Tag: Hawaii

  • Whitney Houston’s Drug Bust

    Back in January of 2000, Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown had a little scuffle with the authorities at Keahole Kona International Airport. So, since I just happen to be in Kona, I had to do a little airport stalking. 🙂 It seems Ms. Houston was departing from Kona after a vacation on the Big Island, when security noticed a total of 15.2 grams of marijuana – located in two small baggies and in three half-smoked marijuana cigarettes – in her carry on luggage. After being confronted by authorities, Whitney simply walked off, leaving behing her carry-on bag, and boarded her United flight headed to San Francisco. LOL The security agents called the police, but by the time they arrived Whitney’s plane had already taken off.

    The Kona Airport is not your typical airport. It the smallest airport I have ever seen, and I hope it always stays that way. It is basically just little more than a carport, with no interior area whatsoever. It is adorable, I absolutely love it!! The airport doesn’t even have tarmacs – when your plane lands in Kona, they simply wheel a little staircase out to the runway for people to deplane.

    Authorities never did press charges against Ms. Houston, but she did enter a drug rehabilitation facility later that year.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Kona Airport is located right on Highway 11, off Kaiminani Drive. Whitney ran into problems at the United Security Checkpoint, located behind me in the above photograph.