Tag: Harvard Heights

  • Chabelita Tacos from “Truth or Dare”

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (14 of 19)

    Roadside taco stands don’t usually conjure up images of the macabre.  Today’s locale is no different.  In fact, the eatery – Chabelita Tacos – is a bright and colorful addition to the Harvard Heights skyline.  But since it did appear in a memorable scene in the 2018 horror flick Truth or Dare, I thought it was only appropriate to include it in my Haunted Hollywood postings.


    Chabelita Tacos pops up toward the end of Truth or Dare, in the scene in which Markie Cameron (Violett Beane) receives a truth challenge from her father, Roy Cameron (Brady Smith), via an old iPhone video while she is sitting alone at a desolate outdoor restaurant.


    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (17 of 19)

    Thanks to a street sign reading “Western” visible in the background of the segment, pinpointing the eatery was a snap.  I had already tracked down the pad where Markie lived with her friends Olivia Barron (Lucy Hale) and Penelope Amari (Sophia Ali) in the movie to 2233 West 21st Street and figured the restaurant was likely nearby.  So I opened up Google maps to where Western runs through that area and found Chabelita Tacos almost immediately, literally right around the corner from the house!


    I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to stalk it a few days later.

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (4 of 19)

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (1 of 19)

    While signage in the windows proclaims that the restaurant serves the “Best Mexican Food in L.A.” (a sentiment Chowhounders wholeheartedly back up, though Yelpers do not), we had already eaten when we arrived on the premises, so we did not get to sample any of the fare.

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (5 of 19)

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (3 of 19)

    Though technically a walk-up taco stand . . .

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (10 of 19)

    . . . the place has quite a bit of interior seating.

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (8 of 19)

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (16 of 19)

    Surprisingly, aside from the fact that it has been around since at least 1992, I could not find much information about the history of Chabelita Tacos posted anywhere online – nor was I able to figure out what “Chabelita” translates to in English.

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (6 of 19)

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (7 of 19)

    In the Truth or Dare scene, Markie is seated outside of Chabelita Tacos at one of the metal tables positioned along West 20th Street . . .



    . . . on the same bench that I am sitting on in the photo below (though I am facing the opposite direction).  How cool is it that the image of the divided food plate visible on the wall behind Markie in the bottom screen capture above is still painted on Chabelita’s wall?!

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (13 of 19)

    The area used is pictured below, though from a different vantage point than what was shown onscreen.

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (12 of 19)

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (11 of 19)

    While the segment shot on the premises was brief, it was seriously creepy thanks to the iPhone video of Roy, whose face became warped when the demon Calax took over his body.


    Chabelita Tacos was also featured in the opening scene of the 2003 comedy National Security as the spot where Hank Rafferty (Steve Zahn) and Charlie Reed (Timothy Busfield) grab a late night bite.



    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Chabelita Tacos from Truth or Dare (2 of 19)-2

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Chabelita Tacos, from Truth or Dare, is located at 2001 South Western Avenue in Harvard HeightsOlivia, Markie and Penelope’s house from the movie is right around the corner at 2233 West 21st Street.

  • Olivia, Markie and Penelope’s House from “Truth or Dare”

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (10 of 18)

    If Ghostface from the Scream franchise ever called me to inquire “What’s your favorite scary movie?”, things might get a little confusing because the only answer I’d be able to give would be Scream.  It’s honestly the sole flick in the genre that I truly love.  I did recently watch Truth or Dare, though, and found it to be pretty enjoyable – as well as downright terrifying.  I was on the edge of my seat throughout!  And yes, it is a bit on the dumb side, but it made for a fun watch – up until the end that is, which was sorely disappointing.  Regardless, I thought it would only be appropriate to stalk and blog about a couple of its locales this month in honor of my Haunted Hollywood theme.  First up is the Craftsman-style home where doomed college student Olivia Barron (Lucy Hale) lives with her similarly-doomed roommates, Markie Cameron (Violett Beane) and Penelope Amari (Sophia Ali), in the 2018 film.  Thankfully, the pad was an easy find.


    In an early scene in which Olivia, Markie, Penelope and their friends leave home to head to Mexico for Spring Break, not only was it apparent that their residence was located on a corner and that the backyard was situated on the side of the property and not the rear (two incredibly helpful identifying markers) . . .


    . . . but the signage of an adjacent street, Gramercy Place, was visible.


    I ventured right on over to Google to search aerial views for a corner home with a large side yard abutting Gramercy.  I decided to start my hunt at the 10 Freeway and first work my way north.  If I had no luck in that direction, I’d switch gears and head south.  As soon as the aerial imagery came into focus, though, I just about fell out of my chair because there was the Truth or Dare house staring me right in the face, literally one block north of the 10 at 2233 West 21st Street.

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (6 of 18)

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (7 of 18)

    The handsome dwelling pops up numerous times in Truth or Dare, though it is never quite explained how three college kids can afford such spacious, fancy digs.


    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (17 of 18)

    For whatever reason, we are not given a full view of the house in the movie.


    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (18 of 18)

    Instead, the property is only ever shown in tight, abbreviated shots.


    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (16 of 18)

    The best glimpse we get of the place is via the rather harrowing scene in which Penelope is dared to walk along the edge of the second-story roofline until she finishes drinking an entire bottle of vodka.



    The speared side gate that figures so prominently in the segment isn’t actually there in real life, but was a set piece brought in for the filming.



    In actuality, a wooden fence stands in that spot.  I could not get a great shot of it due to the car parked in the driveway, but you can just make it out to the right of the pad in the images below.

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (2 of 18)

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (5 of 18)

    In another rather fortuitous bit of luck, when I headed over to Image Locations’ filming library to see if I could dig up some photos of the inside of the Truth or Dare house, I was thrilled to discover that the place was actually the very first listing under the Craftsman category!  One look at the pictures posted told me that the interior was definitely utilized in the flick.  As you can see, the screen shot of the girls’ living room below is a perfect match to this image of the home’s real life living room.


    As is this shot of Olivia’s bedroom to this photo of the property’s master suite.


    The pad’s actual dining room parallels what was shown onscreen, as well . . .


    . . . as does the built-in buffet.


    In real life, the 1905 abode boasts 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3,126 square feet of living space, and a 0.18-acre lot.

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (12 of 18)

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (3 of 18)

    Though a gorgeous example of Craftsman architecture, it is not surprising that the dwelling wound up in a horror film.  The place just has a very looming quality about it.

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (1 of 18)

    For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

    Olivia and Markie's House from Truth or Dare (15 of 18)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Olivia, Markie and Penelope’s house from Truth or Dare is located at 2233 West 21st Street in Los Angeles’ Harvard Heights neighborhood.