Tag: Hollywood attractions

  • Sarah Silverman’s Apartment Building from “The Sarah Silverman Program”


    A few months back, I got an email from a fellow stalker named Kate who wanted to know if I could track down the apartment building where Sarah Silverman lives on The Sarah Silverman Program.  Kate had heard on one of the show’s DVD commentaries that the building was located somewhere in Hollywood in close proximity to Paramount Studios, where the series is taped.  Because I had never watched an episode of The Sarah Silverman Programalthough I did see one being filmed 🙂 – for this particular stalking venture I had to call for reinforcements – i.e. fellow stalker Owen.  🙂  Like the blonde that I am, though, in the email I originally sent him asking for his help, I accidentally told him that the building was located near Universal Studios, instead of Paramount!  Oops!!!  Brain blips like that are quite common for me, I’m afraid, and they drive me – and those around me – crazy!  Anyway, Owen spent quite a bit of time searching in the Universal Studios area (I still feel bad about that!), until I realized my mistake and informed him.  Well, it wasn’t 20 minutes later that he emailed me back with an address!  Yes, he is the master!  Seems he found the building by looking at aerial views of various neighborhoods surrounding the Paramount Lot.  He first set some parameters for himself of areas to check, searched all the houses within those boundaries, but had no luck.  Then he opened up the parameters a bit to the south and almost immediately found the apartment.  THANK YOU, Owen!  🙂





    On The Sarah Silverman Program, Sarah, along with her friends Brian Spukowski (aka Brian Posehn) and Steve Myron (aka Steve Agee), live in a Mediterranean style building supposedly located in Valley Village.  In reality, though, the building, which I am happy to report looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does on the show, is located in the heart of Hollywood.


    ScreenShot3277 ScreenShot3278 


    One inconsistency that I did notice, though, is that on the show, Sarah’s building has an interior hallway, as you can see in the above screen captures.  But from how it appears in real life, I am fairly certain that interior hallway doesn’t actually exist.  In reality, it seems that the building contains four individual apartment units, each of which can be reached via the four front doors facing the street, thus negating any need for an indoor hallway. 


    The above photograph is the view looking north from the front of The Sarah Silverman Program apartment building.  The big white structure located behind the large hedge is Paramount Studios, so that DVD commentary wasn’t lying – the apartment is indeed located in VERY close proximity to the lot where filming takes place!  🙂



    On a side note – I finally sat down to watch a few episodes of The Sarah Silverman Program before writing this post and I have to say that I wasn’t really impressed.  It’s kind of an odd program.  It can funny at times, but for the most part, it’s just . . . well . . . very, very odd.  That’s the best word I can find to describe it.  Needless to say, I most likely won’t be watching it again.  And I’m actually pretty bummed I spent $4 buying the episodes on iTunes.  I could have bought a cup of Starbucks coffee with that $4 – something which I am fairly certain I would have enjoyed a whole lot more than the show!  😉

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location.  🙂


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Sarah Silverman’s apartment building from The Sarah Silverman Program is located at 607 North Irving Boulevard in Hollywood, just one block south of Paramount Studios.

  • Stalking the WB – For the Third Time!


    As I’ve mentioned a few times before, this past October, my good friends from Switzerland came to visit my family for a few weeks.  While they were here, I decided to take them on a Hollywood studio tour.  The only problem was I couldn’t decide exactly which Hollywood studio tour to take them on.  So, I got Mike, from MovieShotsLA, on the phone and the two of us had a very in-depth discussion about it, carefully weighing all of our options.  Not kidding – you should have heard the two of us.  🙂   Anyway, we quickly narrowed down our choices to either the Paramount Studio Tour or the Warner Brothers VIP Studio Tour.   And even though I was leaning towards Paramount, Mike convinced me that because the WB Tour covers the overall studio experience, it would be the best choice for those stalkers who had yet to visit a movie studio.  Paramount is geared more towards us die-hard stalkers, in my opinion, which is probably why I like it the best.  🙂  So, with our tour location finally decided upon, the four of us headed out bright and early the following morning to stalk the WB.  This was actually my third time stalking the lot and it really is true what they say – no two tours are alike.  I already want to go back for a fourth time.  🙂   Sadly, though, our tour guide left quite a bit to be desired on this particular venture.  We still had a blast while there, don’t get me wrong – it’s pretty hard not to have fun on the WB lot – but, for whatever reason, our guide was a grump pretty much the whole way through.  She also seemed to have a pretty high opinion of herself, which didn’t help my opinion of her.  😉   



    She even got a bit testy with me at one point, after bringing us to the Central Park portion of the lot and asking if anyone knew what television show it had been featured in.  I, of course, raised my hand and said “It’s where Phoebe runs weird on Friends!” to which she snapped, “Well, you must have been on the tour before, which is the only reason you’d know that!”  I wanted to explain that I had actually known the answer to that question while on my first WB tour, but I was afraid she’d pretty much bite my head off if I did!    So, since it was obvious she didn’t appreciate stalkers, I kept my mouth shut for the remainder of the tour.  The other disappointing aspect of the day was that Hennesy Street, which is one of the WB’s New York areas, Midwest Street, aka Anytown USA, and the Jungle area were all closed off to tour groups due to filming.  🙁  The Witches of Eastwick was actually the production being filmed on Midwest Street and we were very briefly allowed to venture over to the outskirts of that area to take a peek at what was going on, but unfortunately no photographs were allowed.  Anyway, aside from Debbie Downer and the fact that numerous areas of lot were closed off, we had a great time on the tour.   🙂    



    The tour began the way it always does, with our guide driving us via golf cart through the very same studio gate that Carrie Bradshaw drove through in the Season Three episode of Sex and the City entitled “Escape from New York”.  LOVE IT!  🙂


    Our first stop was the old ER hospital set which has all but been dismantled.  🙁   So sad!  While the hospital entrance and L Train track will be left up to be used by future productions . . .


    . . . the area behind the large brown double doors which used to contain the ambulance bay and waiting room set, is now just empty space, as you can sort of see in the above photograph. 


    The way it used to look is pictured above.  You can see more photographs of the old ER  set on my two previous WB Tour posts which can be viewed here and here.  According to our tour guide, ER’s Jumbo Mart Diner set is going to be left intact to serve as the studio’s tribute to the longest running medical drama ever to air on television.





    Our next stop was the Nate’s Bar & Grill set from ER, which is also being left intact to be used by future productions.  Nate’s Bar & Grill is what’s called a “practical set” in studio terminology because both its interior and its exterior can be used for filming.


    Unlike the facade pictured above which has no interior area.


    As you can see in the above photograph, Nate’s Bar & Grill lacks a ceiling, which is actually typical of movie sets.  The ceilings of sets are always left open so that lights and other production equipment can be hung above the area being filmed.  That’s often how I can tell if something was filmed in a studio or on location somewhere – if a ceiling is shown onscreen, that’s pretty much a dead giveaway that the production was filmed at a real life location.   😉



    Located just outside of Nate’s is a very realistic looking subway set, which was extremely cool to see being that we had just returned from our New York trip a few days beforehand.  🙂







    Our next stop was the the Embassy Courtyard, an area which was used in the 1999 made-for-TV movie Annie, in the television series Without a Trace, Hotel, and, as you can see in the above screen captures, Chuck .





    We also visited New York Street, which is not to be confused with Hennesy Street, the lot’s other Manhattan-like area.  New York Street has been used in the movies The Big Sleep, Blade Runner, Yankee Doodle Dandy, and The Last Samurai, for which the entire area was dressed to look like 1870s Japan. 





    Located on New York Street is the movie theatre facade pictured above, which was featured in the “New York and Queens” episode of The Drew Carey Show in which Drew and the gang challenge Mimi and her friends to a Rocky Horror Picture Show/Priscilla Queen of the Desert dance-off.



    That very same area was also featured in the Season One episode of The Mentalist entitled “A Dozen Red Roses”.


    We also briefly visited the Warner Village area of the lot, where we saw “New Christine’s” apartment building from the series The New Adventures of Old Christine. 




    Our next stop was the soundstage used in the filming of the television show Chuck, a series which I have never before seen.  But I was extremely excited to see the set nonetheless because it was modeled after the very same apartment building featured in the movie ‘Til There Was You – an apartment building which I have not only stalked, but also blogged about.  🙂   I cannot tell you how cool it was to be seeing that set in person, as it looks very much the same as its real life counterpart.  Love it!  And while our tour guide did let us know that the Chuck set was based on a real life apartment building, she mistakenly told our group that said building was located in Los Feliz, which is actually incorrect.  The building, which is named El Cabrillo, is actually located in Hollywood.  I didn’t dare correct her, though, since she had already made it pretty clear that she didn’t care to hear any information I had to share. 😉 We also got to venture inside the characters’ individual apartments, which really are located directly off the building’s courtyard area.   Unfortunately no photographs were allowed inside of the Chuck soundstages, but you can see what the set looks like in the above screen captures.  When I asked our tour guide why the area was off-limits to cameras she said it was to prevent spoilers, i.e. if a crewmember accidentally left something on set that gave away a future plot point and then a tour group came in and took pictures of the set and then those pictures somehow wound up on the internet ;), fans might figure out the future plot development and stop watching the show.  Which I think is pretty silly reasoning, but c’est la vie.



    No WB VIP Tour would be complete without a visit to the car museum, where we got to see several vehicles from The Dark Knight, including the Batmobile;


    the Bat-Pod motorcycle;


    and the Stealth Launch Batmobile; all of which my best friend, Robin, the only guy in the group, loved seeing.  🙂


    Also on display was the Ducati 996 motorcycle from The Matrix Reloaded;


    the “Shaguar” from Austin Powers in Goldmember;




    Clint Eastwood’s Gran Torino from the movie of the same name;


    the Nerd Herd car from Chuck;


    the General Lee from The Dukes of Hazzard;




    several vehicles from AI, including the Hovercopter;



    the Ford Angila from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets;


    and a 1969 Lincoln Continental from The Matrix, along with a wax figure of “Agent Smith”.



    The best part of the tour for me, though, had to be when we got to see the Central Perk set from Friends.  Granted, I’ve seen the set twice before on the two other WB Tours I’ve attended, but this time we were actually allowed to venture ONTO the set, walk around, touch things, and even sit on the furniture!  YAY!   Let me tell you, I just about DIED I was so excited!   (Those are my friends Doina and Stephanie sitting on the Friends couch with me in the above photograph.)













    And I just HAD to take pictures of absolutely EVERYTHING!


    Well, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I HIGHLY recommend taking the WB VIP Studio Tour!  Even with a craptastic tour guide, it’s still a fabulous adventure to have in L.A.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Warner Brothers Studios is located at 3400 Riverside Drive in Burbank. Tours run every 30 minutes Monday through Friday from 8:20 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Advance reservations are recommended. Tickets cost $45 per person. You can learn more about the tour here .

  • Clown Dog Restaurant from “Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead”

    UPDATE – I just drove by this location last week and was shocked to discover that the entire thing had been completely torn down.  The only part of it left standing is the All American Burger sign pictured below.  🙁  A Chipotle restaurant is currently being built in its place. So incredibly sad!  I will leave this post up, though, for those stalkers who are interested in seeing photographs of how it used to look.


    A few weeks ago, I dragged my boyfriend out to Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood to stalk a restaurant named All American Burger – a location which has been on my list of places to stalk ever since fellow stalker Owen informed me that it stood in for the Clown Dog diner where Bryan (aka Josh Charles) worked in fave movie Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead.  In a random twist of fate, Owen happened upon this information during his search for the main house used in Don’t Tell Mom  back in September.  While trying to track down that location, Owen came across an interview with actor Keith Coogan, who played Christina Applegate’s younger brother Kenny in the flick, who had this to say, “The film was shot entirely in Southern California. Mostly in the San Fernando Valley and Santa Clarita/Antelope Valley areas. The house is really close to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Some locations were in the heart of Hollywood, like the roof of the Holiday Inn, and the Clown Dog is actually an ‘All American Burger’ located on Sunset Blvd. Some scenes were shot in Santa Monica and Malibu, as well as some interiors which were filmed in Simi Valley/Sherman Oaks.”   (Unfortunately, for the life of me, I cannot find the source of that interview online, otherwise I would post a link to it here.)  An actor who not only remembers where scenes from his movies were filmed, but actually references them in an interview???  SO LOVE IT!!!!!  Thank you, Keith!!!  So, once I heard where Clown Dog was located, I immediately added the address to my long “to stalk” list and finally made it out there to see the place in person just a few weeks back.  YAY!



    And, let me tell you, this was one stalk that was DEFINITELY worth the wait.  As fate would have it, the owner of the restaurant, an INCREDIBLY nice man named Lang, was working behind the counter when we arrived.  Of course, the first words out of my mouth were, “Was Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead filmed here?”  Lang laughed and told me that yes, indeed, the movie had been filmed on the premises.  I then asked him if everyone who came in inquired about the very same thing, to which he replied “You’re only the second person in the twenty-plus years I’ve worked here who has ever asked me that!”  LOL  It’s nice to know I’m unique!   Lang seemed truly amused at my excitement over stalking his restaurant and really could NOT have been nicer about it.  Not only did he tell  me that I was welcome to take all of the pictures of the place that I wanted . . .





    I also so love it that the real All American Burger hat is almost exactly the same as the Clown Dog hat that Christina Applegate wore in the movie!  🙂


    Because my fiancé and I were both starving at the time, we just had to grab a bite to eat during our stalk.  And, let me tell you, we were not disappointed!  While All American Burger is by no means fancy, their food is simply A-MA-ZING!  The menu features your typical all-American fare, such as burgers, hot dogs, and French fries, all of which happen to be right up my alley.  🙂  My fiancé and I ended up splitting a cheeseburger and fries – both of which were excellent!  And the Grim Cheaper was very excited about the fact that the entire meal cost us $4!   Even more exciting to him, though, had to be the restaurant’s working pinball machine, which he played quite a few games on.  So cool!  (Please pardon the above picture, I was in a goofy mood that day.  🙂 )



    All American Burger pops up twice in Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead.  It first shows up in the beginning of the movie, in the scene in which Sue Ellen (aka Swell), gets a job working behind the counter of the fast food restaurant. 





    Fed up with Mr. Egg, her perennially happy boss, Swell quits her new job after only one day of work, but not before making a romantic connection with fellow Clown Dog employee Bryan.




    The restaurant next shows up towards the end of the movie, in the scene in which Swell, upset over her recent fight with Bryan, drives by Clown Dog and sadly watches him working through the window. 


    I am very happy to report that although over 18 years have passed since Don’t Tell Mom was filmed, All American Burger still looks very much the same in person as it did onscreen.  Missing in real life, of course, is the circus themed decor that was used to dress the restaurant during the filming.  Besides Don’t Tell Mom, All American Burger has also been featured in a recent episode of Southland and in an album cover for one of musician Howie Day’s CD’s.  And because the restaurant is something of a Hollywood institution, celebs have been known to stop in there from time to time, including The O.C.’s Adam Brody, who is a regular.  🙂


    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: All American Burger, aka Clown Dog from Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead, was located at 7660 West Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood.

  • Jaime Pressly’s I Love You, Man House


    A few months back, I asked fellow stalker Owen for some help in tracking down all of the filming locations from fave movie I Love You, Man.  The spot I was most interested in stalking was the charming little house belonging to Denise (aka Jaime Pressly) and her brutish husband Barry (aka Jon Favreau) in the flick. Ever since seeing the movie this past March, I have been absolutely obsessed with that house.  It is just so darn cute!  And I was one hundred percent convinced that it was located somewhere in the Pasadena area.  For some reason, it just looked like a Pasadena-style home to me.  In fact, I would have bet my bottom dollar on it!  So, you can imagine my surprise when I got a text back from Owen saying that he had contacted an I Love You, Man  crew member who told him that the house was actually located in . . . Hollywood!  I absolutely could not believe it!  Hollywood probably would have been just about the last place on earth I would have searched for that house.  LOL  It’s a good thing I had Owen on the case, as I’m fairly certain this is one location I never would have found without him.  So, this past weekend, with the address in hand, I dragged my fiancé out to finally stalk the home.


    Well, that’s not exactly the whole story.  Truth be told, this is one location that I actually had to stalk twice!  LOL  A few weeks ago, my dad asked me if I would drive him to a doctor’s appointment which just happened to be right near the I Love You, Man house.  I told him I’d be happy to, as long as we could do some stalking along the way.  He, of course, said “no”, but, because I thought he was just joking around, I dragged him out to the house anyway. Well, as it turns out, he wasn’t joking around – AT ALL – and was not especially happy with me once I pulled up to the house.  In fact, I believe his exact words were, “Where the hell are we and why are you stopping the car????”  LOL LOL LOL  Karma came back to bite me, though, because when I pulled my camera out of my purse to snap a few photographs of the house, I realized that it felt rather light and my mind immediately flashed back to the camera battery that I had plugged into the charger the night before and had forgotten to put back in the morning.  UGH!  So, this past weekend, I returned to the house yet again, this time with my fiancé – and camera battery – in tow.  🙂 


    I am very happy to report that Jaime Pressly’s I Love You, Man  house is absolutely ADORABLE in person– even cuter than it appeared onscreen.  I’d even say it was worth all the trouble I had to go to to get to it.  LOL  The house definitely has a fairy tale/storybook style feel to it and is a little bit reminiscent of Hilary Duff’s house from fave movie A Cinderella Story.  So love it!  Because it is so cute, I’m actually very surprised that it hasn’t been featured in even more productions. 



    The exterior of the house is actually only featured in two very brief scenes in the movie.  It first shows up as the site of Jon Favreau’s infamous poker night party, where his “Boat Race” beer drinking game ends very badly.




    The front porch of the house next shows up as the place where Rashida Jones and Paul Rudd make up after calling off their engagement towards the end of the flick.  And from how it appears in that scene, I believe the real interior of the house was also used for some of the filming.


    I highly recommend stalking Jaime Pressly’s I Love You, Man  house as it is just so darn cute in person.  Just remember to bring your camera battery!  😉

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂 

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It:  Jaime Pressly’s house from I Love You, Man is located at 532 North Las Palmas Avenue in Hollywood.

  • Madame Tussauds Hollywood


    This past weekend, while out stalking in Hollywood, my fiance and I walked right past the new Madame Tussauds wax museum and I just about had a total meltdown right there on the sidewalk of Hollywood Boulevard!  The museum, which was supposed to open to the public on August 1st, was hosting a special preview event when we walked by and was absolutely booming with people!   I’d been awaiting the unveiling of the new Madame Tussauds location ever since hearing the news months ago that one was being built in Hollywood!!!   I had never been to a Madame Tussauds before, but had heard amazing things about the place and was absolutely DYING to visit one.  So, I, of course, BEGGED my fiance to let me stalk it!


    Well, as you can probably guess, the Grim Cheaper wasn’t too keen on shelling out the $20-a-piece special preview admission fee to gain entrance to the museum, but I took one look at the Marilyn Monroe figure they had posed outside – dressed in the EXACT same outfit she wore to her Hand and Footprint Ceremony back  in 1953, no less – and that was it!! I was NOT taking no for an answer!  We were GOING to Madame Tussauds!!!!  🙂


    As Madame Tussauds themselves are quick to point out, the facility is not so much a museum per se, but, rather, an attraction.  At a museum, visitors walk around simply looking at different items.  Touching those items is usually a rather big no-no.  At Madame Tussauds, however, not only are you encouraged to touch and feel the figurines, but the place is set up so that you can actually interact with them, as well!!!!  In the American Idol room, not only can you sing a karaoke song and get judged by Simon Cowell himself, but you can actually sit in the judges booth . . . .


    . . . or get interviewed post-song by none other than Ryan Seacrest.  🙂


    You can also share a breakfast at Tiffany’s with Audrey Hepburn;


    take a Psycho-style shower with Alfred Hitchcock directing,


    seduce Dustin Hoffman;


    have a red carpet interview with Joan Rivers;


    re-enact a scene from The Godfather;


    strike a pose with Marlene Dietrich,


    and sit on Forrest Gump’s bench!  Oh, and did I mention that Madame Tussauds also has a myriad of wigs, costumes, and props on hand to enhance your whole experience???


    The vast majority of the figures on display in Madame Tussauds’ new 40,000 square foot, $55 million “attraction” are incredibly realistic looking!  So realistic looking, in fact, that my fiance was even slightly creeped out by the whole thing!  Each figure takes about six months to contruct at a cost of approximately $300,000.   Madame Tussaud founded her unique wax sculpting technique over 200 years ago in London.  She got her start by sculpting political figures of the day and taking them on the road as part of a traveling attraction.  Her first standing museum was established in 1835 at the Baker Street Bazaar, where curiosity seekers paid a sixpence to see figures such as Benjamin Franklin, Sir Walter Scott, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.  Today there are nine different Madame Tussauds (spelled without an apostrophe)  locations stretching all across the globe, from places like Berlin and Shanghai to New York and Las Vegas.   The celebrities themselves pose for Madame Tussauds’ artisans, in a detailed photography and measurement sitting which can take anywhere from fifteen minutes to four hours.  Most sittings are done at Merlin Studios in London, but due to the demanding schedules of some of the featured celebrities, artisans have had to take measurements and fittings as far East as Mumbai, India to the Ivy Restaurant in Hollywood.  I’m not kidding!  Madame Tussauds’ artists use hundreds of measurements and photographs and go to painstaking lengths to ensure that the height, proportion, look, feel, and spirit of each figure is exactly precise.  Oftentimes the celebrity will donate their own clothing, jewelry, and even shoes for their counterpart to wear.  For those few times when a celebrity does not donate their own outift, exacting replicas are made.  So, pretty much every single aspect of every single wax figure displayed at Madame Tussauds is authentic!  So cool!  You can read more about Madame Tussauds incredible waxing technique here.



    My personal favorite figurine of the entire attraction was, of course, my girl Jen, who sadly was one of the least realistic-looking.  🙁


    By far, the most realistic looking figurine was that of Miss Britney Spears.  Hers was truly unbelievable!  I couldn’t take my eyes off of it!



    And I was AMAZED at the height of both John Wayne and Clint Eastwood.  To give you a frame of reference, I am 5’4″”, which makes these two absolutely GINORMOUS!


    Other stars on hand at the attraction include Cameron Diaz,


    Carrie Underwood,


    Justin Timberlake,


    Eddie Murphy,


    Robert Redford and Paul Newman,


    George Burns and Bob Hope,


    Jim Carrey,


    Sarah Michelle Geller,


    Steven Spielberg – also one of the most realistic looking,


    James Dean,


    George Clooney,


    Zac Efron,


    and the subject of my girlhood crush, Leo DiCaprio – sigh!,


    who was far too tall for me to kiss!  LOL



    Ostensibly missing from the attraction was a figurine of the King of Pop, which  I found especially odd since I knew he had posed for one in the past as I saw a replica of it on display when I visited the Michael Jackson Exhibit by Julien’s Auctions this past April.   When I asked one of the workers about it, she said that because of his recent passing, Madame Tussands is currently in the process of sculpting a brand new tribute statue.  🙂  Thankfully, though, his hand cast – along with those of several other celebrities – was on hand for all of his fans to appreciate.


    Needless to say, I had an absolute BLAST at Madame Tussauds!!  I loved every single minute of it!  It was just SO MUCH FUN!  I’m even pretty sure that my fiance, who could care less about anything having to do with Hollywood, had a good time.  🙂   I really can’t recommend stalking Madame Tussauds enough!!!!!   The attraction also features a sports section – which I, of course, zipped right through without a second glance LOL – for those who aren’t into the whole Hollywood thing.    🙂   Oh, and please accept my apologies for being in pretty much EVERY SINGLE picture featured on this post, but I just couldn’t help myself!!!!!  I was like a kid in a candy store and  just HAD to pose with ALL of the figures!  🙂


    Oh, and there was also a certain celebrity couple on hand that I just had to give a piece of my mind to!  🙂   Felt SO good!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Madame Tussauds is located at 6933 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, right next door to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.   Madame Tussauds is open daily from 10am to 8pm.  During the summer months, they remain open until 10pm.  Tickets are $25 per adult, $18 per student aged 13 to 18, $15 per child between the ages of 7 and 12, and children under the age of 7 are free.  You can visit their website here.

  • Kyra Sedgwick’s Walk Of Fame Star Ceremony



    I found out a few weeks ago that Kyra Sedgwick would be receiving the 2,384th Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on the morning of Monday, June 8th.  So, I immediately called up my good friend Blaze and asked him if he wanted to join me in watching the ceremony.   He, of course, said yes, so today the two of us made our way out to Hollywood to watch Kyra receive her star.  And, even though  I had already seen the entire Closer  cast in person, I was still SUPER excited to attend this event because ever since Footloose  came out, I have absolutely LOVED me some Kevin Bacon.  🙂


    Kyra’s ceremony was scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m., and unlike Hugh Jackman’s Hand and Footprint Ceremony, this event actually started on time.  🙂  Amazingly enough, for some reason there weren’t that many people in attendance.  I’d say about forty-five fans and another fifty reporters and photographers were there.  Because there weren’t a lot of people in the audience, we were able to stand fairly close to the stage area, which I was thrilled about.  Up until just around 11:25, that is, when security guards led all of the media people into the area directly in front of the fans, completely blocking everyone’s view.  It was SUCH a bummer.  To make matters worse, many of the press photographers pulled out stepladders to stand on and propped their cameras up on huge tripods!  UGH.   So, even though I was standing right in the front row, I didn’t have the best view.  🙁  I have no idea why bleachers were not set up for the event, as this definitely would have rectified the situation.  Note to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce – next time you have an event like this, invest in bleachers!  LOL 


    Right at 11:30 a.m. on the nose, Kyra Sedgwick and husband Kevin Bacon arrived and the event got underway.  Kyra looked absolutely adorable and I just about died over her salmon-colored dress.  I have got to get me one of those!!!!   What I was most impressed with, though, were her arms!!!!  I couldn’t take my eyes off of them the entire time!  As you can see in the above photograph, they are absolutely rock-hard!  Not bad for a 44-year-old mother of two!!!  I am so jealous!  I mean, I’m 31 and have no children and my arms don’t look nearly as good as hers!  LOL  Anyway, Kyra was introduced by  Hollywood Chamber of Commerce President Leron Gubler, who gave us a brief background on Kyra and her career as an actress.  One of the many tid-bits of information he told us was that, contrary to popular belief, Kyra was actually born in Manhattan, not the South, and yes, her Closer  accent is a fake.  🙂



    After Leron’s introduction, Lee Daniels, who produced the 2004 movie  The Woodsman, which starred Kyra and her husband, got up to say a few words.  And when I say “a few words”, I literally mean a few words. LOL  I think the guy had maybe two sentences to say about Kyra.  It was kind of disappointing.  If you’re going to get up on a stage to honor someone during an awards ceremony, I’m of the opinion that you should spend a little bit of time writing your speech.  Brief and to the point is nice, but so is saying something meaningful.  LOL  All Lee basically said was that while working with Kyra on The Woodsman, she had taught him to “live in the moment”.   To quote Chelsea Lately, “What . . . a douchebag!!”  LOL 



    Next up was Kyra’s Closer  co-star, and my fave actor from the show, G.W. Bailey.  G.W. gave a FABULOUS – and absolutely hilarious – speech about Kyra and their experiences starring together on The Closer.  He started off his speech by listing the questions he most commonly gets asked about Kyra – such as is her accent real (no), is she really that tiny in person (yes!), is her hair real (yes), do she and Kevin Bacon really love each other that much (absolutely!), and what is she really like in person.  In answer to that last question, G.W. had this to say, “Kyra is a mix of Mary Poppins and Cruella DeVil.  If you come to the set on time and know your lines, she’s a spoonful of sugar.  If you come to the set late and haven’t done your homework, she’ll skin you alive and make a jacket out of you.  But then she’ll feel bad and end up giving the jacket to the homeless.”  LOL  I absolutely LOVED that quote, as one of my biggest pet peeves in acting class is lazy actors who don’t do their homework and don’t memorize their lines!!!!  You go, Kyra!  🙂


    G.W. called Kyra one of the most giving actresses he has ever worked with and said that the cast nicknamed her “Mama” early on because of the way she takes care of everyone.  I was actually an extra on The Closer a few months back and was able to witness firsthand how Kyra takes care of her crew.  At one point while I was there, Kyra held up filming for a few minutes in order to write out a grocery list of cold remedies and medications before sending someone out to pick them up for a make up artist who was feeling under the weather.  She is definitely a “Mama”.  🙂   G.W.’s speech was so sweet that he ended up making Kyra cry.  So cute!



    Next up was Los Angeles City Council President Eric Garcetti, who ironically enough is the son of The Closer’s  consulting producer Gil Garcetti, who presented Kyra with a Hollywood Walk of Fame plaque.



    Then Kyra came to the podium to make a speech.  She announced at the very beginning that her speech would be brief due to the fact that her feet were already hurting from standing up for such a long time. 🙂  Kyra said that she wanted to be an actress since the age of 12, when she landed a role in a school production of Fiddler on the Roof.  She said that acting in that production made her “soul dance” and she knew at that moment that she never wanted to do anything else.



    But the best part of Kyra’s speech was when a Hollywood tour bus drove by!!!!   The tourists on board went absolutely crazy, so, Kyra stopped her speech and said hello to them using her Brenda Leigh Johnson accent!   LOL LOL LOL  Only in L.A.!  🙂



    Then, Kyra’s star was unveiled.  But, unfortunately, thanks to the press standing in the way, fans see couldn’t see it at all.  🙁  Such a bummer!!!   Kyra seemed absolutely thrilled to be receiving her star, though, and it made me tear up to think how special it must be to be honored as an actress in that way.   🙂



    Kyra was also given a plaque with a replica of her star on it.  Oh, how I want one of those!!!!!!!  With my own name on it, of course!!!!  🙂




    Then, the press asked if Kevin Bacon would come onstage and I just about died!!  During most of the ceremony, Kevin had been standing in the audience laying low.  I am pretty sure he didn’t want to steal any of his wife’s thunder during the event, so he just remained on the sidelines the entire time.  I had been trying to snap a photograph of him throughout the ENTIRE ceremony, but for some reason could just not get a good shot.  So, when he finally came onstage, I was FLOORED!  KB is still a total cutie after all these years and I could not have been more excited to see him in person.  🙂     



    Also on hand to celebrate with Kyra were her Closer castmates Corey Reynolds, Robert Gossett,  Anthony John Denison, Michael Paul Chan, Raymond Cruz, Phillip P. Keene, and Jonathan Del Arco, along with series consulting producer Gil Garcetti.


    Also in attendance was series creator James Duff. 


    After the ceremony was over, all of the stars – including Kyra and Kevin – came out into the audience to sign autographs and take photographs with the fans.  And I could not have been more excited!!!!!!   So, of course, I just had to ask my two favorite actors from the show for a pic – G.W. Bailey,


    and Anthony John Denison.  Unfortunately, I was using my dad’s huge paparazzi style camera at the event, and Blaze couldn’t figure out how to zoom out to take the above photograph.  LOL LOL LOL  Can you say “extreme close-up”??  Oh well, at least I got a pic.  🙂


    I so wanted to take a picture with KB, but, unfortunately, wasn’t standing near him when he came out into the audience.  But I did manage to snap the above pic of him as he was walking to his car. Sigh!!!!


    About an hour after the ceremony, I returned to see Kyra’s star unveiled, at last.  🙂


    As you can see in the above photograph, because it’s brand new, Kyra’s star is much shinier than any of the others on Hollywood Boulevard. 


    Kyra’s star is right next to husband Kevin Bacon’s, which makes them the only married couple in history to have side by side stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  🙂

    If you find yourself in the Hollywood area during a Walk of Fame Star Ceremony, I HIGHLY recommend attending one!  I had an absolute blast seeing all of the stars, listening to the speeches, and being a part of a historic Hollywood event!   It was definitely a better experience for me than the Hand and Footprint Ceremony and I am so thankful that I got to be a part of it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Kyra Sedgwick’s star is located in front of Cinespace Nightclub, which is located at 6356 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.

  • Hollywood Center Motel


    A few weeks ago, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, called me up to ask me if I knew that my latest Hollywood crush, Simon Baker, had one of his earliest acting roles in the 1997 movie  L.A. Confidential.  And I almost fell out of my chair!  Even though I’ve seen that movie about a hundred times, I never realized that SB had acted in it.  The then-unknown Mentalist star had the small, but pivotal role of homosexual actor/prostitute Matt Reynolds in the film.  That’s him in the above screen capture. I can’t believe how young he looks!!!!  


    Mike also told me the address of the location where SB’s character meets his untimely demise towards the middle of the movie – Room 203 of the Hollywood Center Motel.  So, of course, since I was in the area yesterday, I just had to stalk it.  🙂



    In the scene filmed at the Hollywood Center Motel, Hush-Hush  magazine editor Sid Hudgeons (Danny DeVito) and Detective Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey) set up a sting operation to catch the Los Angeles District Attorney in an illicit rendevous with homosexual prostitute SB. 



    But, at the last minute, Jack has a change of heart and shows up at the motel early to warn SB of the set-up. 





    Unfortunately, he is too late, and when he enters the seedy motel room he finds SB’s character dead on the floor.  🙁  Poor Simon!



    Hollywood Center Motel is an odd little place, with what appears to be a large central guesthouse surrounded by small motel rooms.  I am guessing that most of the motels’ guests live there full time.  Aside from a change in paint color, the Hollywood Center Motel looks pretty much exactly the same today as it did twelve years ago when it appeared onscreen in L.A. Confidential.  Unfortunately, other than the fact that it was built in the 20’s, I couldn’t find out much information about the small motel online.  And I can’t say that I’d really recommend stalking the place, as it is pretty seedy and run-down.  But being that it definitely has that Old Hollywood vibe to it, it’s easy to see why producers chose to use it in their film about a 50’s era Los Angeles. 


    While I was stalking the motel, the manager happened to be outside sweeping the parking lot, so, of course, I had to ask him what other productions had been filmed on the premises.  He looked at me like I was absolutely out of my mind, laughed, and then walked away without saying a word.  LOL LOL LOL  I am fairly certain, though, that, due to its historic and unique look, the motel has to have been used in other productions besides L.A. Confidential.   I am going to have to keep my eyes open for it from now on.  🙂 


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Hollywood Center Motel is located at 6720 West Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. 

  • Hugh Jackman’s Hand and Footprint Ceremony


    Got a call from my good friend Blaze on Monday morning who told me that Hugh Jackman’s Hand and Footprint Ceremony was scheduled to be held the following day at Mann’s Chinese Theatre.  So, of course, we made plans to attend.  🙂  I was incredibly excited to see a handprint ceremony in person, not so much because I am a huge fan of Hugh Jackman, but because the event is so historic.  That being said, Hugh Jackman is an AMAZING talent and he completely rocked this year’s Oscars, so I was pretty excited about seeing him in person, too.  But truth be told, I would have been excited to see just about anyone.  🙂


    The Hand and Footprint Ceremonies, or Inductions into the Forecourt of the Stars as they are also called, take place fairly rarely.   Previous to yesterday’s ceremony, the last movie star to be immortalized in cement was Michael Caine on July 11, 2008.  In 2007, there were three induction ceremonies, one for the cast of Ocean’s 13 (Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and producer Jerry Weintraub), one for the stars of the Harry Potter movies (Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint), and one for superstar Will Smith.  So, I really could not have been more floored to attend!  Sadly, though, the event was incredibly disappointing!  Even more so for me because I had been so excited about it.  🙁  As you can see in the above photograph, the ceremony was slated to begin at 10 a.m.  But that’s not really what happened.


    Blaze and I showed up to Mann’s Chinese Theatre at around 8:30 a.m. to stake out a place in line.  By that time there were already about a hundred people lined up.  Within an hour, about 500 more people arrived.  Who knew Hugh was so huge!  Needless to say, the event was packed.  Right around 9:30 a.m., we were led to a set of bleachers which had been set up in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard.  Now, even though it was only 9:30 in the morning, the temperature had already reached 90 degrees!  For those of you who don’t live in the area, L.A. has been experiencing a bit of  a heat wave the past few days.  And the bleachers were located in direct sunlight, so, let me tell you, it was HOT.  I’m actually surprised that no one passed out, it was that hot.  At around 10:15 when the ceremony had not yet begun, I was starting to feel a bit woozy.  At 10:25 I was ready to pack up and call it a day.



    At 10:32, when a group of men started hanging a sign at the foot of the stage, I was ready to scream!  The ceremony was set to start at 10 and 32 minutes after the fact they are still hanging signs????   I took the above photos of some nimrod with a tape measure who was trying to center the sign correctly, just to make sure it was all really happening and I wasn’t suffering from some heat-induced hallucination.  LOL  I don’t have a lot of patience to begin with, so for me this was torture.  And I LIVE for this sort of thing!  So, I can only imagine how the people in attendance who weren’t quite so into the whole Hollywood thing were dealing.  When I attended the Friday the 13th premiere back in February, everything went off without a hitch, so I was really surprised at how disorganized this event was.


    Anyway, the event FINALLY got underway right at 11 a.m., exactly one hour past the scheduled start time.  Just a few minutes before Hugh was introduced, six men walked out carrying the cement block Hugh would soon be standing in.  I couldn’t believe it took six men to hold it!!!!



    Then, Jay Leno, who was emceeing the event, came out and made a very brief speech introducing Hugh.  Jay was much larger than I expected him to be and seemed to have on a ton of makeup. Jay said that Hugh is one of the nicest celebs he’s ever had on his show.  He said that you can tell a lot about a person from how they treat the people working behind the scenes in show business, and that Hugh is always extremely kind to everyone from the makeup crew to the production staff at The Tonight Show.



    Then, finally, Hugh came out!  HJ is very good-looking and VERY tall – 6’2″ according to IMDB – in person.  He is in excellent shape, too.  Hugh posed for some quick media photographs before heading over to the podium to make a speech.



    In his speech, which was also very brief, Hugh said that about 12 years ago when he and his wife first moved to L.A., they visited Mann’s Chinese Theatre and he put his hands in Peter Sellers handprints, which I thought was really cute.  Maybe someday I’ll be up at that very podium saying that I once put my hands in Marilyn Monroe’s handprints.  🙂


    Hugh also thanked his wife and two children who were in attendance.  Apparently, Hugh’s nine year old son told him he would only come to the ceremony if Daddy promised not to make a long, boring speech.  LOL


    Also in attendance at the ceremony was 20th Century Fox owner Rupert Murdoch and his wife, Wendi Deng.



    Then came the moment we’d all been waiting for – the handprints!  It was actually pretty bizarre to see the handprint process in person, as three men were actually surrounding Hugh the whole time, physcially guiding him through it.  You can see in the above photographs how the two men on either side of him actually placed his hands in the cement for him and then held them down.  What was also odd was that he had to leave his hands in the cement for a good minute before taking them out.  I’m not sure if that was strictly so that the media in attendance had time to snap photographs or if it had something to do with the time it takes for cement to set.



    It was very apparent how excited Hugh was to be recieving this honor.  His grin was absolutely HUGE.  So cute!  🙂



    Then, HJ signed his name in the cement with a little wooden stick, which he ended up giving to someone in the crowd.  🙂





    Then, this time with the help of four men, Hugh placed his feet in the cement.




    As with his hands, Hugh also had to keep his feet in the cement for quite a long time – at least one full minute.


    As he was wiping his feet off, one of the fans in the bleachers called out “Can I have your shoes?”  LOL  Hugh said no to that one, though.  I’ve heard that Mann’s actually provides the shoes that celebrities wear during the footprint ceremony, but in this case it appeared that HJ wore his own shoes.  They didn’t look new.



    After his feet and hands had been immortalized in cement, Jay and Hugh returned to the podium and thanked everyone for coming.  At that point Hugh turned to the bleachers and thanked all of his fans, whom he said he knew he wouldn’t be here without.  And that was pretty much it.  All in all the ceremony took about ten minutes.  LOL


    And literally the second it was over, Jay Leno was out of there!!  He pretty much immediately dashed off stage and into a waiting car without signing any fan autographs.  🙁   I think that had a lot to do with the heat, though.   As you can see in the above photograph, Jay looks as if he’s about to wilt.  Check out his hair!  LOL


    After the ceremony was over, Hugh announced he was going to sign autographs for the many fans in attendance.  I was extermely impressed by this being that it was so darn hot outside.  Blaze and I didn’t stick around for an autograph, but instead walked to a nearby grocery store to buy some much needed bottled water.  Twenty minutes later, as we made our way back to Mann’s, Hugh was STILL there signing autographs!!  He seemed like a genuinely appreciative, kind, and humble guy.   And while it was extremely exciting for me to see a hand and footprint ceremony in person, I don’t know that I’d ever do it again.  🙁  Well, maybe if it was for my girl Jen.  But even then I’d have to think long and hard about attending.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Mann’s Chinese Theatre is located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood.  You can visit their website here.  Hugh Jackman’s handprints and footprints are currently on display in the center of the Chinese Theatre’s Forecourt to the Stars.