Tag: famous people

  • George Reeves’ Former Home


    Another location that has long been woven into the fabric of Hollywood lore is George Reeves’ former Benedict Canyon bungalow, where in the early morning hours of June 16th, 1958 the Adventures of Superman star was found dead from a single gunshot wound to the head.  The events surrounding his death have been the subject of much conjecture ever since.  Did the 45-year-old actor commit suicide (as was the official finding), was his death accidental, or was he murdered by his vengeful ex-lover or her jealous husband?  Conspiracy theories abound and Reeves’ death has remained the stuff of Hollywood legend for over five decades since.  His passing even became the subject of the 2006 biographical docudrama Hollywoodland, in which Ben Affleck plays the Pasadena-bred television star.  For whatever reason, though, in my ten-plus years of living in Los Angeles, I had yet to stalk the former Superman’s home.  So I figured this was the perfect time to do so and dragged the Grim Cheaper right on out there last weekend.


    George Reeve’s former residence is rather small, especially by Hollywood standards.  The brown-shingled bungalow, which was built in 1947, boasts 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, and 1,717 square feet.  It was purchased for the actor at a cost of $12,000 by his longtime lover, MGM Vice-President E.J. Mannix’s wife Toni Lanier, whom the actor had broken up with shorty before his death.  Reeves’ new girlfriend, who had since moved in, was a New York socialite named Leonore Lemmon, with whom he was rumored to be engaged.  On the night of June 15th, 1959, Reeves and Lemmon went out to dinner and the two reportedly drank a great deal.  When they returned home, they continued to kick back the alcohol until around 12:30 p.m., at which point Reeves retired to his bedroom.  Lemmon stayed awake and about thirty minutes later three friends dropped by for a visit.  Shortly after their arrival, Reeves came downstairs to hang out with the group and then once again retired to his room at around 1:20.  A few minutes later a shot was heard and the foursome ran upstairs.  The actor was discovered laying face up on his bed, naked, with a single gunshot wound to his right temple and a .30 caliber Luger on the floor in between his lifeless feet.  Television’s beloved Superman was dead at the tender age of 45.  Reeves was dressed in one of his character’s Clark Kent suits for the funeral, which took place two weeks later, on June 30th, 1959.  His body was later cremated and interred at the Mountain View Cemetery in Altadena, which I blogged about during my Haunted Hollywood theme last year.


    Reeves’ death was quickly ruled a suicide, but some facts of the case appear to be murky at best.  For instance, Lemmon and her friends pulled a Conrad Murray by failing to call the police until about thirty minutes after discovering the body, and each seemed to have a differing account of the evening due to their inebriated states.  Reeves himself was also severely under the influence, with a blood alcohol level of .27 and, because the actor had long enjoyed playing with unloaded weapons, it was thought possible he accidentally shot himself while doing so.  It was also widely believed that Toni, to whom Reeves bequeathed his entire estate, may have shot him in a jealous rage after hearing news of his engagement, or that her husband, E.J. Mannix, who had ties to the mob, had him “whacked” due to the affair.  Whatever the case may be, no charges were ever filed and Reeves’ death remains one of the most talked about Hollywood scandals to this day.


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    Amazingly, George Reeves shot part of a Kellogg’s Corn Flakes commercial (the cereal company was the sponsor of Adventures of Superman) inside of his actual Benedict Canyon home.  The areas which appeared in the commercial include the den;

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    the master bedroom (where the actor died);

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    the kitchen;

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    and the backyard.  According to Jim Nolt’s fabulous Superman-themed The Adventures Continue website, the house has remained largely unchanged since the time Reeves lived there over fifty years ago.

    George Reeves’ Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Commercial–Filmed in his Home

    You can watch George Reeves’ Kellogg’s Corn Flakes commercial by clicking above.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: George Reeves’ former home is located at 1579 Benedict Canyon Drive in Beverly Hills.

  • Lana Turner’s Former House -The Johnny Stompanato Murder Site


    My grandma, who loves reading Hollywood biographies just as much as I do, recently gifted me with a book about the life of legendary film idol Lana Turner, authored by the star’s only daughter, Cheryl Crane.  The ginormous tome, which must weigh at least twenty pounds (not kidding!), is named LANA: The Memories, the Myths, the Movies and, prior to reading it, I knew virtually nothing about the 1950s screen siren.  Well, aside, of course, from the fact that she had been embroiled in one of the largest scandals ever to rock Tinseltown – the murder of smalltime gangster Johnny Stompanato, which took place inside of Lana’s rented Beverly Hills manse.  So after finishing the book several weeks ago, I decided that the timing could not have been more perfect for me to do some stalking of Lana’s former residence and blog about it during my Haunted Hollywood month.


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    Lana rented the large Colonial-style house pictured above in the Spring of 1958, shortly after returning to Los Angeles from England where she had been filming Another Time, Another Place with actor Sean Connery.  The 6-bedroom, 6-bath, 6,769-square-foot home had originally been built in 1930 for Gone with the Wind actress Laura Hope Crews.  At the time she moved in, Lana had been embroiled in a year-long turbulent romance with Johnny Stompanato, a womanizer who was best known for being mobster Mickey Cohen’s bodyguard.  Lana had reportedly been trying to break up with Stompanato for several weeks, all to no avail.  On the night of April 4th, 1958, only three days after she had moved into the residence, Lana had once again thrown in the towel on the relationship.  After hearing the news, Johnny threatened to cut up Lana’s face and harm both her mother, “Gran”, and 14-year-old Cheryl, who had just returned home from boarding school.  In the book, Cheryl describes what happened next as follows: “After John arrived, I sat in my bedroom writing a term paper while I heard his vicious threats carry through the house.  In a panic I ran downstairs and into the kitchen, where on the sink counter lay one of the knives Mother had bought earlier in the day.  The thought of scaring him away flashed into my mind.  I went back up the stairs to Mother’s bedroom and stood outside of her door for a few moments as Stompanato continued threatening to disfigure her.  Suddenly Mother threw open the door.  John came up from behind, his arm raised as if to strike.  I took a step forward and he ran on the knife in my hands.  Stompanato looked at me and said, ‘My God, Cheryl, what have you done?’ before falling to the floor.  He was dead within moments.”

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    Cheryl was taken to juvenile hall shortly after the killing and a coroner’s inquest was opened just a few days later, during which Lana testified.  The coroner’s jury, who deliberated for a scant 20 minutes, ending up ruling Johnny’s death a justifiable homicide, acquitting Cheryl of all charges.  And while theories abound that Lana was actually the one who did the stabbing and used her daughter as a scapegoat in order to avoid jail time and career ruin, legendary author James Ellroy thinks otherwise.  In a February 2011 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, he said, “People love to think something is inherently more dramatic, more secret, crazier, uglier, more vicious and vile.  People love the inside scoop and will deny all the facts even when they are hit directly over the head with them.  It’s a very, very, very common phenomenon to ascribe more intrigue to a prosaic event than the prosaic event truly demands."  The world will perhaps never know the exact truth about what happened at 730 North Roxbury Drive on the evening of April 4th, 1958, but I find it absolutely amazing that people are still enthralled with the murder more than five decades later.

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    According to Cheryl, Lana’s bedroom, where the murder took place, was located on the second floor of the home on the far left-hand side.  Lana moved out of the house immediately following the events of April 4th, 1958, only living on the premises a grand total of a few days.  According to my buddy E.J. over at The Movieland Directory website, actress Virginia Bruce also once lived in the home, as did host Merv Griffin.

    Cheryl Crane on the Johnny Stompanato Murder
    You can watch an interview with Cheryl, in which she talks about the murder, by clicking above.
    Big THANK YOU to my grandma for giving me LANA: The Memories, the Myths, the Movies, without which I would not have had most of the information with which to write this post.  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Lana Turner’s former house, where Johnny Stompanato’s murder took place, is located at 730 North Bedford Drive in Beverly Hills.

  • A Q & A with the Cast of “White Collar”


    Last Monday evening, my good friend Mikey, of the Mike the Fanboy website, invited me, along with fellow stalkers Pinky, of the Thinking Pink blog, Duggan, and CB, to a SAG screening/cast Q & A of the USA Network television show White Collar featuring co-executive producer Mark Goffman and series’ stars Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, and Willie Garson.  Well, as you can imagine, as soon as I heard that Willie Garson – who is best known for playing Carrie Bradshaw’s (aka Sarah Jessica Parker’s) BBF Stanford Blatch on fave show Sex and the City – was going to be there, I just about died of excitement and told Mikey to “count me in!”  My good friend Steffi, who lives in Switzerland, is just about as obsessed with SATC as I am, if not more so, so before leaving for the screening I printed up a still of Willie Garson and Sarah Jessica Parker with the hopes that I could get Willie to sign it.   I was so intent on getting that photograph signed for her that I was even willing to forgo getting a photograph with WG myself if worse came to worse.


    CB and I were the first to show up to the Leonard H. Goldenson Theatre in North Hollywood where the screening was being held and just a few minutes after we got there, who should walk up but Willie!  The two of us immediately ran up to him and after CB had him sign a White Collar poster, I gave him the picture I had made for Steffi.  I had put a post-it note on it reading “For Steffi” (a little trick that I learned from my good friend and fellow stalker Anushika which greatly increases the odds of getting a personalized autograph at these types of events), and Willie immediately signed it, writing “For Steffi – All the Best!  Willie Garson”.  I was SOOOOOO incredibly excited over getting that autograph that my hands were literally shaking for about ten minutes afterward!  I may love stalking more than just about anything else in life, but obtaining really special gifts for my loved ones ranks a very close second.  Smile


    Willie could NOT have been nicer and even though there were quite a few of us who wanted his autograph and/or picture, he was happy to pose with and sign for everyone who asked.  YAY!  What a complete and total sweetheart!


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    The event got started right on time with a viewing of the Season 3 episode of White Collar titled “Where There’s a Will”.  Prior to that time I had never before seen the show and I have to say that I immediately fell in love with it!  The Catch Me If You Can-esque series centers around FBI agent Peter Burke (aka Tim DeKay) and his partner Neal Caffrey (aka Matt Bomer), a former con-man/art thief who has been given a reduced prison sentence in exchange for helping the FBI catch white collar criminals.  The series is one part caper mystery, one part crime drama, and one part comedy, and reminds me quite a bit, in tone at least, of The Mentalist.  The Q & A session got started immediately following the screening and the entire cast was absolutely hilarious!  At several times during the evening they all broke out into song.  Not kidding!  LOVE IT!  I could SO see myself hanging out with these guys!  Smile Of the many anecdotes told that night, my favorite was that people on the island of Manhattan, where the series is lensed, apparently get VERY testy when the filming of the show gets in the way of their daily life.  Matt Bomer said that he wishes the crew would put together a compilation video of the expletives that are yelled at them by angry New Yorkers on a daily basis.  He explained that a typical day involves the filming of a scene in front of an apartment building whereupon one of the building’s residents will invariably arrive home and want to get inside.  A crew member will ask them to wait until the current take is complete (which is usually only about 45 seconds to a minute), but without fail the resident will walk right through the scene, screaming, “I’m not going to &*$^#** wait for *#&$*& anything!”  Ah, you gotta love New Yorkers!


    SAG had once again set up a cocktail party immediately following the Q & A session and Matt Bomer and Tim DeKay were nice enough to attend.  The actors were ABSOLUTELY bombarded by people wanting pictures and autographs, which shocked me because, as I have explained before, most actors consider themselves above the whole fandom thing.  This particular crowd was made up of mostly teenage girls, though, (I am fairly certain that White Collar has a very large teenage girl fan base thanks to cutie Matt Bomer) and they all wanted to meet the stars.  Matt and Tim were SO incredibly nice, despite the hysteria surrounding them, and stuck around for HOURS taking pictures with and signing autographs for absolutely everyone who asked.  Thankfully fellow stalker Duggan, who is not only a complete sweetheart, but is built like a linebacker, got us right up to the front of the crowd and snapped the above photograph of me and Matt.  So cute!!!


    Because of a major camera fail on my part, poor Tim DeKay ended up having to pose for THREE different pictures with fellow stalker Mikey, but he was TOTALLY cool about it!!!  What an amazingly nice cast!!!!  As soon as I left the event, I got on the phone with the Grim Cheaper and told him that we HAD to buy Seasons 1 and 2 of White Collar on DVD, which we did that very weekend.  We are now about half-way through Season 1 and are absolutely hooked.  SUCH A GREAT SHOW!  If you have yet to see it, I highly recommend doing so!

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, for telling me about this event!  Smile You can check out Mikey’s write-up of the evening, as well as some videos he took of the Q & A session, on his website here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: There is no stalking location for this one, but you can catch White Collar each Tuesday night at 9/8 Central on the USA Network.  You can also visit the show’s official website here.

  • The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon


    This past Tuesday night after my parents moved to Palm Springs, the GC arrived home from a late-night meeting with a box of chocolate-, vanilla-, and pistachio-flavored macaraoons in hand, so that I could drown my sorrows the Blair Waldorf way.  And I have to say that while I am still depressed and missing my parents like crazy, the macaroons (along with about twenty episodes of The Office) did bring a bit of a respite from the sadness.  So thanks, GC!


    Anyway, as I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, my parents and I have been huge fans of actor David Duchovny ever since the early ’90s when he played the role of cross-dressing DEA Agent Dennis (“Denise”) Bryson on the television series Twin Peaks.  When The X-Files premiered a few years later, we all immediately became “X-Philes” and my dad quickly adopted the moniker of “Mulder” to use as his Starbucks name.  (Yes, my dad is a bit of a character.)  On one particular occasion, he used the name while ordering a meal at an In-N-Out Burger and the perplexed cashier mistakenly spelled his alias “Molder” while typing it into her register.  The receipt from that In-N-Out visit, with the words “Guest: MOLDER” typed onto it, was tacked onto my bulletin board for many years after that.  Smile I even dressed up as Dana Scully for Halloween one year while in college, but pictures of that costume are sadly packed away in a box somewhere at my parents’ new house.  Anyway, when the fabulous Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, invited me and the Grim Cheaper to do some stalking of the Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon benefit, at which David Duchovny was scheduled to be a participant, I just about had a full-blown heart attack!  The GC was not nearly as enthusiastic about the invite, though, as it meant that we had to get up at around 7 a.m. on a Sunday so that we could be in Santa Monica by 9, when the event was scheduled to begin.  Ah, men!

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    The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-A-Thon, which was sponsored by the 100 Mile Man Foundation (try saying that five times fast!), consisted of 100 stationary bikes positioned on a wing of the Santa Monica Pier.  Those bikes could be “bought” by individuals or groups who would then ride a total of 100 miles in order to raise money for the Harold Robinson Foundation, an organization that sends under-privileged children to camp each summer.

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    When we first arrived on the pier, I spotted the above-pictured woman and immediately turned to the GC and said, “Oh my god, Joan Crawford is here!” And then when Pinky arrived a few minutes later, one of the first things out of her mouth was, “That woman looks EXACTLY like Joan Crawford!” LOL LOL LOL We are two peas in a pod, I tell you! Smile


    I was extremely excited to learn that several actors from the television series Baywatch, including Alexandra Paul, Kelly Packard, and David Chokachi, had purchased a bike for the event.  The three former co-stars showed up to the benefit together and they literally could NOT have been nicer.  When I asked Alexandra for a photograph, she immediately stuck out her hand to shake mine and said, “Hi, I’m Alexandra.  What’s your name?”  SO DARN NICE!


    Alexandra was absolutely GORGEOUS in person!  Much like my girl Jen Aniston, Alexandra is definitely someone who just seems to get prettier and prettier as the years go by.  Oh, how I wish that same thing will happen to me!  Smile She looks better now at the age of 48  than she did at 29 when she starred on Baywatch.  And she is in AMAZING shape, to boot.  Look at those arms!


    When I asked David Chokachi, who played Cody on Baywatch, to pose for a picture, Alexandra immediately got out her camera and told the GC, David, and I to hold our positions so that she could get a picture of the GC taking a picture of David and me.  So cute!


    Kelly Packard was also SUPER sweet and SUPER cute in person.


    David Duchovny showed up shortly after the Baywatch gang and walked right over to Pinky and me to snap a few quick pics.  And while he was VERY nice, he seemed a bit reserved (not in a mean way, he just came off as a bit reticent and shy), so I did not bring up the fact that he had served as the inspiration behind my dad’s Starbucks name.

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    As you can see above, David is JUST as good-looking in person as he appears to be on screen.  Drool!



    Now as fate would have it, Pinky had been stalking a different celebrity event a few days prior to the Pedal on the Pier benefit and just about died when she spotted David Duchovny filming a scene for Californication at a nearby hospital.  (And meeting DD twice in one weekend is something that would ONLY happen to Pinky, by the way!  The girl has some AMAZING luck!  While she was stalking an event featuring Cameron Crowe recently, who should she spot leaving a restaurant across the street from where she was standing, but two-time-Academy-Award-winning actress Hilary Swank!  Hilary immediately spotted Pinky’s adorable dog, Sammy, and ran right up to start petting him.  Then she posed for a bunch of pics with Pinky, and fellows stalkers Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and Scotty, who were with her.  They also all got their pic taken with Cameron Crowe, by the way.  I mean how lucky is that?????  You can read about Pinky’s Hilary Swank encounter here.)  Anyway, Pinky managed to catch David Duchovny just as he was leaving the set and DD was nice enough to stop his car and pose for the above photo with her.  And I have to say that it is easily one of the CUTEST celeb photos that I have ever seen!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  I jokingly told Pinky that I was going to superimpose my face over hers and pretend that it is actually me in the picture.  Smile

    Big THANK YOU to Pinky Lovejoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, for inviting me to this event!  Smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: The Pedal on the Pier 100 Mile-a-Thon took place at the Santa Monica Pier, which is located at the end of Colorado Avenue in Santa Monica.  You can find out more about the 100 Mile Man Foundation here and the Harold Robinson Foundation here.

  • The Envelope Emmy Week “Mad Men” Screening


    Ever since fellow stalker Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, invited me to be his plus-one for the SAG screening/cast Q & A of the FX television series Justified back in late May, I have been all about attending similar-type events.  So when he told me about an Envelope Emmy Week screening/roundtable of the television show Mad Men, featuring series’ creator Matt Weiner and series’ stars Jon Hamm (who plays Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce advertising executive Don Draper), Christina Hendricks (who plays secretary Joan Harris) and Kiernan Shipka (who plays Don’s daughter, Sally), I jumped at the chance to attend.  Because Mad Men is one of the Grim Cheaper’s favorite television shows, I mistakenly assumed that he would also jump at the chance to be my date for the evening, so imagine my surprise when he told me that he would rather sit at home and watch paint dry!  I mean, I understand not having an interest in attending some random screening, but when the opportunity comes up to see in person – and possibly meet – several actors from one’s favorite television show, I just do NOT understand turning that opportunity down.  Men!  Winking smile It all turned out alright, though, as Mikey invited fellow stalkers CB and Anushika, who are both contributors to his website, and we all had an ABSOLUTE BLAST hanging out together.  Not to mention that we were also all given free popcorn and soda to enjoy during the screening!  Celebrities and popcorn?  What more could a stalker ask for?

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    The event got started right on time with a screening of the Season 4 episode titled “The Beautiful Girls”.  Before the screening, I had never actually watched an entire episode of Mad Men and I have to say that I was most pleasantly surprised.  I absolutely LOVED it and am now itching to watch the series from the very beginning.  Anyway, Matt, Jon, Christina, and Kiernan were brought out shortly after the episode was finished and I have to stay that Jon Hamm is MAJORLY good looking in person!  Like drool-worthy good looking!  I had seen him once before, while watching an episode of the series being filmed in Pasadena last July, but because I did not get very close to him at the time I had no idea what a cutie he actually was!  Sigh!!

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    Christina Hendricks was also GORGEOUS in person!  With her striking red hair and bright red lips, she looked exactly like what one would expect a movie star to look like.  She is also much taller in person than I had expected her to be.

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    Pretty much everyone in the audience was most taken with 11-year-old Kiernan Shipka, though, who has got to be one of the most adorable little girls that I have ever seen in my entire life!  Kiernan is extremely poised, talkative, and wise beyond her years and reminded me a LOT of Dakota Fanning.  At one point, the moderator asked her if mimicking the mannerisms of TV-mom January Jones, which Kiernan apparently did a lot of this season, had been her idea or that of Matt Weiner, and both Matt and Kiernan explained that it had been her idea and that she had started doing it spontaneously, without any sort of outside direction.  Kiernan said that she out of the blue one day realized it would make sense to start “channeling” January’s habits, traits, and voice inflections so she began to carefully observe her while on set and then mimicked a few chosen behaviors during filming.  This is an 11-year-old, people!  Unbelievable!

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    All in all, it was a fabulous screening and the cast seemed to get along remarkably.  As you can see in the above photographs, there was a LOT of laughing and joking around going on and the actors were all very complimentary of one another, especially Jon of Christina and Kiernan.


    Because this screening was put on by the Los Angeles Times and Envelope Emmy Week, it was handled a bit differently than most SAG events and, sadly, audience members were not allowed to venture up to the stage to meet the actors after the Q & A had ended.  So, Mikey, CB, Anushika and I literally RACED out of that theatre as soon as the event was over in order to try and catch the cast before they got in their limos.  I really, really, REALLY wanted to get a photograph with Jon Hamm and, because fellow stalker Pinky LoveJoy, from the Thinking Pink blog, had informed me that Jon is always INCREDIBLY nice to his fans, I had very high hopes.  Unfortunately though, Jon had already left the premises by the time we got outside, as had Kiernan.  Christina Hendricks was, thankfully, still there, though, and was nice enough to sign a TON of autographs and take photographs with everyone who wanted one before leaving.  Love it!  Even though I did not get my picture with Jon Hamm, all in all it was a FABULOUS night and just the first of many screenings that I have attended over the past few weeks, but have yet to blog about.  So stay tuned . . . Winking smile

    Big THANK YOU to Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, for telling me about this event!  Smile You can read Mikey’s write-up of the evening, as well as check out some videos he took while there,  on his website.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: There is no stalking location for this one, but you can catch Mad Men each Sunday night on AMC.  Season 5 of the series is not scheduled to begin airing until sometime in 2012.

  • The “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” Wrap Party


    Two weekends ago, Pinky Lovejoy, of the Thinking Pink blog, invited me and the Grim Cheaper to do a little stalking of the wrap party for the hit ABC television series Extreme Makeover: Home Edition at a venue in Culver City.  The GC was not at all happy to receive Pinky’s invite, of course, but once I heard that former Bachelorette Jillian Harris was going to be in attendance, there was no way in heck I was missing the thing.  I absolutely loved Jillian both as a contestant on Season 13 of The Bachelor and then when she later starred on Season 5 of The Bachelorette, and I was absolutely dying to get a picture with her.  So, much to the GC’s chagrin, the two of us found ourselves heading out to Culver City at around 6 p.m. two Saturdays ago to get our Extreme Makeover stalk on.  One of the first celebs to arrive on the scene was Kathryn Joosten who plays Karen McCluskey on fave show Desperate Housewives.  Kathryn immediately spotted Pinky’s new dog, Sammy, while walking up to the venue and asked if she could hold him in the pictures she took with us.  Like I told Pinky last week, that dog was the best thing to ever happen to her stalking career, as he attracts attention, especially of the celebrity kind, wherever he goes.  I have yet to see a star turn down Pinky for a photograph request when she’s holding Sammy.  Note to self: get a cute dog, stat, or at least find one to borrow for celebrity events!  Winking smile



    Jillian Harris arrived at the party pretty early on and I have to say that the girl could NOT have been cooler or more down-to-earth.  As you can see, she also wanted to hold Sammy in our pictures.  She even asked me to take a picture of her posing with Sammy on her iPhone.  How cute is that?


    Jillian was absolutely HILARIOUS and stayed around to talk with me and Pinky for quite some time.  Chatting with her was like chatting with an old friend and after she left Pinky jokingly said, “Would it be weird if I slipped her my number?  I so want to be her bestie!”   Smile The thing is, Jillian was so cool that had Pinkie done that, I bet she would have called her up and asked her to hang out sometime.


    Also in attendance was Dijon Talton, who played New Directions member Matt Rutherford during the first season of Glee;


    Sterling Beaumon, who played Young Ben on Lost;


    and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition designers Tracy Hutson . . .


    . . . and Paige Hemmis, who is SO much taller in person than I expected her to be.

    Stephen Moyer

    All in all it was a great night and all of the celebrities in attendance were super nice.  I wanted to mention here, though, for those stalkers hoping to visit the LA area and get photographs with celebrities, that doing so requires countless hours of waiting around and a tremendous amount of patience.  I do not just show up to events and filmings, get my pics in five minutes and then leave.  Pinky, the GC, and I were at the Extreme Makeover wrap party for a good four hours.  And while it was a success, I can promise you that not every event I attend is all sunshine and roses.  I have had some TREMENDOUS fails.  One of them just the other day, in fact.  Mikey, from the Mike the Fanboy website, and I had set out to do some stalking of the filming of True Blood at the Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles and at first things seemed extremely promising.  The main security guard on duty was SUPER nice and told us we could hang out and watch the shoot as long as we did not take any photographs of the set or of the actors while they were filming, which we respected.  She also told us exactly where to stand to catch the actors leaving the set and said that they were all usually very nice and more often than not posed for pictures with fans.  So we waited.  And waited.  Then, after about five hours, actress Fiona Shaw walked outside and we asked her for a photograph.  Well, not only did she turn us down flat, but she immediately walked over to the policeman on duty and told him to kick us off the property!  And that was the end of that!   I guess the show had had some problems earlier in the week with people posting spoiler photographs from the set, but still!  We had been respectful the whole time, stood quietly off to the side of the filming, told the security guards exactly why it was we were there, and followed all of their requests, so to get kicked off, by Fiona Shaw of all people!!!, was a serious shame.  But you win some, you lose some.  Which comes to my point.  The moral of the story is this – if you are coming to the LA area and are hoping to get photos with a star, be prepared to wait around for long periods of time, be prepared for your request to get turned down, and be prepared to go home with nothing.  Chances are, if you are respectful of the crew and the filming, you will be successful, but I just didn’t want my fellow stalkers to think that stalking was always a walk in the park.  Winking smile (Pictured above is the only photo from the True Blood set that I got that day.  Stephen Moyer is pictured below the pink arrow.)

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: There is no stalking location for this one, but you can catch Extreme Makeover: Home Edition each Sunday night on ABC.  You can visit the show’s official website here.

  • Alicia Silverstone’s “The Kind Diet” Book Signing

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    This past Wednesday night I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to my favorite local bookstore, Vroman’s (which coincidentally just appeared in the most recent episode of Modern Family, but more on that later), to attend the book signing and discussion for Alicia Silverstone’s new lifestyle tome The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet.  Even though I am not in any way, shape, or form a vegan, I was absolutely DYING to attend the book signing because, as I have mentioned a few times before on this blog, not only is Clueless one of my all-time favorite movies, but Alicia and I happened to grow up in the same hometown – San Mateo, California – so I have always had a very special place in my heart for the actress.  Because I am a diabetic and on a very strict, virtually no-carbohydrate diet, though, and because most vegan diets that I have read about tend to favor carbs, I was not actually interested in purchasing a copy of Alicia’s book for myself.  But my good friend Nat, who actually attended San Mateo High School – Alicia’s alma mater – is a vegan and she absolutely LOVES Alicia’s book – and her lifestyle blog, The Kind Life – so I decided I would purchase a copy for her as a little “just because” present.  Which is how the GC and I found ourselves heading over to Vroman’s at about 5 p.m. this past Wednesday night.  And, as always, before the event got started, I sent him outside to snap some photographs of Alicia when she arrived.  Winking smile

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    The signing began right on time, at 7 p.m., but for some reason it was VERY strictly monitored.  No photographs WHATSOEVER were allowed during the event – not when Alicia walked into the room, not during the discussion session, and not while standing in line waiting to have our books signed.  We were told shortly before her arrival that each guest would be allowed one – and only one – posed photograph with Alicia (which I could NOT have been more excited about as most celebs will not actually pose for pictures during a signing), but otherwise photographs of any kind would not be allowed.  To enforce this, two quite burly Pasadena policemen were on site and they threatened to remove anyone who was even spotted with a camera in their hands during the event!  So I was extremely thankful that the GC had managed to snap some photographs of Alicia outside of the store.

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    Alicia, who is currently pregnant, was ABSOLUTELY adorable in person and much taller than I had expected her to be, although she was wearing some fairly tall heels.  She walked directly to the podium upon arrival, introduced herself, and started speaking about why she decided to write The Kind Diet, which was an extremely surreal moment for me as it was like watching the Haitian immigrant debate scene from Clueless (pictured above) come alive before my very eyes.  I kept having to pinch myself to make sure that it was all really happening and that I wasn’t actually at home sitting in front of my television set.  I have to say that in person, Alicia reminded me A LOT of Cher, her Clueless alter-ego.  In real life, Alicia has the same mannerisms, facial expressions,  and vocal tendencies that I had grown so familiar with from watching the movie over and over again.  And I can honestly say that I love Alicia even more now than I did before.  The actress came off as extremely charming, warm, genuine, and sweet.  She was also poised, well-read, and wildly knowledgeable about veganism, holistic medicine, and healthy nutrition.  I was riveted listening to her and, while not a vegan, found myself agreeing whole-heartedly with the vast majority of what she had to say.  She also handled herself incredibly well when one of the audience members asked her an asinine question about veganism and pregnancy, in which he tried to make Alicia look bad.  (Honestly, if you don’t agree with her lifestyle and are not a fan of hers, then why come to the event????)  Alicia responded to him, though, with honesty, wit, and a bit of snarkiness and ended up making him look like a complete and total moron.  As we left the event, I found myself wondering how she managed to do that!  I cannot tell you how much I would love to be able to tell a rude person off without breaking my cool and all the while seeming poised and charming.  But I digress.  I was most surprised to hear Alicia speak about diabetes and veganism.  As it turns out, her diet does not favor carbohydrates at all and is actually very similar to the diet I am currently on, so it looks like I am now going to have to buy a copy of the book for myself! 


    After Alicia’s speech, which lasted about thirty minutes, we all lined up to meet the actress.  Alicia really took her time with all of her fans and seemed to have an incredibly warm and open personality.  And, as promised, every guest got to pose for a photograph with her, which I was absolutely floored about! 

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    Nat’s signed book is pictured above.



    Alicia’s inscription reads, “Dear Natalie, Thank you for loving the book!  <3, Alicia Silverstone”.

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    As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, fave show Modern Family recently did some filming on location at Vroman’s Bookstore.  The final scene of the Season 2 episode titled “Two Monkeys and a Panda”, in which Mitchell Pritchett (aka Jesse Tyler Ferguson) and Cameron Tucker (aka Eric Stonestreet) peruse various books on parenting, took place near the store’s Current Event’s section.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can check out the store’s upcoming signings here.  You can purchase Alicia Silverstone’s book The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet here.  You can visit Alicia’s lifestyle blog, The Kind Life, here.  And you can check out future L.A.-area book signings and other celebrity events on my Upcoming Celebrity Events page here.

  • Architect Frank Gehry’s House


    One location that I stalked quite a while back, but have yet to blog about is the residence belonging to legendary 81-year old Pritzker Prize-winning architect Frank Gehry, a man who is perhaps best known for his contemporary designs of the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Downtown Los Angeles, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, the Dancing House in Prague, the Experience Music Project in Seattle, and his new line of jewelry for Tiffany & Co.  Gehry and his wife, Berta, purchased their pink Dutch Colonial-style Santa Monica home in 1977  and the architect immediately began a process of “deconstructivism” on it.  Interestingly enough, he left the exterior of the home completely intact and untouched, but stripped down the interior to the point that only bare studs and wood framing remained.  He subsequently set about rebuilding the interior with more modern-style elements and then proceeded to wrap the exterior of the original house with a new frame made of corrugated metal, plywood, glass, aluminum, and chain-link fencing, essentially wrapping the entire house with a brand new exterior. 

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    According to the Arch Daily website, of the unusual design, the architect said, “I loved the idea of leaving the house intact.  I came up with the idea of building the new house around it.  We were told there were ghosts in the house . . . I decided they were ghosts of Cubism.  The windows . . . I wanted to make them look like they were crawling out of this thing.”  He also stated, “Here we are being surrounded by material that’s being manufactured in unimaginable quantities worldwide and is used everywhere.  I don’t like it, no one likes it, and yet it’s pervasive.  We don’t even see it.  I noticed and started to find ways to beautify it.  I wanted to take the curse off the material.  It’s also why I made cardboard furniture.  Cardboard is another material that’s ubiquitous and everybody hates, yet when I made the furniture with it everybody loved it.”  Ironically enough, although he had received quite a bit of recognition prior to the remodel, it is Gehry’s Santa Monica house that is largely credited with putting the now-iconic architect on the map.

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    And while the unique abode became an architectural phenomenon virtually overnight, Gehry’s neighbors were not quite as appreciative of his aesthetic.  Legend has it that one even went so far as to shoot at the house late one night in a show of protest!  In 1991, Gehry angered both his neighbors and architectural enthusiasts alike when he once again remodeled the property, this time to meet the needs of his family – he had two growing teenage boys at the time who each wanted a room of their own.  Architectural purists apparently feel that the most recent remodel makes the house appear too “finished”, but, as you can see above, the new design still retains quite a bit of rawness and the place is definitely still an acquired taste.  In fact, the Grim Cheaper used to live just a few blocks away from the property and we would often drive by and marvel at the residence’s atrocity.  It wasn’t until years later that we realized who the house belonged to and its architectural significance. 

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    The oddest part of the property, in my mind at least, is the extensive use of chain-link fencing, which in most instances seems to appear virtually out of nowhere.  And even though the residence is not really my cup of tea, I can’t recommend stalking it enough for the mere fact that there is literally no other place like it in the entire world.


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    Gehry’s house was hilariously recreated – animation-style – for the Season 16 episode of The Simpsons titled “The Seven-Beer Snitch”, in which Marge Simpson commissions Gehry, whom she calls “the bestest architect in the world”, to build a concert hall in Springfield.  That concert hall winds up going bankrupt on its opening night and is later turned into the Springfield Prison.


    You can see some great interior and close-up photographs of the Frank Gehry residence here.

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: Frank Gehry’s house is located at 1002 22nd Street, at the corner of Washington Avenue, in Santa Monica.

  • The Shannen Doherty “Badass” Book Signing


    This past Tuesday night, the Grim Cheaper, fellow stalker Erika, and I all headed out to the Grove Shopping Center in Los Angeles to attend the Shannen Doherty Badass book signing and, as you can probably well imagine, I could NOT have been more excited about it!  As I was telling the GC on our drive over there, I can count the number of celebrities that I would absolutely DIE to meet on one hand and Shannen is in the top three of that list – and has been for the past twenty years.  Number one and number two are, of course, Jennifer Aniston and Michael Buble.  And while I know that Beverly Hills, 90210 has been off the air for more than a decade now and that Shannen left the show way back in 1994,for whatever reason, Brenda Walsh has left a permanent footprint on my heart and she is still my very favorite television character of all time.  I’m sure that when I’m in my nineties, I’ll still be watching my DVDs of the series and shaking my cane at the television set in anger every time Kelly Taylor does something mean to Brenda.  Winking smile   So, when I found out that I would have the opportunity to meet my teenage idol, it was almost more than I could bear!  As you can see in the above photograph, I even made a “Team Brenda” shirt for the occasion. 



    When we arrived at the signing, we were given the informational sheet pictured above and I just about had a heart attack upon reading the words, “Posed photography WILL BE allowed.”  I absolutely could NOT believe it as I am quickly discovering that the vast majority of celebrities, sadly, do not pose for photographs at signings.  I was also floored when I found out that Shannen would be personalizing books because Raquel Welch had refused to do so when I went to her book signing back in April and I’m still kind of ticked off about it.  So, needless to say, once I found out that I would be able to get a photograph with my girl AND a personalized autograph, I was beyond, BEYOND excited.  I literally had butterflies in my stomach the entire time I was waiting in line!

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    And then when Shannen came out I just about died!!  She looked absolutely STUNNING!  She’s tiny in person, probably about 5’2”, and in FABULOUS shape – her arms are to die for!  It’s amazing to me that she is almost forty years old ‘cause she definitely does not look it.  I absolutely LOVED, LOVED, LOVED her outfit, too.  It was classy, simple, and understated.  Very Jen Aniston!  Smile  Oh, and she was also wearing Christian Louboutin high heels!  Love it!

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    Shannen started out the signing by posing for a few minutes for the paparazzi who had been invited to the event.  I am not sure f it was Barnes & Noble or Shannen’s people who actually invited the paparazzi, but I would like to go on the record here and state that it was a FABULOUS idea!  Because they were allowed to stand at the front and take pictures for the first five minutes of the signing, the photogs were not pushy or obnoxious and once they got their shots, they left.  It was all pretty painless and, in my never-to-be-humble opinion, the perfect way to handle things.  When I went to the Tori Spelling book signing at Vroman’s back in July, the paparazzi were chasing Tori through the parking lot and absolutely swarming her and the fans.  It was all very chaotic and after seeing how differently the paparazzi behaved at Shannen’s signing, I am convinced that allowing them inside is the way to go.

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    Because Erika, the GC, and I were in the middle section of the line, we got to watch Shannen interact with quite a few people while we waited and – and I honestly cannot say this enough! – she was SO incredibly nice!  She took her time with people, engaged them in conversation, and seemed genuinely happy to be speaking with her fans.  I know there are those out there who will say that she’s an actress and that the whole thing was simply an act, but I did not get that impression AT ALL.  Shannen seemed INCREDIBLY genuine.  I know that SD got a bad rap while on 90210, but in my heart of hearts (and after my bad experience meeting Jennie Garth a few years back), I just do not believe the hype.  Something in my gut told me she was going to be a sweetheart and, as it turned out, she was!  I’ve read in countless interviews that Shannen is a very honest, upfront person and that she doesn’t take any guff off of anyone (which also describes me to a T, actually), and while there are those who equate honesty and strength with meanness, I can honestly say that, in person, Shannen came across as bubbly, warm, and genuine.  If it’s at all possible I love her even more now than I did before.   

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    When I finally got up to the front of the line, I was literally shaking I was so darn excited!  And Shannen noticed my “Team Brenda” shirt immediately which was so incredibly cool.  Smile

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    When she started signing my book, I told her how much I had adored her for the past twenty years and that she was in my top three list of celebrities that I’d do just about anything to meet.


    The picture above is her reaction to that statement.  She was truly shocked and touched that she was in my top three and promptly asked who the other two were.  When I told her Jen Aniston and Michael Buble, she said that she was happy she was in good company.  Then I told her that I had been to the MB concert the previous night (which I will be blogging about soon, I am just waiting on some pictures from my dad) and she asked if I had gotten to meet him.  When I told her no, she said jokingly, “That bastard!”  Winking smile  She then asked if I had ever met Jen before and when I told her that I had, she said, “Isn’t she such a sweetheart?”  Smile  LOVE IT!  Shannen then told me that I should have played Kelly Taylor on 90210 since I kind of have the same hair as Jennie Garth, to which I said, “And then we could have become best friends!”  Smile 

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    And here you have it!  The photograph that I’ve been waiting over twenty years to take!  Me and Shannen Doherty!  Sigh!   

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    Pictured above is what Shannen signed in my book.  It reads, “Lindsay, So honored I’m in your top 3!  <3 Shannen Doherty”  So cute!


    Fellow stalker Erika was actually lucky enough to have met and taken a picture with Shannen last year while at a restaurant in Malibu, so she printed up an 8 x 10 copy of the photograph they had taken together in the hopes that Shannen would sign it.  Shannen’s reaction upon being shown the photo, which you can see above, was absolutely priceless.  So incredibly cute!  She even remembered meeting Erika and taking the picture with her!  And not only did she sign the picture, but Erika had actually printed out three copies of it just in case one got ruined while en route to the signing and Shannen signed ALL THREE!  Smile


    Erika’s pic with Shannen also turned out fabulous. 


    All in all it was an ABSOLUTELY fabulous night and Shannen could NOT have been nicer!  She and David Caruso are without a doubt the two nicest, friendliest celebrities I have EVER met in my ENTIRE life! 

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    On a Brenda Walsh side note – Jack, the owner of the real life Walsh house, recently gave me the 90210 keepsake to end all 90210 keepsakes!  When it was originally decided that filming would take place at his house, producers came around and changed a few things on the property, most notably adding the famous Walsh basketball hoop to the front of the garage.  Another change they made, though, was to swap out many of the home’s windows with new ones, including three in the room that was supposed to belong to Brenda.  Those windows remained on Jack’s house for the following twenty years, until this past Fall when he had some of them replaced, including all of the ones in Brenda’s room.  He subsequently gave the former windows to his brother to use for scrap wood, which I just about died upon hearing.  Scrap wood?????  Really??????  As fate would have it, though, one window got left behind in his garage and he offered it to me!  As you can imagine I just about had a heart attack over that one!  As you can also imagine, because it is a rather large window, the GC was not AT ALL happy when I came walking in our front door with it!  We ended up hanging it behind our bed, though, and it looks fabulous!  Even the GC now loves it as he thinks it gives our bedroom a “New York” feel.  Every time I walk into my bedroom now, I can’t help but pinch myself upon seeing it!  I mean, I’ve got Brenda Walsh’s window hanging in my bedroom!  I honestly think I can die a happy woman now!  Winking smile

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

    Stalk It: You can purchase “Badass” by clicking here.  You can find out about upcoming events at the Barnes & Noble Bookstore at the Grove by clicking here or on my Upcoming Celebrity Events page here.

  • The Tori Spelling “uncharted terriTORI” Book Signing


    This past Monday night, former Beverly Hills, 90210 star Tori Spelling made an appearance at my favorite bookstore Vroman’s to do a signing of her most recent memoir, uncharted terriTORI.  And even though I live very close to Vroman’s, I am sad to say that I almost didn’t attend the event.  The sad truth is that I have yet to catch up on all of my wedding planning duties, or even my emails for that matter, ever since returning home from the Mayo Clinic with my dad this past May.  So, needless to say I’m feeling just a wee-bit stressed out at the moment.  I finally came to my senses, though, early Monday morning and realized that there was NO WAY in heck I could miss that signing!  I mean, HELLO, I was like the biggest Beverly Hills, 90210 fan ON EARTH back in high school!  Meeting the former Miss Donna Martin was just too big of an opportunity to pass up.  So, this past Monday night at 6 p.m., I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to Vroman’s to do some Tori Spelling stalking.  Amazingly enough, when we first arrived there weren’t all that many people in line  – I’d guess about 50 or so.  And by the time 7 o’clock rolled around, only about a hundred more had shown up, which was shocking to me.  I thought 90210 fans were die hards!

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    Because my fiancé has become quite obsessed with cameras as of late, he parked himself out in back of Vroman’s Bookstore with the three paparazzi who were on duty, which was perfect for me because it meant that while he was in position to snap the above photographs of Tori arriving on the scene, I got to hold my place in line.  I must say he did a great job with the photos, too!  They almost look like actual paparazzi shots!  😉  And while Tori looks painfully thin in the above photographs, she really didn’t look that way in person.  She is definitely tiny, but I thought she actually looked quite healthy.  And I also have to say that not only did Tori arrive to the event on time, but she was even a few minutes early!  So not a diva!  Love it! 



    We had been told beforehand that Tori would gladly pose for photographs with her fans, which was awesome being that some stars at signings won’t allow people to take any sort of photographs at all.   Again, love it!  I have to say that Tori is VERY cute in person, much different than she appears on television or in pictures.  She is also incredibly sweet.  The girl ahead of me in line is one of Tori’s Twitter followers and, while we were waiting, she told me that she had, on occasion, Twittered back and forth with the star.  Before the signing, she had Twittered Tori to let her know that she would be in attendance and that she would be wearing a yellow skirt.  Well, sure enough, as soon as the girl walked up to meet Tori, the star looked at the yellow skirt and said, “Oh my gosh!  You’re my Twitter friend!”  Then, when the girl left, Tori said, “Thanks so much for Twittering with me.”  So incredibly sweet!  When it was my turn at the front of the line, Tori stuck out her hand and introduced herself, which the Grim Cheaper managed to get a photo of.  Yay!  (Those are the “Guncles”, aka the “Gay Uncles” – Tori’s good friends Bill Horn and Scout Masterson – who came along for the signing sitting next to her in the above pic.)

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    Tori seemed genuinely sweet and took time to chat with each and every fan who was getting a book signed.  It was definitely a more personal experience than most of the other signings I’ve been to.  I told her that I absolutely LOVED her haircut and she was like, “Oh really, you think?  I’m not so sure about it.”  🙂  She was also laughing over my fiancé’s camera, as when he was taking the above photographs he had the shutter on a super-fast speed which allowed him to snap six pictures per second.  I explained to her that he was doing that in case I blinked in one of the pictures and she said that she suffers from the very same problem of blinking in photographs.  All in all, I am SO glad that I went to the signing and, looking back, can’t even believe that I was thinking about skipping it.  If you are at all a fan of Tori or 90210, I HIGHLY recommend attending one of her book signings! 

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    And not only did Tori sign the book, but so did the Guncles.  Love it!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Vroman’s Bookstore is located at 695 East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.  You can visit their events page here.  And you can purchase uncharted terriTORI by clicking here.