Tag: famous restaurants

  • Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts


    Many years ago, I was enrolled in an acting school in Burbank that was located just down the street from a little coffee shop named Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts.  I logged quite a bit of time at the coffee house, as my classmates and I would often grab a coffee and hang out there before and after class.  So, when the place popped up in an episode of Desperate Housewives a few weeks ago, I literally almost fell out of my chair!   Since I hadn’t been to Priscilla’s in almost eight years – and because I’m always on the lookout for any excuse to visit a coffee house – I decided I just had to stalk the place.  So, yesterday I headed out to Burbank – laptop in hand – to spend the morning blogging and drinking coffee at Priscilla’s.  And, let me tell you, the place was absolutely JAM PACKED when I arrived.  There literally wasn’t an empty seat in the entire house.  I was shocked that the the place would be so crowded on a weekday morning, but that’s a definite testament to how good Priscilla’s coffee is.  🙂  Anyway, after ordering my iced latte, I retreated to a nearby corner and waited around for a table to open up.  Well, I wasn’t standing there more than 45 seconds when an extremely kind gentleman walked up and offered to share his table with me!!  How incredibly nice is that?  I almost couldn’t believe it, as people in L.A. aren’t usually that overtly friendly.  But, from what I noticed yesterday, that’s just par for the course at Priscilla’s – people there are just plain nice!  🙂  So, my new friend and I sat there for a while – me blogging away on my laptop, him studying his lines for an upcoming addition, both of us enjoying some extremely good coffee.  🙂 


    Surprisingly enough, when I used to hang out at Priscilla’s many years back, I wasn’t a coffee drinker.  In fact, until yesterday morning, I had never actually tasted any of Priscilla’s coffee and I honestly didn’t have high hopes that the place would compare to my beloved Starbucks.  So, you can imagine my surprise when I tasted my latte yesterday morning and discovered it was JUST as good as Starbucks, if not better!  It was so tasty, in fact, that as soon as I finished my first cup, I got in line to order another!  LOL   And it was while I was waiting for my second drink that I asked the barista if it would be alright to snap a few photos of the store.  I really wasn’t sure how she would respond, because as I’ve mentioned before, for whatever reason, many restaurants in L.A. don’t allow any sort of interior photography.  Well, not only did she tell me it was OK to snap pictures, but she also asked if I wanted her to take a photograph of me in the shop!!!!!  I mean could this place be any greater????  The above photo is the one she took, and the other barista on duty even agreed to pose with me for it!  LOVE IT!  🙂




    Priscilla’s Coffee Tea & Gifts has actually been in business since the early 1970s, at which time it was operated out of a former gas station.  In 1993, due to a growing demand, the coffee house moved to a larger location on Riverside Drive in Burbank where it has remained ever since.  Besides coffee, Priscilla’s also serves up teas, pastries, sandwiches, salads, and even gelato.  It’s also a great place to browse as they have numerous gift items and greeting cards for sale.  And the fact that the place has free wi-fi and plays 80s music (including Michael Jackson!!!) is pretty much just icing on the cake!  🙂  Priscilla’s is a SUPER cute little coffee shop and I honestly cannot recommend stalking it enough!!!!  In fact, I’m thinking of becoming a regular there!  🙂




    Priscilla’s first popped up in the episode of Desperate Housewives  entitled “The Coffee Cup”, which aired on November 15th.  Quite a few scenes from the episode took place at Priscilla’s, which stood in for “The Coffee Cup Bakery & Cafe” on the show.  It first appeared in the scene in which Julie Mayer (aka Andrea Bowen) has a highly awkward encounter with her married boyfriend’s wife, Angie Bolen (aka Drea de Matteo), while waiting in line for coffee.




    Later in the episode, Angie confronts her husband Nick (aka Jeffrey Nordling) at Priscilla’s, after she sees him flirting with a Coffee Cup barista named Emily Portsmith. 




    And, finally, at the very end of that episode, Priscilla’s shows up once again as the spot where Nick makes a phone call to the police to let them know he is thinking of turning himself in for an as-yet unnamed crime . . .




    . . . and as the spot where barista Emily is strangled.




    And, in the following episode, which was entitled “Would I Think of Suicide?”, Priscilla’s shows up yet again!  It is featured in the episode’s opening scene, in which the manager of The Coffee Cup enters the store in the early morning hours only to discover Emily lying dead on the floor.




    In a subsequent scene, Julie Mayer and her friends discuss Emily’s death out in front of Pricilla’s.



    Besides being a filming location, Pricilla’s is also something of a celebrity hotspot, thanks to its proximity to the area studios.  Just a few of the stars who have been spotted there recently include Jay Leno, Ben Affleck and Kevin Connolly.  Randomly enough, while I was attending acting school in Burbank, I happened to see a television show on the E! Network (for the life of me I cannot remember what it was called!) that featured paparazzi videos of celebrities performing day to day activities.  One of the videos featured an old clip of my girl Jen Aniston during the early days of Friends grabbing a cup of coffee at Priscilla’s.   And, let me tell you, when I saw that video I just about had a heart attack over the fact that Jen had visited the very same coffee shop that I was hanging out in at the time!!  🙂    What can I say, the girl’s got good taste!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Pricilla’s Gourmet Coffee and Teas is located at 4150 Riverside Drive in Burbank.  You can visit their website here.

  • The Red Robin Restaurant from “Newlyweds”


    While Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I were out doing some Valley stalking a couple of months ago, we decided to made a pit stop at the Red Robin restaurant in Calabasas for lunch.  Even though I am not now nor never have been a big Jessica Simpson fan, I had been dying to stalk the restaurant ever since it had appeared in a Season Three episode of the Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson reality series Newlyweds.   Truth be told, though, I was really just using the fact that the restaurant had appeared on TV as an excuse to eat there, as Red Robin has long been my very favorite place to dine.  🙂  In fact, until POP Champagne Bar came on the scene late last year, Red Robin was literally the only place I ever wanted to eat.  For those who have never had the pleasure of dining at a Red Robin location, let me just say here that the eatery serves up some of the BEST chicken strips (aka “Clucks”) I’ve ever tasted in my entire life, their fries are out of this world, and don’t even get me started on the ranch dressing!!!  🙂   So, when I randomly mentioned to Mike that I had always wanted to stalk the Red Robin from Newlyweds, and he not only knew its exact location, but said we happened to be right in its vicinity, I just about died from excitement and begged him to take me there.  Which he happily did.  🙂 




    In the Season 3 episode of Newlyweds entitled “Eye Surgery”, Jessica Simpson and BFF Cacee Cobb have Lasik surgery performed on their eyes – and yes, the entire procedure is shown, in very high detail I might add – on the show.  I was literally gagging while watching it!  In fact, after seeing the surgery in such an up-close-and-personal format like that, I don’t think I will ever in my life sign up for Lasik.  LOL  But I digress!  After the procedure, Jessica mentions that she could really go for a burger and the two make a stop at the nearest Red Robin restaurant.  Because the girls are forced to wear post-surgery eye goggles, which severely inhibit their vision, several comical moments take place during the course of the meal.


    My favorite of which being when Jessica drowns her plate in about three pounds of ketchup, and then, not realizing  how much she had poured, asks Cacee, “Do I have enough for my burger?”  LOL LOL LOL   



    In the episode, Jessica also had a little trouble walking up the restaurant’s front steps, so Mike suggested that I imitate her while he took a picture.  LOVE IT!  🙂 


    While we were eating, I mentioned to Mike that I wished I could remember the spot where Jessica and Cacee sat during the episode, to which he replied, “Oh, I know their exact booth!”  And that right there is why he is one of my best friends!!! 🙂  For those who are curious, Jessica and Cacee sat in the furthest corner booth of the restaurant’s Eastern side (pictured above).  


    It should be no surprise that I HIGHLY recommend stalking the Red Robin restaurant from Newlyweds!  🙂  I also highly recommend ordering the Clucks & Fries meal while there.  Trust me on this one, you will NOT be disappointed!!!     🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Red Robin restaurant from Newlyweds is located at 24005 Calabasas Road in Calabasas.

  • Big Oaks Lodge from “Beverly Hills, 90210”


    Before I left on my New York vacation just about two months ago, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I spent a day together stalking in and around the San Fernando Valley.  And even though we had a long list of places to stalk, the location we were most excited about seeing had to be a place called Big Oaks Lodge, which was used in the Season 2 episode of Beverly Hills, 90210  entitled “Camping Trip”.  Before arriving at Big Oaks Lodge, I was actually a little nervous about the drive up there, though, as I had read that the place was located completely out in the middle of nowhere, but, as it turns out, it’s not really as out in the middle of nowhere as I had thought.  The Lodge is located a brief twenty minute drive from the City of Santa Clarita, and while the road which leads there is remote, windy, and lacks a Starbucks, it’s really not a bad ride at all.  🙂  Big Oaks Lodge was originally built in the 1920s as a rest stop and eatery for traveling stagecoaches.  In the 30s, 40s, and 50s, the Lodge and its surrounding area became something of a Hollywood hotspot for the likes of such legends as gangster “Pretty Boy” Floyd and the original Brangelina – Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford – who even ended up building their own private cabin near the restaurant.  In later years, the property served as a training spot for boxers like Mike Quarry and Michael Doakes and even boasted its own outdoor ring, which has since been removed.  The Lodge now serves as a meeting place and rest stop and features not one, but two different eateries on the property.  The first is a little food stand named the Char House, which serves up such culinary staples as hamburgers, chili, and tri-tip sandwiches and is popular with the Harley Davidson set.  The Lodge’s more upscale restaurant is named Cavi and it specializes in authentic homemade Italian food.  The Lodge is still popular with celebrities to this day and has played host to talk show host Jay Leno and members of the band ZZ Top.





    Big Oaks Lodge is actually much smaller than I expected it to be and consists solely of the main lodge area, which houses Cavi restaurant, the Char House shed, an outdoor patio, and two small cabins, which can be rented out nightly.  While stalking the place, Mike and I had the good fortune of meeting one of the Lodge’s owners, who absolutely could NOT believe that we had driven all the way out to Big Oaks just to see a location from an episode of 90210  which had aired over 18 years ago.  And, let me tell you, he just about fell over when we showed him Mike’s portable DVD player, where we had the “Camping Trip” episode all cued up.  LOL  🙂  The owner told us we were free to walk around the property and take all of the photographs we wanted.  And you really should have seen the two of us!  We could not have been more excited and were screaming like little schoolgirls pretty much the entire time!  “Oh, look there’s the firewood shed!” and “Ohmigod, there’s the tree Brandon leaned against!”  LOL  We were both pretty bummed out, though, that neither of the Lodge’s restaurants were open while we were there, as we had hoped to grab a bite to eat during our stalk.  🙁  But you know what that means, don’t you?  My fiancé will definitely be getting dragged out there in the near future so that I can re-stalk the place.  🙂 





    In the “Camping Trip” episode, thanks to a patch of bad weather, Brandon, Brenda and the gang get stuck at Big Oaks Lodge while on their way to a camping trip in Yosemite.   The entire episode was pretty much shot on location at the Lodge and made use of the entire Big Oaks property, which I am happy to report still looks very much the same as it did on 90210.  Pictured above is Big Oaks’ front entrance, which showed up several times in the episode.



    The firewood storage area, which looks a bit different today than it did when 90210  was filmed, was the spot where the gang first took shelter from the rain after pulling over at Big Oaks.



    Had to do it!  🙂  LOL 





    The “Char House” restaurant stood in for the Lodge’s main office where Brenda and Dylan booked a cabin for the group to spend the night.




    Once upon a time there were actually ten different cabins located on the Big Oaks property, but today there are only two and both of those cabins were featured in the “Camping Trip” episode.  The 90210 gang stayed in the wood shingled lodge, which at the time of the filming was painted red, but is now a light grey color.


    And the Newlyweds stayed in the rock cabin located directly next door. 



    And although a full exterior shot of the rock cabin was never shown during the episode, as you can see in the above screen capture and photograph, the front door still looks exactly the same today as it did during the filming.  Love it!  And I was very excited to find out that the real life interiors of both cabins were also used extensively in the episode.  Unfortunately, though, the owner didn’t have his keys on him while we were there, so he was not able to take us on a tour of the cabins.  🙁   Next time! 



    The picnic table area in front of the Char House was used as the location where the gang fretted about Dylan and Brandon’s early morning disappearance.







    The road in front of the Lodge and the main parking area showed up in the scene in which Brandon and Dylan return to the campsite after their little hiking mishap.



    And finally, a large tree in the Lodge’s dirt parking lot – aka “Brandon’s tree” – was featured as the spot where Brandon contemplated life after his near death experience of almost falling off a cliff.  So, of course, I just had to pose like him!  🙂 





    A little bit of 90210 trivia for you – The highly dramatic scene where Dylan downed a few airplane bottles of liquor (pictured above) was not actually filmed at Big Oaks Lodge, but in the backyard of the real life Walsh house!  Mike and I learned that little tidbit of information from the owner of Casa Walsh during our private tour of the home.  🙂  So cool!


    According to the Big Oaks Lodge website, the property has also been featured in the movies Frances, Enough, American Gun, and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and in episodes of the television series  Dynasty  and Highway to Heaven, and in commercials for AT&T and Vonage.  It’s a very cool place and I highly recommend stalking it, especially to fans of the original 90210! 


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Big Oaks Lodge from Beverly Hills, 90210 is located at 33101 Bouquet Canyon Road in Santa Clarita, just nine miles north of where Bouquet Canyon Road intersects with Plum Canyon Road.  You can visit the Big Oaks Lodge website here.  Cavi restaurant is open Wednesday through Sunday, beginning at 5 p.m.  The Char House is open Saturdays and Sundays, starting at 11 a.m.

  • Scout Bar from “Sex and the City”


    Yet another Sex and the City location that I stalked while in New York last month was O’Nieals Grand Street Bar, which stood in for Scout, the watering hole owned by Carrie and Miranda’s ex-boyfriends, Aidan and Steve, on the show.  And even though I had actually stalked this location during last year’s New York vacation and also blogged about it, because I had not been able to venture inside, it was a place I had always planned on returning to.  So, since my good friend Steffi, who is an even bigger fan of Sex and the City than I am (if that’s at all possible) and who has always loved the character of Aidan, accompanied me to New York this year, I decided there was no time like the present!  On this particular occasion, though, nothing was going to stop me from journeying inside!  🙂  And, let me tell you, I am so glad I did, because O’Nieals’ interior is nothing short of magnificent.


    One look around O’Nieal’s dark Mahogany interior and it’s easy to see why producers chose to use it as the bar that Carrie’s furniture designing former boyfriend built.  Upon seeing Scout for the first time on the show, Carrie says “There was no sign of him, but he was everywhere.  In the mahogany bar, wood floors, carved ceiling.  The whole place looked and felt just like Aidan.”  And in real life, that same sentiment is true – the place truly does look and feel just like the character played by John Corbett.  So much so, in fact, that it’s hard to believe the bar wasn’t a set built by production designers specifically for the series.



    O’Nieal’s decor consists almost entirely of dark, shiny, hand-carved wood and, let me tell you, it is absolutely gorgeous.  But my favorite part of the bar had to be its amazingly intricate ceiling, which unfortunately I just could not get a very good photograph of.  🙁  But take my word for it, the ceiling is beautiful.  O’Nieals has a definite old New York vibe to it and, I am happy to report, looks exactly the same in person as it did onscreen in Sex and the City.  The staff also could NOT have been nicer and allowed me to take all of the photographs I wanted, even though I wasn’t dining at the establishment.  On a side note – Being able to take pictures inside of bars and restaurants is just one of the many reasons that I love New York so much.  In L.A., unfortunately, there are many venues that don’t allow any sort of interior photography.  And, while part of me understands an establishment’s desire to keep stalkers like myself from taking pictures of their celebrity patrons, for the most part I think the whole thing is just plain ludicrous.  A few months back my fiancé and I grabbed some cocktails at a place called the Writers Bar in Beverly Hills.  The upscale (read: snooty) bar had numerous autographed scripts displayed on their walls and when I went to a photograph in front of one which had been signed by Julia Roberts, the manager came rushing over and demanded that I put my camera away.  Dumbfounded, I asked him why, to which he replied “We do not allow cameras here due to our high-profile clients”.  LOL LOL LOL  Now, if I had been trying to take a photograph of a celebrity sitting nearby (and by the way, my fiancé and I were the only two people in the entire bar at the time), I can totally understand the manager requesting that I put my camera away.  But it was very obvious what I was taking a picture of and why and being that we had just shelled out $25 per drink, I found the whole thing highly ridiculous and my fiancé and I vowed never to return.  Which we haven’t.  But thankfully, in my many visits to New York, I have NEVER EVER – not even once – been told to put my camera away – even in cases when celebrities actually were dining right next to me.  🙂  But, I digress.  Anyway, as I said before, O’Nieals is a very hip, absolutely gorgeous little spot and I HIGHLY recommend stalking it.







    O’Nieals was featured twice on Sex and the City.  It first showed up in the Season Four episode entitled “Ghost Town”, in which Carrie visits Scout to drop off a congratulatory Mulberry bush for Aidan and Steve, just before the bar is set to open.



    O’Nieal’s shows up once again later in that same episode, when the girls attend Scout’s grand opening party.




    The bar was also featured in the Season Four episode entitled “Time & Punishment”, in which Carrie shows up at Scout only to discover Aidan flirting with a skeezy bartender named Shana.  And, even though Steve continued to own the bar throughout the rest of Sex and the City’s six year run, for some reason, it never again appeared onscreen.





    On a sad side note – While in New York, I was also dying to visit Collins Bar, the spot where Miranda first met Steve in the Season 2 episode of Sex and the City  entitled “The Man, The Myth, The Viagra” (pictured above).  Unfortunately, though, the beloved dive bar closed its doors in July of 2007 and the building that formerly housed it is in the process of being torn down to make room for a new hi-rise condominium development.  Such a bummer!!!!  You can see some great pictures of the former Collins Bar here and here, though.  

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Scout, aka O’Nieals Grand Street Bar, is located at 174 Grand Street in New York’s SoHo area.  You can visit their website here.  Collins Bar was formerly located at 735 Eighth Avenue, near Time’s Square.

  • Pete’s Tavern


    Yet another Sex and the City location that I stalked while in New York last month was a spot that touts itself as New York’s oldest continuously operating bar and restaurant.  And while there are actually quite a few watering holes claiming to be New York’s most long-established, Pete’s distinguishes itself thanks to the fact that it first opened up in 1864 – when Abraham Lincoln was in office! – and has never closed since.  Like not ever!  Not in the 30’s during Prohibition – when it was disguised as a flower shop – nor more recently during the city-wide blackout of 2003.  No, the small tavern on the corner of East 18th Street and Irving Place has been in existence as a drinking establishment of some sort or another for over 145 years!  And because it’s also a frequent filming location, I just had to stalk the place! 



    Beginning in 1852, the space which Pete’s now occupies contained a small grocery store, so while it’s entirely possible that liquor was sold on the premises as far back as that year, the place didn’t officially become a tavern until 1864.  The original bar was named the Portman Hotel and it enjoyed a 35 year run, until 1899 when brothers Tom and John Healy purchased the establishment and re-named it Healy’s Cafe.  In 1932, a man named Pete Belles came on the scene and changed the bar’s name to Pete’s Tavern, as it has remained to this day.  And, thankfully, despite a high rate of ownership turnover, aside from the name, little else at the establishment has been altered since 1864.  Even the decor and the original rosewood bar have been left largely untouched since the drinkery’s opening almost a century and a half ago!   And I’d say chances are pretty good that a hundred and fifty years from now, Pete’s will still look very much the same as it does today.  Love it!


    Pete’s Tavern has long been something of a celebrity hotspot.  In fact, the watering hole’s walls are absolutely covered in photographs of its many rich and famous clients. I so love it, by the way, when restaurants display pictures of their celebrity patrons on the walls!  🙂   Just a few of the celebs who have dined at the tavern include Ben Stiller, Mike Meyers, Bruce Willis, Natalie Portman, James Gandolfini, Zack Braff, Ed Burns, Harvey Keitel, Jeremy Sisto, Julia Stiles, Johnny Depp, and Tom Cruise (pictured above).  The Kennedy family has also long had ties to the tavern. Joe Kennedy was the one who provided the place liquor during Prohibition, JFK dined there with Jackie on more than one occasion during his presidency, and their son, JFK, Jr., also became a regular patron years later. 



    Pete’s has also appeared in countless film and television productions over the years.  Robert Mitchum grabbed a drink there in the 1962 movie Two for the Seesaw and it was also at Pete’s that Kramer set up a sting operation involving Jerry’s nasally accountant in the Season 5 episode of Seinfeld entitled “The Sniffing Accountant” (pictured above).  




    And while the real Pete’s was used for the establishing shots shown in that episode, the bar’s interior (pictured above) was actually a set that was built on the CBS Radford lot in Los Angeles where Seinfeld was filmed.  You can watch Seinfeld’s Pete’s Tavern scene here.  Pete’s also popped up in the movies Ragtime, Endless Love, Across the Sea of Time, The Guru, and in an episode of Law and Order


    Pete’s Tavern is probably most famous for its significance in literary history, though. Not only did legendary author O. Henry set his short story “The Lost Blend” at the bar, which he called “Kenealy’s” in the tale, but in 1904 he wrote the “The Gift of the Magi” while sitting in one of the eatery’s booths.  That very booth is still in existence to this day and even boasts a plaque commemorating the occasion.  Children’s author Ludwig Bemelmans also penned the first Madeline book at Pete’s – on the back of one of their menus, no less!  🙂






    Aside from the celebrity patrons and historical significance of the place, I actually wanted to stalk Pete’s Tavern for one reason and one reason alone – because it was there, on the restaurant’s front patio and over $3 beers, that Miranda Hobbs proposed to longtime boyfriend Steve Brady in one of my very favorite Sex and the City  episodes of all time – the one entitled “The Ick Factor”.  I honestly cannot say enough about that particular episode!  It’s just simply one of the series’ best!  In fact, I just got sucked into watching the entire thing AGAIN while making screen captures for this post.  LOL  Sadly, though, because Pete’s front patio was absolutely jam packed while we were stalking the place, we weren’t able to sit in the exact spot where Sex and the City  was filmed.  But even though I had to settle for indoor seating, I still could NOT have been more excited to finally be dining at Pete’s! 



    I honestly cannot recommend stalking Pete’s Tavern enough!  The food was excellent, the staff was super-friendly and also quite knowledgeable about the bar’s filming history, and the ambience was one hundred percent old New York!  I absolutely loved the place!  My only beef with the establishment is the fact that their chicken fingers meal is only made available to those patrons sitting at the bar, which I, unfortunately, wasn’t.  🙁  Being that chicken strips are my favorite food, I was pretty bummed out that I couldn’t order them from where I was seated.  So much so, in fact, that I almost made our entire group of seven move over to the bar.  LOL  Memo to Pete’s staff –chicken fingers are not just a bar food.  I mean heck, I’m even serving them at my wedding, for Pete’s sake (and yes that pun was intended LOL)!   So, do us all a favor and please, please, please put the chicken fingers on your regular menu for all of us lowbrow foodies to enjoy.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Pete’s Tavern is located at 129 East 18th Street, near Gramercy Park, in Manhattan.  You can visit their website here.

  • Commerce Restaurant


    One of the locations that I was most excited about stalking while in New York this past month was a little restaurant named Commerce which appeared in the very last episode of fave show Sex and the City.  Well, truth be told, at the time SATC was filmed, the restaurant was known as Grange Hall, but that space closed its doors back in 2004, shortly after filming took place.   A few years later, a nouveau American cuisine restaurant named Commerce opened in the same spot and it is that eatery that I set out to stalk last month.  I found this location thanks to favorite stalking book New York: A Movie Lover’s Guide, which featured a brief blurb about the fact that Grange Hall was used in SATC’s  series finale.  Unfortunately, though, it failed to point out what specific scene took place there.  So, being the anal stalker that I am, before leaving on my New York vacation, I made it my mission to figure out which part of the episode, which was entitled “An American Girl in Paris, Part Deux”, was filmed at the restaurant.   And, let me tell you, I really had my work cut out for me on this one!  Because several different eateries were actually featured in the finale, I found it virtually impossible to discern which one was Grange Hall.  After watching the entire sixty minute finale all the way through, I came up completely empty-handed.  But then an idea struck me!  I thought that listening to executive producer Michael Patrick King’s DVD commentary about the finale might provide some insight.  And, sure enough, it did! 


    As it turns out, Grange Hall was not actually portrayed as a New York restaurant in Sex and the City ,which explains why I had such a hard time locating it in the episode.  In “An American Girl in Paris, Part Deux”, Grange Hall stood in for the Paris eatery where Carrie’s French fans threw her a party towards the end of the episode.  It is after Carrie shows up late to this party, only to find that her new friends have already left, that she realizes that Paris isn’t turning out quite how she had expected.  







    I was shocked to discover that both the interior and the exterior of Grange Hall were used in the filming of “An American Girl in Paris”.  I had incorrectly assumed that the exterior shown in the episode was actually that of a real French restaurant.  In reality, though, producers dressed up the entire street in front of Grange Hall to make it look Parisian, even going so far as to add French street signs and French street lamps (as you can see in the above screen captures).  Why they didn’t just film this particular scene at an actual restaurant in Paris is beyond me, especially being that the majority of the finale was actually shot on location there.  But that’s Hollywood for you!  🙂  






    I am VERY happy to report that even though the Grange Hall space has gone through a succession of ownership changes since the SATC series finale was filmed, both the interior and the exterior of the restaurant still look EXACTLY the same as they did onscreen.  🙂   The decor, the booths and tables, and even the wood and glass partition that separates the entryway from the rest of the restaurant are all still very recognizable from the episode.  YAY!  I can’t tell you how happy I am that Commerce restaurant kept the Grange Hall interior intact for all of us Sex and the City fans to appreciate!  🙂


    Commerce restaurant’s name was derived from the fact that it is located on Commerce Street in Greenwich Village.  The building that houses the restaurant is actually quite famous in and of itself, aside from the fact that Sex and the City  once filmed there.  The property has been in existence since the early 1930’s, at which time it housed a speakeasy.  In the 1940’s, the Blue Mill Tavern took over the space and quickly became something of a New York landmark.  Blue Mill enjoyed a successful run for over half a century, serving such famed customers as Eugene O’Neill and Ethel and Julius Roseberg. In 1992, Blue Mill Tavern closed its doors and Grange Hall opened in its place.  Grange Hall quickly became a celebrity hotspot, with regular patrons such as Brad Pitt, Jennifer Esposito, Gwyneth Paltrow, Liv Tyler (who hosted her 16th birthday party at the restaurant), and Bill Clinton.  Grange Hall also appeared quite a few times on the silver screen.  According to New York: A Movie Lover’s Guide, besides the SATC  finale, the restaurant was also featured in the movies The Brothers McMullen and Anything Else and a commercial for a French cell phone company starring Martin Scorsese.  In 2004, due to an increase in rent, Grange Hall was forced to close its doors and, after a few unsuccessful turnovers, Commerce restaurant was opened.  Commerce is an absolutely adorable little place and I so, so, so wanted to grab a bite there during this year’s New York vacation, but unfortunately ran out of time.  🙁  It is DEFINITELY on my list of places to dine during next year’s trip, though.  🙂 


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Commerce restaurant is located at 50 Commerce Street in New York’s Greenwich Village.  You can visit their website here.  You can read a great article about the former Grange Hall here.

  • The 13 Going On 30 Bar


    Those of you who read my blog regularly know that the restaurant where Jennifer Garner hit on the 13-year-old boy in fave movie 13 Going On 30  has long been a thorn in my side.  For whatever reason, it seems that no matter how hard I tried or how badly I wanted to stalk it, I just couldn’t seem to track the place down!  I came fairly close last year, when Mike, from MovieShotsLA, managed to find what was used as the exterior of the restaurant on a cobblestone street in New York’s SoHo neighborhood.  But, as fate would have it, the SoHo location turned out to be a clothing store that was used solely for exterior filming, while the interior scenes were shot at another location altogether.  But where????  Finally, last week, I decided to enlist the help of fellow stalker Owen, who promised to  track down a few of the 13 Going On 30 crew members and hopefully get an answer for me.  Ironically enough, I had told Owen that time was of the essence in this particular stalking endeavor as I wanted to stalk the restaurant during my upcoming trip to New York.  Well, come to find out, much like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, it turns out that the location I was searching for was right in my own backyard the whole time!  🙂  It wasn’t an hour later that I got a text back from Owen which read “Interested in hitting on 13-year-old boys?  Head to Hal’s Bar at 1349 Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice”.  Well, let me tell you I almost fell over right then and there!  I could NOT believe that the this WHOLE TIME the restaurant had been in L.A., literally right under my nose!  LOL  So, of course, I immediately dragged my boyfriend right out to FINALLY stalk it.  🙂



    For those who have never seen 13 Going On 30, the scene that takes place at Hal’s restaurant involves Jennifer Garner (as a 13-year-old stuck in a 30-year- old’s body) drinking some cocktails at a bar in New York with BFF Judy Greer.  At one point, Judy leans over and whispers to Jennifer “Mr. Hottie behind you is totally scamming on you right now!”  So, of course, Jennifer gets up to go talk to him, but instead of walking up to the older gentleman standing at the bar, she heads over to a 13-year-old boy sitting in a booth and tells him she thinks he is cute. Judy freaks out, grabs Jennifer, and says “What do you want to go to jail?  I meant that guy!” to which Jennifer replies, “The man?  Oh, gross!”   LOL LOL LOL  You can watch the entire scene here.  





    Amazingly enough, while the decor of the 13 Going On 30  restaurant is pretty much exactly the same in person as it was in the movie, I had a really hard time recognizing the place once there.  In fact, even though I have been actively searching for this location for years, had I randomly eaten at Hal’s, I probably never would have recognized it as the 13 Going On 30 restaurant.  LOL  As you can see in the above screen captures and photographs, while most of the background paintings were changed for the filming, for the most part the restaurant looks very much the same in real life as it did onscreen.  One of the things that threw me, though, was the fact that, in real life, Hal’s is a fairly large restaurant, but, because 13 Going On 30  only showed one small section of it, it appeared to be tiny in the movie.    When I first walked in, I was shocked at how big the place actually was.  



    But the biggest shock for me was actually the lighting.  In real life, Hal’s is extremely bright and open, with one wall made up almost entirely of windows.  In the movie, though, the place seemed very dark and cozy, much like a real New York restaurant would be.  As you can see in the above photograph and screen capture, producers actually had all of Hal’s front windows covered over for the shoot, which really made a difference in the look and feel of the restaurant.  In fact, the entire time we were there, I kept saying to my boyfriend “This place is so bright, but it was dark in the movie!!!!  I don’t get it!”  LOL  Ah, the magic of Hollywood!  


    In an ironic side note – While attempting to locate the restaurant, I had spent WEEKS trying to figure out what the sign behind Judy Greer in the above screen capture spelled out.  Countless times, I had Googled the terms “New York” along with all sorts of different combinations of words ending with “–ECKAS” and the phrase “bar & grill” to try to figure it out – all to no avail.  Which makes sense now, being that the sign was a fake put up for decoration at the New York location where exterior filming took place. 



    But what doesn’t make sense is that when I finally got to stalk the restaurant, I noticed that producers had used part  of the Hal’s Bar & Grill logo for their fake sign in New York.  You’ll notice in the above screen capture and photograph that the oddly-placed “S” in the Hal’s Bar & Grill logo is EXACTLY the same as the oddly-placed “S” in the fake restaurant sign that was at the New York location.  I’m not sure why producers went to all the trouble of creating a fake name and a fake logo that incorporated a part of the real restaurant’s real logo.  Why not just use the real thing???  LOL  But that’s Hollywood for you!  🙂


    And, as if getting to eat at the 13 Going On 30 restaurant was not excitement enough for one day, while walking to our car afterwards we happened upon Desperate Housewife Marcia Cross sitting on a bench outside of a nearby shop.  Ironically enough, the only reason I noticed her at all was because, as I walked by, she looked up and gave me an absolutely ENORMOUS smile.  I was a bit taken aback by that as people in L.A. don’t typically smile like that at strangers.  And it was while smiling back at her that I all of a sudden realized she was Marcia Cross!  I so wanted to ask her to take a picture with me, but, as it was an extremely busy afternoon on Abbot Kinney Boulevard,  I didn’t want to attract a bunch of attention to her.  But, after we walked across the street, I begged my fiancé to snap a quick paparazzi pic of her for my blog – for which she also smiled.  🙂  So cool!!!   


    I cannot recommend stalking Hal’s Bar & Grill enough!  The food is EXCELLENT – especially the burgers! – and I had an absolute blast being there. 

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Hal’s Bar and Grill, aka the 13 Going On 30  bar, is located at 1349 Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice.  You can visit their website here.

  • El Galleon Restaurant


    Another Catalina Island stalking location I found thanks to Robert Wagner’s fabulous autobiography, Pieces of My Heart, was the restaurant El Galleon where Natalie Wood ate one of her last meals.  According to the book, on November 27, 1981, shortly after docking their boat, Splendour, at Avalon Harbor on Catalina Island, Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner, aka “RJ”, and their guest Christopher Walken went ashore to do some shopping.  Later that evening, the threesome headed to El Galleon Restaurant, which has been a Catalina Island tradition since 1967, for some margaritas and beers.  After returning to the Splendour  later that night, RJ and Natalie got into a fight and, as I blogged about last week, she asked the captain to take her ashore so she could spend the night alone at the island’s Pavilion Lodge.  The next day, after Natalie returned, Robert had the Splendour moved to Two Harbors, on the other side of the island, to avoid some brewing stormy weather.  At around 3 pm, while RJ napped aboard the yacht, Wood and Walken headed ashore alone to grab a bite to eat and kick back some cocktails at Doug’s Harbor Reef Saloon.  When RJ awoke a couple of hours later, he was highly annoyed at the situation and headed ashore himself.  At around 5 pm, the threesome ate dinner together in the dining room of Doug’s Harbor Reef Restaurant.  The meal would be Natalie’s last.  Five hours later, the fairly tipsy threesome headed back to the Splendour  where a heated fight broke out between RJ and Walken.  Voices were raised and at one point Wagner threw a wine bottle against a table where it shattered.  Natalie retired to her stateroom sometime during the arguement and was, sadly, never seen alive again.  At around 7:45 the following morning, her body was found drowned in a nearby harbor.


    So, while visiting Catalina Island this past week, stalking Doug’s Harbor Reef Restaurant where Natalie ate her last meal was at the very top of my stalking agenda.  Unfortunately, though, being that the restaurant is located on the complete opposite side of the island from where we were staying, no one in my family wanted to travel over there.  🙁  So, I had to settle for instead stalking El Galleon, where Wood, Walken, and Wagner ate dinner the night before Natalie’s death.  Ironically enough, while renting a golf cart one day, I happened to ask the owner of the Island Rentals golf cart company if he knew anything about the death of Natalie Wood.  It turns out that he was born and raised on the island and knew the owners of El Galleon quite well.  He told me that Natalie and RJ were regulars at the New Orleans themed restaurant and that the night before her death she purchased a painting from one of the local art shops which she brought with her to dinner.  Because it was raining, Natalie asked the owner of the restaurant to wrap up the painting for her so that it wouldn’t get damaged on the way to the boat.  The owner happily obliged and that was the last time she ever saw Natalie.  🙁  According to the Island Rentals guy, numerous celebs have popped into El Galleon over the years, including Ed McMahon (who even sung karaoke there!), and John Wayne.


    And, while we didn’t have a chance to dine at El Galleon during this trip, the last time my fiance and I visited Catalina Island back in 2005 we grabbed a cocktail at the restaurant and had a blast while there!  El Galleon features nightly karaoke – which just happens to be my very favorite past-time 🙂 – so, of course, I just had to get a few songs in while there.  Needless to say my fiance was not pleased.  LOL  Besides karaoke, the restaurant also boasts an outdoor patio with ocean views, a semi-private banquet room, and a HUGE menu featuring live Maine and local lobster, applewood smoked BBQ ribs, USDA corn fed steaks, rack of lamb, fresh abalone, and – my personal fave – chicken strips!  I highly recommend stalking El Galleon – as much for the yummy food as the fun, laidback, island-style atmosphere!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: El Galleon restaurant is located at 411 Crescent Avenue in Avalon on Catalina Island.  You can visit their website here.  Harbor Reef Restaurant, where Natalie Wood ate her last meal, is located in Catalina’s Isthmus Cove .  You can visit their website here.

  • The Wedding Singer Bakery


    A few weeks ago, fellow stalker Owen asked for my help in locating the bakery featured in one of his all time favorite movies, the 1998 comedy The Wedding Singer.  Owen had actually contacted one of the movie’s crew members who happened to remember that the bakery where filming took place was located somewhere in Montrose, a small town in the San Gabriel Valley where quite a few scenes from The Wedding Singer were filmed.  Because Owen does not live in the area, he sent me out on a mission to stalk all of the bakeries located in the tiny town in the hopes that I would eventually find the right one.   So, early one morning last week, I dragged my parents out to Montrose to hopefully stalk the Wedding Singer  bakery.


    And, sure enough, it was the very first bakery we walked into!!  Ironically, I had ALREADY STALKED this location just last month while visiting some sites from the Will Ferrell comedy Old School.  It turns out that the exterior of the Wedding Singer bakery was also used as the restaurant in Old School  where Luke Wilson and his “brothers” have a meeting about saving their fraternity!  I didn’t immediately recognize the place from my previous stalking trip because, due to the fact that only the exterior of the bakery was featured in Old School,  I never ventured inside.  But while walking by last week, I peeked in the window and immediately recognized the pink sign pictured above which reads “This is the same ol place”.  That sign was featured pretty prominently in the Wedding Singer  bakery scene, so as soon as I saw it I knew I had found the right spot.  It was at that point that I pretty much started screaming “This is it!  This is it!  This is it!” to my parents right there on the street out in front of the shop!   While I had figured that the bakery featured in the movie would still be around, never in a million years did I think it would still look EXACTLY the same today as it did when the Wedding Singer  was filmed over a decade ago!  YAY! 


    Montrose Home Bakery and Sandwich Shoppe actually pops up during my very favorite part of The Wedding Singer – at the beginning of the Drew Barrymore/Adam Sandler falling in love montage set to the Hall & Oates song “You Make My Dreams Come True”.  🙂  In the scene, Drew Barrymore and friends are first seen looking at wedding cakes in the bakery’s glass display counter.  You can even see the bakery’s striped awning behind actor Allen Covert in the above screen capture.





    Drew and friends then proceed to feed each other wedding cake in the scene.  Although the bakery is only featured for a few brief moments, thanks to the awesome ’80s song playing in the background, it’s quite a memorable little part of the movie. 


    While stalking the bakery, I happened to start up a conversation with the owner who really could NOT have been nicer to us!  He answered a whole bunch of my silly questions and told me to take all the pictures I wanted.  It turns out that the Montrose Home Bakery and Sandwich Shoppe has been used for quite a bit of filming over the years.  Besides The Wedding Singer and Old School, the shop was also featured in several episodes of the now-defunct television series Dirty Sexy Money.  There is even a photograph of the owner and Donald Sutherland taken during the filming posted in the shop’s front window.  Apparently, he used to have a picture of himself with Drew Barrymore in that same window, but it is now stored at his home.  He told me that if he posted all of his celebrity photographs from all of the filming that has taken place at his little shop, his entire front window would be covered up!  LOL LOL LOL LOVE IT!  



    Montrose Home Bakery and Sandwich Shoppe is a super cute little place and I HIGHLY recommend stalking it.  The shop smelled absolutely delicious inside, but, unfortunately, because I am diabetic, I wasn’t able to sample any of the sweets.  🙁  I am seriously thinking about having them make the cupcakes for my wedding, though.  How fitting would it be to get my wedding cupcakes from the Wedding Singer  bakery????  😉

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Wedding Singer  Bakery, aka Montrose Home Bakery and Sandwich Shoppe, is located at 2325 1/2 Honolulu Avenue in Montrose.  The shop houses both a bakery and a restaurant, and, from what I’ve heard, the restaurant serves up a GREAT breakfast.

  • The “Mr. Deeds” Soda Fountain


    A few weeks ago, while giving my good friend Kerry and her husband a stalking tour of the Pasadena area, we happened to drive by South Pasadena’s Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, which was used in the 2002 Adam Sandler comedy Mr. Deeds.  When I pointed out the corner drugstore to Kerry and told her of its cinematic history, she got so excited that she just about had a heart attack right there in my car!!!!  LOL  It was then that I realized that I had yet to blog about the tiny restaurant and that I really needed to do so.  So, here goes! 


    Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain has been a South Pasadena tradition ever since it first opened up its doors way back in 1915!  Yes, you read that right!!!  When the tiny corner drugstore originally opened almost 95 years ago it was named the South Pasadena Pharmacy and it quickly became popular with the hundreds of visitors and tourists travelling down the legendary Route 66 highway.  In the ’20s, the drugstore’s name was changed to the Raymond Pharmacy, but it still enjoyed the same popularity and success with highway motorists.  In the 1990’s, a new set of owners took over, changed the drugstore’s name to Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, and restored the little soda shop to its original state, complete with vintage honeycomb tile floors, authentic pharmacy fixtures, and antique tin ceilings.  An authentic old time soda fountain was even brought in, transported all the way from the Me Gee Pharmacy in Joplin, Mississippi.  Fair Oaks Pharmacy is still as popular amoung tourists and South Pasadena residents today as it was back in 1915.  In recent years, Sunset Magazine even  named it “Best Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor in the West” and, according to the Los Angeles Times, it serves up the “Best Ice Cream Sundae”.



    In Mr. Deeds, Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain stood in for the corner drugstore in Westchestertonfieldville, Iowa that Winona Ryder supposedly frequented as a child.  In an early scene in the movie, when describing her hometown, Winona says that she used to walk down to the corner drugstore to get malted milkshakes.  So, when Adam takes Winona back for a surprise visit to her supposed hometown, their first stop is the soda fountain, where the townspeople mistake her for a hunchbacked little girl they used to call “Quasimodo”.    LOL   After leaving the Westchestertonfieldville corner drugstore, Adam and Winona head to her childhood home, which I blogged about on Friday.



    I actually saw the Mr. Deeds  corner drugstore scene being filmed back in 2001.  Well, sort of.  My mom and I used to get our nails done just down the street from the Pharmacy and we happened to drive by on the very day that filming took place.  Well, of course, I took one look at those white trucks out front and immediately made my mom pull the car over so that I could ask what was being filmed.   Sadly, though, we had arrived too late, as filming had already wrapped for the day and the production crew was just finishing its clean up.  🙁  So, unfortunately, I never got to see Adam Sandler or Winona Ryder!!!!  Such a bummer!   But I did ask the employees on duty about the stars and they said that both Adam and Winona were very nice and that Adam had actually stopped to pose for photographs and sign autographs for every single person who asked him.  SO COOL!  Oh, how I wish I had been there!!!!



    Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I actually stopped by the Pharmacy a few weeks ago to grab a bite to eat.  Whenever we spend a stalking day together, we, of course, always try to eat lunch at a restaurant that is also a filming location.  🙂  Anyway, I am happy to report that Fair Oaks Pharmacy serves up some GREAT food!  I highly recommend stalking it – and ordering one of their homemade cherry cokes!  🙂  Besides being a real Pharmacy and a restaurant, the shop also sells a wide arrangment of tchotckes, including greeting cards, jewelry, retro memorabilia, vintage candy, make-up, home decor, and gifts.  During the holiday season, the owners really go all out with their decorations.  If you’re in the area in October, November or December, I highly recommend stopping by.  🙂  It’s worth a trip for the decorations alone!


     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain, aka the Mr. Deeds  soda fountain, is located at 1526 Mission Street in South Pasadena.  They are open Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 9 pm, and Sundays from 10 am to 7 pm.  You can visit their website here.