Tag: famous ranches

  • JMJ Ranch from “Win a Date with Tad Hamilton”


    Another location that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I stalked during our day in the the Valley together a few months back was the Fraziers Bottom farm that movie star Tad Hamilton purchased in fave film Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.  In real life, Tad’s property is named JMJ Ranch and it is not located anywhere near Fraziers Bottom, West Virginia, but about two thousand miles West in Thousand Oaks, California.  As so often happens when searching for filming sites, I actually came across this one while looking for another location entirely.  After seeing the Season One episode of The Mentalist  entitled “Carnelian Inc.” earlier this year, I became absolutely obsessed with finding the ranch that was featured in it.   And it was while searching for that locale that I came across the website for JMJ Ranch and immediately recognized it as the one from Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.  YAY!  So, since Mike and I were in the area a few weeks back, we decided to drive by the property to see if it was at all accessible to the public.  And amazingly enough, it was!  Or so we thought.  LOL


    When we first pulled up to JMJ Ranch, the main gates were wide open, several people were horseback riding in the central ring, and there was no posted sign saying the area was private property.  Because I had read online that JMJ is an actual working ranch, I turned to Mike and said “OH MY GOD, I think it’s actually open to the public!”  So, of course, the two of us drove right in.  And, let me tell you, I almost had a heart attack I was so excited!  🙂





    I spotted Tad’s little white ranch house pretty much immediately upon entering the property and just about hyperventilated as we pulled up to it!  The fact that Josh Duhamel (aka the love of my life) had once been in the very spot I now found myself was almost too much for me to bear.  🙂  Now, I know that rumors of JD’s infidelity are currently flying around Hollywood, but I honestly have to say that I just don’t believe all the hype.  If the rumors do turn out to be true, though, and Josh really did cheat on his wife, then all bets are off – he’ll be dead to me, just like that little homewrecker Angelina Jolie!  But in the meantime, I have to say, my heart still belongs to JD.  🙂 


    I so love the above screen capture, by the way!!  Sigh.  🙂  But I digress! 




    Only one brief scene from Win A Date took place at JMJ Ranch.  After announcing that he has purchased a house, or as he says “it’s actually a farm, with a house, and a silo for my wheat” LOL,  Rosalie (aka Kate Bosworth), Cathy (aka Ginnifer Goodwin), and Pete (aka Topher Grace) show up to tour the property.  While there, know-it-all Pete attempts to give Tad some lessons in certain farming skills like milking a cow and chopping wood, but as it turns out, thanks to his training for various movie roles, not only does Tad know how to do said activities, but he can actually do them better than Pete.  LOL  


    JMJ Ranch is actually an oft-used filming location.  Besides Win a Date, the property has also been featured in Dynasty, Dallas, Knots Landing, Cracker, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, The Fall Guy, Picket Fences, Hot Shots Part Deux, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Route 9, and Private School




    The 300 acre ranch truly is a beautiful spot, with large open fields, towering oak trees, winding roads, and rustic barns, and as we drove through the property I got to thinking that it would be the perfect spot to host a wedding.  🙂  Being that filming locations often double as wedding venues, I thought there was a pretty good chance that the ranch might also be available for special events and made a mental note to find out.  Well, after driving around for about five minutes, a very angry woman on a tractor drove up to Mike and I and informed us that we were on private property.  WHOOPSY!  We apologized profusely and explained that we had been driving by, saw the open gate, and thought the area was open to the public.  I also told the woman I was currently in the market for a wedding venue and asked if the ranch was available for such occasions.  My question was met with an emphatic “NO!” – LOL – at which point, Mike and I thanked the lady for her time and quickly left.  So, unfortunately, I can’t recommend stalking JMJ Ranch as it is definitely NOT open to the public.  🙁  But at least you can live vicariously through the photographs I was able to take before being kicked off the property.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: JMJ Ranch from Win a Date with Tad Hamilton  is located at 930 West Portrero Road in Thousand Oaks.  The property is not actually open to the public, so please do not trespass.  You can visit the JMJ Ranch website here

  • The “Biggest Loser” Ranch


    This past weekend, I dragged my boyfriend out to Calabasas to stalk the King Gillette Ranch, otherwise known as The Biggest Loser  Ranch.  I found this location thanks to the couple we met while stalking the Adamson House a few weeks back.   Our new friends, who just recently got engaged, have been traipsing all over the Los Angeles area touring wedding locales.   Many of those locales also happen to be filming locations!  I swear, if my boyfriend ever gets off his butt and proposes, a whole new stalking world is going to open up for me.  🙂  Anyway, our friends recently toured King Gillette Ranch and immediately called me up to let me know that it is where The Biggest Loser  is filmed.  And even though I’ve never watched the show, I just had to run right out and stalk it!  🙂  THANKS Nancy and Eric!  🙂

      Actually, I did see one brief segment of  The Biggest Loser  on Talk Soup  a few months back when Joel McHale showed the above clip of trainer Bob Harper absolutely FREAKING OUT at a contestant.  LOVE IT!  LOL LOL LOL  I think I need to hire that guy to be my trainer!!!  🙂



    King Gillette Ranch was originally built by King Camp Gillette (yes, that’s an actual name), the founder of the Gillette Safety Razor Company.  King purchased the 588 acre property in 1926 and commissioned famed architect Wallace Neff – who designed Brad and Jen’s famous former home– to built a 26,000 square foot Mediterranean style mansion on the site.  When Gillette died in 1932, his widow sold the extensive property to movie director Clarence Brown.   Clarence threw so many elaborate Hollywood parties in the mansion that he ended up building his own private airstrip so that his famous guests could land directly on the property !  LOL  In 1952, the Ranch was sold to Bob Hope and his wife, Dolores, who donated the entire 588 acres to the Claretian Order of the Catholic Church.  They used the property as a seminary for the next 25 years, until eventually selling it to New Age leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet.  Elizabeth planned to use the property as the headquarters for her religious movement, the Church Universal and Triumphant, but faced much government opposition and ended up selling it to Soku University of America in 1986.   The Ranch was finally collaboratively purchased by the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, California State Parks, Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority, and National Park Service, who opened the property to the public on June 30, 2007.   It is currently a nature and wildlife reserve featuring numerous hiking trails, a former Chumash Indian settlement, walking paths, a man-made lake, and picnic grounds. 



    And, of course, it’s also a filming location!  For the past two years, beginning with Season 4, King Gillette Ranch has been used as the location where contestants vie to become The Biggest Loser.  While we were stalking the place, we had the good fortune of  running into one of the Biggest Loser  crew members who was busy setting up for Season 8, which begins filming in a few weeks.  He was INCREDIBLY nice and pointed out all of the areas featured on the show, including the gym, which, as you can see in the above photograph (which was taken through a closed window!  LOL ) was empty at the time;  


    the pool –



    which was flanked by fake flowers!!!  LOL;img_6451-800



    the production offices;



    the “dormitories” where the contestants sleep – which is actually just a section of the main house;


    the patio area;


    and the Administration Building –



    which is used for the filming of the elimination ceremonies.  Again, the above photographs were taken through a closed window, so they aren’t the greatest. 


    Evidence of the filming of The Biggest Loser could be found all over the Ranch, which I, of course, LOVED seeing!    There was a leftover tape marker that was stuck on the ground outside of the elimination room; 



    wire cords were strung up on all of the buildings;


    and those yellow signs that I so love were posted at the entrance gates. 🙂



    King Gillette Ranch is a truly beautiful place.  It is the perfect spot to spend an afternoon outdoors, go for a long hike,  take a bike ride, or just sit back and nature watch.  


     Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: King Gillette Ranch is located at 26800 Mulholland Highway in Calabasas.  The park is open daily to the public from 8 a.m. to sunset.  Dogs are not allowed.  Parking costs $5 per day.  The Ranch is also available as a wedding or event location.