Tag: Famous houses

  • Claire and Phil’s House from “Modern Family”


    A few weeks back I received an email from a fellow stalker in the Nebraska area who had just recently started his very own filming locations blog entitled Movie Locations and More.  This stalker’s name was Robert Patterson and I have to admit that when I first saw his email a red flag went up, as I thought he was some weirdo pretending to be the lead actor from the Twilight movies. LOL At the time I didn’t realize that the Twilight actor was actually named Robert PattINson, not PattERson.  LOL LOL LOL  Man, I can be such a blonde sometimes!!!  Anyway, as it turns out, my new friend really is named Robert Patterson and he is not a weirdo at all.  🙂 He is actually quite an amazing stalker and recently tracked down two of the main homes featured on Modern Family, which just so happens to be one of my favorite new shows of the fall season.   So, literally, as soon as he gave me the addresses to the houses, I ran right out to stalk them!   Thank you, Robert!


    The first Modern Family house that Robert managed to track down was the residence belonging to Phil (aka Ty Burrell) and Claire (aka Julie Bowen) Dunphy and their three children on the show.   Because Robert knew that Modern Family was filmed at Fox Studios in Century City, he decided to begin his search for the houses featured on the series in the neighborhood surrounding the studio – which is always a smart move.  And, sure enough, he found Claire and Phil’s house pretty much immediately.  YAY!  🙂  Besides being featured weekly in the series’ opening credits . . .





    and in set-up shots during the course of each episode . . .




    . . . several scenes have also been filmed on location at the Dunphy home, such as was the case with the episode entitled “Fizbo” in which Claire and Phil host a massive birthday party for their son Luke in the house’s front yard.




    As you can see in the above screen captures, though, an entirely different house was used in the filming of the pilot episode.  The house featured in the pilot has an address number of 1057, while the house used in the rest of the series has an address number of 10336.  The front door of the pilot house, which is flanked by window panes on either side, also does not match the front door of the house used in the rest of the series.


    When I first pulled up to stalk the Dunphy house a couple of weeks ago, some neighbors just happened to be outside chatting, so I, of course, just had to strike up a conversation with them.  🙂  The neighbors were SUPER nice and did not think it was at all weird that I was stalking a home in their vicinity.  They said they absolutely LOVE having Modern Family film on their street and that everyone involved with the show is extremely nice.  LOVE IT!  They also said that since I was such a big fan of the show, I should try to come back when an episode was being filmed so that I could watch.  How nice is that?  🙂  So LOVE IT!   And I am happy to report that Claire and Phil’s house looks EXACTLY the same in person as it does onscreen.  🙂


    On a side note – At the very end of the episode entitled “The Bicycle Thief”, Phil and his son, Luke, are shown riding their bikes past a street sign for Dunleer Drive, which is the actual street where Claire and Phil’s house is located in real life.  LOVE IT!


    Big THANK YOU to Robert for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Claire and Phil’s house from Modern Family is located at 10336 Dunleer Drive in the Cheviot Hills area of Los Angeles.

  • JMJ Ranch from “Win a Date with Tad Hamilton”


    Another location that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I stalked during our day in the the Valley together a few months back was the Fraziers Bottom farm that movie star Tad Hamilton purchased in fave film Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.  In real life, Tad’s property is named JMJ Ranch and it is not located anywhere near Fraziers Bottom, West Virginia, but about two thousand miles West in Thousand Oaks, California.  As so often happens when searching for filming sites, I actually came across this one while looking for another location entirely.  After seeing the Season One episode of The Mentalist  entitled “Carnelian Inc.” earlier this year, I became absolutely obsessed with finding the ranch that was featured in it.   And it was while searching for that locale that I came across the website for JMJ Ranch and immediately recognized it as the one from Win a Date with Tad Hamilton.  YAY!  So, since Mike and I were in the area a few weeks back, we decided to drive by the property to see if it was at all accessible to the public.  And amazingly enough, it was!  Or so we thought.  LOL


    When we first pulled up to JMJ Ranch, the main gates were wide open, several people were horseback riding in the central ring, and there was no posted sign saying the area was private property.  Because I had read online that JMJ is an actual working ranch, I turned to Mike and said “OH MY GOD, I think it’s actually open to the public!”  So, of course, the two of us drove right in.  And, let me tell you, I almost had a heart attack I was so excited!  🙂





    I spotted Tad’s little white ranch house pretty much immediately upon entering the property and just about hyperventilated as we pulled up to it!  The fact that Josh Duhamel (aka the love of my life) had once been in the very spot I now found myself was almost too much for me to bear.  🙂  Now, I know that rumors of JD’s infidelity are currently flying around Hollywood, but I honestly have to say that I just don’t believe all the hype.  If the rumors do turn out to be true, though, and Josh really did cheat on his wife, then all bets are off – he’ll be dead to me, just like that little homewrecker Angelina Jolie!  But in the meantime, I have to say, my heart still belongs to JD.  🙂 


    I so love the above screen capture, by the way!!  Sigh.  🙂  But I digress! 




    Only one brief scene from Win A Date took place at JMJ Ranch.  After announcing that he has purchased a house, or as he says “it’s actually a farm, with a house, and a silo for my wheat” LOL,  Rosalie (aka Kate Bosworth), Cathy (aka Ginnifer Goodwin), and Pete (aka Topher Grace) show up to tour the property.  While there, know-it-all Pete attempts to give Tad some lessons in certain farming skills like milking a cow and chopping wood, but as it turns out, thanks to his training for various movie roles, not only does Tad know how to do said activities, but he can actually do them better than Pete.  LOL  


    JMJ Ranch is actually an oft-used filming location.  Besides Win a Date, the property has also been featured in Dynasty, Dallas, Knots Landing, Cracker, Scarecrow and Mrs. King, The Fall Guy, Picket Fences, Hot Shots Part Deux, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, Route 9, and Private School




    The 300 acre ranch truly is a beautiful spot, with large open fields, towering oak trees, winding roads, and rustic barns, and as we drove through the property I got to thinking that it would be the perfect spot to host a wedding.  🙂  Being that filming locations often double as wedding venues, I thought there was a pretty good chance that the ranch might also be available for special events and made a mental note to find out.  Well, after driving around for about five minutes, a very angry woman on a tractor drove up to Mike and I and informed us that we were on private property.  WHOOPSY!  We apologized profusely and explained that we had been driving by, saw the open gate, and thought the area was open to the public.  I also told the woman I was currently in the market for a wedding venue and asked if the ranch was available for such occasions.  My question was met with an emphatic “NO!” – LOL – at which point, Mike and I thanked the lady for her time and quickly left.  So, unfortunately, I can’t recommend stalking JMJ Ranch as it is definitely NOT open to the public.  🙁  But at least you can live vicariously through the photographs I was able to take before being kicked off the property.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: JMJ Ranch from Win a Date with Tad Hamilton  is located at 930 West Portrero Road in Thousand Oaks.  The property is not actually open to the public, so please do not trespass.  You can visit the JMJ Ranch website here

  • Bella’s Mom’s House from “Twilight”


    Well, it took me long enough, but on Monday afternoon I finally decided to crawl out from that rock I’ve been living under for the past year by sitting down to watch the movie that the rest of the world has long been obsessed with – Twilight.    Yes, it’s true – while it seems that pretty much every other human being on the planet has gone Bella and Edward crazy, until earlier this week I had yet to watch – or even read – the saga’s first installment.  I’m not exactly sure why I avoided the movie for as long as I did, being that I am usually right in line with the masses when it comes to the latest pop culture obsessions, especially the teeny-bopper ones.  For some reason, though, Twilight  never piqued my interest.  But then, this past Friday night, I met up with fellow stalkers Lavonna, Beth, Kim, and Melissa, who were in town from Cincinnati, and they were all quite disappointed to learn that a stalker like myself had yet to see the movie.  So, on Monday afternoon, I decided to bite the bullet and finally sat down – Starbucks iced latte in hand – to watch Twilight in its two hour entirety.  And I am shocked to report that I didn’t hate it.  I didn’t exactly love it, either, but I definitely didn’t hate it.  It was actually pretty enjoyable.  The cinematography was nothing short of breathtaking and Robert Pattinson wasn’t so bad to look at, either.  Don’t hate me ladies, but before seeing the movie, I thought RB was absolutely hiddy.  Now I can understand what all the fuss is about, though.  There’s definitely just something about him.  And I am happy to report that while most of Twilight was filmed on location in the Pacific Northwest, the movie did feature two locations in the Los Angeles area, most notably Bella’s mom’s house.  So, of course, I just had to stalk it! 🙂 


    Thanks to my good friend and fellow stalker Kerry who sent me this Twilight  link well over a year ago, I knew that Bella’s mom’s house was located somewhere in the Valencia area.  I just wasn’t sure exactly where.  So, yesterday, after watching the movie, I got to cyber-stalking and came across this page on Wikipedia, which stated that the home was located near Highlands Elementary School.   And even though Wikipedia isn’t always the most reliable of sources, I decided to begin my search in the neighborhood surrounding the school.  And sure enough, just about ten minutes later, I came across the house!  YAY!   So, early this morning, I made the journey out to Santa Clarita to do some Twilight  stalking!  Because Bella’s mom’s house is supposed to be located in Arizona in the movie, quite a bit of it was changed for the filming, including the paint color, the landscaping, and the exterior decor.  Numerous fake cactus plants were also added to the surrounding area.  You can see photographs of the house all decked out for the filming on this fansite, which details the experience of two stalkers who made a trek from Arizona to California  – in the middle of the night, no less –  just to watch Twilight being filmed!  Two women after my own heart, I swear!   (The photographs of the house are featured on the website under the heading “More Pictures on the Set 4/29 and 4/30”.  You have to scroll down a ways to see them.).







    Bella’s mom’s house is actually only featured very briefly in the movie.  I’m talking like 30 seconds brief.  LOL  But since it is one of the only Twilight sites located in the state of California, I figured stalking it was better than nothing.  🙂  The abode first shows up in the very beginning of the movie, when Bella and her mom and step-dad are shown moving out of the property.




    The spot where Bella digs up a cactus plant to take with her to her dad’s house is located in the field situated directly next to the home.



    The house shows up once again towards the end of the movie, in the scene in which Bella is led to believe that the evil vampire James has kidnapped her mother.   


    Even though the house looks a bit different in person than it appeared onscreen, to all of those L.A. area Twilight fans, I still highly recommend stalking it!  It’s a whole lot cheaper than traveling all the way to Oregon and Washington where the rest of the movie was filmed.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Bella’s mom’s house from Twilight is located at 22301 Cataro Drive in Santa Clarita.

  • Heidi and Spencer’s New House


    Ever since Season 5, Part II of The Hills premiered back in September, I have been getting email requests to locate the house Spencer and Heidi moved into in the debut episode which was entitled “It’s On Bitch”.   Thankfully, fellow stalker Virginie tracked down the duo’s new home pretty much immediately after the episode aired and posted a comment on my site which included the house’s address and a link to it’s former real estate website.  YAY!  Thank you,  Virginie!  Anyway, because I’ve been knee-deep in writing posts about New York filming locations for the past six weeks, I had yet to make it out to the Hollywood Hills to stalk Speidi’s new pad.  But, for the sake of my friendship with Mike, from MovieShotsLA – who for weeks has been hounding me to return to my roots, so to speak, and do some L.A. area blogging – this weekend I decided to finally drag my boyfriend out to Spencer and Heidi’s new abode.  Better late than never, right?


    Sadly, though, Speidi’s new home is located at the top of a private road and I was not able to get a very good look at it.  🙁  Such a bummer, but I am guessing that its location on a private drive is exactly why they chose to live in the house – that way they can keep all of us stalkers at bay.  🙁   The photograph above shows the view of the road leading up to Heidi and Spencer’s house as viewed from Hollyridge Drive.  The duo’s house is located at the very top of the road, alongside two other homes, and therefore cannot be seen at all from the main drag.




    But, if you continue on about 100 yards past the private road, you can catch a slight glimpse of the back of the house and its deck area, which is better than nothing!  🙂




    In the “It’s On Bitch” episode, Spencer rents the two bedroom, three bath, 1,270 square foot home pictured above behind his new wife Heidi’s back.  And while I would die to live in this house, when Spencer first takes Heidi to tour it, she says it looks “cold and modern” and “like a porno pad”.  LOL LOL LOL   Sorry, Heidi, but I am going to have to side with your hubby on this one.  The house is A-MA-ZING! 


    I mean, the view of the Hollywood sign alone makes the place worth renting!  LOVE IT!



    And, unlike Whitney Port’s apartment on The City, a different location is not used for the exterior shots of Speidi’s house on The Hills.  As you can see on the home’s real estate website, the same place is used for both the interior and the exterior shots shown on the series.   

    Speidi telescope2

    Speidi telescope

    And even though something tells me that the dynamic duo no longer lives in the house – and quite possibly never did, but just used it for filming purposes – I was still pretty floored to spot their telescope, which can be seen in the background of various Hills episodes, through the abode’s back windows.  SO LOVE IT!  🙂  


    Big THANK YOU to Virginie for finding this location!!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


    Stalk It: Heidi and Spencer’s new house is located at 3132 Hollyridge Drive in the Hollywood Hills.  Please be advised that while Hollyridge Drive is not a private street, the road leading up to their particular house is, so please do not trespass.  For the best view of their home, take Hollyridge Drive a few hundred yards South past the private road.

  • The Houses from the Movie “Big”


    Right around the corner from The King of Queens house, which I blogged about on Friday, are the two main houses used in the 1988 Tom Hanks movie Big.  And when I say “right around the corner”, I literally mean RIGHT around the corner.  The King of Queens  house and the Big  houses are located a scant 88 yards away from each other!   Too cool!  So, of course, since Owen, my fiancé, and I were already in the area stalking the Heffernan house a few weeks ago, we just had to walk around the corner to make a stalking stop at the Bighomes, too.  🙂 Owen had found the addresses of the houses belonging to Josh (aka Tom Hanks) and his best friend Billy (aka Jared Rushton) in the 80’s flick thanks to IMDB’s Big filming locations page.  And even though IMDB’s location information isn’t always one hundred percent accurate, thankfully, in this case, it was right on the money!





    I am VERY happy to report that the two Big  houses still look EXACTLY the same today as they did back in 1988 when the movie was filmed!  I was absolutely amazed at the fact that, besides the leaves on the trees out front being a little bit fuller and a little more green due to the time of year, the two homes  look absolutely identical today to how they were portrayed onscreen twenty-one years ago.  YAY!  Other movie house owners should take lessons from these people!!  🙂



    The home pictured above belonged to Josh and his family in the movie and was where he lived before he became “Big” and subsequently moved to Manhattan.  Several areas of the house were featured in the flick, including the front exterior;



    the garage, where a new door has been installed, but which otherwise looks very much the same as it did in the movie;



    and the front door, which I was extremely excited to see still looks EXACTLY the same as it did in Big!  The only difference is that a white screen door which covers the front door was added in the time since filming took place. 




    Best friend Billy’s house is located directly next door to Josh’s and I am happy to report that its front door also looks EXACTLY the same as it did in the movie.  I was so tempted to go up and knock.  🙂



    In Big, Billy and Josh have a pulley system that runs between their two bedroom windows, which face each other.  The pulley shows up in the scene in which Billy and Josh’s mom talk about Josh’s dissappearance late at night.  In the scene, Josh’s mom uses the pulley to show Billy a set of baseball cards that she had purchased for Josh’s birthday.  She tells Billy he can keep the cards, but he sends them back to her telling her that Josh will be home soon.  UPDATE – Fellow stalker Owen just informed me that Billy and Josh’s pulley is actually only shown in the extended edition DVD of the movie and not in the regular version.




    Of course, in real life, that pulley is not there.  🙁  Would have been SO cool if it was, though!  If I owned those houses, I would so install one for my fellow stalkers to appreciate.  🙂  Otherwise, though, the boys’ windows still look very much the same.



    And, of course, I just had to pose for a pic on the street corner where Susan dropped Josh off at the end of the movie.  🙂  That street corner also looks very much the same as it did in Big – all that was missing in real life were the piles of fallen autumn leaves which covered the sidewalks in the movie.


      I can’t tell you how exciting it was to finally see the Big houses in person twenty-one years after first watching the movie which made them famous!  I honestly can’t recommend stalking them enough!  🙂



    On a side note – In real life, the houses from Bigare located in the borough of Cliffside Park, New Jersey and in the filming of the scene in which the police are called out after Josh first disappears, the words “Cliffside Park” can be seen on the police car that Billy walks by.  So LOVE that they used the real town’s name!

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Josh’s house from the movie Big  is located at 437 Greenmount Avenue in Cliffside Park, New Jersey.  Billy’s house is located right next door at 435 Greenmount Avenue.  At the end of the movie, Susan drops Josh off at the Southwest corner of Greenmount and Highridge Avenues.  The King of Queens house is located directly around the corner at 519 Longview Avenue.  Unfortunately there is no easy way to get to these locations from Manhattan.  A taxi ride is your quickest, easiest bet, but be prepared as it will cost you $45 each way!  Riding the bus is a much cheaper option, but the travel time is upwards of an hour.

  • John Barrymore’s Apartment Building


    Another Greenwich Village location that Owen, my fiancé, and I stalked during our recent whirlwind day in New York City was the Greek Revival townhouse where beleaguered actor John Barrymore – Drew’s grandfather – once lived.  For three years, from 1917 to 1920, John rented the top floor penthouse of the building pictured above, which was originally constructed in 1839.  Barrymore decorated his apartment, which he nicknamed the “Alchemist’s Corner”, with Gothic elements including gold wallpaper, fake wooden beams, ironwork accoutrements, and stained glass windows.  His piece de resistance, however, was a garden oasis, which consisted of a cottage, a reflecting pool, and large trees, that he erected on the building’s roof.  To build his little rooftop paradise a vast amount of soil had to be brought in – over 35 tons, actually – eventually causing the roof of the building to collapse!  LOL Barrymore was nothing if not eccentric!    And while his garden has long since been removed, the cottage Barrymore had built remains standing to this day.  You can even see a photograph of it here.  It was while living in this apartment that Barrymore carried out his illicit affair with married poet Blanche Thomas, who nicknamed herself Michael Strange – no that’s not a typo, she actually called herself Michael.  Strange indeed!  In 1920, the two married and moved to Westchester County.  Two years later, on November 16, 1922, Barrymore began his legendary Broadway portrayal of Hamlet.  This was to be his defining role and, in fact, he has even been called history’s “definitive Hamlet”.


    My interest in the townhouse had little to do with the fact that John Barrymore had lived there, however, and more to do with something that occurred on the premises about seventy years later.  In 1987, screenwriter/playwright Paul Rudnick, who later penned the screenplays for In & Out, Addams Family Values, and The Stepford Wives, moved into Barrymore’s former penthouse and became inspired to write a two-act comedic play entitled I Hate Hamlet.   The play centers around a mediocre television actor named Andrew Rally who, like Rudnick, lives in John’s former dwelling.  Rally has just landed the lead role in a Shakespeare in the Park production of Hamlet and is having a little trouble getting into character.  One night the ghost of John Barrymore returns from the dead, in full Hamlet regalia no less, to help Andrew get a grasp on his new role.  Of course, hilarity ensues when Andrew fails to live up to Barrymore’s ridiculously high expectations.   I Hate Hamlet  opened on Broadway at the Walter Kerr Theatre on April 8, 1991 and starred none other than Evan Chandler, who later became famous for playing Charlotte’s husband Harry Goldenblatt on fave show Sex and the City.  The show received mixed reviews and, thanks to actor Nicol Williamson, who played Barrymore in the production, was closed after a scant 88 night run.  Apparently Williamson, who seems to be just about as eccentric as the real Barrymore, didn’t like to share the stage or the audience’s attention with his fellow actors.  To remedy his problem he decided to actually stab Evan during one of the performances!  Evan was harmed, but managed to walk off the stage, never to return to the show.  Needless to say, I Hate Hamlet was shut down shortly thereafter.  You can read a great article that Paul Rudnick wrote about the play’s Broadway run here.  And, even though the show didn’t enjoy much success on Broadway, I Hate Hamlet has since become an acting class staple.  I have seen monologues and scenes from it performed in pretty much every acting class I’ve ever attended in my entire life.   You’d think I’d be tired of it by now, but surprisingly that has not been the case.  Even though I’ve seen its most pertinent scenes and monologues performed countless times, I Hate Hamlet is still one of my very favorite plays.  And even though by now I can probably recite the entire show by heart, I still laugh out loud every time I see it!  🙂  I absolutely LOVE I Hate Hamlet!


    Surprisingly enough, though, I never knew of the play’s history until I read a passage about John Barrymore’s former abode in fave stalking book New York: A Movie Lover’s Guide.  And, once I learned the story behind I Hate Hamlet, the play became all the more fascinating to me, if that’s at all possible.  And, as you can probably imagine, once I heard that the setting of the comedy was in fact a real place and that John Barrymore and Paul Rudnick had actually lived there, I just HAD to stalk it!!  🙂  I cannot tell you how exciting it was for me to be able to see the townhouse in person, after countless years of loving the play that was inspired by it.  I highly recommend both catching a performance of I Hate Hamlet if you ever have the opportunity and, of course, stalking the house where the story took place.


    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: John Barrymore’s former apartment building is located at 132 West 4th Street in New York’s Greenwich Village area.

  • Nate Archibald’s Townhouse


    Rather than suffer through the re-run abyss airing on most television networks this past summer, my fiance and I instead decided to purchase and watch the first two seasons of the hit CW series Gossip Girl, which neither of us had ever before seen.  Even though Mike, from MovieShotsLA, had been telling me for months that I would love the show, I steered clear of it as I had been under the incorrect assumption that it catered mostly to the teeny-bopper set.  But, let me tell you, once we finally sat down to watch, it didn’t take long for my fiance and I to become totally and completely hooked!!!  As much as it pains me to admit, there were literally whole weekends spent watching back to back episodes, the two of us never once leaving the couch!  LOL  Needless to say, I absolutely FELL IN LOVE with the show . . . and its locations.  And, even though Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass are the two GG  characters I love the most, the locale I was most excited about stalking while in New York two weeks ago was the absolutely beautiful Neoclassical townhouse belonging to Nate Archibald (aka Chace Crawford) on the show.  I found this location – and a few others – thanks to this awesome website.  So, bright and early on our very first morning in NYC, I dragged my parents and my fiance out to finally do some Gossip Girl  stalking!  🙂





    Ironically enough, when we arrived at the townhouse, I almost didn’t recognize the place thanks to the fact that it was COMPLETELY covered in Halloween decorations.  LOL  But being that Halloween is my favorite holiday, I really didn’t mind.  🙂  The six story townhouse, which was built in 1910 and measures 11,296 square feet, is absolutely beautiful in person and it’s not very hard to see why producers chose to use it as the residence of the Archibald family – heirs to the Vanderbilt fortune – on the show.




    As fate would have it, while we were taking photographs of the townhouse, the real life owner happened to walk outside, so I, of course, had to ask him a few questions about the filming.  He was SUPER nice to us, but was very nonchalant about Gossip Girl, as if the filming of a hit television show on his property was an everyday occurrence, which I suppose, for him, it actually is.  LOL  Besides telling us that Chace Crawford is very nice in person, the owner also mentioned that the real interiors of his house are used for the filming of the interiors of the Archibald home, as well.  So cool!  🙂


    Even cooler is the fact that in the Season 2 episode of Gossip Girl  entitled “There Might Be Blood”, the real life address of the home is shown as Nate’s return address on the letter he mails to Jenny!  🙂  Love it!




    And thanks to fave book Manhattan on Film: Walking Tours of Hollywood’s Fabled Front Lot, I found out that the Archibald townhouse was also used as the office of therapist Susan Lowenstein (aka Barbra Streisand) in the 1991 movie The Prince of Tides.



    And, from how it appears in the movie, I am pretty sure the real life interiors of the home were also used in the filming.


    AND, according to this article, the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson, rented this very same house for about six months back in 1999 for the bargain price of $75,000 a month while recording his “Invincible” album.  SO COOL!


    I honestly can’t recommend stalking Nate’s townhouse enough!  It is such an amazing piece of property, that even if it wasn’t a filming location, I’m pretty sure I’d still be obsessed with it.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Nate Archibald’s townhouse from Gossip Girl  is located at 4 East 74th Street on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.  Located right around the corner at 25 East 73rd Street is Via Quadronno, my very favorite place to eat breakfast in all of New York.  Their croissants are out of this world!

  • The Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead House


    Thought I’d take a little break today from writing about New York filming locations as there is a movie house that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I stalked a few weeks back that I am just dying to blog about – Christina Applegate’s home from fave movie Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead!  I swear, I’ve wanted to stalk that house for what seems like forever, but could never figure out its location.  In fact, Mike and I had become convinced that the house wasn’t really a house at all, but a facade that had been built on a studio back lot somewhere.  So, a few weeks ago, I decided to ask fellow stalker Owen for some help in either locating the house or getting a confirmation that it had been just a set.  Well, not twenty-four hours later, Owen emailed me back . . . with an address!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He had somehow managed to track down a crew member from the 1991 film who confirmed that the house was real.  And while he didn’t remember its exact location, he said he had the address written down in one of his files and promised to look it up for us.  So, later that day, the guy actually WENT THROUGH HIS FILES and found the address!!!!  How incredibly nice is that?????   And pretty much immediately after I had it, Mike and I were on our way to stalk the house. 



    Because the Don’t Tell Mom  house had been at the very top of my Must-Stalk list for YEARS, I was practically bursting with excitement the entire car ride there!  I’m actually surprised my head didn’t explode or something!  LOL   And I am very happy to report that, in person, the house did not disappoint!  🙂  Over eighteen years later and it still looks very much the same as it did in the movie.  🙂   The crew member had told Owen that they had roughed up the house a bit for the filming and dressed it to look dingier than it actually was.  He also told Owen that, using camera angles, the house was made to look much smaller onscreen than it actually was in real life.  Well, I really had to laugh when I heard that, because the one thing I’ve always remembered about the Don’t Tell Mom  house was how absolutely HUGE it was.  So, for the crew member to say that it was even bigger in person absolutely boggled my mind!  Anyway, due to the behind-the-scenes info that Owen was told, I wasn’t really expecting the house to look at all the same in person as it did in the movie.  So, you can imagine my surprise when Mike and I pulled up to the house and saw that it was still completely, one hundred percent recognizable from the film!  YAY!  Because the angle of the house shown in the movie was not the view of the house seen from the street, I was, unfortunately, not able to get great photographs of it.  In the movie, the exterior shots of the house were filmed mostly from the driveway area, with the camera facing West. The view from the street, however, which you can see in the above photograph, faces South.    


    Pictured above is the view of the house from the West, but because of the many trees on the property, not much is visible from that angle.  🙁


    Other behind-the-scenes info the crew member told Owen was that the real interior of the home was used extensively for the filming, but that it, too, was made to look dingier and smaller for the production.  He also told Owen that the “Dishes Are Done” scene in which Kenny (aka Keith Coogan) stands on the roof of the house with his friends and shoots the dishes instead of cleaning them, was not filmed on the home’s actual roof, but on a fake roof that was built in the backyard area.  If you’ll notice in that scene, the camera never pans back far enough to show the whole house, because there wasn’t a whole house to show.  The boys were actually standing just a few feet off the ground.  🙂



    The crew member also said that the home’s real life backyard and pool area were used for the filming of the fashion show scene.  And, as you can see in the above screen capture and aerial image, both look very much the same today as they did in the movie.



    And can I just say that I so love the fact that the house was made a part of the Don’t Tell Mom movie poster!  So cool!


    On an ironic side note: About a year ago I got to meet Christopher Morley, who played the Marilyn Monroe drag queen who stole Christina Applegate’s car in the movie.  And even though he wasn’t in any scenes that took place at the house, pretty much the very first words out of my mouth when I met him were “Do you happen to know where the house from Don’t Tell Mom is located?”  To which he replied, “Oh honey, I don’t even remember where I filmed my scene, let alone where they filmed scenes I wasn’t even in!”  LOL  I always find it amazing when people forget things like that.  And, while I realize that, as hard as it may be to believe, most people aren’t as interested in stalking locations as I am, I still find it odd when crew members don’t remember the addresses to places where they worked for days at a time.  For about a year and a half, I worked as a personal assistant and, I’m telling you, my former boss could call me up today and say, “Do you remember where you bought those sheets for my guest house in May of 2007?” and, even though I’m not particularly interested in bedding, not only could I tell him the name of the store and it’s exact location, but also the color of the sheets I got him and the cost!   And that’s not just because that particular store offered me champagne when I walked in the door, either.  LOL  No, no matter what anyone says, I will just never understand how people can forget something as important as a filming location!  😉 


    Big, big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: The Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead  house is located at 15548 Iron Canyon Road in Canyon Country, near Santa Clarita.

  • The Who’s the Boss House


    One location that I will, sadly, not be able to stalk during this year’s New York vacation for the simple fact that it is located too far from the island of Manhattan is the home belonging to the Bower Family in the 1984 television sitcom Who’s the Boss?  But thankfully, fellow stalker Owen visited this location a few weeks back and was kind enough to allow me to share his story and his photographs on my blog.  And while I usually don’t like to blog about locations that I haven’t personally stalked myself, this one was honestly just too good to pass up!!  Hopefully someday I will be able to visit the Who’s the Boss house in person, but until then, a big THANK YOU goes out to Owen for letting me stalk vicariously through him!  🙂



    On Who’s the Boss?, the house where Angela, Tony, Jonathan, Samantha, and Mona live is supposedly located at 3344 Oak Hills Drive in the New England town of Fairfield, Connecticut.  In reality, though, the house used in the opening credits and for establishing shots throughout the series eight year run is actually located about thirty miles away from Fairfield, in Rye, New York.  It’s quite ironic that a real Fairfield house wasn’t used in the series, being that according to this 1989 Fairfield Citizen-News  article, Who’s the Boss? producers chose to set their show in the New England town after “falling in love with” its “quaint charm and picturesque scenery”.  But, for some odd reason, when scouting locations for the Bower Family residence, producers looked not to Fairfield, but to Westchester County, New York.    Even more ironic to me is the fact that while the house was featured in the opening credits of each week’s show, for some reason, only a very small portion of it was ever shown, as you can see in the above screen capture.  It’s such a pretty house that I am really surprised more of it wasn’t shown on the series.


    And in a Who’s The Boss  side note – for the better part of a year I attended an acting class with Jonathan Halyalkar, who played the character of “Billy” in 21 episodes of the show’s 7th Season.  🙂  I kept mentioning how familiar Jonathan looked when someone finally told me about his childhood acting stint on Who’s the Boss?, which I thought was just about the coolest thing ever!  So, I, of course, had to ask him all about it.  Jonathan, who was an insanely talented triple threat (as those who can sing, dance, and act are often called) and an all around nice guy, told me all sorts of stories about his time on the show and was even a good sport about the fact that most people say the series “jumped the shark” when they cast him.  LOL Jonathan told me to Google the terms “Who’s the Boss” and “jump the shark” and that I’d see his name pop up all over the place.  Too funny.  Sadly, in all our time together in acting class I somehow never thought to get a photograph with him.  🙁

    Big THANK YOU to Owen for not only finding this location, but for stalking it as well.  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

    Stalk It: The Who’s the Boss? house is located in Westchester County at 13 Onandaga Street in Rye, New York.

  • Kendra Wilkinson’s House


    A few months back, fellow stalker Ashley challenged me to find the home belonging to Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett on the E! television series Kendra.  And while I did actually spend quite a bit of time looking for this location, for some reason I just couldn’t seem to track it down.  I do have to admit, though, that because I am not the biggest of Kendra Wilkinson fans – her laugh is pretty much like nails on a chalkboard to me! – I gave up on finding this location rather quickly.  But thankfully, Ashley kept on the case and, just last week, posted a comment on my site letting me know that she had finally found the house!  Thank you, Ashley!  🙂  So, this past Friday, while doing some stalking in the Valley, Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I stopped by Kendra and Hank’s house to snap some pics. 



    This house first showed up in the Season 5 episode of The Girls Next Door entitled “Transitions Part I”, in which Kendra, accompanied by Hef’s other two girlfriends Bridget Marquardt and Holly Madison, tours various houses for sale in the L.A. area.  Kendra ends up purchasing the brick Colonial-style home pictured above and shortly thereafter moves out of the Playboy Mansion to begin a new life – and a new reality series – on her own.  The house was then featured weekly on Kendra’s self-titled reality show and it wasn’t long before boyfriend Hank Baskett moved in.  Sadly, though, Kendra and Hank moved out of the house this past July and relocated to the New Jersey area, so it will actually not be featured in upcoming episodes of the series. 



    While Mike and I were stalking the house on Friday, we spotted several empty moving boxes propped up near the trash cans and also heard dogs barking in the backyard, so it seemed as if someone new had moved into Kendra’s old pad.  But, according to the home’s real estate website which was just updated on September 24th, the five bedroom, six bath home, which measures 4,900 square feet, is currently vacant and available for rent at the bargain price of $6,000 per month.  The website also mentions that the house is, of course, available for filming, as well.  🙂


    While there I just had to take a picture of the home’s mailbox, which was featured prominently in the Season 1 episode of Kendra  entitled “Preggers Can’t Be Choosers”.  In the episode, Kendra and Hank are shown attempting to mail out their wedding invitations, which they soon discover are too large to fit in their mailbox. 




    Kendra’s solution?  Leave the entire box of invitations on the ground next to the mailbox, along with a note addressed to the postman saying “Please take and send all invitations.”  She then walks back into the house telling Hank, “I hope no one steals them.”  LOL LOL LOL 

    Big THANK YOU to Ashley for finding this location!  🙂

    Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

    Stalk It: Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett’s former home is located at 6014 Greenbush Avenue in Van Nuys.