Tag: Gossip Girl filming locations

  • Watching The Filming of Gossip Girl


    Two weeks ago while in New York, thanks to fave website OnLocationVacations – who I am now seriously thinking of naming my first born after 🙂 – I was able to watch the filming of Gossip Girl live and in person no less than THREE times!!!!!  Yes, you read that right – THREE TIMES!  For those not familiar with the site, OnLocationVacations features a “Daily Filming Locations” page that chronicles which productions are filming where all over the U.S. – most notably on the island of Manhattan.   So, I, of course, checked that page pretty much immediately after I woke up every morning while on my New York vacation.  And, as you can probably imagine, I just about died when on October 5th I read that my new fave show Gossip Girl  would be filming in Central Park, just a few blocks away from the hotel where I was staying.  So, I immediately dragged my fiancé, my best friend, Robin, his girlfriend, Stephanie, and his mother, who were all visiting from Switzerland at the time, out to the Conservatory Water, which is more commonly known as the Model Boat Pond, in Central Park to do some GG  stalking!  THANK YOU OnLocationVacations!  🙂  (On our way to the set, Stephanie and I spotted the above pictured Craft Services truck and were SO excited we just had to stop and snap a quick pic!)  🙂 



    Upon arriving at the Model Boat Pond, I, of course, struck up a conversation with a few crew members from the show who really could NOT have been nicer or more friendly.  They chatted with me about where filming was taking place specifically and about who was on set at the time.  The only cast member present when we showed up, though, was Taylor Momsen, who plays Jenny Humphrey, aka “Little J”, on the show.  Taylor was very cute in person and much taller than I expected her to be, but, unfortunately, she also looked a bit under-the-weather.  During breaks she pretty much just sat off to the side of the production and kept to herself.  The next day, I heard that she actually collapsed from exhaustion a few hours after we left the set!  Poor Taylor!



    Also on set that morning was Air Bud  actor Kevin Zegers who will be guest-starring as Little’s J.’s new love interest on several episodes of Gossip Girl this season.  Because I didn’t recognize him, while we were there I asked around to see if any of the crew members could tell me who he was, but no one seemed to know.  LOL  One crew member told me that  Kevin had starred in the Spiderman movies, but that information turned out to be incorrect.  LOL  It wasn’t until after I got home that fellow stalker Owen was able to identify him for me.  Thank you, Owen!  🙂  Anyway, after watching the filming for about thirty minutes or so, my fiancé and best friend dragged me away from the set.  🙁   Needless to say, neither one of them is very much into filming locations.  LOL



    But have no fear, because later that afternoon, I, of course, dragged everyone back to Central Park to see if any of the other cast members had shown up.  I was hoping most of all to see Ed Westwick (aka Chuck Bass) and Leighton Meester (aka Blair Waldorf) because, as I mentioned yesterday, they are my two favorite actors on the show.  I so heart Chuck Bass!!!!  So, as you can imagine, I literally almost fell over when I walked up to the set and saw my two faves standing hand in hand filming a scene! YAY!  I could NOT have been more excited!  And it seems that I’m not the only one who reads OnLocationVacations because there were at least two hundred fans and paparazzi standing around watching the filming when we arrived.  🙂





    I cannot tell you how exciting it was to watch GG  being filmed right before my very eyes!!!!!  The scene being shot involved Chuck and Blair taking a leisurely stroll through Central Park just East of the Model Boat Pond.





    We literally took close to 500 pictures while watching the filming that afternoon, so deciding which ones to post here proved to be rather difficult.  LOL  I wanted to post them ALL!  But that probably would have crashed my entire blog, so I had to settle for a select few.  🙂



    Leighton Meester is absolutely BEAUTIFUL in person – much prettier than she appears to be on TV – and MUCH taller than I had expected!!  I thought she would be teeny tiny, but in person she looked to be about 5’6”.





    But I have to say that seeing Chuck Bass in person was my favorite part of the day!  🙂  Like Leighton, Ed Westwick is also much better looking in person than he appears to be on TV, but what struck me the most about him was the fact that he makes the SAME EXACT facial expressions in real life that he does while acting as Chuck on the show.  LOVE IT!  Stephanie and I were cracking up the whole time while watching him because he is just so similar to his character. 





    In between takes Leighton and Ed hung out together on set and seemed to get along really, really well.  They were laughing and joking together and appeared to really enjoy each other’s company.  It was very cool to see.



    And when she wasn’t chatting with Ed, Leighton was pretty much glued to her blackberry.  A girl after my own heart, I swear!   🙂



    Unfortunately, as you can see in the above photos, during most of the breaks from shooting a big guy in a red sweatshirt stood in front of Ed and Leighton blocking the paparazzi’s view of the two stars and making it rather difficult for me to take photos.  🙁



    Because Chuck and Blair are my fave GG characters, I pretty much hit the jackpot with the filming I got to see.  I felt really bad for Stephanie, though, as she was absolutely dying to see Serena (aka Blake Lively) in person.  The closest we got to seeing her, though, was when her stand-in walked by (pictured above).  And, let me tell you, it was absolutely uncanny how much her stand-in looked like her!   Everyone started furiously snapping photos of her until she got close enough for us to realize that it wasn’t actually Blake Lively.  LOL



    The following morning, October 6th, I once again checked OnLocationVacations and was FLOORED to discover that GG was filming on location yet again – this time in SoHo.  So, much to my fiancé and best friend’s chagrin, I once more dragged everyone out to the set to do some stalking.  LOL  This time actor Penn Badgley, who plays Dan Humphrey on the show, was shooting a scene by himself.  And, for some incredibly odd reason, besides the ever-present paparazzi, we were the only stalkers on the set that day.  And can I just say here that I so love the New York paparazzi!!!  They are so incredibly friendly and so incredibly different from the L.A. paps, who always seem to have a chip on their shoulder.  One photog that I struck up a conversation with told us exactly where to stand to get a good pic of Penn.  And, sure enough, he was right!  It wasn’t two minutes after we moved to where the photog had told us to stand that Penn walked RIGHT BY!  🙂 



    So, of course, I asked him if he would mind taking a quick photograph with us.  Penn was SUPER nice and said that he had to film a really quick scene, but that he’d be happy to pose with us afterwards.  You can see him filming the scene in the monitors pictured above. 


    So, while Penn filmed his brief scene, Stephanie and I waited off to the side and, as promised, just a few minutes later he walked by us once again.  When he got close to us he stopped and said to his bodyguard, “Hold on a second, I promised these girls a picture.”  How sweet is that!!!!!  Sigh!!!!!  So darn cool!


    All in all it was an AMAZING experience being on the GG  set.  The cast and crew could NOT have been friendlier and I had an absolute blast being there!  I highly recommend stalking the show if you ever have the opportunity! 


    A big THANK YOU goes out to OnLocationVacations without whom none of this would have been possible!!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Gossip Girl  scenes with Taylor Momsen, Ed Westwick, and Leighton Meester were filmed on the East and West sides of the Conservatory Water, aka the Model Boat Pond, in Central Park near 74th Street and Fifth Avenue.  The scene with Penn Badgley was filmed in SoHo at the corner of North Moore and Varick Streets.

  • Nate Archibald’s Townhouse


    Rather than suffer through the re-run abyss airing on most television networks this past summer, my fiance and I instead decided to purchase and watch the first two seasons of the hit CW series Gossip Girl, which neither of us had ever before seen.  Even though Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had been telling me for months that I would love the show, I steered clear of it as I had been under the incorrect assumption that it catered mostly to the teeny-bopper set.  But, let me tell you, once we finally sat down to watch, it didn’t take long for my fiance and I to become totally and completely hooked!!!  As much as it pains me to admit, there were literally whole weekends spent watching back to back episodes, the two of us never once leaving the couch!  LOL  Needless to say, I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with the show . . . and its locations.  And, even though Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass are the two GG  characters I love the most, the locale I was most excited about stalking while in New York two weeks ago was the absolutely beautiful Neoclassical townhouse belonging to Nate Archibald (aka Chace Crawford) on the show.  I found this location – and a few others – thanks to this awesome website.  So, bright and early on our very first morning in NYC, I dragged my parents and my fiance out to finally do some Gossip Girl  stalking!  🙂





    Ironically enough, when we arrived at the townhouse, I almost didn’t recognize the place thanks to the fact that it was COMPLETELY covered in Halloween decorations.  LOL  But being that Halloween is my favorite holiday, I really didn’t mind.  🙂  The six story townhouse, which was built in 1910 and measures 11,296 square feet, is absolutely beautiful in person and it’s not very hard to see why producers chose to use it as the residence of the Archibald family – heirs to the Vanderbilt fortune – on the show.




    As fate would have it, while we were taking photographs of the townhouse, the real life owner happened to walk outside, so I, of course, had to ask him a few questions about the filming.  He was SUPER nice to us, but was very nonchalant about Gossip Girl, as if the filming of a hit television show on his property was an everyday occurrence, which I suppose, for him, it actually is.  LOL  Besides telling us that Chace Crawford is very nice in person, the owner also mentioned that the real interiors of his house are used for the filming of the interiors of the Archibald home, as well.  So cool!  🙂


    Even cooler is the fact that in the Season 2 episode of Gossip Girl  entitled “There Might Be Blood”, the real life address of the home is shown as Nate’s return address on the letter he mails to Jenny!  🙂  Love it!




    And thanks to fave book Manhattan on Film: Walking Tours of Hollywood’s Fabled Front Lot, I found out that the Archibald townhouse was also used as the office of therapist Susan Lowenstein (aka Barbra Streisand) in the 1991 movie The Prince of Tides.



    And, from how it appears in the movie, I am pretty sure the real life interiors of the home were also used in the filming.


    AND, according to this article, the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, rented this very same house for about six months back in 1999 for the bargain price of $75,000 a month while recording his “Invincible” album.  SO COOL!


    I honestly can’t recommend stalking Nate’s townhouse enough!  It is such an amazing piece of property, that even if it wasn’t a filming location, I’m pretty sure I’d still be obsessed with it.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Nate Archibald’s townhouse from Gossip Girl  is located at 4 East 74th Street on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.  Located right around the corner at 25 East 73rd Street is Via Quadronno, my very favorite place to eat breakfast in all of New York.  Their croissants are out of this world!

  • Central Park’s Gapstow Bridge


    One of my favorite places in all of New York is the tiny, little bridge known as Gapstow Bridge.  Actually, I take that back.  I think it’s far more accurate to say that the bridge is one of my favorite places in the entire world.   🙂   I am so enamored with it, in fact, that my entire family now refers to it as “Lindsay’s Bridge”.  🙂  Gapstow Bridge and its surroundings are so incredibly picturesque and romantic that I’ve taken about three hundred photographs of it on my various trips to the Big Apple and I go out of my way to visit it at least once each day while in Manhattan.  It’s just one of those places that has the ability to calm me and warm me all at the same time.  I just can’t get enough of it.


    Part of what makes Gapstow Bridge so beautiful is its surroundings.  The bridge spans the northeast corner of the Central Park Pond and overlooks the beautiful Plaza Hotel to the South, Wollman Rink to the North, and the skyscrapers of the Upper West Side to the West.  Believe me when I say that there is no other place like it in the entire world.   I can’t be sure where Heaven is located, but I’m pretty certain it has a view of Gapstow Bridge.  🙂


    The bridge was first built in 1874 by prominent New York architect Jacob Wrey Mould, who also designed Central Park’s Bethesda Fountain and Belvedere Castle.   The bridge was originally built out of wood with intricate cast iron railings, but sadly, due to years of wear and tear, the entire thing had to be completely replaced in 1896.  The Gapstow Bridge that stands today was designed by Howard & Caudwell, is made out of a sturdy, medium-grade rock known as schist, measures 12 feet tall, and has a span of 44 feet.  It truly looks like something straight out of a movie.  And, as a matter of  fact, it is!


    Because Gapstow Bridge is so incredibly picturesque and unique, it’s no surprise that it is one of the most photographed places in all of Manhattan and has, of course, appeared in countless movie and television productions – many more so than I could ever account for here.  But just to name a few . . .




    The bridge, of course, appeared in an episode of the quintessential New York series Sex and the City.  In the Season 6 episode which was entitled “Let There Be Light”, Carrie and new love Aleksandr Petrovsky sit and eat chocolates on a Central Park bench with the Gapstow Bridge in the background.




    Gapstow Bridge was also the site of Nate and Blair’s reunion kiss in the Season 2 episode of Gossip Girl entitled “Remains of the J”.  In the episode, Dorota mentions that the bridge is Blair’s favorite spot in all of New York.  I knew there was a reason why she was my favorite GG character.  🙂




    In Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, the bridge is the place where Kevin McCallister first encounters the Pigeon Lady.





    It is also the spot where, on Christmas morning, Kevin gives her one of his turtle dove ornaments and tells her “I won’t forget you.  Trust me.”  I swear no matter how many times I see that scene, it always manages to bring a tear to my eye.




    In the movie The Devil Wears Prada, the Runway Magazine “Urban Jungle” photo shoot takes place right in front of Gapstow Bridge.  In the first screen capture pictured above, the camera is situated just above my bridge, facing South.


    While visiting New York last December, my family and I happened to run into the production crew for the television series Rescue Me filming on my bridge!   Unfortunately, they were just wrapping up when we got there, so we didn’t get to see any of the actual filming or any of the show’s stars.


    According to one of the crew members, though, the scene involved two guest stars having a conversation right in front of the Gapstow Bridge.  The above photograph shows one of the crew members removing the actors’ “marks” off of the pavement and thus denotes the exact spot where filming took place.




    The day we happened upon the filming was an EXTREMELY cold winter day in New York.  If I remember correctly, temperatures were a record low for that year.    The poor crew members were freezing their buns off, especially when they had to remove their gloves in order to fiddle with something on a piece of equipment.  I felt so bad for them, as they all looked absolutely miserable. 🙁  But, even in the extreme cold, they still could NOT have been nicer and answered all of my silly questions about the filming.


    It’s a sad truth that most movie locations look better onscreen than they do in real life.  It’s the magic of the camera and all the set dressing, I suppose, or the bigger than life quality that being in a movie gives to something that’s behind it.   Gapstow Bridge is one of the rare exceptions to that rule.  It’s even prettier and more picturesque in person than I’ve ever seen it come across onscreen and I can’t recommend stalking it enough!


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Gapstow Bridge is located in the Southeast corner of Central Park in Manhattan.  The best way to reach it is by entering the Park at the corner of Central Park South and Fifth Avenue and following the path that runs along the perimeter of the Pond.

  • The Campbell Apartment


    One of my favorite bars in all of New York is called the Campbell Apartment and it is located right inside the most famous train depot of them all, Grand Central Station. I discovered the bar thanks to a guide book I was reading during my first trip to New York, back in December of 2005.



    The Campbell Apartment was never actually an apartment at all, but rather the business office of millionaire railroad tycoon John William Campbell. In 1920, after retiring from his position as chairman of Credit Clearing House, Campbell became a member of the board of the New York Public Railroad and decided to find a suitable office for himself close to Grand Central Station. In 1923, Campbell found his perfect office – a 3,500 square foot single room located right inside Grand Central Station. The room measured 35 feet wide, 60 feet long, and had 25 foot high ceilings. Campbell hired New York architect Augustus N. Allen to renovate the large room into his dream Florentine-style office – and no expense was spared in doing so. The office became a sort of museum, housing a million dollar art collection which consisted of vases, statues, rare books, and antique rugs. One of those rugs covered the entire floor of the large room and was worth a reported $300,000. The office featured gorgeous leaded windows, dark wood-paneled walls, a large marble fireplace, 13th Century Italian furnishings, a huge steel safe, a grand piano and a pipe organ. Besides conducting his business affairs there, Campbell and his wife would often entertain in his office, as well, hosting large groups of friends for dinner, dancing, and cocktails.


    Those parties perhaps served as the inspiration for Mark Grossich, current owner of the Campbell Apartment. Mark purchased the space in 1999, 42 years after John Campbell’s death. In the interim between Campbell’s death and Grossich’s purchase, the once grand space fell into serious disarray, at different times serving as a warehouse, a storage room, and even a jail! Mark had the foresite to restore the beautiful space to its former glory, hoping that Grand Central commuters of today would step into the grand office of yesterday to sip “cocktails from another era”. And indeed they did. Ten years later they are still coming – in droves. As I learned on my first visit to the Campbell Apartment, most nights it’s standing room only.


    On that first visit back in 2005, I pulled what my boyfriend likes to call my “Sex and the City coup”. In the Season One episode of SATC entitled “The Power of Female Sex”, Carrie and the girls are repeatedly denied entrance to hot new New York eatery Balzac. After their final failed attempt to dine at the eatery, Carrie makes a pit stop at Balzac’s restroom. While there she runs into the hostess who denied them entry only moments before and who is currently in need of a tampon. Carrie provides it, and after her good deed, never again has trouble getting a table at Balzac. 🙂 Well, on our first trip to the Campbell Apartment, we put our names in with the hostess and were told it was going to be at least an hour wait. It was at that point that I noticed the hostess’ sparkling, two carat, princess cut, diamond engagement ring and proceeded to drool all over it. Ever since I was old enough to know what an engagement ring was, I have known that I want a princess cut one. I don’t care how big it is, or what “clarity” or “color”, but my boyfriend knows that if he wants me to say yes, he had better be proposing with a princess cut. 🙂 Well, the hostess LOVED that I loved her ring and even let me try the huge rock on. I was dying, it was so beautiful . . . and big! Well, not five minutes later we were seated at one of the best spots in the bar. 🙂 As my mom always says, the quickest way to a girl’s heart is to compliment her engagement ring. 🙂



    I am actually very surprised that Campbell Apartment was not featured in an episode of Sex and the City – it seems like just the place Carrie and the girls would kick back a few cosmos. But the Campbell Apartment was featured in the pilot episode of the ever-popular teen soap Gossip Girl as the location of Serena and Nate’s illicit affair (pictured above). The bartender told us that the bar was also used in one of this season’s GG episodes, but he was unsure of which one. I guess he’s not a big Gossip Girl fan. 🙂 The bar has also been host to many movie wrap parties and industry get-togethers.

    I can’t recommend stalking the Campbell Apartment enough! It is an absolutely fabulous place to grab a drink. Stepping through the doors is like stepping back in time to a more glamorous and fabulous era – the era of Old New York.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂


    Stalk It: The Campbell Apartment is located at 15 Vanderbilt Avenue, inside Grand Central Station, in New York. Baseball caps and tennis shoes are not permitted, so dress appropriately. You can visit the Campbell Apartment website here.