Tag: Jamie Foxx

  • The “Horrible Bosses” Movie Premiere


    Last Thursday afternoon, fellow stalkers Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, Scotty, CB, Anushika, and I all headed out to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Downtown Hollywood to do some stalking of the world premiere of my girl Jen Aniston’s latest movie Horrible Bosses. As amazing as it may sound, prior to that day, I had never before stalked a movie premiere. While I randomly found myself at the premiere of He’s Just Not That Into You back in February of 2009, I was only able to stick around for about ten minutes or so, and while I attended the premiere of Friday the 13th, also in February of 2009, I actually had tickets to that one and watched the movie from inside the theatre. So this was the first time that I would truly be stalking a premiere, i.e. showing up hours early and standing along the fan barricade on Hollywood Boulevard. Both Pinky and Mikey had warned me that not only were premieres not the greatest place to get photographs with celebrities, but that Grauman’s was the worst, least fan-friendly venue of them all. Because I suffer from eternal optimism, though (it’s something I get from my mom), I headed out there on Thursday afternoon emboldened with extremely high hopes. In fact, Mikey suggested I might want to take some sort of pill to calm my spirits. Winking smile


    Adding to my optimism was the fact that I had asked my dad to overnight me his camera for the event (his is far better than mine) and when it arrived, I opened up the box to find the above-pictured note from my mom. Smile See, in my family we just can’t help but be positive!


    Because of some obligations I had to take care of in Santa Monica that morning, I could not get to Grauman’s until 3 p.m. on Thursday, but thankfully CB headed out there bright and early at 10:30 a.m. and saved me a spot along the barricade. THANK YOU, CB!!!!! Oddly enough, there were not a whole lot of people there when I first showed up and I couldn’t help buy wonder why Pinky and Mikey had been so negative about the place. Oh, how naïve I was!


    I had asked Pinky to bring her super cute dog, Sammy, to the premiere as Jen is a big dog-lover and I figured that if I was going to try to get a picture with the star, I would need all of the help I could get. Which also explains why I was wearing my “Team Aniston” sweatshirt, despite the 90-degree heat. Winking smile


    The celebrity arrivals did not begin until 6:30 p.m. and, as always, we all had a FABULOUS time hanging out beforehand. In fact, I enjoyed that portion of the day much more so than I did meeting the various celebs who were in attendance. Needless to say, Pinky has the absolute BEST group of friends!


    At around 6 p.m., the professional autograph seekers (aka the “graphers” as Pinky likes to call them) showed up and it was at that point that things started to head south. The crazies also started to show up around that same time, including this guy, who was absolutely convinced that Jen had made him homeless. Um, OK. At one point he got into a VERY heated argument with someone about his claim, although he was, not surprisingly, entirely incoherent. When I heard him yelling, I turned around and saw his “Jen, You Made Me Homeless” sign and asked Mikey, who, due to his height, had better room to maneuver in the fan pit than I did, to snap a pic. Mikey’s response, “Oh, I already did!” LOL Love it!


    Anyway, once the graphers showed up, our little group (whom you can see above) got completely squished up against the barricade. Pinky graciously allowed me to share the stool she had brought to stand on, so I had a good vantage point from which to take pictures, but unfortunately the people standing behind me were pressed up so close against me that I literally could not move. Or breathe! At one point I told Mikey that I was fairly certain I had dislocated my hip. It was NOT FUN!


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    Jason Sudeikis was the first Horrible Bosses’ star to show up and he came right over to sign autographs and take pictures.


    Jason was SUPER nice and spent a LOT of time signing autographs for people and taking photos, but sadly there was a big ol’ shadow across my face on the one that he took with me.

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    Jason Bateman arrived next and also came over to sign autographs, but he seemed very reluctant about it and was not at all friendly, which shocked me.


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    Jason signed a fair amount of autographs (not nearly as many as Jason Sudeikis did, though), but flat-out refused to take any pictures. UGH!

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    Jamie Foxx arrived next and literally JUMPED out of his limo and IMMEDIATELY started walking over to the fan barricade to sign autographs and take photos. How incredibly cool is that??


    Because I was so squished up against the barricade, I could not get my camera in position to take a picture, so Pinky took one of the three of us. It didn’t exactly come out (you can just barely see me in the bottom of the frame LOL), but I was floored nevertheless just due to the fact that Jamie had been so darn friendly and nice. There’s something seriously unbalanced in the universe when Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx is taking pictures with fans, but Jason Bateman is refusing them!

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    Jesse Metcalfe arrived next and Pinky and I went absolutely batsh*t over him, much to Mikey’s dismay. Winking smile We immediately called for Jesse to come over and he yelled back, “I don’t think I can!” and pointed to the countless cars zooming across Hollywood Boulevard in front of him. He didn’t realize that there was a security team in place ready to walk the stars across the street via a nearby crosswalk. When he spotted Jamie Foxx signing autographs, though, I guess he decided to go for it, because the next thing we knew he was running across four lanes of rush-hour traffic right towards us, sans security! LOL


    And what a sweetheart Jesse turned out to be!!!! He signed countless autographs and posed for countless photos.


    Including one with me! Smile And he even thanked Pinky and I for calling him over. Sigh.


    Joey Lawrence showed up next and Pinky started screaming for him (and singing the words to his latest single), but he flat out refused to come over. When he yelled over to us, “I can’t!”, a security guard walked up to him and said she would escort him across the street, but he turned her down. Sad smile


    My girl Jen was the last to arrive and, let me tell you, I have never in my life experienced anything like what happened when she got out of her car. It was as if the entire crowd moved forward in a wave and the volume in the area increased about one hundred decibels. The people behind us began to very aggressively push us forward and the barricade we were standing against started to give way and tip forward. There was a massive amount of screaming and, although I tried yelling at the people behind us to stop pushing, not only could they most-definitely not hear me, it was fairly obvious they would not have cared even if they had heard. The barricade kept tinkering farther and father forward and came thisclose to toppling over entirely. One more millimeter and I am fairly certain that our entire little group would have fallen right into the middle of Hollywood Boulevard – and either right on top of Jen or right under several moving cars. It was one of the scarier moments of my life and I was crushed so strongly against the barricade that I could hardly breathe.


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    I managed to snap a couple of pics of my girl amidst the chaos and while Pinky kept yelling out, “Please take a photo with my friend, she’s your biggest fan!”, the screaming was so loud that Jen did not even hear her. And sadly, in chaos such as that, there was absolutely no way in heck that anyone could have gotten a picture with the star. Such a bummer! I have to say that Jen looked ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS, though! It is mind-boggling to me that she is 42!!!! Sigh!

    Jennifer Aniston signing autographs at Horrible Bosses premiere
    You can watch a video that Mikey took of the Jen madness by clicking above. As you can see, Jen had a security team of no less than six people surrounding her at all times and, due to all of the pushing and shoving, they would not let her get within five feet of the fan barricade.
    After the celebrity arrivals were over, I was thoroughly beat and pretty much intent on heading straight home. I felt like I had been through a war! LOL But Pinky convinced me to stick around for a couple of hours to try to catch some of the celebs leaving the premiere and I figured since I had already come that far, I may as well stay. And I am so glad that I did as, shortly after the movie ended, we ran into Zachary Levi, from Chuck, who was a complete and total sweetheart! Not to mention a total cutie!
    We also saw Oscar Nunez from The Office . . .
    . . . and Joey Lawrence, who was sadly not as friendly as I assumed he’d be.
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    Ioan Gruffudd, from Fantastic Four, also walked by, but he was ABSOLUTELY mobbed. He is standing somewhere in the middle of that mass of people pictured above, so I did not even attempt to get a photograph with him. Pinky, who always gets her man, still had the strength left to brave the masses, though, and did get a picture! What can I say, the girl has got mad skills. We also spotted Trevor Donovan from 90210, but he FLAT-OUT REFUSED to take a picture with us. Pinky and I were the only ones who even approached him, but he still turned us down big time! Ah well. All in all it was a fun night, but I don’t know that I would ever do it again. It was just a bit too crazy and out-of-control for me. Sad smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! Smile

    Stalk It: Grauman’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood. You can visit the theatre’s official website here.

  • Stalking the 2011 Academy Awards


    As I have mentioned countless times before on this blog, Oscar Weekend is, hands down, my favorite weekend of the entire year.  Hollywood just seems to come alive during Oscar Weekend and I honestly cannot get enough of it.  And this year was no different.  My Oscar stalking began early this past Saturday morning and continued on through late Sunday night and I think it is safe to say that the poor Grim Cheaper is absolutely beat.  Winking smile    Thankfully though, some good friends and fellow stalkers – Beth, Mary, Debbie, and Carol – were in town from Louisville, Kentucky and they let me tag along with them all weekend, so the GC did get somewhat of a reprieve.  And while this year was, sadly, not as great as previous years due to the fact that hotels have seriously beefed up their security and many would only let actual guests through their front doors, we still managed to have an absolute BLAST!  We started out our 2011 Oscar stalking adventure Saturday morning when we hit up the blue carpet at the Independent Spirit Awards – and yes, the event does actually feature a blue carpet.  The Spirit Awards are held in a tent directly next to the beach in Santa Monica and, let me tell you, this year the weather was absolutely FREEZING – and I mean that literally!  It actually SNOWED in many parts of Los Angeles this past weekend (not kidding!) and the GC and I witnessed it firsthand at one point, which I am fairly certain he was more excited about than any of the celebs that we encountered.

    Me and Pinky

    When we arrived at the Spirit Awards, there was already a HUGE group camped out along the blue carpet, but we still managed to snag a pretty good spot in which to stand.  While there, I ran into celebrity stalker extraordinaire Pinky Lovejoy (pictured above), from the Pinky Lovejoy Blog, whom I had met at Alec Baldwin’s Star Ceremony a few weeks backSmile



    We had an absolute blast stalking the red carpet and just a few of the stars who were on hand include Jason Isaacs – aka “Lucius Malfoy” from the Harry Potter movies;

    Warren BeattySo Close - Why didn't I get an autograph???

    Warren Beatty;

    Annette Bening

    Annette Bening;

    Louisville Born Jennifer Lawrence of Winter's Bone Jennifer Lawrence and her Boobies - hehehe!

    Jennifer Lawrence;

    Amanda Peet

    Amanda Peet, who is absolutely ADORABLE in person;

    ??? P1000791

    Anthony Mackie;

    Terrence Howard P1000804

    Terrance Howard;

    P1000786 Danny Boyle, Director of Slumdog Millionaire & 127 Hours

    director Danny Boyle;

    Diego Luna Diego Luna

    Diego Luna;

    John HawkesP1000794

    John Hawkes;

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    Sarah Steele from Spanglish;

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    Greta Gerwig from Greenberg;


    Samuel L. Jackson;


    Liev Schreiber;

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    Aaron Eckhart, who is GORGEOUS in person;

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    one of fellow stalker Owen’s favorite actors, Paul Rudd;

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    Malin Ackerman;

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    Amber Tamblyn Amber Signing Autographs

    Amber Tamblyn;

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    David Cross;

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    Erika Christensen;

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    Jane Lynch (YAY!);


    (I absolutely LOVE that the GC managed to snap a picture of Jane making one of her famous Sue Sylvester faces!);

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    Eva Mendes;


    Jesse Eisenberg (he did not turn towards the crowd when he arrived, so we only got a picture of the back of his head);


    Jeremy Renner;

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    Rainn Wilson (aka Mr. Dwight Schrute!);


    Jamie Foxx;

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    Ben Stiller;

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    Rosario Dawson;


    Joel McHale (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!);

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    and Nicole Kidman (who is STUNNING in person) and Keith Urban.

    Nicole Kidman Freezing as She Enters the Spirit Awards

    I LOVE the picture of Nicole above, which my friend Carol snapped.  So cute!

    Natalie Portman Spirit Awards 2011-Spirit-Awards-(353-of-389)

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    Natalie Portman tried to sneak in behind Nicole and Keith, but thankfully the GC still managed to get some pics of her.  Smile

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    After the Spirit Awards arrivals wrapped up, the GC and I headed on over to the Kodak Theatre to do some stalking of the Academy Awards’ red carpet.  Sadly though, everything was blocked off this year and we were not allowed to walk on the red carpet or to get very close to any of the set-up, which was incredibly disappointing.


    We did spot the above-pictured Oscar statue being hauled from the Renaissance Hotel to the Kodak Theatre, though, which I thought was absolutely hilarious.

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    We then headed over to the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (where the first Academy Awards ceremony was held) to see if anything was going on there.  As fate would have it, the E! channel was running rehearsals for their Oscar coverage show in the lobby of the hotel and we were lucky enough to be able to watch.  As you can see in the above photographs, Kris Jenner was on site rehearsing for the show.

    Ross Mathews E! Oscar Show

    As was Ross Mathews, from Chelsea Lately.


    As luck would have it, Kris wound up leaving the hotel at the exact same time we did and she was nice enough to pose for a photo with me on her way out, which I could NOT have been more excited about.  Smile  I have actually never been a fan of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but I will always have a special place in my heart for the series due to the fact that anytime someone encounters my family for the first time, they invariably say, “You guys need your own reality show!  You are funnier than the Kardashians!”  My good friend Nat keeps threatening to secretly videotape us and send the result to the E! channel.  LOL  I guess I can see where people are coming from, though.  Case in point – this past Friday afternoon the GC downloaded and then proceeded to spend a good ten minutes showing me an app in which one, while in a store, can scan the barcode of an item along with its price using the camera on their iPhone and the phone will then subsequently spit back a list of places where you can purchase said item for less money.  Not kidding!  I totally thought he was joking with me, but sadly he wasn’t.  Not only is that app real, but the GC fully expects me to USE it!  Oh, the things I have to put up with!  Winking smile


    On Sunday evening, while doing some more hotel stalking, I spotted Doris Roberts, from Everybody Loves Raymond and Christmas Vacation fame.  My grandma absolutely LOVES Doris, so I just had to ask her to pose for a photograph with me and thankfully she obliged, which I could NOT have been more excited about.  Smile  Other celebs that we spotted out and about this weekend, but didn’t get photographs of were Mark Wahlberg, Lou Diamond Phillips, Bai Ling, Frances Fisher, Gary Busey, Ed Asner, Pat Boone, Meat Loaf, Charo, Caroline Herrera (on her way to the Oscars in an absolutely STRIKING dress), Tara Reid, Brenda Strong (aka Mary Alice from Desperate Housewives), Gloria Allred, Noah Wyle, Taylor Armstrong from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Jessica Stroup (aka Silver from 90210), Glee’s Chris Colfer and Matthew Morrison, Jennifer Lopez (who is absolutely STUNNING in person!), Renee Zellweger, Russell Brand, Kirk Kerkorian, Megan Mullally, Nick Offerman, Harvey Weinstein, Chace Crawford, Cate Blanchett, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen (who are sooooo tiny in person it was almost unbelievable), Ron Jeremy, Jeffrey Ross, Fred Willard, Sofia Milos, Pierce Morgan, Robert Downey Jr. and Susan Downey, Jude Law, George Hamilton, Reese Witherspoon, Timothy Olyphant, Elton John, Craig Robinson (aka Darryl from The Office), Joanne Worley, and Antonio Sabato Jr.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Oscars are held each year at the Kodak Theatre, which is located at 6801 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.  The Grim Cheaper and I usually drive up and down Sunset Boulevard during Oscar weekend, stopping into various hotels along the way to spot celebs.  A few of the hotels we usually stalk include The Mondrian, which is located at 8440 Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, which is located at 7000 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel, which is located at 1755 North Highland Avenue in Hollywood, and the Chateau Marmont, which is located at 8221 West Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles.

  • The Los Angeles Flower Market from “Valentine’s Day”


    A few weeks ago, the Grim Cheaper and I headed out to the Original Los Angeles Flower Market in Downtown L.A. to find a florist for our upcoming wedding on August 21st.  For those who don’t live in the area, the Flower Market and surrounding Flower District are something of a phenomenon, the likes of which I’ve never seen replicated anywhere else.  In fact, before moving to Southern California a little over a decade ago, I had no idea that anything like the Flower Market even existed!  The Flower District, which encompasses six blocks of storefronts housing over 200 individual florists, is the largest wholesale flower market in all of the United States.  In fact, in the entire world there is only one flower mart that is larger – the Aalsmeer Market in Holland.  The Los Angeles flower market concept was first conceived in the early 1900s, when area farmers would gather together at produce markets in Santa Monica and sell their foliage out of the backs of horse-drawn buggies.  In 1905, a carnation farmer named James Vawter opened up a dedicated flower market on Spring Street in Downtown Los Angeles, paving the way for others to follow suit, which they soon did.  In 1913, a group of Japanese-American growers opened up a larger flower warehouse, which they called the Southern California Flower Market, on Wall Street, just a few blocks from the mart’s current location.  Shortly thereafter, a group of European farmers formed their own conglomerate on Winston Street called the American Florists’ Exchange.  A few years later, the two groups joined together to become the Los Angeles Flower District, the name by which it is still known today.  And while the Flower Market does have a membership program, which boasts over 4,500 florists, wedding planners, and vendors, it is also open to the public on a daily basis.



    My first experience with the Flower Market was close to a decade ago, when a fellow actor named Alex and I were nominated to purchase a floral arrangement for our teacher on the opening night of a big performance.  Being new to the area, I had never heard of the Flower District and had just planned on heading to my local Von’s to pick out an arrangement, but Alex quickly informed me that the only place to buy flowers in L.A. was at the Flower Market.  So, bright and early on the morning of our show, we headed Downtown and, let me tell you, I just about passed out over what was there.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many flowers in one place in my entire life.  Florist after florist after florist, as far as the eye could see.  But it wasn’t just the sheer amount of florists and flowers that stunned me, it was the beauty of the arrangements – each was like a work of art!  And the prices!  OMG the prices!  Even for non-members, the prices were so low, it was almost unbelievable!  We’ve all heard the old saying, “You get what you pay for”, but I can assure you that isn’t the case at the Flower Market.  Most arrangements – and I am talking HUGE, beautiful arrangements – can be purchased for around $20.  Not kidding! 


    But the flowers that I drooled over most that day were some special roses called Ecuadorians, most of which were almost as tall as me!  Alex told me that Ecuadorian roses are grown in an extremely fertile area of Ecuador near the base of the Andes Mountains and that they can grow upwards of SIX FEET TALL!  I’m really not kidding!  You can see a photograph of some six foot tall Ecuadorians here – and while the picture looks absolutely ridiculous, I can assure you that, in person, the flowers are STUNNING!  Ever since I first laid eyes on those Ecuadorians that day at the Flower Mart, that was it for me!  The Grim Cheaper knew that going forward, Ecuadorian roses were the one and only way to my heart.  🙂  And, thankfully for him, at the Flower District they come cheap.  Ecuadorians can run upwards of $300 per dozen if purchased from a florist, but he bought the above pictured arrangements (which were “only” about 3 feet tall) for me and my mom one Valentine’s Day a few years back for only $35 per dozen.  Anyone who’s ever purchased roses on Valentine’s Day knows that it’s unheard of to pay that little for normal sized roses during that time of year, let alone HUGE ones.  🙂  I have to say that Alex was definitely right – the ONLY place to purchase flowers in L.A. is at the Flower Market!

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    And, even though I didn’t really like the movie Valentine’s Day, which premiered this past February, I was extremely excited to see the Flower Market make a brief appearance in it.  The Market shows up towards the beginning of the flick, in the scene in which florist Reed Bennett (aka Ashton Kutcher) is shown purchasing flowers for his shop on Valentine’s Day morning.  

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    While there, he gives a television interview to sportscaster Kelvin Moore (aka Jamie Foxx), in which he states that one hundred and ten million roses are sold in the United States each year on Valentine’s Day, sixty percent of which are produced right here in California.


    I honestly can’t recommend stalking the Flower District enough.  Even if you aren’t currently in the market for flowers, it is still a fabulous place to spend a morning or early afternoon.  Seeing all of the floral creations is almost like being in an art museum.  And the smell!  Oh, the smell!  For miles around, the air is filled with the fragrance of roses.  It is truly an amazing place.  And, if you do happen to be in the market for flowers, I can pretty much guarantee that you won’t find a better deal anywhere else in Southern California!  And, for those who are into that sort of thing, the arrangements the Grim Cheaper and I picked out for our wedding are pictured above.  🙂 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Original Los Angeles Flower Market from Valentine’s Day is located at 754 Wall Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  The Market is open to the public for a $2 admission fee each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting at 8 a.m. and each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday starting at 6 a.m.  The Market is closed on Sundays.  If you are looking to buy flowers, though, I would suggest skipping the actual Market and instead visiting the myriad of independent flower shops in the surrounding area.

  • The Standard Hotel Rooftop Bar in Downtown Los Angeles


    Another Fracture filming location that I recently stalked – without actually realizing it – was the Standard Hotel’s Rooftop Bar in Downtown L.A.  I say “without actually realizing it” because at the time I stalked the place I had no idea it was a filming location.   I ended up there while on the way to the Los Angeles airport where I was dropping off my good friends from Switzerland who were flying home after a two week visit.  I thought it would be nice to stop for a cocktail at an L.A. hot spot before their flight took off and so I got to Googling, whereupon I found a myriad of websites all touting the amazing views that could be found at the Standard’s rooftop watering hole.  So, we made a pit stop there before heading to LAX and, as fate would have it, the place turned out to be the PERFECT spot for my friends to bid their farewells to Los Angeles. 


    Downtown L.A.’s Standard Hotel opened up in May of 2002 and was the brainchild of famed hotelier Andre Balazs, the same man who gave us New York’s Mercer Hotel, the original Standard Hotel in West Hollywood, and the updated version of Hollywood’s legendary Chateau Marmont.  The twelve story building now known as the Standard was originally built in 1952 and housed the Southern California headquarters of Superior Oil.  The structure, which was designed by architect Claude Beelman, had stood vacant for over a decade when Balazs purchased it in 2000.  He left most of the original architectural details intact, including the two-story lobby area’s stainless steel time zone clock which displays the times of 15 different countries and stands at over ten feet tall, the oil mining frieze located above the entrance doors, a pair of escalators (left over from when Union Bank of California occupied the building), the black and white marble flooring, and the original S-shaped door handles.  To that he added shag carpeting, an absolutely enormous digital wall hanging, a sunken lounge area, an outdoor fire pit, a 125 foot long couch designed by Vladimir Kagan, and a foosball table station situated next to the valet desk.  It’s retro-modern decor at its finest!  The Standard’s piece de resistance, though, is its 1,220 square foot Rooftop Bar, which features astro-turf, a heated swimming pool, outdoor sofas, a dance floor, numerous topiaries, vibrating waterbeds, movies which are projected onto the walls of neighboring buildings, red plastic “pod” gazebos, Verner Panton-designed furniture, a fab menu and a full bar. 







    Oh, and did I mention the view?  Yes, the bar also features an absolutely breath-taking, awe-inspiring view of Downtown Los Angeles. 


    So breath-taking and awe-inspiring, in fact, that it’s almost impossible to do anything but stare out at the skyline while there.  The above photograph was taken of my friend Stephanie while at the bar and it perfectly encapsulates how one feels while visiting the place.  🙂   Of the hotel, Travel + Leisure Magazine said it is “Los Angeles like you have never seen it before.”  My sentiments exactly!



    The Standard Rooftop Bar is such a unique spot that it became an almost immediate celebrity magnet.  Stars such as Owen Wilson, Charlize Theron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire, Mark Wahlberg, Lara Flynn Boyle, Moby, Nicolas Cage, and Sophia Coppola have all been spotted hanging out there.  And I honestly can’t recommend stalking the place enough!  Whether you’re a native Angelino or a first-time visitor to Southern California, I can’t think of a better place from which to enjoy the City of Angels.





    Due to its unique architecture and unparalleled views of the city, the Standard has become a frequent filming location.  In Fracture, the Standard’s Rooftop Bar is featured very briefly as the spot where Willy Beachum (aka Ryan Gosling) meets up with Nikki Gardner (aka Rosamund Pike) after losing his court case against Ted Crawford (aka Anthony Hopkins).





    The bar was also featured in the Season 3 episode of Entourage entitled “Strange Days” as the spot where Eric Murphy (aka Kevin Connolly) meets up with Sloane’s best friend Tori (aka Malin Akerman).




    In Collateral, Jamie Foxx “borrows” a stranger’s cell phone while out in front of the Standard’s main entrance.  And last, but not least, the hotel was also where Robert Downey Jr. stayed in the 2005 movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which I unfortunately don’t own a copy of.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Standard Hotel is located at 550 South Flower Street in Downtown Los Angeles.  You can visit their website here.