    As I mentioned last week in my post about the loft where Chris lives on Parks and Recreation, the exterior of the Enough house also popped up as the exterior of Chris’ pad in the Season 3 episodes titled “Indianapolis” and “Road Trip”.


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    Mike, who, as I have mentioned countless times before, knows the City of L.A. and its surroundings like the back of his hand, also pointed out that retired Laker Rick Fox and then wife, actress Vanessa Williams, used to live right across the canal from the Enough house at 5518 Pacific Avenue.  The home was sold to new owners, though, sometime after the couple divorced in 2004.

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    And while we were stalking the Enough house, Mike and I discovered a gorgeous garden named Channel Pointe located directly across the street.  Apparently gardens like the one pictured below are quite common in Marina Del Rey (which is quickly turning out to be one of my favorite cities in Los Angeles).   Love it!

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    Be sure to “Like” IAMNOTASTALKER on Facebook here and “Friend” me on my personal page here.  You can also check out the IAMNOTASTALKER About Me page here and you can follow me on Twitter at @IAMNOTASTALKER.  And don’t forget to take a look at my other blog, The Well-Heeled Diabetic, here.

    Big THANK YOU to Mike, from MovieShotsLA, for telling me about this location!  Smile

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    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


    Stalk It: Mitch’s house from Enough is located at 5417 Via Donte in Marina Del Rey.  Rick Fox and Vanessa Williams formerly lived across the canal in the home located at 5518 Pacific Avenue.  And the Channel Pointe Garden can be reached from Via Donte, directly across the street from the Enough house.