Tag: Jennifer Aniston

  • The Hyatt Regency Vancouver from “Love Happens”


    My fifth and final Love Happens location – which I found thanks to fellow stalker Owen, as was the case with all of the other Love Happens locations I stalked while in Canada two weeks ago – is the Hyatt Regency Vancouver hotel, where Burke Ryan (aka Aaron Eckhart) hosted his week-long “A-OKAY!” grief workshop seminar in the 2009 romantic comedy.  The Hyatt was one of Love Happens’ focal locations and appeared in countless scenes, including the scene in which florist Eloise Chandler (aka Jennifer Aniston), who hand-delivers floral arrangements to the hotel on a daily basis, first meets Burke.  It is definitely not love at first sight, though, because, in one of the movie’s lighter moments, Eloise pretends to be deaf in order to avoid speaking with him.  LOL

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    I cannot tell you how badly I wanted to go upstairs to take a photograph of the exact spot where Burke first caught Eloise writing the word “Quidnunc” with a pink pen on the hotel’s wall, which is located just outside of Room 1731 on the Hyatt Regency Vancouver’s 17th floor, but, sadly, a room key is required to gain access to each of the different floors.  I explained to the concierge on duty that I was a film locations buff (using the word “stalker” in cases like this typically doesn’t help my cause – ha!) and that I really wanted to snap a quick photograph of “Eloise’s wall” and asked if there was any way she would allow me to take a brief trip up to the 17th floor, but she very adamantly said “No”.   I told her that she could accompany me to make sure I didn’t cause any mischief while up there, but she again declined.  HMPH!  Such a bummer as seeing that wall in person was pretty much the only reason I wanted to stalk the hotel in the first place.  🙁  Ironically enough, the first Hyatt employee that I spoke with about the filming had absolutely NO IDEA WHATSOEVER that any sort of motion picture had been shot on the premises.  After a few minutes of speaking with her she finally said, “Wait, so Love Happens was filmed here?  In this hotel?  Honestly?”  I mean, HELLO!  How do you not know something like that?  It’s not like she was a new employee, either – she was actually working at the hotel at the time the movie was being filmed!!  I really don’t understand people sometimes.  Sigh!

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    I did get to stalk most of the other areas of the hotel that appeared in Love Happens, though, including the main lobby, which at the time of filming featured a Seattle’s Best Coffee bar near the main entrance.  But I am VERY happy to report that Starbucks (my old staple) has now moved into that same space.  YAY!  🙂

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    Also featured was the hotel’s check-in desk area;

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    the elevator bay located just off of the main lobby;

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    and the Gallery Lounge bar, which you can just barely see in the above photograph.  According to the movie’s productions notes, the Vancouver Marriot Pinnacle Downtown hotel was also used in the filming of Love Happens, but I am unsure of exactly which scene it appeared in.


    On a side note – no, you are not seeing things – that is actually an autographed photo of Michael Buble pictured above.  Yes, a photograph of MB that was actually autographed . . . TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!  The photo was gifted to me yesterday by fellow stalker Owen for my birthday and, as you can imagine, I literally just about PASSED OUT upon opening it!!!!  I’m not joking when I say that my mouth was hanging open for a good five minutes.  You’d think I would have screamed upon first laying eyes on it, but I was actually dead silent.  It doesn’t happen often, but Owen managed to render me absolutely speechless!  How did he get the autograph, you ask?   (And believe me, that was the first question playing on my mind when I finally came to after opening it!)  As fate would have it, Owen’s brother Paul has a good friend who is a regular on Saturday Night Live.  When Owen found out that MB would be performing on the show WAY BACK in January of this year, he called in a massively huge favor and asked Paul’s friend if he would get an autograph for me.  Paul’s friend came through BIG TIME and the result is the photograph you see above.  What can I say except it’s, hands down, the BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT I’ve ever received!  I told my friend Nat about it yesterday and she said, “Well, I guess I’m going to have to return what I got you, ‘cause there is no way it can compare to that!  Tell Owen ’Thanks a lot!’”  🙂  My dad actually had surgery yesterday – yes, on my birthday – and when I opened Owen’s present in the morning before heading out to the hospital, I knew it was a good omen, especially being that my dad loves MB just as much as I do.  Sure enough, the surgery went really well and, at the time of this writing, my dad has been out of pain for about ten hours.  The doctors remain very hopeful that the surgery solved his problem, which, after two full years of him being in and out of the hospital on a regular basis and one VERY unsuccessful trip to the Mayo Clinic, would be simply amazing.  So, truth be told, I received TWO of the best gifts of my life yesterday!  And even though I spent the majority of the day in the hospital, I have to say it was, hands down, one of my best birthdays ever.  🙂

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location . . . and, ahem, for the AMAZING birthday present!  Big THANK YOU to Paul, too!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Hyatt Regency Vancouver from Love Happens is located at 655 Burrard Street in Vancouver, British Columbia.  Burke first caught Eloise writing on the wall just outside of Room 1731 on the hotel’s 17th floor.  You can visit the Hyatt Regency Vancouver website here.

  • The “Love Happens” Houses

    Two other Vancouver-area locations that fellow stalker Owen managed to track down from the ultra-depressing 2009 romantic comedy Love Happens were the residences belonging to Eloise Chandler’s mom (aka Frances Conway) and Burke Ryan’s former in-laws (aka Martin Sheen and Deirdre Blades).  Both homes are located about ten miles southeast of Vancouver in the Queens Park area of the city of New Westminster, British Columbia.  And, as I mentioned in Tuesday’s post, even though I didn’t particularly like Love Happens, because it starred my girl Jen, I just had to stalk both locations.


    Eloise’s mom’s house only appears in one very brief scene in Love Happens, in which Eloise (aka Jennifer Aniston) stops by her mom’s residence in order to pick up the keys to a telephone truck she is borrowing from her mom’s neighbor, Bob.  Why is she borrowing a telephone truck, you ask?  Without giving too much away, I’ll just say it’s so that she and Burke (aka Aaron Eckhart) can “attend” a sold out Road Wave concert in a rather unconventional way.

    I am very happy to report that Eloise’s mom’s house looks much the same in person as it did in Love Happens.

    And I am fairly certain that the real life interior of the home also appeared in the movie.

    Located a little over a mile away from Eloise’s mom’s residence is the V.A. Brachat House, where Burke’s in-laws lived in Love Happens.  The absolutely adorabe little house, which was built in 1940, popped up in two different scenes in the movie.

    And, as was the case with Eloise’s mom’s residence, I believe that the real life interior of the V.A. Brachat house also appeared in the flick.

    I am very happy to report that this house also looks much the same in person as it did in Love Happens.

    I was most excited to see that the lightpost on which Rocky, the parrot, waited for Silver at the end of Love Happens was actually there in real life, too. So darn cool!

    Missing in real life, of course, is the “Semper Fi” plaque and sword that ex-Marine Silver had posted above his front door in the movie.

    Burke’s in-law’s house also appeared in the Season 3 episode of the television series Supernatural titled “A Very Supernatural Christmas”.  I found this information thanks to the Supernatural Locations Website, a fabulous site dedicated to finding each and every locale ever featured on the show.  So darn cool!

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding these locations!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Eloise’s mom’s house from Love Happens is located at 202  7 Avenue East in New Westminster, British Columbia, ten miles outside of Vancouver.  Burke’s in-law’s house is located at 115 Queens Avenue, also in New Westminster.

  • The Water Street Cafe from “Love Happens”


    Just down the street from the former Tabu Boutique, the storefront that masqueraded as Eloise’s Garden in the 2009 movie Love Happens which I blogged about yesterday, is Water Street Cafe, the upscale restaurant where Eloise Chandler (aka Jennifer Aniston) and Burke Ryan (aka Aaron Eckhart) ate dinner during their extremely awkward first date at the beginning of the flick.  I found this locale once again thanks to fellow stalker Owen who somehow managed to track down almost every single location featured in the movie.  Unfortunately, though, because our time in Vancouver was limited (we were only in town for less than 24 hours as we wanted to spend a full two days in Seattle), while we were able to stalk the exterior of the Water Street Cafe, we weren’t able to grab a bite to eat there.  As so often happens on vacation, there were just far too many locations on my To-Stalk list and not enough hours in the day to see them all.  🙁

    In Love Happens, Eloise and Burke eat at a window-side table overlooking Cambie Street.

    After finishing their meal, the two walk out of the restaurant’s main entrance on Water Street . . .


    . . . and around the corner onto Cambie Street, where Burke confesses to Eloise that he hasn’t been on a date in over three years.



    The Water Street Cafe was first opened in 1988 by Domenique Sabatino.  I’m quite bummed that we didn’t get a chance to eat there as the restaurant’s Italian-inspired menu looks pretty amazing, especially the Stuffed Pancetta Wrapped Chicken entree – a spinach stuffed chicken breast that is wrapped in pancetta and topped with brie.  OH MY LORD does that sounds good!!  🙂  Especially since my dad is once again in the hospital and I’ve been existing solely on hospital cafeteria food for the past six days.  Yeech!


    Water Street Cafe is located directly across the street from the world-famous Vancouver Steam Clock, a large glass, antique-looking clock that is powered entirely via a combination of balance weights and steam.  The clock was first built in 1977 by horologist Raymond Saunders and has been whistling and shooting out steam at fifteen minute intervals ever since.  There are only six other working steam clocks in the entire world and the one in Gastown has been called Vancouver’s most photographed attraction.  According to the Love Happens production notes, producers had to time the filming of the scene shot outside of the Water Street Cafe in accordance with the every-quarter-hour whistle of the clock.  🙂

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Water Street Cafe from Love Happens is located at 300 Water Street in the Gastown area of Vancouver, British Columbia.  You can visit the Water Street Cafe website here.  The Vancouver Steam Clock is located across the street at 305 Water Street.

  • Eloise’s Garden from “Love Happens”


    Another location that I was dying to stalk while in Canada last weekend was the storefront which stood in for Eloise’s Garden, the flower shop owned by Eloise Chandler (aka Jennifer Aniston), in the 2009 romantic dramedy Love Happens.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Owen, who has amassed quite an extensive collection of Pacific Northwest stalking sites over the past few years.  And, even though I didn’t particularly love Love Happens, a largely depressing flick which centers around a young widower/self help guru named Burke Ryan (aka Aaron Eckhart) who finds a second chance at love while hosting a grief seminar in Seattle, because it starred my girl Jen, I just had to stalk all of the locations featured in it.  And, again, I really have to apologize for the photographs which appear in this post – apparently I had my new camera on the wrong setting during my entire Canadian vacation, which caused all of the photographs I took to come out slightly blurry.  Ugh!


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    Even though Love Happens is set in Seattle, Washington, the vast majority of the movie was actually filmed about 150 miles north of the Emerald City in Vancouver, British Columbia.  As a matter of fact, only one week out of the entire nine week production schedule was spent in Seattle.  The remaining eight weeks were spent on location in Canada.  And, amazingly enough, Jennifer Aniston never actually set foot in the State of Washington during the entire filming – all of her scenes were lensed north of the border in Vancouver.  Producers ended up finding the perfect space to house Eloise’s Garden, the supposed Pioneer Square-area flower shop that served as one of the movie’s central locations, at a lingerie store named Tabu Boutique in the Gastown section of Downtown Vancouver.  Both the interior and the exterior of Tabu were used in the filming of Love Happens and producers even went so far as to completely dismantle the inside of the lingerie store in order to create Eloise’s colorful floral shop.

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    Sadly, though, Tabu Boutique closed its doors in May of this year and the space it once occupied is currently vacant, so we were unable to stalk the interior.  I took the above photographs through the store’s front window, but, oh, how I would have loved to have actually gone inside to take a closer look at the premises and to speak to the Tabu employees about the filming.  Fellow stalker Kerry and I both agreed that this was one of the more disappointing stalks of our trip.  🙁  Especially since, according to some information that I found online, there were several photographs of the filming of Love Happens and its leading lady Jennifer Aniston featured on display when the store was still open.

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    As you can see in the above screen captures, the interior of Eloise’s Garden appears to be much larger than the size of the actual former Tabu space.  So much larger, in fact, that I was convinced a set had been used for the filming of the interior scenes.  But we spoke to some employees of a neighboring store who told us that the inside of Tabu did indeed stand in for the interior of Eloise’s Garden.  The movie’s production notes further corroborate that fact.  You can see photographs of what the interior of Tabu used to look like here and you can see some photographs of the shop as it was dressed for the filming here.  Of the florist set, Love Happens producer Scott Stuber said, it was the “best-smelling set on which we’ve all worked”.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to fellow stalker Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The former Tabu Boutique, aka Eloise’s Garden from Love Happens, is located at 51 Powell Street in the Gastown area of Vancouver, Canada.

  • The New York Public Library from “Sex and the City: The Movie”


    In honor of today’s big premiere of Sex and The City 2, I thought I’d blog about a location from the original movie that I stalked this past October while I was in Manhattan – the New York Public Library.  And even though I’ve actually blogged about this location once before, since I did not include any interior photographs, I thought the place was definitely worth re-visiting.  In the original Sex and the City movie, Carrie Bradshaw (aka Sarah Jessica Parker) and her fiancé Mr. Big (aka Chris Noth) plan to hold their upcoming nuptials at the library because, as Carrie says, it is “the classic New York landmark that housed all the great love stories”.  The New York Public Library was constructed during the years 1902 through 1911 on the site of the former Croton Reservoir and was designed by the architecture firm Carrere & Hastings.  The Beaux-Arts structure, which is made of white marble and cost $9 million to build, encompasses two full blocks of New York City land and contains 88 miles of shelving which holds over seven million books.  Amazingly enough, any one of those seven million tomes can be requested and delivered to the library’s main circulation desk within a period of ten minutes or less!  The New York Public Library, which was named a National Historic Monument in 1965, is a truly amazing piece of architecture and, being that it is symbolic of the two great loves of Carrie Bradshaw’s life – New York City and writing – it is easy to see why producers chose it as the site of her ill-fated wedding.

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    The library shows up twice in Sex and the City: The Movie. It first appears in the scene in which Carrie, while returning the book “Love Letters of Great Men, Volume I”, spots a wedding being set up in the library’s mezzanine.  She immediately decides the place is the perfect location for her own upcoming nuptials.

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    That first scene was shot in the extremely beautiful McGraw Rotunda, which is located on the library’s second floor.

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    The New York Public Library next appears in the big wedding scene, during which Mr. Big stands Carrie up at the altar.  And I should state here that the wedding scene seriously annoyed me.  I mean, honestly, how many times can we expect Big to screw up before Carrie leaves him for good????  The SATC writers really need to come up with a new way of creating tension, because the whole Big-breaks-Carrie’s-heart thing was already getting old way back in Season 3.  We should be long past that storyline by now, but I digress.


    According to the SUPER nice security guard I spoke with, producers had the McGraw Rotunda intricately decorated with thousands upon thousands of flowers and other adornments for the wedding scene, yet none of it was visible in the movie.  The only time any of the wedding decorations can be spotted is in the above-pictured blink-and-you’ll miss it scene in which Anthony Marentino (aka Mario Cantone) tells an assistant to keep all of the wedding guests off of the main stairwell.

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    The scene in which Mr. Big tells Carrie via telephone that he “couldn’t get out of the car” and that he will not be going through with the wedding was filmed in the library’s Astor Hall area, just off of the main lobby.

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    Miranda (aka Cynthia Nixon) and Charlotte (aka Kristin Davis) immediately grab Carrie and rush her out of the library’s northernmost front door.

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    And, while I was stalking the library, I, of course, just had to reenact the scene in which a devastated Carrie drops her cell phone after finding out that Big has stood her up.

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    Sex and the City: The Movie was hardly the first production to film at the library, though.  The building was also the site of the benefit gala in the Season 3 episode of Gossip Girl titled “Ex-Husbands and Wives”



    In the 1961 movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Paul Varjak (aka George Peppard) and Holly Golightly (aka Audrey Hepburn) stop into the library during their “things we’ve never done before” day.  And while the real life exterior of the library appeared in that scene, I cannot say for certain that the actual interior was also used.  The interior scenes quite possibly may have been filmed on a studio soundstage.  The library also appeared in a later scene in the movie as the spot where Paul first tells Holly that he loves her.  And I just have to say here that I find it absolutely amazing that Audrey Hepburn’s costumes are still stylish today, almost five decades after Breakfast at Tiffany’s was filmed!  I mean, how adorable is the orange jacket pictured above?  But, again, I digress.


    In the original Spider-Man movie, Uncle Ben (aka Cliff Robertson) drops off Peter Parker (aka Tobey Maguire) at the library, where he is supposedly going to do some studying.  Peter instead goes to a wrestling match dressed as Spider-Man.  When Ben later comes to pick Peter up, he gets killed outside of the library’s main entrance.

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    Jenna Rink (aka Jennifer Garner) and Matt Flamhaff (aka Mark Ruffalo) stage part of their “Class of 2004” photo shoot in front of the New York Public Library in fave movie 13 Going On 30.

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    In 1997’s Picture Perfect, the library was the site of the Gulden’s Mustard party where Kate Mosley (aka my girl Jennifer Aniston) first becomes disillusioned with the advertising world.

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    And while a large portion of the movie The Day After Tomorrow was set in the New York Public Library, no filming actually took place there.  Instead producers built a replica of the library’s interior on a studio soundstage that they later destroyed during the massive flood scenes.  According to the security guard that I spoke with, set designers spent weeks taking measurements of the interior of the library so that it could be exactly replicated for the filming.

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    In The Thomas Crown Affair, the inside of the library stood in for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as the Met refused to let any interior scenes be shot on the premises.

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    The first Ghostbusters movie actually opens with a shot of the New York Public Library and its famous stone lions, who are named Patience and Fortitude.  The library has also appeared in the movies On The Town, Pickup on South Street, A Thousand Clowns, The Clock, King Kong, and You’re a Big Boy Now, and in the television series Kings.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The New York Public library is located on the corner of Fifth Avenue and West 42nd Street in New York City.  It is open to the public daily.

  • Marix Tex Mex Cafe – Jennifer Aniston’s Favorite Restaurant


    Two weeks ago, while out doing some Oscar Weekend stalking, I dragged my fiancé to Marix Tex Mex Cafe in West Hollywood, a restaurant which has long been one of my girl Jen Aniston’s favorite places to dine.  And while Jen has always been pretty vocal about her love of Mexican food and margaritas, I had never actually heard of the eatery until last year when a woman in one of my acting classes mentioned that she had spotted the actress there on numerous occasions.  Well, let me tell you, I just about died upon hearing that!  For whatever reason, though, I had yet to stalk the restaurant.  So, when I realized that my fiancé and I were in the West Hollywood vicinity this past Oscar Weekend, I begged him to make a little lunchtime pit stop at the Tex Mex hot spot.  It should come as no surprise that the Grim Cheaper was not AT ALL keen on the idea of grabbing a bite to eat at a place frequented by a famous actress, as he thought the prices would be outrageously expensive.  I am happy to report, though, that Marix was EXTREMELY reasonable and that even the Grim Cheaper enjoyed himself while there!  🙂





    Marix is an absolutely ADORABLE little restaurant tucked away off of Santa Monica Boulevard on a tree-lined side street in uber-hip West Hollywood.  The eatery is small, casual, and intimate and it’s not at all hard to see why Jen frequents the place.  Not to mention the fact that it serves up some fabulous food!  Like FABULOUS!  The chicken fajitas were A-MA-ZING, as were the tortilla chips and fresh salsa.  I literally gorged myself while there.  The Marix staff also could NOT have been more friendly and I am happy to report that the place lacks any of the pretentiousness that is usually prevalent in L.A. area restaurants.  I literally cannot say enough good things about the place and wish I lived closer so that I could frequent it more often.


    Marix Tex Mex Cafe has actually been a long time favorite of Jen’s and was even mentioned way back in December of 2001 in this People Magazine article about the star.  According to my friend from acting class, Jen can usually be spotted on the restaurant’s SUPER CUTE front patio which is pictured above.  I hear Jen doesn’t frequent the place as much as she used to, though, thanks to the paparazzi who discovered the celebrity hot spot a few years ago and have been a constant presence ever since.  Other stars who have dined at the eatery include Jessica Simpson and her BFF/hair stylist Ken Paves, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, and their daughter Coco, Kate Hudson, Oliver Hudson, Ian Ziering, Brad Pitt, Angie Everhart, Dexter’s Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter, Ron Livingston, Gwen Stefani, Gavin Rossdale, Pamela Anderson, Michelle Rodriguez, Wanda Sykes, The Biggest Loser’s Bob Harper, and Wilson Cruz of My So-Called Life fame.


    And while we didn’t run into Jen while dining there, we did spot former Bachelorette contestant Jerry Ferris at the table directly in front of us.  I noticed Jerry pretty much immediately upon sitting down, but, while I knew he was famous, neither my fiancé nor I could place who he was.  I asked our waitress if she recognized him and she in turn asked the other servers on duty, but no one seemed to have any idea whether or not he was even famous.  Am I the only person who watched Season Three of The Bachelorette????  LOL  Anyway, by that time I was going absolutely crazy because I KNEW I recognized Jerry, but could not for the life of me figure out from where.  Then all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks – sitting in front of me was the man who had stolen America’s heart (or at least mine) on Jen Schefft’s season of The Bachelorette.  I had absolutely LOVED Jerry on the series and was actually lucky enough to have met him shortly after his reality TV stint ended just about five years ago.  Well, as soon as I figured out it was him, I told my fiancé I wanted to ask for a photograph, but that I felt bad since he was eating at the time, to which the Grim Cheaper said, “You ALREADY have a photograph with the guy (pictured above) – please do NOT bother him again.”  LOL  Sadly, I listened to the GC and did not go up to Jerry (HMPH!), but I really regret doing so as he had been a TOTAL sweetheart to me when I met him back in 2005.  Ah well!  Maybe I’ll run into Jerry during my next Marix stalk.  😉

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Marix Tex Mex Cafe is located at 1108 North Flores Street in West Hollywood.  They also have a second location which can be found at 118 Entrada Drive in Santa Monica.  You can visit the Marix website here.

  • Jennifer Aniston’s Former Beach House


    While out stalking the ‘Bu with Mike, from MovieShotsLA, a couple of weeks ago, I just about had a complete heart attack as the two of us passed by my girl Jen Aniston’s former beach house and I noticed that the door to the front gate was standing WIDE OPEN!  Let me tell you, I must have screamed for a good sixty seconds over that one!  Once Mike regained his hearing ;), he made an immediate U-turn across Pacific Coast Highway so that the two of us could head over to the house to get a peek behind the gates.  I’ve actually stalked Jen’s former Malibu bungalow a few times in the past – and have even blogged about it once before – but being that this was the first time I was catching a glimpse of her front courtyard area, I figured the place was worth a re-post.  And let me tell you, I was pretty much dying the whole time I was there.  I mean never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I’d get to see past that front gate!


    As we walked up to the house we noticed some workers standing out front, so I, of course, struck up a conversation with them.  The workers told us that they were doing some landscaping in the front courtyard area of the residence, which is why the gate was open.  When I asked one of them if he knew that Jennifer Aniston used to live on the property, he looked at me like he had absolutely no idea who Jennifer Aniston even was.  LOL


    I didn’t want to overstep my bounds or get the landscapers in any sort of trouble while I was stalking the place, so I stayed on the sidewalk area while taking the above pictures, but believe me I was absolutely dying to venture in for a closer look!



    I did manage to catch a glimpse of the glass front door, though, which you can just barely see in the above pictures.


    While there, I was so focused on seeing Jen’s former courtyard area that I didn’t even realize the garage door to the house was open.  It wasn’t until Mike elbowed me and whispered really loudly in my ear, “GET A PICTURE OF THE GARAGE!  GET A PICTURE OF THE GARAGE!  That’s where Jen did her laundry!” that I even noticed it.   LOL  I so wanted Mike to ask the landscaping guys if we could peek inside the house, but he refused as he felt like that would definitely be crossing a line.  And I have to admit I agree with him – which is why I didn’t want to ask the workers myself.  😉  But, oh, what I wouldn’t give to see the inside of that house!




    During the time Jen rented the home, the glass walls of the back patio area were actually covered over with some sort of black paneling which shielded the star from the prying eyes of not only the paparazzi, but stalkers such as myself.  So, I was beyond floored when Mike and I traveled to the back side of the property and noticed that those panels were no longer there, which meant that Jen’s former “backyard” was visible.  YAY!  It’s actually very surprising to me that the notoriously press-shy Aniston ever lived in this house – especially during her divorce, when the media frenzy was at an all-time high – being that the public beach access walkway is located just a few feet to the east of the property.  Because the area was so easily accessible, the paparazzi used to supposedly camp out night and day on the beach directly behind her house.  Ugh!


    Jen moved into her wood-shingled Malibu beach bungalow in early 2005, immediately following her separation from now ex-husband Brad Pitt.  She leased the property, which is supposedly owned by Oracle C.E.O Larry Ellison, through the end of 2007 for a reported $30,000 a month.  Despite the fact that it is located right on the sand, thisclose to the ocean, Jen’s former beach house is fairly modest by celebrity standards.  The residence, which was built in 1945, boasts two bedrooms, three bathrooms, and measures a scant 1,531 square feet.  And I have to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the place.  The house is incredibly charming and so very, for lack of a better word, cute and I would give anything to live in something similar.  I am so enamored of the place in fact that I would consider it my dream pad, even if it hadn’t been previously lived in by Jen.  😉  The two-story bungalow is actually the place where the actress conducted her infamous first post-split interview which ran in the September 2005 issue of Vanity Fair magazine.  According to several other interviews which also took place at the home, Jen decorated her bachelorette pad with mostly white furnishings adorned with white candles, white flowers, and quite a bit of Asian-inspired decor.  She also reportedly kept a little vase filled with loose Merit brand cigarettes on an end table next to the couch for her guests to partake of.  Apparently Jen remodeled the home a bit, even though it was a rental, before moving in.   Vanity Fair author Leslie Bennetts says, “Although the bungalow was dark and depressing when she first saw it, a quickie makeover has transformed it into a cozy sanctuary that’s far more representative of Aniston’s personal taste than the showplace she and Pitt shared, where the decor seemed all hard edges and unforgiving materials.”  Bennetts goes on to ask Jen what she likes best about being separated from Brad, to which the actress responds, “I can have a comfortable couch.”  LOL


    On a side note – Early last year fave website Big Time Listings reported on another (possible) former rental of Aniston’s in the Laurel Canyon area.  And while Big Time Listings can’t actually verify that the actress ever lived in the home, according to the September 2009 issue of Elle Magazine, Jen did rent a house in Laurel Canyon during her pre-Friends days, so it’s a definite possibility.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Jennifer Aniston’s former beach rental is located at 22164 Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

  • Cole’s Restaurant from “A Lot Like Love”


    This past weekend I dragged my fiancé out to re-stalk Cole’s Restaurant, a location that I originally blogged about way back in May of 2008.  I first learned about the old time watering hole while watching the DVD commentary for fave movie A Lot Like Love, during which one of the film’s directors mentions that the New York bar scene featured at the beginning of the flick wasn’t actually filmed on the East Coast at all, but at a historic little bar in Downtown Los Angeles named Cole’s.  After doing a bit of online research I discovered that COUNTLESS movies had actually been filmed on location at the historic bar, so I, of course, immediately dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place.  Sadly, though, upon arriving we were greeted by a sign announcing that the restaurant was closed for a massive renovation project.  🙁  And I have longed to stalk the place ever since.  So, since we were in the area this past weekend, I begged my fiancé to make a little pit stop there and, since he was hungry at the time, he happily obliged.  YAY!



    Cole’s actually has a few other claims to fame besides being an oft-used filming location, including the fact that it is not only where the French Dip sandwich was first originated, but it is also the oldest continuously operating bar and restaurant in all of Los Angeles.



    Cole’s, which was originally known as Cole’s P.E. Buffet, was first opened on December 8, 1908 by an entrepreneur named Harry Cole in what was once the main terminal of the Pacific Electric Building.  That very same year, Cole’s main chef, a resourceful young man named Jack Garlinghouse, dipped the bread of a roast beef sandwich in Au Jus sauce in order to soften it for a customer who suffered from sore gums, and, thus, the French Dip sandwich was born.  Those sandwiches, and the restaurant itself, became extremely popular with the hundreds of thousands of commuters who traveled through the Pacific Electric Building terminal each day.  Twenty-five years later, in 1933, Cole’s was still such a popular spot that on the day California nixed its ban on beer, the bar served up over 19,000 gallons of the stuff to its parched customers.  Yes, you read that right – 19,000 GALLONS in ONE day!  That same year, Harry Cole’s son, Rawland, who was a bit of an entrepreneur himself, decided to start cashing checks out of the restaurant’s back room and wound up giving out over $1,000,000 each month (and we’re talking 1930’s money!), which was a larger amount than any U.S. bank was giving out during that same time!  Cole’s has also had a longtime celebrity following, attracting such notables as Mickey Cohen who was a regular there during the 70’s and even had his own booth.


    In 2007, Cole’s was purchased by a Los Angeles area development company named 213 who subsequently began a year-long, $1.6 million restoration process on the historic restaurant, during which its 40-foot long mahogany bar, porcelain penny tile mosaic flooring, and antique Tiffany glass lamps were all brought back to their original glory.  The 213 company, which is headed by C.E.O. Cedd Moses, even added a “secret” bar in what was formerly Cole’s storage room.  That secret bar is named “The Varnish” and it is so hidden, in fact, that I had absolutely no idea it was there until I read about it online after I got home.  🙁  For their restoration efforts of the legendary restaurant, 213 was awarded the Los Angeles Conservancy’s Preservation Award.


    Cole’s specialty is, of course, its signature hand-carved, made-to-order French Dip sandwich which was originated on the premises one hundred and two years ago.  There’s actually another L.A. area restaurant named Phillipe’s also laying claim to that exact same feat and the dispute between the two establishments is almost as old as the sandwich itself.  But being that in 1974 the City of Los Angeles designated Cole’s a Historical Landmark Site and a State Point of Historical Interest not only due to its significant location, but also to its culinary invention, I think it’s safe to say that Cole’s has won that battle.  🙂  Cole’s French Dips can be constructed out of a variety of meats, including lamb, pastrami, turkey, and the typical roast beef.  They can also be adorned with extra meat, Swiss, cheddar, goat, or blue cheeses, and an “atomic pickle spear”. I opted for a turkey French dip, sans the cheese and pickle, and I have to say it was absolutely A-MA-ZING!  The meat truly was hand-carved, right-off-the-turkey-type turkey and I loved every last bite of it.  What I loved more, though, was the historic aura of the place.  It was incredible to be sitting there, dining on my French dip, thinking about the fact that the very sandwich I was now eating had actually been created on the premises over a century ago.  Yes, I’ll take my meal with a side of history, please.  😉  I think it goes without saying that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED Cole’s and I honestly can’t recommend stalking the place enough!




    In A Lot Like Love, Cole’s stood in for the New York bar where Oliver (aka Ashton Kutcher) and Emily (aka Amanda Peet) make a $50 bet that he won’t be a successful married businessman in six years time.


    And I, of course, just had to eat lunch while sitting in the same spot where Ashton and Amanda sat in the flick.  🙂


    The side booth area that is visible to the left of Ashton in the above screen capture is no longer a part of Cole’s.  It was closed off during the restaurant’s recent remodel and is now a separately owned “secret” bar known as the Association.  Yes, there are two secret bars located on the Cole’s premises!


    The Association’s unmarked front door is pictured above.




    In Jumpin’ Jack Flash – one of my all-time favorite movies EVER – Cole’s once again stood in for a New York bar, this time as the place where Terri Dolittle (aka Whoopi Goldberg) gets kidnapped by a man in a tow truck while making a telephone call from a public phone booth.





    It is during this scene that Whoopi utters the infamous line “I am little black woman in a big silver box!”   LOL


    Towards the end of the movie, Whoopi once again runs by the restaurant on her way back to her office after escaping from the police.  Cole’s is also talked about throughout the flick as the place where Whoopi and her pals hang out after work.  Ironically enough, back before my very first trip to the Big Apple, I spent HOURS using Google Street View to search New York for this location.  It wasn’t until years later, when I stalked Cole’s the first time after watching A Lot Like Love, that realized my mistake.  I can’t believe I wasted so much time scouring New York for this location, when the whole time it was literally right in my own backyard!  😉





    In Rumor Has It, Cole’s stands in for the San Francisco bar named the Fillmore Pub, where Kevin Costner and my girl Jen Aniston share a dance.  Ironically enough, before I knew about Cole’s, I actually spent quite a bit of time searching the San Francisco area for this spot!  Which means – you guessed it! – that I not only wasted countless hours searching for this location – not realizing it was the same place featured in Jumpin’ Jack Flash – in New York, but in San Francisco, too.  LOL  Man, I’m such a blonde sometimes!




    The scene where Kevin and Jen kiss outside of the ladies’ room after their dance was really filmed in the bathroom area of Cole’s, as well.



    The exterior of the restaurant was also used in the filming of the scene, although they changed the signage to read “Fillmore Pub”.  As you can see in the above photograph (which was taken during my first Cole’s stalk) and screen capture, though, the signage used in the movie is an exact match to Cole’s real life signage.  Love it!




    In Forrest Gump, Cole’s yet again stood in for a New York watering hole.  It was used as the spot where Forrest and Lieutenant Dan spend New Year’s Eve of 1971.  Sadly, though, not much of the bar is visible in that scene.





    On a side note – Located directly across the street from Cole’s is a little place named J &J Sandwich Shop, which is the restaurant which stood in for the Night Owl Cafe in fave movie L.A. Confidential.




    And located directly above Cole’s is the ninth floor window from which Bud White (aka Russell Crowe) hung D.A. Ellis Loew (aka Ron Rifkin) in the same movie.


    Cole’s has also appeared in an episode of The X-Files, in numerous episodes of both Mad Men and NYPD Blue, and it flashed by very briefly in the 1991 movie Guilty By Suspicion. And, according to legend, the Terminal Bar from 1988’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit, which was in actuality just a set, was based on Cole’s.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Cole’s is located at 118 East Sixth Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  You can visit their website here.

  • SpeedZone from “Guess Who”


    This past New Year’s, my fiancé’s entire family – including his two school-age nephews – came to town to watch the Rose Parade.  Before their arrival, he scoured the internet to find some fun places in the L.A. area to take the kids after the festivities were over.  One of the ideas he came up with was to spend a few hours at SpeedZone in the City of Industry – an amusement park of sorts which features an array of kid-friendly fun such as go-kart racing, miniature golf, and a large arcade.  I have to admit that I wasn’t actually too keen on the idea at first . . . until my fiancé told me that the place was an oft-used filming location, that is.  And then I was 100 percent on board with the venue and even tried to convince everyone that we should skip the whole parade and just head straight there instead!  🙂




    SpeedZone is best known for its four go kart courses, for which it recently won the LA Magazine “Best of Los Angeles 2009” – Best Go Kart Track award.  Those four tracks include the Top Eliminator Dragster, where racers drive authentic 300 horsepower NHRA dragsters on a mini-track reaching speeds of 70 miles per hour in less than 3.5 seconds;




    the Slick Trax – an ultra-slick polished surface course which encourages spinning and can accommodate up to 15 different drivers at the same time;




    the Grand Prix – a long, single licensed-driver course based on Formula 1 and Indy Car tracks which features tight turns and a speed timer; and the Turbo Track (which I unfortunately did not get a picture of) – a course which can accommodate up to twenty drivers at a time racing in high-torque one- and two-seater cars.     Not into go karts?  Well, that’s OK, too, because SpeedZone also features an arcade which boasts over 100 games including numerous video games, air hockey tables, and, my personal favorite, skee ball machines.  There are also two 18-hole golf-courses on the premises and a cafe which serves up pizza, sandwiches, burgers, and cocktails.  Yes, you read that right, the SpeedZone Cafe has a full bar, because adults enjoy go kart racing, too, you know.  😉




    While hanging out at SpeedZone, I raced on both the Top Eliminator Dragster course and the Grand Prix course and the Grand Prix was by far my favorite.  I had an ABSOLUTE blast racing and actually thought I was burning up the course the whole way through . . .


    . . . until I got to the end and noticed my pitiful time!  Yes, the 75.249 time is mine.  As you can see, two of the other racers noted on the board pictured above completed the race in almost half the amount of time it took me!  LOL  What can I say, I am cursed with having the opposite of a lead foot.  But I had an absolute blast being there and cannot wait to go back . . . and hopefully improve my time!  🙂





    SpeedZone’s most memorable cinematic appearance was in the 2005 comedy Guess Who in the scene in which overprotective father Percy Jones (aka Bernie Mac) challenges his future son-in-law Simon Green (aka Ashton Kutcher) to a little drag race on the Grand Prix track.  The two get into a bit of a scuffle during the race and wind up veering off the track, through a large hedge, and straight into oncoming traffic.


    Contrary to what was shown in Guess Who, though, SpeedZone does not allow two people to race on the Grand Prix track at the same time.  And don’t go looking for the archway pictured above, which Bernie and Ashton drive under in the movie, either, because I could not find it anywhere, which leads me to believe that it was either a prop brought in for the filming or that it used to be a real feature of the track that was removed sometime after filming took place.





    SpeedZone also stood in for Zany Town, the Chuck E. Cheese style arcade featured in the ultra-depressing Season One episode of CSI: Miami entitled “Broken”.  The episode was actually filmed almost in its entirety on the SpeedZone premises.



    The park’s golf area was also used in “Broken”, as the “Sir Golf-A-Lot” miniature golf course, where H and the gang finally apprehended the bad guy at the end of the episode.


    SpeedZone has also been featured in the reality shows Blind Date, Amish in the City, Average Joe, Who Wants To Marry My Dad, and Dismissed, on the game show Jeopardy, and it is set to appear in an upcoming episode of the new Melrose Place.  While I was stalking SpeedZone, I just had to ask one of the employees which celebrities had visited the theme park over the years and I just about died when he told me that Jennifer Aniston had been there!  Love it!  I was even wearing my Team Aniston sweatshirt at the time.  🙂  Courteney Cox and David Arquette have also raced cars at the park.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: SpeedZone is located at 17871 Castleton Street in the City of Industry.  You can visit their website hereGuess Who was filmed on the Grand Prix track and CSI: Miami was filmed in the Electric Alley arcade and on the Speedway miniature golf course.

  • Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts


    Many years ago, I was enrolled in an acting school in Burbank that was located just down the street from a little coffee shop named Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts.  I logged quite a bit of time at the coffee house, as my classmates and I would often grab a coffee and hang out there before and after class.  So, when the place popped up in an episode of Desperate Housewives a few weeks ago, I literally almost fell out of my chair!   Since I hadn’t been to Priscilla’s in almost eight years – and because I’m always on the lookout for any excuse to visit a coffee house – I decided I just had to stalk the place.  So, yesterday I headed out to Burbank – laptop in hand – to spend the morning blogging and drinking coffee at Priscilla’s.  And, let me tell you, the place was absolutely JAM PACKED when I arrived.  There literally wasn’t an empty seat in the entire house.  I was shocked that the the place would be so crowded on a weekday morning, but that’s a definite testament to how good Priscilla’s coffee is.  🙂  Anyway, after ordering my iced latte, I retreated to a nearby corner and waited around for a table to open up.  Well, I wasn’t standing there more than 45 seconds when an extremely kind gentleman walked up and offered to share his table with me!!  How incredibly nice is that?  I almost couldn’t believe it, as people in L.A. aren’t usually that overtly friendly.  But, from what I noticed yesterday, that’s just par for the course at Priscilla’s – people there are just plain nice!  🙂  So, my new friend and I sat there for a while – me blogging away on my laptop, him studying his lines for an upcoming addition, both of us enjoying some extremely good coffee.  🙂 


    Surprisingly enough, when I used to hang out at Priscilla’s many years back, I wasn’t a coffee drinker.  In fact, until yesterday morning, I had never actually tasted any of Priscilla’s coffee and I honestly didn’t have high hopes that the place would compare to my beloved Starbucks.  So, you can imagine my surprise when I tasted my latte yesterday morning and discovered it was JUST as good as Starbucks, if not better!  It was so tasty, in fact, that as soon as I finished my first cup, I got in line to order another!  LOL   And it was while I was waiting for my second drink that I asked the barista if it would be alright to snap a few photos of the store.  I really wasn’t sure how she would respond, because as I’ve mentioned before, for whatever reason, many restaurants in L.A. don’t allow any sort of interior photography.  Well, not only did she tell me it was OK to snap pictures, but she also asked if I wanted her to take a photograph of me in the shop!!!!!  I mean could this place be any greater????  The above photo is the one she took, and the other barista on duty even agreed to pose with me for it!  LOVE IT!  🙂




    Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts has actually been in business since the early 1970s, at which time it was operated out of a former gas station.  In 1993, due to a growing demand, the coffee house moved to a larger location on Riverside Drive in Burbank where it has remained ever since.  Besides coffee, Priscilla’s also serves up teas, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and even gelato.  It’s also a great place to browse as they have numerous gift items and greeting cards for sale.  And the fact that the place has free wi-fi and plays 80s music (including Michael Jackson!!!) is pretty much just icing on the cake!  🙂  Priscilla’s is a SUPER cute little coffee shop and I honestly cannot recommend stalking it enough!!!!  In fact, I’m thinking of becoming a regular there!  🙂




    Priscilla’s first popped up in the episode of Desperate Housewives  entitled “The Coffee Cup”, which aired on November 15th.  Quite a few scenes from the episode took place at Priscilla’s, which stood in for “The Coffee Cup Bakery & Cafe” on the show.  It first appeared in the scene in which Julie Mayer (aka Andrea Bowen) has a highly awkward encounter with her married boyfriend’s wife, Angie Bolen (aka Drea de Matteo), while waiting in line for coffee.




    Later in the episode, Angie confronts her husband Nick (aka Jeffrey Nordling) at Priscilla’s, after she sees him flirting with a Coffee Cup barista named Emily Portsmith. 




    And, finally, at the very end of that episode, Priscilla’s shows up once again as the spot where Nick makes a phone call to the police to let them know he is thinking of turning himself in for an as-yet unnamed crime . . .




    . . . and as the spot where barista Emily is strangled.




    And, in the following episode, which was entitled “Would I Think of Suicide?”, Priscilla’s shows up yet again!  It is featured in the episode’s opening scene, in which the manager of The Coffee Cup enters the store in the early morning hours only to discover Emily lying dead on the floor.




    In a subsequent scene, Julie Mayer and her friends discuss Emily’s death out in front of Pricilla’s.



    Besides being a filming location, Pricilla’s is also something of a celebrity hotspot, thanks to its proximity to the area studios.  Just a few of the stars who have been spotted there recently include Jay Leno, Ben Affleck and Kevin Connolly.  Randomly enough, while I was attending acting school in Burbank, I happened to see a television show on the E! Network (for the life of me I cannot remember what it was called!) that featured paparazzi videos of celebrities performing day to day activities.  One of the videos featured an old clip of my girl Jen Aniston during the early days of Friends grabbing a cup of coffee at Priscilla’s.   And, let me tell you, when I saw that video I just about had a heart attack over the fact that Jen had visited the very same coffee shop that I was hanging out in at the time!!  🙂    What can I say, the girl’s got good taste!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Pricilla’s Gourmet Coffee and Teas is located at 4150 Riverside Drive in Burbank.  You can visit their website here.